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Everybody Up Starter Student Book full

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kffitE , %&ee#ffiffi# ffiw@ Lynne Roberlson Pqtrick Jockson Suson Bonmon Sileci oxroRD

i:::,1 '.i ! g$ergSodU Up i I theme song i ',.,:,, Everybody UP! Up! Up! Up! Evenybody up, up, up! Evenybody up, up, up! Evenybody up! Up! Up! Up! Everybody up, up, up! Everybody up, up, up! Everybody up! Evenybody up. Everybody up. 1 Everybody up. Everybody up. Everybody up. Evenybody up. ; Evenybody up, uP, uP! , ,' -':li:,1 \" | ,t

Lynne Robertson Pofrick Jockson Susqn Bonmon Sileci ., ,.iu',..$ i.9gi -s ,,i ;n -9. ,,r.\" oxroRD

oxroRD Tainan; David Martin, Busy Beavers English Resources, Vancouver, Canada; Conrad Matstmoto, Conrad's English House, Odau,ara, Japan; Daniel McNeiII, Yokohana TINIVE]tSITY PRTSS YMCA, Yokohana, Japan; Sung Hee Park, Yonsei University Graduate School of Education, Anyang, Korea; Juliana Queiroz Pereira, Col€gio Marista ArquidiocesaDo I 98 Madison Avenuc and Colegio I. L. Peretz, Sio Paulo, Brazil; Sandra Puccioni I(atsuda, Coldgio Montessori New York, NY 10016 USA Santa Terezinha, Sio Paulo, Brazil; Saba'a Qhadi, University of Qatar, Doha, qatar; KarJna Ribeiro, Coldgio Miguel de Ceruantes, Sio Paulo, Brazil; Charlie Richards, The Great Clarendon Street. Oxford ox2 6Dp UK Learning Tree English School, Osaka, Japan; Mark Riley, Shane English School, Taipei; John Sanders, Camelot English Study Centre, Tolq/o, Japan; I(aj Schwemer, Eurel{a Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University of Oxford. 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Unit I Art Glcrss ........ L+ Unil2 Let's PlqU ...... 12 . ....20 Unit 3 Mcrng Golors .......22 Unit 4 Gounting .......30 , i .. .....38 Unit 5 Animqls... ...... L+0 Unit 6 funch ....... +8 .......56 Unit 7 Things to Do .......58 Unit 8 Mg BodU. ..66 ..l:. . ....,.7+ 76

Listen, poinl, ond soy. ii&\" 2. : ':,}... \\ 3. $6re m; xt: ** : ,-d ,\"..1-,r,,'.r'iii:&r .rd.i1:,ir''',-r;, , \" Julie Donny Emmo Mike Listen, point, ond soy. Then proctice. dry\", t Hello. Hi. I'm Donny. -.:..,i;!irir$L*iL.:; -. tr nqilljlr.,el:tiliili:i. l .'&qr':i*;n9..,li,:':,.,.J1.,.,l;tr\" qA ststi t' -.r,' ,.,,,,,, w *ffi @@ @ry' O wetcome

t, I Sing. 6*' ,;:]:-_ir .' la ii:: . x -1!!. :,.::._4.r. t{itj.\" O Ls' fr. 0 $-i &M Hello. f 'm Julie. Hello. f'm Julie. , -6ul * Hello. f'm Donny. Hello. f'm Donny. ,,,,1,, Hello. f 'm Emmo. Hello. f'm Emmo. :r+. ,!E; Hello. f 'm Mike. Hello . f 'm Mike . .:::a :l:-'::.:' ::.. r.+.p, .:-F' &: Lislen, po int, ond SOy. oi\", J'it i:_: l. )r 2. a I 'rw! 4',* -\"r, M5' -/ \\_ Sing. Tolk. Hello. I'm Kim. 3. r+. %%', sir. Stond.

i!|:;i\"; iri*: ii,ii,t,;:liirt',*q.l:;'..E,,$;iif pHffiWre Llsten, po:nt, ond soy. eli ;:::':'\"+ji.& .;I;x+l .i .,.. r H&: -,.;f ,t\" , T** ,4 rJi i* ttu*u$t pope!' glue scissors point Llsten ond poinl\" ! fi8., ,*l,# .' i:r'r:i!i::i,.\" 9:l ::::il!;a: .,i {ciq ' ;'*; ::3l:!-'{-,- ' : =: **--. :, ..S;: Y *&w Gd&i; li.L'*f{Hf*:*i:;i ,1 +cff ,+#! il.r'j il at4 .Q -* i-s %*p\"-\" r,i:i Ll,:.jii:r, -:j'tt::i::u.. jr:+::.r:li;:lJ:lu:ila::i:a::rl,i;i::,i ::,$€ €

. r, , ,.r , ;. \"r.I!*li! . , I !1.r:.;ii:f' Lislen ond soy. iii\",, I hove poper. M *C*sxq 4Ir!:,t .;*\"6r nti:;{18 ...,,,,,# ., ,t sing. -& '€$*f=ut#:-l.&s,\"wtri''--fEfirr ri: P rH .{.: I hove poper. + ff-i.e f*ffif-i I hove ',€ Poper. ffi,glwE s 5 s riq-Eo,.,. I hove :s ffi *d . Glue. w\"l;iti' I hqve p' A ffi {F SclSSonS' Jffi I hove WfMfi. Point. ':\":t'. \";3 .\"..,....,\".. s# trsM W$.d H, ffp, Ond ffi ffiYffi jEr W *ffi .-*=\"ffi

Listen, point, ond soy. 'E ! pencil pen q6-:1.1,=#+, -Wq\".q morker -.f-::: .;;\"..*i+' ;$\"J;::*: croyon Lislen, osk, ond onswer. Ea €.', x\"W;* !l'i;r : .. ,.*,#!ra Co*a: - -,. Whot do you hove? hove+-r.:;!=:;i-t I o rS=\"*,1: r *, il lll :;.&t I-€i, !. * &err |\"i1 't tjj O Unnr -*--_.=fr-f,rE*il@i;**t!r..*f!flii t @

Sing.##,r,, i1'= tilhot Do You Hove? + g\" d- Wh*t d* 3r*u h*v*? I hqve o crqyon. bVh*i d* y*u *=*ve? I hqve q nnorker. u Whc? d* y*u h*v*? I hqve o pencil. '.& Wh*t d* y*u F:*v*? I hove c pen. { \"i-ti, E I hqve o croyon, o morker, o pencil, o pen. fE t dE E ffi What do YOU hove? #jff$' Ask your clossmqtes. ; '€: Whot do you hove? \"I hove o pencil. ,-- whot do you hove? *_{6*;j

# ffi Look ond listen. Reod olong. I'm Donny. l;:l --: .t O Uniir

ffi sing. tilhot's Your llome? 6ee eto & Whot's your nqme? gqr?; v aI @ ffi t rTl *.i\"r:iTr#. ., I ff Whot's your nome? \\r' H-mt Ju$ie \" '{-:-\",ui:ffi\"'];T.-1.'-\" Whot's your nome? tE&-r ,.d{ I'm Donny. ffii--{.{ Whot's youn nome? #P4idt+-*l!! I'm Mike. #a ffi Ask ond qnswer. i%*, G:' I'm Jen. Hi. Whot's your nome? Hi. Whot's your nome?

ffi Listen, poinl, ond soy. -ii*: l. 2. opple boby :rm$ - d ffiw dog @ Unil

ffi Look ond find. {$ e @ ii,r) iit the letters Ao, ,cc;[ Mokelrtiirrarirl Bb I. .. ,,'.. ' t,', 2.i il , ,. iH .irl'jj:ii l \\rir:.-.!:r,. ,,.-.,jL -l -r',, j:iicf , tr liil i-s*fsl cl :. ##S it+i: rI i. .i q+li: lt , '.ii+' iir ,::: :::i.iii.l .11 ffi ; ,ffid\" A, opple. _ji'i'\",. jiH!s;S{riBa-i i-tii#i*.kk*.:;. u.! ' : -rt, I . .ri,S \"-l'\"*.-q\" lq.*.!.fiti Lj !,++ltdt* ##iHi \" rt,-i{ srBn$: , il' .'.'\".r11,' ++## ,t l; Bi*-! '\\*

l-[sten, point, e nd soy. Eq bolloon bql! do!l :* __ :# yo-vo Listen ond point. ** 1:,i:i1:ii::.-:Ui:r::ir;l:ii'::';i:,''a: :'!.tfr:!:r:::..: -: r:-i.ti:t;rl: '%8u ft ,t:,,r I , ffir'*'

, :: , -,li:i:,:ii- .. i,:lf*-' ' \" ''iii'\"r- Listen ond soy. [i\"= It's o bolloon. ffir ,:M? It's q yo-yo. a tnr-*u & :i @ ll @, t: @ ,,..,, #$@ # s:w: E;'

Listen, point, qnd soy. tA4.i.4lJI r..,,iiiii= -\" -,.i*:ia #++ ,ffii4ffiPx'\"\"' *#\".--- --*-* *d;]+s#\"t: +*la.::p* .+'-';:]+.i:i,:H.]'.!f,+ir-:E:,:i:f:if:::ii- jEnry: ff.'r1: .. jet :'ai':r,':iir ra: t,' '=€\"+ijnl-=+r,:\"' lroin boot cor Listen, osk, ond onswer. ..rl 38\"{. @ {5il-::. ii%; @ Unir2

Sing. ,&\" Whof Is It? \"[f's *t h*r;r. ,:::' l it*S n +._;Jifrt. Tt\"s * Jr:\" Xf-s m ffi#n. *$B ssff = Drow. Ask your clossmotes. It's o jet. Whot is it? ,,F z @tesson

FryreLookond Iisten. Reod olong. fl., ffiwffiKw*_ffiWwffi*mffiffi Hi, boys ond girls. : , ii., ,..',.,.'.- * ,..r HT.\" 6:\"'i'& Hello, Mrs. Adoms. #+f Bye, children. :: ,,1 Stailti.jr,,.,,,rri:,i:\"' -J:16,'':;rry1ryq1111.1p1. @ Unir2

ffi Sing. Ei+ @ ffi,,@@ ffimgrm ffiffi# ffifir$m ,@ffi r i,- .i-i ...,. ...,.. @ i''l,l\"r,'',,-i\".,;i.',..',i,'i'i,'.r...i,t r,-'\"-:\"rili,ii'ilaiil'1 ,,i i i i,\"; i,,r ,,i -; ffi i i: r\"\"i i:'.i\".' @ i];-:i\" \" @ffi Good-bye! ffi Soy qnd ocl. Ei*: @@ ,@w Bye! Good-bye! Hello, friend.

7ffi*B ffip Soy ond sing. Ei*:u ffi Listen, point, ond sqy. $o.u: I. 2. 3. mq* t' ffi @ Unir2 friend girl

Look ond find. ;: Moke the Ietters E0, Ff, ond Gg. . ;, $i,\"fii:l rfr, 2. ffi:\"j; ffi:*f:,$j F€. \\). L{@

Listen. Then soy the words. C,D I 3l.\"xr 2.I. ,l& iitEffi ffffirie Listen. Then number. Si.,; @ Review I

Ploy the gome. Whot is it? It's o yo-yo. It's point. .Y .i I ..t:,r. t+:f\":,1iai.r:ri::.iaalt:!:jffF i,::rf'r: :r:i;::i::i1:.+l,rt':rrr;:i:i..,j.t,r:.9ErP.. ,.: t .il. i: ,iiii:::1., i,i: : Review (D

Listen, point, ond soy. 33 !r+:' yellow green red Lisien ond point. sq ffi sr.:r:,::Fa.i-E-;\"f: {..G.**E9 k**}s**!ffiqtffi};srffiit#i**ffirrt*ei: &ffi$.;q;3F{t***qr*srrt*r+}qr!*}!Siffiit;

Listen ond soy. $s., It's red. S&*:itiit.;i:=i-itit6agl i.. E:;r:.',1:+.;; tt:|--.:i-.,:]i Sing. 3+. It's green. Red, Blue, Yelloq Green W .t '.,\"..i,.rt;..,.i::1t.ii,+... ..l.;,,r ffi . , t - *. 1'' .'\"\"F:.. ,** m. .'' It,s It,s *...: It,s t .i:',;uj-,n\"aro i i ,,,.= l:,.,:':ji

,,r1a4{\"' Listen, point, oronge purple pink brown Listen, osk, ond onswer. *e *' f*i -idvH.- ,\\ & .r@*&r' 1.-\"--\"t'?' \"xVx '$a:J;,' nr. 1J, Whot color is it? It's,urr,tmge. ..P::::::s:*!1 f.€a..r-+!r .E;,: i- j.a.r ir.::r 1{ %c &vCO & 1 \\.:i. \".. ya '::.+ #,. ffi&3i, ,::ll=!rir ,: e# g @ Unir3

ffi Sing. $i*, +\"-d'i1-*1-+:*+=-*+tlW:-t1i.lqq1.*ng*,*o* **qs.:B,ii\\-Eiffi+se!***:Esiiry@ -\"..-*n*+#$+siiirt''E$+\":'\"- _: Oronge, Pink, Purple, Brown d # -: .=! Flmk\" Pr.lrple. Br*wrt. it?Whqt color is .\"1.i-:: {\".}i=S.-'iltt}r*. Whqt color is it? Hf 's pEmk. Whot color is it? It's purple. Whot color is it? 3t-s brCIwrn\" Purple \" Bnmwm \" ffi Ask your clossmotes. #\"] Whot color is it? Whqt color is it?

Look ond listen. Reod olong. iid* Hum ffi&me I'm fine! Thonk you. i F:fl & Fde (gD& @ Unir3

Sing. Iilu rm oK! ,',,.,,.,...,.::\"*tr i.,!ir.i.:,-'i:-:i-:,,!.=::-ri1.:ai.: :ls:::,ialti:i':i.a:il.::ji- ' 8....-..-', ,:. .E Hi\" How Gre yCIu? tr'm OK. H!. How Gre y0u? ,;l I'm OK. t**= Here you cre. 5 rItlere you cE\"e. Ei,. +Tr honk you. Thonk you. ffi Ask ond onswer. iL* ?'0 How ore you? I'm fine. Thonk you. How ore you? B=- .- i.\\fu-+

Soy ond fi*} Listen, poinl, ond soy. ri*e I. 2. 3. @ Unit3 insect

Look ond find. t:l *r . r:.,.:: tt'' u+E:. 1:* *\"' t''*-\":,:*, 'd ==E! '; & 4 \".:.:.r+ !::Ii:.: '- r ur t7 : -f, E I \"\\ fl :rr::.1!.;:::::.:-,::::::::..:::r.:: . E i i.1 3. ' , !: ili::r -

Listen, poinl, ond SOy. '\"+# it,ril., l:I. lir.l -:.ii\" S ' ,tiit '::'t .: lil 1:1.,1:.,;i s*.tii€' *\"&\"* two 't:- ----. *rl ]*fE.Ei.;3.:*++ ll:i:': r. ', :-::'t;l::.-+a ?n++r +: 4- 'l ,.r i'_t::i':.:= :+ :€i'=l! -.:-r t:*q1sq,+a1:t+:Ei:Jr,-!:e:*::1E:'' ... - j4{ a. ++.:iji::!-= ,iil: one + a+il::l i:.,.*;:.;r:. t, three four t:, f ive Listen ond point. rys %, Unit 4

ffi Listen ond soy. iii*, Let's count. I. ffi Sing. iii-s; #B E;] aqw Let's Count! t*l 4.iH btr;t H1 bl IH Pru hd #F One, two, three, four, f ive. tsi aH ffi Let's counl !,2. &,N One, two, three, four, five. Wfl,] w%r Five, four, three, two, one. wffi\\wl Five, four, three, two, one . tt*n.-\"ai'r\"ilir': fi:;*r).ii Let's count. t: fl i.+. =l One, two, three, four. .\",1 iE+rR] Ct\"1.$3 tu# One, two, thnee, foun, five! r\"i-rtiI U

Listen, poinl, ond soy. d*., ,.'t,*r,ffi,M ieW.,,.,W.* **#. . ....-... :#lu ffiffiffi +,-ffi-. ra in?::j5i4::ii I ii3:-+!!r rr,' b '-i€#it:E -**- a,.M-## six 6:.@sdk,,:]@ @&.. .',. .. ,.,.',' H.-- +i,*Fg ffi;j€tE ----++. @l4i*i.rr_ :.. -€*i t; *.ffi..'e*ie*ie ,!**t ... .. .,.., ..,..,.. 't: i* *u*.G,.,iii&W.e { ,.._ ten seven a!i{e, ,. ., ,,... - , -, ntne 1 .,. ,..::... eight Listen, osk, ond onswer. so. How mony? {\"-*S\"E1*;.E }€es. f\"l:;+*-=*;--tl W,,.,.,,-',. ,iEE;i:r .\":l:lEn++ ,{n tt:.' .:-i:i ,-q. ffii.ffi4, #ffi @ *.',i ,,' @ UntH

ffi Sing. Bi*i ffi Ask your clossmotes. '*,o How mony? How mony? €-.-E*EB-\\-___ _

Look ond listen. Reod olong. s*. eeg\" ffiq#%&64H&I.#tEu\"8#qq.#r=u** f\"f:\"$Bqf#fi @td &ff*i8#\" e=#s+\"fsf{ii fmfi#b,*Aa+* @F\" .,f- ffi\":rcffiM ffi',ffiffiffir'*ry : l: ,ry':r -WffiW l'm 7.I ltt ,. l'rt'l 7 !1:.=:' :, ;! ,= l= F *-il rc ,,, .'.;'',;t *:-1-*:.1':,, ,,,,, ,ffiffir. \"-,,- -,=*,;,$tt-k a:.i::.r:j 3 ffi#ffiM* ffi_ rliii& 12 3, +! '-' iia#r.:r:r: ,rS b g

Sing. !ii.= ' l:'#qJ*\"ilg. 5n:931-\\lii!!+r.+iiil+l:i+ 'k old you?How qne H-rn **Y -':-€*.i14 f How old ore you? \"-1ES s\". 4 *.LQ Lq *?Je 4- 5. E'm 5! How old ore you? I'rn 7l fl l.e\"E &I How old ore you? #f._ How old ore you? iF .F *{#+-* FP 4 * 4, 5.F' &9 L9 J?B E'm 5! rc'sJe de 3u 4* 5. E'rs: &-i .\":i*:\\' s{ j,, ,HB ffi i:r,:,'iF\\r+: ( 1l:r.:ili:!;: E' Eii+.s-!-i'+ #l*- ftd' ffi Soy ond ocl. t{u :r s I'm 6. How old ore you? raalnat:a;i+ l'm 7. :r j, : t:r ::r :: l::!.=tsl i 1 : I 1 f rii i!:.. . .tsi , .,rii.ff ;:ti {'

Soy qnd sing. Hi+; ..:,:ijiriri,U,, soy. cDI Listen, poinl, qndtt;;f 56*: I. 2. 3. 6 @ Unitrt -ttIt\\,vtitll,ilr.\\^ lion mon

Moke the letters Kk, Ll, ond Mm. E,.1r/ :ia'. -... j ri i :4 ,,. .: ii ! !tliii.:rl11ibi,.\" ,\" r' ti: \\.ti.i_ -. I .il 'r.1,;\"{tirSrr',:r1, .r.ii,:t:i,. ,&i:t:'. !: ii:. t1,. kite. trl*l,4\\{l \\3.ryr-

..i,i:61.,r.\"-':\";,ri*r:::1ir!diilri!i13:1i'1i!!.r:i*!a*il-t.*''i::lr.ili.ililrl1;r.;. .1. \"%11:i Listen. Then soy the words. diu: +. ..,,.,s :.tffi I. 'il+li-ff!$ff{i*iiiI i';6-LW w\"# Listen. Then number. @ Review 2

How mony? t. Whot color is it? ry,--'W'$ 6 M*@a ffi \\ry Finish

Listen, poinl, ond soy. *s &fltr., ,g *ffiffi#. E *&\"tf,,aliL,r.;, col dog &**gl1':'\"'' {Ei.ede& #:#i:'rtt' e4 i.f.f\"i&r,.cY@\"\"t ,-, T']ta:taitat::t .i.- ,*, i,ffi;*Bi**f.*!rl* {.,, -} s -&,,I*,.,-,:,,,.:*mi --,ii ,&&, robbil ,e dogs ;,\"ffq;ryr&;e cots birds #e& ''.d& *s, robbits Listen qnd poinl. #* ::::l-!-.i.-:iii:+:,+!:!iri{;++r!:1!+{ra{:!\"ffi1+r:i=;+.+Ffig+tr-B:it-:r-i!:j*5-- ffMi t & --i iq' a\" .a @ unit5

1 I Listen ond soy. *&.,, Let's count. I e#f, 2 emtg, 3 cc?s, tl eefs, 5 euts. +#F#i d:-#ffi Sing. de., Cots, Dogs, Birds, Robbifs, . Count the cots. Cots ond dogs, birds ond robbits. Let's count! l-it\"-. ';.r,:1 \"), L}}r+r '4$ ; i,{#J ;luSt-,' ,:f u,', ,',,6@,. df , Wffi,ri'I, $- Cots ond dogs, birds

t)u2 06*i #ory&.e\\ #fffi goot : -i., cow horse duck ftv q ww 'horses ducks rF fq ows ffi$ffi Listen, OnSWer. 6?.s, r:? t') -.i..:iii:t:i,:i;, E j:t ::.. :: :! i. j ,,.r+r*,*$ulr.^ffi.a ;,i

ffi Sing. 66+ ffi Ask your clossmqtes. ffi,ls' GHow mony dogs? 2 dogs. * How mony ducks?

Look ond listem. Reqd olong. {-1? r.: : r: .r.r.:El*liryl.! :i Hello, Donny. :.. :.-;.: ! :::j:.ri::r:i.r# M',r:-:ia;,::11-iri:.r!::l.,.,il ni.i: t:talii:rj;:::iil:t:rr : ti':ili:: i,t:L,i.r: : ;:tfqt{ '::.:]:itl.\"i*ill:.;ill i:.. :ii:i.:,,'itl:::. t:rr ;':,.1!:.;!;1;'.,: &^_ i& *--.i tu Thonk you, Donny! ${x6:j} :fR.l Pleose help me! .::.] & i\\, ,.,-,,F f.fM:%i. '\"ffi. &;#**. :i.: ::: *.., rs =;l $ ..,' ttt r:,,:.'tla.r'i.lli:.1':\" i,,,,. ' ril,rrrll; !r.,:1, :: : @ Unit.

ffi Sing. i%'= '1'. 'l Help! '':'i.;.:\" t,.*!f : Uh-ah. Uh-oh. Uh-oh l!!:r{up.ElEt#a. i \" I nerpPlease tl.:ir,ttr me. Wh*c- whocu whoc, whoc, whcc Help! Sure. llit\":,i,r PIecse help rne. Than k you. .r,r..ii1' :. ri..:, ffi Soy qnd oct. i'?*, ', c .\":] tt Pleose help me. * Pleose help me!

Soy ond sing. f.b2 12.3.: islen, Foint, ond soy. i%.,, I. 9#*{.,...,. - nose 2. orqnge pencil @ Unirs

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