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Everybody Up Starter Student Book full

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["Look ond find. rli * &\\\"%#*q*,i5;ta-;s*stSfl ' Moke the letters Nn, Oo, ond Pp. 3. @Gsson+","I .:\/a::41 i1t:rt ., ' ,. , i..i Listen, poinl, ond soy. ir* =ii1:-_.' *.S:liii:i:1ln::r+_:'q!::i:!.. I-:i;'3i.1';*{1*i:-.'-,+.r:-.i.q.i.j:]!i.{]i:::i,:-:r1* .* .;t :i: :.:i:r -\/ it: ..:!l' condy .. Ev':i' _, milk woter breod Listen ond point. 'i'; -'ii. i!.--!i, ffi **; .ffi_ \\\"si+:Wl$ && {& d& d#ffi 1r:\\\"' @ Unir6","ffi Lisien ond soy. T3* * ffi Sing. Ti.;: I like condy. I Reolly Lilte Milk .... G. *I like I tike . I like ffi a: And I reolly, reolly, reolly, reolly, reolly, reolly, reolly Iike 'r'\\\"'f . . ffi reolly, reolly, reolly like i reolly, reolly, reolly, reolly, @@; reolly, reolly, reolly like .;:","....; ::': :: ::;a:.:;::::l;t: Listen, poinl, ond soy. i'6.* -! nce beons f ish Listen, osk, ond onswer. ll:2 ild.-l i\\\":.i 19.3 ffi,nq... , Do you like rice? & & C ,Sli r' *:H*att-',-'. ffi;.. tt.,,.'t , t.,:. %& ::,t:l;, I Do you like chicken? @ Unir6","ffi Sing. T6*; Chicken, Fish, Rice, ond Beons Chie ken, fishn r!ee, smd b*cns. ** yor\\\"E Iike riee? Dc ycu Eike e hle kem? YES! Yes, Ido. Ido. y*ta Eike becns? Do y*u li$<e fish? YES! Yes, Ido. Ido. Yes, Ido. Ido. ffi Ask your clossmqles. t*;'e: Do you like breod? No, I don't. \\\\*l Do you like chicken? a*T ' *-:\\\"1 f;;f #tfJfi,i. #:r'-x;- ^sd-- {.I^ ,***ffi ,YS.:' *rj-,d*di* f .H--{d\\\" f .,'@-, i\/ d^+*l*n","- -;ww w .n. =-W +#trffis ffi\\\"$ Look ond listen. Reod olong. 'ii.= F *_ jr=ffi&mm ffimw-ffiffie ;,i Do you like woter? i :r^,WAh,,O-_tr :iS_ it? i It's o sondwich. faqr.rrir.ii.iiilrrl*?1r*.r.* .ntro-.,*,,*ra,r'.n- ,,,,,,',r..,r,ifi &* ,*gr : ffi, do.Yes, I r^^MH rffi ,inr:rf1rffi's* L l';'.:rE-r'.i r:I 'A(I, l,'[ .e- tffi'|,'-'j* iE Thonk you! Here you ore.","ffi sing. c!2 @,&s: L&%,* * 22.5, - a'&-, &! l+; ,. 4' & . &) .ga,. tr': WS-.-a-i @ n**@I \\\".ffis iR+- oi^e Af{*r* y#q-{ #9\\\"ffi. +;-' Here yvocu cre. fWfii&l *.:-8, '* 6 KThank a:-r you! f,hq'rtm dv*iai qqll affi& & :-j gr'. -{'riq**ilr''rr\\\"'#*ewffirt\\\"rfi**ril*\\\" You're welcome. gesffi t ;*l+,.i @' 3 What is it? \\\"\\\" it? 'Vdhmt Es ffi g': tt& ccndy\\\"H*-$ m s#ffidvqrq*h. *,., It's [* a,, {rW ffffi ifffifi **' w - i,i &' &; *,#'ffi -.d s ts \\\\B:: ; . *' ffi Sqy qnd oct. Eiu' ,,::,* You're welcome. Thonk you! Here you ore.","ffi ffi tffi ffi ffi Soy ond sing. 'ii*: Listen, poinl, ond soy. E3*: t. queen 2. *# 3. a3 -..------.._. ring \u20acurr...-,**-.d-'...... t&\\\\ sun @ unt6","Look,if#ji,l$; ond find. ,*,o if+i#F Mqke the letters Qq, Rr, ond Ss. ,i},,o 'I ..*i\\\" 2. rt+ $!n .. i+; fiis, Q, queen.","Listen. Then soy the words. ild.. +. 2.egg\u20ac ffiu #%** Listen. Then number. 'i?.. @ Review 3","Ploy the gomes. \\\"Gi,r# I cow 2 cots. Do you like rice? Yes, I do. :ii!..ili i\\\":: -r.r f i1. ii tJ'5 J s\\\".?..\\\" , tr","irrrr :l : r. ,.r I : ,::: ,.]:.ti:q:.,\\\"l;ij., iiit:ll, ry Listen, point, ond soy. *& Jump tr:it::::'jr:::aJia :1 wolk run skip .:ri: -.. ...- Listen qnd point. tr+ \u20ac; #*@ t1i.=* i \\\\:e i I I @,.i,.,,u4,1r.2","iI jII j ..t 30\\\"1: Listen ond soy. :brittf rjf i:i-.i!.rr.;.s't:,+r+rl+:r'\\\"' j:i @,* d I con wolk. { Sing. ir?', I con Jump. I Wolk, Run, Skip, Jump I con wolk, wolk, wolk, wolk, wolk. I con run, run, run, nun, run. I con skip, skip, skip, skip, skip. I con jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. G","Listen, point, ond soy. .3 Ei ,l 6i 'E',, & ::..'l \\\"' i+ -E' a s& 6$ :.:i:: tr-3 s*? $,. **+ donce E f swim wink slng Listen, osk, ond onswer. ry3 W.;r E +;F tF @ UnirT","\\\":;'Sing. tf,. ..':= Ploy the gome. .: f:! Con you run? Yes, I con. Stqrt","ffi Look ond listen. Reod olong. $3*, Con you wink? No, I con't. ffict ffi;fmf6iff-i ,. ffi No, I con't. 8# 6 @ jil'''S\\\"\\\"\\\"'i-,.' 'Yrliii.i OK! Let's donce! &:rri'itr Itiill:liii:ii rltiiitiii:iiililii Con you sing? No, I con't. @ UnirT","ffi Sing. E3*i \\\\ T l4a;:,; ffij,,*niil;r+i,ii\\\"+i*#*\\\"*i+-u.j + i.t;E '?' ',y.\\\"#n r ' : '*1:',f& Cqn you swim? wink?\\\\ nit t .,H :1 tfs r:: i, :ir ra\u20ac Can you 'f,' *mrt.Yms*t'-#, V** .T**g1:r rq\\\"*6!e \\\"L k-\\\\_{lf \\\" #,i H,it'.d:L wink!,:: , .r' riri' fi Let's i ,:t ,i,l Let's swirn!.,o i& ,-$ , 'rfl Con you skip? donce?you:.i , ti#i \\\"]H*.*, li Cqn a Y.' Y*s* tr Ji sf iY\\\" ,i:.1# **sr.:. :; T*Su ,l,ii C#ffi. !fi :i3..i :+,8 Let's donce! i' skip!Let's'ri ':i+ .:l :f 1. j' -:t,a' 1,,-., :I UAM*tEiir ....,.,;-:...-....=....-,=-:,..,...a,:i+r,i;:!il!t+!:,1#.1,i!i.iil#'iffiii]+:*iiiii:i:ltrr ai.i#l+;+Ii!li.iria$*a'i,,i.+ti.t;\\\"'rr:'*,r\\\" Ek*d;i{q,i}}rj!}rir+-*$tilii+.+i;t$Jdi+;tr-E+i*+li:6qq*f.#*}}5r}!+l+Lrjrlriu,ii,itini,i+. $ .,i ; ffi Soy ond qct. $?u: Gls Let's donce. OK! Let's donce! Let's ploy.","ffi Listen, poinl, ond soy. H6u: l. ,,,s@::* leocher 2. 3. violin @ UnirT","Look ond find. ri: f] ri. l* Moke lhe letters Tt, Uu, ond Vv. i - J. ':r. i, .'i. : .r lll '''1.","-[l s*,ig i'-1, t,l,l:i E [:\\\"r'ii'\\\" a t'l:tl .,r98*o\\\"{9** .:,-i,\\\".'(\\\":.s.i;.iHkJE6-;57--&t':1e,.ql' i,8s.i w I 4S tHtrt,,& {. ; jS a &* -at!*: i.:r\\\\i,1:i=: l'!,;; :.+ rli::la : -:.:,4!|. ti:r*' Fi:(atrfi'i:.r ,,,,,.,1 1 .:.i r\\\"i iill l1!rti.+ ;-r .:i:i*:;*:,n.. ;jr**i'ijii_:i, LHGT*trT d,i ; \\\"- :t.j.S;:.,3i,' .;.,:.\\\"}tr']-!;i:l:;1t::i ;$: ::J i:i.eri. I i ii \\\\,1il:rri II I","I ffi Listen qnd soy. I con touch my eors. a itk sing. $2 {3*} ,:i*} H5.: r++* i=.:s: L-a:* S+i : ,ffi,,w[.Tyff: i G* ,ffi' 2 eors, 2 eyes, F s\\\" s ffi I nose, I mouth. I con touch my nose. ffi I con touch my eors. NE ffi I con touch my eyes. I con touch my nose. ffi ffi# I con touch my mouth. #; 2 eors, 2 eyes, ;e I nose, I mouth. IE ffiffi, -,,1 :,ffi :.,, r.,ffi ,'-r,rr,,ffi ,,:,,- I,,,'ffi, ;,,1 sHs , +-*E 'E 1* $ $ ,E\\\"S+!i fHfi","ffi Listen, point, qnd soy. tifr*. {..-.'q' +ffi ffi clop my honds stomp my feet swin gmy orms shoke my Iegs ffi Listen, osk, ond qnswer. ',i3.,: '?.o Il 1'' \\\\ {F 'i Whot con you do? @ unirs","ffi sing. tia*i tllhot Con You Do? Whot con you do? Whot con you do? I con stomp my feet. Stomp my feet. Whot cqn you do? CIop my honds. I con clop my honds. Swing my qrms. I con swing my orms. Shoke my legs. I con shoke my legs. ffi Ask your clqssmqles. \\\"ry Whot con you do? I con stomp my feet. I con swing my qrms \\\"@i*,i% &1.","ffi Look ond listen. Reod olong. fi?\\\"c Oops! !iti Ouch! My orm. Oops! !: ,i tu\\\"Hq bqsiJ I'm sorry. Thot's OK. f il Oops! Ouch! My feet. Unit 8","ffi sing. ti6.s: iffi {:;: i\\\";jffi'.--,. t___:ffi Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouchl Ouch! Ouch! Quchl My hond. Ouchl My feet. Such! My leg. Ouch! My finm\\\" Oops! I'm sorry. Thct's CIK *;:@i;; i.*@.\\\"i:;:,,*:@ ffi Soy qnd ocl. tii.* e';o Thot's OK. :li,r, i{&;u Oops! I'm sorry. I'm sorry.","ff.#;ffi Listen, point, ond soy. cD2 51.37 2. t womon f,1 i,l +. .AUN' *wa :l:,.-n ffi zebro 3. @ unns","Look ond find. ,; ,::r Moke the lelters Ww, XX, Yy, ond Zz. ';i ,,'-*j Z,-t . !' \\\",..,, t, r ., ffi &3. W, womon. .-,.r.,;'..,.ii- .,.ii'g, wa ffi ffi +.","Listen. Then sqy the words. ..., 52+1r trs2. ,:r& .ri' ffi - \\\";r', .:al 5. rr,.o,m& 6. 7. @,.w#tItt-q#tt ffiffi Listen. Then number. l;) 53'r :# Ei*Gi\\\"r*i:tsiE @ Review Ll","Ptoy the gome. I con touch my nose. Whot con you do? l - ir* Stcrrt ffi Finish s , Fr\\\"5, r r-yf\\\"ff&fffi_,i. \\\" 8\\\"-L iff q '\\\\*fj &,. &,, .::1. il -:;.dR#+- Review'+ @","Hello. I'm Emmo. sing lolk Hi. I'm Donny. sit stond r School Supplies: pencil, Slory: Whcrt's Uour Phonics: I pen, croyon, morker Name? oA opple bB boby I hove poper. , Whot do you hove? Conversotion: Cc cot rlhoveopencil. Hi. Whol's your nome? Dd dog I'm Jen. tis::qrrlt; l;? Let's Plcg corToys: troin, boot, jet, . Story: Hello, Good-bge Phonics: ffiffiH Whot is it? Conversotion: Ee egg It's o troin. F f friend Toys: bolloon, boll, doll, Hi! Hello! G g girl yo-yo Bye! Good-byel Il's o bolloon. ffi Unils I ond 2 E,$ptii\u20ac: i:.11 Mcrng Golors Colors: red, blue, yellow, Colors: oronge, purple, Story: I'm Fine Phonics: green pink, brown Conversotion: Hh hot iI insect Il's red. Whol color is it? How ore you? Jjlom It's oronge. I'm fine. Thonk you. H..Ir*r:i+*L tlil Gounting Numbers: one, lwo, lhree, Numbers: six, seven, Slory: How Old I're Phonics: four, five eight, nine, ten Uou? K k kite IL lion Let's count. I . How mony? Conversotion: Mm mon 6. I'm 6. How old ore you? l'm7. Units 3 ond tl @ Storter Level","Pets: cot, cots, dog, dogs, Form Animols: goot, Slory: Plecrse Help Me! Phonics: bird, birds, robbit, robbits goots, duck, ducks, cow, Conversotion: nN nose Let's counl. I col, 2 cots, cows, horse, horses oO oronge 3 cols, t{ cols, 5 cots. Pleose help me. pP pencil How mony gools? Sure. 8 goots. funch Food: milk, woter, breod, Food: rice, beons, chicken, Story: Here Uou [re Phonics: condy fish Conversotion: qQ queen rR ring I like milk. Do you like rice? Thonk you! Ss sun Yes, I do. You're welcome. Do you like chicken? No, I don'1. Units 5 ond 6 Abilities: wolk, run, skip, Abilities: swim, donce, Story: Let's Dqnce! Phonics: jump wink, sing Gonversolion: Tl teocher Uu up I con wolk. Con you swim? Let's donce. Yes, I con. OK! Let's donce! V v violin Con you wink? No, I con't. My Foce: eors, eyes, My Body: clop my honds, Story: Oops! ili,'$;Ttl;;if iig+iif',ri mouth, nose stomp my feet, swing my orms, shoke my legs Conversotion: Phonics: I con touch my eors. Oops! I'm sorry. Whot con you do? Thot's OK. Ww womon I con clop my honds. Xx fox yY yo-yo Zz zebro Units 7 ond B","::lg ,l :ili fli :l: ,ril ...*f.ll .\\\",,s,1 .,- :;: . .r;j;;rl::!a:ll'::iiiili;riir,. t0 @ Storter Level","is tl seven-level course thqt moiivqtes children by linking lhe English clqssroom to the wider world. * i i:Iii i'!:.J\\\": t r i 1 1 .rr;: With the 1;: i- .= g. Evergbodg Up Friends, who moiivote *hem to speok English. * in every unii provide on introduction to the English olphobel. * #r'**B s-+r-r#s by oword-winning songwriters keep children procticing English - even ol home. universql vqlues such os being kind ond poliie. a OXFORD H lsBN 978-0-1 9-41 0300-8 LTNIVERSITY PRESS Xlllxl , ililll[lrilililLrtrlrxil l*'x .....:.i.iriI"]

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