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Murphy R. - English Grammar in Use (4th Edition)

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11 11 A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of English Fourth Edition ...- with ,answ.e·rs:·:',. ~.....__ \"11.: .....,_---- • · - • :---. --.• • • , ~ . ..- ~ -~··- ~·· Raymond Murphy

CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York. Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi,Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Information on this title: Fourth Edition © Cambridge University Press 20 12 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. English Grammar in Use first published 1985 Fourth edition 20 12 Reprinted 2012 Printed in China by Golden Cup Printing Co. Ltd A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Ubrary ISBN 978-0-521-18906-4 Edition with answers ISBN 978-0-521-18908-8 Edition without answers ISBN 978-0-521-18939-2 Edition with answers and CD-ROM ISBN 978-0-51 1-96173-1 Online access code pack ISBN 978-1-1 07-64138-9 Online access code pack and book with answers Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter.

Thanks VII v111 To the student x To the teacher Present and past 1 Present continuous (I am doing) 2 Present simple (I do) 3 Present continuous and present simple 1 (1 am doing and I do) 4 Present continuous and present simple 2 (I am doing and I do) 5 Past simple (I did) 6 Past continuous (I was doing) Present perfect and past 7 Present perfect 1 (I have done) 8 Present perfect 2 (I have done) 9 Present perfect continuous (I have been doing) 10 Present perfect continuous and simple (I have been doing and I have done) 11 How Long have you (been) ... ? 12 For and since When ... ? and How Long ... ? 13 Present perfect and past 1 (I have done and I did) 14 Present perfect and past 2 (I have done and I did) 15 Past perfect (I had done) 16 Past perfect continuous (I had been doing) 17 Have and have got 18 Used to (do) Future 19 Present tenses (I am doing I I do) for the future 20 (I'm) going to (do) 21 WiLL/shaLL 1 22 WiLL/shaLL 2 23 I wiLL and I'm going to 24 Will be doing and wiLL have done 25 When I do I When I've done When and if fv1odals 26 Can, could and (be) able to 27 Could (do) and could have (done) 28 Must and can't 29 May and might 1 30 May and might 2 31 Have to and must 32 Must mustn't needn't 33 Should 1 34 Should 2 35 Had better lt's time ... 36 Would 37 Can/Could/Would you ... ? etc. (Requests, offers, permission and invitations) IF YOU AR E N OT SUR EWHI CH UNITS YO U NEED TO STUDY, USE TH E STUDY GUIDE O N PAGE 326. ... Ill

If and wish 38 If I do ... and If I did ... 39 If I knew... I wish I knew ... 40 If I had known ... I wish I had known ... 41 Wish Passive 42 Passive 1 (is done I was done) 43 Passive 2 (be done I been done I being done) 44 Passive 3 45 lt is said that ... He is said to ... He is supposed to ... 46 Have something done Reported speech 47 Reported speech 1 (He said that ... ) 48 Reported speech 2 Questions and auxiliary verbs 49 Questions 1 50 Questions 2 (Do you know where ... ? I He asked me where ...) 51 Auxiliary verbs (have/do/can etc.) I think so I I hope so etc. 52 Question tags (do you? isn't it? etc.) -ing and to ... 53 Verb+ -ing (enjoy doing I stop doing etc.) 54 Verb+ to ... (decide to ... I forget to ... etc.) 55 Verb(+ object)+ to ... (I want you to ... etc.) 56 Verb+ -ing or to ... 1 (remember/regret etc.) 57 Verb+ -ing or to ... 2 (try/need/help) 58 Verb+ -ing or to ... 3 (Like I would Like etc.) 59 Prefer and would rather 60 Preposition (in/for/about etc.)+ -ing 61 Be/ get used to something (I'm used to ...) 62 Verb + preposition + -ing (succeed in -ing I accuse somebody of -ing etc.) 63 Expressions+ -ing 64 To ... , for ... and so that ... 65 Adjective+ to ... 66 To ... (afraid to do) and preposition+ -ing (afraid of -ing) 67 See somebody do and see somebody doing 68 -ing clauses (Feeling tired, I went to bed early.) Articles and nouns 69 Countable and uncountable 1 70 Countable and uncountable 2 71 Countable nouns with a/an and some 72 A/an and the 73 The 1 74 The 2 (school I the school etc.) 75 The 3 (children I the children) 76 The 4 (the giraffe I the telephone I the piano etc., the + adjective) 77 Names with and without the 1 78 Names with and without the 2 .IV IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WH ICH UNITS YOU NEED TO STUDY, USE TH E STUDY GUIDE ON PAGE 326.

79 Singular and plural V 80 Noun+ noun (a tennis ball I a headache) 81 -'s (your sister's name) and of ... (the name of the book) Pronouns and determiners 82 Myself/yourself/themselves etc. 83 A friend of mine My own house On my own I by myself 84 There ... and it ... 85 Some and any 86 No/none/any Nothing/ nobody etc. 87 Much, many, Little, few, a Lot, plenty 88 All I all of most I most of no I none of etc. 89 Both I both of neither I neither of either I either of 90 All, every and whole 91 Each and every Relative clauses 92 Relative clauses 1: clauses with who/that/ which 93 Relative clauses 2: clauses with and without who/ that/which 94 Relative clauses 3: whose/ whom/where 95 Relative clauses 4: extra information clauses (1) 96 Relative clauses 5: extra information clauses (2) 97 -ing and -ed clauses (the woman talking to Tom, the boy injured in the accident) Adjectives and adverbs 98 Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed (boring/bored etc.) 99 Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired 100 Adjectives and adverbs 1 (quick/quickly) 101 Adjectives and adverbs 2 (well/fast/Late, hard/ hardly) 102 So and such 103 Enough and too 104 Quite, pretty, rather and fairly 105 Comparison 1 (cheaper, more expensive etc.) 106 Comparison 2 (much better I any better I better and better I the sooner the better) 107 Comparison 3 (as ... as I than) 108 Superlatives (the Longest, the most enjoyable etc.) 109 Word order 1: verb+ object; place and time 110 Word order 2: adverbs with the verb 111 Still/ yet and already Any more I any Longer I no Longer 112 Even Conjunctions and prepositions 113 Although I though I even though In spite of I despite 114 In case 115 Unless As Long as Provided/ providing 11 6 As (As Iwa lked along the street ... I As I was hungry ...) 117 like and as 118 Like I as if I as though 11 9 For, during and while 120 By and until By the time ... IF YOU ARE N OT SU RE WHI CH UNITS YO U NEED TO STUDY, USE TH E STUDY GUIDE O N PAGE 326.

Prepositions 121 At/ on/ in (time) 122 On time and in time At the end and in the end 123 In/ at/on (position) 1 124 In/ at/ on (position) 2 125 In/ at/on (position) 3 126 To/ at/in/into 127 In/ on/ at (other uses) 128 By 129 Noun+ preposition (reason for, cause of etc.) 130 Adjective+ preposition 1 131 Adjective+ preposition 2 132 Verb+ preposition 1 to and at 133 Verb+ preposition 2 about/ for/ of/ after 134 Verb+ preposition 3 about and of 135 Verb+ preposition 4 of/for/from / on 136 Verb+ preposition 5 in/ into/ with /to/ on Phrasal verbs 13 7 Phrasal verbs 1 General points 138 Phrasal verbs 2 in/ out 139 Phrasal verbs 3 out 140 Phrasal verbs 4 on/ off (1) 141 Phrasal verbs 5 on/ off (2) 142 Phrasal verbs 6 up/ down 143 Phrasal verbs 7 up (1) 144 Phrasal verbs 8 up (2) 145 Phrasal verbs 9 away/ back Appendix 1 Regular and irregular verbs 292 Appendix 2 Present and past tenses 294 Appendix 3 The future 295 Appendix 4 Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.) 296 Appendix 5 Short form s (I'm I you've I didn't etc.) 297 Appendix 6 Spelling 298 Appendix 7 American English 300 Additional exercises 302 Study guide 326 Key to Exercises 336 368 Key to Add itiona l exercises Key to Study guide 372 Index 373 vi IFYOU ARE N OT SU REWHI CH UNITS YOU N EED TO STUDY, USE TH E STUDY GUIDE ON PAGE 326.

This is the fourth edition of English Grammar in Use. I wrote the original edition when I was a teacher at the Swan School of English, Oxford . I would like to repeat my thanks to my colleagues and students at the school for their help, encouragement and interest at that time. Regard ing the production of this fourth edition, I am grateful to N6irfn Burke, Annabel Marriott, Matthew Duffy, Liz Driscoll, jane Walsh, jeanette Alfoldi and Kamae Design. I would like to thank Cambridge University Press for permission to access the Cambridge International Corpus. Thank you also to the following illustrators: Humberto Blanco, Paul Fellows, Sophie Joyce, Katie Mac, lan Mitchell, Gillian Martin, Sandy Nicholls, Roger Penw ill, Lisa Sm ith, Dave Whamond and Simon Williams. .. VII

This book is for students who want help with English grammar. lt is wri tten for you to use without a teacher. The book will be useful for you if you are not sure of the answers to questions like these: 0 What is the difference between Idid and Ihave done? 0 When do we use will for the future? 0 What is the structure after Iwish? 0 When do we say used to do and w hen do we say used to doing? U When do we use the? 0 What is the difference between like and as? These and many other points of English grammar are explained in the book and there are exercises on each po int. Level The book is intended mainly for intermediate students (students who have already studied the basic grammar of English). lt concentrates on those structures which intermediate students want to use, but which often cause difficulty. Some advanced students who have problems with grammar will also find the book useful. The book is not suitable for elementary learners. How the book is organised There are 145 units in the book. Each unit concentrates on a particular point of grammar. Some problems (for example, the present perfect or the use of the) are covered in more than one unit. For a list of units, see the Contents at the beginning of the book. Each unit consists of two facing pages. On the left there are explanations and examples; on the right there are exercises. At the back of the book there is a Key for you to check your answers to the exercises (page 336). There are also seven Appendices at the back of the book (pages 292-301). These include irregular verbs, summaries of verb forms, spelling and American English. Finally, there is a detailed Index at the back of the book (page 373). How to use the book The units are not in order of difficulty, so it is not intended that you work through the book from beginning to end. Every learner has different problems and you shou ld use this book to help you with the grammar that you find difficult. lt is suggested that you work in this way: 0 Use the Contents and/or Index to find which unit deals with t he point you are interested in. C If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the Study guide on page 326. ........ Study the explanations and examples on the left-hand page of the unit you have chosen. L Do the exercises on the right-hand page. Cl Check your answers with the Key. C) If your answers are not correct, study the left- hand page aga in to see what went wrong. You can of course use the book simply as a reference book without doing the exercises. ... VIII

Additional exercises At the back of the book there are Additional exercises (pages 302-325). These exercises bring together some of the grammar points from a number of different un its. For example, Exercise 16 brings together grammar points from Units 26- 36. You can use these exercises for extra practice after you have studied and practised the grammar in the units concerned. . IX

English Grammar in Use was written as a self-study grammar book, but teachers may also find it useful as additional course material in cases where further work on grammar is necessary. The book will probably be most useful at middle- and upper-intermediate levels (where all or nearly all of the material will be relevant), and can serve both as a basis for revision and as a means for practising new structures. lt w ill also be useful for some more advanced students who have problems with grammar and need a book for reference and practice. The book is not intended to be used by elementary learners. The units are organised in grammatical categories (Present and past, Articles and nouns, Prepositions etc.). They are not ordered according to level of difficulty, so the book should not be worked through from beginning to end. lt should be used selectively and flexibly in accordance with the grammar syllabus being used and the difficulties students are having. The book can be used for immediate consolid ation or for later revision or remedial work. lt might be used by the whole class or by individual students needing extra help. The left-hand pages (explanations and examples) are written for the student to use individually, but they may of course be used by the teacher as a source of ideas and information on which to base a lesson. The student then has the left-hand page as a record of what has been taught and can refer to it in the future. The exercises can be done individually, in class or as homework. Alternatively (and additionally), individual students can be directed to study certain units of the book by themselves if they have particular difficulties not shared by other students in their class. Don't forget the Additional exercises at the back of the book (see To the student) . This fourth edition of English Grammar in Use has been revised and updated. There are no new units, but some of the exercises have been rewritten or replaced. An edition of English Grammar in Use without the Key is available. Some teachers may prefer this for use w ith their students. An on line version of English Grammar in Use is also available. X

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Study this example situation: Sarah is in her car. She is on her way to work. She is driving to work. This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking. The action is not finished. Am/is/are+ -ing is the present continuous: am (=I'm) driving he/she/it is (=he's etc.) working we/you/they are (=we're etc.) doing etc. =I am doing something= I'm in the middle of doing it; I've started doing it and I haven 't finished : Please don't make so much noise. I'm trying t o work. (not I try) 0 'Where's Mark?' 'He's having a shower.' (not He has a shower) 0 Let's go out now. lt isn't raining any more. (not lt doesn't rain) 0 (at a party) Hi, jane. Are you enjoying the party ? (not Do you enjoy) C What's all that noise? What's going on? (=What's happening?} Sometimes the action is not happening at the ti me of speaking. For example: Steve is talking to a friend on the phone. He says: I'm reading a really good book at the moment. it's abou t a man who ... Steve is not reading the book at th e t ime of speaking. He means that he has started it, but has not fi nished it yet. He is in the middle of reading it. Some more examples: 0 Kate wants to work in Italy, so she's Learning Italian. (but perhaps she isn't learning Italian at the time of speaki ng) 0 Some friends of mine are building their own house. They hope to finish it next summer. You can use the present continuous with today I this week I this year et c. (periods around now}: 0 A: You're working hard today. (not You work hard today) s: Yes, I have a lot to do. C The company I work for isn't doing so well this year. We use the present continuous when w e ta lk about changes happening around now, especially with these verbs: get change become increase rise fall grow improve begin start 0 Is your Engli sh getting better? (not Does your English get better) 0 The population of the world is increasing very fast. (not increases) C At first I didn't like my job, but I'm beginning to enj oy it now. (not I begin} Present conti nuous and presen t si mple -+ Units 3-4 Present te nses fo r the future -+ Unit 19

Exercises I. U1nit The sentences on the right follow those on the left. Which sentence goes w ith which? 1 Please don't make so much noise. a lt's getting late. 1 ...f... ... . 2 I need to eat something soon. b They're lying. 3 I don't have anywhere to live right now. c lt's starting to rain. 2 4 We need to leave soon. d They're trying to sell it. 3 5 They don't need their car any more. e I'm getting hungry. 4 6 Things are not so good at work. 5 7 lt isn't true what they sa id. f l'ffi +ClryiAg {9 1V\"f\"0',1..k. 6 8 We're going to get wet . 7 g I'm looking for an apartment. 8 h The company is losing money. Complete the conversations. 1 A: I saw Brian a few days ago. n.eB: Oh, did you? . W~_ QJ./.?.. M~9.- . these days? (what I he I do) A: He's at university. B: ? (what I he I study) A: Psychology. B: ..... ....... it? (he I enjoy) A: Yes, he says it's a very good course. 2 A: Hi , Ni cola. How ......... ............. . ........ ? (your new job I go) s: Not bad. lt wasn't so good at first, but ..... ........... ..... .. better now. (it I get) A: What about Daniel ? Is he OK? s: Yes, but .. .. .... .. ... .... . ...... . his wo rk right now. (he I not I enjoy) He's been in the same job for a long time and .. ............ to get bored with it. (he I begin) Put the verb into the correct form, positive (I'm doing etc.) or negative (I'm not doing etc.). 1 Please don't make so much noise. ......!'m tr~~9.-- - .. (I I t ry) to work. 2 Let's go out now. -~?.YI 1t:. r~Lttg_____ (it I rain) any more. 3 You can turn off t he radio. (I I listen) to it. 4 Kate phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. (she I have) a great t ime and doesn't want to come back. 5 I want to lose weight, so t his week .............. ........ .......... .. ..... (I I eat) lunch. 6 Andrew has just started evening classes. .................. ........ ... (he I learn) Japanese. 7 Paul and Sa lly have had an argument. ... ....... ..................... .. ..... .............. ..... .... ......... (they I speak) to each other. 8 ............. .... (I I get) tired. I need a rest. 9 Tim ....... . .. .................. (work) today. He's taken the day off. 10 .... . . (I I look) for Sophie. Do you know where she is? Complete the sentences using the following verbs: start get increase change rise 1 The population of the world ~s _i,ncr.~mg very fast. 2 The world ......... .................................................. . Things never stay the same. 3 The situation is already bad and it .... .... ..... . ......................... .... worse. 4 The cost of living ..... ........... ............... . Every year things are more expensive. 5 The weather .. . ..... to improve. The rai n has stopped, and the wind isn't as strong. 3

Study this example situation: Alex is a bus driver, but now he is in bed asleep. He is not driving a bus. (He is asleep.) but He drives a bus. (He is a bus driver.) Drive(s)/work(s)/do(es) etc. is t he present simple: 1/we/yo u/they drive/ work/ do etc. he/she/it drives/works/ does etc. We use the present simple to talk about things in general. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly/ or that something is true in general: 0 Nurses Look after patients in hospitals. 0 I usually go away at weekends. 0 The earth goes round the su n. 0 The cafe opens at 7.30 in the morning. Remember: They teach ... but My sist er teaches .. . I work ... but He works ... For spelling (-sor -es), see Appendix 6. We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences: do 1/we/yo u/ they work ? 1/ w e / y o u/ t hey don't work does he/she/ it drive? he/s he / i t doesn't drive do? do 0 I come from Canada. Where do you come from ? 0 I don't go away very often. 0 What does this word mean? (not What means this word?) 0 Rice doesn't grow in cold climates. In the following examples, do is also the main verb (do you do I doesn,t do etc.): U 'What do you do?' 'I work in a shop.' 0 He's always so lazy. He doesn't do anythi ng to help. We use the present simple to say how often we do things: '--' I get up at 8 o'clock every morning. 0 How often do you go to the dentist? C1 julie doesn't drink tea very often. 0 Robert usually goes away two or three times a year. I promise I I apologise etc. Sometimes we do things by saying something. For example, when you promise to do something, you can say 'I promise ... '; when you suggest something, you can say 'I suggest ... ': 0 I promise I won't be late. (not I'm promising) 0 'What do you suggest I do?' 'I suggest that you ... ' In the same way we say: I apologise .. . I I advise ... I I insist ... I I agree ... I I refuse ... etc. Present simple and present continuous -+ Units 3-4 Present t enses for the future -+ Unit 19

Exercises Unit ': 2 Complete the sentences using the following verbs: cause(s) connect(s) drink(s) Live(s) open(s) speak(s) take(s) 1 Tanya ......?.P~?.. ....German very well. 2 I don't often ...... ............ ... coffee. 3 The swimming pool . . ...... .......... at 7.3 0 every morning. 4 Bad driving ... ... .. ......... ...... many accidents. 5 My parents ..... ................. in a very small flat. 6 The Olympic Games .. .................. . ....... .. ...... place every four years. 7 The Panama Canal ............... ..... .. ............. the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Put the verb into the correct form. 1 Julie .....M.e?.n\\ 4r.~k...... (not I drink) tea very often. 2 What time ........ .................... ..................................................... (the banks I dose) here? 3 I've got a car, but I .................. ....................... ..... ... ........ .. (not I use) it much. 4 'Where ... .. .. ..... .. ..... ...... ..... ...... (Ricardo I come) from?' 'From Cuba.' 5 'What .............. .... (you I do)?' Tm an electrician.' 6 lt .................................................................... .................... (take) me an hour to get to work. How long .................................. .......................... ....... ................... (it I take) you? 7 Look at this sentence. What ...................... . ...... ... ....................................... (this word I mean)? 8 David isn't very fit. He .... .... . . ..... .... .. .......... ... (not I do) any sport. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative: believe eat flow make nse tell translate 1 The earth goes round the sun. 7 An interpreter .... ....... ............... from one 2 Rice ..'J,t grow.. in Britain. language into another. 3 The sun ... ............ ......................... .... in the east. 8 Liars are people who ............................. ........ ...... the 4 Bees ................. .... .... ..... ....... ... honey. t ruth. 5 Vegetarians ... . ... meat. 9 The River Amazon ....................................... into 6 An atheist in God. the Atlantic Ocean. You ask Lisa questions about herself and her family. Write the questions. 1 You know that Lisa plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her. How often .. clo yq~ ..P~ ten.D~s...... ? 2 Perhaps Lisa's sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Lisa. .. your sister . . ....... ..... ... ........ ...... ........... .. ......... ...... ......... 7. 3 You know that Lisa reads a newspa per every day. You want to know which one. Ask her. ........................ .......... 7 4 You know that Lisa 's brother works. You want to know wha t he does. Ask Lisa. 7 5 You know that Lisa goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her. 7 .......... ......... • .. • .... .. ••••• •••••••• ••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ·-····· •• ••• •••• .. •• •• • •• • • •••• •• • ••• ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 You don't know where Lisa's grandparents live. You wan t to know. Ask Lisa. 7 Complete using the following: I recommend I suggest I apologise I insist I promise 1 Mr Evans is not in the offi ce today. ....J....sLA.g.g.e~t.... you t ry calling him tomorrow. 2 I won't tell anybody what you sa id. ........ .. ..... . .. .... 3 (in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal. 4 ... ........................ .... ...... for what I did. lt won't happen again. 5 The new resta urant in Hill Street is very good. ........................................................... it. 5

Compare: Present simple (I do) Present continuous (I am doing) We use the simple for things in general or th ings that happen repeatedly. We use the continuous for things happening at or around the time of speaking. The action is not complete. I am doing .__ I do past now future past now future 0 The water is boiling. Can you turn it '--- Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. off? 0 Excuse me, do you speak English ? 0 Listen to those people. What language c lt doesn't rain very much in summer. c What do you usually do at weekends? are they speaking? 0 I always get hungry in the afternoon. 0 Let's go out. lt isn't raining now. 0 Most people Learn to swim when they 0 'I'm busy.' 'What are you doing?' are children. 0 I'm getting hungry. Let's go and eat. ,...-- Every day the popu lation of the world c Kate wants to work in Italy, so she's I._.. Learning Italian. increases by about 200,000 people. c The population of the world is We use the simple for permanent situations: increasing very fast. 0 My parents Live in London. They have We use the continuous for temporary situations: lived there all their lives. C) I'm Living with some friends until I find a place of my own. C joe isn,t lazy. He works hard most of 0 A: You're working hard today. the t ime. B: Yes, I have a lot to do. See Unit 2 for more information . See Unit 1 for more information. I always do and I'm always doing I always do (something) = I do it every time: 0 I always go to work by car. (not I'm always going) 'I 'm always doing something' has a different meaning. For example: I'm always losing things. I'm always Losing things = I lose t hings very often, perhaps too often, or more often than normal. More examples: 0 You're always playing computer games. You should do something more active. (=You play computer gam es too often) 0 Tim is never satisfied. He's always complaining. (=He complains too much) Present continu ous and simple 2 -+ Unit 4 Present t enses for th e fu ture -+ Un it 19

Exercises Unit I. 3 Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. 1 Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. .. Q)( 2 The water boils. Can you turn it off? 3 Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. ...~.s.....b..o.i.U. ng 4 Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? 5 The moon goes round the earth in about 27 days. 6 I must go now. lt gets late. 7 I usually go to work by car. 8 'Hurry up! lt's time to leave.' 'OK, I come.' 9 I hear you've got a new job. How do you get on? 10 Paul is never late. He's always getting to work on time. 11 They don't get on well. They're always arguing. Put the verb into the correct form 1 present continuous or present simple. 1 Let's go out. ..l.t i.,sn 't . r~mg...... (it I not I rain) now. 2 Julia is very good at languages. S.n ~ sp~ s (she I speak) four languages very well. 3 Hurry up! .... .. .............. .... (everybody I wait) for you. 4 ' ... (you I listen) to the radio?' 'No, you can turn it off.' 5 '... ............... (you I listen) to the radio every day?' 'No, just occasionally.' 6 The River Nile ............................................. (flow) into the Mediterranean. 7 The ri ver ............................................... .............. (flow) very fast today- much faster than usual. 8 ....................... ...... ..... . ..... .... ..... .... ............ ....... (we I usually I grow) vegetab les in our garden, but this year ..... ... .... .. .. ...... ..... ...... ... ...... (we I not I grow) any. 9 A: How's your English? s: Not bad. I think ..... ..... .. ......... . ..... .... ... (it I improve) slowly. 10 Rachel is in New York right now. . ..... ........ ..... .. (she I stay) at the Park Hotel. ..... ........ ... ....... (she I always I stay) there when she's in New York. 11 Can we stop walking soon? ........................... ..... ... .............. ..... (I I start) to feel tired. 12 A: Can you drive? s: ............. ........................................................ (I I learn). My father ........................ ......... ........................... (teach) me. 13 Normally ...... . .... ..... . .......................... ............. (I I finish) work at five, but this week ..... ... ....... ..................... (I I work) until six to earn a little more money. 14 My parents ... ............................ (live) in Manchester. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where ................. .... ..... . ....... ... . (your parents I live)? 15 Sonia . ...... . ..... (look) for a place to live. ....... ...... .. .. ...... (she I stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere. 16 A: What .... ........ . .... ... . ...................................... .... .... (your brother I do)? s: He's an architect, but .............................................................................................. (he I not I work) at the moment. 17 (at a party) .. ....... . ....... ................................... . ... ... ...... (I I usually enjoy) parties, but ................................. ..... ... . .............. (I /not I enjoy) th is one very much. Finish B's sentences. Use always -ing. 1 A : I've lost my phone again. s: Not again! . YotA 're o..LN~?....L.o?ill.g .!jOtAr pY!pn~...................... .. 2 A: The ca r has broken down aga in. s: That car is useless. lt ........ .................. . .... 3 A: Look! You've made the same mistake again. s: Oh no, not again! I .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 A: O h, I've forgotten my glasses again. s: Typical! ...................... 7

We use continuous forms for actions and happenings that have started but not finished (they are eating I it is raining etc.). Some verbs (for example, know and Like) are not normally used in this way. We don't say 'I am knowing' or 'they are liking'; we say 'I know', 'they Like'. The following verbs are not normally used in the present continuous: Like want need prefer know realise suppose mean understand believe remember belong fit contain consist seem 0 I'm hungry. I want something to eat. (not I'm wanting) 0 Do you understand what I mean? r-- Anna doesn't seem very happy at the moment. Think When think means 'believe' or 'have an opinion ', we do not use the continuous: lJ I think Mary is Canadian, but I'm not sure. (not I'm thinking) C What do you think of my plan? (=What is your opinion?) When think means 'consider', the continuous is possible: U I'm thinking about what happened. I often think about it. 0 Nicky is thinking of giving up her job. (=she is considering it) See hear smell taste We normally use the present simple (not continuous) with these verbs: U Do you see that man over there? (not Are you seeing) 0 This room smells. Lefs open a window. We often use can + see/ hear/smell/taste: 0 I can hear a strange noise. Can you hear it? Look feel You can use the present simple or continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now: U You Look well today. or You're Looking well today. 0 How do you feel now? or How are you feeling now? but LJ I usually feel tired in the morning. (not I'm usually feeling) He is selfish and He is being selfish He's being= He's behaving I He's acting. Compare: (J I can't understand why he's being so selfish. He isn't usually like that. (being selfish = behaving selfishly at the moment) 0 He never thinks about other people. He is very selfish. (not He is being) (= He is selfish generally, not only at the moment) We use am/is/are being to say how somebody is behaving. lt is not usually possible in other sentences: 0 it's hot today. (not lt is being hot) U Sarah is very tired . (not is being tired) Present continuous and sim ple 1 ~ Unit 3 Have~ Unit 17 Present tenses fo r t he fu ture ~ Unit 19

Exercises Unit 4 Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple. 1 Are you hungry? ......D~!...,HOtA ..v->~t...... (you I want) something to eat? 2 Don't put the dictionary away. ........ ....... (I I use) it. 3 Don 't put the dictionary away. ......... ..... (1 I need) it. 4 Who is that man? What ... .. . ............................. ........... (he I wan t )? 5 Who is that man? Why .... ... .... ...................... ........ . .............. (he I look) at us? 6 Alan says he's 80 years old, but nobody ... . ... ....................... ..... .. .. . ..... (bel ieve) him . 7 She told me her name, but .. ....... ............. ............ (I I not I remem ber) it now. 8 ................ . . .................. ....... (I I think) of sell ing my car. Would you be interested in buy ing it? 9 ..... . ............... (I I think) you shou ld sell your car. .... .... (you I not I use) it very often. 10 Air ............. .. ..... ..................... ........... (consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. Use the words in brackets to make sentences. (You should also study Unit 3 before you do this exercise.) (what I you I do?) (you I not I seem I very happy today) ....Y9~....4Pnlt. s~............ n......X.~M ... CA.f>P~ -~~-'-----· (the di nner I smell I good) (these gloves I not I fit I me) Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. 1 N1.cky .IS t'mg of up her J.Ob. Ok.... .. . ....... .......... .. ..... . ........................ 2 Are yo u beli eving in God? ...... .. ...... . ..... ......................... . 3 I'm feeling hungry. Is t here anything to eat? ..... . ..... .... .. ...... 4 Th is sa uce is great. lt's tasting really good. ... ....................... .. .. . ............. 5 I'm thinking this is your key. Am I right? ................................................................ Complete the sentences using the most suitable form of be. Use am/is/are being (continuous) where possible; otherwise use am/is/are (simple). 1 I ca n't understand why . h e1s___ b@g __ so selfish. He isn't usually like that. 2 Sa rah ...... .... . .. . .. very nice to me at the moment. I wonder w hy. 3 Yo u'll like Sophi e w hen you meet her. She .. ....................... ............................. very n1ce. 4 You're usually very patient, so w hy ..... ..... . ................................. ........ so unreasona ble about waiting ten more minutes? 5 Why isn't Steve at w ork today? .................. . ill? 9

Study this example: ~0 756-179~00 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He Lived from 1756 to 1791. He started composing at the age of five and wrote more than 600 pieces of music. He was only 35 years old when he died . lived/ started/ wrote/ was/ died are all past simple. Very often the past simple ends in -ed (regular verbs) : 0 I work in a travel agency now. Before that I worked in a department store. 0 We invited them to our party, but they decided not to come. 0 The police stopped me on my way home last night. 0 Laura passed her exam because she studied very hard. For spelling (stopped, studied etc.), see Appendix 6. But many verbs are irregular. The past simple does not end in -ed. For example: write --1 wrote 0 Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. see ~ saw 0 We saw Tanya in town a few days ago. go ~ went C) I went to the cinema three times last week. shut ~ shut 0 lt was cold, so I shut the window. In questions and negatives we use did/didn't+ infinitive (enjoy/see/go etc.) : she enjoyed you enjoy? I didn't enjoy they saw did she see ? she see went they go 0 they go? 0 A: Did you go out last night? 0 a: Yes, I went to the cinema, but I didn't enjoy the film much. 0 'When did MrThomas die?' 'About ten years ago.' They didn't invite us to the party, so we didn't go. 'Did you have time to do the shopping?' 'No, I didn't.' In the following examples, do is the main verb in the sentence (did ... do I didn't do): 0 What did you do at the weekend? (not What did you at the weekend?) 0 I didn't do anything. (not I didn't anything) The past of be (am/is/are) is was/were: 1/he/she/it was/wasn't was 1/he/she/it? we/you/they were/ weren't were we/you/they? Note that we do not use did in negatives and questions with was/were: 0 I was angry because they were late. 0 Was the weather good when you were on holiday? 0 They weren't able to come because they were so busy. 0 Did you go out last night or were you too tired? Past simple and past continuous _. Unit 6 Past simple and presen t perf ect _. Units 12- 14

Exercises Read what Laura says about a typical working day: I usually get up at 7 o'clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45 . I never have lunch. I finish .__\"\"\" work at 5 o'clock. I'm always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I don't usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 o'clock, and I always sleep well. Laura Yesterday was a typical working day for Laura. Write what she did or didn't do yesterday. 1 ~h~. _gpt- (Ap at 7 o'clock. 7 ........ ....... .. .......... ....... ........... at 5 o'clock. 2 She .. . a big breakfast. 8 ... ...tired when ... home. 3 She .... . ..... ....... ........ . .... ... ........... 9 .... ........ .......... a mea l yesterday evening. 4 lt .... ......... .... .... ....... ..... ..... ........ ... to get to work. 10 ............... .............. ......................... ... out yesterday evening. 5 ..................................... ............................... .. .... ....... at 8.45. 11 ................ ........ ...................... ............................. at 11 o'clock. 6 .. ... .. ... lunch. 12 ............. .... well last night. Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form: ·write buy catch cost fall hurt sell spend teach throw 1 Mozart ~li\"O~ more than 600 pieces of music. 2 ' How did you learn to drive?' 'My father . .......... me.' 3 We couldn't afford to keep our car, so we ... . ..... . it. 4 Dave ...... ............. ................... down the stairs this morning and ... ............. ................ his leg. 5 joe ..................... .................... the ball to Sue, who .. ..... ... .... ............... it. 6 Ann .......... ......... ...... a lot of money yesterday. She . ... ........... a dress which ........... ..... .. ..... £100. You ask James about his holiday. Write your questions. Hi. How are things? Fine, thanks. I've just had a great holiday. 1 Where ......cLUL ~ou... go... ? To the U.S. We went on a trip from San Francisco to Denver. 2 How ............... . ....... ............ ..... ... . .................... ........ . ? By car? Yes, we hired a car in San Francisco. 3 lt's a long way to drive. How long ....... .......... .. .................... ......... . ..... ......................... to get to Denver? Two weeks. 4 Where ........... ? In hotels? Yes, small hotels or motels. 5 .. ........................ ....... .. ........ . .... ... ... . .............. ... good? Yes, but it was very hot - sometimes too hot. 6 ............ the Grand Canyon ? Of co urse. lt was wonderful. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative. 1 lt was warm, so I J-99.~ off my coat. (take) 2 The film wasn't very good. I . d.i.4-D.~.t. _e~o~ it much. (enjoy) 3 I knew Sarah was busy, so I .... .. . .. ..................... .. . ....................... her. (disturb) 4 We were very tired, so we ...... .. ........ ........... ............... the party ea rly. (leave) 5 The bed was very uncomfortable. I.... ........... ....... .................................................... well. (sleep) 6 The wi ndow was open and a bird ................. . . .... .. ........... ..... .... . . into the room. (fly) 7 The hotel wasn't very expensive. lt .. ..... . ..... . ......... . ............. much to stay there. (cost) 8 I was in a hurry, so I....... . . ..... .... ... ........... time to phone you. (have) 9 lt was hard carrying the bags. They .............. ... ...... ......................... .. ................ very heavy. (be) 11

Study this example situation: Yesterday Karen and jim played te nn is. They started at 10 o'clock and finished at 11.30. So, at 10.30 they were playing tennis. They were playing = they were in the middle of playing. They had not finished playing. Was/were -ing is the past continuous: 1/he/she/ it was playing doing we/you/they were working etc. Iwas doing something= I was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time, but had not finished: Istarted doing Iwas doing Ifinished doing now • ~ ·~ • past past 0 This time last year I was living in Brazil. C What were you doing at 10 o'clock last night? 0 Iwaved to Helen, but she wasn't looking. Compare the past continuous (I was doing) and past simple (I did): Past continuous (in the middle of an action) Past simple (complete action) C I was walking home when I met Dan. 0 Iwalked home after the party last night. (in the middle of walking home) (=all the way, completely) 0 Kate was watching TV when we 0 Kate watched television a lot when she arrived. was ill last year. We often use the past simple and the past continuous together to say that something happened in the middle of something else: 0 Matt phoned while we were having dinner. 0 lt was raining when Igot up. 0 Isaw you in the park yesterday. You were sitting on the grass and reading a book. 0 I hurt my back while I was working in the garden. But we use the past simple to say that one thing happened after another: 0 I was walking along the road when Isaw Dan. So Istopped, and we had a chat. Compare: 0 When Karen arrived, we were having C When Karen arrived, we had dinner. dinner. (= we had already started (= Karen arrived , and then we had before she arrived) dinner) Some verbs (for example, know and want) are not normally used in the continuous (see Unit 4A): ~ We were good friends. We knew each other well. (not We were knowing) 0 I was enjoying the party, but Chris wanted to go home. (not was wanting)

Exercises · Unit 6 What were you doing at these times? Write sentences as in the examples. The past continuous is not always necessary (see the second example). 1 (at 8 o'clock yesterday evening) ....1....vv.~ ho...vmg....~rter.. ........... ...... .... .... .... .. .......................... 2 (at 5 o'clock last Monday) I w~ .O.n Q.- ..b<As qn___ m!:J w~ n.9rr..~..... ... . ...... .............. .... . . . ..... .. 3 (at 10.15 yesterday morning) ... ................... .. . ...... ...................... ........ ..... ....... .. ................ .......... ...................... .. 4 (at 4.30 this morning) .......... ...... .. ....... . .......... .... ..... . ..... .......... . ..... . ................... . .... . .................. .. 5 (at 7.45 yesterday evening) .. . ......... ...... .. .. . ....... ....................... ...................................................... ........... 6 (half an hour ago) .................... ........ . ....... ...... ........... .. .. .. .... ...... ........ ...... .. .. ... . ...... . Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past continuous. 1 Matt phoned while we .... W.~e... ho...v.~g.. ~ner... ......... .............................. ............ ................. .......... .................. . 2 The doorbell rang while I .. ...... ....... .................... . .. .................... ...... . ...... . ..... ................. . 3 The car began to make a strange noise when we ....... ... .. ........... .. ... ...... ..... ........ ...... . 4 jessica fell asleep whi le she .. ...... ............ ...... . ... .... .. .. ..... ..... .. . ..... ... ....... . ..... .. ..... . . ........ .... .. .................... . 5 The television was on, but nobody ........................................ ................................................................................................................... . Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple. w <1 Gates 1-10 I s~....... (see) Sue in town I ........................ .................... (meet) I ..... .......................... (cycle) home yesterday, but she .............. Tom and jane at the airport a yesterday when a man ... ... ............ (not I see) me. She few weeks ago. They ...... ... ........... .... (step) out (look) the other way. .... ................. (go) to Paris and into the road in front of me. I I .... ..... ..... . .................. ... (go) ......... . ............ (go) quite fast, to Rome. We ...... ............... (have) but luckily I........................................... a chat while we ........................ (manage) to stop in time and ............ ......... (wait) for our flights . ..... .... (not I hit) him. Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple. 1 jenny ......IN.~?....NP,W.g...... (wait) for me when I Q-rrir.v~ (arrive). 2 'What .......... ...... .. .. ....... ..... (you I do) at this time yesterdayt 'I was asleep.' 3 ' .... ............................................. (you I go) out last night?' 'No, I was too tired .' 4 How fast ........... ... ...................... ..... . .. . ......... .... ..... (you I drive) when the accident ............................................... (happen) ? 5 Sam . ... ....... ..... ................. (take) a picture of me while I ... ....................... . .... .. ...................... .... .......... (not I look). 6 We were in a very difficult position. We ..... ........ .......... ....... . ..................... (not I know) what to do. 7 I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last ....... .......... ... .. . (see) him, he ........... ............................. ................. (try) to find a job. 8 I. . ...... ............ ........ ..... ...................... (walk) along the street when suddenly I ....... . ..... . ........ . ............. .. (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ..... ............... . . ........ ............. ... . (follow) me. Iwas scared and I .................................. (start) to run. 9 When I was young, I ............................. .................. .. ... .... (want) to be a pilot. 10 Last night I............................................................. (drop) a plate when I................................................................... (do) the washing-up. Fortunately it .. .. ...... .............. . .. ............ (not I break). -t Additional exercise 1 (page 302) 13

Study this example situation: Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. He has Lost his key. He has Lost his key= He lost it recently, and he still doesn't have it. Have/has Lost is the present perfect simple: 1/we/they/you have (=I 've etc.) finished he/she/it has (= he's etc.) Lost done been etc. The present perfect simple is have/has+ past participle. The past participle often ends in -ed (finished/decided etc.), but many important verbs are irregular (Lost/done/written etc.). For a list of irregular verbs, see Appendix 1. When we say that 'something has happened', this is usually new information: 0 Owl I've cut my finger. 0 The road is closed. There's been (there has been) an accident. 0 (from the news) Police have arrested two men in connection with the robbery. When we use the present perfect, there is a con nection with now. The action in the past has a result now: 0 'Where's your key?' 'I don 't know. I've Lost it.' (=I don't have it now) 0 He told me his name, but I've forgotten it. (= I can't remember it now) 0 'Is Sally here?' 'No, she's gone out.' (=she is out now) 0 I can't find my bag. Have you seen it? (= Do you know where it is now?) Note the difference between gone (to) and been (to): 0 james is on holiday. He has gone to Italy. (= he is there now or on his way there) 0 Jane is back home now. She has been to Italy. (=she has now come back) You can use the present perfect with just, already and yet. just = a short time ago: 0 'Are you hungry?' 'No, I've just had lunch.' 0 Hello. Have you just arrived? We use already to say that something happened sooner than expected: 0 'Don't forget to pay your electricity bill.' 'I 've already paid it.' 0 'What time is Mark leaving?' 'He's already Left.' Yet = until now. Yet shows that the speaker is expecting something to happen. Use yet only in questions and negative sentences: 0 Has it stopped raining yet? 0 I've written the emai l, but I haven't sent it yet. You can also use the past simple (did, went, had etc.) in the examples on this page. So you can say: 0 ' Is Sally here?' 'No, she went out.' or 'No, she's gone out.' 0 'Are you hungry?' 'No, I just had lunch.' or 'No, I've just had lunch.' Present pe rfect ~ Units 8, 11 Been to~ Units 8A, 126A Present perfect co ntinuous ~ Units 9- 10 Present perfect and past ~ Units 12- 14 Yet and already~ Unit 111 American English ~ Appendix 7

Exercises Unit 7 Read the situations and write sentences. Use the following verbs in the present perfect: . arnve break fall go up grow 1mprove lose 1 Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. Tom .....h.~? . Lo~ t. .b ~s.....k~ .:. 2 Lisa can't walk and her leg is in plaster. 3 Last week the bus fare was £1 .80 . Now it is £2. Lisa .................... ..... ............................................. 4 Maria's English wasn't very good. Now it is better. The bus fa re ........................................ ................ 5 Dan didn't have a beard before. Now he has a beard. Her English ............................................................... 6 This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. Dan ........ ..... ....................................... 7 The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12. The letter ..... . ....................... . ....... ............... The ............. .................................................................... Put in been or gone. 1 James is on holiday. He's ..gone . to Italy. 2 Hello! I've just ........... ... to the shops. I've bought lots of things. 3 Alice isn't here at the moment. She's ..... .......... the shop to get a newspaper. 4 Tom has ..................................... out. He'll be back in about an hour. 5 'Are you going to the bank?' 'No, I've already ..... . ....................... ..... to the bank.' - Complete B's sentences. Make sentences from the words in brackets. A B 1 Would you like something to eat? 2 Do you know where Julia is? No, th anks. .1..\\~ j~st. h~ ..W..nQ1..~. 3 What time is David leaving? 4 What's in the newspaper today? (I I just I have I lunch) 5 Is Sue com ing to the cinema with us? 6 Are your friends here yet? Yes, .................................. ........................................................ ......................... 7 What does Tim think about your plan ? (I I just I see I her) (he I already I leave) I don't know. ............................................................... ................................ (I I not I read I it yet) No, ....... ............ ...... (she I already I see I the film) Yes, ........................................................................................................................ ~ (they I just I arrive) (we I not I tell I him y et) Read the situations and write sentences with just, already or yet. 1 After lunch you go to see a fri end at her house. She says, 'Would you like somethi ng to eat?' You say: No thank you. . 1:.v.e J~.s.t.. .n~ wn<J:J...... . (have lunch) 2 joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the ca ller says, 'Can I speak to joe?' You say: I'm afraid .... ........... .... .... ................................. .. .. ...................... .......... ......... .................. ......................................... . (go out) 3 You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plat e away. You say: Wait a minute! ................ ..... . .. ................. . (not I finish) 4 You plan to eat at a restaurant tonight. You phoned to reserve a table. Later your friend says, 'Shall I phone to reserve a table?' You say: N o, ............ ............ ......................... ........... .... ....... ................. ...... . (do it) 5 You know that a friend of yours is looking for a place t o live. Perhaps she has been successfu l. Ask her. You say: .. ....... ............ . ................... .. ..................... ...... ................ ... .... ... .......... ? (find) 6 You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks, 'Where are you going for your holid ay?' You say: ...................... ... . ........ ..................... . ........................ ..... .... ........... .... . (not I decide) 7 Linda went shopp ing, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks, 'I s Li nda still out shoppi ng?' You say: N o, .... ....................... ..... .. ....... ... .. ..... ................ . (come back) 15

Study this example conversation: DAVE: Have you travelled a lot, jane? jane's life JANE: Yes, I've been to lots of places. DAVE: Really? Have you ever been to China? (a period until now) JANE: Yes, I've been to China twice. DAVE: What about India? past now JANE: No, I haven't been to India. When we talk about a period of time that continues from the past until now, we use the present perfect (have been I have traveLLed etc.). Here, Dave and jane are talking about the places jane has visited in her life, which is a period that continues until now. Some more examples: ~ Have you ever eaten caviar? C We've never had a car. C 1Have you read Hamlet?' I No, I haven't read any of Shakespeare's plays.' '= Susan really loves that film. She's seen it eight times! 0 What a boring film! lt's the most boring film I've ever seen. Been (to)= visited: Cl I've never been to China. Have you been there? In the following examples too, the speakers are talking about a period that continues until now (recently I in the Last few days I so far I since breakfast etc.): ~ Have you heard anything from Brian recently? recently ___., - in the last few days ..... C I've met a lot of people in the Last few days. - - since breakfast 0 Everything is going well. We haven't had any problems so far. 0 I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. past now (=from breakfast until now) 0 lt's good to see you again. We haven't seen each other for a Long time. In the same way we use the present perfect with today I this evening I this year etc. when these periods are not finished at the time of speaking (see also Unit 14B): 0 I've drunk four cups of coffee today. - - - - today --·~ \\ • 0 Have you had a holiday this year? C I haven't seen Tom this morning. Have you? past now U Rob hasn't worked very hard this term. We say: lt's the (first) time something has happened. For example: This is t he first time 0 Don is having a driving lesson . lt's his first one. lt's the first time he has driven a car. (not drives) or He has never driven a car before. 0 Sarah has lost her passport again. This is the second time this has happened. (not happens) C Bill is phoning his girlfriend again. That's the third time he's phoned her this evening. Prese nt perfect 1 _. Unit 7 Present pe rfect+ for/ since_. Units 11- 12 Present perfect and past _. Units 12-14

Exercises You ask people about things they have done. Write questions with ever. 1 (ride I horse?) .. .H~Y.~...H9.0 .. ever..r.~Y1. ~. rw.r.~.~.?.... .... ..... .. .... . . ..... . . . . . . .. .. ................... ........................... 2 (be I California?) Have ....... ... ..... ............. .. .. ......... ..... ...................... ...... .............. ..... ............................ 3 (run I marathon?) .... ........... ....... ...................... 4 (speak I famous person?) ............................................ ............................................................................................... ...... ................. 5 (most beautiful place I visit?) Whafs ............................................................................................... ......... .............................. Complete B's answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative. Use these verbs: be be eat happen have have meet play read see try A B 1 What's Mark's sister like? 2 Is everything going well? I've no idea. I\\e n~v.~.. met her. 3 Are you hungry? 4 Can you play chess? Yes, we .. h.~v~n~t- bAA...... any problems so far. 5 Are you enjoying your holiday? Yes. I .................................. ......................................... much today. 6 What's that book like? 7 Is Brussels an interesting place? Yes, but ....... .... for ages. 8 I hear your car broke down Yes, it's the best holiday . ..... . ... .. .. ................... for a again yesterday. long time. 9 Do you like caviar? 10 Mike was late for work again today. I don't know. ............................................ .......................... it. 11 Who's that woman by the door? I've no idea. t h ere. Yes, it's the second time .... this month. I don't know. ...................................................................... it. Again? He lat e every day this week. I don't know. .. ............................................................ her before. Write four sentences about yourself. Use I haven't and choose from the boxes. used a computer travelled by bus eaten any fruit today been to the cinema read a book lost anything this week recently 2 ..... .... .......................................... . for ages 3 ............................. ....................................... 4 ............................................................................................................................................................................. .... ................... ............. SinCe ... 5 ...................................................................................................................................................... .. this year Read the situations and write sentences as shown in the example. 1 jack is driving a car, but he's very nervous and not sure w hat to do. You ask: .. ...H.~Y.e HO.(A....~r.~Y.~Y.I... c&...QA.r....P.~fo.r~.?................................................................................................... ......................... He says: .....No.). tn.~~....~?......t.h ~.. fir.~t. @. ~ !.~v~. clt:~v.~n...~ . CQ-.f.... ......... .......... .. ...... . . ..... . ... ..... ... .. ................. 2 Ben is playing t ennis. He's not good at it and he doesn't know the rules. You ask: Have ....................... .. . ..................... .... . ..... .... ......... . He says: No, this is the first ..... ................. .... .... ... . .... . .... .. ......... .. . ........ ...................... ............................. 3 Sue is ridin g a horse. She doesn't look very confident or comfortab le. You ask: .... .. ....... .... . .............. ..... ......... ............ .... ... ........................ .... . ....................... . .... ... ..................... . ......................... She says: . 4 Maria is in Japan . She has j ust arrived and it's very new for her. Yo u ask: ............................................................................... .... ............................................................................................................................................ She says: ...... .... ........................... .......... ................................. .............................. ............ ................. .... .. .... ......... .... . ........................... 17

lt has been raining Study this example situation: Is it rai ning? No, but the ground is wet . lt has been raining. Have/ has been -ing is the present perfe ct continuous: r-- I I, doing have (= I ve et c.) b .. 1/we/ they/you has (-- he,s et c.) een I wLaata. ng he/s he / i t _ _ -____._I -----'--p ayang etc. We use the present perfect continuous for an activity t hat has recently stopped or just stopped. There is a connection with now: 0 You 're out of breath . Have you been running? (= you're out of breath now) 0 Paul is very tired. He's been working very hard. (= he's tired now) C Why are your clot hes so dirty? What have you been doing? 0 I've been talking to Amanda about the problem and she agrees with me. 0 Where have you been ? I've been Looking for you everywhere. lt has been raining for two hours. Study this example situation: lt began raining two hours ago and it is still raining. How long has it been raining? lt has been raining for t wo hours. We use the present perfect cont inuous in t his way especially w ith how Long, for ... and since .... The activity is still happening (as in th is exam ple) or has just stopped. 0 How Long have you been Learning English? (=you're still learning English) 0 Tim is still wat ching TV. He's been watching TV aLL day. 0 Where have you been ? I've been Looking for y ou for the Last half hour. 0 Chris hasn't been feeling well recently. You ca n use the present perfect cont inu ous for actions repea t ed over a period of time: 0 Silvia is a very good t ennis player. She's been playing since she was eight. 0 Every morning they meet in t he sa me cafe. They've been going t here for years. Compare I am doing (see Unit 1) and I have been doing: I I have been doing present perfect continuous I am doing now •present continuous now C I've been working hard. Now I'm going C Don 't distu rb m e now. I'm working. t o have a break. C We need an umbrella. lt 's raining. C Th e grou nd is wet. lt's been raining. C Hurry up! We're waiting. C We've been waiting for an hour. Present perfect continuous and simple -+ Units 10- 11 Present perfect+ for/ since -+ Unit s 11- 12

Exercises What have these people been doing or what has been happening? CD earlier noijearlier ~I They .... ~Y.~....~e:e:~·:t ?.h.O..P..P.Lr\\9..~................................................... She ................................................................................................................. w (1) now earlier earlier They .......................................................................................................... H e ............... ......................................... ................ ................ ......... ..... Write a question for each situation. 1 You m eet Paul as he is leaving the swim ming pool. You ask: (you I swim?) .....H.q._y~_ .~9-~....~-~....? .................................................................... ........................... 2 You have just arrived to m eet a friend w ho is w ait ing f or y ou . You ask: (you I wa it I lo ng?) .......................... .................................... .................................................................................... 3 You m eet a fri end in the st reet . His face and hands are very dirt y. You ask: (w hat I you I do?) .. .... ........... .... ... .. . .. .... ........................................................... 4 A fri end of yours is now working in a shop. You want t o know how lo ng. You ask: (how long I yo u I work I there?) .................................................................................. ............................ ......................... 5 A fri end t ells you about hi s j o b- he sells m o bile phones. You want t o know how lo ng. You ask: (how long I you I sell I m obile phones?) .............. ................................................................................... . Read the situations and complete the sentences. 1 lt's raining. The ra in st arted t wo hours ago. lt ..).?.. l?.~n rW.Lng..... for two hours. 2 W e are waiting fo r the bus. We started wa iting 20 mi nutes ago. W e ..................... ........ ................... .... . ... ................. ...... for 20 minutes. 3 I'm lea rni ng Spanish. I start ed classes in December. I ................... .............. ......................................... .......................................... ...... ....................................... since December. 4 Jess ica is working in a supermarket. She started w orking t here on 18 Jan uary. .... ................ ..... ................... ...................... ... ... ......... .... ............. since 18 January. 5 Our fri ends always spend t heir holidays in It aly. They started going t here years ago. .... .......................... ................................... ... . . ....................... ... . ................................................... for years. Put the verb into the present continuous (I am -ing) or present perfect continuous (I have been - ing). 1 .....M~-~ ..h<AS J?.~..--~.Y.\\4-lg... (M aria I learn) English for two years. 2 Hello, Tom. . ....... .. .........._ .. . . .... ........... ....... (I I look) for you. Where have you been ? 3 Why ......................... ............................................................................ (you I look) at me like t hat? St op it ! 4 Linda is a t eacher. .............................................................................................. (she I t each) for t en years. 5 ...... . .. . ...... . ... . .............. (I I th in k) about w hat you said and I've deci ded t o take you r advice. 6 'Is Paul on holiday t his week?' 'N o, .................... ...... ........................ ............ ........... ............ (he I work) .' 7 Sarah is very ti red . ....................... ....... .............................. . .. ................................ (she I work) very hard recently. 19

Study this example situation : I've painted my bedroom. I've been painting my bedroom. There is paint on Kate's clothes. Her bedroom was green. Now it is yellow. She has been painting her bedroom. She has painted her bedroom. Has been painting is the present perfect Has painted is the present perfect simple. continuous. Here, the important thing is that something We are thinking of the activity. lt does not has been finished . Has painted is a completed matter whether it has been finished or not. action . We are interested in the result of In this example, the activity (painting the the activity (the painted bedroom), not the bedroom) has not been finished. activity itself. Compare these examples: C My bike is OK again now. I've Q My hands are very dirty. I've been repaired it. repairing my bike. C Somebody has eaten all the ,-. joe has been eating too much recently. chocolates. The box is empty. He should eat less. I\\ lt's nice to see you again. What have C Where's the book I gave you? What you been doing since we last met? have you done with it? 0 Where have you been? Have you been C Have you ever played tennis? playing tennis? We use the continuous to say how long We use the simp le to say how much, how many or how many times: (for something that is still happening): ..= How much of that book have you read ? '--- How long have you been reading that C Lisa is writing emails. She's sent lots of book? emails this morning. Cl Lisa is writing emai ls. She's been C They've played tenni s three times this writing emai ls all morning. week. 0 They've been playing tennis since C I'm learning Arabic, but I haven't learnt 2 o'clock. very much yet. 0 I'm learning Arabic, but I haven't been Learning it very long. Some verbs (for example, know/Like/ believe) are not normally used in the continuous: ..__, I've known about the problem for a long time. (not I've been knowing) 0 How long have you had that camera? (not have you been having) For a list of these verbs, see Unit 4A. For have, see Unit 17. But note that you can use want and mean in the present perfect continuous: U I've been meaning to phone Jane1 but I keep forgetting. Present perfect simple -+ Units 7- 8 Present perfect conti nuous -+ Unit 9 Present per fect+ for/ since-+ Units 11- 12

Exercises Read the situation and complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets. 1 Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it and now he is on page 53 . .H~ . n~ ..P..~Y.1.. x-.~9 - ... for two hours. (read) H~ h_0::?. r.~--- · 53 pages so far. (read) 2 Rachel is from Australia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began her trip three months ago. She ........ .... ................................................................. .... ............. ................................................................. for three months. (travel) .. . ... ... . ..................... ........ . ...... . .......... ........... ....... ....... ... . . ........ ........................................ six countries so far. (visit) 3 Patrick is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old. This year he won the national championship again- for the fourth time. .. . ...... ....... . ........................................ .. . ..... .... the national championship four times. (win) .... ..... . ....... ......... ....................... ........ ..... . .... .. ................................................ since he was ten. (play) 4 When they left college, Lisa and Sue started making films together. They still make films. They ..... . ...... ...................... ....... ......... .... ..... ... . ..... ............films since they left college. (make) ... ...... . .. ........... ........................................ ..... .. .... .... ..... ..... . . .. .. .. .. ....... five films since they left college. (make) For each situation, ask a question using the words in brackets. 1 You have a fri end who is learning Arabic. You ask: (how long I learn I Arabic?) .....H9~..JP.rg...b.0:-v.~. !:1q~.. P..~r,l....~Y.1.0.9....A.r.0.:b.~?................ ............... ..................... 2 You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask: (wait I long?) Have ................................... ...... . ................................................................................................... .. 3 You see somebody fishing by the river. You ask: (catch I any fish ?) ... 4 Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask: (how many people I invite?) 5 A friend of yours is a teacher. You ask: (how long I teach?) ............. ... ... .. . 6 You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask: (how many books I write?) ....................... ...... .. ... .... . ...... . ...... ......... ........... ............... ...... ... ........ ......................... .. (how long I write I books?) ...... .. ..... . .... . .......... ... ..... ............................................................................................. . ...... ...... . 7 A friend of yours is saving money to go on a world trip . You ask: (how long I save?) .............................................................................................................................................. ............................. ..... .... ...................... (how much money I save?) ...................... ........... ......................................................................................................... ............. ....................... Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple (I have done) or continuous (I have been doing) . 1 Where have you been? ... H~ye __ yq~--- ~ ~Y.1 . P~~g . (you I play) tennis? 2 Look! .................................. ........ (somebody I break) that window. 3 You look tired. ........................................... . ..... (you I work) hard? 4' ...... .... .......... ....... . .... ....... (you I ever I work) in a factory ?' 'No, never.' 5 'Liz is away on holiday.' 'Is she ? Where ... .... . . ..... . .... (she I go) ?' 6 My brother is an actor. .... .... ........................................................................... (he I appear) in severa l films. 7 'Sorry I'm late.' 'That's all right. ............................................................................................... (I I not I wa it) long.' 8 'I s .1t st1'll ?. ' 'N o, ........ .......... .. ........ ......... ... . .... .. . .... ('1t I stop).I 9 ........... ... .... ......... ................................... (I I lose) my phone. . ........ ..................................................................................... (you I see) it anywhere? 10 ..................................................... .................................. (I I read) the book you lent me, but ........................................................................................... (I I not I finish) it yet. it's very interesting. 11 ....................................................................................... (I I read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now. 12 This is a very o ld book. ..... ......................................... ... (I I have) it since I was a chi ld . 21

Study this example situation: Dan and jenny are married. They got married exactly 20 years ago, so today is their 20th wedding anniversary. They have been married for 20 years . We say: They are married. (present) but How long have they been married? (present perfect) (not How long are they married?) They have been married for 20 years. (not They are married for 20 years) We use the present perfect to talk about something that began in the past and still continues now. Compare the present and the present perfect: present C Paul is in hospital. he is do you know but He's been in hospital since Monday. (=He has been ...) she is waiting (not Paul is in hospital since Monday) 0 Do you know each other well? but Have you known each other for a Long time? present perfect 0 (not Do you know) he has been have you known but She's waiting for somebody. she has been waiting She's been waiting aLL morning. 0 Do they have a car? past now but How Long have they had their car? I have known/ had/ Lived etc. is the present perfect simple. I have been Learning I been waiting I been doing etc. is the present perfect continuous. When we ask or say 'how long', the continuous is more usua l (see Unit 10): CJ I've been learning English for six months. 0 lt's been raining since Lunchtime. 0 Richard has been doing the same job for 20 years. 0 'How long have you been driving?' 'Since I was 17.' Some verbs (for example, know/Like/believe) are not normally used in the continuous: 0 How long have you known jane? (not have you been knowing) 0 I've had a pain in my stomach all day. (not I've been having) See also Units 4A and 10C. For have, see Unit 17. You can use either the present perfect continuous or simple with live and work: C julia has been Living I has Lived here for a long time . 0 How long have you been working I have you worked here? But use the si mple (I've Lived I I've done etc.) with always: 0 I've always Lived in the country. (not always been living) We say 'I haven't done something since/for .. .' (present perfect simple): G I haven't seen Tom since Monday. (= Monday was the last t ime I saw him) C Sarah hasn't phoned for ages. (=the last time she phoned was ages ago) I haven't ... since/for~ Unit 8B Present perfect continu ou s ~ Units 9- 10 For and since ~Unit 12A

Exercises Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. 1 Ben is a friend of mine. I know him very well. ... Q~ .................. ...................................... ..... ..... .................. 2 Ben is a frie nd of mine. I know him for a long time. l lve, kY\\o~n him ................... 3 Sarah and Adam are married since Ju ly. .............. ...... . .......... . . 4 The wea ther is awful. lt's raining again. . .................... ..... .... ..................... . ....... ............... 5 The weather is awful. lt's raining all day. .............. ............................................................................................... 6 I like your house. How long are you living there? 7 Gary is wo rking in a shop for the last few months. ......... ..... .... ............. .. .. ... ....... ..... . .............. . 8 I don't know Tom well. We've only met a few times. .......... ... ...... ............................ 9 I gave up drinking coffee. I don't drink it for a yea r. .... ...... ... ...................... ...... .............................................................. 10 Thafs a very old bike. How long do you have it? .. .... . ................ ..... .... ................................................... Read the situations and write questions from the words in brackets. 1 A friend tells you that Paul is in hospital. You ask him: (how long I be I in hospital?) ... HO.N hCA-?....P.@.~.. b~n .~ ...h9.?.PW? ........................ ................................... 2 You meet a woman who tells you that she teaches English. You ask her: (how long I teach I English?) .......... ... . ...... . ........ . ...... . ..... .......... .. 3 You know that j ane is a good friend of Katherine's. You ask jane: (how long I know I Katherine?) ...................... .. ... ...... . .... ....................... ... ....................................................... 4 Your friend's brother went to Australia some time ago and he's still there. You ask your friend: (how long I be I in Australia?) ......... ... ....... . ... ... . ......... .......... .... ............... 5 Tom always wears the same jacket. lt's a very old jacket. You ask him: (how long I have I that jacket?) ..................... . .... . ..... ............. .. ...... ................... ............................. 6 Yo u are talking to a friend about joe. joe now works at the airport. You ask your frie nd: (how long I work I at the airport?) ...... ..... .... .... . . .. ........... ..... ... ......... ... ...... ...................... ..... 7 A friend of yours is having guitar lessons. You ask him: (how long I have I guitar lessons?) ................. 8 You meet somebody on a plane. She says that she lives in Chi cago. You ask her: (always I live I in Chicago?) .... .. .. ................... .. ................................................................. ................................................................... Complete B's answers to A's questions. A B 1 Paul is in hospital, isn't he ? Yes, he .. h. o....s ..b..e...,e.,.n.... ·m hosp1·tal s·mce Monday. 2 Do you see Ann very often? No, I h ~y_~\\.. s ~ . her for three months. 3 Is Amy married? 4 Are you wait ing for me? Yes, she ...... ......................... married for ten years. 5 You know Mel, don't yo u? 6 Do you sti ll play tennis? Yes, I . ........................... ........................................... for the last half hour. 7 Is joe watching TV? 8 Do you watch TV a lot? Yes, we ...................................................... each other a long time. 9 Do you have a headache? 10 Adrian is never ill, is he? No, I . ........... ...... .. ................ . . .... . .. tennis for years. 11 Are you feeling ill ? 12 Sue li ves in Berlin, doesn't she? Yes, he ......................... ................................ ...................... TV all eveni ng. 13 Do you go to the cinema a lot? No, I ............................................................................................. ............... TV for ages. 14 Would you like to go to New Yes, I .. . a headache all morning. York one day? .I No, he .. ill since I've known him. Yes, I ...................................................................................................... ill all day. Yes, she ........................ ....... ................................ .................. in Berlin for the last few years. No, I .. ........................ ... . ................................ .. to the cinema for ages. Yes, I ... ... ...... .. ..... ...... ................. ....... .. .. to go to New York. (use always I want) 23

We use for and since to say how long something has been happening. We use for + a period of time (two hours, six We use since+ the start of a period weeks etc.): (8 o'clock, Monday, 1999 et c.): 0 I've been waiting for two hours. 0 I've been waiting since 8 o'clock. for two hours since 8 o'clock twohou~ago---------~~now 8 o'clock ----------~~ now two hours for five days 8 o'clock since 12 May a long time 20 minutes 50 years April Christmas a week y ears lunchtime Monday I got up six months 2001 ages we arrived 0 Sally has been working here for six 0 Sally has been working here since April. months. (not since six months) (=from April until now) 0 I haven't seen Tom for three days. C I haven't seen Tom since Monday. lt is possible to leave out for (but not usually in negative sentences): 0 They've been married (for) ten years. (with or without for) 0 They haven't had a holiday for ten years. (you must use for) We do not use for+ all ... (all day I all my life etc.): 0 I've lived here all my life. (not for all my life) You can use in instead of for in negative sentences (I haven't ... etc.): G They haven't had a holiday in ten years. (=for ten years) Compare when ... ? (+past simple) and how long ... ? (+present perfect): A: When did it start raining? s: lt started ra ini ng an hour ago I at 1 o'clock. A: How Long has it been rain ing? s: lt's been raining for an hour I since 1 o'clock. A: When did j oe and Carol first meet? They f.lrst { a Long time ago. when they were at school. s: met A: How long have they known each other? for a Long time. s: They've known each other { sm. ce t hey were at sehooL. We say: lt's (= lt is) a long time or lt's been (= lt has been) six months (etc.) since someth ing happened 0 lt's two years since I last saw joe. or lt's been two years since .. . (= I haven't seen j oe for two years) 0 lt's ages since we went to the cinema. or lt's been ages since .. . (= We haven't been to the cinema for ages) 0 How Long is it since Mrs Hill died? or How Long has it been since .. . ? (= When did Mrs Hill die?) CHow long have you (been) ... ? -t Unit 11 ) -..____ - -- - -- -- -

Exercises Write for or since. 1 lt's been ra1.n1. ng ..s...m......c...e......... luncht\"1me. 2 Sarah has lived in Paris .................. ...... 1995. 3 Paul has lived in Brazil ...... ....... __ ten years. 4 I'm o f wa 1. t.1ng. weIve been s1. here __ .... ..... ... ... an hour. 5 Kevin has been looking for a job .................................. he left school. 6 I haven't been to a party ............ ... .......... ages. 7 I won der where joe is. I haven't seen him last week. 8 jane is away. She's been away .................. Friday. 9 The wea ther is dry. lt hasn't rained .. ........ .... ... .. .. a few weeks. Write questions with how Long and when. 1 it's raining. (how long?) .. How lQ_Ylg....h<A-s .i-t ~-~_..r<Airl.lK\\g..? .... .... . ....... . .... . ..... . ............................................. wn(when?) .____ ~Y.'...4U....i&...?..W.X.t....r.W.4J.g. ~....... ...................................................................................................... ........... . ....................... 2 Kate is learning Japanese. (how long I learn?) ................ ... .... ....... _______ ......... ..... ....... ........ .. .. ..... ....................... ........... ..................... ................................... (when I start?) ... . .... ___ .. ..... . ........ ....................... ........ . ........ ..... ............ ....... 3 I know Simon. (how long I you I know?) ...................................................................................................................................................................................... (when I you I first I meet?) ...... .................... . . ............................. .............................................................................................. 4 Rebecca and David are married. (how long?) ..... ....... . .................. . . .. .. ...................... . .. ........................ ..... ................................. ........................ ................................... (when?) . .... ..... . ...... . ..... . ... ...... ... .............................. .... . ...... ..... ... .................... ............ ........................................... ........ Read the situations and complete the sentences. 1 It 's ra·~n·mg. 1t 's been ra1·n1· ng s~· nce luncht1· me. It .....s...w.........r..t..e...d.........r.<...A..i.r.t.r..n...n3- .. at luncht.1me. 2 Ann and jess are friends. They first met years ago. They've ...J .r.JQ.NY\\...~....9~.~--- fu~........ years. 3 Mark is ill. He became ill on Sunday. He has ...................................................................................................................... Sunday. 4 Mark is ill. He became ill a few days ago. He has ______ ...................................................................... a few days. 5 Sarah is married. She's been married for a year. She got ................................................................................... . 6 You have a headache. lt started when you woke up. I've ................................................................................................................ I woke up. 7 Sue has been in Italy for the last three weeks. She went .......... __ .................. 8 You're working in a hotel. You started si x months ago. I've .................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................... · Write B's sentences using the words in brackets. 1 A: Do you often go on holiday? B: No, ......1 J!.~Y.e.?:\\,t .h~----~..JlQ.~ ...fur. five years. 2 A: Do you often see Laura? B: No, I .............. . ...... __ ................... ................................................ ................ about a month. 3 A: Do you often go to the cinem a? B: No, .......... ... . .................................................................................................. a long time. 4 A: Do you often eat in resta urants ? B: No, ......................................................................................................................................... ages. Now write B's answers again. This time use lt's ... since .. . . 5 (1) ....N Q.)....i&~?... _fi_,y~ .. ~~.?... s.~<:& ..!...h%....Cb....Y1 Q.~.·.............................. ........................................................................................ 6 (2} No, its .............. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .... 7 (3) N 0 I . ......... ............. . .......... .......................... ....... .......... . .. . . .... ..... .. ................. .................................................................. ................................. ................ 8 (4) ... . ......... ... .. ................. . . ' . ....... ... ..... . ..... ........... .... ..... ......... ....... ............... ' 25

Study this example situation: Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. He has Lost his key. (present perfect) This means that he doesn't have his key now. Ten minutes later: Now Tom has found his key. He has it now. Has he lost his key? No, he has found it. Did he Lose his key? Yes, he did. He lost his key (past simple) but now he has found it. (present perfect) The present perfect (something has happened) is a present tense. lt always tells us about the situation now. 'Tom has lost his key'= he doesn't have his key now (see Unit 7). The past simple (something happened) tells us only about the past. If somebody says 'Tom lost his key', this doesn't tell us whether he has the key now or not. lt tells us only that he lost his key at some time in the past. Do not use the present perfect if the situation now is different. Compare: 0 They've gone away. They'll be back on Friday. (they are away now) They went away, but I think they're back at home now. (not They've gone) 0 lt has stopped raining now, so we don't need the umbrella. (it isn't ra ining now) lt stopped raining for a while, but now it's raining again. (not lt has stopped) You can use the present perfect for new or recent happenings: 'Oh, that's good.' 0 'I've repaired the washing machine. lt's working OK now.' 0 'Sally has had a baby! lt's a boy.' 'That's great news.' Usually, you can also use the past simple: 0 I repaired the washing machine. lt's working OK now. Use the past simple (not the present perfect) for things that are not recent or new: 0 Mozart was a composer. He wrote more t han 600 pieces of music. (not has been ... has written) 0 My mother grew up in Italy. (not has grown) Compare: 0 Did you know that somebody has invented a new type of washing machine? 0 Who invented the telephone? (not has invented) We use the present perfect to give new information (see Unit 7) . But if we continue to talk about it, we normally use the past simple: 0 A : Ow! I've burnt myself. s: How did you do that? (not have you done) A: I picked up a hot dish. (not have picked) 0 A: Look! Somebody has spilt something on the sofa. s: Well, it wasn't me. I didn't do it. (not hasn't been ... haven't done) Past s i m pl e ~ Unit 5 Present perfect ~ Units 7- 8 Present perfect and past 2 ~ Unit 14 Am erica n English ~Appe ndi x 7

Exercises Unit Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect where possible. -_ 13 Otherwise use the past simple. The office is empty now. GJ Everybody (go) home. I can't get in. \\e1.... lq?t . (lose) my key. I meant to call you last night, Helen but I (go) to Egypt for a holiday, but (forget) . she's back home in England now. Yes, I ........ Can you help us? Our car (have) a headache, but I'm fine now. Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. 1 Did you hear about Sue? She's given up her job. Ok ... ......... ...... _ ..................................... 2 My mother has grown up in Italy. . .. ...... . ... .. .............................. ........ 3 How many poems has William Shakespeare written? ............................................................ ................................ 4 Ow! I've cut my finger. lt's bleeding. ........ ......... ............ ............................................... 5 Drugs have become a big problem everywhere. .... .... ...... ............................. . 6 Who has invented paper? ....... .. .. ..... . . ..... ................................... 7 Where have you been born? .................... .... .. ..... . .. ...... _........................... 8 Ellie isn't at home. She's gone shoppi ng. ................... . .... ...................................... 9 Albert Einstein has been the scientist who .................... ............ ....... .. ... ..... .. has developed the theory of relativity. ....... ... ....... .. ........ .. . ........................ . Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple. 1 .l..t...s..t..oPPe..e...L. ra1·n1·ng for a w h1'le, but now ·1t's ram· m· g agam· . (1't I st op) 2 The town where I live is very different now. . .l.t h.~~ [email protected]~ ..... a lot. (it I change) 3 I studied German at schoo l, but ......... ..... .... .... . .. ..... ............. most of it now. (I I forget) 4 The police . three people, but later they let them go. (arrest) 5 What do you think of my English? Do you think ? (it I improve) 6 A: Are you still reading the paper? s: No, ... ............... with it. You can have it. (I I finish) 7 _....... for a job as a tourist guide, but I wasn 't successful. (I I apply) 8 Where's my bike? ..... ... . ..... outside the house, but it's not there now. (it I be) 9 Quick! We need to ca ll an ambulance. . .. .. . ...... ..... .. ... an accident. (there I be) 10 A: Have you heard about Ben? .................... .... ................ his arm. (he I break) B: Rea lly? How .. .. .... . .... ... ..... ? (that I happen) A: . . . .. ... . ..... . ... off a ladder. (he I fall) 27

Do not use the present perfect (I have done) when you talk about a finished time (for example, yesterday I ten minutes ago I in 2005 I when I was a child). Use a past tense: 0 lt was very cold yesterday. (not has been) 0 Paul and Lucy arrived ten minutes ago. (not have arrived) 0 Did you eat a lot of sweets when you were a child? (not have you eaten) 0 I got home late last night. I was very tired and went straight to bed. Use the past to ask When ... ? or What time ... ?: 0 When did your friends arrive? (not have ... arrived) 0 What time did you finish work? Compare: Present perfect =Past simple .__] Tom has Lost his key. He can't get Tom Lost his key yesterday. into the house. He couldn 't get into the house. 0 Is Carla here or has she Left? 0 When did Ca rta Leave ? Compare: Past simple (did ) Present perfect (have done) ~ I did a lot of work yesterday. 0 I've done a lot of work today. We use the past simple for a finished t ime in We use the present perfect for a period of time the past. For example: yesterday I last week I from 2007 to 2010. that continues until now. For example: today I this week I since 2007. 1 unfinished 1 now I I yesterday I 1 unfinished 1 past I to1ay I 8 lt didn't rain last week. past now 8 Did you see Anna this morning? 0 lt hasn't rained this week. (it is now afternoon or evening) 0 Have you seen Anna this morning? 8 Did you see Tim on Sunday? (it is sti ll morning) 0 A: Was Lisa at the party on Sunday? 0 Have yo u seen Tim recently? B: I don't think so. I didn't see her. 0 I don 't know whe re Lisa is. I haven't := We waited (or were waiting) fo r an seen he r. (= I haven't seen her hour. (we are no longer waiting) recently) 0 Jack Lived in New York for ten years. 0 We've been waiting for an hour. Now he lives in Los Angeles. (we a re sti ll wa iting now) 8 I didn't play golf Last summer. 0 Jack lives in Los Angeles. He has Lived C Afteryou come back from holidayyou there for seven years. say: lt was a really good holiday. 0 I have never played golf. (in my life) I really enjoyed it. C) lt's the last day ofyour holiday. You say: lt's been a really good holiday. I've really enjoyed it. Past simple _. Unit 5 Present perfect _. Units 7- 8 Present perfect and past 1 _. Unit 13

Exercises Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. 1 I've lost my key. I can,t find it anywhere. ..0-'S.......... ......... ................. ........ ....... .......... ..................... ... 2 Have you eaten a lot of sweets when you were a child? ..Di4.. W?.~... ~--·· ··········· ·... .... 3 I've bought a new car. You must come and see it. 4 I've bought a new ca r last week. 5 Where have you been yesterday evening? 6 Lucy has left school in 1999. 7 I'm looking for Mike. Have you seen him? 8 'Have you been to Paris?, 'Yes, many times.' 9 l,m very hungry. I haven,t eaten much today. 10 When has this book been published? Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple. 1 (it I not I rain I this week) . lt .h ~?..n.\\...r~.~ ~-~?....W.~ , ....................... .... . ...... ............... ... .... ... ..... . 2 (the weather I be I cold I recently) The weather ................................................................ ..... ... ...................................................... 3 (it I cold I last week) lt ........ ..... . .......... .......... ....... .... .. ....................... ............................. .......... ......................................................... 4 (I I not I read I a newspaper yesterday) I . . .......... ........ .. .. ................ .. . ................... 5 (I I not I read I a newspaper today) ......... ... . . .. .................... . . . .... .. ......... . . ...... .. ... . ... 6 (Emily I earn I a lot of money I this year) ................................ .................... ......... ................................... .............. . . 7 (she I not I earn I so much I last year) ................. ..................................................... ........................................... ........................ 8 (you I have I a holiday recently?) .......... ....... ............................. . .. ........ ... ..... .. ..................................... ... Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple. 1 'Whafs Madrid like?, 'I don,t know. .....J...h.Q--Y.~nl..P.e&n..... (I I not I be) there. ' 2 When .... .............. ...... .. ....................... ... (I I get) home last night, ............................... ....................... (I I be) very tired and ..... .............. (I I go) straight to bed. 3 A: ........................................................ (you I see) Lisa recently? B: Yes, .................... ..... .. ........... ...... .... .. (I I saw) her a few days ago. 4 l,m tired. ....... . . ... ......... .. . .................. .... (1 I not I sleep) well last night. 5 The bu s drivers were on strike last week. .. (there I be) no buses. 6 Mr Lee . ........ (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then ........................................ (he I give) it up. Now he works as a gardener. 7 Mary lives in Dublin. .... ...... .... .. ....... .................. . ............ . (she I live) there all her life. 8 A: ... . .. ................ ..... ................... (you I go) to the cinema last night? B: Yes, but ........ ....... .................. . ..... (it I be) a mistake. The film .......... (be) awful. 9 My grandfather .. ....... ........... .. ... ............... (die) before I was born. . .... ............................................... (1 I never I meet) him. 10 I don't know Karen's husband. ............................................................................ (I I never I meet) him. 11 Ifs nearly lunchtime, and .. .. .. ..... ........... ... .. ...... ...... . (I I not I see) Martin all morning. I wonder where he is. 12 'Where do you live?, 'In Boston.' 'How long ................................................................................. . (you I live) there?' 'Five years.' 'Where .. ....... ... .. ....... . .. . .. ..... ...... .. (you I live) before that?' 'I n Chicago., 'And how long ...... .............. .. . . .... . ........... .. .... . (you I live) in Chicago?' 'Two years.' Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets. 1 (something you haven't done today) ......1. ~.QvV:~Y1.1.i:.....~n .. ........... ........ . 2 (something you haven,t done today) .... .... ... . ....... ... .... .... ..... .... ............. .. 3 (something you didn,t do yesterday) .... . ..... ............. .. . . .... ......... .. .. ............... 4 (something you did yesterday evening) ............ ... ................. .. ........................... ..... .................. ....... ..... ................... 5 (something you haven't done recently) ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 (something you've done a lot recently) .... ..... .. . ...... ... . ...... .. ...... .. . ....... ............ .. ...................... . _.Additional exercises 2- 4 (pages 303- 04) , 14- 15 (pages 310- 11) 29

Study th is example situation: at 10.30 at 11.00 Sarah went to a party last week. Paul went to the party too, but they didn't see each other. Paul left t he party at 10.30 and Sarah arrived at 11 o'clock. So: When Sarah arrived at t he party, Paul wasn't there. He had gone home. Had gone is the past perfect (simple): 1/we/they/you had (=I 'd etc.) gone he/she/it (= he'd et c.) seen finished etc. PAUL SA RA H The past perfect simple is had+ past participle (gone/ seen/ finished etc). Sometimes we talk about something that happened in t he past: 0 Sarah arrived at the party. This is the starting point of the story. Then, if we want to talk about th ings that happened before this time, we use the past perfect (had ... ): 0 When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home. Some more exa mples: 0 When we got home last night, we found t hat somebody had broken into the flat. 0 Karen didn 't want to go to the cinema with us because she'd already seen the movie. 0 At first I thought I'd done the right thing, but I soon realised that I'd made a big mistake. 0 The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He hadn't flown before. or ... He had never flown before. Compare the present perfect (have seen etc.) and the past perfect (had seen etc.): Present perfect I Past perfect have seen had seen past now past now 0 Who is that woman? I've seen her CJ I wasn't sure who she was. I'd seen her before, but Ica n't remember where. before, but I couldn't remember where. C We aren't hungry. We've just had C We weren't hu ngry. We'd just had lunch. lun ch. 0 The house is dirty. They haven't 8 The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it for weeks. cleaned it for weeks. Compare the past simple (Left, was etc.) and the past perfect (had left, had been etc.): 0 A: Was Tom there when you arrived? 0 A: Was Tom t here when you arrived ? B: Yes, but he Left soon afterwards. B: No, he had already Left. 0 Kate wasn't at home when I phoned. 0 Kate had just got home when I phoned. She was at her mother/s house. She had been at he r mother's house. Past perfect contin uous -+ Unit 16 Irregular verbs (gone/ seen etc.) -+ Appendix 1

Exercises Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets. 1 You went to Sue's house, but she wasn't there. (she I go I out) _S_h.~...h.o.-4. .99.Y1.~....9~t. . . ... 0 .. ·······o···· o····· .. ·o······ o ... .... . ........ ... 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 You went back to your home town after many years. lt wasn't the same as before. (it I change I a lot) ........ 0 . ........... . .... .. . .. •• ...... • .... ... • . ..... ...... .. . ...................... . ................................ . .......... .... 0 .. . .......... ........... . ....... .. 3 I invited Rachel to the party, but she couldn't come. (she I arrange I to do something else) o..... ...............................0 ........ 0 ........................ . 4 You went to the cinema last night. You got to the cinema late. (the film I already I start) ....... 0 0 000000.. ........ ••• . • ••••••• .. ..... 5 lt was nice to see Daniel again after such a long time. (I I not I see I him for five years) 6 Ioffered Sue something to eat, but she wasn't hungry. (she I just I have I breakfast) ...................... .................................. ............................ ............ ......................................................................... G For each situation, write a sentence ending with never ... before. Use the verb in brackets. 1 The man sitting next to you on the plane was very nervous. lt was his first flight. (fly) ...oHe,4 ne:-ver flown .be.fore:-... ..o..o.........................o.... ...... . .... 2 Somebody sang a song. Ididn't know it. (hear) I ......oooooo 0 .... o...... ...................... 0 0 .... before .•........................o.....o..... 3 Sa m played tennis yesterday. He wasn't very good at it because it was his first game. (play) He . .. ..........0..... .. ....... o.. .. . .. • ... . .. o • ... •• 0..... 0.............. ...0.. .. ............. .... . ...... .. . ... .. ............ 0................... . 4 Last year we went to Mexico. lt was our first time there. (be there) We .... .. ........ ...................... ...... .. .... . ... ...........................0...................................................... ........0...........0.....0............................. Use the sentences on the left to complete the paragraphs on the right. These sentences are in the order in which they happened - so (a) happened before (b), (b) before (c) etc. But your paragraph begins with the underlined sentence, so sometimes you need the past perfect. 1 (a) Somebody broke into the office during We arrived at work in the morning and the night. found that o....?..o.rr..~o~ . ~.% (b) We arrived at work in the morning. into the office during the night. So (c) We called the police. ... the police. 0 .. . ....................... .... . .......... ...................... . . . .. . . . .. ..... .. . .... 2 (a) Lau ra went out this morning. no (b) I rang her doorbell. out. (c) There was no answer. 3 (a) Jim came back from holiday a few ~u~tetJt=~f~~ ~~~s ago. : . . h~liday. days ago. } very we ll... .. ... 0........ 0....... .. .. ................ .. ........... .. ... ..................................0 (b) I met him the same day. (c) He looked very well. 4 (a) Kevin sent Sally lots of emails. Yesterday Kevin .................................... 0 ...... ....... ...... ...... 0 ... from (b) She never replied to them. (c) Yesterday he got a phone call from her. Sally. . very surprised.o.. .......... • • •0 ................ (d) He was very surprised. .. ....... ............o................o.... ........ .. lots of emails, but ............ 0 .............. . Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect (I had done) or past simple (I did). 1 'Was Paul at the party when you arrived?' 'No, he ooooooh~..ogQn~..... (go) home.' 2 Ifelt very tired when Igot home, so I .. . .... . ........ 0 .............. .. ..... (go) straight to bed. 3 The house was very quiet when Igot home. Everybody .................................................. (go) to bed. 4 Sorry I'm late. The ca r ................. 0 ............ .. ....... .... ...... .. .. . (break) down on my way here. 5 We were driving along the road when we ............................o....o........o....o(see) a car which ...... 0........ ................. (break) down, so we ..................0.........0......... (stop) to help. _. Additional exercises 5- 8 (pages 304-07) 31

Study this example situation: Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The sun was shining, but the ground was very wet. yesterday morning lt had been raining. lt was not raining when I looked out of the window; the sun was shining. But it had been rain ing before. Had been -ing is the past perfect continuous: 1/we/you/they had I doing he/she/it working (= I'd etc.) playing etc. been (=he'd etc.) Some more examples: 8 When the boys came into the house, their clothes were dirty, their hair was untidy and one of them had a black eye. They'd been fighting. C I was very tired when I got home. I'd been working hard all day. l__ When I went to Madrid a few years ago, I stayed with a friend of mine. She hadn't been Living there very long, but she knew the city very well. You can say that something had been happening for a period of time before something else happened: 0 We'd been playing tennis for about half an hour when it started to rain heavily. 0 Paul went to the doctor last Friday. He hadn't been feeling well for some time. Compare have been -ing (present perfect continuous) and had been -ing (past perfect continuous): Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous I have been -ing I had been -ing past now past now 0 I hope the bus comes soon. I've been 0 At last the bus came. I'd been waiting waiting for 20 minutes. (before now) for 20 minutes. (before the bus came) 0 James is out of breath. He has been C James was out of breath. He had been running. running. Compare was -ing (past continuous) and had been -ing: ._. lt wasn't raining when we went out. The sun was shining. But it had been raining, so the ground was wet. 0 Katherine was sitting in an armchair resting. She was tired because she'd been working very hard. Some verbs {for example, know and Like) are not normally used in the continuous: ~] We were good friends. We had known each other for years. (not had been knowing) 0 I was surprised when Lisa cut her hair. She'd had long hair since I first met her. (not she'd been having) For a list of these verbs, see Unit 4A. For have, see Unit 17. Present perfect continuous -+ Unit 9- 10 Past perfect simple -+ Unit 15

Exercises Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets. 1 I was very tired w hen I arrived home. (I I work I hard all day) .. 1 1~..b~r wgrk~g .Y:lo...r.4. o-.4.. ~ :............................................. 2 The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very t ired . (they I play I football) .. .. ..... .... ....... .. . .... .................................................... 3 I was disappointed when I had to cancel my holiday. (I I look I forwa rd to it) ... .. .. ........................... . ............. 4 Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn't know where she was. (she I dream) ... .. ...... ....... .... ...................... ..... ..... ..... ....................... ........... ... 5 When I got home, Mark was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off. (he I watch I a film) .. .......... ....... .. ..... ....... ...... ........................................................................................................... ................. . Read the situations and complete the sentences. 1 We played tennis yesterday. Half an hour after we began playing, it started t o rain . We .....h%...P~Y.LP.~ill.9....f9.r....h..~f ...(.Y'1... ~.9.tA.t.... when ......~...?..~~....t9....r.W.. . . . 2 I had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and waited for him. After 20 minutes I realised that I was in the wrong restaurant. I .................................. ............................................... ..... for 20 minutes w hen I .......................................................... .............. ................................................................................. .. the wrong restaurant. 3 Sarah got a job in factory. Five years later the factory closed down . At the time the factory .......... , Sarah ......................... . ... ........................ .. . there for five years. 4 I went to a concert last week. The orchestra began playing. After about ten minutes a man in the audience suddenly started shouting. The orchestra ............................ . .... .... . .. .. ........ ............... ...... . ......................................................................... when This time make your own sentence: 5 I began walking along the road. I when ............................... .. ...... ....... ............................ Put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous {I was doing)~ past perfect (I had done) or past perfect continuous (I had been doing). 1 lt was very noisy next door. Our neighbours ....N.~~....h(A..Y.i.r.l.g...... (have) a party. 2 We were good friends. ....W.~'~. kY).Q.w~. (we I know) each other for years. 3 John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because .................................................. ........................ (he I walk) so fast. 4 Sue was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. ........................................................................... (she I run). 5 When I arrived} everybody was sitting round the table with their mouths fu lL ...................... ......................................... (they I eat). 6 When I arrived} everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were empty, but their stom achs were full. . ................ ..... .. .............. (they I eat). 7 j ames was on his hands and knees on the floor. ....... ....... ... ....................................... (he I look) for his contact lens. 8 When I arrived, Kate ................................. ..... .. .... (wait) for me. She was annoyed because I was late and .. .. ..... .. ...... . ..... ........ . (she I wait) for a long time. 9 I was sad when I sold my car. . (I I have) it for a very long time. 10 We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. .... ............. ........................... ........ ....... .. (we I travel) for more than 24 hours. _.Additiona l exercises 5- 8 (pages 30 4-07) 33

Have and have got(= for possession, relationships, illnesses etc.) You can use have or have got. There is no difference in mean ing: C They have a new car. or They've got a new car. 0 Lisa has two brothers. or Lisa's got two brothers. C I have a headache. or I've got a headache. C Our house has a small garden. or Our house has got a small garden. 0 He has a few problems. or He's got a few problems. With these meanings (possession etc.), you cannot use continuous forms (am having etc.): C We're enjoying our holiday. We have I We've got a nice room in the hotel. (not We're having a nice room) For the past we use had (without got) : ... J Lisa had long hair when she was a child. (not Lisa had got) In questions and negative sentences there are three possible forms: Do you have any questions? ~don't have any - - -- - - ---, questions. Have you got any questions? J ~ haven't got any questions. Have you any questions? (less usual) I haven't any questions. (less usual) Does she have a car? I She doesn't have a car. Has she got a car? She hasn't got a car. Has she a car? (less usual) She hasn't a car. (less usual) ----------------~ In past questions and negative sentences we use did/didn't: '-.J Did you have a car when you were living in Paris? 0 I didn't have my phone, so I couldn,t call you . C Lisa had long hair, didn't she? Have breakfast I have a shower I have a good time etc. We also use have (but not have got) for many actions and experiences. For example: have breakfast I dinner I a cup of coffee I something to eat etc. a bath I a shower I a swim I a break I a rest I a party I a holiday an accident I an experience I a dream a Look (at something) a chat I a conversation I a discussion (with somebody) trouble I difficulty I fun I a good time et c. a baby (= give birth to a baby) Have got is not possible in the expressions in the box. Compare: 0 Sometimes I have(= eat) a sandwi ch for my lun ch. (not I've got) but I've got I I have some sandwiches. Would you like one? You can use continuous forms (am having etc.) with the expressions in the box: ~ We're enjoying our holiday. We're having a great time. (not We have) C Mark is having a shower at the moment. He has a shower every day. In questions and negative sentences we use do/does/did: 21 I don't usually have a big breakfast. (not I usually haven,t) 0 What time does Chris have lunch? (not has Chris lunch) 0 Did you have trouble finding a place to live? Have (got) to ... _. Unit 31 America n English _. Appendix 7

Exercises Write negative sentences with have. Some are present and some are past. 1 I can't get into the house. (a key) ......l....hp._ve~\\...g.9.t.. o.,_k~.~.............. ........ ........................................................... . . 2 I couldn't read the letter. (my glasses) I d.i..cln~~ l-1o.,ve .JYl~..._gLo...sses .. .............. 3 I can't get onto the roof. (a ladder) I .... . ...... ...... . . .... .. ... .... . ...... ................................... 4 We couldn't visit the museum. (enough time) We ............................................................................................................. 5 He couldn't find his way to our house. (a map) . ..... ...... . ..... .... . .. ....... ................................ ... 6 She can't pay her bills. (any money) ........ .......... .. .......... .. ................ ............ 7 I can't go swimming today. (enough energy) ..... .. .. ......... ..... . ... ................... .................. 8 They couldn't take any pictures. (a camera) ......................................................................................................................... Which alternatives are correct? Sometimes two alternatives are possible, sometimes only one. 1 Excuse me, ................... ....................... a pen I could borrow? ®have you got B are you having ©do you have (both A and Care correct) 2 ............... ... time to go to the bank yesterday? A Had you got B Did you have C Had you 3 I need a stamp for this letter. ............................................... one? A Do you have BAre you having C Have you got 4 What does jack do? ... .... ... a job? A Does he have B Is he having C Has he got 5 ..................... a lot of friend s when you were a child? A Did you have B Were you having C Had you 6 When you worked in your last job, .. ...... ................. your own office? A had you B have you got C did you have Are the underlined verbs OK? Change them where necessary. 1 Is there anything you want to ask? Do you have any questions? ... OIS. .. ........ .. L~~f'.-...Yl.AA .Lc>.ng....n~ ... .... . . . . .. . 2 Lisa had got long hair when she was a child . 3 Tom couldn't contact us because he hadn't our number. ..... . ..... 4 'Are you feeling OK?' 'No, I' m having a toothache.' .................... .......... ....... 5 Are you enjoying yourself? Are you having a good time? 6 lt started to rain. I got wet because I hadn't an umbrella. . .............................. .. ................. 7 Will can't drive. He doesn't have a driving licence. . .............. 8 Did your trip go OK? Had you any problems? .. . ............ .................. 9 My friend called me when I was having breakfast. . ........................... .......................................... Complete the sentences. Use an expression from the List with have in the correct form. have a baby have a break have a chat have trouble have a good flight have a Look have a shower have lunch have a party have a nice time 1 I don 't eat much during the day. I never .... l-1o.,ve....w.n~ 2 David starts work at 8 o'clock and ............ . .. at 10.30. 3 We .... . ... .. .................. .. ..... . ....... ... .... .... ................... . last week. lt was great - we invited lots of peop le. 4 Excuse me, can I ..... .. .......... . .. . ... ....... ........ .................. ..... at your newspaper, please? 5 Jim is away on holiday at the moment. I hope he ...... 6 I met Ann in the supermarket yesterday. We stopped and ............. 7 A: ................................................. ................................................. ...... findin g the book you wanted ? B: No, I found it OK. 8 Suza nne ............. . a few weeks ago. it's her second child. 9 A: Why didn't you answer the phone? B: 1............... . ...................... .... ......................................... 10 You meetyour friend Sally at the airport. She has just arrived. You say: Hi, Sa lly. How are you ? .................. .. ......... ...... ? 35

Study this example situation: Nicola doesn't travel much these days. She prefers to stay at home. a few years ago But she used to travel a lot. She used to go away two or three times a year. She used to travel a lot= she travelled a lot often in the past, but she doesn't do this any more. these days she used to travel she doesn't past travel now Something used to happen = it happened often in the past, but no longer happens: 0 I used to play tennis a lot, but I don't play very much now. 0 David used to spend a lot of money on clothes. These days he can't afford it. C 'Do you go to the cinema much?' 'Not now, but I used to.' (=I used to go) We also use used to ... for things that were true, but are not true any more: 0 This building is now a furniture shop. lt used to be a cinema. 0 I used to think Mark was unfriendly, but now I realise he's a very nice person. 0 I've started drinking tea recently. I never used to Like it before. 0 Lisa used to have very long hair when she was a child. 'I used to do something' is past. There is no present. You cannot say 'I use to do'. To talk about the present, use the present simple (1 do). Compare: Iwe used to Live there used to be 1 pas~e used to play we Live there is r-,;-esent he plays C We used to Live in a small village, but now we Live in London. 0 There used to be four cinemas in the town. Now there is only one. The normal question form is did (you) use to ... ?: 0 Did you use to eat a lot of sweets when you were a chi ld? The negative form is didn't use to .. . (used not to ... is also possible): :_ I didn't use to like him. (or I used not to like him.) Compare I used to do and I was doing: ~ I used to watch TV a lot. (=I watched TV often in the past, but I no longer do this) 0 I was watching TV when Rob ca lled . (= I was in the middle of watching TV) Do not confuse I used to do and I am used to doing (see Unit 61). The structures and meanings are different: U I used to Live alone. (= I lived alone in the past, but I no longer live alone) 0 I am used to Living alone. (= I live alone, and I don't find it strange or difficult because I've been living alone for some time) Past contin uous (1was doing) ~ Un it 6 Would (= used to) ~ Unit 36 Be/get used to (doing) something~ Unit 61

Exercises ~ Unit ~- .18 Complete the sentences with use(d) to+ a suitable verb. 1 Nicola doesn't travel much now. She .. tA?.e4 U:? a lot, but she prefers to stay at home these days. 2 Sophie ..... ..... ........ .. .... . ................. a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car. 3 We moved to Spain a few years ago . We .. ... ...... ...................... ..... ............... in Paris. 4 I rarely eat ice-cream now, but I .. ................. it w hen I was a child. 5 Jackie ......... .... .. .. .. my best friend , but we aren't good friends any more. 6 lt only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new road is open. lt .... ............. .... .... .. ..... ....... more than an hou r. 7 There .... ....... .... .... ... ... .. a hotel nea r the a irport, but it closed a long t ime ago. 8 When you lived in New York, .... .... .... .. ................. .. .. .. .. to the theatre very often ? Compare what Karen said five years ago and what she says today: FIVE YEARS AGO I'm a hotel TODAY My dog died two receptionist. I eat lots of / years ago. I play the piano. ~ .-.L~.-I travel a lot. cheese now~ ( _;read a newspaper /. ......... / every day now. I haven't been to a I've got lots Iwork very hard of friends. - -- these days. - - - ~ party fo r ages. I'm very lazy. ----- Idon't know many/ ; Ihaven't played t he people these days. / ~ piano fo r years. 1don't like/ cheese. Iwork in a / ~ I don't go away bookshop now. ....... a ~h th e....... d~..... I I I Cl 1 1 i J C UJ J· Igo to a lot of parties. Tea's great! I li ke it now. Now write sentences about how Karen has changed. Use used to I didn't use to I never used to in the first part of your sentence. 1 .$Y1 e:..V.5~ to tt~Y.~----~ LQt.> ...................... but ...?.h.e.....Me5n >t, .go G4'YO-.y. mtAc}1 tt.J.~?-~ ~ 5 . ............ 2 She used .. ...... ...... ........ .. but ... ................... . .... .. ... . .............. ....... ................................. ........ .......... 3 ....................................... .......................................................... but . ... .............................. ............................................. ............................. .................... 4 ............................... ................................. .. ..... ..... .......... .......... .. but . 5 .. .................... ..... ........... . but 6 .. .. ................... .. . . ...... . . ...... ....... but 7 ..... . ............. .... ........................ ...... ........................... but 8 ......................................... ...................................................................... but ........................................................................................................................................... 9 .......... ...................... ...... .................................... .............................. but 10 ... ............................. .......................... bu t Write sentences about yourself Like the examples. Begin I used to ... (I used to be/work/like/ play/read etc.). 1 1....~5.~ ~--..~Y.~.. 4.'1 ...~...5rr..o..U.:...Y.~~->-.Jwt n9N...J...4.Y~...itl.Jo.r 49Yl ........... .... .. ..................................................... 2 1.....1!..~-~ tq___ pla.y ~~ni-s .. o.... LQt> P.v...t J cion,t p~__any mqre ..... 3 I used .... ....... .. .... ....... ....... ... , but .................... . _ 4 I ................................... .... . ....... .... .. ......................... . . ................... ... ............ ..... . .... ............. ... ........ .................... 5 Now begin with I didn't use to .... 6 .....1 44in ,~. tA~.~ W.....r~ o..... lot-,..Jn~~..l cio ~olN..·........ . ... 7 Ididn't .... .................. . .. ..................... 8 .............................................................................. .................................... .............................................. ............................................................ 0 ...... .. . ...... . . -+ Additiona l exercise 9 (page 307) 37

Present continuous {I am doing) with a future meaning This is Ben's diary for next week. He is playing tennis on Monday afternoon. He is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning. He is having dinner with Kate on Friday. In all these examples, Ben has already decided and arranged to do these things. I'm doing something (tomorrow) = I have already decided and arranged to do it: L A: What are you doing on Saturday evening? (not What do you do) B: I'm going to the theatre. (not I go) 0 A: What time is Katherine arriving tomorrow? s: Half past ten. I'm meeting her at the station. C I'm not working tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere. C Steve isn't playing football next Saturday. He's hurt his leg. 'I'm going to (do)' is also possible in these sentences: __ What are you going to do on Saturday evening? But the present continuous is more natural when we talk about arrangements. See Unit 20B. Do not use will to talk about what you have arranged to do: 2 What are you doing this evening? (not What will you do) 0 Alex is getting married next month. (not will get) You can also use the present continuous for an action just before you begin to do it. This happens especially with verbs of movement (go/come/Leave etc.): ~ I'm tired . I'm going to bed now. Good night. (not I go to bed now) 0 'Jess, are you ready yet?' 'Yes, I'm coming.' (not I come) Present simple (I do) with a future meaning We use the present simple when we talk about timetables, programmes etc. (for public transport, cinemas etc.): U My train leaves at 11.30, so I need to be at the station by 11.15. U What time does the film start this evening? U lt's Wednesday tomorrow. I Tomorrow is Wednesday. You ca n use the present si mple to talk about people if their plans are fixed like a timetable: 0 I start my new job on Monday. 0 What time do you finish work tomorrow? But the continuous is more usual for personal arrangements: C What time are you meeting Ann tomorrow? (not do you meet) Compare: Present continuous Present simple 0 What time are you arriving? C What time does the train arrive? 0 I'm going to the ci nema thi s evening. CJ The film starts at 8.1 5 (this evening). I'm going to~ Units 2 0, 23 Will~ Units 21 - 22 Present simple after when / if etc. ~Unit 25

Exercises A friend of yours is planning to go on holiday soon. You ask her about her plans. Use the words in brackets to make your questions. 1 (where I go?) \\Aih~~ .0-:r.~ ~q0. 99.~.9 ?_ ....................... Scotland. Ten days. 2 (how long I go for?) ........... ...... ....................... ........................................................... Next Frid ay. No, with a friend. 3 (when I leave?) .. . .................. . ...... ........ ..... .... ... ...... .. . . .. ......... No, by train. In a hotel. 4 (go I alone?) ................... .............. ................. .......... 5 (travel I by car?) .......................... . .............. .... ... .. .. . 6 (where I stay?) ........................................ ....................................................................... . Tom wants you to visit him, but you are very busy. Look at your diary for the next few days and explain to him why you can't come. 5-Monday· TOM: Can you come on Monday evening? YOU: Sorry, but .....J ,.~ ..P.~.0g....Y9..~~-~---···· ······· ............................................... ............ . (1) Volleyball ; 30 ToM: What about Tuesday evening then? 6-Tu esday· · Prn Work late(· . You: No, not Tuesday. I ..... .. . ........... ....... .................. . (2) 7 - t111 9Prn ) Wednesda . TOM : And Wednesday evening? TheMre y. B-Thursday· YOU: ......... ............................. ............ ..... ...... .................................. ........... ........... .. ...................... . (3) Mee t J(t/i • TOM : Well, are you free on Thursday? asPrn You: IJm afraid not. ... . ......... . (4) Have you arranged to do anything at these times? Write sentences about yourself. 1 (this evening) l..,.m .9.9~9.. 0!--!-.t:. tb.~?.....~Y-~r.\\~9.:.... or ......1..,rY)..J'iQ~...4o.0.g...<MJ_Idth.~g....~-~s .~V~Y1.1A.'19..·...... 2 (tomorrow morning) I .... ......................... ................... . ... . ......... .. ................... 3 (tomorrow evening) ................. .. .. . ...... ... ........ ..... .. ........ ............... 4 (next Sunday) .. ....... ..................... ... ...... ........................ .................... ..... .......... ........... . ...... ...................... .. . ......................... 5 (chooseanotherdayortime) ......... ................................................................................... ................................ . . ......... .............. .... .. Put the verb into the more suitable form, present continuous or present simple. 1 l.~.m 99.iA::l9.. (I I go) to the cinema this evening. 2 P.9~?... .tb.~ .illm. .?w..r.L..... (the film I start) at 3.30 or 4.30? 3 ............................................ ........ .... .... (we I have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come? 4 The art exhibition ............................... (finish) on 3 May. 5 ...... ......... (I I not I go) out this evening. .......... ... .............. . .. (1 I stay) at home. 6 ' .. .......................................................... ........... (you I do) anything tomorrow morning?' 'No, I'm free. Why?' 7 ... ...... ........................ .. ..... ................... ..... . (we I go) to a concert tonight. .......... (it I start) at 7.3 0. 8 ................... (I I leave) now. I've come to say goodbye. 9 A: Have you seen Liz recently? s: No, but ....................................... ............. ............... (we I meet) for lunch next week. 10 You are on the train to London andyou ask another passenger: Excuse me. What time .... .. . ......... ..... ....... .. .......... ..... (this train I get) to London ? 11 You are talking to He!en: Helen, ............................................................... (I I go) to the supermarket. ........................... ............. ...... ... .... (you I come) with me? 12 You and a friend are watching television. You say : I'm bored with this programme. What time .. .. ...... ... .......... (it I end)? 13 .......... ........................................................................... . (I I not I use) t he car this evening, so you can have it. 14 Sue ...... .. ....... .. ..... . .................... ....... (come) to see us t omorrow. ........................... ..................................... (she I travel) by train and her train .................. ................................ (arrive) at 10.15. -+Additional exercises 10- 13 (pages 308-l 0) 39

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