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Home Explore February Newsletter

February Newsletter

Published by Larne GS, 2015-03-02 14:19:53

Description: Larne Grammar School February Newsletter


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Monthly Newsletter February EditionLarne Grammar School In this The Art Department'sEdition... Fashion Show Information About Paris 2015 ICT and Business Studies Events Dates for your Diary@larnegrammar

Editor's Note Welcome to the first of what will be Larne Grammar School's monthly newsletter! Although a few pages does little to fully capture ourvibrant, progressive school community, it is our hope thatthis monthly snapshot of life in LGS will provide you withsome insight into what's happening within our classrooms and beyond. We will keep you updated on clubs and societies, trips and events and pupil success both inside and outside school. If you, as a parent, or as a member of the widercommunity, have anything you wish to be included in thenext edition of the newsletter, please do not hesitate to get in touch.In the meantime, sit back and enjoy reading about fashion shows, food banks, beauties and beasts. It's been a busy month! The Editorial Team (Yasmin McNeill, Tanisha Bartley, Joel Fekkes, Charlottle Knox, James Brown and Miss Blair)

Monthly Newsletter: February EditionTrips and EventsArt Department: Open Step 'N' Zones - Business StudiesNight Fashion Show DepartmentMove over Kate Moss Step ‘N’ Zones event is a big hitOur girls are here with Year 10With beauty abound Recently a group of Year 10 pupilsLet's have a cheer participated in the Invest Northern Ireland Step ‘N’ Zones Challenge.For the models of LarneGrammar This is a one day enterpriseThat were seen on Open competition aimed specifically atNight KS3 pupils. Through activityNext stop Paris? based learning, teams wereWho knows, they might challenged to explore the potential of their business idea and workOur designers as well through it to produce a miniWorking hard day by day business plan presented on aTo produce such costumes Business Canvass.They all deserve an 'A' ! The process was facilitated by advisors from Young Enterprise,So here are some photos W5, the Department forFor you to see for yourself Employment and Learning, amongThe beauty and talent in others.our schoolDoesn't sit on the shelf..... The pupils had a great day and have been inspired by the lessonsMrs. Agass they have learned. Mrs. HerronJunior pupils participating in the Year 10 pupils enjoying Fashion Show Step 'N' Zones

Trips and Events II Paris 2015Computing Insight For Year 12 at ‘Bring IT Thank you to everyone who showed anOn’ Event interested in the “Paris 2015” trip due to take place in October this year.On Friday the 23rd of January a large group Demand was high and some peopleof Year 12 ICT enthusiasts took part in Bring were disappointed by not getting aIt On. This was a fun and interactive ICT space but please don’t be disheartenedworkshop where we were taught about the as there will be plenty more trips in thefast-developing NI Computing sector. The years to come!event was held at the Ulster University,which gave us a great opportunity to explore The trip takes place in the nexta possible future destination. It also meant academic year, from Thursday 22ndthat there were many highly regarded ICT October until Sunday 25th Octoberlecturers present, to provide us with any 2015 inclusive and highlights include ainformation that we needed. river cruise on the Seine, tickets to the top of the Montparnasse Tower, aSamuel Holst, Year 12 guided tour of the Stade de France, sightseeing at La Cathédrale de NotreSentinus Gives Junior Pupils a Mathematical Dame, Les Champs-Élysées, the LouvreWorkout museum, the church of the Sacré-Cœur, Montmartre and the “pièce deAt the end of January all Year 8 and Year 9 résistance” a day at Disneyland!Mathematics classes participated in aMathematics Roadshow. This was organised Please be reminded that the secondby a company called Sentinus as part of their deposit of £150 should be submitted toSTEM programme. STEM seeks to provide a the General Office no later thanwide range of programmes designed to Tuesday 17th the teaching and learning of Science,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Merci bien,and create opportunities to inspire young W McMurtrypeople. Foodbank Drive Collects Over 1700The roadshow consisted of 40 mathematical Itemspuzzles that the pupils tried to complete inpairs. Courtney in Year 9 said it was “fun, yet The month of December saw Larnechallening” while a Year 8 pupil, Leighton, Grammar continue its associationclaimed that the Mathematics Roadshow was with the Larne Foodbank through a“good because we were allowed to move about whole school collection drive.and try different topics” This year, the result of the collection was that Larne Grammar was ableThe day was hugely popular with all of the to hand an incredible 1734 itemspupils who took part. It seems that if you over to the Foodbank in time for thesubtract junior pupils from normal classes, busy Christmas period.add some maths, it equals a whole lot of fun!Mr. Lambe Congratulations to 8ML who managed to collect 305 tins!

Events in Pictures Monthly Newsletter: February Edition Year 12 pupilsenjoying 'Bring it On\".Senior and Junior pupils enjoying the Maths RoadshowCongratulations, 8ML!

Clubs and SocietiesUnder 14 Hockey report – Schools Junior THE HUB – Homework and HotCup – Quarter Finals Chocolate!On a bitterly cold Saturday morning, theUnder 14 A hockey team prepared to play The HUB has been created by Mrs.the quarter finals of the Junior Cup. The Steele and Miss. Hunter as a lovelymatch was away to Banbridge Academy and place for students to relax, enjoy aeveryone was excited and up for the warm cup of tea or hot chocolate, andchallenge! to get caught up on homework.Both teams were evenly matched throughout This friendly, supportive environmentthe match and there was only one option at is available to all pupils each afternoonthe end of the game: penalty strokes. Five from Monday to Thursday. If you feelgirls, Sarah Ward, Morganne Beggs, Jenna you are struggling to keep on top ofMcCarlie, Ellen McCarlie and Aimee Agnew your homework workload, or if youstepped up to take the 5 strokes. We scored 4 just want to get your homeworkof the 5 as did Banbridge so we then entered completed before leaving school, comesudden death strokes. The same 5 girls tried and join us in the HUB.their best to slot the ball away but againneither team could close out the match Joel Fekkes, Year 11resulting in a second set of sudden deathstrokes. Charity Committees EnsureUnfortunately, the Banbridge girls managed Love is in the keep their cool and take advantage of oneof our missed shots and they won 15-14! Our Year 11 – This year, Year 11 aregirls fought so well throughout the match supporting two charities:and in the penalty strokes but on this Brainwaves and Congenitaloccasion we finished runners up. It was a Heart Disease. Our Februaryfantastic effort by all players involved and fundraiser had a romantic theme:we wish Banbridge good luck in the semi we delivered Valentine’s goodyfinals! bags filled with love hearts andMrs. Willis other love-themed sweet treats. This has brought Year 11’s totalAnimation Club up to £560 so far this year.This Animation Club, run by the Year 12 – Year 12 are supportingArt Department, allows pupils Clic Sargent. This Valentine’sto flex their creativity and hone Day, the Year 12 Charitytheir animation skills. This Committee volunteered to makemonth, the boys have designed delicious chocolate truffles andand produced their very own Valentine’s cards for pupils tostop motion animations of comic send to their true loves!book characters! Yasmin McNeill (Year 11) and Charlotte Knox (Year 12)

Clubs in Pictures Monthly Newsletter: February EditionSome of the fundraisers and events undertaken by the Year 11 Charity Committee this year.Boys honing their animation skills in Animation Club.

Pupil SuccessCambridge Offers for Grammar Duo Scott runs for Youth ParliamentHead Boy, Calum McKay, and Deputy HeadBoy, Jonny Barry, received a boost to their A Scott Davison, a lower 6th studentLevel studies recently when they were both at Larne Grammar, is running anoffered places at The University of Cambridge. election campaign to be voted in asThe University of Cambridge is one of the Member of the UK Youthmost well-known universities in the world and Parliament for East Antrim area. Asamong the highest ranked for quality of one of the pupils studyingeducation. It is therefore one of the most Government and Politics, a newlycompetitive universities to gain a place at, only introduced subject within theaccepting approximately 3000 people out of school, Scott’s interest in this area is15,000 applications each year. clear.Everyone at Larne Grammar School isdelighted at the offers received by Calum and It is little surprise to those thatJonny. We look forward to working with them know Scott that he is now runningin the coming months to ensure their grades as MYP for East Antrim. In regardsenable them to take up their places on these to a previous case that Scotttwo prestigious courses. successfully challenged a government department on, localSt MacNissi's Choral Production of 'Beauty and MLA Roy Beggs referred to Scottthe Beast'. as having \"had a very firm grasp ofThe start of September 2014 was a very exciting the issues\" and that he \"performedtime as I would be returning to the St MacNissis very impressively as a youngChoral and Dramatics Society for the fourth year student.\"in a row to begin rehearsals of 'Beauty and theBeast'. I was particularly excited this year as as As this is an elected role, Scottthree of my best friends (Jenny Wilson, Rebekah requires the support of 11-18 yearBoyd and Erin Beattie), along with two other olds by voting online between thecurrent LGS pupils (Danielle Murray and Kenzie 17-27th of February.Macfarlane) and two past pupils (JordanBrownlee and Conor MCormick) would all be To keep up to date with Scott'sjoining me on stage. campaign, like his Facebook page:The past few months have been stressful, especially a majority of us had lead roles, but the scottdavison.mypfinal result of the pantomime ‘Beauty and TheBeast’ was a total success! I enjoyed every minuteof playing ‘Belle’ and I would strongly recommendthat anyone who enjoys singing, dancing, actingand having a laugh should join us next year!Yasmin McNeill, Year 11.

Pupil Success in Pictures Monthly Newsletter: February Edition Calum and Jonny LGS pupils on stage in 'Beauty and the Beast'. Scott with his Government and Politics teacher, Miss.Blair.

Pupil Success IIClare Murphy Bakes up aStormOur very own Mary Berry,aka sixth former ClareMurphy, was amongst agroup of volunteers whobaked sweet goodies for aValentine's Vintage CoffeeMorning held in theBarnardo's store on the LinnRoad. Not only did this eventprovide a treat for regularvisitors, it also gave the storethe opportunity to marketitself to new customers.Organisers of the event haveextended their thanks toClare and the othervolunteers who gave of theirtime (and baking prowess!)to raise awareness of such aworthwhile cause. Clare with her sweet treats and fellow bakers

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