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Home Explore Boating Atlantic-Guide2018-HIRES

Boating Atlantic-Guide2018-HIRES

Published by suzannerent, 2018-02-14 13:29:57

Description: Boating Atlantic-Guide2018-HIRES


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BOAT, MOTORS, SERVICES, & SUPPLIES:NEW BRUNSWICK: BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVERBOAT AND MOTOR DEALERS (NB) THE ST. JOHNPhil’s Auto and Recreation RIVER SOCIETY506-446-6135 | philsautoandrecreation.comSeamasters Founded in 1992, the Society’s506-633-0070 | goal is to spread appreciation and wise use of the natural andYACHT BROKERS cultural resources of the St. JohnSunnybrook Yacht Brokers River and its watershed. Today, the902-275-2424 | Society represents the entire river and offers programs to promote itsFINANCIAL SERVICES sustainable use.Walker Financial Services 705-444-6618 | The Society also owns and maintains the following wharvesBOATER EDUCATION along the St. John River. All of theseBoatsmart! Canada wharves are open for public use,877-792-3926 | including to recreational boaters:INSURANCE 1. MaugervilleFairway Insurance Services 888-245-4741 | 2. Burton Courthouse-unusableGateway Insurance 902-431-9300 | 3. Colwell’sSkippers’ Plan 800-661-7211 | 4. QueenstownONLINE DEALERS 5. 877-926-2822 | 6. McDonald’s-unusableMAGAZINES 7. Public LandingCanadian Yachting 877-620-9373 | 8. WickhamBOATING INFORMATION 9. Gerow’sDiscover Boating 10. BedfordBOAT TRANSPORTATION 11. White’s BluffSchooner Cove Marine 902-826-2278 | 12. Webster’sVMG Marine 902-499-9952 | For more information on the Society and its work, visit stjohnriver.orgNEW BRUNSWICK, BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVER • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 51


EDITORIALWHALES &OTHER WILDLIFEFisheries and Oceans Canada iscommitted to the welfare of marinemammals, and as such would like toprovide the public with the followingwhale watching tips for boatersto ensure you enjoy your wildlifeencounter while reducing the risk ofdisturbing marine mammals.When viewing whales from the waterin any type of vessel, remember thesekey guidelines:SLOW DOWN • Do not approach or position your vessel• Approach areas of known or suspected closer than 100 metres to any whale. If your boat accidentally comes closer than 100 marine wildlife activity with caution. metres, stop or keep the boat stationary and• Slow down as you approach whales. let the animal pass. Avoid sudden speed or heading changes. • Stay on the inshore side of the whales when they are travelling close to shore.KEEP CLEAR• Do not approach whales that are unmoving • Limit your viewing time to 30 minutes. This will minimize the cumulative impact and floating at the surface or near the surface – of many vessels, and give consideration to they are resting. other viewers.• Do not surround whales.• Do not approach marine mammals DO NOT INTERACT using aircraft. • Do not swim or dive with whales.• Keep clear of the whales’ path. If whales • Do not feed whales. approach you, move out of their way. • Do not touch whales.• Approach from the side: Do not approach whales from the front or behind. Approach from the side and move in a direction parallel to the direction of the whales. BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 53

WATCH FOR THESE SIGNS THAT SEALS AT HAUL-OUTSA WHALE IS BEING DISTURBED The places where seals congregate ashore are• Continually changing its swimming called haul-outs. These may be islands, islets or even rocks (cays) and flats. A number of speed or direction such haul-outs are used for activities essential• Diving more often to the seals’ survival, such as calving, nursing• Discontinuing its activities of vocalizing, and moulting. feeding, resting, nursing or socializing. When watching hauled-out seals:• Leaving the area • Do not land on or near haul-out sites.• Beginning or discontinuing aerial behaviors • Slow down. Reduce your speed as you such as lob-tailing, flippering, or breaching approach haul-outs. Avoid sudden changes• If you notice any of these signs, carefully move of speed or heading. • Keep a reasonable distance, whether watching your boat away from the whale. from the sea or the shore, and at the slightest sign of agitation among the animals, moveReminder: away. If they show signs of nervousness and start taking to the water, they are alreadyWhales can be observed from the shore with unsettled. Use negative impacts on the animals or their • Do not swim or dive with seals andenvironment. Do not touch, feed, or otherwise do not feed them.disturb any marine mammal, even if it comesup to a wharf or the shoreline. REPORTING Report an injured, harassed or abandonedPORPOISES AND DOLPHINS marine mammal by phone using the listed• Do not drive through groups of porpoises toll-free numbers 24 hours a day. or dolphins. For your report, you should:• If dolphins or porpoises ride the bow wave of • Specify the location • Note the condition of the animal your vessel, avoid sudden course changes. Hold • Include your contact information course and speed or reduce speed gradually. • Indicate the number of animals involved • Note the animal species, size, colourSEALS AND SEA LIONS• Be cautious and quiet when around haul- and features • Include the date and time you witnessed outs, especially during breeding, and pupping seasons (generally May to September). the incident• Reduce speed, minimize wake, wash and noise, and then slowly pass without stopping. Avoid Do not touch or move an animal approaching closer than 100 metres to any yourself because: marine mammals. • you may accidentally harm it• Pay attention and slowly move away at the first • it may carry diseases that could transfer to you sign of disturbance or agitation. If the animal starts to stare, fidget or flee, you’re too close.• Do not disturb, move, feed or touch any marine wildlife, including seal pups. If you are concerned about a potentially sick or stranded animal, contact your local stranding network where available.54 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018

TO REPORT SIGHTINGS OF LIVE SARA-listed marine mammal and sea turtleAND HEALTHY ANIMALS species found within the Maritimes RegionMarine Mammals and Whales include the:[email protected] North Atlantic Right Whale (Endangered);Whale Alert mobile application: Northern Bottlenose Whale (Endangered); Blue Whale (Endangered);Sea Turtles Fin Whale (Special Concern);Canadian Sea Turtle Network Sowerby’s Beaked Whale (Special Concern);[email protected] Leatherback Sea Turtle (Endangered);1-888-729-4667 Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Endangered); Beluga Whale (Endangered).TO REPORT SIGHTINGS OF ENTANGLED,INJURED AND DEAD ANIMALS Once listed under the Act, it is illegal to kill,Marine Animal Response Society harm, harass, capture or take a species that [email protected] listed as endangered or threatened. In addition,1-866-567-6277 all marine mammals are subject to the provisionsVHF Channel 16 of the Marine Mammal Regulations under the Fisheries Act. These regulations contain aMARINE SPECIES IDENTIFICATION GUIDE prohibition against disturbing a marine mammal, except when fishing for marine mammals underdocuments/publications/Marine- the authority of the regulations.SpeciesIdentification-Guide-English.pdfSPECIES AT RISK CANADIANThe Bay of Fundy and Scotian Shelf are home WILDLIFE FEDERATIONto many marine mammal and sea turtlespecies, some of which are listed as endangered, As Canadian sailors, we enjoy manythreatened, or special concern under the special connections with water.Species at Risk Act (SARA). The purposes of Canada has the longest coastlinethe Act are to: and the most lakes in the world and more than two million rivers. All of this• Prevent Canadian indigenous species, water flows across the land and flows subspecies, and distinct populations from into one of our three oceans, the becoming extirpated or extinct Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Arctic.• Provide for the recovery of endangered This 11-page guide provides users with or threatened species the know-how when to make smart decisions when enjoying activities in,• Encourage the management of other species on, and around the water. to prevent them from becoming at risk work/connecting-with-nature/ on-the-water/wild-about-sports/ water-sports/14-CWF-EDUC-205__ PracticesEng_Online-version.pdf BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 55

REGIONCAPE BRETONMARINA Map # Dockage Max Depth Power LengthBaddeck MarineBaddeck | 902-295-2434 | 88 Y 75' 15' 15, 30, 50Barra Strait Marina AMPGrand Narrows | 86 Y 100' 8-12' 15Ben Eoin Yacht Club AMPBen Eoin | 902-828-1099 | beneoinmarina.comBras d’Or Yacht Club 84 Y 100' 8' 15-30-60Baddeck | 902-295-2107 | AMPCape Breton Boat YardBaddeck | 902-295-2664 87 N UU UDobson Yacht ClubWestmount | 902-562-0062 | 89 Y 140' 10' 30Isle Madame Boat Club AMPArichat | 902-226-0773 or 78 Y 65' 9' 30-50Lennox Passage Yacht Club AMPD’Escousse | 902-631-0069 | 82 Y 40' 9' 15-30 AMP 81 Y 60' 10-12' 30 AMP56 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • CAPE BRETON

MARINA LISTINGS LEGEND: Y=Yes N=No W=Washrooms S=Showers L=Laundry U=UnknownMoorings Launch Fuel Water Pump Facilities Winter Lat Long Ramp & Ice Out Storage 60.44’52”WY N Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 46.5’57”NY Y N Water/Ice Y W/S/L N 45.57'38\" 60.47'67\"N Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 45.58.907N 60.25.884WY YN N N W/S Y 46.6'W 60.47'55\"WY N N Water Y W/S/L Y 46.5'46\"N 60.45'12\"WN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 46.08'14\"N 60.12'16'W N Y arrangements W/S members 45.30'NY Y can be made Water Y 61'2\"W only for fuelY Y N Water/Ice N W/S/L N 45.35’18”N 60.57’42”W CAPE BRETON • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 57

REGIONCAPE BRETONMARINA Map # Dockage Max Depth Power LengthMarina Du Havre-Cheticamp WharfCheticamp | 902-224-0442 | 76 Y 100' 7' 20 AMPMira Boat ClubMira River | 902-564-8660 | 80 Y 65' 9' 30 AMPNorthern Yacht Club 77 Y 60' 10' UNorth Sydney | 902-794-9121www.northernyachtclub.caPort of Sydney 79 Y 60' 15' 30Sydney | 902-564-4377 or 902-564-1055 Ferry Marina 90 day time only 40' 16' NRoss Ferry | 83 Y 120' 12' 30-50St. Peter’s Marina AMPSt Peters | 902-535-2729 or 75 Y 60’ 7’ 15-30Strait of Canso Yacht Club AMPPort Hawkesbury | 902-625-1918 | straitofcansoyc.caWhycocomagh Waterfront Centre Association 85 Y 40' 8' NWhycocomagh | 902-756-3580 | hogoma.ca58 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • CAPE BRETON

MARINA LISTINGS LEGEND: Y=Yes N=No W=Washrooms S=Showers L=Laundry U=UnknownMoorings Launch Fuel Water Pump Facilities Winter Lat Long Ramp Y & Ice Out Storage 61.0’28”WNN Y N W/S N 46.38’8”NN YY Y NW N 46.02’70”N 60.01.59” N arrangementsN Y can be made Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 46.11’20”N 60.15’56”W for fuelN YN Y Y W/S N 46.08’45”N 60.11’84”WN Y N Water Y W/S N 46.07'N 60.35'WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 45.39'40\"N 60.52'32\"WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 45.36’51”N 61.21’53”WY Y N Water Y W/S N 45.58’N 61.06’W CAPE BRETON • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 59

BEST BOATING EVENTS:CAPE BRETON PHOTO: MORRISON POWELLNORTHERN YACHT CLUB WALLACE MACASKILL CUPANNUAL REGATTA JULY 28 TO 29, 2018NORTH SYDNEY, AUGUST 2018 wallacemacaskillyachtclub.comnortheryachtclub.caThree days of racing in the North West Arm Now in its 29th year, this event hosted is hostedboundaries for all classes of boats. There’s also a by the Wallace MacAskill Yacht Club in St. Peter’s.weekend of fun activities, including barbecues, Warm-up races are held on the Friday on buoyedpot lucks, and musical entertainment. short courses, while the big race takes place Saturday over a 25-mile course on the Bras d’OrEAST BAY REGATTA Lakes. Stay after the races for chowder, games,JULY 29 TO 29, 2018 awards, entertainment, and fun.beneoinmarina.comSailors and friends are invited to the Ben Eoin BADDECK RACE WEEKYacht Club for two races, plus dinner and AUGUST 5 TO 11, 2018evening entertainment. Pre-race breakfasts barbecues, too. Starting the first Sunday every August, this regatta hosted by the Bras d’Or Yacht Club presents some of the best racing on the Bras d’Or Lakes. The event kicks off with a sail through on the lakes and then races every day. There are classes for junior sailors in prams, optimists, lasers, and 420s. The final race of the week is the Gardiner Hubbard Bell race. The winners of this race receive a prestigious trophy that is housed at the Bell Museum.60 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • CAPE BRETON

FESTIVALS AND MORE: PHOTO: COREY KATZ CELTIC COLOURS OCTOBER 2018CAPE BRETON celtic-colours.comROOTS TO BOOTS FESTIVAL For nine days in venues across CapeCHETICAMP, JUNE 14 TO 16, 2018  Breton, musicians from the island around the world celebrate the best ofAn early summer festival kicks off with Celtic culture. Check out world-classstorytelling, hiking, food, local-flavour, talent on main stages in Sydney and Portconcerts, songwriters’ circle and late night Hawkesbury. Visit smaller communitiessquare dances. Check out From Sea to Table, for markets and square dances. Or if youa story of crab from the sea to your plate. can stay awake, take in the late night stagesAnd sit down for a crab dinner, too. with after-hours shows that go until dawn.WHYCOCOMAGH SUMMER FESTIVALJULY 16 TO 21, summer festival features wateractivities, boat tours, and ceilidhs featuringtraditional Scottish and Mi’kmaq talent,all in a community on the shores of theBras d’Or Lakes.JUDIQUE ON THE FLOOR DAYSAUGUST 8 TO 12, 2018FB: Judique on the Floor A children’s parade, poker race, steakdinner, and pub at the local firehall. And,of course, lots of Cape Breton music withan outdoor Scottish concert.ssuunnnnyybbrrooookk130 Marina Rd, Suite 202, ChesteryyBaaasincc, NhhS Btt0ssJ 1K0130 MarinaPORdB, oSxu5ite4620C2h,eCstheer,stNeSr BBa0sJin1, JN0S B0J 1K0 PO Box 546 Chester, NS B0J 1J0 CChhAAssrrssiioosscciiaattPPee BBoorroowwkkeerreerrc 902.275.8796 w [email protected] [email protected] CAPE BRETON • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 61

PHOTO: PARKS CANADA PHOTO: PARKS CANADA/DESTINATION CAPE BRETONCOASTAL ATTRACTIONS:CAPE BRETONALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL MUSEUM FORTRESS OF LOUISBOURGBADDECK, N.S. LOUISBOURG, museum filled with the artifacts, photos, and Step back into time 300 years to life in a Frenchreplicas outlining the extraordinary career of fortress on the shores of Cape Breton. The Fortressinventor Alexander Graham Bell. Take the White of Louisbourg was established by the French inGlove Tour, which takes you behind the scenes to 1713, fell under attack by the British twice, and fellexplore Bell’s photos, gadgets, and other artifacts. into disrepair. Reconstruction began in the 1960s. Featuring guides dressed in period costume, this living museum offers detailed insights into daily life here in the 18th century.BOAT, MOTORS, SERVICES, & SUPPLIES:CAPE BRETONBOAT SERVICES, ONLINE DEALERSEQUIPMENT AND CHANDLERY Island Resources (Baddeck Marine) 877-926-2822 | boatdealers.ca902-295-2434 | MAGAZINESFINANCIAL SERVICES Canadian Yachting Walker Financial Services 877-620-9373 | canadianyachting.ca705-444-6618 | BOATING INFORMATIONBOATER EDUCATION Discover Boating Boatsmart! Canada discoverboating.ca877-792-3926 | BOAT TRANSPORTATIONINSURANCE Schooner Cove Marine Fairway Insurance Services 902-826-2278 | schoonercovemarine.com888-245-4741 | VMG Marine Gateway Insurance 902-499-9952 | 902-431-9300 | Skippers’ Plan 800-661-7211 | 62 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • CAPE BRETON


QUÉBEC 17 19 18 MARITIME Nor thuN MARINAS 20 21 23 28WE New Brunswick 22 40 S 25 24 MAINE 26 1 10 11 12 13 14 27NEW BRUNSWICK 63 62 641 Woodstock Valley 9 65 Yacht Club 8 66 692 St Andrew’s Market Wharf 73 Saint John Marina Ltd 64 Saint John Power Boat Club5 Brundage Point River Centre 5 156 Evandale Resort7 Gagetown Marina 4 16 R—iver8 Oromocto Boat Club 2 39 Regent Street Wharf Fuonhdny10 York Centennial Park Sailboat Marina f11 Mactaquac Power Boat Marina12 Fredericton Yacht Club13 Fredericton Yacht Club (Douglas Harbour)14 Chipman Marine Wharf BSta.yJo15 Rothesay Yacht Club 7416 Royal Kennebaccasis Yacht Club17 Dalhousie Regional Marina18 Bathurst MarinaMARINA DETAILS: PAGES 44–47NOVA SCOTIA 71 7047 Venus Cove Marina 57 Armdale Yacht Club 73 7248 Guysborough Marina 58 Royal Nova Scotia49 Cape Canso Marina Yacht Squadron50 Liscombe Lodge Marina 59 Shining Waters Marine51 Petpeswick Yacht Club 60 St Margaret Sailing Club52 Shearwater Yacht Club 61 East River Marine53 Alderney Marina Ltd 62 Chester Yacht Club54 Dartmouth Yacht Club 63 South Shore Marine55 Bedford Basin Yacht Club 64 Gold River Marina56 Waterfront Development 65 Atlantica Oak Island Marina64 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018

NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I.19 Caraquet Marina 29 Stanley Bridge Marina 39 Summerside Yacht Club Marina20 Miramichi Boating and Yacht Club 30 Montague Marina 40 West Point Marina21 Station Wharf Marina Inc. 31 Souris Marina 41 Sunrise Shore Marina22 Richibucto Marina 32 Cardigan Marina 42 Pictou Marina23 Cocagne Cape Marina 33 Brudenell Marina 43 Hector Quay Marina24 Cocagne Marina (Montague) 44 New Glasgow Water front Marina25 Sawmill Point Boat Basin 34 Bowdridge Landing 45 Ballantyne’s Cove26 Shediac Bay Yacht Club 35 Peakes Quay Marina 46 Cribbon’s Point & Sailing School 36 Charlottetown Marina27 Pointe de Chene Yacht Club 37 Charlottetown Yacht Club MARINA DETAILS: PAGES 28–33 38 Victoria Harbour Capumberland Strait — PEI28 Northport Pier 76 77 78e Breton 90 29 31 88 P.E.I. 32 89 87 7939 85 86 38 33 75 80 84 37 35 36 34 30 45 47 83 46 48 49 81 41 42 43 44 82 Nova Scotia CAPE BRETON 50 75 Strait of Canso Yacht Club 76 Marina Du Havre-Cheticamp Wharf 54 77 Northern Yacht Club 55 78 Dobson Yacht Club 51 79 Port of SydneyScotia58 57 80 Mira Boat Club ova59 52 81 Lennox Passage Yacht ClubN61 60 53 82 Isle Madame Boat Club astal67 56 83 St Peters Marina68 Co 84 Ben Eoin Yacht Club 85 Whycocomagh Waterfront66 Mahone Bay Civic Marina Centre Association67 Lunenburg Yacht Club 86 Barra Strait Marina68 Lunenburg Harbour (Zwicker Dock) 87 Bras d’Or Yacht Club69 Bridgewater Marina 88 Baddeck Marine70 LaHave River Yacht Club 89 Cape Breton Boat Yard71 Brooklyn Marina 90 Ross Ferry Marina72 Shelburne Harbour Yacht Club MARINA DETAILS: PAGES 56–5973 Killam Bros., Marinas74 Digby Marina Denotes Pump-out StationMARINA DETAILS: PAGES 12–15 *Marina locations are approximate BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 65

NEWFOUNDLAND 91 Bay of Islands Yacht Club 92 Lewisporte Marina Complex 93 Fogo Island Marine Interpretation Centre 94 Clarenville Rotary Marina 95 Bonavista Harbour Authority 96 Dock Marina, Trinity 97 Admiral’s Marina 98 Veterans Quay Marina 99 Holyrood Marina/TerraNova YC 100 Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club MARINA DETAILS: PAGES 70–71 Newfoundland 93 91 92 95 94 96 97 98 100 9966 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018

EDITORIALHIDDEN HARBOURS:YANKEE COVE TOLOUSE HARBOUR BY GLEN CAIRNSThere will be no description here of services, facilities, shopping or even pubs,just a place where you can find the kind of quiet and sense of isolation, whichis getting ever harder to locate. Way down Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore there isa stretch of untouched shoreline starting roughly at the hamlet of Whiteheadand going on the town of Canso. Here you will find wilderness anchoragesand some interesting inside passages between the rocky islands.The first such anchorage is Yankee Cove but there is still plenty of room and you will not (also called Yankee Harbour) found opposite often have to share the space. The harbour is easyWhitehead between Harbour Island and the to enter although you need to pay close attentionmainland. There is a dinghy passage usable on the in thick weather. Refer to the charts and thehigh tide into The Basin if exploring is your thing. Cruising Guide to the Nova Scotia CoastAt one time there was a small community here (Pilot Press) for details.and some ruins can still be found in the bushes atthe north end of the harbour. These days there is Continuing east past Port Howe, itself a finean aquaculture operation at the north end of the anchorage in settled weather, you can take Doverharbour that restricts the anchorage somewhat, Passage. This channel runs inside of Dover Island between Port Howe and Dover Bay. Once in68 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018

PHOTO: NS TOURISM PHOTOS: GOOGLE MAPSDover Bay you will find Louse Harbour on the This stretch of shoreline rewards exploringwestern side. Although the entrance to Louse in clear weather. However, in thick fog orHarbour looks tortuous on the chart, it is not strong southerly wind and swell it is best todifficult in good visibility. The water is clear stand well offshore.and a crewman on the bow is a great help. Onceinside there are several good anchorages and The area is clearly described in Cruising thedespite its name, Louse Harbour is one of the Eastern Shore by Mike Cox, (now unfortunatelynicest and most isolated on the coast. A hike out of print) and the Cruising Guide to the Novaashore affords some excellent views of the 8,000 Scotia Coast available from Pilot Press and fromhectare, Canso Coastal Barrens Wilderness Area. The Binnacle in Halifax. BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 69

REGIONNEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADORMARINA Map # Dockage Max Depth Power LengthAdmiral’s MarinaHarbour Grace | 709-596-0605 97 Y U 10' [email protected] | hrgrace.caBay of Islands Yacht Club Y U 30Corner Brook | 709-785-1188 91 by appoint- 60’ mentBonavista Harbour Authority 95 Y 75' 20' 30Bonavista | 709-468-1209 | [email protected] AMPClarenville Rotary Marina 94 Y 100' 30-40' YClarenville | 709-466-7937 | clarenvilleyachtclub.caDock Marina, Trinity 96 Y 140' 20' YTrinity | 709-781-2255 | atlanticadventures.comFogo Island Marine Information Centre 9’ 30 AMPSeldom, Fogo Island 120 volt709-627-3366 (seasonal) 709-266-1320 Town Office 93 Y 75’ tide at frontageHolyrood Marina/TerraNova YC 99 Y UU YHolyrood | 709-229-4348 | tnyc.caLewisporte Marina Complex 92 Y 60' 8' 30-50Lewisporte | 709-535-3633; email [email protected] Newfoundland Yacht Club 100 Y 60' 9' 30Conception Bay | 709-834-5151 | AMPVeterans Quay Marina 98 Y 50' 8' 15, 20, 30Bay Roberts | 709-786-2075 | bayroberts.com70 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR

MARINA LISTINGS LEGEND: Y=Yes N=No W=Washrooms S=Showers L=Laundry U=UnknownMoorings Launch Fuel Water Pump Facilities Winter Lat Long Ramp & Ice Out Storage 3.09’NN YN Water N W/S N 47.41’NN Y Y Water N W/S/L Y 48.57’49”N 58.01’11”W arrangements can be madeN Y Gas/Diesel W N W/S/L N 48'39N 53.06WN Y N Water N W/S/L Y 48.09’N 53.57’WN N N Water/Ice N W/S/L N 48.22’N 53.21’W Not onN site but in N Y N W/S/L N 49° 36’ 54° 11’ the Com- 36.02”N 06.54” W munityN N Gas/Diesel Water N W/S/L Y 47'.23.21''N 53'.07.53''W20 Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S/L Y 49'.14.37.83N 55'.03.19.86''WN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S/L Y 47.31’19” N 52.58’8” W (boat storage)N Y N Water/Ice N W/S N 47.35’N 53.16’W NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 71

BEST BOATING EVENTS:NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR BOAT-BUILDING WORKSHOPS WINTERTON, JUNE 5 TO SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 Learn how to build a traditional Newfoundland wooden dory through programs at the Wooden Boat Museum. One-day, one-week workshops available. Boats you learn to build include the Grand Banks dory and the 16’ 4” Winterton Rodney. Special packages include personalized instruction from a master boat builder, accommodations, and breakfast. PHOTOS: WOODEN BOAT MUSEUM72 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR

PHOTO: TOWN OF GRAND FALLS-WINDSORFESTIVALS AND MORE: NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR EXPLOITS VALLEY SALMON FESTIVAL GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR, JULY 2018 This is the largest five-day festival in the province. Previous acts included KISS, Aerosmith, The Tragically Hip, Blue Rodeo, and Matt Minglewood. Other events include salmon dinners and a Friday night dance. GEORGE STREET FESTIVAL ST. JOHN’S, JULY 26 TO AUGUST 1, 2018 Join up to 50,000 people on the “biggest little street in North America” for a summer party. There are pubs, restaurants, and music venues packed into downtown St. John’s in a Newfoundland kitchen party that hits the street. MUSSEL BED SOIREE LEWISPORTE, AUGUST 2018 or Sail or boat beautiful Notre Dame Day and stop into the Mussel Bed Soiree in Lewisporte for the day. There will be a family fun day, comedy night, stadium dance, boat parade of lights, and a concert in the park. NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 73

COASTAL ATTRACTIONS:NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR THE ROOMS ST. JOHN’S, NL Newfoundland and Labrador’s largest cultural space, The Rooms contains artifacts, art, and historical records telling the stories of the province. Collections include those on the government archives, history of sport in the province, and more than 400,000 still images. The museum sits on the site of the city’s former Fort Townshend, a citadel that was once one of North American’s largest British fortifications.PHOTO: THE ROOMS PHOTO: THE PROVINCIAL SEAMAN MUSEUMPROVINCIAL SEAMAN’S MUSEUMGRAND BANK, look back at the resourceful and fascinatingways the people of Newfoundland andLabrador made their lives on the land and sea.Exhibits on the ground floor look at life on thesea. The second floor showcases life on land.Collections include tools and artifacts used inthe inshore and offshore fisheries, as well asshipping and navigation. GROS MORNE NATIONAL PARK Explore 1,850 square kilometres of wilderness on the western coast of Newfoundland. This national park was granted UNESCO World Heritage Status in 1987. Hike mountaintops and kayak waterways and learn about the flora and fauna that makes their home here. Visit one of the villages or towns and take in festival and local culture.74 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR

BOAT, MOTORS, SERVICES, & SUPPLIES:NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADORFINANCIAL SERVICES ONLINE DEALERSWalker Financial Services 705-444-6618 | 877-926-2822 | boatdealers.caBOATER EDUCATION MAGAZINESBoatsmart! Canada Canadian Yachting 877-792-3926 | 877-620-9373 | canadianyachting.caINSURANCE BOATING INFORMATIONFairway Insurance Services Discover Boating 888-245-4741 | discoverboating.caGateway Insurance 902-431-9300 | BOAT TRANSPORTATIONSkippers’ Plan Schooner Cove Marine 800-661-7211 | 902-826-2278 | VMG Marine 902-499-9952 | NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 75

EDITORIALATLANTICPUFFINS BY PAT NELDERThe Atlantic Puffin (fratercula arctica) is one offour species of puffins, but the only species thatlives in the North Atlantic. The puffin belongs to thefamily of birds called the auks, and related to thepuffin are the dovekie, the murre, the guillemot,the razorbill, the auklet, the murrelet, and the now-extinct great auk. These birds are native to thenorthern hemisphere and are diving birds, whichuse their wings to propel them underwater.During the North Atlantic winter, the a crevice among boulders lines with a nesting puffins spend their lives at sea, close to material. Puffins normally keep the same matethe Arctic ice pack, and as far south as New York and the same burrow from year to year, and haveand the Canary Islands. Breeding pairs return to to defend their sites against “house-hunters.” Theland in mid-April. In Atlantic Canada they can be average bird lives about 20 years.sighted in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. After a period of courtship and mating, the The puffin is a striking looking bird, standing female puffin lays a single egg that is incubatedabout 10 inches tall and weighing about 500 by both parents for approximately six weeks.grams. The male and female breeding adults have After hatching, the baby is left alone once it canan orange, yellow and bluish bill and matching maintain its body temperature and the parentsorange legs. Their greyish white face has yellow return to sea to bring it food. The babies arerosettes at the base of the bill and red rings with generally ready to leave the nest after 40 days, assmall bluish plate around the eyes. Their heads, long as the food supply has been abundant, andbacks, and wings are black and their undersides will not return to land until it is ready to breed, inare white. After breeding season, the puffin sheds about four to five years.its colours and its face becomes dark aroundand in front of the eyes. The puffin moults and The Atlantic Puffin was made the official birdbecomes flightless in late winter, early spring and of Newfoundland and Labrador in 1992. Morethen grows new feathers, colourful face and bill than 260,000 pairs of the province’s official birdplates ready for courting. nest in the Witless Islands Ecological Reserve. The four islands named Gull, Green, Great, and When the puffins return to land in Atlantic Pee Pee, lie just a few kilometres off the east coastCanada many return to their “house.” This is of Newfoundland’s Avalon Peninsula, betweenoften at the end of a burrow in the ground or in the communities of Bay Bulls and Bauline East,76 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018

PHOTO: RAY HENNESSY ONLINE CRUISING GUIDEShalf an hour south of St. John’s. Regulations Dobson Yacht Club maintains agovern the operations of boats in the reserve. More cruising guide for Cape Breton atinformation is available at Pilot Press publishes guides for the In Nova Scotia, the largest puffin colony is in Nova Scotia Coast and Newfoundlandthe Bird Islands composed of two islands, Hereford and Labrador. Updates can be found atand Ciboux that lie not that far off Cape Dauphin, pilot-press.comoff the east coast of the Cape Breton IslandHighlands. A smaller colony makes its home on VISIT A MARINE BOOK STOREPearl Island, located 17 nautical miles east of the FOR THESE REFERENCE GUIDES:town of Mahone Bay, on the South Shore. A Cruising Guide to the CanadianFunny puffin facts: Puffins are poor fliers. They Maritimes (Yacht Pilot)have difficulty becoming airborne and flaptheir wings at an amazing 300 to 400 beats A Cruising Guide to the Down Eastper minute to maintain flight. They also have Circle Route (Yacht Pilot)trouble landing and often crash onto the seaor tumble onto the grass, bowling over other A Cruising Guide to the Bay of Fundypuffins that get in their way. On land puffins and the St. John River (Nicholas Tracy)stand upright and walk or hop about withapparent great care over the uneven terrain Cruising Guide Notre Dame Bay,of the colony. Puffins are very curious and will Newfoundlandrush over to watch a pair billing or fighting, sothat these events are often surrounded by a Harbours and Marinas of P.E.I.crowd of spectators. Source CWF The Insiders’ Guide to Cruising to Cape Breton Island RECREATIONAL FISHING REGULATIONS It’s best to know the law when it comes to fishing in Canada. Managing Canada’s recreational fisheries is a shared responsibility between federal, provincial, and territorial governments. Roles vary between different provinces and territories. Generally, the federal government is responsible for all marine species with the exception of anadromous and catadromous species in inland waters in some regions. Provincial and territorial governments are responsible for freshwater species. Unless otherwise noted, the websites on the site below are managed by provincial and territorial governments. Consult anglers’ guides and information on fishing licences and other regulations. peches/recreational-recreative-eng.html BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 77

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