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Home Explore Boating Atlantic-Guide2018-HIRES

Boating Atlantic-Guide2018-HIRES

Published by suzannerent, 2018-02-14 13:29:57

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Daniel Comeau, Manager Leonard C. Comeau [email protected] 467 HWY1, Comeauville, NS B0W 2Z0 Tel: 902-769-2425 | Fax: 902-769-3161 www.comeauhonda.com4 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018


BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018Publisher/Editor Suzanne Rent Published in partnership withDesign Kimber Grenier No portion of this guide can be reprinted or transmittedPrinting Advocate Printing without consent of the publisher. & Publishing While we work to ensure content is accurate, we are not responsible for errors or omissions. Please contactContributing Glen Cairns the publisher directly for corrections/clarifications.Editors Pat Nelder FOR ADVERTISING, CONTACT: Suzanne Rent tel. [email protected] | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018

PLOT YOUR COURSE: CONTENTSWelcome Message 8 CAPE BRETON 56Important Cruising Information and Links 10 Featured Marinas 60 Best Boating Events 61COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA 12 Festivals and More 62Featured Marinas 16 Coastal Attractions Best Boating Events 20 70Coastal Attractions 21 NEWFOUNDLAND 722018 Sailing Events Featured Marinas 73 28 Best Boating Events 74NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT 34 Festivals and More Featured Marinas 36 Coastal Attractions 64, 65Best Boating Events Festivals and More 44 MAPS 64, 65 48 Coastal Nova Scotia 64NEW BRUNSWICK, BAY OF FUNDY 49 Prince Edward Island and 65AND ST. JOHN RIVER the Northumberland Strait 66Featured Marinas New Brunswick & St. John River Best Boating Events Cape Breton 53Festivals and More Newfoundland 68Cover Photo: Boats prepare for the Heritage Cup, EDITORIALS 76Lunenburg Harbour. Nova Scotia Whales & Other Wildlife Photo: Peter Zwicker | Bacalao Photo Hidden Harbours: | 902-521-6876 Yankee Cove to Louse Harbour Atlantic Puffins The more knowledge you have,the more enjoyable boating becomes.Register for a course Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons Escadrilles canadiennes de plaisance | 1-888-CPS-BOAT BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 7

WELCOME FROM OUR PRESIDENTWelcome to the 2018edition of Boating Atlantic.This is a comprehensive guidefor boaters and sailors in AtlanticCanada. In these pages you willfind detailed listings for marinaand yacht clubs around AtlanticCanada. This will help you planahead for the boating season.Our region has plenty to offer boaters. You don’t have to be a boater to love this guide. You can sail the warm waters of the It’s a resource for anyone who loves being onNorthumberland Strait between Nova Scotia, the water. But if you’re a novice boater, this is aNew Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. great place to start. We have information on theCruise the majestic St. John River in New services, boat dealers, and chandleries that willBrunswick. Or check out the icebergs off the help you get on the water in your own vessel.coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. If you’re inNova Scotia, boat through one of the many coves, For 2018, we’re heading online, too. Checkinlets, harbours, or bays along the province’s out our Facebook page Boating Atlantic. Whilescenic shores. this guide remains a popular hands-on tool to keep on your boat, our Facebook page will keep If you’re looking for adventures in boating or you posted year round. Feel free to leave yoursailing, we included details on boating events in comments, questions, and tips for other boaters.our region. As well, we have information on other You can also check us out at and events taking place during boating Welcome to our waters!season in 2018. These are some of the most Be safe and enjoy the season.popular events to check out when you tie up andhead to shore. Tara Mills President, Atlantic Marine Trades Association Atlantic Canada is beautiful any time of [email protected]. But when the weather warms up—and iteventually does!—being in a boat on the water isone of the best ways to enjoy the sights, sounds,and wildlife of this region.8 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018

For information on new boats,repairs, restorations, service, orstorage in Canada’s Maritimes, visit: life’s better with a boat! Boating is about building relationships withfamily and friends, and creating memories that last a lifetime.New boater? Old salt? has Find your favourite destinations ateverything you need to launch your boating life. www.boatingatlantic.comDiscoverBoatingCanada @DB_Canada DiscoverBoatingCanadaDownload “Discover Boating Safety”This FREE APP works online, offline and offshore.

IMPORTANT CRUISING INFORMATIONBringing Your Boat to pre-register or not, be sure to always have yourto Cruise in Canada travel documents on hand when you call the TRC to report entry into Canada. This will assist theRecreational boaters must present themselves CBSA in facilitating your entry into Canada asto the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) quickly as possible.each time they arrive in Canada. When entering by water, you must contact the CBSAby calling the Telephone reporting centre (TRC) Leaving Your Boat in Canadaat 1-888-226-7277 after arriving at a designatedmarine site. If towing your vessel into Canada by You are permitted to leave your vessel in Canadatrailer, you will report to the CBSA at a land Port if you plan to make a series of visits to Canadaof Entry. The NEXUS telephone reporting line is: throughout the boating season. You must advise1-866-99-NEXUS (1-866-996-3987) CANPASS the CBSA border services officer of your plansand NEXUS programs streamline the border at the time of your initial arrival in Canada andclearance process for pre-approved, low-risk provide the officer the anticipated date that thetravellers into Canada and the United States. boat will leave Canada. Boats must be removed/Visit leave Canada at the end of the originally declaredcanpassprivateboat-eng.html for information date, or within 12 months from the date ofabout the CANPASS program and cbsa-asfc. importation, whichever is earlier. If you wish leave your vessel in Canada for repair or storagefor information about the NEXUS program. at the end of the boating season, or if you wish toTo help ensure minimal wait times for private import your vessel strictly for those services, youboat owners/operators reporting their entry into or your agent must provide the CBSA with theCanada using the CBSA Telephone Reporting following information:Centre (TRC), we recommend that you pre-register your personal and travel document • The work order with details of vessel repairs toinformation in advance. You must provide the be carried out, or the agreement for the vesselfollowing information for each individual on storage, or both, if applicable;the boat: • Both the work order and/or storage agreement• Full legal name must show the expected completion date; and• Date of birth• Travel document number, • The documents must also indicate where the vessel will be located. The vessel will be type and expiry date documented on form E29B and a refundable security deposit may be required. TheYou can e-mail your information to TRC_ maximum vessel retention period in CanadaPreRegistration_InscriptionPréalable_CRT@ without the payment of duty or taxes The CBSA will enter your normally 12 months for storage and 18 monthsinformation into our system within 24 hours of for repair. Extensions may be possible. Toreceipt. You must still use the regular reporting find out more information, please visit Themethods to report your entry. Whether you chose Canadian Border Services Website at cbsaasfc. | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018

Charts and Publications boats can be found here debs-obs-paperworkpaperwork_boat_licence-3211.All vessels in Canadian waters must carry and use htm#a11 For more information on recreationalnautical charts and related publications pursuant to boating regulations, visit Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Charts and Nautical A copy of the latest Canadian Safe Boating GuidePublications Regulations, that are issued by, or on is available for download at authority of, the Canadian Hydrographic Service. documents/marinesafety/TP-511e.pdfThe Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) hasinformation about available charts, digital charts, Weather Linkssailing directions, tides and water levels with links toChart Dealers at Notices to Mariners weather.gc.caprovides you with the necessary information to theweathernetwork.comupdate all of your charts and nautical publications. windfinder.comIt will advise you of our new initiatives, services andalso of some important announcements concerning Small Craft Harboursthe maritime community and can be viewed Small Craft Harbours (SCH) is a nationwide program of the Department of Fisheries andTides Oceans. With the help of more than 5000 volunteers nationally, SCH operates and maintains a nationalInformation about Tides can be viewed at system of harbours to provide commercial fish harvesters and other harbour users with safe andBoating Safety accessible facilities. The mandate of SCH is to keep the harbours that are critical to the fishingTransport Canada Marine Safety’s Office of Boating industry open and in good repair. For the most part,Safety encourages boaters to explore Canada’s Harbour Authorities are incorporated, not-for-profitwaterways responsibly. All recreational boaters are organizations. They have a board of directors andexpected to know the rules that govern their safe members, who are representative of local interestenjoyment of Canada’s waters, including mandatory groups and harbour users. Each Harbour Authoritysafety equipment, the safe operation of vessels is a unique and independent business responsibleand the protection of the environment. To operate for managing, operating and maintaining onea motorized boat in Canada, you need proof of or more public fishing harbours, through a leasecompetency to show that you have basic boating agreement with Small Craft Harbours. Harboursafety knowledge. The most common form of proof Authorities are essential to the social and economicof competency is a Pleasure Craft Operator Card. life of many communities in Canada that dependYou can get one by taking a boating safety course on local harbours. Harbour Authorities link peopleand/or passing a boating safety test from a Transport to nearby waters by keeping vital harbour facilitiesCanada accredited course provider. In addition, all in good repair. Harbour Authorities are also key inrecreational boats with a motor of 10 horsepower representing the needs of its users at the community(7.5 kW) or more must have a pleasure craft licence. level and to various interested parties. For a list ofPleasure craft licences are free and are valid for 10 Small Craft Harbours in the Atlantic Region visityears. Information about licensing of recreational BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 11

REGIONCOASTAL NOVA SCOTIAMARINA 2018 Map # Dockage Max Depth Power Length 30Alderney Marina Ltd AMPDartmouth | 902-209-1894 | [email protected] 53 Y 35' 7'Armdale Yacht Club 15 & 30Halifax | 902-477-4617 | 57 Y 45' 10' AMPAtlantica Oak Island Marina 30Western Shore | 1-800-565-5075 | 65 Y 40' 12' AMPBedford Basin Yacht Club 30Bedford | 902-835-3729 | 55 Y 40' 8' AMPBridgewater Marina 30Bridgewater | 902-541-9108 | 69 Y 60' 12' AMPBrooklyn Marina 30Brooklyn | 902-354-4028 | 71 Y 45' 6' AMPCape Canso Marina 30Canso | 902-366-2937 49 Y 50' 8' AMPChester Yacht ClubChester | 902-275-3747 | 62 N 60' 25' NDartmouth Yacht ClubDartmouth | 902-468-6050 | 54 Y 44' 9' 15-30 AMPDigby Marina 74 Y 60' 9' 30Digby | 902-245-8770 | AMPEast River Marine 61 Y 70’ 15’ 30-50Chester | 902-229-3511 | AMPGold River Marina 64 Y 46' 10' 30Gold River | | 902-275-1322 AMPGuysborough Marina 48 Y 26' 20' 50Guysborough | 902-533-2052 | 73 AMPKillam Bros., MarinasYarmouth | 902-740-4780 | Y 200' 14' 30-50-80- 100 AMP12 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE

MARINA LISTINGS LEGEND: Y=Yes N=No W=Washrooms S=Showers L=Laundry U=UnknownMoorings Launch Fuel Water Pump Facilities Winter Lat Long Ramp N & Ice Out Storage 44.39'N 63.34'34\"W WaterYY N W/S NY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S Y 44.38'58\"N 63.30'47\"WY N Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S/L N 44.31’3”N 64.18’2”WY Y N Water/Ice N W/S Y 44.43'35.54\"N 63.39'51.27\"WN N N Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 44.22’.357”N 64.30’.379”WY Y N Water N W/S Y 44.02'N 64.41'54\"WY Y N Water N W/S/L N 45.20'15\"N 60.59'05\"WY NN Ice N W N 44.32'12\"N 64.31'WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S Y 44.42'N 63.37'W High TestY Y Gasoline/ Water N N Y 44.39'N 65.49'W DieselY Y N Water N W/S/L Y 44.34’N 64.10’19”W Y Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S/L Y 44.32'49\"N 64.18'58\"W (can be Free WiFi done by appointment)Y Y Gas/Diesel Water Y W/S Y 45.23'40\"N 61.29'58\"WY N Gas/Diesel Water N W/S/L N 43.50'N 66.7'W COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 13

REGIONCOASTAL NOVA SCOTIAMARINA Map # Dockage Max Depth Power Length 15LaHave River Yacht Club AMPLaHave | 902-688-3177 | 70 Y 50' 7'Liscombe Lodge Marina 30-50Liscombe Mills | 902-779-2307 | 50 Y 100' 10' AMPLunenburg Yacht Club 30Princess Inlet | 902-634-3745 | 67 Y 40' 6' AMPLunenburg Harbour 30Lunenburg | 902-640-3202 | 68 Y 110' 20' AMPMahone Bay Civic MarinaTown of Mahone Bay | 902-624-0348 66 Y 75' 16' AMPPetpeswick Yacht ClubMusquoduboit Harbour | 902-889-2896 51 Y 40' 4’ AMPRoyal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron low tideHalifax | 902-477-5653 | rnsys.comShearwater Yacht Club 58 Y 160' 16' 30-200Shearwater | 902-469-8590 | AMPShelburne Harbour Yacht Club 52 N 40' 40’ Only at mastShelburne | 902-875-4757 | crane dockShining Waters Marine 15-30 AMPTantallon | 902-826-3625 | 72 Y 55' 11' town dockSouth Shore Marine 50 AMPChester | 902-275-3711 | southshoremarine.caSt Margaret Sailing Club 59 Y 55' 10’ - 15 & 30St Margaret’s Bay | 902-823-1089 | 75' AMPVenus Cove Marina limitedMulgrave | [email protected] Development 63 Service 60' 10' at dockHalifax | 902-229-2628 | Dock 60 Y 55' 8' 15-30 AMP 47 Y YY U 56 Y 300' 25' 30-50-10O AMP14 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE

MARINA LISTINGS LEGEND: Y=Yes N=No W=Washrooms S=Showers L=Laundry U=UnknownMoorings Launch Fuel Water Pump Facilities Winter Lat Long Ramp & Ice Out Storage 64.24'34\"W Water/IceY Y Gas/Diesel N W/S Y 44.18'43\"NY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S/L N 45.00'52\"N 62.06'38\"WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S On Trailer 44.24'30\"N 64.19'30\"W OnlyY N N Water/Ice Y W/S Y 44.22'N 64.19'WY Y N Water/Ice Y W/S Y 44.26'88\"N 64.22'45\"WY Y N Water/Ice N W Y 44.42'32\"N 63.09'45\"WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 44.37'16.90\"N 63.34'49.8\"WY Y N Water/Ice N W/S/L Y 44.47'43\"N 63.31'28\"WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S/L N 43.45'29.36\"N 65.19'21.32\"W Y Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 44.39'470\"N 63.54'771\"Wdeep waterY N Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S Y 44.33'35\"N 64.17'WY Y N Water/Ice N W/S N 44.38'1\"N 63.55'1\"WY Y N Water N W N 45.36'W 61.22'NN N Trucked in Water/Ice N W N 44.38'N 63.34'W COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 15

BEST BOATING EVENTS:COASTAL NOVA SCOTIAROUTE SAINT-PIERRE ET MIQUELON This is the ninth edition of ROUTE Saint-HALIFAX, JUNE 22 TO 26 Pierre et Miquelon, the 350-mile ocean raceSAINT-PIERRE ET MIQUELON, between Halifax and Saint-Pierre et Miquelon,JUNE 26 TO 30, 2018 a territory of France off the southern coast of Newfoundland. Forty boats and a range of sailors, including enthusiastic amateurs to professional racers from all around the world, are expected to cut the start line in Halifax on June 26. Halifax Waterfront hosts the fleet in the fantastic settings of the historic harbour and a great festival Saint-Pierre et Miquelon Des îles d’exception with live concert and entertainment. Then, crews will enjoy five days of celebration in Saint-Pierre together with the legendary hospitality of the people of the Archipelago. This is a must-attend event of the offshore racing circuit.LASER CANADIAN AND RADIAL CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIPSST. MARGARETS BAY, JULY 20 TO 22, 2018smsc.caThe St. Margaret Sailing Club is pleased to host the Laser Canadian and Radial Canadianchampionships in 2018. Held in conjunction with the club’s annual Bay Wind Regatta, the eventwill bring together more than 50 of the best laser and radial sailors from across Canada.16 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE

SCHOONER RACE WEEKCHESTER, AUGUST 5 TO 11, 2018nsschooner.caRacing is one of the activities that define theNova Scotia Schooner Association. Founded bymen and women who met in 1961 to race for thefirst Nova Scotia Schooner Championship, themembers have gathered every summer, withoutfail, for a week of racing ever since. CHESTER RACE WEEK CHESTER, AUGUST 15 TO 18, 2018 At Chester Yacht Club, with four different race courses, there is something for every sailor from very competitive one design classes, serious distance races to round the buoys fun, and Nova Scotia’s famous Bluenose Class Fleet racing in Chester Harbour. There is live entertainment ashore each evening, food trucks and day time shore side events. All in all, a very good time for everyone. COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 17PHOTO: TIM WILKES PHOTO: DARLENE SWINIMER

BEST BOATING EVENTS:COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA MOBILITY CUP ROYAL NOVA SCOTIA YACHT SQUADRON, HALIFAX, AUGUST 27 TO 31, 2018 Mobility Cup 2018 brings together more than 40 sailors in Halifax for the largest Able Sail Regatta in Canada. Sailed in Martin 16s this year and organizers also hope to introduce a fleet of 2.4mRs to the competition. Plans are to have on hand some of the new Paralympic boats for athletes to try as well. HALIFAX INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW FEBRUARY 8 TO 11, 2018 Atlantic Canada’s largest boat show is the place to be for the latest brands and styles of boats, accessories, services, and more. There is plenty of expertise in the dozens of exhibits, seminars, and more. Get a weekend pass and take your time shopping for your boat for the season.18 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE


COASTAL ATTRACTIONS:COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA PHOTO: MARITIME MUSEUM OF THE ATLANTICMARITIME MUSEUM OF THE ATLANTIC STAN ROGERS FOLK FESTIVALHALIFAX, NS JULY 26 TO 29, stanfest.comLocated on the Halifax Waterfront, this Singer-songwriter Stan Rogers was from Ontario,museum takes you on a walk through the but spent summers on Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore.seafaring history of the Maritimes. Exhibits on Now every summer, Canso celebrates Rogers willthe Titantic and a collection of ship portraits. a festival featuring musical talent from nearby and around the world. This year, the festival has new dates. Pack your tent and camp out, too.YARMOUTH COUNTY MUSEUM WEDGEPORT TUNAAND ARCHIVES TOURNAMENT AND FESTIVALYARMOUTH, NS AUGUST 19 TO 25, wedgeporttuna.caLocated in a former church, this museum is Get the catch of the day at this festival in theknown for its collection of find paintings of waters off Wedgeport, which was once a tunaships. Inside are more than 20,000 artifacts capital in the world. Fishermen now head outtelling the history of Yarmouth County. 12 hours from the wharf at Wedgeport to “HellAlso, check out the stories on the history Hole,” which is south of Brown’s Bank andof rum running. north east of George’s Bank.20 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE

2018 SAILING EVENTS:COASTAL NOVA SCOTIAICE BREAKER REGATTA OPTI JAMMAY 12, 2018 AUGUST 1- 2, 2018Armdale Yacht Club | Chester Yacht Club | chesteryachtclub.caPHRF Racing Dinghy METRO REGATTAOPENING REGATTA AUGUST 4 - 5, 2018MAY 18 - 20, 2018 Halifax Harbour | sailnovascotia.caArmdale Yacht Club | PHRF RacingPHRF Racing BAMSE CUP AUGUST 8 - 9, 2018OPENING REGATTA Dartmouth Yacht Club | dartmouthyachtclub.caMAY 26 - 27, 2018 DinghyRoyal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron | CONVOY CUPPHRF Racing SEPTEMBER 7 - 9, 2018 Dartmouth Yacht Club | dartmouthyachtclub.caSAIL NOVA SCOTIA PHRF RacingBOXING ROCK CUP PRINCE OF WALES REGATTA(HARBOUR RACE) SEPTEMBER 15 - 16, 2018JUNE 9, 2018 Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron | rnsys.comHalifax Harbour | PHRF RacingPHRF Racing HARBOUR ISLAND RACE SEPTEMBER 15, 2018OPENING REGATTA Armdale Yacht Club | armdaleyachtclub.ns.caJUNE 16 -17, 2018 PHRF RacingDartmouth Yacht Club | BEANCROCKPHRF Racing SEPTEMBER 22, 2018 Dartmouth Yacht Club | dartmouthyachtclub.caOPENING REGATTA PHRF RacingJUNE 23 - 24, 2018 TURKEY BOWLShearwater Yacht Club | OCTOBER 6, 2018PHRF Racing Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron | PHRF RacingCANADA DAY RACE DIE HARD RACEJULY 1, 2018 OCTOBER 20, 2018Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron | Armdale Yacht Club | armdaleyachtclub.ns.caPHRF Racing PHRF RacingMAHONE ISLAND CONSERVATIONASSOCIATION CANADA DAY RACEJULY 1, 2018Indian Point Yacht Club | indianpointyachtclub.caPHRF RacingSAIL EAST AT SAIL FESTJULY 26 - 29, 2018Lunenburg Yacht Club | lyc.ns.caDinghyCOASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 21

BOAT, MOTORS, SERVICES, & SUPPLIES:COASTAL NOVA SCOTIABOAT AND MOTOR DEALERS BOAT EQUIPMENT AND SERVICESIron Wind Marine Inc. (CHANDLERIES)(902) 852-4199 | The Binnacle Leonard C. Comeau Ltd. 902-423-6464 | binnacle.com902-769-2425 | North Sails Yacht Shop  Mahone Marine 902-445-3278 | shop.yachtshop.ca902-298-3000 | DSS Marine New Wave Power Products 902-835-4848 | dssmarine.com902-860-2220 | Michele Stevens Sailloft NewStar Marine & Scooter Inc. 902-634-9338 | stevenssailloft.ca902-488-3600 | newstar.caNoddings’ Sales & Service Ltd. YACHT BROKERS902-543-7396 | Sunnybrook Yacht Brokers Schooner Cove Marine 902-275-2424 | sunnybrookyachts.com902-826-2278 | schoonercovemarine.comSeamasters Services Ltd. DOCK BUILDERS902-468-2029 | Bear River Plastic Welding Inc. Shining Waters Marine 902-638-3438 | plasticweld.ns.ca902-826-3625 | shiningwaters.caSunset Marine ASSOCIATIONS902-827-3353 | Nova Scotia Boatbuilders Association White Water Marine 902-423-2378 | nsboats.com902-865-3788 | Sail Nova Scotia 902-425-5450 | sailnovascotia.caSERVICE PROVIDERSConrad Marine Sales & Services FINANCIAL SERVICES902-484-3900 | Walker Financial Services C-Tow 705-444-6618 | toyloan.com888-354-5554 | c-tow.caGold River Marina BOATER EDUCATION902-275-1322 | Boatsmart! Canada Shining Waters Marine 877-792-3926 | boatsmartexam.com902-826-3625 | shiningwaters.caThe Boat Shop INSURANCE902-821-3511 | Fairway Insurance Services Pictou Marina 888-245-4741 | fairway.ca902-485-9155 | Gateway Insurance 902-431-9300 | Skippers’ Plan 800-661-7211 | 22 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • COASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE

ONLINE 877-926-2822 | boatdealers.caMAGAZINESCanadian Yachting 877-620-9373 | canadianyachting.caBOATING INFORMATIONDiscover Boating discoverboating.caBOAT TRANSPORTATIONSchooner Cove Marine 902-826-2278 | schoonercovemarine.comVMG Marine 902-499-9952 |

TIE UP, SEWAGE REGULATIONSWIND DOWN... If you are boating in Atlantic Canada, theon Nova Scotia’s South Shore following regulations apply • All pleasure craft equipped with a toilet must have a holding tank for sewage • Discharge in inland waters including the Bras d’Or Lake is prohibited • Boats at sea can discharge if they are three miles offshore and moving at their fastest feasible speed • Sewage can be discharged ashore at pump out facilities • The full regulation can be viewed at sor-2012-69/page-1.html • Full Service Marina SHORELINE SPEED• Resort Accommodations RESTRICTION• Seaside Dining • Aqua Spa • Recreational Activities In the Nova Scotia there is a shore line speed restriction on the rivers and lakes including the Located in the heart of Bras d’Or Lake.   Mahone Bay, NS No person shall operate a power-driven vessel at a speed in excess of 10 km/h (6mph) within Toll Free 800-565-5075 30 metres (100 feet) of the shore. The restriction does not apply to (a) a vessel that is operated for the purpose of towing a person on water skis or on any other sporting or recreational equipment, if the vessel follows a course away from and perpendicular to the shore; and (b) in respect of a power-driven vessel that is operated (i) in rivers that are less than 100 metres in width or in canals or buoyed channels, or (ii) in any waters referred to in Schedule 6 of the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations in respect of which a maximum speed is set out. The full regulation can be viewed at sor-2008-120/page-1.html#h-2AT L A N T I C A O A K I S L A N D M A R I N A . C O M

SAIL NOVA SCOTIAMARINE SERVICE Sail Nova Scotia works toTECHNICIAN make recreational boating and high-performanceDid you know that the Province sailing lifelong activitiesof Nova Scotia has designated for Nova Scotians. TheirMarine Service Technician as a comprehensive websiteTrade? Certified Marine Service provides contact informationTechnicians are highly trained for Nova Scotia yacht andindividuals working in marine sailing clubs, as well as updealerships, boat shops and boat to date PHRF handicappingyards, marinas, and yacht clubs. information for boats thatThe Marine Service Technician are racing, informationApprenticeship Program opens up about member sailingopportunities for those wanting to schools, and learn-to-sailbecome skilled in the trade. programs.For more information, see  Listings of boating or contact and regattas are suppliedthe Training & Certification by member clubs on toCo-ordinator at the Nova Scotia their event calendar.Boatbuilders Association  [email protected] Rnnd,yySubbite rr20oo2, CoohekksteryyBaaasincc, NhhS Btt0ssJ 1K0130 MarinaPROdB, oSxui5te4620C2h,eCshteers, tNeSr BBa0sJin1, JN0S B0J 1K0 PJO oBohx 5n46 SChuesteerd, NeS rBi0cJ 1kJ0 JohnSeSniour Berodkeer rick Senior Brokerc 902.529.0802 w [email protected] [email protected] sunnybrookyachts.comCOASTAL NOVA SCOTIA: EASTERN SHORE & SOUTH SHORE • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 25


REGIONNORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT: N.B.MARINA Map # Dockage Max Depth Power LengthCaraquet Marina 15-30Bas Caraquet | 19 Y 40' 9' AMP506-726-8900 in season / 506-727-5039 off season 15Cocagne Cape Marina 23 Y 42' 6' AMPGrande Digue | 506-312-1941 | 30 AMPCocagne Marina 24 Y 40' 10' 15Cocagne | 506-852-1048 | AMP 30Miramichi Boating and Yacht Club 20 Y 35' 4' AMPMiramichi | 506-773-9949 | 30 AMPPointe de Chene Yacht Club 27 Y 50' 7' 30Pointe de Chene | 506-384-2393 | AMP 15-30Richibucto Marina 22 Y 45' 5' AMPRichibucto | 506-523-2690 AMPSawmill Point Boat Basin 25 Y 50' 7.5'Bouctouche | 506-743-1100 | bouctouchemarina.comShediac Bay Yacht Club & Sailing School 26 Y 54' 6-7'Shediac | 506-532-7007 | sbyc.caStation Wharf Marina Inc. 21 Y 50' 8'Miramichi | 506-624-7300 | stationwharfmarina.com28 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I.

MARINA LISTINGS LEGEND: Y=Yes N=No W=Washrooms S=Showers L=Laundry U=UnknownMoorings Launch Fuel Water & Pump Facilities Winter Lat Long Ramp Ice Out StorageY Y Gas/Diesel Water Y W/S/L Y 47.48’12”N 64.52’18”W (near)Y-1 Y N Water/Ice Y W/S/L N 46.35’N 64.57’W members onlyN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S N 46.20’11”N 64.37’38”WN Y Gas Water/Ice Y W/S Y 47.1’22”N 65.29’58”WN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L N 46.14’.44”N 64.31’69”WN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S N 46.61’N 64.52’WN Y Gas Water/Ice Y W/S N 46.28’5”N 64.42’WN Y N Water/Ice Y W/S/L N 46.13’40”N 64.32’50”WN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W N 47.01’56”N 65.28’7”W NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I. • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 29

REGIONNORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT: P.E.IMARINA Map # Dockage Max Depth Power Length 15Bowdridge Landing AMPMurray Harbour | 902-962-2427 34 Y 50' 7' 15-30 AMPBrudenell Marina (Montague) 33 Y 140' 10' 15-30Brudenell | 902-838-4778 | AMP 15-30Cardigan Marina 32 Y 50' 8' AMPCardigan Bay | 902-583-2445 AMP 30-50Charlottetown Marina 36 Y UU AMPCharlottetown | 902-629-9806 | 15 AMPCharlottetown Yacht Club 37 Y 200' 20' 30-50Charlottetown | 902-892-9065 | AMP 15-30Montague Marina 30 Y 140' 12' AMPMontague | 902-838-4778 | 30 AMPNorthport Pier 28 Y 150' 9' 30-50Northport | 902-853-2575 Quay Marina 35 Y 56' 15'Charlottetown | 902-629-9806 | peakesquaymarina.caSouris Marina 31 Y 60' 18'Souris | Bridge Marina 29 Y 60' 6'Stanley Bridge | 902-866-2352 | Yacht Club Marina 39 Y 90' 10'Summerside | 902-436-2153 | Harbour 38 Y 40' 5' 15Victoria | 902-658-2975 | AMPWest Point Marina 40 Y 36' 6' 30West Point | 902-859-2810 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I.

MARINA LISTINGS LEGEND: Y=Yes N=No W=Washrooms S=Showers L=Laundry U=UnknownMoorings Launch Fuel Water & Pump Facilities Winter Lat Long Ramp Ice Out Storage 62.37’WY YN Water/Ice N W/S N 46.11’NN N N Water N N N 46.13'N 63.29'WN Y Gas Water/Ice N W/S/L N 46.15’N 62.41’WN N N Water N W/S N 46.2336N 63.1226WN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S/L Y 46.15’N 63.8’23”WN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L N 46.10'N 62.39'WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L N 46.47'8\"N 64.04'4\"WN Y N Water/Ice N W/S/L Y 46.15'N 63.08'WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 46.21'N 62.15'WN Y Gas Water/Ice Y W/S/L N 46.28'N 63.27'WN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 46.23’N 63.47’W N can be takenN Y for gas (can get Water N W N 46.13'N 63.29'W diesal from fishermen key)Y Y Diesel Water/Ice N W/S/L N 46.37'N 64.23'W NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I. • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 31

REGIONNORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT: N.S.MARINA Map # Dockage Max Depth Power Length 20-30Ballantyne’s Cove AMPAntigonish | 902-863-8162 45 Y 50' 6'[email protected] 30Cribbon’s Point 46 Y 45' 5' AMPAntigonish | 902-863-3907 43 Y 50' 14' 15Hector Quay Marina AMPPictou | 902-485-6960 | 44 Y 50' 9'New Glasgow Waterfront Marina 15-30New Glasgow | 902-755-7788 Marina 42 Y 60' 6’ 15-30Pictou | 902-485-9155 | AMP low tideSunrise Shore Marina 41 Y 38’ 6’ 15Tatmagouche | 902-456-6433 AMPsunrisemarinacottages.ca32 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I.

MARINA LISTINGS LEGEND: Y=Yes N=No W=Washrooms S=Showers L=Laundry U=UnknownMoorings Launch Fuel Water & Pump Facilities Winter Lat Long Ramp Ice Out StorageN Y Gas/Diesel N Y W/S/L N 45.51’58”N 61.55’11”WN Y Diesel Water N W/S Y 45.45’34”N 61.53’WN Y N Water/Ice N W/S/L N 45.40’N 62.42’WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S N 45.35’28”N 62.38’40”W Gas onN Y site/Diesel Water N W/S Y 45.40’56”N 62.41’29”W trucked inN Y Gas Water/Ice N W/S/L Y 45.43’N 63.15’W NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I. • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 33

BEST BOATING EVENTS: PHOTOS: SHAUN MACDONALDNORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & PEI NSTYA WEST RACE/CRUISE WEEKEND JUNE 23 TO 24, 2018 Race the warm waters of Northumberland Strait between Shediac, N.B. and Summerside P.E.I. during the Northumberland Strait Yachting Association’s West Race/Cruise Weekend on June 23 to 24. Organised by the Shediac Bay Yacht Club and Summerside Yacht Club, this is a new race and cruise replacing the NStYA Challenge traditionally held in July. The race will begin in Shediac Saturday morning, sailing to Summerside, and then onto Charlottetown on Sunday morning. Look for its partner race, NSTYA East Race/Cruise Weekend in August.CHARLOTTETOWN RACE WEEKJULY 12 TO 14, 30-year sailing tradition in Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown Race Week offers exciting keelboatracing in Atlantic Canada. This event has its roots in Hillsboro Boating Club, which offered a regattain Charlottetown in 1874. Take in entertainment on the shore, sailors’ breakfast, happy hour, andentertainment for the kids.34 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I.

CANADA INTERNATIONAL PHOTO: SHAUN MACDONALDTUNA CUP CHALLENGENORTH LAKE, P.E.I.,SEPTEMBER 19 TO 22, 2018tunacupchallenge.comReel in the big fish at the Canada InternationalTuna Cup Challenge in North Lake. The bestangling teams vie to catch Giant Bluefin Tuna.Teams from countries around the world,including, India, Denmark, France, Russia,Germany, Norway, South Africa, Japan, Italy,South America, the United Kingdom, and theUnited States, have competed here. This is afishing expedition that will inspire stories of thebiggest catch ever.NSTYA EAST RACE/CRUISE WEEKENDAUGUST 4 AND 5, 2018nstya.comThis is a new event for 2018 planned by yacht clubs in Charlottetown, Barrachois, and Pictou. NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I. • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 35

FESTIVALS AND MORE:NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & PEISHEDIAC LOBSTER FESTIVALJULY 4 TO 8, 2018shediaclobsterfestival.caFB: Shediac Lobster FestivalIt all boils down to fun at the Shediac Lobster Festival.  Lobster is showcased everywhere: Ales andTails, Corks and Claws, Lobster Paint Night, lobster eating contest, lobster rolls, lobster chowders,lobster supper, and much more. Entertainment for the whole family.  PICTOU LOBSTER CARNIVAL ANTIGONISH HIGHLAND GAMESJULY, 2018 JULY 6 TO 8, antigonishhighlandgames.caThis three-day event celebrates the end of the With a long history dating back to 1863, thelobster fishing season in Pictou. Besides the Antigonish Highland Games celebrate the region’slobster, join in on the midway, beer gardens, Scottish heritage with the spirit of athleticism.musical entertainment, antique car show, boat Programming includes road races, farmer’s walk,races, Mardi Gras parade, and children’s parade. tug of war, and pipes and drums. Take in square dances, a grand street parade, and a concert under the stars.36 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I.

THE RIVERFRONT JUBILEENEW GLASGOW,AUGUST 4 TO 6, 2018newglasgowjubilee.caA three-day East Coast Music Award-nominated musical event that kicks offthe August long weekend. The stageis set for a great time on the open-airamphitheatre along the town’s EastRiver. This festival hosts the best of localand East Coast talent. Past acts haveincluded Alan Doyle, Haywire, andMatt Anderson. The music continues onlate night stages at venues around town. PHOTO: MUSSEL INDUSTRY COUNCIL OF PEI/STEPHEN HARRISSHEDIAC OCEAN FESTIVE P.E.I. SHELLFISH FESTIVALAUGUST 9 TO 12, 2018 SEPTEMBER 13 TO 16, peishellfish.comFB: Ocean Festive Indulge in the best delicacies of the sea at theWorld-class seafood, beach, breweries, P.E.I. Shellfish Festival in Charlottetown. Eventswineries, distilleries, and artists all at once. include chef challenges, culinary competitions,The Shediac Ocean Festive celebrate the best chowder championships, oyster shucking, andin everything that Atlantic Canada has to offer.       musical entertainment. Events are often hostedExperience the amazing local seafood by well-known food celebrities. A perfect eventcreations, our chefs’ culinary sessions, the for foodies.always entertaining cooking challenges, sipon our flavourful local beverages and listento the great musicians. An interactive kids’zone makes it fun for all family members acolourful festival in every way.NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I. • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 37

BOAT, MOTORS, SERVICES, & SUPPLIES:NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & PEIBOAT AND MOTOR DEALERS (PEI) INSURANCEQuartermaster Marine Fairway Insurance Services 902-566-4450 | 888-245-4741 | Gateway Insurance BOAT AND MOTOR DEALERS (NS) 902-431-9300 | Adventure Motors Skippers’ Plan 902-928-1015 | 800-661-7211 | Pictou Marina 902-485-9155 | ONLINE DEALERS YACHT BROKERS 877-926-2822 | boatdealers.caSunnybrook Yacht Brokers 902-275-2424 | MAGAZINES Canadian Yachting FINANCIAL SERVICES 877-620-9373 | canadianyachting.caWalker Financial Services 705-444-6618 | BOATING INFORMATION Discover Boating BOATER EDUCATION discoverboating.caBoatsmart! Canada 877-792-3926 | BOAT TRANSPORTATION Schooner Cove Marine 902-826-2278 | VMG Marine 902-499-9952 | BOATING SAFETY TIP Going boating? Boat safely from port to port! The Discover Boating Safety app is designed to keep you safe when you’re out on the water. It has all the info, tips, and tools you need to boat safely in Canada, including navigation buoys, checklists, emergency contacts, and much more. It works online, offline and offshore. And, it’s free. DOWNLOAD THE APP AT | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT & P.E.I.


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REGIONNEW BRUNSWICK: BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVERMARINA Map # Dockage Max Depth Power Length 30Bathurst Marina AMPBathurst | 506-547-1166 | 18 Y 50' 7'Brundage Point River CentreWestfield | 506-738-6406 5 Y 35' 5' 14 Y 40' 10' 30Chipman Marine Wharf AMPChipman | 17 Y 40' 6' 20-30Dalhousie Regional Marina AMPDalhousie | 6 Y 60’ 8’ 20Evandale Resort AMPEvandale | 12 Y 40' 8' 15Fredericton Yacht Club AMPFredericton | 506-472-2448 | fyc.caFredericton Yacht Club (Douglas Harbour) 13 Y 40’ 8’ 30Douglas Harbour | 506-472-2448 | AMPGagetown MarinaGagetown | 506-261-2309 | 7 Y 75' 10' 30-50Mactaquac Power Boat Marina AMPKeswick Ridge | [email protected] 11 Y 48' 16' 30Oromocto Boat Club AMPOromocto | 506-357-7374 | oromoctoboatclub.caRegent Street Wharf 8 Y 90' 12' 30Fredericton | 506-455-1445 | AMPRothesay Yacht ClubRothesay | 506-847-7245 | 9 Y 60' 8 to 10’ 15 & 30Royal Kennebaccasis Yacht Club AMPSaint John | 506-632-0186 | 15 Y 36' 4' 30 AMP 16 Y 150' 8' 15 AMP44 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NEW BRUNSWICK, BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVER

MARINA LISTINGS LEGEND: Y=Yes N=No W=Washrooms S=Showers L=Laundry U=UnknownMoorings Launch Fuel Water Pump Facilities Winter Lat Long Ramp & Ice Out StorageN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S Y 47.37'18\"N 65.39'06\"WY Y N Water N W N 45.21'39\"N 66.14'18\"WN Y N Water Y W N 46.10'25\"N 65.53'13\"WN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W/S N 48.6'59\"N 66.38'45\"WY N Gas/Diesel Water/Ice N W N 45.35’52”N 66.01’73”WY Y N Water N W Y 45.91’ 66.09’Y Y N Water Y W/S N 45.55’N 66.05’.8”WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L Y 45.47'10\"N 66.08'39\"WN Y Gas Water/Ice Y W Y 45.56'57\"N 66.52'54\"WN Y Gas, High Water/Ice Y W/L/S N 45.51'2\"N 66.28'9\"W test onlyY N N Water/Ice Y W N 45.58'N 66.38'WY Y N Water/Ice Y W Y 45.23'37\"N 65.59'56WY Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S Y 45.18'21\"N 66.22'17\"W NEW BRUNSWICK, BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVER • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 45

REGIONNEW BRUNSWICK: BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVERMARINA Map # Dockage Max Depth Power LengthSaint John Marina Ltd 30Saint John | 506-738-8484 | 3 Y 120' 6' AMPSaint John Power Boat ClubSaint John | 506-642-5233 | 4 Y 60' 6' 15 AMPSt Andrew’s Market Wharf 2 Y 180’ 13' YSt Andrew’s | 506-529-5170 cell; 506-467-6682 (limited) 15-30Woodstock Valley Yacht Club 1 Y 30’ 14’ AMPWoodstock | 506-328-3402York Centennial Park Sailboat Marina 10 Y 64’ 30’ YMactaquac | 506-363-4747 | [email protected] at building, not on docks46 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NEW BRUNSWICK, BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVER

MARINA LISTINGS LEGEND: Y=Yes N=No W=Washrooms S=Showers L=Laundry U=UnknownMoorings Launch Fuel Water Pump Facilities Winter Lat Long Ramp & Ice Out Storage 45.19'N 65.53'WN Y Gas/Diesel Water/Ice Y W/S/L YN N N Water N W/S/L N 45.16'N 66.05'W NY Y (available Water/Ice Y W/S N 45.04'11\"N 67.03'W locally)Y Y Gas Water/Ice Y W N 46.08.29’N 67.34.514’W NN (available at (available atY Y Mactaquac Water Mactaquac W Y 45.56’57”N 66.52’54”W Marina) Marina) ssuunnnnyybbrrooookk130 Marina Rd, Suite 202, ChesteryByaasainc,cNhShBtt0sJs1K0 130 MarinPaORdB,oSxu5it4e62C0h2e, sCtehre,sNteSr BBa0sJin1,JN0S B0J 1K0 PO Box 546 Chester, NS B0J 1J0 JJeeaannAsGGsocuuiaytye BLrLokeeercclleerrcc Associate Broker c 506.866.7892 w 902.275.2424 scun5n0y6b.8ro6o6k.7n8b9@2 sunnybrwoo9k0y2a.c2h7t5s..2c4o2m4 [email protected] NEW BRUNSWICK, BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVER • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 47

BEST BOATING EVENTS:NEW BRUNSWICK: BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVER MONCTON BOAT SHOW MARCH 23 TO 25, 2018 The largest boat show in New Brunswick will help you get ready for the season. Dealers, chandleries, and services set up shop at the Moncton Coliseum for three days. Shop around for fishing boats, inflatables, cruisers, and runabouts, and personal watercraft. Shop for accessories, learn about insurance and financing, and sit in on one of the seminars about the boating lifestyle. This show coincides with the New Brunswick Sportsmen’s Show and the Dieppe Fly Fishing Forum.48 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NEW BRUNSWICK, BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVER

FESTIVALS AND MORE:NEW BRUNSWICK: BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVERBEAUX VENDREDIS LOBSTER PHOTOS: PIERRE BOISSONNAULTAND CLAM SUPPERSBELLIVEAU COVE, YARMOUTHAND ACADIAN SHORE,EVERY FRIDAY FROM JUNEUNTIL AUGUST 2018lapointeseafoods.comSpend a Friday night on the beautiful AcadianShores, eating a dinner of lobster, steamedclams, and snow crabs on the Belliveau CoveWharf in St. Mary’s. You will learn the real wayto eat a lobster and take in live local music whileyou’re dining.NEW BRUNSWICK FESTIVAL OF OROMOCTO PIONEER DAYSFISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE JULY 1 WEEKEND, 2018SHIPPIGAN, JULY 2018 A summer celebration that celebrates theThis annual festival highlights and celebrates heritage of the region. There’s a midway,the fisheries, fishermen, fish processors, and fireworks, golf, and pubs are open withfish farmers of the region. Events include musical entertainment.striped bass fishing competition, local musicaland culture talent, a pageant, beer tasting, andwasher tournaments.NEW BRUNSWICK, BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVER • BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 | 49

FESTIVALS AND MORE:NEW BRUNSWICK: BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVER DIGBY SCALLOP DAYS AUGUST 9 TO 12, 2018 “Dragging up our past” is the theme of Digby Scallop Days Festival. This coastal Nova Scotia town on the Bay of Fundy is known for its scallops and this is the festival that recognizes its famous seafood. Activities focus on water and scallops, with aqua golf, touch tank, scallop shucking competitions. Be sure to sample scallops at the barbecue.BUSKERS ON THE BAY FESTIVAL OROMOCTO SUMMER CONCERT SERIESSAINT JOHN, JULY 18 TO 22 WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, JULY AND AUGUST 2018 signature event in New Brunswick featuringsome of the best professional street performers Local musicians and talent are the highlight offrom around the world. Take in acrobatic acts, this weekly event in Sir Douglas Hazen Park nextfire eaters, musical talent, and get belly laughs to the Oromocto River. Listen to the sounds ofwith comic acts, too. various genres, including folks, country, classic, and rock or watch the talent of local dancers performing, highland, Irish, and step dancing.TRURO’S WILD BLUEBERRY JAM HARVEST JAZZ AND BLUES FESTIVALAUGUST 17, 2018 FREDERICTON, SEPTEMBER 11 TO 16, harvestjazzandblues.comKick off the wild blueberry season with this The stages are set throughout historic downtownfestival in downtown Truro. Check out the free Fredericton every September for this long-outdoor concert, wild blueberry pie-eating running music festival. With more than 400 actscompetition, food vendors, blueberry desserts over six days, there’s more than enough styles andand fresh berries for sale, face painting, chalk sounds for every visitor. Listen to Cajun, blues,drawing, and fun for the kids. jazz shows at great prices. 2017 acts included Colin James, Bruce Cockburn, Matt Minglewood, and Martha Wainwright.50 | BOATING ATLANTIC GUIDE 2018 • NEW BRUNSWICK, BAY OF FUNDY & ST. JOHN RIVER

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