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Home Explore Brochure First Year Student Survey 2015 KU Leuven English

Brochure First Year Student Survey 2015 KU Leuven English

Published by emelie_hofland, 2015-12-09 08:35:01

Description: Brochure First Year Student Survey 2015 KU Leuven_English


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INTRODUCTION This survey is part of the European readySTEMgo project and aims to identify stumbling blocksThis brochure presents the results of the first year students in the STEM disciplines (Science,student survey, which was conducted at the end of Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).the academic year 2014-2015 with new first-yearbachelor students of the faculties* in the Scienceand Technology Group of the KU Leuven.Invited 274 524 908 315 2021 StudentsCompleted 93 253 366 145 857 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Students 100% Bioscience Engineering Engineering Science Engineering Technology Science* This survey was conducted at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering Science, the Faculty of Engineering Technology and theFaculty of Science.

PROGRAMME … is not 100% sure ofCHOICE his/her choice at the beginning of the Students who indicated that academic year they doubted the initial choice for their study Tip of the Expert programme, are more likely to stop their study Having doubts is part of programme early. Nearly each choice process. Try to one in three initial doubters make a thoughtful choice consider switching to another study programme. and to inform yourself well.

I have a clear career goal CAREER GOALSof what I want to achievewith my current study “I would like to work in the development of cars,programme in engine technologies, as well Tip of the Expert as in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics.”Gradually you will get to know which direction you would like to go with your chosen study Student, Engineering Technologyprogramme, through project work or contact with different specialization options, etc. When choosing it is convenient when multiple occupational options appeal to you.

TEACHING … thinks the teaching staff isSTAFF enthusiastic about what they are teaching.\"I think they [the teachers] areaccessible. I think there is nodistance. But initially I wasafraid this would be the case.” Student, Engineering Science

… indicates that Tip of the Expert CURRICULUMmost of the coursesare in line with Also courses that not appeal to you “In the beginning it is quitetheir interests. at first sight might become theoretical, but you really need this theoretical foundation to be surprisingly interesting or useful. able to solve the applicable To Almost a quarter (23.5%) things later.” … the practical thinks the first year Student, Engineering Scienceapplicability of most courses are too theoreticalcourses is not entirely or abstract. clear.

WORKLOAD “I have to study harder than I anticipated beforehand”“It's much more demanding 47% 25%than I expected, not only thecourse material itself, but also Almost half of thethe amount we need to process students (47%) indicates that she/he has to study harder than a short time.” 28% Student, Science Disagree Neutral Agree …thinks the workload is too high. Tip of the Expert Regular effort from the start is not a superfluous adivce!

… experiences difficulties STUSDTEUEDRYintegrating different sources of STSRTARTAETGEIGEIËENScourse material when studying. “In het middelbaar was dat Tip of the Expert “Most of the time I initiallyIn order to know how to integrate different sources echt een half dagske, je gaat je of course material, you best listen to the tips and study my text book. Then I tricks of (older) peer students. examen afleggen… Maar nu check out the slides and see heb ik je tijdens de blok drie things reoccur. And in the weken en om dat zo wat in te exercises the most important schatten, ik vind dat toch wel things are repeated again.” moeilijk.” Studente, Bioscience Engineering Student industrieel ingenieur

STUDY Tip of the “The learning strategies I used in secondary schoolSTRATEGIES Expert proved to be inefficient at university” “When studying, I hardly do Writing can help 52% 22% 26% anything else but writing. And you to focus or to that takes time. A lot of time. order information. Agree Neutral Disagree And then you suddenly Try not to passively realize that a few hours have copy the course “During this academic year I had problems gone by and you’ve done material but rather developing effective study skills” practically nothing.” spend more time on thinking the 4 26% 25% Student, Engineering Technology information through. Agree Neutral Disagree

Final percentage mathematics secondary school STUDY STRATEGIES< 70% 70% - 85% > 85% Students that enrolled from 48% 30% secondary school with a 57% percentage in mathematics lower than 70% experience more problems developing an efficient study planning. Agree Neutral Disagree“I had difficulties developing an efficient study strategy.”

TIME … has difficulties developingMANAGEMENT a study schedule.“At secondary school you just Tip of the Expertstudied for half a day and thenyou went to the exam… but Apart from having a study schedule, there are other ways tonow you have an exam period manage your time efficiently, for example using to-do-lists, settingof three weeks and I find ithard to estimate that.” a specific goal per day or week, etc. Student, Engineering Technology

of the female vs. TIME respondents MANAGEMENTindicates using a of the male study schedule students “It wasn’t until the examduring the exam period that I realised I was progressing very slowly.” period… Student, Bioscience Engineering

TIME “I have problems to start studying”MANAGEMENT 26%“If you don’t feel like studying,then the temptation to More than half 56% Tip of theprocrastinate is really high of the students Expertbecause there is ‘still so much (56%) reportstime left’.” troubles to start Do not wait until you feel like studying. studying, just try it 18% for at least 15 minutes.Student, Science Agree Neutral Disagree

… has difficulties finding a TIME good balance between MANAGEMENT studies and leisure. “I had difficulties with dividing my Tip of the Expert time, how I was going to manage everything… I was living outsideA good balance between leisure and study is of my parental house for the first necessary and possible, as long as you time, my hobbies and on top of organise yourself well. that the university… for me that was a long search.” Studente, Engineering Science

TIME Tip of the ExpertMANAGEMENT Are you prepared to confront“I didn’t know what exactly was yourself and to precisely monitorexpected of me. There is a littlebit more pressure. You are your study time for a week?never really sure: should I berelaxing right now, or should I One in fourbe studying?” students indicates that (s)he does Student, Engineering Technology not spend enough time on his or her studies.

I do not have enough SELF-self-discipline DISCIPLINE Tip of the Expert “I am that kind of person that knows perfectly well how to do Do you really want to get your masters degree of this study it, but then usually does not do it.” programme… with all the challenges that come along? Studente, Bioscience Engineering

SOCIAL … feels successfully Tip of the ExpertINTEGRATION integrated with his or Do you dare to address your peer“ It [the integration process] her peer students. students in a lab session?started when we began with thelab sessions. We were divided …. indicates to feelinto smaller groups and then isolated in his or heryou came into contact withpeople from your class that you studies.did not know yet.” Student, Engineering Technology

Tip of the Expert TRANSITION SECONDARY The transition from secundary school to university always is a SCHOOL big step. Take your time to get “At secondary school they used to it! hold your hand nearly all the… had difficulties with the time whereas at university,transition from secondary you go to class and then it is up to you to repeat the course school to university. material.” Student, Engineering Science

STUDENT … feels sufficiently supported byCOUNSELING the student counseling services in case of study related “There is sufficient student problems counseling by people who are really experts in their field.” Student, Science

… lost Tip of the Expert SELF-confidence in his- or herself CONFIDENCEbecause of poor grades. Receiving bad grades might confuse you but it is crucial how you deal with the “For the first time in a long situation afterwards. Do not let time I had stress for exams.” negative feelings get on top of you and and dare to ask for help. Student, Engineering TechnologyFinal percentage mathematics secondary school< 70% 31%70%-85% 23%> 85% 10% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% “I lost confidence in myself because of poor grades.”

NOT YOUR “Are you considering changing to another study programme next academic year?”CUP OF TEA? “I still feel like this is the right No Yes STEM* Non-STEM study programme for me” 19% 58% Student, Engineering Science … considers switching to … of these students considers*Both university as non-university STEM studies another study programme changing to another study within next academic year the STEM field

We are there for you: Student advice services @ W&TBIOSCIENCE ENGINEERINGGo to: SCIENCEGo to: TECHNOLOGYGo to: Monitoraat Bio-ingenieurswetenschappenSCIE NwwCwE.wSet.kuHHleiiueevrrenee.beeenn/stteuemdleeanftioelnoa/sndturndeiuesbmegmeleeidringGo to:STUDENT COHUieNrSeEeLnINloGcaStEieRVICE KU LEUVENGo to:

More information? Faculty of Bioscience Engineering: [email protected] Faculty of Engineering Science: [email protected] Faculty of Engineering Technology: [email protected] Faculty of Sciences: [email protected] Contact: [email protected]

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