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Home Explore University of Calgary Continuing Education, Winter 2021

University of Calgary Continuing Education, Winter 2021

Published by University of Calgary Continuing Education, 2020-12-10 15:56:41

Description: Course guide. Winter to Fall 2021.

Keywords: continuing education,courses,certificates,professional development,lifelong learning


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Some technology courses use a virtual When purchasing, please indicate the When transferring into a course machine (VM), which enables students term for which you require parking. Passes with a fee that is less than the fee to access course software applications will be valid for lot #32 after 3:30 pm for the course in which the student from any computer or tablet that has an Monday to Friday and all day on Saturdays originally enrolled, the student will Internet connection. and Sundays. Passes will be sold on a first- be reimbursed the difference. come, first-served basis and quantities ONLINE COURSE WORKLOAD are limited. Space is not guaranteed for When transferring into a course with a fee pass holders. Refunds will be issued only that is more than the fee for the course in For courses that allow you to choose in the event your class is cancelled. which the student originally enrolled, the when you will go online, plan to log in to student will be charged the difference. the university’s online learning software PARKING DOWNTOWN CAMPUS — Desire2Learn (D2L) — three to four Failure to return course materials times per week in order to keep pace with There is a covered pay parking lot included in the original course fees the class. Plan on studying and working attached to the University of Calgary — in mint condition — at the time of approximately six hours per week per Downtown Campus and many pay surface transfer will result in the cost of the course. Please take this into account when and underground lots in the downtown materials being charged to the student. enrolling in multiple courses at one time. area. See In some cases, fees may be applied TAKING COURSES IN THE CLASSROOM REFUND, WITHDRAWAL, to include non-refundable costs AND TRANSFER POLICY incurred by Continuing Education Main Campus on behalf of the student. 2500 University Drive NW Note: ‘course’ denotes any Continuing Education offering (course, seminar, workshop, etc.) GRADES AND GRADUATION Downtown Campus ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 906 8th Avenue SW Any exceptions to the refund, withdrawal and transfer policies outlined below To register for a UCalgary Continuing In response to COVID-19 a limited selection are stated on the Confirmation of Education course, you must be 18 of courses are currently scheduled at Registration you receive by email years of age or older, unless otherwise UCalgary’s Main and Downtown after enrolling in your course. specified, as in the case of academic campuses. Anyone entering campus preparation for undergraduates or a must familiarize themselves with the If a refund or transfer is approved, program designed specifically for youth. UCalgary COVID-19 Re-Entry Protocols reimbursement will be made via prior to arriving on campus. the original payment method. A minimum of a senior high school diploma Reimbursements by cheque may take and relevant workplace experience is AT HOME STUDY two weeks or more to process. recommended for most programs of study; however, we encourage you to In most classroom courses, students REFUND AND WITHDRAWAL POLICY discuss your situation and needs with a are expected to complete readings Continuing Education Student Advisor. and assignments between classes. The For a refund to be issued, notice of number of hours needed for at-home withdrawal from a course must be APPLY FOR CERTIFICATE/DIPLOMA study will vary. However, if your course received seven calendar days or more ADMISSION EARLY includes one three-hour class each prior to the start date of the course. week, you should plan on spending an As programs are subject to change, we additional three hours per week outside of If notice of a student’s withdrawal from recommend you apply for admission to class. Please take this into account when a course is received less than seven your certificate or diploma as early as enrolling in multiple courses at one time. calendar days prior to the start date of possible. Once you are admitted, you the course, a refund will not be issued. can be confident that you have locked TRANSPORTATION in the requirements leading to your AND PARKING Failure to return course materials graduation. To enrol in a program now, go included in the original course fees to When you The main and downtown campuses — in mint condition — at the time enrol in your program, you will be charged are easily accessible by LRT and of your notice of withdrawal will a non-refundable fee of $105. Additional Calgary Transit bus routes. result in the cost of the materials fees may apply for specific programs. Visit or call being charged to the student. 403.262.1000 for route assistance. CERTIFICATE/DIPLOMA TRANSFER BETWEEN COURSES ADMISSION PROCESS PARKING MAIN CAMPUS Students may transfer to a A student who is applying for admission Temporary parking passes are available different course at any time prior to a UCalgary Continuing Education on the Main Campus for Continuing to the start date of the course in program must complete the online Education students. The passes can be which they are registered. application form and pay a non- purchased at the time of registration refundable fee. The form can be by phone or in person. The passes are found at available prior to the start of each term. 50

Admission to the program will lock in the to your Continuing Education student In the Office Applications Certificate, requirements leading to your graduation. records in your account. This is where you student learning is assessed through will be able to view your grades, monitor examinations completed at the end of Prior to admission, an applicant your progress in your certificate program, each course in the program of study. whose primary language is not and update personal information. The English must demonstrate English portal is secure. Only you can view GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL language proficiency. For details your personal information. Access is CERTIFICATE AND DIPLOMA PROGRAMS go to See at under login and English Language Proficiency. My Account. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all requirements for graduation are For admission to a program, ACCESSING YOUR ACCOUNT fulfilled in a timely fashion. To assist please see ‘Admission’ on the students in this, advisors are available certificate or diploma web page. Log in using your UCID. If you’re a new to meet with students, or discuss via student, you will be emailed a UCID phone or email, to review their status and PREREQUISITE AND PROFICIENCY number, followed by a second email determine outstanding requirements. with a link to create a password. When all requirements are fulfilled, We recommend students complete core it is the student’s responsibility to courses before taking other courses in If you are admitted to a certificate or apply to graduate. For details visit a certificate program. diploma program and wish to check your program status, or view courses Prerequisite: Course that must be in your program, log in to My Account, TRANSCRIPTS completed prior to registering in a course. select My Certificates and click on the certificate name. This will allow you To request an official transcript go Proficiency: Level of skill or to view the full list of completed and to Transcripts at conted.ucalgary. knowledge that is recommended required courses that belong to the ca/info The fee is $10 (GST exempt) prior to registering in a course. certificate you are working toward. per official transcript, and includes a student copy. VISA, MasterCard, ADVANCED STANDING If you experience problems logging in, American Express, or Visa Debit must please follow the Forgot Password or be used if ordering by phone. When you enrol in your certificate and Forgot UCID links on the login page, diploma program, you may request a or call UService IT: 403.210.9300. FOR MORE INFORMATION prior learning assessment. Advanced standing may be granted for equivalent, ATTENDANCE AND PERFORMANCE University of Calgary graded courses completed at other post- Continuing Education secondary institutions. More information You are strongly urged to attend all is available at sessions. Some courses and seminars have 403.220.2866 specific attendance requirements. Please 1.866.220.4992 (Toll Free) PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENTS refer to the course outline for details. Administrative Office* Each Continuing Education Certificate GRADING Energy Resources Research and Diploma Program has specific Building (ERRB) policies regarding advanced standing Student learning is assessed through N140, 3512 33rd Street NW credits or seminar credits for prior assignments and examinations, and learning. For more information grades are assigned for each course in *Office is closed due to COVID-19. Please call please refer to specific programs a program of study. Most certificate and instead of visiting in person. at diploma programs follow the grading or call 403.220.2866. standards established for undergraduate instruction at the University of Calgary. YOUR UCID AND YOUR ACCOUNT In the Certificate for Emerging Leaders When you make your first transaction and the Certificate for Front Line Leaders, with Continuing Education, you will student learning is assessed through the establish a student account. You will be evaluation of a reflective journal that is emailed a UCID number, followed by submitted following completion of the a second email with a link to create a required number of instructional hours. password. Your UCalgary identification number (UCID) will give you access 51

Funding and Scholarships We encourage you to review the following lists and apply for all scholarships and funds that you may be eligible for. Detailed information is at SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Awards are given to deserving students not only for their academic achievement, but also for community involvement. Award sponsors include corporate and private donors. To apply, you must meet eligibility criteria and submission deadlines. Scholarships and Awards Applicable Programs Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta Award Human Resource Management Continuing Education Endowment Award Adult Learning (all specializations) Creative Writing Professional Writing: Business and Technical Professional Writing: Marketing and PR Visual Design (all specializations) Continuing Education Lifelong Learner’s Award All programs The Culbert Family Award for Philanthropy All programs Dick Martin Scholarship Award Occupational Health and Safety Esmail and Safana Bharwani Graduation Award All Professional Certificate programs, 100 hours or greater Esmail and Safana Bharwani Entrance Award First course of any professional certificate program, 100 hours or greater Health and Safety Conference Society of Alberta Scholarship Occupational Health and Safety Kay A. Pringle Memorial Scholarships Business Analysis Business Intelligence and Analytics Human Resource Management Marketing Professional Management Palpa and Lila Nair Scholarship Environmental Management Occupational Health and Safety GRANTS AND FUNDING These financial assistance programs are available to Continuing Education students and employers. Funds Applicable Programs Canada Alberta Job Grant Most programs Canada Training Credit Most programs Student Lines of Credit See Web Windmill Microlending (formerly Immigrant Access Fund) See Web I’m grateful for the $1500 scholarship I received. It helped offset the cost of my certificate.” Jonah Ardiel, GRADUATE Creative Writing Certificate Program 52

Frequently Called Numbers Bookstore 403.220.5937 Health and Recreation Centre 403.220.7749 Safewalk: Main Campus 403.220.5333 Campus Security (Main) 403.220.5333 Main Switchboard 403.220.5110 Service Stop (Degree credit) 403.210.7625 Campus Security (Downtown) 403.473.2614 Parking Services 403.220.6771 Taylor Family Digital Library 403.220.8895 ContEd Student Services 403.220.2866 Main Campus AD Administration BI Biological Sciences CCIT Calgary Centre for Innovative Technology EDC Education Classroom Block EDT Education Tower EEEL Energy, Environment, Experiential Learning ERRB Energy Resources Research Building Continuing Education Administration EN Schulich School of Engineering ES Earth Science ICT Information and Communications Technologies MH MacEwan Hall MT MacKimmie Tower MS Math Science MSC MacEwan Student Centre PF Professional Faculties SA Science A Building SB Science B Building SH Scurfield Hall SS Social Science ST Science Theatres TFDL Taylor Family Digital Library TRA Trailer A TRC Trailer C TRD H Trailer D - H Downtown Campus PARKING P1 906 8 Avenue SW (Indigo — attached to the 53 University of Calgary Downtown Campus) P2 919 8 Avenue SW (Impark) P3 1001 8 Avenue SW (Impark) P4 1001 7 Avenue SW (Impark) P5 909 7 Avenue SW Garden Towers (Vinci) P6 725 9 Avenue SW (Centennial) P7 830 9 Avenue SW (Calgary Parking Authority) P8 920 9 Avenue SW Continental Towers (Impark) P9 907 9 Ave SW (Impark) Calgary Parking Authority: 403.537.7000 Indigo: 403.269.7275 Vinci Park: 403.296.1820 CALGARY TRANSIT STATIONS Southbound: 7 Avenue between 8 Street and 7 Street SW Northbound: 7 Avenue at the corner of 7 Street and 7 Avenue for Calgary Transit routes and schedules, call 403.262.1000, or visit

Improve your leadership skills Consider taking a Business Seminar These short courses are usually one or two days and focus on: • Building Relationships • Personal Effectiveness • Coaching • Professional Skills • Communication Most seminars can be used for credit towards the Certificate for Emerging Leaders or the Certificate for Front Line Leaders. Business seminars can also be tailored to meet your Corporate Training needs.

Future proof your career by upskilling or reskilling

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