Curriculum vitaePERSONAL INFORMATION Igor Müller de Moraes SQN 106 - Bloco K - Ap 505, 70742110 Brasília (Brazil) +55 6196510828 [email protected] Skype imuller.moraes Sex Male | Date of birth 28/08/1989 | Nationality Brazilian PREFERRED JOB Telecommunication/Network Engineer WORK EXPERIENCE Global Community Development Program Trainer of Entreprenurship Workshops 05/01/2014–14/02/2014 AIESEC (Tallinn University of Technology), Tallinn (Estonia) Worked in project \"YouthPreneur\" from AIESEC Estonia.The project goal was to give young Estonians (16-19 years old) a chance to broaden their horizon on entrepreneurship and to develop self- examination skills in an international study-environment.Through that experience we guide them to be enterprising in a field that they enjoy. Project themes are information technology, environment and marketing. Project was divided in 6 weeks. 1 - Receive training from AIESEC members. 2 - IT 3- Entrepreneurship 4 - Environment 5 - Marketing 6 - Business Plan Worked in 4 different schools per week with two more trainers, preparing sessions/workshops according to week's theme. 01/09/2012–31/08/2013 Student with Remunerated Scholarship by Brazilian's Government program \"Science without Borders\" Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) - \"National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development\" (Brazil) Undergraduate \"sandwich\" Student in Computer Engineering with 12 months remunerated scholarship in Madrid-Spain in program \"Science without Borders\"by the Brazilian National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) 01/06/2013–31/08/2013 Marketing department manager NewFasant - Spanish Private Company., Alcalá de Henares / Madrid (Spain) I got a job, to perform as a trainee in NewFasant company. A company that targets the sectors of telecommunications, aerospace, military, government enterprises. The company develops a software called \"newfasant\". It is a simulation software for electromagnetic field analysis. During the interview, the company said it wanted to seek new customers and expand their products to new countries, mainly Brazil. As I'm a Brazilian, we decided that I would work in the International Marketing area.I was responsible for spreading the company and its products in Brazil and Hispanic-American16/12/15 © European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 1 / 4
Curriculum vitae Igor Müller de Moraes countries, as well as seeking new customers. To spread the product and seek new customers, I conducted a research in Brazil and the American-Hispanic countries. With this research, I made a form with potential clients and sent to my boss, so he could get in touch with these possible clients. At the same time of those research/active to spread the company, I was the main responsible for creating the Facebook page of the company and also for creating the YouTube channel. Two mechanisms that made possible the company distribute their products to the world quickly, efficiently and with almost no cost. 01/05/2011–27/08/2012 Undergraduate Scientific Initiation Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília (Brazil) Conducted research in Scientific Initiation on Project \"Algorithms for Analysis and Modeling of Video Quality\" in the work plan titled \"Quality of Service for Video Streaming in Packet Networks\".The research was oriented to the study and development of a \" Hybrid Metric of Video Codification\". During the research, several networking scenarios have been developed to allow a larger number of simulations. These simulations were intended to evaluate the behavior of the transfer of videos on the network, and along with this, develop a hybrid metric for video coding. The work was carried out with the network simulation software NS-3 (running in OS Ubuntu-Linux). The network scenarios developed for simulation were written in the language \"C + +\".EDUCATION AND TRAINING Graduated in Communication Network Engineering 01/03/2010–10/12/2016 University of Brasilia - \"Universidade de Brasilia\", Brasília (Brazil) Programming (Java - C - C++ - Shell Script). Computer Networks Architectures and ProtocolsDigital CommunicationInformation Theory Final Thesis theme: Evaluation of Quality of Service for Videoconferencing in REDUnb with Paradigm of Software Defined Network 01/09/2012–31/08/2013 \"Undergraduate Sandwich\" in Computer Engineering in Brazilian Government program \"Science without Borders\" University of Alcalá - \"Universidad de Alcalá\", Alcalá de Henares / Madrid (Spain) Undergraduate \"sandwich\" Student in Computer Engineering with remunerated scholarship by the Brazilian National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) program \"Science without Borders\". Extra curricular sport - Climbing PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Portuguese Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING English Spanish Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production B2 French B2 C1 C1 C1 C1 A1 TOEFL C1 C1 C1 C1 Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) - B2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages16/12/15 © European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 2 / 4
Curriculum vitae Igor Müller de Moraes Communication skills Spirit of Leadership, Communicative, Creative, Proactive, Responsible, Team Spirit, Polite, Positivist. These skills were acquired throughout my life. All my life I traveled and played sports, especially in a group. Whenever I can, I travel! I believe that living with new cultures is one of the best ways to acquire knowledge and personal experiences. Lived in 3 different countries (Spain, Estonia and Canada) and traveled more than 25 countries. Digital competence Programming: - Java -C - C++ - Shell-Script Little Knowledge: -HTML -CSS -WordPress User:-Ubuntu / Linux-Windows-MacADDITIONAL INFORMATION Conferences - Short Course: Cloud Computing - Taught by company Ipe Network Engineering in CDT / UNB - Seminar taught by Dan Berry (former NASA astronaut, PhD in Computer Engineering from Princeton University and an expert in robotics and artificial intelligence) and Salim Ismail (former VP of innovation of Yahoo. Managing Director of Singularity University). - Lecture and guided to the company AUTOTRAC - Brazilian market leader Companyin the segment of technologies applied to monitoring and fleet tracking. Having a shareholder the U.S. company Qualcomm Incorporated and majority partner the Brazilian, ex-Formula 1 driver, Nelson Piquet. - Participation in many courses and lectures in the areas of Administration, Entrepreneurship ,Finance and Personal Development. Knowledge in economic/business (stock exchange, finance, ...) - Guided visit to Skype's Company in Tallinn-Estonia Presentations Made 3 Motivational Speech in \"Instituto Cervantes\" in Brasília/Brasil organised by \"Instituto Cervantes de Brasília\" and \"Consejería de Educación de la Embajada de España en Brasil\".I spoke about my one year \"Science without Borders Scholarship 2013\" personal experience and also many other things about Spain, Exchange, Universities, Travel, and other things that were relevant to motivate new students to study in Spain. Presentations Made 5 Motivational Speech in my University (Universidade de Brasília) organised by \"AIESEC\". I spoke about my 3 months \"Global Community Development Program Trainer of Entrepreneurship Workshops with AIESEC in Tallinn-Estonia\" personal experience, Estonian Culture and the impact in the world that AIESEC projects can offer. Certifications Mini course \"Management of Federated Identities in Clouds: Focused on the use of Open Solutions\" Given by: Brazilian Symposium on Security of Information and Computer Systems - 2009 Certifications Certificated in \"Mini course of Techniques of dynamic analysis of malicious code\" Given by: Brazilian Symposium on Security of Information and Computer Systems - 200916/12/15 © European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 3 / 4
Curriculum vitae Igor Müller de Moraes Certifications Mini course in \"Learning machine for computer security: Methods and Applications\" Given by: Brazilian Symposium on Security of Information and Computer Systems - 2009 Certifications Certificate in \"Intensive Training for Investor in Stock and Futures Market\" CMA Educacional - Trading School - 200916/12/15 © European Union, 2002-2015 | Page 4 / 4
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