BA in Philosophy Politics & Economics INTRODUCTION BOOKLET ห ลั ก สู ต ร ศิ ล ป ศ า ส ต ร บั ณ ฑิ ต สาขาวิชา ปรัชญา การเมือง และเศรษฐศาสตร์ ( ห ลั ก สู ต ร น า น า ช า ติ ) College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Thammasat University วิทยาลัยสหวิทยาการ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์
01 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introducing PPE International Program at Thammasat University 03 17 PPE Subjects Strengths of PPE International Program 10 PPE Course Plan 20 11 Admission 2022 and fees Exchange Opportunities 23 13 Life at Tha Phrachan Campus Life after PPE: Higher Degrees 24 14 Contact US Life after PPE: Diverse Career Choices “The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else. ” - John Maynard Keynes Economist
01 Introducing PPE International Program at Thammasat University PPE refers to Bachelor Program in Philosophy, Politics and Economics which is an undergraduate program first offered at Oxford University in the United Kingdom during 1920's. Philosophy Politics and Economics are deemed fundamental to the workings of our modern society. Studying the three sciences is thus hoped to enable students to gain a better understanding of the modern world, which is changing so rapidly in many different and complex ways. Since then, many universities worldwide have started to offer PPE courses with similar conviction. PPE alumni are traditionally known for their role in politics, public service, activism, and journalism. However, they have also thrived in various industries that are not directly related to PPE degree, such as literary circle, finance, investment, consulting firms, IT, and businesses.
Introducing PPE International Program at Thammasat University From 1934 to 1948, when Thammasat was still Puey Ungphakorn called University of Moral and Political Sciences — Governor of the Bank of Thailand its original name, one of the degrees being Rector of Thammasat University offered was Thammasat Degree in Moral Science. Offering academic training in law, social sciences, and a graduate of and economics, its interdisciplinary nature was Thammasat Degree in Moral Science uniquely very modern. PPE program at Thammasat University is seen as a revival of the Thammasat Degree in Moral Science. Similarly, PPE is unique in its interdisciplinary nature, career flexibility, and is able to provide a good foundation for those who wish to pursue education in a higher level. Moreover, the outward-looking and internationally-minded nature of the program will broaden your horizon and set you up for a path to success both at home and abroad. At Thammasat, PPE International Program hopes to train students not only to keep up with the world, but also to be able to utilize knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, to apply knowledge from different sciences masterfully, in order to provide the most effective solutions to issues at hand. 02
03 What do we study at PPE International Program? 3 discipines combine forces to produce well-rounded graduates with sharp insights, open-mindedness, and great communication skills. Setting up for success in an international level. Philosophy Politics Economics Adam Smith arx econom Karl M Simone de Beauvoir rist phlosopher ist political theo
What do we study at PPE International Program? Philosophy Politics & Economics You will be invited to ponder fundamental questions such as: what is reality? What is good and what is a good life? Does the government have the right to rule? Why do we have to obey the law? You might have never posed these questions before, or think you already have answers. Philosophy will challenge you to re-think. In a period where information is overloaded, students need to be able to discern truth. To do that, you need a strong mind. These abstract philosophical questions will train you to think conceptually, logically and critically. Philosophy will dare you to refute well-received ideas that do not make sense, and to open yourself up to new ideas. This process is absolutely key to become a better economist, a better political scientist, and whatever you need to be in order to deliver radical solutions the world sorely needs. Philosophy 04
06 What do we study at PPE International Program? Philosophy Politics & Economics PPE offers you a fresher take on economics. You will discover ways of managing limited resources in order to best satisfy unlimited demands. Not only do you learn about government economic policy and international trade, but also how individuals make economic decisions in everyday life; how we put different values on things, and why we do so. Students will learn the mechanisms of various economic systems, its strengths and weaknesses. You will have an opportunity to study various fields of economics such as development economics, environmental economics, and agricultural economics. With the knowledge of economics, philosophy and politics combined, students at PPE International Program not only will know the system, but can also challenge and improve it for the better.
What do we study at PPE International Program? CURRICULUM Degree Requirement (no less than) 126 Credits 1) General Education 30 Credits 2) Concentration Courses 81 Credits 66 Credits 2.1) Major Courses Core Course Selective Core Course Thesis and 27 Credits 30 Credits Internship 9 Credits Choose 2 out of 3 tracks (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) 2.2) Minor Courses 15 Credits Choose 1 minor course from the program's minor courses or other minor courses. Minor Course in Program Other Minor Courses - Modern Philosophy - Minor courses in - Public Policy and international program offered by other faculties Global Politics within Thammasat University - Economics and - Other minor courses according to the regulation Development Studies and condition of Thammasat University 3) Free Elective Course 15 Credits 07
What do we study at PPE International Program? COURSES IN THE CURRICULUM Philosophy Politics & Economics 1. General Education 30 Credits (2 parts) Part 1 The foundation courses provided Part 2 Select 3 courses from the following. (9 Credits) by the university. (21 Credits) Social Science TU 121 Man and Society Social Science 6 Credits TU124 Society and Economy Humanities TU100 Civic Engagement TU111 Thailand in Historical, Social and Cultural Perspective TU101 Thailand, ASEAN, and the World TU112 Heritage of the Pre-modern World Humanities 3 Credits TU115 Man and his Literary Creativity TU117 Development of the Modern TU102 Social Life Skills World Sciences and Mathematics Sciences and Mathematics 3 Credits - Sciences and Technology TU131 Man and Physical Science TU103 Life and Sustainability TU142 Man and Biological Science TU143 Man and Environment Languages) 9 Credits - Mathematics TU151 General College Mathematics TU050 English Skill Development (audit) TU153 General Concepts of Computer TU155 Elementary Statistics TU104 Critical Thinking, Reading, and Languages (More details in the program website) Writing TU105 Communication Skills in English TU106 Creativity and Communication 08
2. Concentration Courses 81 Credits 2.1) Major Courses 2.1.3) Thesis and Internship (9 Credits) 2.1.1) Core Course (27 Credits) IPI500 Internship IPI100 Introduction to Philosophy IPI501 Research Paper 1 IPI101 Introduction to Politics IPI502 Research Paper 2 IPI102 Basic Microeconomics IPI103 Basic Macroeconomics 2.2) Minor Courses 15 Credits IPI200 Introduction to Law and Choose one cluster of minor courses Public Law provided by the program or by other IPI201 Social and Political Philosophy faculties according to the University's IPI202 Politics and Government of regulation. Modern Thailand 2.2.1) Minor courses provided by the IPI203 Constitution and Political program Institutions in Modern Society Minor in Modern Philosophy IPI204 Research Methodology for IPI346 Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art Philosophy, Politics, and Economics IPI347 Philosophical Foundation of Modernity 2.1.2) Selective Course (30 Credits) IPI348 Global Justice Choose 2 out of 3 branches, obtaining 15 IPI349 Ethics for the Digital Age credits from each branches. IPI456 Seminar on Philosophical Issues Philosophy Branch Minor in Public Policy and Global IPI220 Introductory Ethics Politics IPI221 Logic and Reasoning IPI356 Public Policy and Public IPI320 History of Western Philosophy Management IPI321 History of Eastern Philosophy IPI357 Principles of Foresight and IPI322 Introduction to Metaphysics and Futures Studies Epistemology IPI358 Political Economy of Welfare Politics, Law, and Human Rights State Countries Branch IPI359 Contemporary Politics in the IPI222 Introduction to Administrative Digital Age Law IPI467 Seminar on Public Policy and IPI223 Thai Legal and Judicial System Global Politics IPI323 Approaches in Comparative Minor in Economics and Development Politics Studies IPI324 Global Politics IPI366 International Political Economy IPI325 Human Rights IPI367 Introduction to International Economics Branch Development IPI224 Intermediate Microeconomics IPI368 Basic Institutional Economics IPI225 Intermediate Macroeconomics IPI369 Economics of Innovation IPI330 Mathematical and Statistical IPI478 Seminar on Economic and Techniques in Economics Development Studies IPI331 Basic Econometrics 2.2.2) Minor courses outside the IPI332 Contemporary Thai Economy program 09
What your years International Program? PPEwill look like at COURSES STRUCTURE Philosophy P olitics & Economics Mix & match your interests as you progress through the program. 1st year: foundation courses provided by the university 1 the introductory courses of 2philosophy, politics 2nd year: Choose your major: Philosophy and Politics Philosophy and Economics Economics and Politics and economics. 33rd year: Choose your minor. • Modern Philosophy • Public Policy and Global Politic • Economics and Development Studies or minor courses outside the program Start writing your Thesis. 4Summer Internship 4th year: Graduation Thesis 10 Free electives *PPE DEGREE CAN BE COMPLETED WIHTIN 3.5 YEARS.
Exchange Opportunity PPE students will have multiple opportunities to attend university abroad, both short term and long term. We offer 2+2 degree option. Spend your first 2 years at Thammasat Tha Phrachan, and another 2 years at a university abroad which has an agreement with Thammasat. Then, transfer your credits and earn 2 degrees from both Thammasat and International University. Our partners at faculty level include: Northern Illinois University, USA Chengchi University, Taiwan 11
Exchange 12 Opportunity
what can you do with your degree? รัฐวิสาหกิจ EXCITINGLIFE AFTER PPE STARTUPS PHD NGOSราชการ ACADEMMIAASTER'S UNconsultingDPOELITGICRALECEAREER Exposure to various fields gives yourself specialize in the opportunity to choose Philosophy what's right for you. Politics or Economics Academic pursuits require strong language and data analysis skills. Explore new disciplines with your In comparison to students of single study PPE foundation disciplines, PPE students will have had MBA more opportunities to work with different Public policy sets of data and look at them from Data Science different perspectives. Technology Thus, graduates of PPE International Media Program have strong academic skills, including reading, writing, and communication skills. PPE students will get to write an academic thesis in English under close supervision of an advisor. This will put you one step ahead when you pursue your master's. 13
what can you do with your degree? รัฐวิสาหกิจ EXCITINGLIFE AFTER PPE STARTUPSเอกชน NGOSราชการ ACADEMIA UN เรียนต่อ POcLoITnICsAuL lCtAinRgEER Your advantage with us: Soft/transferable skills Exposure to global/intercultural various fields can give you Hard skills: mindset the opportunity to choose academic skills critical thinking what's right for you. research skills creativity Qualitative resilience Quantitative communication leadership empathy PPE graduates will be able to maneuver these skills masterfully in various line of work. Therefore, they will be presented with endless career opportunities, including in public sector such as civil service, or private sector such as consulting, prestigious firms, non-governmental organization(NGOs), international organizations, startups, and business. 14
David Cameron, former British Conservative Prime Minister Ed Miliband, British Labour MP, former Leader of the Labour party and former Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Rishi Sunak, British Conservative MP and Chancellor of the Exchequer Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan Aung San Suu Kyi, first State Counsellor of Myanmar, 1991 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Parit Wacharasindhu, Thai politician Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani activist for female education and youngest Nobel laureate Isaiah Berlin, philosopher WHAT DO YOU WANTWDITPITENOHPGTEERY DROETEOUU?R 15
Employers expect that by 2025, increasingly redundant roles will decline from being 15.4% of the workforce to 9% (6.4% decline), and that emerging professions will grow from 7.8% to 13.5% (5.7% growth) of the total employee base of company respondents. Based on these figures, we estimate that by 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by a shift in the division of labor between humans and machines, while 97 million new roles may emerge that are more adapted to the new division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms. The job market is changing fundamentally. Previously seen as good, stable jobs are disa ppearing. New jobs are starting to emerge, but no one is quite sure yet what t hose jobs are. PPE International Program g ives you a flexible set of skills which are just rig ht for such climate of uncerta inty. Your unique ble nd of knowledge, of social science and humanities, coupled with your self-knowledge, will help you navigate this new landscape of work and achieve your goal. 16
PPEThe perks of in the workplace GENERALISTS Generalists refers to a type of people who possess skills and knowledge that range across different disciplines. Generalists are often compared with specialists who are specialized in a specific field. Notable generalists The debate whether generalists or specialists throughout world history: thrive better have been going on for Leonardo Da Vinci, centuries. It seems that the work place and Thomas Jefferson, the world in general would prefer specialists over generalists, that it is best to know one Bill Gates, thing really well than to know everything but Roger Federer specialize in nothing. In fact, this view is not true. It was not true of the past. It is not true now. Generalists have contributed greatly to the progress of the world, especially at the time of change and the turn of history. Become a Generalist who champions 21th Century with a PPE International Program degree. 17
PPEThe perks of in the workplace The world today The most important can change skills drastically are Generalists in a blink resilliency, of an eye. flexibility and adaptability. more likely to reach their true potential. GENERALISTS rise through the ranks at a PPE International Program shapes faster rate after being in the industry for a while. Better at adapting and adjusting to the challenging work environment. Survive longer in the job market. Contribute more, plus has more impact, especially in a fast-developing economics. Innovations are often born at the hands of generalists, not specialists. ที่มา: Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World โดย David Epstein you to become a generalist who knows what you want. The program gives you the ability of having both broad knowledge across various fields and self-knowledge to pursue your interest in depth. This is called T-shaped skills, a concept 18 popularly used among job recruiters and leading companies, and recognized as the skill set to meet the challenge of the 21st century.
LMOOVEDSEGRENNWEROARLIKSTPSLACE Future I believe that one of the key reasons Microsoft took organizations off is because we thought more broadly than other startups of that era. We hired not just brilliant consist of coders but people who had real breadth within small teams. their field and across domains. I discovered that Generalist skills are crucial for these team members were THE MOST CURIOUS and teamwork and had THE DEEPEST MENTAL MODELS . - Bill Gates working across different teams. We need more Rogers | GatesNotes I love hiring them. Specialization is great, but it might not be enough for this time period. They’ve learned, repeatedly, how to adapt. We need to know many things, They’ve got problem-solving minds, and especially when we take a leading or they’re comfortable feeling uncomfortable, executive role in the organization. Broad knowledge become essential .... they know how to translate skills for because it gives us the ability to different industries or roles. better adapt and broaden our Who wouldn’t want to hire understanding of things someone like that? The Standard: Specialist vs. Generalist เชี่ยวชาญเฉพาะทาง Forbes: Move Over, Specialists: The Rise Of The Generalist Is Here หรือรู้แบบกว้างๆ ใครหางานง่ายกว่ากัน Rawit Hanutsaha Nicole Smartt Serres Co-Owner and President of Star Staffing, one of America's Best CEO of Srichand United Dispensary Co.,Ltd. Recruiting and Temporary Staffing Firms 19
PPE International Program ADMISSION 2022 Inter Portfolio 1 (5 Seats) Application Period 1 Nov – 17 Dec 21 Requirement Portfolio stating exceptional achievement in sports, academics, leadership or social **Applicants with exceptional contribution. achievement in sports, academics, leadership and social contribution IELTS 4.5, TOEFL (internet-based) 32, TU-GET 400 who have been accepted with a lower English language requirement must undertake an English course according to the program’s suggestion.** Inter Portfolio 2 (30 Seats) Application Period 14 Jan – 15 Mar 22 Requirement SAT I (EBRW) or GSAT (Reading, Writing and Language) with a minimum score of 450, SAT I (Math) or GSAT (Math) with a minimum score of 600, or a total minimum SAT I or GSAT score of 1000 IELTS 6.0, TOEFL (internet-based) 61, TU-GET 500 **Selection of qualified candidates will be considered according to the ranking of SAT I or GSAT scores. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT Applicants must have completed or are expected to complete upper secondary education or its equivalent level at accredited schools or institutions with minimum GPAX of 2.50. 20
PPE International Program ADMISSION 2022 TCAS 3 Admission (10 Seats) Application Period 2 – 10 May 22 Requirement for students holding Thai national academic results) Test results by National Institute of Educational Testing Service (subjects: Thai, Social Science, English, Mathematics 2, General Science) TU-GET = 500 / IELTS = 6 / TOEFL (paper-based) = 500 / TOEFL (internet-based) = 61 / SAT Reading, Writing, and Language: 450 Inter Program Admission 2 (5 Seats) Application Period 25 Apr – 12 May 22 Requirement One of the following academic results: SAT I (EBRW) or GSAT (Reading, Writing and Language) with a minimum score of 450, SAT I (Math) or GSAT (Math) with a minimum score of 600, or a total minimum SAT I or GSAT score of 1000 Test results by National Institute of Educational Testing Service (subjects: Thai, Social Science, English, Mathematics 2, General Science) GAT+PAT1 or GAT+PAT7 IELTS 6.0, TOEFL (internet-based) 61, TU-GET 500 Fees (approx.) semester throughout the 69,000 baht program THAI STUDENTS 79,000 baht INTERNATIONAL 483,000 baht STUDENTS 553,000 baht 21
PPE International ADMISSION Program 2022 How to Apply Inter Portfolio 1, Inter Portfolio 2 and Inter Admission 2 1.Apply online through Google form. 2.Fill in the application form then upload the documents and payment slip in the form. Submit the form. 3.Pay the application fee. (800 Baht)** Bangkok Bank Account no.: 905-0-09452-4 Account name: วิทยาลัยสหวิทยาการ มธ. (PPE Inter) TCAS 3 Admission apply on the website: Documents Required in Application 1) One copy of Identification card or passport 2) One copy of official high school certification or high school equivalency diploma e.g. GED and IB Diploma 3) One copy of high school transcript 4) Copy of test scores 4.1 English test result 4.2 Academic test result 5) Receipt of application fee payment All files must be merged into one PDF file arranged by number with a maximum size of 10 MB. Follow the program on social media for links to the latest application form PPEinterTU Official Announcement: Website: **Thammasat University has announced a reduction of the application fee being paid to PPE International Program. The fee which was 22 initially 1,000 baht has been reduced to 800 baht. This is to reflect the university's concerns regarding the widespread economic effects of the pandemic in recent time. The reduction of fee applies takes effect after the announcement date, and applies to Admission 2022 only.
Life at Tha Phrachan
“The master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts. He must reach a high standard in several different directions and must combine talents not often found together. He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, \"\"ยอดนักเศรษฐศาสตร์ต้องมีพรสวรรค์หายาก philosopher - in some หลายอย่างในตัว มีความรู้รอบด้านระดับสูง และ degree... ต้องรู้จักผสมผสานทักษะที่โดยปกติแล้วมักอยู่ คนละทิศคนละทาง เขาต้องเป็นนักคณิตศาสตร์ นักประวัติศาสตร์ รัฐบุรุษ นักปรัชญา... as aloof ในแง่หนึ่งก็ต้องมีความนิ่งเฉยและซื่อตรงแบบ and ศิลปิน แต่ในบางคราวก็ต้องยอมที่จะลุยโคลนได้ แบบนักการเมือง\" incorruptible as an artist, yet sometimes as near the earth as a politician.” John Maynard Keynes Economist CONTACT US Bachelor of Arts Program in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (International Program) College of Interdisciplinary Studies (Tha Prachan) 2 Prachan Road, Phra Nakhon Bangkok 10200 Tel. (66) 02 613 2852 email: [email protected] PPEinterTU
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