The future of work A journey to 2022 10,000 people in China, India, Germany, the UK and the US give their views on the future of work and what it means for them 66% see the future of work as a world full of possibility and believe they will be successful 53% think technological breakthroughs will transform the way people work over the next 5 – 10 years
Contents 2 4 A journey to 2022 10 Three worlds of work 14 The Blue World – corporate is king 18 The Green World – companies care The Orange World – small is beautiful 22 A summary of people management characteristics in 2022 24 Are you ready? 26 Appendix 27 Contacts
Foreword Disruptive innovations are creating new industries and business models, and destroying old ones. New technologies, data analytics and social networks are having a huge impact on how people communicate, collaborate and work. As generations collide, workforces become more diverse and people work longer; traditional career models may soon be a thing of the past. Many of the roles and job titles of tomorrow will be ones we’ve not even thought of yet. So how are these developments going to eight years. This includes setting out this study. Our thanks to all those who affect the talent your business needs? How the recruitment, reward and employee No exploration of the future of work could can you attract, retain and motivate them? engagement strategies that are likely to ability to surprise and confound. However, How is HR going to change as a result?’ be most relevant as these worlds evolve, while things happen that we cannot predict, and what this means for businesses, we can still be prepared. The projections in this report build on the work started in 2007 by a team from PwC This report draws on a specially Michael Rendell and the James Martin Institute for Science commissioned survey of 10,000 people in Head of Human Capital Consulting, PwC and Civilisation at the Said Business School China, India, Germany, the UK and the US, in Oxford, who came together to develop a who told us how they think the workplace series of scenarios for the future of people will evolve and how this will affect their management. The result was three ‘worlds employment prospects and future working of work’, which provide a lens through lives. Further input comes from a survey which to examine how organisations might of almost 500 HR professionals across operate in the future. the world, who share their insights on how they’re preparing for the changes In this report, we look to 2022 and consider ahead. Rohit Talwar, Global Futurist and how the characteristics of these three the CEO of Fast Future Research, has also worlds of work are likely to be shaped contributed his cutting-edge thinking to by the changes coming up over the next The future of work – A journey to 2022 1
A journey to 2022 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Launch of Twitter Apple launches the Lehman Brothers Urban dwellers China overtakes the Global population Impact of resource Number of iPhone become a majority of US as world’s largest scarcity comes mobile devices the global population manufacturer2 3 into sharp focus as and connections prolonged droughts surpasses the 1 threaten blackouts in number of people on Texas (power plants are the largest users 5 of water in the US)4 1 Urban population growth, World Health Organisation ( 2 Economist, 10.03.12 3 Guardian, 31.10.11 4 Reuters, 30 April 2013 2 PwC
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Worker in Germany $10 tablet Assembly workers Analysts attend Doctor in China Rioting sweeps Licences granted for automated and says the “best is to the market in factory in Hanoi presentation by carries out ‘remote’ across university driverless cars robot-served yet to come” after start wearing Fortune 500 Chief surgery on patient campuses as celebrating 75 years’ sensors to gauge Performance students lose service with the concentration, work patience with rate and mood a combined Finance lack of job and HR function opportunities The future of work – A journey to 2022 3
Three worlds of work Our scenario analysis sees the expectations of organisations and the aspirations of the people who want to work for them diverging into three distinct ‘worlds’ of Blue World Green World 4 PwC
A major shift in management practices to accommodate a rapidly changing world of work and the information workers that inhabit this world [will have the single biggest impact on the way we work over the next 10 years] Head of Talent, Information Orange World The future of work – A journey to 2022 5
Three worlds of work At the beginning of the century, Tremendous forces are radically reshaping Figure 1: What will transform the way people work over the next 5 – 10 years? Ray Kurzweil, Futurist and Chief the world of work. Economic shifts are Engineer at Google, predicted that redistributing power, wealth, competition 53% Technology breakthroughs 20,000 years of progress would and opportunity around the globe. be crammed into the next 100.1 If Disruptive innovations, radical thinking, 39% Resource scarcity and climate change anything, progress and change have new business models and resource accelerated even faster than that. scarcity are impacting every sector. 36% Shifts in global economic power Businesses across the world are beginning to understand that they need a clear and 33% Demographic shifts meaningful purpose, and mandate for the 26% Rapid urbanisation decade ahead if they are to attract and retain employees, customers and partners. 4% None of these Figure 1 sets out the trends people around 13% Don’t know/not sure the world believe will transform the way people work over the next 5 – 10 years. expected change is not unprecedented. PwC survey of 10,000 members of the general population based in China, Germany, However, what is unique is the India, the UK and the US pervasive nature of the change and its Managing complexity as well as ambiguity [will have the single biggest impact on the way we work over the next Head of HR. Energy, Utilities and Mining, India 1 The Law of Accelerating Returns, Ray Kurzweil, 07.03.01 ( 6 PwC
Competing forces Evolving priorities Changing role of HR Organisations will have to be What cuts across these developments are The emergence of these three worlds is HR has been perceived by many as a prepared to undergo new learning the push and pull of individualism versus going to create fresh challenges for HR. passive, service-oriented function. cycles and adapt themselves to collectivism and corporate integration Organisations currently grapple with the But given the demands of tomorrow’s these new challenges, not only to versus business fragmentation. The realities of skills shortages, managing survive, but to succeed. competition between these forces is people through change and creating an believe HR is at a crossroads and will go effective workforce. By 2022, the radical Head of HR, Healthcare, India scenarios (‘worlds’) for the future of work: change in business models will mean that • With a proactive mindset and focused • Large corporates turning into mini- companies will be facing further issues new wider people remit incorporating states and taking on a prominent role in • The need to create ever more society. sophisticated people measurement the business. • Specialisation creating the rise of techniques to monitor and control • The function will become the driver collaborative networks. performance and productivity. • The social and environmental agenda of the corporate social responsibility forcing fundamental changes to • Increasing importance of social capital agenda within the organisation. business strategy. and relationships as the drivers of • The function will be seen as business success. transactional and almost entirely Most organisations are likely to be a mix outsourced. of all three worlds of work. As we explore • The boundary between work and in this report, it’s therefore useful to think personal life disappearing as companies In the coming sections of this report, we about where your organisation might assume greater responsibility for the explore the nature of these three worlds, be positioned within these scenarios, social welfare of their employees. what’s shaping them and how this will the trade-offs this entails and what affect HR priorities, organisational design and wider business strategies. management strategy. The future of work – A journey to 2022 7
Three worlds of work Ú®¿¹³»²¬¿¬·±² Small is beautiful Companies begin ݱ´´»½¬·ª·-³ ̸» to break down ײ¼·ª·¼«¿´·-³ Ñ®¿²¹» into collaboration ̸» ɱ®´¼ networks of smaller Corporate is king Ù®»»² organisations; ɱ®´¼ Companies care specialisation Big company Social responsibility dominates the world capitalism rules as dominates the economy organisations continue corporate agenda to grow bigger and with concerns about ̸» individual preferences changes in climate Þ´«» trump beliefs about and demographics, ɱ®´¼ social responsibility and embedding sustainability ײ¬»¹®¿¬·±² becoming the key drivers of business 8 PwC
There will be a major shift away from the thinking that we learn one profession, have one job and stay in it for decades. Female, voluntary worker (aged 33 – 47), Germany. The future of work – A journey to 2022 9
The Blue World – corporate is king Where big company capitalism reigns supreme The globalisers take centre stage, consumer preferences dominate, a corporate career separates the haves from the have-nots. Driving goal How to compete Employee value market leadership. Scale is the crucial proposition differentiator. It allows these mega-corporations Job security and to reach out across the globe and compete for organisation in return for talent and resources – employee commitment and constantly innovating and keeping pace with customer demands. 10 PwC
Relentless pressure to perform The attractions include high rewards for 44% The most important thing in a job for 44% of In the Blue World, big company capitalism ‘haves’ in a world where stable employment reigns supreme. Consumer preferences is less and less the norm. job security. speed to market. The relentless pressure Employees also have access to the 64% of people around the world on performance isn’t just driven by believe that technology will competition from peers, but also aggressive their host societies may not provide or be improve their job prospects. new entrants looking to lead innovation and scaling back. the money and go wherever the opportunity Metrics and data are used to drive business is – their operating model enables them performance through complex staff to survive and thrive in both stable and segmentation strategies which identify thousands of skills sets – creating precision The challenges include how to integrate around sourcing the right candidates talent from different markets into the for the right tasks, as well as on-the-job overall corporate culture. The need to lead performance measurement and assessment. innovation and open up new opportunities will also see them investing heavily in R&D and acquiring smaller start-ups. PwC survey of 10,000 members of the general population based in China, Germany, India, the UK and the US and technological support to still exceed the expectations of clients [will have the single biggest impact on the way we work over the next ten years] Human Resource Director, Business Services, Kenya The future of work – A journey to 2022 11
The Blue World of 2022 health, with proactive health guidance and Leadership teams have a high focus on the treatment to enable staff to perform more evolution of the corporate culture, with People policies seek to lock in talent, but the more years before needing to retire. rigorous recruitment processes to ensure top talent is still hard to attract and retain; many senior executives use personal agents with third-party research centres, staff are subject to compulsory corporate to seek out the best deals. culture learning and development programmes. management will increasingly be replicated which they fund and source new product by the handing over of data (e.g. health, among employees as screening and and process ideas. They use mechanisms performance, possibly even private life) in monitoring move to a new level. Sensors such as idea sourcing platforms, challenge return for job security. More than 30% of check their location, performance and contests and seeding of venture funds the participants in our global survey would health. The monitoring may even stretch be happy for their employers to have access into their private lives in an extension of opportunity. While some of the ideas make to their personal data. Younger people today’s drug tests. Periodic health screening it into core products and processes, many tend to be more open to this than older gives way to real-time monitoring of are sold on or licensed to create a self- generations, so this kind of monitoring funding innovation model. could become routine in the years to come. The speed of technological progress, such as the popularity of the ‘Internet of Things’, will have a big impact on the way we work over the next ten years. Male, in permanent employment (aged 33 – 47), China 3 out of 10 31% of HR professionals are gearing their talent of the participants in our global survey would strategies to pushing back be happy for their employers to have access to the borders of innovation their personal data. only the best and offering 12 PwC long-term job security
Changing organisational Reward models include a strong performance-related element. A key The management of people within the challenge for HR is convincing employees Blue World is a hard business discipline, that the ‘price’ of data release and close monitoring is worth paying. This includes addition to identifying and delivering the developing the right balance between talent needed to meet business objectives, successful HR teams are developing the protection) and productivity gains of this ever more sophisticated measurement personal data. It also includes building trust and management techniques needed to through codes of conduct about how data is ensure that the workforce meets exacting acquired, used and shared. performance targets. The machine will become fully intelligent and The HR function evolves into a people and have the ability to think independently. performance unit, which is led by the Chief Male, in permanent employment team of the organisation. (aged 48 – 66), UK Those responsible for people management marketing and risk management skills ? to measure the impact of human talent on their organisation and retain the intelligence in a hybrid model. HR will Questions for HR develop real-time response to data feeds How can you develop the more sophisticated human as it evolves into a key part of the wider capital metrics needed to constantly improve performance team. performance? How do you develop a broader resource optimisation and human beings work side by side? Where is the line between performance monitoring and personal space and how can you make sure the organisation stays within it? The future of work – A journey to 2022 13
The Green World – companies care Where consumers and employees force change Companies develop a powerful social conscience and green sense of responsibility. Consumers demand ethics and environmental credentials as a top priority. Society and business see their agendas align. Driving goal How to compete Employee value Positive social and A social and environmental environmental impact. conscience is demanded by Ethical values and work – life customers and staff right balance in return for loyalty through the organisation towards an organisation that and its supply chain. The does right by its employees. organisation must get it right in order to survive and compete. 14 PwC
Rethinking values and goals Brands can rise and fall on the basis of their environmental and social impact, with In the Green World, companies take the lead in developing a strong social Corporate responsibility is not an altruistic conscience and sense of environmental nice to have, but a business imperative. responsibility. They are open, trusting, collaborative learning organisations and make a positive difference, but it’s become 65% of people around the see themselves playing an important role in world want to work for an supporting and developing their employees responsible way. Employees are expected to organisation with a powerful and local communities. Companies have uphold corporate values and targets around social conscience.1 strong control over their supplier networks the green agenda. to ensure that corporate ethical values are upheld across the supply chain, and are The need to travel to meet clients and able to troubleshoot when things go wrong. colleagues is replaced with technological In turn, the combination of ethical values, solutions, which reduce the need for face- support for the real economy and family- to-face contact. Employees’ carbon footprint friendly hours is an opportunity to create a is carefully monitored and built into new employee value proposition that isn’t performance targets. solely reliant on pay. As society gravitates towards more sustainable living, the HR function 36% of HR professionals are is forced to embrace sustainability building their talent and corporate responsibility as part strategies around their organisations’ social and Changing social and ethical values may environmental conscience, put more pressure on employers to take a which is intrinsic to the responsible attitude to looking after their brand and matches the employees’ health and wellbeing. In turn values and beliefs of employees demand healthier workplaces 2 1 PwC survey of 10,000 members of the general population based in China, Germany, India, the UK and the US The future of work – A journey to 2022 15
The Green World of 2022 company and the broader community HR helps to foster close collaboration ? between employer and employee in Moves towards the Green World are being Diversity and work – life balance are viewed designing jobs around aspirations and bolstered by the need to use resources as sources of strength and competitive lifestyles. Reward models will be highly advantage. Staff are encouraged to forge The disillusionment that has followed links with the community and to take part in opportunity to work for organisations Questions for HR socially useful projects. that share their values and beliefs is How can you turn your values environmental, social and tax policies is attractive to many of the best and brightest into a compelling element of your forcing ever more companies and workers Rather than basic performance, the candidates, the overall incentive package to question the very nature and purpose of emphasis is on using data to promote is still going to be important. Financial Is your function set up to work with their business. broader objectives, such as health and well- rewards can be augmented by the chance people who want a greater say in to take up secondments on social and designing their working responsibilities Companies recognise they have more of an working and volunteering. The development and rewards? of environmental best practice is a key Further challenges include how to ensure now quantify their total impact on society, objective for employees, who are encouraged that strict compliance with laws and How can you monitor the desired ethics the environment, the economy and tax. to create new and interactive ways to share and behaviour most effectively? Financial performance is in this mix, but ideas and encourage people to take them up. enterprise. In a caring organisation, there it’s no longer the prime driver of decision is also the question of how to keep people making. Changing organisational and in employment if there is a downturn in the market or wider economy. Working closely innovative ideas and practices and The CEO drives the people strategy for the with employees and other stakeholders, HR organisation, believing that the people will be expected to come up with innovative setting challenges around ways of working in the organisation and their behaviours solutions to these challenges. which can be transferred back into the and role in society have a direct link to the customer’s own environment. Customers organisation’s success or failure. Organisations in the Green World will embrace and embed Sustainability, broader societal goals they are pursuing. the opportunity to participate in decision- understand and manage their total impact, Technology and the internet play a critical making and feels responsibility for the role in providing total transparency of the organisation’s success. growth ie. growth that’s responsible, real, lasting and inclusive. impact and performance across all of HR and corporate social responsibility fuse and organisations embrace sustainability The need for economic and environmental practice of co-creation – engaging with and support for socially valuable ‘good customers, partners, external agents and growth’. the way we work over the next ten years] the local community to create new products Male, self-employed (aged 48 – 66), UK 16 PwC
Crowded urban centres will necessitate ‘anywhere working’ aided by technology. VP Human Resources, Financial Greater emphasis on work – life balance – more [will have the single biggest impact on the way we work over the next ten years] Human Resources Manager, Engineering The future of work – A journey to 2022 17
The Orange World – small is beautiful Where big is bad, for business, for people and for the environment Global businesses fragment. Technology empowers a low impact, high-tech business model. Networks prosper while large companies decline. Driving goal How to compete Employee value Embracing the rise of the portfolio career, hiring a Flexibility, autonomy and varied challenges in return diverse mix of people on an for working on a short-term affordable, ad hoc basis. contractual basis. 18 PwC
29% The chance to take control of their career, what they do and when is what 29% of people around the world most want from a job.1 Seeking out fresh opportunities The Orange World desire for autonomy is 46% of HR professionals expect at strongest in China, especially among young least 20% of their workforce In the Orange World organisations people, indicating a generational shift to be made up of contractors fragment into looser networks of towards greater freedom, entrepreneurship or temporary workers autonomous, often specialised operations. and specialist skills in this rapidly evolving Technology helps to bring these networks economy. Over half of participants in China 2 together, often on a task-by-task basis, with believe that traditional employment won’t social media heightening the connectivity be around in the future. Instead, people will 1 PwC survey of 10,000 members of the general population based upon which this world depends. have their own ‘brands’ and sell their skills in China, Germany, India, the UK and the US to those who need them. The belief that Supply chains are built from complex, the future lies in a contingent model is also organic associations of specialist providers, strong among graduates, though people varying greatly from region to region and market to market. Looser, less tightly less change in their working arrangements. regulated clusters of companies are seen to work more effectively than their larger and potentially more unwieldy counterparts. Moves towards the Orange World have been bolstered by the rise of the portfolio career. Many people have come to realise that they challenges by working freelance or as a Contract employment will be king. Full-time jobs will become obsolete. work over the next ten years] Male, retired (aged 48 – 66), US The future of work – A journey to 2022 19
The Orange World Changing organisational and Workers are categorised and rewarded ? for having specialist expertise, which will vibrant, innovative and entrepreneurial HR manages bidding processes as part create increased demand for people to have Questions for HR middle market. A core team embodies the of an open market for assignments in a personal stake in the organisation’s or How can you identify and attract the philosophy and values of the company. The which people from within and outside project’s success. Options such as project contract staff needed to meet different rest come in and out on a project-by-project the organisation apply and compete for delivery-related bonuses are therefore objectives? postings and projects. going to become more common. and specialisation, while others offer How can you verify the authenticity of commoditised price-dependent support. Recruitment becomes largely a sourcing A key challenge is ensuring that the people the data being used to select staff and Telepresence and virtual solutions allow function, which is often merged with being hired genuinely have the expertise associates? for greater remote working and extended the management of the huge number of required or claimed. This demands a global networks. contracts and price agreements required How do you effectively manage non- for each company’s network of partner watertight contractual agreements, possibly owned resource? to success of Orange companies. Maximum organisations. with penalties for poor and non-delivery. Many companies will be too small to have It’s also going to require a high degree of collaborative partnerships and minimal HR hiring teams and will look to technology relationship building and business trust. or dedicated agents to supply needs. Many contractors and partners will adopt use of technology to run their businesses, ‘eBay-style’ ratings of past performance to coordinate a largely external workforce People are more likely to see themselves as help land the next contract. and support their relationships with third members of a particular skill or professional parties. They take advantage of disruptive network than as an employee of a technology when appropriate and stay abreast of new developments to ensure they Orange pioneers will give a new lease of are up to speed in their sector. life to professional guilds, associations and trade bodies – relying on them for training, The development of networks and development and innovation. relationships with contingent staff is critical. Technology tracks their People are more likely to see themselves as applicability, location and availability. members of a particular skill or professional network than as an employee of a 20 PwC
2 out of 5 People around the world believe that traditional employment won’t be around in the future. Instead, people will have their own ‘brands’ and sell their skills to those 1 Managing a diverse, heavily matrixed and virtual 31% organisation [will have the single biggest impact on the of HR professionals are building their talent Vice-President for Human Resources, Retail and strategies around the rise of the portfolio Consumer, Switzerland career, hiring a diverse mix of people on an affordable, ad hoc basis.2 1 PwC survey of 10,000 members of the general population based in China, Germany, India, the UK and the US across the world The future of work – A journey to 2022 21
A summary of people management characteristics in 2022 Corporate is king: Companies care: Small is beautiful: Blue World Green World Orange World How organisations source secure the best talent available and Green World companies seek like- Technology provides the solution to and attract talent use extensive search and evaluation minded individuals to extend their corporate family, taking great care suppliers of key skills. Commercial Reward and performance Talent is attracted by the potential for to only select talent with the right Learning and high earnings, job security and status. behaviours and attitudes. A company’s reputation within networks and online recruitment markets is The role of HR performance metrics. Talent is attracted to Green World crucial in attracting talent. brands, their values and their culture. Contract-based pay for projects is the Individuals build skills and experience norm. Results-based or buy-in contracts to adapt to changing business needs. Organisations focus on total reward, are also common. Negotiation skills Learning and development is closely which recognises corporate citizenship aligned to objectives and performance and good behaviours alongside Individuals develop their own skills. measures. performance. Professional guilds will re-emerge and HR uses advanced analytics to predict certify skills alongside online references future talent demands and to measure Personal and professional development and performance rankings. and anticipate performance and fuse in areas such as volunteering. retention issues. HR acts as guardian of the brand. There negotiating the contracts, along with economics. culture and behaviours and on guarding against sustainability and reputational Role of technology in Sensors and data analytics to measure Helping people to build work into their Creating virtual collaboration. managing people and optimise performance. lives and minimise their environmental impact. 22 PwC
The future of work – A journey to 2022 23
Are you ready? The effectiveness with which your Forward-looking HR teams are already Most of the HR professionals in our survey organisation plans people management considering a range of different scenarios don’t believe they’re prepared for meeting for the long-term will be critical to its for the future as part of their business the needs of a workforce that demands long-term viability, ensuring you have planning (see Figure 2), but few are taking the right people, with the right skills, in Only around 20% report that they’re the right places to realise your evolving ready to embrace the role of technology goals. Think too much in the short-term and automation in replacing knowledge foot, unable to catch up with sudden workers, even though most recognise this is shifts in your marketplace. something they should consider. Figure 2: Planning ahead – How far does HR in your organisation look into the future? 21% 56% Short-term: Medium-term: The future is moving so fast I anticipate a lot of change and that it is very hard to predict am building possible future how things will change scenarios into our current talent pipelines 24% Long-term: I am actively considering the evolving and multiple visions of the future as part of our long-term business planning 24 PwC
Figure 3: How can organisations plan for the future of people management? As Figure 3 outlines, our three worlds can provide a starting point for judging the Which world are you heading opportunities, risks and evolving demands something else entirely? on HR across different areas of your What are the scenarios for your organisation. But no one model will prevail organisation? and even within them, it will be important to manage competing demands. How will your organisation’s culture What do you need to do to get there? respond to an environment of constant Better understand where you are now change? What will be the role of through use of evaluation techniques, leadership? What behaviours will be most valuable to the organisation and how will the organisation need to communicate with and engage all employees? How will your organisation need to change...resourcing, talent management, employee engagement, reward, learning and development... what else? The future of work – A journey to 2022 25
So what does the future hold for HR? metric-driven strategy and performance function. In the Orange World, it is set to have a much narrower recruitment and tendering role, with many other aspects of the function outsourced. In the Green World, HR’s role could be much more diffuse, helping employees to shape their work around their values and outside lives. Whatever path your function follows, it’s going to look very 26 PwC
Blue World Green World Orange World The future of work – A journey to 2022 27
Appendix Creating the three worlds The potential break-up of large We worked with the James Martin businesses and the risk of Institute to think about the factors that collaboration networks were affecting business and those that we believed would grow in importance in the Business fragmentation future. We mapped these around a matrix and developed a number of scenarios: Allowing technology into almost me Globalis The free-market trend prevails as plausible futures around each. trade barriers disappear every part of a person’s life onrols Technology c Individualism We started our research by examining the ation forces that were affecting global business Reverse gl on the future. While there are many social, The common good prevails over Collectivism Global forces Focus on individual wants; environmental, religious and demographic personal preference, e.g. collective available to consumers responsibility for the environment we chose to focus on the global forces that we feel have the greatest impact on over individual interest Protectionist policies begin to rebuildobalisation echnology I control t barriers to free movement of people A yearning for the human touch and goods Corporate integration minimises the personal impact of technology on consumers BIg business rules all 28 PwC
Contacts Michael Rendell North America Central & Eastern Europe India Human capital consulting Scott Olsen Zsolt Szelecki Padmaja Alaganandan Global Network Leader +1 646 471 0651 +44 20 7804 1710 +91 80 4079 4001 +44 20 7212 4945 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Bhushan Sethi Middle East Australia Justine Brown +1 646 471 2377 David Suarez Jon Williams Global marketing & business development, [email protected] +971 4304 3981 +61 (2) 8266 2402 Human resources services [email protected] [email protected] +44 113 289 4423 Western Europe [email protected] Jon Andrews China/Hong Kong South and Central America +44 20 7804 9000 Mandy Kwok Joao Lins [email protected] +852 2289 3900 +55 11 3674 3536 [email protected] [email protected] Peter De Bley +32 2 7104321 Lukia Xing Africa [email protected] +86 (10) 6533 7018 Gerald Seegers [email protected] +27 (11) 797 4560 Charles Donkor [email protected] +41 58 792 4554 Singapore [email protected] Alywin Teh +65 62367268 Till Lohmann [email protected] +49 40 6378-8835 [email protected] The future of work – A journey to 2022 29 more by visiting us at else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it.
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