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Home Explore Rhode Island DHS - Office of Child Support Services - 2018 Annual State Conference Brochure

Rhode Island DHS - Office of Child Support Services - 2018 Annual State Conference Brochure

Published by Rick.Mulcahey, 2018-03-26 23:01:05

Description: OCSS ,14th Annual Child Support Conference

Keywords: OCSS ,14th Annual Child Support Conference,RI Child Support,Shaping the Future of Child Support


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14th Annual Child Support ConferenceShaping the Future of Child Support Friday June 8, 2018 8:30am - 4:00pm RADISSON HOTEL 2081 POST RD. WARWICK, RI

Shaping the future of Child SupportW hat is the future of the child sup- port program? How can we buildupon and improve the existing program?At the RI Office of Child Support Services wecontinue to work to change our image in thecommunity by expanding our outreach andvisibility in the community, participating incommunity activities and assisting non-custodial parents through our Project Restoreprogram.We have moved away from a “zero tolerance”policy for passport renewal and we now pro-vide a non-custodial parent the opportunity todemonstrate a hardship exemption and enterinto a payment plan in order to renew theirpassport.From a technology perspective the OCSS isdesigning new “dashboards” for our employ-ees so cases can be processed in a more ex-pedited, efficient manner, while at the sametime increase our performance measures. Thenew voice response system is more userfriendly and provides a great deal of infor-mation. Our customer web portal allows boththe custodial and non-custodial parent accessto case specific information 24/7.The new child support guidelines take intoconsideration shared placement and a morerealistic approach to calculating child careexpenses when determining an appropriatechild support order.This conference will address these issues andmany more as we “shape the future of thechild support” program!

Conference Itinerary 8:30am—9:00am Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00am—9:30am Welcome Sharon A. Santilli, Esq. Associate Director, Child Support Greetings Hon. Michael J. Forte Chief Judge , Rhode Island Family Court Rhode Island Family Court Courtney E. Hawkins Director—RI DHS 9:30am—10:00am Child Support From the Federal Level Invited Guest: Scott M. Lekan OCSE Commissioner 10:00am—10:30am Region 1 Update Mike GinnsOCSE Program Manager-Region 1 10:30am—10:45am Coffee Break 10:45am—11:15amThe Futureof theFatherhood Initiative Lisa Conlan Lewis Executive Director Parent Support Network of RI

11:15am—12:15pmA ViewFrom the Bench:Status Update Moderator: Frank Dibiase, Esq.ChiefLegal Counsel,OHHS—ChildSupport Panel Members: MagistrateArmandoO. Monaco, II Magistrate George N. DiMuro Rhode Island Family Court 12:15pm—1:30pm Lunch / CSLN Awards 1:30pm—2:00pmRI OCSS Update from the Director Sharon A. Santilli Esq. 2:00pm—2:45pmNew Regulations-Passport Denial Kevin Tighe Senior Legal Counsel—OHHS, Child Support 2:45pm—3:00pm Dessert Break 3:00pm - 4:00pm Crowd Sourcing Your chance to weigh in on topics discussed at the conference! Clifford James Dean, Esq. Senior Legal Counsel—OHHS, Child Support ANNUALCOMMUNITY TRAINING Scheduled for: October 25,20188:30AM-4:00PM Arnold ConferenceCenter—Cranston, RI Watch for more information about the training at .

REGISTRATION INFORMATION■ Corporate registration is $125.00 per person, which includes exhibit table & breakfast/lunch■ Community based organizations receive a complimentary exhibit table■ $ 25.00 per person to cover breakfast and lunch■ Attorneys registering for CLE credit require an additional fee of $20.00■ 5.5 CLE Credits for attorney’s participat- ing in day long con- ference■ Please make your check payable to: Office of Child Support Services! In an effort to assist the customers we serve with basic necessities, we began the “Cozy Closet” late in 2014. The “Cozy Closet” is located in our waiting room where customers can help themselves to items such as clothing, children's books, or toys, most of which are donated by OCSS staff. There is a constant need for dona- tions to replenish the closet. This year we are asking conference participants to bring one item: chil- dren’s clothing, toy or book to the con- ference. In return for the donation, an additional raffle ticket for our gift bas- ket door prize will be given.

rSeugbimstirtaytioounrtodayMail, fax, or submit your registration in-formation electronically by visiting ourwebsite. Please register/send paymentbefore May 2, 2018.NAME:EMAIL:ORGANIZATION/ADDRESS INFO: $ 25 Registration fee $20 CLE fee—5.5 CLE credits WWW.CSE.RI.GOV/REGISTER/INDEX.PHP MAIL REGISTRATION & CHECK: Office of Child Support Services ATTN: Kevin Donnelly 77 Dorrance Street Providence, RI 02903 FAX: (401) 458 - 4415Email: [email protected]

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