Product rangeand news 2019 1
Together with farmers all over the world, we have spent the last three generations creating machines that make any farmland find its full potential. The high quality Väderstad planters, seed drills and tillage equipment give farmers a head start by covering more ground in shorter time without losing perfection. Together we make you an even more successful farmer.2
The Väderstad Group consists of Väderstad AB, Väderstad Industries Inc., Svensk Presshärdning ABand Väderstad Farm AB. We are represented in 40 countries, partly through 13 fully owned salescompanies, and partly through importers. Väderstad AB Seed drills Planters Tillage equipmentVäderstad Industries Inc. Svensk Presshärdning AB Väderstad Farm AB Air seeders Discs, points and packers FarmingManufacturingSales company Importer 3
Carrier 300-400Carrier 300-400 is a rigid disc cultivator available in 3, 3.5and 4 metre working widths. The frame provides a stableand durable machine that sits very close to the tractor,saving on front ballast and reducing the compaction risk.Carrier 300-400 mixes in residues, and leaves a perfectly Trailed or mounted – you chooselevelled working result. Equipped with the packer RubberRunner, Carrier 300-400 can be delivered as a trailed version. This takes weight offImpressive weight per disc the tractor and reduces the lifting requirement. The weightTo increase the weight, Carrier 300-400 can be equipped is distributed between the tractor and the disc cultivator,with additional weight packages. This results in a weight which in turn reduces the soil compaction rate.per metre higher than any competitor’s machine inthe same segment. You benefit from a greaterpenetration force and exceptional working resultsin all field conditions.Great mobilityCarrier 300-400 is mounted on the three-point linkage,offering ease of operation and great manoeuvrability.You benefit from a small turning radius on headlandsand convenient transport between fields.4
Discs3-4m 2-12cm >85hp 125mm 450mm DiscNo compromises 470mm TrueCut New! CrossCutter Disc Packers Mounted Single SteelRunner BioDrill turns Carrier Single SoilRunner into a seed drill RubberRunner CageRunner Packers TrailedCarrier 300-400 can be equipped with weight Carrier 300-400 can be delivered as either a RubberRunner 5packages adding up to 800kg/m. trailed or mounted machine.
Carrier X 425-625Carrier X 425-625 is a mounted foldable disc cultivator withdiscs positioned in an x-shape, available in 4.25, 5.25 or 6.25metre working width. It has excellent contour following andimpressive penetration ability for its weight.X stands for x-disc Full control from the cabThe discs are positioned in an x-shape, which enables the To gain full control, the working depth is controlledlateral forces to cancel each other out. The x-disc format hydraulically from the cab. This provides Carrier X withguarantees that the machine will always run dead straight high precision and versatility on varying soil types.behind the tractor. This saves diesel but is also essential The depth setting is easily carried out, without the needwhen using a GPS guidance system or when driving in for top link adjustments.hilly conditions. Heavy-duty design for long working lifeAdjustable disc angles With a strong tube frame and heavy-duty joints, CarrierTo further increase the soil seeking ability of the discs X is constructed to withstand heavy stresses. You benefiteach disc hub can be rotated to change the disc angles. from a long working life with exceptional working resultsTests have shown this technique increases the penetration in the field.capacity by up to 50%, compared to traditional solutionswith the same machine weight.You benefit from an excellent penetration to weightratio, as well as the ability to adjust the disc angleaccording to field conditions.6
4,2-6,2m 2-12cm >150hp 125mm DiscsHeavy-duty depth precision 450mm DiscCarrier X for harsh environments. 470mm TrueCutThe kit includes a galvanised frame,piston rod protection, a hydraulic New!wing lock and stainless steelhydraulic couplings. CrossCutter Disc Packers Single SteelRunner Single SoilRunner CageRunner HeavyDutyThe transport width of Carrier X is only 2.4m and even The working depth is set from the tractor cab, enablingwhen folded, you maintain a good rear view from the cab. adaptation to varying conditions in the field. 7
Carrier 420-820Carrier 420-820 is a trailed disc cultivator, available inworking widths between 4.2 and 8.2 metres. Whetheryou require a stale seedbed, levelling of ploughed landor cover crop incorporation, the wide range of front toolsoffer versatility to different farming requirements.High weight per disc Great mobilityCarrier family are characterised by their strong frame Carrier 420-820 uses the unique Väderstad folding system,constructed with high-quality Swedish steel. The high giving a fast transition from field to transport. When foldedweight on each disc improves penetration and maintains the transport width is only 2.5m.working depth even in tough conditions. The folding technique gives the machine a low centre of gravity, resulting in safe manoeuvring.Adjustable axles optimise working resultAchieving efficient weed control requires all roots to bethoroughly sliced up in the first pass. To ensure optimalslicing and uniform tillage, the front row of discs can beadjusted laterally with the aid of a turnbuckle.8
Front tools4,2-8,2m 2-12cm >120hp 125mm CrossCutter Knife Straw harrowThe multitasking implement CrossBoard Discs 450mm DiscBioDrill turns Carrier 470mm TrueCutinto a seed drill New! CrossCutter Disc Packers Single SteelRunnerTo enable easy transport, Carrier 420-820 Two rows of high quality V-55 Swedish steel RubberRunnerfolds to 2.5 metre transport width. discs works down to 12cm working depth. 9
Carrier 925-1225Carrier 925-1225 is a very robust trailed disc cultivator,available in 9.25 and 12.25m working width. With a highworking speed, it has a capacity of up to 16 hectares perhour, resulting in low capital costs per hectare.Heavy duty frame – long working life Even weight – even resultCarrier 925-1225 has an extremely robust frame, ensuring Carrier 925-1225 is equipped with weight packages ina long working life even in the toughest of conditions. the wing sections. This ensures the weight is evenlyIts few greasing points reduces the maintenance distributed across the entire working width withoutrequired leading to more time in field. the need for complex hydraulic solutions.The obvious choice for 12m CTFThe large Carrier 1225 has a working width of 12.25m.This gives a slight overlap required in a 12m CTF-system.Thanks to the x-shape disc layout, the machine will alwaysrun dead straight behind the tractor. This is essential whenusing GPS-control or when cultivatingin hilly terrain.10
9,2-12,2m 2-12cm >400hp 125mm Front toolsExtreme capacity CrossCutter Knife Straw harrow CrossBoard DiscsBioDrill turns Carrier 450mm Discinto a seed drill 470mm TrueCut New! CrossCutter Disc PackersCarrier 925-1225 has the unique Väderstad The wide range of front tools offer versatility Single SteelRunnerfolding system. When folded the transport to different farming requirements. 11width is 3m.
Carrier XL 425-625Carrier XL 425-625 is a trailed disc cultivator, availablein working widths between 4.25 to 6.25m. The sizes ofthe discs make Carrier XL 425-625 well suited for deepercultivation, incorporating large amounts of crop residuesor breaking up pasture.Carrier XL 426-625 can be fitted with 510 or 610mm discs Easy to transportwith adjustable disc angles. When transporting Carrier XL 425-625 between fields, the machine is wing-folded to fit within 3m transportEasy adjustment width. The transport wheels are equipped with hydraulicThe maximum working depth is set on the machine, suspension, resulting in a safe and calm ride, whilst alsowhile operational depth settings are carried out preventing damage to the machine’s main frame.hydraulically from the cab. To ensure optimal slicing anduniform cultivation, the front row of discs can be adjustedin the lateral direction with the help of rigging screws.MultiSet offers versatilityThe adjustable MultiSet disc hubs allow the disc angleto be set to one of three positions between 11 and 17degrees. This enables the disc aggressiveness to beadjusted to fit different working depths. A level cut canbe achieved during shallow cultivation, and a goodpenetration can be ensured at a greater working depth.12
4.2-6.2m 5-16cm >150hp 125mm Front toolsVersatility in disc cultivation CrossCutter Knife Straw harrow CrossBoard Discs 510mm TrueCutBioDrill turns Carrier XLinto a seed drill 610mm TrueCut Packers Single SteelRunner New! Double SteelRunnerWhen transporting Carrier XL 425-625 On headlands, the machine can be turned on Double SoilRunnerbetween fields, the machine is wing-folded to either the packer or the wheels. 13fit within 3m transport width.
Carrier XL 925-1225Carrier XL 925-1225 is a trailed disc cultivator, available with9.25 or 12.25m working width. It can be fitted with 510 or610mm discs. The sizes of the discs make them well suited toincorporate large amounts of crop residues even at depth.With a high working speed, Carrier XL 925-1225 has Discs allow for increased working deptha working capacity of up to 16 hectares per hour. This Carrier XL 925-1225 can be fitted with either 510mm orlowers the capital costs per hectare to minimum. 610mm TrueCut discs. In comparison, the 510mm disc increases the space around the disc which allows forEven weight – even result a higher throughflow. The 610mm on the other hand,Carrier XL 925-1225 is equipped with weight packages enables greater working depth, which is a benefit whenin the wing sections. This ensures the weight is evenly incorporating large amounts of crop residues, such asdistributed across the entire working width without the harvested maize stubble.need for complex hydraulic solutions.14
9,2-12,2m 5-16cm >400hp 125mm DiscsEnormous depth capacity 510mm TrueCut 610mm TrueCut Packers Single SteelRunner BioDrill turns Carrier XL into a seed drillCarrier XL 925-1225 has an extremely robust frame, Carrier XL 925-1225 has the unique Väderstad foldingensuring a long working life even in the toughest system. When folded the transport width is 3m.conditions. 15
Swift 400-870Swift 400-870 is a trailed tine cultivator, designed to performat peak level in both wet and dry years.You benefit from a spacious design, which can handlelarge quantities of crop residues. The narrow tine spacingresults in an intensive mixing and even working result.The models in the product family span from 4.0 to 8.7 narrow tine spacing of 19.3cm, providing intensive mixingmetre working width. over the entire working width. Swift’s unique design offers a low machine weight which results in minimised draughtVibrating tines requirement. Floating wings on the larger Swift modelsThe Swift tines provide effective mixing down to 20cm maintain a constant depth even in hilly conditions.working depth. Since the tine vibrates with a frequencyup to 100 times per second, it produces a very fine soil. An Depth setting from cabadditional benefit comes from the fact that the vibrations A large distinct scale clearly displays the working depth,result in less wear on points, lowering operating costs which is set hydraulically from the cab on the move.and time spent on servicing. The Swift tine is unique in its This allows the driver to adapt the working result tostrength and therefore comes with different soil types or varying conditions in the field.a three-year warranty.Unique frame constructionEach tine axle is equipped with two tines – one in front ofthe axle and one behind. This construction allows for a16
4.0-8.7m 20cm >130hp 19.3cmHigh capacity– low draught requirement BioDrill turns Swift into a seed drillThe vibrating Swift tines deliver an intensive mixing down To be able to adapt to varying soil conditions, the driver isto 20cm working depth. able to adjust the intensity of the hydraulic levellers with millimetre precision on the move. 17
Cultus 300-400The 3-4m tine cultivator Cultus 300-400 has powerful tinesworking down to 25cm depth. You benefit from a spaciousframe construction offering impressive mixing capabilities.Cultus is the ideal cultivator for those looking for high qualityworking result, performance and durability.Very effective tines Full control from cabThe Cultus tine is designed for high performance during Cultus is able to cultivate the soil down to 25cm depth, buta long working life. With a very effective stone release at the machine also works very well in shallow cultivation.450kg using horizontally mounted double springs, Cultus is To gain full control, the working depth is controlledable to keep the same working depth at all times. hydraulically from the cab on all mounted versions. ThisThe massive self-adjusting centrepiece of the spring makes Cultus a versatile precision cultivator on varyingusing conical bushings in the fastening bolts gives the soil types.tine outstanding durability. The double spring preventsshock forces from entering the frame, as a result The highly versatile Cultusmultiplying the working life. Depending on the need for reconsolidation and weight distribution, Cultus can be delivered as a mountedFrame designed for high throughflow machine as well as a trailed machine equipped withCultus has three strong axles and 30cm tine spacing. a rubber packer, the RubberRunner.Together with the ground clearance, this gives maximumthroughflow and capacity. The tine distribution furtherprovides very good mixing of harvest residues, preventingthe creation of straw rows.18
3-4m 25cm >140hp 30cm Packers mountedIntensive cultivation Single SteelRunner BioDrill turns Cultus into a seed drill Single SoilRunner RubberRunner CageRunner Packers trailed RubberRunner New!Cultus 300-400 is available either as The Cultus tine is able to work with The BreakMix point combines thea trailed or mounted machine. high performance down to 25cm advantages of breaking compactions working depth. with a very intensive mixing. 19
Opus 400-700Opus 400-700 is a powerful and versatile trailed tinecultivator with an impressive capacity. It is able to handlelarge amounts of crop residues while keeping the draughtrequirement moderate.Extremely powerful tines Always a level fieldOpus is equipped with robust tines, which mix and loosen The levellers are fitted on a parallelogram, ensuring thatthe soil down to 30cm working depth. The tines have a the correct working angle is maintained at any depth.hydraulic stone release, which can be adjusted variably up To be able to adapt to varying soil conditions, the driver isto 700kg release force. Thanks to this high release force able to adjust the intensity of the hydraulic levellers withand its soil-seeking points, Opus is able to maintain a millimetre precision on the move.constant working depth in all field conditions.Heavy-duty frameThe frame is designed for heavy use in tough conditions.It has three axles and 27cm tine spacing, which ensure anintense cultivation and good throughflow. The heavy tinecultivator Opus is built around a strong frame which canwithstand high stresses extending the working life.20
4-7m 30cm >170hp 27cm PackersPower and versatility Single SteelRunner Double SteelRunner Double SoilRunner New! New!The fertiliser kit allows for fertiliser BioDrill turns Opus intoincorporation together with cultivation a seed drill New!The carrying wheels positioned in the The powerful Opus tines are The BreakMix point combines themiddle of the machine, makes Opus equipped with a stone release with advantages of breaking compactionsboth easy to transport and gives up to 700kg release force. with a very intensive a small turning radius on headlands. This ensures depth is maintained down to 30cm working depth. 21
TopDown 300-900TopDown 300-900 is a high intensity multipurpose cultivator,performing both a full-scale shallow cultivation and a deepcultivation in one single pass. By adapting the working resultto different conditions in the field, TopDown delivers anunmatched performance.TopDown reduce passes, preserves ground moisture, cutting and mixing of soil and crop residue. To adapt toincreases capacity and lowers the establishment costs. varying soil conditions, the working intensity of the discs can be adjusted from the cab on the move. Thanks toMultiple operations in one pass the discs conical shape, they maintain the same workingTopDown is a multipurpose cultivator, combining an angle relative to the soil, irrespective of wear or workingintensive disc cultivator along with a robust three axle tine depth.cultivator in the same machine. The 12.5cm spaced discson individually suspended disc arms, creates fine tilth by Effective mixing and looseningcutting and mixing the top soil. The 27cm spaced tines With 27cm tine spacing, TopDown intensively mixes andthen loosen and mix the soil and crop residues down to loosens the soil down to 30cm depth. The 700kg stone30cm working depth. In the final two working zones, the release system maintains the correct working depth inleveller and packer then concludes all conditions, contributing to an even crop ensuring an even and fully reconsolidated surface.High quality discsThe high quality discs are produced using specialisthardened Swedish V-55 steel. The discs provide intensive22
3-9m 30cm >150hp 27cm DiscsUnmatched perfomance 450mm Disc 470mm TrueCut Packers Single SteelRunner Double SteelRunner Double SoilRunner New! New!The fertiliser kit allows for fertiliser in- BioDrill turns TopDowncorporation together with cultivation into a seed drill New!By performing multiple operations, TopDown 300-700 folds to 3 metre The BreakMix point combines theTopDown is able to create a good transport width, while the wider advantages of breaking compactionsseedbed in one pass. TopDown 900 folds to 5 metre. with a very intensive mixing. 23
Rollex 450-620Rollex 450-620 is a roller, available in 4.5, 5.1 or 6.2 metreworking width. By combining versatility with high qualityand productivity, Rollex has become a popular concept. Youbenefit from high quality design and perfect working resultson the field.Rollex has a strong frame, hardened bushes and Pick up stones when you see themhigh quality roller rings, ensuring a long working life. Rolling is often a perfect opportunity to clear the field ofThe rollers are equipped with axles made of micro- stones that have come up to the surface during tillagealloyed special steel of the highest quality. To minimise or frost periods. With the optional stone trays fitted onring wear in the field, Rollex is fitted with unique spring Rollex, large amounts of stones can be picked up quicklywashers between the roller sections. and easily. After rolling, the field is left ready for drilling or harvesting with no risk of stone damage to machinery.Undisturbed by obstaclesThe roller sections pivot at the end of each section. Easy to transportThis ensures stones are effectively pressed down, Rollex offer great mobility, both on the field and inwithout compromising the levelling result. You benefit transport. When folded, the transport width fits under 2.8from an even surface, where all plants get the same metres. The folding technique of the roller lowersgrowing environment. the centre of gravity, making transport safer.24
4,5-6,2m 485-520mm >55hp 1800-2900kg Front toolsThe versatile roller CrossBoard Heavy Roller rings Cambridge Crosskill New! BioDrill turns Rollex into a seed drill. New: electrical BioDrill for Rollex 510-620.The stone trays fitted on Rollex, stones can be picked up To allow convenient transport between fields, Rollex foldsdirectly from the field. to 2.8 metre transport width. 25
Rexius 650-1230Rexius 650-1230 is a heavy-duty roller, available from 6.5to 12.3 metre working width. Its heavy-duty construction,with a weight up to 650kg per working metre, delivers animpressive consolidation.Ingenious weight transfer Pick up stones when you see themTo ensure an even load on the outer section of the wider Rolling is often a perfect opportunity to clear the field ofRexius models, a heavy-duty spring transfers weight from stones that have come up to the surface during tillage orthe neighbouring sections. This further guarantees stones frost periods. With the standard fitted stone trays, largeare effectively pressed down, without compromising the amounts of stones can be picked up quickly and easily.levelling result. Since there is an even load distribution After rolling, the field is left ready for drilling or harvestingover the other sections, the need for hydraulic weight with no risk of stone damage to machinery.transfer is eliminated.Heavy-duty constructionRexius has a powerful frame, maintenance-free joints,hardened bushes and high quality roller rings, ensuringa long working life. The rollers are equipped with axlesmade of micro-alloyed special steel of the highest quality.To minimise ring wear in the field, Rexius is fitted withunique spring plates between the roller sections.26
6.5-12.3m 485-570mm >60hp 3300-7700kg Front toolsThe heavy-duty roller CrossBoard Heavy Roller rings Cambridge Cambridge HeavyDuty Crosskill New! BioDrill turns Rexius into a seed drillNew: electrical BioDrill for all Rexius models.Heavy-duty springs transfer the weight to ensure an even The folding technique of the roller lowers the centre ofload on all sections of the machine. gravity, making transport safer. Despite Rexius’ wide working width, the transport width is 2.5 metres. 27
NZ Mounted 500NZ Mounted is a mounted tine harrow available in 5 metreworking width. With its ingenious drawbar, NZ Mountedis able to move independently from the tractor, offeringan exceptional contour following, comparable to atrailed machine.The AgrillaNova tines fitted on four axles with a tine CrossBoard levels the fieldspacing of 9cm, delivers intensive seedbed preparation. CrossBoard provides intensive cultivation, ensuring that clods are crushed and the soil is levelled. The workingPrecise depth control intensity is controlled hydraulically from the cab.OffSet mounted support wheels provide NZ Mounted withstability lengthwise and ensures that the tines in the first Low coupling weightrow work at the same depth as the last row. The tractor NZ Mounted is mounted on the tractor’s three-pointtreaded tyres eliminate bulldozing, while the large wheel linkage, making it easy to manoeuvre in the field. Whendiameter keeps the working depth and gives a smooth folded, the transport width is only 2.05m. The low weightride. of the machine reduces the lifting requirements.28
5m 10cm >65hp 9cmSeedbed preparationwith high precision New! Marathon 25/35 pointNZ Mounted folds to 2.05 metre transport width, ensuring To finish the seedbed preparation, the following harrowconvenient transport between fields. creates an evaporation barrier by sorting larger aggregates and weeds to the surface. 29
NZ Aggressive 500-1000NZ Aggressive 500-1000 is a seedbed tine harrow, availablein working widths from 5 to 10 metres. The highly intensivecultivation saves passes whilst retaining ground moisture.NZ Aggressive has a levelling CrossBoard followed by tines aggregates to the top and smaller fractions to the bottom.with 7.5cm spacing, distributed across 5 or 6 axles. You This creates a weatherproof surface and at the samebenefit from a high carrying capacity, giving a constant time ensures seed-to-soil contact. The point is positionedworking depth and enabling early entry into behind its mounting, giving excellent stone resistancethe field. and long working life. The combination of good ground clearance and tine distribution provides an impressiveDepth control for increased precision through-flow and intensive seedbed cultivation.The ControlFunction on NZ Aggressive allows theworking depth to be adjusted to varying soil conditions Suspension increases working lifeon the move. To enable optimal crop establishment, NZ Aggressive 700-1000 is equipped with suspendedNZ Aggressive can be set to work slightly harder on transport wheels as standard. The wheel suspensionheadlands or in areas where somewhat deeper protects the machine’s frame by eliminating heavycultivation is required. shocks during transport. Additionally, this results in a calm ride at higher transport speeds.Vibrating tines for perfect resultsThe intensively vibrating AgrillaCobra tines are made fromhardened steel. The vibrations sort the soil moving larger30
5-10m 10cm >100hp 7.5cm Rear toolsMultitasking CrossBoard Lightseedbed preparation Following harrow Crumble roller New!Optional hydraulic rear CrossBoard New! Marathon 25/35 pointUsing the ControlFunction it is possible to adjust the The 7 metre NZ Aggressive can be extended to an 8 metreworking depth according to soil conditions from the cab version. In the same way a 9 metre NZ Aggressive can beon the move. extended to a 10 metre version. 31
Ferox 500-900The light cultivator Ferox 500-900 has vibrating tines workingdown to 12cm. Ferox is a high quality universal tool formedium deep tillage and seedbed preparation.Intensive tines with high ground clearance Differentiated bogie lowers vibrationsFerox has 50cm ground clearance. Through its The support wheels are mounted as a bogie unit withvibrating action, the tines sort the soil aggregates offset, giving the frame two carrying axles. This providesand distributes residues. Ferox with stability lengthwise and ensures that the tines in the first row work at the same depth as the last row.Depth control for increased precision By distributing the load with 40% on the front bogieThe ControlFunction on Ferox allows the working depth to wheels and 60% on the rear, impressive contouring andbe adjusted to varying soil conditions on the move. great responsivity on uneven ground is achieved.To enable an optimal crop establishment, Ferox can beset to work slightly harder on headlands or in areaswhere somewhat deeper cultivation is required.32
5-9m 12cm >100hp 12cm Rear toolsThe all-round implement Following harrow New! Tiller New!Using the ControlFunction it is possible to adjust the Equipped with goosefoot points Ferox is able to effectivelyworking depth according to soil conditions from the cab control weeds. After it has been cut by the goosefoot, theon the move. weed residues are left on the field surface to dry out. 33
RexiusTwin 450-1030RexiusTwin is the heaviest furrow press on the market,available in working widths from 4.5 to 10.3 metres. It offersimpressive results in both the heaviest and lightest soils.RexiusTwin cuts, crushes, levels, and consolidates the Long working lifesoil in a single pass whilst maintaining soil structure and RexiusTwin is built for heavy usage in the toughestcreating a weatherproof surface. You benefit from great conditions. It has an extremely strong frame thatcapacity and good conditions for the coming crop. can withstand stresses, extending the working life. The packer is rubber suspended, which reduces shocksWeight matters and improves the working life of bearings, axles andRexiusTwin has a heavy construction, providing up to rings.1660kg of weight per metre. This weight is very importantto achieve excellent consolidation at depth on heavy soil.RexiusTwin performs full depth consolidation, eliminatingair pockets and restoring capillarity. This allows the plantaccess to water and aids root development which in turnleads to an even emergence of the coming crop.34
4.5-10.3m 22cm >140hp 7400-15000kgFrom ploughed toseedbed in one passThe packer rings are mounted in an offset position, The Väderstad folding gives RexiusTwin 3 metre transportminimising bulldozing and lowering the draught width.requirement. 35
Rapid 300-400C/SThe three or four metre wide box seed drill Rapid 300-400,is available either as seed-only or combi version. You benefitfrom reliable results and a modern design, allowing easyaccess throughout the machine.Thanks to its versatility the machine is able to handle Large hopper - high capacitymultiple crops, grass leys and cover crops, as well as To reduce filling downtime, the box seed drills Rapidmicro granulates or slug pellets. Equipped with the 300-400C/S have high capacity hoppers. The hopper ismountable small seeder BioDrill, an additional product designed with a large opening, allowing for fast and easyis added. filling. The combi models are equipped with an adjustable wall that separates the seed and fertiliser in the hopper.Hydraulic meteringRapid 300-400C/S is equipped with hydraulic metering, Depth setting from the cabpowered from the tractor. To match the pre-set seed rate, To be able to instantly adapt to varying soil types orthe metering system constantly communicates with differing conditions in the field, Rapid 300-400C/S cana ground radar, measuring the forward speed. be equipped with the automatic seed depth control AutoPilot or the seed depth measurement AutoCheck.This very reliable system secures high precision metering,resistant to vibrations and irregularities on the field.Further, the system is very easy to set and calibrate.36
3-4m 3000-4350 litre >90hp 125mm Front toolsVersatility is key CrossBoard Heavy BioDrill allow for one System Agrilla additional product to be CrossBoard Heavy drilled in the same pass System Disc Aggressive System Disc CrossBoard Light System Disc CrossBoard Heavy CrossBoard Heavy System Disc Aggressive New!Micro granulate kit allows starter Rapid 300-400C/S has a high capacity Rapid 300-400C is available withfertiliser to be applied together with hopper. On the combi models, the double fertiliser metering system.the main crop. relation between seed and fertiliser is This allows a maximum output easily altered. of 1000kg/ha at 12km/h 37
Rapid A 400-800SThe pneumatic seed drill Rapid A 400-800S is a powerfuldrill ready for future farming. Rapid A 400-800S is designedwith the driver in focus, while never compromising on theimportant seeding precision and crop quality.The three seed drills in the product family are seed-only Depth setting from the cabversions equipped with a high precision metering system. To be able to instantly adapt to varying soil types or differing conditions in the field, Rapid A 400-800S can beExact seed metering equipped with the unique depth control system InteractiveAt the base of the seed hopper, the seed enters Depth Control (IDC). The system enables fine-tuning of thethe hydraulic metering system and is distributed seeding depth with 1mm accuracy on the move.pneumatically to the distribution heads. Combined with the ability to alter the seed rate, the driverThe metering system Fenix can handle seed rates from is constantly in full control of the seeding operation.1.5kg/ha up to 500kg/ha without any parts having to bechanged. Thanks to the hydraulic drive, high seed ratescan be metered without lowering the driving speed.The integrated fan runs at low speed, resulting in lowfuel consumption and quiet operation. Its high locationreduces the amount of dust and crop residues that get in,increasing drilling accuracy.38
4-8m 2900-3100 litre >130hp 125mm Front toolsReady for future farming CrossBoard Heavy System Agrilla CrossBoard Light System Disc System Disc CrossBoard Light System Disc Aggressive CrossBoard Light BioDrill allow for one additional product to be drilled in the same passRapid A 400–800S has a centralised platform with access With SeedEye you can easily set the number of seeds perfrom both sides, saving time for the operator. square metre, without the need for calibration. SeedEye ensures excellent seeding results with full control. 39
Rapid A 600-800C/JThe seed drills in the product family Rapid A 600-800C/Jhave pneumatic seed transport with a very high drillingcapacity. Rapid A 600-800C/J combine an impressivecapacity with easy manoeuvring and great results.The machine is available either as the combi-version Adjust seeding depth on the moveRapid A 600-800C, or as the seed-only version Rapid A To be able to instantly adapt to varying soil structure or600-800J. All models have an extensive hopper capacity of differing conditions in the field, Rapid A 600-800C/J can be6000 litres. equipped with the unique depth control system Interactive Depth Control (IDC). The system enables fine-tuning of theDesigned for high output rates seeding depth with 1mm accuracy on the move.The high capacity hydraulically driven metering systemFenix is able to handle all seed sizes in application rates Combined with the ability to alter the seed rate, the driverfrom 1.5kg/ha up to 500kg/ha, without having to change is constantly in full control of the seeding operation.any parts.This means that the metering system will never be alimiting factor for high rates and high speed drilling onthe field.40
6-8m 6000 litre >240hp 125mm Front toolsExtreme capacity CrossBoard Heavy System Agrilla CrossBoard Heavy System Disc System Disc CrossBoard Heavy BioDrill allow for one additional product to be drilled in the same passThe turning radius is impressively small despite the size of The big hopper has an adjustable dividing wall thatthe machine. separates its two sections. An hydraulic auger meters the fertiliser. 41
Spirit R 300SSpirit R 300S has all the benefits of a small seed drill, whiletaking advantage of the innovative technology and highprecision from the larger models. You benefit from highcapacity, precision, user-friendliness and reliability onthe field.Spirit R 300S is a pneumatic seed drill, available with Large, easy to fill seed hopper3 metre working width. The 2800 litre plastic seed hopper is designed to provide a low filling height with large opening. The workingNext generation precision metering platform is positioned on the side of the seed hopper forSpirit R is equipped with the user-friendly and easily easy access when filling. The high positioned integratedaccessible metering system Fenix III. It is able to handle fan reduces dust intake and increases drilling precision.seed rates down to 1kg per hectare, while also enablinghigh doses, never limiting capacity. One importantfeature of Fenix III is the soft rotor that seals the systemand lowers the air requirement, in turn saving diesel.Fenix III achieves great precision which leads to an evenemergence.42
Front tools3m 2800 litre >110hp 125mm System Disc AggressiveHigh technology – agile format CrossBoard Heavy System Disc AggressiveSeed is metered by two Fenix III units, each metering one The pivot packer option consolidates the soil betweenhalf of the machine, this enables half machine shut-off the tractor wheels enabling each seed to have the samefrom the cab. conditions for germination. 43
Spirit 400C/SSpirit 400C/S has a heavy-duty frame with a long workinglife. The high precision metering and large seed hopperprovide an impressive result with less downtimeon the field.Spirit 400 is a 4 metre wide pneumatic seed drill, available Large hopper capacityeither as the seed-only version Spirit 400S or as the combi To minimise downtime in the field, Spirits hopperversion Spirit 400C. capacity is 3740 litre for the seed-only version and 3900 litre for the combi version. The hopper is very easy to fillHigh precision seed and fertiliser metering due to its large opening with a roll-up cover operatedThe metering system Fenix II, combines high precision from the ground.metering with great capacity. The combi version Spirit400C meters out both the seed and the fertiliser via twoseparate Fenix II metering systems. Fenix II is driven bya heavy-duty electric motor enabling Spirit 400C tometer up to 500kg fertiliser per hectare at 15km/h.44
4m 3900/3740 litre >100hp 125mm Front tools Spirit 400CPrecision and reliability FIX - Combi models Front tools Spirit 400S CrossBoard Heavy System Disc Aggressive CrossBoard Heavy System Disc Aggressive BioDrill allow for one additional product to be drilled in the same passWith an open machine design, you benefit from good The combi version Spirit 400C uses the Väderstad FIXaccess to all components throughout the machine. technique which places fertiliser in 5cm wide strips at 125mm row spacing in front of every seed row. 45
Spirit 600-900SSpirit 600-900S is a universal seed drill for high capacitydrilling in conventional and minimum tillage. It is equippedwith innovative solutions that increase the precision andsimplifies the operations at the farm.The pneumatic seed drill Spirit 600-900S is a seed-only control system offers the possibility to adjust theversion available with 6, 8 or 9 metre working width. working depth of the front tool, the seed coulters as well as the hydraulic following harrow, while driving on theHigh capacity seed metering field. User-friendliness, cost-effectiveness and an easy toSpirit 600-900S is equipped with two Fenix II update system are some of the major advantages.metering systems that provide constant and reliableseed metering. The strong motor permits high seed Automatic headland managementrates at high speed. Due to the high location of the When lifting or lowering the seed drill at the headland,integrated fan, the dust intake is minimised, the automatic sequence control lifts or lowers theincreasing drilling accuracy. working zones one by one. When entering the field the system makes sure the front tool is lowered into the soilModern control system before the seed coulters and the following harrow.Spirit 600-900C/S is equipped with the iPad-based controlsystem Väderstad E-Control. In addition to an extensivecontrol and monitoring of the seeding process, the46
6-9m 3900 litre >140hp 125/167mm Front tools Spirit 600-900SMaximum drilling output CrossBoard Heavy System Disc Aggressive CrossBoard Heavy System Disc Aggressive BioDrill allow for one additional product to be drilled in the same passSpirit 600-900S enables the driver to conduct half machine The seed-only model Spirit 600-900S holds 3900 litres.shut-off directly from the driver seat. 47
Spirit 600-900CSpirit 600-900C is a pneumatic seed drill for both seed andfertiliser. The 5000 litre hopper with large opening, resultin fewer fills. Both the fertiliser and seed metering haveimpressive capacity.Spirit 600-900C is available in 6, 8 or 9 metre working working zones one by one. When entering the field thewidths. It is equipped with innovative solutions that system makes sure the front tool is lowered into the soilincreases the precision and simplifies the operations at before the seed coulters and the following harrow.the farm. High capacity seed meteringFertiliser metering without limits Spirit 600-900C is equipped with two Fenix II meteringThe fertiliser is metered out via a distributor auger systems that provide constant and reliable seedlocated at the bottom of the hopper. A hydraulic motor metering. The strong motor permits high seed rates atdrives the auger and provides limitless fertiliser capacity. high speed. Due to the high location of the integratedDue to a dividing wall in the hopper, the relation between fan, the dust intake is minimised, increasing drillingthe seed and fertiliser sections can easily be adjusted. accuracy. To optimise the air distribution accordingIf needed the whole hopper which hold 5000 litres can to the respective seed and fertiliser type, all airflowsbe used for seed. on the combi-models are adjusted with the integrated AirBalance system.Automatic headland managementWhen lifting or lowering the seed drill at the headland,the automatic sequence control lifts or lowers the48
6-9m 5000 litre >140hp 125mm Front tools Spirit 600-900CPrecision and capacity FIX - Combi models NordicNew! BioDrill allow for one additional product to be drilled in the same pass New!The iPad-based control system Väderstad E-Control The seed coulter pressure, working intensity of the frontwirelessly connects to the Väderstad machine enabling full tools or the pressure applied by the following harrow isaccess to its functions and data. easily adjusted from the cab on the move. 49
Tempo R 4-6Tempo R 4-6 is a mounted high-speed planter availablewith 4 or 6 row units, and fertiliser metering as option. Therigid frame benefits from minimal weight and reducedmaintenance without compromising on excellent precision.With easily adjustable row spacing, it is possible to plant Easy to manoeuvrenumerous crops with the same machine, enabling Tempo R is mounted on the tractor’s three-point linkage,greater usage. making it easy to manoeuvre in the field. Without the need of a front hopper, the attached fertiliser hopper takesDesigned for multiple crops up little space when stored. You benefit from small turningTempo R has a frame designed to enable simple setup of radius on headlands and convenient transportrow spacing and number of row units. With six rows, the between fields.machine can be configured to 450 or 500mm row spacing,while the four-row version can be adjusted to 700, 750, 762or 800mm.50