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School of Art Art7125: Photography as Research Module Leader: Carol WildPortfolio MA Arts and Education Practices Student: Spyros Koutis Student ID: 16142194 WINTER SEMESTER 2016 10 January 2017

CONTENTSTask 1: The Ethical Window……………………………………………………...…3Task 2: Research Reports …………………………………………………………...5 Reading Report 2.1 on Camera Lucida ……………………………………….5 Reading Report 2.2 on Jo Spence & Rosy Martin ………………….…………7 Reading Report 2.3 on Judy Weiser …………………………………………10 Reading Report 2.4 on Christina Nunez ……………………………………..12 Reading Report 2.5 on Vivian Maier ………………………………………..14 Reading Report 2.6 on Mina Savolainen ……………………………………18 Reading Report 2.7 on Joel Walker ………………………………………….20 Reading Report 2.8 on Photo Elicitation ………………………...………….23 Reading Report 2.9 on Charlotte Bates and David Brims ………..…………26 Reading Report 2.10 on Rosy Martin and Catherine Kleckner …………..…28 Reading Report 2.11 on Ashley Michelle Papon and “Arthur + Martha”…..30 Reading Report 2.12 on Judy Weiser and no name …………………………32 Reading Report 2.13 on Taliese, Weiser and Ulkuniemi Seija ………………34Task3: Self Portrait ………………………………………………….……………..36Task 4: Photo Essay of my neighborhood ………………………………………...39Task 5: Family Album ………………………….………………………………….41Task 6: Street Photography ……………………………………….……………….42 2

Task 1: The Ethical WindowPhotographed puts Photographed first1 Photographed puts Photographer first2 Figure 1: Cherie Hogan, 2011 Figure 2: “Tintagel - King Arthur Country”, 1977Photographer puts Photographed first3 Photographer puts Photograph first4Figure 3: Sam Gelder, 2014 Figure 4: “Rainbow Parade & Rainbow Park”, n.d.1 First, I understood what my photo must show and then I was looking for a photograph in Googlethat shows a man as a subject. A “kind” of selfie (subject is posing in his way), but taking bysomeone else (photographer). In this image the photographer is not involved. Photograph is ownto the man because he chose it. As Hogan (2011), refers in her article the subject has to “…findunique perspectives,...” which it values.2 In category “Photographed put Photographer first” I had to find a photo which shows a directedphoto by the photographer. So I looked In Google for school photos. In this image photographergave instructions to the photographed related to the way they would pose. Also there arelimitations on clothes; pupils had to wear a uniform. Last, pupils are the subject of the photo butthey are not involved and the photograph is not theirs. However, they value it.3 In this image photographer and the photographed share the process and both chose thephotograph. Photographer valued the subject (salesman) while photographed is involved.Salesman shows his awareness of the camera as he looked directly to it. Also, his face expressionsshow he is happy to be photographed.4 In this category I just started to look for photos in Google with the keyword “Parade”. This kindof photograph owned to the photographer whereas the photographed have no choice.Photographer values the photograph and is not involved with the photographed. 3

Reference ListCherie, Hogan. “Senior Photography: 7 Easy Tips to Posing Guys.” October 2, 2016., Sam. “Stall Holders Want Return of ‘Hustle and Bustle’ at Romford Market.”, May 11, 2014. Accessed October 2, 2016.“Rainbow Parade & Rainbow Park.” Accessed October 2, 2016.“Tintagel - King Arthur Country.” Accessed October 2, 2016. 4

Task 2: Research Reports Reading Report 2.1 on Camera LucidaResearch Report on: Date: 28th December 2016Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: reflections onphotography. New York: Hill & Wang, 2010.1. SummaryIn the book Camera Lucida, Barthes presents the substance of photography beyond technical issues,focusing on what a photograph represents. He says that there is connection between a photographand the depicted object. He also considers that when we capture a photo then the content of thephotograph is dead. In addition, the writer notes that what a photograph presents is determined bythe person who interprets the content of the photograph, as he interprets it based on what he has beenexperienced and his knowledge. Hence, the interpretation is subjective and evokes different feelingsto each one; regardless the initial intention of the photographer or what is the depicted object.Furthermore, Barthes, through his book, mentions two ideas concerning photography which arestudium and punctum. With the studium, the writer refers to the elements that people can understandfrom a photograph based on the common knowledge that we have for the world, the culture, thepolitics and the linguistics. On the other hand, with the punctum he refers to something morepersonal, to characteristics in photographs which stir the interest of someone because this person isrelated in some way with them. Finally, he conveys his ideas via commenting photographs and viathe death of his mother.2. Why did you choose these texts / sources? What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen?Barthes approaches the photography through a philosophical way and this was really mind blowingfor me. Through this book I could learn more about photography and simultaneously try to find adeeper meaning about life. Barthes is a great philosopher and his work is very precious. It was verydifficult to find another text from the reference list that I had read in order to compare it withBarthes’ book because there is not something common. Barthes speaks more philosophical aboutphotography whereas the most of the others authors refer to some therapeutic techniques likePhototherapy, Therapeutic Photography etc. The only common ingredient is the analysis of photos indifferent ways and for different purposes. 3. What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?Camera Lucida’s purpose is to introduce the substance of photography, what a photograph reallyrepresents. Parallel, through this book Barthes eulogizes his dead mother. 5

4. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research?  Barthes in his book Camera Lucida comments several photos. What does Barthes think of the photo of himself in the back cover of his book Camera Lucida?  Barthes mentions that “A specific photograph, in effect, is never distinguished from its referent…”5 Is there another form of art in which this applies?  Are there any photographers who use the studium and punctum in order to produce a better result in their artworks? 5. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?Personally I believe that, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks.In this research we studied different sources about some people that have a relationship withphotography and then we completed a record that would be useful for a future research. Somethingsimilar happened also with task 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of your neighbourhood. Each time we had to read some texts and then we had to take photos.So, the common ingredient is research. Research is important and is good to develop a habit of doingthis in general. Also, Spence took self-portraits that tell stories and truths about her. Something thatwe have done for Task 3 (Self Portrait), we took a personal self-portrait which is connecting with us.Can you categorise the text as to do with:  Philosophy and PhotographyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest.“It’s true that a photograph is a witness, but a witness of something that is no more.”6 Photographyhas the power to capture moments. There are many times that I feel nostalgia for the moments that Ihave lived and for lovely people. And then I run back to photographs to reminisce all thesemoments. The photographs are for me the existence of the not existence.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?Batchen, Geoffrey. Photography degree zero: reflections on Roland Barthes's Camera lucida.Cambridge, Mass.; London: MIT Press, 2009.Barthes, Roland. Mythologies. London: Vintage, 1993 5 Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida: reflections on photography, New York: Hill & Wang, 2010: xi. 6 Ibid, 5. 6

Reading Report 2.2 on Jo Spence & Rosy MartinResearch Report on: Date: 5th October 2016Weiser, Judy. “Remembering Jo Spence: A Brief Personaland Professional Memoir...” In Jo Spence AutobiographicalPhotography, edited by Shinsuisha Publishers. 2005.Wild, Carol. “Personal Photographs: UsingPhotographs/Making Photographs.” Lecture, BirminghamCity University, West Midlands, UK, n.d.1. Why did you choose these texts / sources?Firstly, I chose these 2 different sources of texts (a presentation with photos and an article) because Iwould like to have a variety of data as concern the people who provide the information and also theform of data. An additional reason for the article was the name of the author. Weiser is a leadingwriter in the area of Phototherapy. Whilst, as concern the presentation, the marvellous photos(“strong” with meanings) of Jo Spence and Rosy Martin attract my attention.2. What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen? What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?Both texts have to do with Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography. The article focuses on thephilosophy of Phototherapy and refers some techniques of it. Whereas, in the same time, it tones themain differences and similarities between Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography through anarrative about the relationship of Jo Spence and Judy Weiser. On the other side, from thepresentation we can learn some biographical information about Jo Spence and Rosy Martin and theirexperiences with Therapeutic Photography and Phototherapy respectively. In addition, in thepresentation there are a lot of photos which is a useful tool in order to comprehend the info aboutPhototherapy and Therapeutic Photography, in an easier way. To sum up, the purpose of texts isinformative in order to understand what is Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography and learnmore about those women.3. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research? Does Therapeutic Photography have any “implicit” relationship with Photo Fantasy? Do people must consult an art therapist (Phototherapy) or try to deal with their issues alone through Therapeutic Photography? Is Phototherapy really an effective method?4. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?Personally I believe that, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks.In this research we studied different sources about some people that have a relationship withphotography and then we completed a record that would be useful for a future research. Somethingsimilar happened also with task 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo- 7

essay of your neighbourhood. Each time we had to read some texts and then we had to take photos.So, the common ingredient is research. Research is important and is good to develop a habit of doingthis in general. Also, Spence took self-portraits that tell stories and truths about her. Something thatwe have done for Task 3 (Self Portrait), we took a personal self-portrait which is connecting with us.Can you categorise the text as to do with:  Phototherapy and Therapeutic PhotographyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest. From the presentation “Personal Photographs: Using Photographs/Making Photographs” I found more interesting this photo for 2 reasons. At first, this photo is just gorgeous. The balance between light and dark creates peacefulness. It is like a scale between life and death. Also, the movement of eyes look like a kind of a dialogue with god. This photo is so lively. It says “I am ready”. When I saw it for first time it resembled to me my grandma, which died from an ailment too. The calmness of the face in the photo awakes a lot of memories. Images have a variety of powers. “Remembrance” is one of them. “Remembering Jo Spence: A Brief Personal and Professional Memoir...” Jo used the camera like a weapon, like a probe, like a mirror of herself that could come alive to share secrets, tell stories, shout truths, and point to understanding -- and she took joy in sharing these techniques with others, often working collaboratively and interactively.7Therapeutic Photography is a powerful weapon. This kind of photo-based activity is very useful. It isa mean of freedom, reflexivity and exploration of our self. It enables us to express our feelings andto be understood from others. The fact that activity is self-initiated and conducted by our self (or aspart of an organized group) gives us the possibility to “play” and to discover a new part of our self-to construct a new identity. Moreover, it helps us to approach social issues and problems related tous.From a young age I love photography but I did not know anything before about TherapeuticPhotography. However, as Weiser referred in her article she did not know that somebody in Englanddeals with this kind of photo-based activities like her before (Jo Spence). Like my case, I did notknown that my play (that I still continue) with photography related to Therapeutic Photography. 7 Judy Weiser, “Remembering Jo Spence: A Brief Personal and Professional Memoir...,” in Jo Spence Autobiographical Photography, ed. by Shinsuisha Publishers, 2005. 8

From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?George, Vasey. “Jo Spence-Biography.”, n.d. Accessed October 5, 2016. Martin, and Kay Goodridge. “The performative body: phototherapy and re-enactment RosyMartin - Afterimage 2001 nov-dec.”, n.d. Accessed October 5, 2016. 9

Reading Report 2.3 on Judy WeiserResearch Report on: Date: 12th October 2016Wild, Carol. “Photo.....? Definitions.” Lecture, BirminghamCity University, West Midlands, UK, n.d.#fantinifabrizio #socialmaker. Videotherapy Report EU –teaser (online video, October 12, 2016). Why did you choose these texts / sources?At first, I chose these 2 different texts (a video and a presentation with photos) because I would liketo have a variety of data as concern the form and also the people who provide them. An additionalreason for the video was the name of the author and the fact that I wanted to see her live. Weiser is apioneer of PhotoTherapy. Whilst, as concern the presentation the amazing photos of Weiser and thefact that there is a lot of information in points attract my attention (It helps me to organize andprocess the data more easily).7. What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen? What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?Both texts have to do with Phototherapy and its Founder and Director of the PhotoTherapy Centre inVancouver (Canada), Judy Weiser. The video explains in a simple way what PhotoTherapy is andhow it has started. Whereas the presentation includes more information about the philosophy ofPhotoTherapy and its Five Techniques with examples-photos. Also, it refers the history ofPhotoTherapy and its difference from Therapeutic Photography. All in all, the purpose of these textsis informative, in order to understand what Phototherapy is and learn more about this method.88. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research? Could PhotoTherapy help people with intellectual disabilities to communicate? Could we use PhotoTherapy in order to promote healing and personal growth? Is PhotoTherapy the most suitable term for the describing the “therapy” with photos?9. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?In my view, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks. We studieddifferent sources about some people that have a relationship with photography and then wecompleted a record that would be useful for a future research. Something similar happened also withtask 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of your neighbourhood.8 “The use of photographs in a therapeutic encounter with a qualified art therapist orpsychotherapist, family therapist, counsellor, or clinical psychologist.” Judy Weiser,“Phototherapy, PhotoTherapy” in Photo.....? Definitions, Lecture, Birmingham CityUniversity, West Midlands, UK, n.d. 10

Each time we read some texts and then we took photos. So, the common ingredient is research.Research is important and is good to develop a habit of doing this in general.Can you categorise the text as to do with:  PhototherapyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest.Videotherapy Report EU – teaser (01:00-01:10)Judy Weiser was thinking that she was the only therapist that uses photos with her patients. Butwhen she went to the International Phototherapy Conference in Chicago (1977) she discovered thatthere are and other people which thought that they invented that practice. It is very interesting thatthe absence of the internet created that situation. Nevertheless, until today people do not know whatis happening next to them. For example, I did not know before that my play (that I still continue)with photography related to Therapeutic Photography.“Photo.....? Definitions.” (presentation)Family album and other photo-biographical collections is one of the Five Techniques ofPhotoTherapy. Photos from a family album are sources for autobiographical storytelling and a toolfor exploration of the family relationships and how these experiences affect the individual. It isfascinating to study such a text and to see how things were in the past and how they are today.Probably, I could do the same when I will return to my country. I am looking forward to see theresults.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?“PhotoTherapy, Therapeutic Photography, & Related Techniques.”, n.d.Accessed October 12, 2016.“Photography Therapy | ELLEN FISHER-TURK.”, n.d. Accessed October12, 2016. 11

Reading Report 2.4 on Christina NunezResearch Report on: Date: 19th October 2016Wild, Carol. “Self-Portraiture; Using a camera tophotograph yourself.” Lecture, Birmingham City University,West Midlands, UK, n.d.Nunez, Christina. “Christina Nunez the Self-portraitureExperience.” n.d.10. Why did you choose these texts / sources? What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen?Nunez is a specialist in the area of photo self-portraits. She has been taking self-portraits since 1988which have appeared in the national and international media as well as in various books onphotography. In the article with the title “Christina Nunez the Self-portraiture Experience” sheanalyses her philosophy about the whole experience of self-portraiture and how it is connecting withpeople’ inner and outer world. On the other hand, as concern the presentation, the gorgeous self-portrait photos of Nunez and the fact that there is information about her personal life, which isconnecting with the photos, is a useful tool in order to decode the multiple meanings and tounderstand better what she said in the article about the philosophy of self-portraitures.11. What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?The aim of the texts is informative, in different ways. For example, the presentation familiarizes thepublic about the personal story of Nunez and how her work is connecting with her through self-portraits. Whereas the article focuses on the philosophy behind the experience of self-portraiture. Tosum up, their purpose is to understand Nunez’ method of photo self-portraiture as a self-therapy andto learn more about her.12. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research? Nunez stated that “Art should have a social goal”9. Why should art always have a social goal? Nunez’ method related to photo self-portraits belongs to the area of Therapeutic Photography or Fine Art Photography? Is photo self-portraiture really an effective method of self-therapy?13. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?From my point of view, this research is relevant to the more photography based tasks. As we had tostudy some sources about people that have a relationship with photography and after we had tocomplete a record that would be useful for a future research. Something similar happened also withtask 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of your neighbourhood.9 Carol Wild, “Self-Portraiture; Using a camera to photograph yourself.” Lecture,Birmingham City University, West Midlands, UK, n.d 12

Each time we had to read some texts and then we had to take photos. So, the common ingredient isresearch. Research is important and is good to develop a habit of doing this in general. Also, Nuneztook self-portraits that narrate her personal stories, experiences and truths about her. Something thatwe have done for Task 3 (Self Portrait), to take some personal self-portraits which are connectingwith us.Can you categorise the text as to do with:  Therapeutic Photography and Fine Art PhotographyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest. “Christina Nunez the Self-portraiture Experience.” (article)A lot of people fear the camera lens for different reasons. But “Facing the camera lens can be anopportunity for a unique experience and a deep non-verbal dialogue.” as Nunez refers.10 As yourelease the shutter, a battle begins. A battle between a verbal and a non-verbal dialogue. Sometimesan image can say more than words. In order to decode the multiple meanings of an image, whichconstruct that identity, it needs to look deeply and to fell that moment. As Nunez said “it is liberatingand empowering.”11 When I just saw this photo, from the presentation “Self-Portraiture; Using a camera to photograph yourself”, I said “No, is that possible?” I have a similar photo like this after a surgery operation. I was thinking that is weird to have a photo from yourself that show you weak and ill. But, it is interesting to discover that you are not alone in this planet.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?“The Self-portrait-Experience.”, n.d. Accessed October 19, 2016.“Christina Nunez.”, n.d. Accessed October 19, 2016. 10 Christina Nunez, “Christina Nunez the Self-portraiture Experience.” n.d. 11 Wild, “Self-Portraiture; Using camera. 13

Reading Report 2.5 on Vivian MaierResearch Report on: Date: 28th November 2016Beck, Katie. “Vivian Maier: A life's lost work seen for firsttime.” BBC World News America, January 21, 2011.Accessed November 28, 2016., John. “Vivian Maier.” Vivian Maier, n.d. AccessedNovember 28, 2016., John. “Vivian Maier - Her Discovered Work.”Vivian Maier (blog), n.d. Accessed November 28, 2016. Why did you choose these texts / sources? What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen?Firstly, I chose these 3 different sources of texts (a blog, a website-on-line gallery and an article)because I would like to have a variety of data as concern the people who provide the information(control and the intersection of data) and also the form (videos, photos, texts and interviews). Anadditional reason for the article (BBC report) was the interesting and intriguing title “Vivian Maier:A life's lost work seen for first time” as well as the introduction “The photographs reveal teemingstreets, children at play in an alley, couples captured in a sleepy embrace, the intricate latticework ofan elevated train platform, a drunk smeared in filth.” accompanied by a very “characteristic” photo(see the article).12 In this article, the writer refers to the life of Maier and how Maloof discovered herwork. Moreover, the amazing self-portraits of Maier from the on-line gallery and the other photosfrom her portfolios are remarkable. Added to that, in this website (which is the official about her)you could find a lot of details about her life too. Last, related to the blog∙ is a venue that allows tothe reader to investigate and discover more elements about Maier through other links as well as tosee a plethora of her black and white photos.2. What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?The main purpose of these 3 texts is informative, in different ways. For example, the articlefamiliarizes the public about the personal story of Maier and how her work discovered. Whereas theblog focuses on her photos, in contrast with the website-on-line gallery which includes both photosand info about her.12 Katie Beck, “Vivian Maier: A life's lost work seen for first time,” BBC World NewsAmerica, January 21, 2011, accessed November 28, 2016. 14

3. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research?  Why Maier (probably) choose a solitary life?  Why Maier (probably) did not show her photos to the world?  Is it the capacity of (street) photographer over the “personal space” of a photographed person? 4. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?In my opinion, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks. That timewe had to study different sources about a particular photographer and then we had to complete arecord that would be useful for a future research. Something similar happened also with task 1: TheEthical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of your neighbourhood. Each timewe had to read some texts and then we had to take photos. So, the common ingredient is research.Research is important and is good to develop a habit of doing this in general. Furthermore, Maieruses photography with individuals as way of documentation. Something that we have done for Task3 (Self Portrait) and 4 (Photo-essay of your neighbourhood).Can you categorise the text as to do with:  Photojournalism (documentary photography)Comment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest. From the article with the title “Vivian Maier: A life's lost work seen for first time” I found more interesting this photo for 2 reasons. At first, this photo is just marvellous. I cannot understand how un untrained could take such a photo. But, the answer is simple. She had an inherent talent. This is obvious. It is actually detailed and framed. The lines are so perfectly aligned. It seems alive with movement. It likes a scene from a black and white film. I could say that I can hear the voices of children. Voices that resembled a lot to me. My childhood. The play in an alley, my neighbourhood. My friends, my past. This photo is a fast-forward journey to wonderful memories.(Beck, 2011) 15

That photo of Maier is from the blog: Vivian Maier - Her Discovered Work. I chose it because is very weird. I cannot understand exactly how the photographed feels. Is she surprised? Is she angry? Is she curious? What is happening? How Maier managed to take a so close photo of that lady without her permission (probably)? And this is not the only photo that proves that Maier did not “respect” the personal space of people. Although her photos are gorgeous, she puts photograph first and this creates ethical dilemmas. It was very difficult to choose only one photo from the self-portraits of Maier (from the on-line gallery: Vivian Maier), but finally I opted that one as it was the most attractive for me. It was a big surprise for me to see somebody to take self-portraits, in a playful and interesting way, so many years before. I could characterize Maier as the pioneer of “selfies”. Something that I had already done when I was a teenager.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?Macdonald, Kerri. “A Peek Into Vivian Maier’s Family Album.” The New Yorks Time, January 13,2016. Accessed December 1, 2016.’Donnell, Nora. “The Life and Work of Street Photographer Vivian Maier.” Chicago Magazine,December14, 2010. Accessed December 1, 2016. 16


Reading Report 2.6 on Mina SavolainenResearch Report on: Date: 26th October 2016“Miina Savolainen”, n.d.Wild, Carol. “See Me” Lecture, Birmingham CityUniversity, West Midlands, UK, n.d.14. Why did you choose these texts / sources? What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen?At first, I chose these 2 different texts (an article and a presentation) because I would like to have avariety of data as concern the form of data (photos, texts and interviews). An additional reason forthe article was the name in the title “Miina Savolainen”. Savolainen is an art and social educator anda photographer too. Savolainen “…explores, teaches and develops the use of photography as apedagogic and therapeutic method. Her work has resulted in the method of empoweringphotography.”13 In this article, the writer refers to her project The Loveliest Girl In The World andthe method of empowering photography. Whereas in the presentation “See Me: Luton” we can see asimilar project as the previous (related to empowering photography). Nine teenage artists areexploring their experiences for an exhibition of their artworks. Last, both texts have a plethora ofamazing self-portraits, which are good source for research.15. What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?The purpose of these texts is informative, in different ways. For example, the article familiarizes thepublic about Savolainen’ approach related to empowering photography “…and the belief thateveryone has the right to feel unique and special”.14 Whilst the presentation with the photos (only)focuses on a similar project (see question 1), which falls within the area of empoweringphotography.16. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research? Why Savolainen chose only girls for the project “The Loveliest Girl in the World”? Is not it racist? According Savolainen Empowering photography is a pedagogic-therapeutic method. But is it really? Or is a psychological-therapeutic method? Is the capacity of photographer allowing him to influence on societal and personal levels of photographed?17. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?In my opinion, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks. We had toread different texts about some people that have a relationship with photography and then we had tocomplete a research report that would be useful for a future research. Something similar happened13“Miina Savolainen”, n.d.14 Ibid 18

also with task 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of yourneighbourhood. Each time we had to study (sources) and then we had to take photos. So, thecommon ingredient is research. Research is important and is good to develop a habit of doing this ingeneral. Also, Savolainen took self-portraits of the girls for the project “The Loveliest Girl in theWorld”. Something similar we have done for Task 3 (Self Portrait), we took a personal self-portraitwhich is connecting with us.Can you categorise the text as to do with:  Therapeutic PhotographyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest. This photo is from the presentation “See Me: Luton”. The girl in the photo is one of the nine teenage artists who exploring their experiences for an exhibition. I chose this photo because is weird. I cannot understand exactly how the photographed feels. Is she sad? Is she pained? Is she stressed? What is happening? In addition, is it directed a photo from the photographed or the photographer? A lot of queries! From the article with the title “Miina Savolainen” I found more interesting this photo for 2 reasons. At first, this photo is just amazing. The scenery, the colours, the place. The lines are so perfectly aligned. It likes a scene from a movie or photoshoot for magazine. It would be nice to be part or the model of a similar photoshoot. Moreover, the fact that the photo is directed both of the photographed and the photographer is interesting. Especially if you try to understand why a girl who is already in obscurity choose such a landscape.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?“Empowering Photography.”, n.d. Accessed October 26, 2016.“Father - Empowering Photography.”, n.d. Accessed October 26, 2016. 19

Reading Report 2.7 on Joel WalkerResearch Report on: Date: 2th November 2016Wild, Carol. “Walker Visuals.” Lecture, Birmingham CityUniversity, West Midlands, UK, n.d.Walker, Joel. “Portraits of the Human spirit; Lessons inLiving.”, 2007. AccessedNovember 2, 2016. Why did you choose these texts / sources? What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen?Firstly, I chose these 2 different sources of texts (a presentation with photos and a website) because Iwould like to have a variety of data as concern the people who provide the information. Anadditional reason for the website was the name of the owner. Walker is a famous psychiatrist,photographer, and pioneer of PhotoTherapy. In the website there is a lot of information about hismethods related to “The Walker Visuals” and an archive with photos from his patients andcomments from them. Also there is some info about him and other about his publications and hisexhibitions Whilst as concern the presentation the data are similar to the website.19. What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?The purpose of these texts is informative in order to understand the theory of Walker about thepower of photographs in therapy. He “…pioneered a treatment method based on photo images”15(“The Walker Visuals”) in order “…to evoke patients, feelings, thoughts, and memories…”16 whichfalls within the area of Phototherapy.20. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research? Is it ethic the fact that Walker was asking from him patients to bare their souls and show their faces? Is it ethic the fact that Walker has published the photos of his patients? Are surreal images better tool/stimuli than personal images of the patients for the phototherapy?15 Joel Walker. “Portraits of the Human spirit; Lessons in Living,”, 2007, accessed November 2, 2016, Carol Wild. “Walker Visuals,” Lecture, Birmingham City University, WestMidlands, UK, n.d. 20

21. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?In my view, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks. We readdifferent texts about some people that have a relationship with photography and then we completed aresearch report that would be useful for a future research. Something similar happened also with task1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of your neighbourhood. Eachtime you had to study (sources) and then had to take photos. So, the common ingredient is research.Research is important and is good to develop a habit of doing this in general. Also, Walker took self-portraits of his/her patients for medical-therapeutic reasons. Something similar we have done forTask 3 (Self Portrait), we took a personal self-portrait which is connecting with us.Can you categorise the text as to do with:  PhototherapyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest. “Walker Visuals”“Photography can help people to look at themselves – the visual is such a direct line to theunconscious.”17 A picture is worth a thousand words. Shapes, colours, patterns, a world of dreamsand fantasy. A window to our inner world. A glance is enough. Memories awake, emotions revive.How many powers can a sheet of paper∙ a photo has? “Portraits of the Human spirit; Lessons in Living.” How do we recognize the qualities of the human spirit? One aspect is certainly the ability to move on despite adversity — without being angry, bitter or dejected — to stay positive when the merely human part of us would give up.18But how is that possible? Where human spirit could find such a resource of energy and power?Probably the answer is simple and obvious. When people deals with adversities somethingchanges. They are as stubborn as a mule. They do not want to lose the battle (and who wants).When the human body cannot continue the human spirit take over the reins of life. It is interestingto observe this power through photos. It helps you. So this is the motto of my life: stay positiveand be strong.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?Loewenthal, Del. Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography in a Digital Age. Abingdon:Routledge, 2013.Walker, Joel. “Joel Walker: Photographer and Psychiatrist.”, n.d. AccessedNovember 2, 2016. 17 Ibid 18 Walker, “Portraits Human spirit Lessons”. 21


Reading Report 2.8 on Photo ElicitationResearch Report on: Date: 9th November 2016Douglas, Harper. “Talking about pictures: a case for photoelicitation.” in Visual Studies, vol. 17.1 (2002).“Photo-interviews: Listening to Talk about Photos.” In UsingPhotographs in Social and Historical Research, 173-194.n.d.1. Why did you choose these texts / sources?I chose these texts because they are generally referring to the practise of photo elicitation and theyare a good start if you may wish to consider a form of photo-elicitation for one of our independentphotography tasks. Also, the writer of one of the articles is Doug Harper, which “is Professor andChair of the Department of Sociology at Duquesne University, USA, and is the founding editor ofVisual Sociology”.192. What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen?Both texts are discussing the practise of photo elicitation in Visual Sociology. More specifically, thewriter of the book “Using Photographs in Social and Historical Research” answers to basicquestions related to photo elicitation: “…what is the purpose of using photos in interviews, what dothey contribute…”20, “…how can researchers make sense of what people say about photos and howdo photo-interviews work?”21 Whereas the writer of the article “Talking about pictures: a case forphoto elicitation” argues the definition of photo elicitation and its historical development insociology and anthropology. Moreover the paper “…presents practical considerations from afrequent photo elicitation researcher”22 and highlights that photo elicitation “…produces a differentkind of information”23 which “…evokes information, feelings, and memories that are due to thephotograph’s particular form of representation.”243. What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?The aim of the texts is informative and instructive as concern the practice of photo elicitation (amethod of interview with visual images in order to elicit comments) in social, anthropological and19 Harper Douglas, “Talking about pictures: a case for photo elicitation,” in VisualStudies, vol. 17.1 (2002):1.20 “Photo-interviews: Listening to Talk about Photos.” In Using Photographs inSocial and Historical Research, 173-194. n.d: 173.21 Ibid,17322 Ibid,17323 Ibid,17324 Ibid,173 23

historical studies. They provide to the reader the basics principles of photo interviewing in order tounderstand “…whether and how to use photos in interviews”25 and “…how photo-interviews workand the implications of this for what people do and don’t say as they look at photos.”26 Hence,researches can “…make decisions about methods and inform the analysis and interpretation ofphoto-interview data.”27 4. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research?  Could we use photo elicitation in order to promote healing and personal growth?  Is it ethic and legal to use photos in historical and social research?  Is it ethic and legal the presentation of interviewees’ photos relating to photo-elicitation? 5. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?In my view, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks. We had toread two texts about a method of interview in visual sociology: photo elicitation and then we had tocomplete a research report that would be useful for a future research. Something similar happenedalso with task 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of yourneighbourhood. Each time we had to study different sources and then we had to take photos. So, thecommon ingredient is research. Research is of paramount important and is good to develop a habitof doing this in general.Can you categorise the text as to do with:  Visual SociologyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest. “Talking about pictures: a case for photo elicitation”“Memory is a strange faculty. The sharper and more isolated the stimulus memory receives, themore it remembers; the more comprehensive the stimulus, the less it remembers.”28 Indeed memoryplays a lot of games. It is weird when for example you see somebody in the road and you canrecognise its face, but if you see him/her again you cannot remember the face of your old neighbour.But at the same time is interesting. “Photo-interviews: Listening to Talk about Photos”“The photographs are like a mirror for us. We can learn a lot of things by discussing thephotographs. It is easier to speak while holding the pictures in our hand and while looking at thepictures.” 29 Photographs always mirrors moments. It is a powerful tool and without it we cannot 25 Ibid,173 26 Ibid,173 27 Ibid,173 28 Douglas, “Talking about pictures”,1. 29 “Photo-interviews: Listening to Talk”, 180. 24

remember a lot of things. Photographs illustrate truths, our truths and stories. By discussing them, alot of memories and feelings awake, especially with somebody who is familiar with you. But whenholding them in our hand, it is different. Photo moments are reviving and flashbacks begin.Photographs will be forever the mirror of our soul.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?Elisa Bignante, « The use of photo-elicitation in field research », EchoGéo [En ligne], 11 | 2010, misen ligne le 24 février 2010, consulté le 03 janvier 2017. URL : ;DOI : 10.4000/echogeo.11622Jenkings, K. Neil; Woodward, Rachel & Winter, Trish (2008). The Emergent Production of Analysisin Photo Elicitation: Pictures of Military Identity [47 paragraphs]. Forum QualitativeSozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(3), Art. 30, 25

Reading Report 2.9 on Bates Charlotte and David BrimsResearch Report on: Date: 16th November 2016Bates, Charlotte. “Body Parts.” Live Sociology Goldsmiths,2006.Wild, Carol. “David Brims: A personal story-Loss.”Lecture, Birmingham City University, West Midlands, UK,n.d.22. Why did you choose these texts / sources?I chose these sources (presentation and the article) because there are a lot of weird photos thatintrigued me. Also, the fact that the presentation refers in a personal story attracted my attention. Ilove hearing stories. 23. What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen? What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?Bates explores the interconnections “…between the body, self and society in illness”.30 Her aim is“…to make the body, already conspicuous in illness, visible…” using visual means.31 So she usesthe camera focusing on spots from her own body, “… using Burnett’s (2001) conception of the bodyas a heritage site…”32 Whereas Brims uses digital techniques in order to meet his dead father againthrough photography.33 So, both texts are discussing the usage of digital media for mental purposes.To summarize, their aim is informative in order to understand how the usage of digital media helpspeople to express their feelings related to these issues.24. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research? Are photos a useful tool in order to help people to overcome the death or to stuck with it? Is it ethic to ask from people who live with long term illness to document their lives using photography and film? Is it ethic and legal to publish photos from patients∙ even for research purposes?25. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?In my view, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks. We had toread two texts about two persons that have a relationship with photography and then we had tocomplete a research report that would be useful for a future research. Something similar happened30 Charlotte Bates, “Body Parts,” Live Sociology Goldsmiths, 2006.31 Ibid.32 Ibid.33 Carol Wild, “David Brims: A personal story-Loss,” Lecture, Birmingham CityUniversity, West Midlands, UK, n.d.26

also with task 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of yourneighbourhood. Each time we had to study different sources and then we had to take photos. So, thecommon ingredient is research. Research is of paramount important and is good to develop a habitof doing this in general.Can you categorise the text as to do with:  Photojournalism (documentary photography) and Fine Art PhotographyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest.“Body Parts”(article)“Your body is a battleground.”(Barbara Kruger)34 Indeed, it is a battleground! Spots in the left side,in the right side, in the centre of your body. Spots from childhood and home accidents, a surgery, adisease etc. Spots that show our past and our stories. For some we are proud of them and some not.For example a spot from a cesarean. Spots awake memories and feelings. They reveal the battle ofskin with a foreign body and the result of this friction on your body. Sometimes we do not like them,but without them we will not be the same. This photo is from the presentation “David Brims: A personal story-Loss”. The toy in the photo was a surprise from his father and David used to play with it. It is very interesting that people connect objects with people. An old game that David kept it while he grew up. A keepsake from his father. I also have a small catapult, which my grandpa gave to me when I was a child, and every time I play with it the picture of my grandpa revives in my mind.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?Bates, Charlotte. Video Methods: Social Science Research in Motion. New York: Routledge, Taylor& Francis Group, 2015.Bates, Charlotte. “Vital Bodies: A Visual Sociology of Health and Illness in Everyday Life.”Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London, 2011.34 Bates, “Body Parts”. 27

Reading Report 2.10 on Rosy Martin and Catherine KlecknerResearch Report on: Date: 23th November 2016Kleckner, Catherine. “A Meaningful Entrance; PhotoTherapy as a Psychotherapeutic Intervention” Journal OfPsychosocial Nursing, vol. 42, no. 11 (2004): 22-28.Martin, Rosy. “Inhabiting the image: Photography, therapyand re-enactment phototherapy.” in Phototherapy andTherapeutic Photography in a Digital Age, edited byLowenthal Del, 2013.26. Why did you choose these texts / sources?I chose these texts because I want to learn more about Phototherapy. I already read a lot of articlesuntil now but my desire is to get deeper into this area as it intrigues me.27. What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen? What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?Both texts have to do with visual therapeutic approaches and more specifically with the usage ofphotos as a therapeutic intervention. The article with title “A Meaningful Entrance; Photo Therapyas a Psychotherapeutic Intervention” focuses on the case of a psychotherapist, who works with theresidents of a case facility, who were diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression. Thepsychotherapist refers in his practise with the photos and in the positive results of it. Whereas Martinin her text mentions different techniques with photographs that help people. But she emphasizes inthe practise of Re-enactment phototherapy, a methodology that evolved in collaboration with JoSpence. To sum up, the purpose of the texts is informative in order to understand and learn moreabout Phototherapy and some techniques of its.28. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research? Is it ethical to get into the brain of patient through the practice of Phototherapy? Is not tricky? Is Phototherapy a useful method in order to help people overcome the death? Is the methodology of Re-enactment phototherapy a good practise in order to help people to overcome tragic situations of their past?29. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?In my view, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks. We had toread two texts about some people that have a relationship with photography and then we had tocomplete a research report that would be useful for a future research. Something similar happenedalso with task 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of yourneighbourhood. Each time we had to study different sources and then we had to take photos. So, thecommon ingredient is research. Research is of paramount important and is good to develop a habitof doing this in general. 28

Can you categorise the text as to do with:  Therapeutic PhotographyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest.“A Meaningful Entrance; Photo Therapy as a Psychotherapeutic Intervention”“Themes introduced by the therapist, via photographs, can stimulate dialogue and help people getout of “ruts” by facilitating discussion that might not happen otherwise.”35 This practise is very goodand also is happening in schools, in a similar way. Stimulus, in different forms, are introducing byteacher in order to help students to express their opinion and speak generally. It is especially helpfulwith shy and more introverted students. It piques the interest that such a practise followed bypsychotherapists for medical reasons (phototherapy).“Inhabiting the image: Photography, therapy and re-enactment phototherapy”Martin begins chapter 6 with some crucial questions. “Is this a manifestation of the need to be seen,to be heard, to have an audience, and to be noticed”? Or is the refection of a narcissistic society?” 36It is obvious that the answer is not simple, it is not yes or no, is more complicate. But whichever isthe answer, I can see a lot of similarities with the thoughts of author. I love rhetorical questions,especially related to the democratization of the image and digital technologies.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?Weiser, Judy. Exploring the Secrets of Personal Snapshots and Family Albums. Vancouver: PhotoTherapy Centre, 1993.Bennett, Karen L. How and why is reenactment and reconstruction photography therapeutic andhow does this differ from other forms of phototherapy? Birmingham: Birmingham City University,2012. 35 Catherine Kleckner, “A Meaningful Entranc; Photo Therapy as a Psychotherapeutic Intervention” Journal Of Psychosocial Nursing, vol. 42, no. 11 (2004): 22-28. 36 Rosy Martin, “Inhabiting the image: Photography, therapy and re-enactment phototherapy,” in Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography in a Digital Age, edited by Lowenthal Del, 2013. 29

Reading Report 2.11 on Ashley Michelle Papon and “Arthur + Martha”Research Report on: Date: 7th December 2016Papon, Ashley Michelle. “Photographer captures inmates,finds healing.” July 7, 2010.Wild, Carol. “Arthur + Martha.” Lecture, Birmingham CityUniversity, West Midlands, UK, n.d.30. Why did you choose these texts / sources?I chose these texts because I found interesting their introducing information. The title of the article“Photographer captures inmates, finds healing” piqued my interest. I had not seen before photos ofinmates. Also, I would like to see the way of the presentation of them. Whereas as concern thepresentation I impressed by the existence of this experimental arts organisation. So, I would like tolearn more. 31. What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen? What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?Both texts related to a basic human necessity: being heard. They “… bring attention to the visionsand words of people who are often lost in corners.”37 Arthur + Martha arts organisation helpsmarginalised people (older hospital patients, excluded schoolchildren, children who have specialneeds et al) “…to find their creative voice, using a mix of art and poetry … by embracingexperimental techniques.”38 Whilst Deborah Luster represents forgotten stories of inmates that leftuntold, through photography as well as poetry with the help of C.D. Wright. So, she found healingfrom her trauma (murdered mother). To summarize, the purpose of the texts is critic and instructive,in order to see how people and organizations can help others through darkness to come to light withthe aid of art, poetry and photography.32. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research? Do inmates worth really a second chance? Do projects like the above (One Big Self) can help people to understand violence∙ and then to assist victims in recovering? Do art can help to decrease the figures in prison population?37 Ashley Michelle Papon, “Photographer captures inmates, finds healing,” July 7,2010.38 Carol Wild, “Arthur + Martha,” Lecture, Birmingham City University, WestMidlands, UK, n.d. 30

33. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?In my opinion, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks. We had toread two texts about some people that have a relationship with photography and art. Then we had tocomplete a research report that would be useful for a future research. Something similar happenedalso with task 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of yourneighbourhood. Each time we had to study different sources and then we had to take photos. So, thecommon ingredient is research. Research is of paramount important and is good to develop a habitof doing this in general. Also, Luster took self-portraits of the inmates for her book “One Big Self:Prisoners of Louisiana”. Something similar we have done for Task 3 (Self Portrait), we took apersonal self-portrait which is connecting with us.Can you categorise the text as to do with:  Fine Art PhotographyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest.“Arthur + Martha”(presentation)A teddy bear with the phrase “I miss my brother, sister andMum”. It is so touching and sweetie. But in the same time sad.Every teddy bear has a lot of stories to say. I remember that I hadone. I do not know where it is today, but it is very interesting thatsomething which is not yours awake memories and feelings fromthe past.“Photographer captures inmates, finds healing”(article)“Despite being convicted of crimes, she argues, these are still individuals who should not beforgotten.”39 Deborah Luster believes that people must have voice and must be heard. As Luster, Ibelieve that people worth a second chance. Her idea about the photoshoot of the inmates wascompelling. I would like to do the same one day.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?Anderson, Penny. “Art equals laughter with arthur+Martha.” the guardian, April 29, 2009. AccessedDecember 7, 2016.“Hidden World of Girls: Girls and the women they become.” 2010. Accessed December 7, 2016. 39 Michelle, “Photographer captures inmates, healing”. 31

Reading Report 2.12 on Judy Weiser and no nameResearch Report on: Date: 14th December 2016“A photograph is worth a thousand words…”, In Focus, n.d.Weiser, Judy. “PhotoTherapy’s Message for Art Therapistsin the New Millennium.” Art Therapy and ComputerTechnology (2000): 1-5.34. Why did you choose these texts / sources?I chose these texts because I want to learn more about Phototherapy. I had already read a lot ofarticles until now but my desire is to get deeper into this area as it intrigues me. So that time I chosetexts from the past. From example one of them is from 2000 and is very interesting to see what hadthe same people wrote before so many years.35. What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen? What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?Both texts have to do with Phototherapy generally, but the article from the newspaper focus on itwhile Weiser’s article emphasizes in the relationship of computer technology with art therapy andparallel with Phototherapy. More specifically, the writer of the article “A photograph is worth athousand words…” introduces readers to the fields of PhotoTherapy, Therapeutic Photography andsimilar areas to them. Whereas Weiser’s article sent a message to the art therapists about theprogress of technology and advises them to adapt their methods putting creatives things (general),according the new era. Last, it tones the fear and hesitation of art therapists related to phototherapy.36. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research? How the method of PhotoTherapy will be in the future? How new technological mediums will blend into therapeutic practice? Why art therapists afraid to include technological mediums into therapeutic practice?37. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?From my point of view, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks.We had to read two texts about some people that have a relationship with photography and then wehad to complete a research report that would be useful for a future research. Something similarhappened also with task 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay ofyour neighbourhood. Each time we had to study different sources and then we had to take photos.So, the common ingredient is research. Research is of paramount important and is good to develop ahabit of doing this in general.Can you categorise the text as to do with: Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography 32

Comment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest. “PhotoTherapy’s Message for Art Therapists in the New Millennium.” “At a recent PhotoTherapy training workshop, I overheard two Art Therapist-participants discussing with each other how neither planned to get email because they couldn’t see how it could be of any use to them. Some people don’t have answering machines for the same reason.”40When I just read these lines, I was shocked. I could not imagine that somebody cannot use a phoneor send an email. It is like a dream, or better a nightmare. I understand that this happened before 16years but still is very weird for me. My grandma knows how to do it. It is very impressive howtechnology changes everything as quick as a flash. I am looking forward to see the future. “A photograph is worth a thousand words…” This is not the first time I see this photo of Jo Spence, but in the past did not draw my attention. I do not why, maybe because now is bigger and I can see more details. I do not have an answer to this, but I know why I am enchanted by the strength of this photo. Spence not only impressed all her pain and the sad she felt but also and her militancy. Her mouth is closed but in the same time speaks. The battle with cancer is difficult but Spence did not surrender. She fought through her job and I admire her.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?Edwards, David. Art therapy. Londo: SAGE, 2013.Malchiodi, Cathy. The art therapy sourcebook. Lincolnwood, Illinois: Lowell House, 1999. 40 Judy Weiser, “PhotoTherapy’s Message for Art Therapists in the New Millennium,” Art Therapy and Computer Technology (2000): 1-5. 33

Reading Report 2.13 on Taliese, Weiser and Ulkuniemi SeijaResearch Report on: Date: 21th December 2016Taliese, Weiser. “Phototherapy.” 2008.Seija, Ulkuniemi. “Empowerment through Playing:playing with roles, photos, texts, memories, cards, and co-players” Visual Culture & Gender, Vol. 3, 2008.38. Why did you choose these texts / sources?I chose these sources because the old family photos attracted my attention and evoked differentmemories and feelings from my past. 39. What are the main differences and similarities between the texts / sources you have chosen? What is the main proposition, philosophy, or purpose of these texts / sources? Do they state a clear hypothesis or argument?Both texts are discussing the usage of family albums with photos for “similar” purposes. The articleof Weiser and Taliese refers to PhotoTherapy whereas the article of Ulkuniemi refers toempowerment through playing with roles, photos, texts, memories, cards, and co-players. But if youfocus on her article and see behind the lines it is obvious that Ulkuniemi speaks about therapeuticphotography without to understand it exactly. She presents her “…visual-pedagogical installationThe Presence of the Absent—The Memory Game (1998)..”, which is idea based on photo therapistsJo Spence and Rosy Martin, “…which they developed a method of “staging” photos, which involvesusing the camera as a therapist to explore one’s past.”41 Ulkuniemi in her conclusion mentions thatthis procedure helps her to understand her family and to forgive them. So, she developed a practiseof self-therapy without to be her aim. Whilst Weiser and Taliese introduce readers to the philosophyof Phototherapy and techniques of it. All in all, the purpose of these texts is informative, in order tounderstand what Phototherapy is and learn more about this method as well as about empowermentthrough playing.40. List 3 questions arise from your reading / research? What will happen if Phototherapy combined with play? Is empowerment through playing falls within therapeutic photography? How can we use family photos in art education?41. How is the research you have done for this report relevant to your responses to the other tasks that are more photography based?From my point of view, this research is relevant in some way to the more photography based tasks.We had to read two texts about some people that have a relationship with photography and then wehad to complete a research report that would be useful for a future research. Something similarhappened also with task 1: The Ethical Window, Task 3: Self-Portrait and Task 4: Photo-essay of41 Seija, Ulkuniemi. “Empowerment through Playing: playing with roles, photos,texts, memories, cards, and co-players” Visual Culture & Gender, Vol. 3, 2008.34

your neighbourhood. Each time we had to study different sources and then we had to take photos.So, the common ingredient is research. Research is of paramount important and is good to develop ahabit of doing this in general.Can you categorise the text as to do with:  Phototherapy, Therapeutic Photography and Fine Art PhotographyComment on a particular element of each text that you find of interest.“Phototherapy”“Phototherapy unlock your psyche with personal snapshots and family photographs”.42 This phraseis very nice; especially the words unlock your psyche. It is very difficult to unlock a psyche, even forourselves. Memories were storing in the unconscious and were locking there. It is amazing thatphototherapy could help you visit your past and help you cure some inner wounds. “Empowerment through Playing: playing with roles, photos, texts, memories, cards, and co-players” I have a same photo with this one. Me holding my little sister. It is impressive how family albums in different countries and decades are exactly the same. And more interesting is the fact that Ulkuniemi restaged the same photo with her sister after 30 years. I would propose the same to my sister.From the reading / research for this report can you identify what you are going to read/visitnext?Axline, Virginia M. Play therapy. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1989.Landreth, Garry L. Innovations in play therapy. London: Routledge, 201642 Taliese, Weiser. “Phototherapy”. 35

Task 3: Self PortraitSometimes your whole day seems to go wrong. You do not know why but you do notfeel well. You just want to open the door and leave away. Yesterday was one of thesedays. I was very nervous and anxious about my deadlines in the university. I could notconcentrate. So, I got my keys and Istarted to drive. I did not want to gosomewhere specific, I just wasdriving. After 30 minutes I stoppedoutside a park and I walked the streetstaking photos (with my phone) fromeveryday life like Maier was doing onher days off. I remembered that shewas used to take a lot of personal self-portraits using mirrors or reflectivesurfaces.43 \"She was usingphotography to fill in a voidemotionally, perhaps to satisfy Maloof said. I madeherself,\"44 Mr.the same without to understand it. I juststarted to take personal self-portraits on reflective surfaceswithout to know why. Mirrors, panes,cars, windows, glasses, ponds.Incidental choices or not? Today I cansay that unconsciously my soul guided me in specific things that I love. For example,the blue colour, the play with reflections (mirrors and ponds), the park and the nature.Taking photos of myself I imprinted my feelings in the other side of reflection andnow I feel better.Difficult emotions are the raw material for art, and if we seek deep contactwith them while talking self-portraits this will stimulate the unconsciousto ‘speak’ with the language of art ....... facing the void, experiencing thefeeling of being lost is a precious state......The secret is to look inside,suffer from it and photograph it.45Therapeutic Photography is a powerful weapon that can help people to overcome theirproblems. It enables us to express our feelings. It is a mean of freedom, reflexivityand exploration of our self.43 Examples of the art work of Maier you can see in this link: Katie Beck. “Vivian Maier: A life's lost work seen for first time.” BBC World NewsAmerica, January 21, 2011. Accessed November 28, 2016. Del Loewenthal, Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography in a Digital Age.Abingdon: Routledge, 2013. 36

Jo used the camera like a weapon, like a probe, like a mirror of herself that could come alive to share secrets, tell stories, shout truths, and point to understanding -- and she took joy in sharing these techniques with others, often working collaboratively and interactively.4646 Judy Weiser, “Remembering Jo Spence: A Brief Personal and ProfessionalMemoir...,” in Jo Spence Autobiographical Photography, ed. by ShinsuishaPublishers, 2005. 37

Reference ListBeck, Katie. “Vivian Maier: A life's lost work seen for first time.” BBC World NewsAmerica, January 21, 2011. Accessed November 28, 2016., Del. Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography in a Digital Age.Abingdon: Routledge, 2013.Weiser, Judy. “Remembering Jo Spence: A Brief Personal and ProfessionalMemoir...” In Jo Spence Autobiographical Photography, edited by ShinsuishaPublishers. 2005. 38

Task 4: Photo Essay of my neighbourhoodThe street market of my neighbourhoodBefore some days I visited the old street market of my neighbourhood for shopping. Alot of memories and familiar faces exist in this place. So I grabbed the chance and Iasked from the people to take some photos of them. It was a very interestingexperience and an unforgettable day. I can say that I still smell the fresh aroma offruits and vegetables. The only boring thing was the traffic jam. 39


Task 5: Family Album Every snapshot a person takes can be thought of as a type of self-portrait; a “mirror with memory”, reflecting back those moments and people that were special enough to be frozen in time forever. Collectively, these photos make visible the ongoing stories of that person’s life, serving as visual footprints that mark where they’ve been emotionally, as well as physically, and perhaps also signaling where they might next be heading.47Family albums narrate your personal story and they are just remarkable sourcesof memories and feelings.This is my last photo with my brother before hewent in the army when he was 17. I miss him.This is my last photo with my grandma and mycousin in a family wedding from Greece. I havenot seen them since wedding.Reference List One of my favourites photos with myTaliese, Weiser. “Phototherapy.” 2008. lovely father and sister in my graduation last year. This is a night that I will never forget.47 Taliese, Weiser. “Phototherapy”. 41

Task 6: Street PhotographyVivian Maier was a gorgeous street photographer.48 However, her photos createethical dilemmas, as she putted photograph first and this shows that she did not carefor the personal space of people. Maier managed to take so close photo of peoplewhich raises a lot of questions. But this situation intrigued me and I decided to try todo the same. One day, I took my photograph machine and I just started to take photos.Some people looked me weird, but I did not stop. Two women in bench, two men in acoffee shop, a lady who sells flowers are just a few examples of the photos I took. Itwas exciting and the results are impressive. As photographer Thomas Leuthard said“Street photography is art and if art is a crime, please God, forgive me.”4948 Examples of the art work of Maier you can see in this link: Thomas Leuthard, “Thomas Leuthard Quotes,”, accessed January 7,2017. 42

Reference ListLeuthard, Thomas. “Thomas Leuthard Quotes.” Accessed January 7,2017. 43


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