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Home Explore Company profile

Company profile

Published by Digital Vision, 2023-06-17 17:20:00

Description: Company profile


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Digitize Your Vision The value of the vision will be in the future measured more in terms of how it can enable us to rise in society

08 Message from C.E.O 12 Company Official Documents TABLE 14 Services OF 16 Professional CONTENT Photography 18 Media Production 20 Aerial Shooting 22 360 Virtual Tour 24 Designs 26 Our Clients

Digital Vision DWC Based in Saudi Arabia and Dubai WE ARE A CREATIVE MODERN, PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGN AGENCY WITH FRESH NEW IDEAS We consider customers values & study their With more than 23 years in the marketing & requirements to provide all new ideas of as- advertisement industry, we use our skills & pirations. Our Objective is to shape the future strengths consistently to enrich the experience of advertising as a pulse to reach customer’s and benefit of our customers. Only in this man- optimum benefit. ner customers can achieve their goals & turn the value of our work into sustainable success & profit.

We Believe That The integrated team reflects consistent team performance The continuous training of the team gives him the opportunity to raise both their technical and artistic levels, which are significantly reflected in their performance. We work passionately at every moment Continuous communication helps our customers to choose between the latest technologies available 5

COMPANY INTRODUCTION Digital vision company establish from 23 years including 12 years in Saudi Ara- bia We have faced a lot of competition in the field of artistic production and professional photography. Thanks to God we have gained the confidence of many customers and we have the latest equipment, technologies and qualified personnel, making artistic creativity a daily life style. And because we love the challenge and competition, we have expanded the largest Arab markets pro- ducing a distinctive art, the United Arab Emirates We will not stop at this point, but our ambition is to have permanent branches with the beginning of 2020, God willing, in America and Europe

Over the past three decades the company continued to diver- sify its business activities and investments to include a wide range of areas and sectors locally and internationally. For instance, it’s now involved in various activities in media production to hospital management, construction, tel- ecommunications, hotels, restaurants, travel & tourism services, and health care facilities. The consistent achievements of Digital Vision on all levels, are mainly due to its adoption of sophisticated methods and up to date infor- mation systems, their structured integration in its business areas, besides having high quality of achievement and administra- tive capacity, where the principle of Total Quality Management is ranked first in the decision making process of the company management. 7

MESSAGE FROM Chief Executive Officer and General Manager Mowafak Alamry C.E.O & GM That consumes, while her simplic- ity goes unapproachable. But if one takes time to understand her, there is something. It is an undisputable fact that the cur- Our remarkable ability to achieve value rent economic conditions are regarded is driven from our focused strategy and as real challenge for our company. How- rigorous attention to operational effi- ever, here in Digital Vision, we enjoy an ciency. We remain undeterred in our as- environment enriched with talent and piration to be one of the best perform- passion. Combined with our corporate ing company in the Middle East and culture of excellence, our talent and we firmly believe that our strategy will passion make Digital Vision a dynamic ensure the realization of our ambitions. and growing company that continues to thrive in the most challenging eco- Here in Digital Vision, we are moti- nomic conditions. vated by a fundamental aspect rep- resented in our true belief that we have to exert consistent effort to cre- ate additional value by implement- ing new and innovative solutions to meet current and future challenges. That goes a long way towards ensur- ing sustainability, profitability and success for all involved parties.

Vision Mission Goals “To achieve leadership in our business- es and be on the top of companies” “Continue growth and expansion rely- ing on the top human expertise, the best technical and information technology, maintain the highest international safety standards to achieve a brighter future” ‐‐ To become a prime leader in the businesses & activities it introduces in the Gulf markets. ‐‐ To continue forward facing challenges & create opportunities in different fields ‐‐ To continue the development of long term partnerships with active partners ‐‐ To create an added value and continue working with international companies to exchange experience and knowledge in both internal & external markets. ‐‐ To execute new & creative solutions to face ‐‐ current and future challenges. 9

Heads of Departments Dr. Adel Gomaa Eng. Mohamed Aldoumani Eng. Ahmed Adel SHAREHOLDER SHAREHOLDER SHAREHOLDER Tarek Merhi Basem Mesbah Omar Mohsen Director of Sales Prduction Manager Digital Markiting Manager Alia Bajnourdi Stylist Coordinator 10


Company Official Documents 13

Services Professional Media Production Aerial Shooting Photography We have the most profes- TV Commercials, Docu- Aerial Videography using sional photographers for mentaries, Short and Fea- drone Shoot 4K & more, all kind of work with ver- ture Fiction Films, Online video and capture 20 MP satil equipment and lat- Videos, TV Shows, Corpo- & more, photos in RAW. est technology. With more rate Films, Radio Ads, Ani- The lens consists of 9 sep- than 25 years of experi- mated Films (2D and 3D), arate elements, including ence, our scope is to cover Educational Videos, Work- spherical elements, for ex- all our customers’needs in shops, Jingles, Original treme clarity. Saudi Arabia and GCC. Music. The list goes on 14

Design Web Design 360 Virtual Tour & Social Media We’re professional in corpo- Business Web 3D Virtual Tours crea- rate identity and branding tion & implementation services. Professional brand- Optimum website for your with fast turnaround 360 ing is critical to our client’s Imaging & photography success. That’s why we pro- customers as a lucrative services for all locations vide Corporate Identity De- indoor & outdoor. sign services starting from offer in the market. Virtual Reality, imple- logo design, creative visual E-Commerce mentation of the virtual identities, stationery, and Complete online store tours on virtual reality business cards, websites, solution with feasible headsets. brochure, and flyer design checkout process. along with the designs for Best Design Support 15 social engagement plat- With continued hard forms like facebook, twitter work, we make sure no etc.. stone is left unturned.

PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Categories Hotels, Wedding, Fashion, Product, Editorial, Nature (wildlife / landscape), Food, Panoramic, Underwater, Macro, Architecture We believe that photography goes beyond freezing time and capturing the moment, We consider it as the essence of communication. We specialize in photographing products, interiors, landscapes, people, events and food. We have local in-house photographers who oversee every step of the process also we can produce table-top photography with class A photographers, 16



MEDIA PRODUCTION Hotel Video Presentation Documentary Film Commercial Video Production We produce presentable To HD digital video the We shoot your corpo- videos for hotels to use events or occasions with rate, brand or CEO vid- them in e-marketing and the latest sound & video eos, to perfectly reflect internal broadcast. equipments. your company’s profile, vision, mission & goals. 19


AERIAL 4K VIDEO SHOOTING A​ erial Videography using drone Shoot up to 4K video and capture 20 MP photos in RAW. The lens consists of 9 separate elements, in- cluding spherical elements, for extreme clarity. 21

360 Virtual Tour 3D Virtual Tours: 3D Virtual Tours creation and implementation with fast turnaround 360 Photography: 360 Imaging & photography services for all locations indoor & outdoor. Virtual Reality: Implementation of the virtual tours on virtual reality headsets. 22


Design We develop kick-ass concepts for your ideas and very unique graph- ic design, corporate identity and branding services. That’s why we provide corporate identity design services starting from logo design, creative visual identities, stationery and business cards, websites and design for social engagement platforms like Facebook, twitter etc. 24



Get In touch Building A3, Dubai World Central +971 (0) 507638733 [email protected] digitalvisionae@

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