SEVDA’S İNTERNET ADDİCTİON Sevda was one of the seven to spend time with her friends. However, because of a little quarrel with his friends, he ended his friendship and a new friend entered. The new circle of friends were people who loved phone and computer games. Sevda also had her family take a phone call in order to adapt to them. They joined chat groups, then they joined playgroups. Sevda was unwittingly addicted to technology like them. MUHAMMED COMPLETED THE STORY OF SEVDA FROM YILDIZELİ ANATOLIAN IMAM HATIP HIGH SCHOOL Sevda’nın bu durumunu farkeden annesi onunla konuşmaya çalıştı. Ama Sevda dinlemedi. Bunun üzerine annesi Sevda ile daha yakından ilgilenmeye ,onunla daha fazla vakit geçirmeye başladı. Sevda eski arkadaşlarıyla barıştı. Yeni arkadaş grubundan ayrıldı. Her akşam annesiyle okuduğu kitapları arkadaşlarıyla paylaşmaya başladı. Sevda da annesi de bu durumdan çok hoşnuttu. Noticing this situation of Sevda, her mother tried to speak. But Sevda did not listen. Thereupon, she began to take a closer interest in Sevda and spend more time with her mother. Sevda made peace with her old friends. He left the new group of friends. She started sharing the books she read with her mother every night with her friends. Sevda and her mother were also very pleased with this situation. BEREN Beren is a technology addicted child, he does not care about his family at all, he plays games all day, he does not study or anything, his family is hardly working, but when he is working, he never gives his mind to a lesson, he always wanders on instagram plays games in the evening, his phone lies in his hand Fatma completed beren’s story from yenikent ilksan secondary school ………
She doesn’t want to go out or meet her friends. She skips her meals while playing on the phone. Her mother is very upset about this situation. She talks about this situation with her husband and they make a decision. They warn their daughter and want her to speak with the councelor teacher at school. He give some advices and warns Beren. He talks about advantages and disadvantages of technology and wants her to use it more carefully. So Beren follows his advices and uses her mobile phone less. CEM ‘'S TECHNOLOGY ADDICTION(KAĞAN) He was a kid with a technology addiction. He was a child who spent at least 1 and a half hours on the computer, half an hour on the phone, 2 hours on the tablet, and 4 hours on the television. He was an asocial person, a child who had trouble talking to his family and friends with his teachers, and this was because he spent a lot of time with technology. Seeing this state of Him, his family directed him to his teacher and his teacher to guidance. The guidance said it would affect him badly Efe completed cem’s story from yenikent ilksan secondary school ……. The school councelor gave some advices to him. Cem followed these advices . He began to spend more time with his friends and family. He read books instead of using computer and tablet.He began to talk to his family much more than before.Later on he became more social and happier. We should learn a lesson from Cem’s mistakesand we should control ourselves while using technology. We shouldn’t be technology addict.
ZEMHERİ(KEREM) Zemheri was a girl who played a lot of games on the phone.She was playing on the phone for about 5-6 hours a day.Her family was not happy with the situation.When they asked her what she was doing, she said she was studying, but the facts weren't as true as she said.After a while, when her lecture notes also start to drop, her family consults a professor. Gİzem completed zemheri’s story from yenikent ilksan secondary school ………… The professor listened Zemheri’s family carefully. And he gave some advices to her and her family. He wanted them to spend time , play games, read books and chat with Zemheri . Her family followed professor’s directions. They spent time together. One day they played games, the other day she read books to her sister. In the evenings they chatted and had a great time together. Zemheri was so happy that she forgot to play on her phone. She began to be more successful and her family was very happy.
MURAT(İREM NUR) Since Murat was a very successful student in her classes, she asked her family to receive a phone as a report card gift. Although his family did not like the first situation, Murat managed to convince his family in time. Murat said \"wow\" on the first day he received the phone and started downloading a lot of games. He was always playing games on the phone. Although his family did not interfere with Murat with the thought that nothing would happen in the first days, Murat started to go to extremes in time. He began to set alarm for war games at 6 a.m. His family finally realized that this situation had not improved. He told Murat that he should not play any more. But for nothing, Murat did not listen. Kadriye rana completed murat’s story from yenikent ilksan secondary school …….. Since Murat is a very successful student, he wanted a mobile phone from his family as a school report present. Murat managed to get a obile phone and the first day he started downloading a lot of games on his phone. He always played games on the phone.Although his family was not happy about this situation , Murat started to set alarmfor war gamesat 6 a.m. Finally his family realized that this situation was getting worse day by day. They told Murat not to play anymore, but he did not listen to them. His family got angry with this situation and they talked to Murat and wanted him to play less on the phone. But Murat did not care about it. At last his family told him that if he continued playing like that , they would send him to a boarding school. After that Murat was scared . on the other hand he did not want to leave his phone. And finally he made a decision and gave his phone to his family. Because he couldn’t leave his family. Murat became more successful at school and he was having fun with his family and did not spend time with his mobile phone. BURAK Burak is a 13 years old 7th grade student. His friends are also weak students and uninterested in lessons. As usual, Burak wakes up looking at his phone and wakes up on instagram, facebook, twitter, etc. He adjusts his schedule during the day by looking at social media applications. Together with their friends Emre Can, Çelik and Ayla, they meet up with new mischief. The warnings of her parents and teachers are in vain. Almost all of what she has eaten on the computer and on the phone lately is unhealthy. He started to gain excessive weight, gained 21 kilos in the last year, but she didn't care
as usual.He is constantly punished for not fulfilling her family responsibilities. Since their friends think just like Burak, they all perceive all their negativities as if they were normal. Two weeks ago, Burak and Ayla received disciplinary punishment and were suspended from school for 1 week. Their teachers are tired of warning their naughty students. On some days, the computer has completed the day almost without leaving the head. Other friends in their life outside of school, football, basketball, volleyball, etc. they play games, study their classes, but remain on social media without disrupting their own schedule and responsibilities. When would Burak and her friends realize the dilemma they were in? Kadriye Hilal completed Burak’s story from Yenikent ilksan secondary school ……. Burak’s marks were gradually decreasing and his family was not happy about this situation. In fact, Burak did not want to spend so much time with technological devices, but he couln’t preventhimself and was spending time with them involuntarily because he was addicted. They had the students watch a video about technology addiction in the form of animation. Burak was impressed by this. The warnings of so many teachers and their families did not affect but Burak was impressed by this video. Realising his mistake, he started being controlled by his family and then Burak returned his old life. His lecture grades were getting normal. He spent more time with his friends and family, participate more in social activities. Finally , Burak got rid of his addiction and continued his life happily. ECE ADDİCTİON (SEMANUR Ece is a child who is intertwined with extreme technology and is addicted. He spends little time with his family and does not attach much importance to his lessons. He spends most of
his day playing games. That is, if he lectures 1 hour (the room is sloppy…), he will spend 5 hours in the game, and the rest in his time; It divides it into applications such as Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. He doesn't even eat properly. His family also complains about this situation. His family thinks, thinks, and the idea comes to mind to consult the guidance teacher at the last school. They set a day when the teacher is free at school and go to him. The teacher calls Ece to her after talking with her family. After listening to Ece, he tells his family that they should consult a psychologist. His parents also get a good psychologist address from the teacher. This is how Melis got involved in her life. Ece and her family go to Melis Hanım and tell her about their troubles. HAMZA YILDIZELİ COMPLETED THE STORY OF ECE FROM ANATOLİAN IMAM HATİP HİGH SCHOOL Melis hanım Ece’ye teknolojinin vaktinin tamamını almaması gerektiğini her konuştuklarında farklı olaylar anlatarak açıklamaya başlar. Melis hanımla her konuştuğunda Ece biraz daha teknolojiden uzaklaşır. Kitap okumaya dışarıda arkadaşlarıyla oynamaya ve ders çalışmaya başlar. Hayatı düzene girmiştir. Annesi ve babası Melis hanıma çok teşekkür eder. Ece artık daha düzenli ve çalışkan ve üretken bir çocuk olmuştur. Melis begins to explain different events to Ece when they talk about the development of the time of technology. When Melis talks to her, Ece moves away from technology a little more. The lesson begins, reading the book, playing with friends outside. His life is in order. Thank you very much to her mother and children Ms. Melis. Ece has now become a more organized, hardworking and productive child. EBRAR Laila needed a tech gadget to join the live lessons, insisted her parents buy a smartphone, and promised to use it in her mostly live lessons. When she rested, she tried to find out, she attended live lessons on her smartphone, and after a while she did not attend her live lessons, she used the phone for messaging and downloading new applications, and one day the English teacher called her. The mother asks what happened to Laila and why she did not attend classes. The mother was surprised by the professor’s call and was angry at her daughter’s misbehavior and neglect of her lessons. She apologized to the professor and promised him a radical change to Leila’s problem. And that we are the ones who control this device, and it is an invention to facilitate our lives and keep up with modernity and not to waste our time and our study work, so Laila sensed her mistake and apologized to her mother and returned to follow her lessons and ensure the correct use of her smartphone
Desert Rose Zainab was a student in the fifth grade, and she was very successful and her report was full of success, so her family bought her a smartphone, and she was keen to take pictures, so her parents thought that she would use it to take pictures, but Zainab used this phone. The phone is especially for the internet, so she didn't leave it, she spent many hours on the phone, she was using messaging and chatting, shopping, games also pictures, she was looking at the phone screen so she was not sitting properly. She began to suffer from posture disorders such as the humpback and her back was suffering from severe pain. Zeina started to complain of pain in her back and she began to lose her ability to perform her duties due to the severity of pain until her mother took her to the doctor and asked the doctor some questions and said The problem is not with the smartphone itself, but the way we carry the smartphone may have a very bad effect on our health, and the same is true for the mobile device (anything that makes us tilt our heads down), so you find that most of the people who spend a lot of time in front of mobile devices or those who They watch smartphones constantly, they are the people most affected by neck and lower back pain, and a lot of tests and research have been done about the wrong position that we always take when using a smartphone or mobile device, and these results do not lie, so care must be taken in the way we sit, the correct posture may We avoided many problems. The doctor explained the appropriate position for sitting and carrying the smart device, how to use it, and adjusting the time in its use, and recommended a decorated mother with some therapeutic exercises and reducing the resulting curvature and the most important thing is how to employ the phone in our service and at the same time maintain our health Prince The Emery family was very rich, he owned a smartphone and a laptop, and he spent most of his time on the phone or laptop, and one day they went for the weekend, and it was a big surprise for him, so he immediately prepared his bag and got into the car and looked From the car window, he saw Natur, and after a while he realized that his smartphone was not with him, and he could not tell his father to return because they were too far away at first he tried not to care, but over time he began to feel lonely, irritable and aggressive, and he started shivering and screaming at his parents on vacation. My father, Amir noticed his bad dealings with everyone, his constant screaming, and his bad mood, so I realized the extent of the problem that Amir suffers from, and he may consider the father and mother a part of it because their father spent a long time without organizing and devoting this time to something useful to him, so they went to a behavior modification specialist and explained to them the extent of The ugliness of this problem, he said to them, that Internet addiction causes the individual to suffer social isolation resulting from the deterioration of relations
with family and friends, and the loss of the ability to socialize with others; This is because most of the time is spent on the Internet, to the point of not being able to establish any relationships outside this domain, which will lead to a feeling of embarrassment and social confusion in the event of exposure to realistic situations. And that addiction to the Internet and electronic games should be treated as a treatment for any other addiction because it is no less dangerous, and it is necessary to start with the personality and condition of the addict and the extent of its development to reach the best results in the least possible time. And this is under the supervision of a doctor who specializes in the situation, with a psychotherapist and a fitness trainer. The treatment also depends on the patient's avoidance of technological means in order to move away from the source of addiction and try to integrate it into various activities such as meditation, exercise, and others. The treatment program is also concerned with the nutritional aspect, as healthy, balanced meals are provided that help return the patient to his ideal weight, and treat the eating disorders that he may suffer from. And the parents started a treatment plan for Amir to bring him to safety And planting basic rules for their advancement to be a lifeline from the sea of electronic addiction and its crashing waves Sude Fatima was very dependent on her family, she was 18 years old, she shared everything with her mother, and she had a cell phone, a computer, and even an iPad, and she rarely used these devices until she met a boy on the Internet, and started using her mobile phone. Often times she wanted to tell her mother about the boy, but the boy said, “Don't tell her mother,” she couldn't tell her mother, but her mother understood something different from her. When she asked if there was a problem, she said to her mother, “No,” she did not leave her phone and started not studying for university exams. One day her mother went to school to speak to her teacher. The mother was not surprised by what the teacher said because she noticed a radical change in her daughter’s behavior and her excessive attachment to her mobile phone and its silent posture. Modern communication and the technological boom that occurred in recent years have changed many milestones in our practical, academic and family life as well. At a time when explosive communication technology has become accessible to everyone .. However, it carried with it family problems that we did not know before, and it surrounded individuals. The family has the walls of isolation, as each of them is alone on his computer browsing
websites, or immersed in conversations with friends or with unknown people, establishing different relationships with them, some of them serious and useful, some for entertainment and other purposes, even the family threatens its stability and the divorce cases and cases of extortion have increased. Especially for underage girls and girls who are about to study at university because of the openness, mixing and differences of cultures, and the low level of awareness among some The teacher also invited Fatima's mother to watch her, as she enters this strange world. In the end, the teacher emphasized that there is always a price that people pay as a result of the rapid development of technology in general, and the technology of the virtual world of the Internet in particular, through social media, Facebook, Instagram, and other means of communication that appear daily, these warnings do not mean that these sites are An ogre or a monster all the time, but life is options, some of them choose to walk the right path, and some of them bring problems to themselves, and the windows are always open to the warm, refreshing winds and to the stormy destructive winds, and the person has only to choose. Mission on me The computer department was set up at his high school. He was very happy, and learned things about computer and digital contents. He was working at the computer store after, his mother realized that he was winking and shared his eyes and that the white portions of his eyes were red. The study of the effect of computer use on the eye was studied, to surprise the study, the study of the University of \"Toledo\", Ohio, USA, that molecules in the eye absorbed light, socks, pictures, natsp, the production of a chemical substance, the study studies the breeze of the bliss of the eye. The emergence of distinctive signs in distinguishing between distinguishing marks and discrimination in distinguishing between distinguishing marks and in distinguishing between \"macular discrimination\" Use the computer under healthy conditions and environment گThe following: * To blink your eyes, try every now and then to refresh your eyes. ... Take breaks to rest your eyes. ... * Check the lighting and reduce the intensity. ... * Adjust your screen. ... * Use the paper holder. ... * Settings for your screen settings. He obliged him to adhere to the above instructions, unless he was permanently prohibited from using the device.
Morning Previous brand was created, to not to not not not back to our time our time to our time to our number up to our number to be on our number of the right to our log out. Different. Playing video games, shopping online, and time indicating that it was time to go online. He eats food mostly to gain weight, her parents are worried about her and decide to take her to a psychiatrist and dietitian. The Internet too, and this is the funny and addictive treatment, with addiction, the most dangerous and the justification If the parents agree to the application, it works to solve the problem of abuse and set it to set a schedule of several sessions to overcome the problem of Internet problems and its addiction and its use in the form. As for the nutritionist, she presented the causes of obesity: And she said that Internet addiction leads to significant weight gain; And it used to lead to the accumulation of fat and calories in the body, and this is what leads to a high percentage of water in the body, and this is what leads to a high level of water in the screen, She made a diet schedule that contained the food that contained foods, without piling up, and put daily exercises, And to be a periodic review of the specialist to monitor results and improvement. HAMZA Hamza yine her zamanki gibi geç kalkmıştı. Kalkar kalkmaz bilgisayarın başına geçmiştı. Annesi okula gitmesini söyleyince bıktım artık şu okuldan ,okulu bırakmak istiyorum gitmeyeceğim, annesi sadece peki demekle yetinmişti. Bu duruma sinirleniyordu annesi. Birgün Hamza in gözleri bozulmuştu.Baya baya bulanık görüyordu.Doktora gittikleride Hamza oğlum göz numaran artmış.Gözlük kullanman gerek Hamza ilk defa gözlük kullanacaktı. (Hamza got up late, as he used to. As soon as he got up, he was at the computer. When his mother told him to go to school, I was tired of this school now, I want to leave school, I will not go, his mother just said okay His mother was getting angry at this situation.One day, Hamza had a distorted eyes. He saw very blurry. When they went to the doctor, my son, Hamza, your eye number increased. You need to wear glasses Hamza was going to use the first default glasses.) AYŞEGÜL (Şehit Hasan Altın Secondary School)
Hiç beklemiyordu aslında doktorun gözlük yazacağını. Ama annesi biliyordu. Hamza sadece bilgisayar başında zaman kaybetmekle kalmıyordu artık sağlığı da bozulmuştu. Halbuki teknoloji ile arasına biraz sınır koyabilseydi gözlerine zarar vermezdi. Bilinçli kullanılan teknoloji zarar vermez. Zararı biz veririz kendimize Hamza artık gözlükle yaşayacak. Okulda, evde, sokakta… Ya arkadaşları onunla alay etse! Hamza üzülür müydü? Keşke zamanı geri alabilseydi. Hamza gibi sağlığımıza zarar vermeden teknolojiyi bilinçli kullanmaya başlayalım. Sağlığımızdan ve mutluluğumuzdan olmayalım. (He never expected that the doctor would actually write glasses. But his mother knew. Not only was Hamza wasting time at the computer, but his health was also deteriorating. However, it wouldn't hurt his eyes if he could put a little boundary with technology. Conscious technology does not hurt. We will do the damage to ourselves, Hamza will live with glasses from now on. At school, at home, on the street… What if his friends made fun of him! Would Hamza be sad? If only he could take back time. Let's start using technology consciously without harming our health like Hamza. Let's not be out of our health and happiness.) ENES Enes, tablette çok oyun oynayan bir çocuktu, günde yaklaşık 5-6 saat telefonla oynuyor, ailesi bu durumdan hiç memnun değildi, ne yaptığını sorunca, kitap okuyorum online diyordu ama gerçek bu değildi. Bir süre sonra ders notları da düşmeye başlayınca ailesi okuldaki danışman öğretmene sormaya karar verdiler. (Enes was a kid who played a lot of games on the tablet, he played on the phone for about 5-6 hours a day, his family was not satisfied with this situation at all. After a while, when his grades started to decrease, his family decided to ask the counselor at the school.) EBUBEKİR(Şehit Hasan Altın Secondary School) Danışman öğretmen ise Enes'in sık sık okulu aksattığını söyledi ailesi telaşlandı acaba nereye gidiyor dediler danışman öğretmen de isterseniz bunu arkadaşlarına soralım. Kapıdan Furkan ve Ömer içeri girdi sorulan soruya cevapları şöyle oldu: Biz arkadaşlarla genelde internet kafeye gideriz bir gün Enes'ide çağırdık oyunları o kadar çok sevdi ki sık sık okuldan sonra oraya gitmeye başladı kendini iyice kaptırıp okula tablet getirip okulda da oynamaya başladı bir süre sonrada okula az gelmeye başladı sabahtan akşama kadar internet kafede dediler. Enes’in ailesi bunları duyunca çok üzüldü bir şeylerin yolunda gitmediğini biliyorlardı fakat bu kadar olacağını düşünmemişlerdi. Rehber öğretmenden bu durumu nasıl düzeltebieceklerine dair fikir
aldılar. Rehber öğretmen onlara Enes’in teknoloji bağımlısı olduğunu bu durumun önüne geçmek için onunla sosyal aktivitelere katılmaları gerektiğini söyledi. Ve sözlerine şöyle devam etti: “Mutlaka sevdiği bir fiziksel aktivite bulun yüzme, futbol, resim gibi ve Enes’i bu konuda cesaretlendirin böylece gerçek hayata katılacak bağımlılıklarından kurtulacaktır”. Ailesi üzgün ve minnattar bir şekilde rehber öğretmene teşekkür ederek okuldan ayrıldı. (The advisor teacher said that Enes often disrupted the school, his family was worried, they said where he is going, and the advisor teacher said, if you want, let's ask his friends about it. Furkan and Ömer came in through the door and the answers to the question were as follows: We usually go to the internet cafe with our friends one day, we called Enes so much that he loved the games so much that he started to go there after school very often, he got into the school and started to play in school after a while. He started to come to school a little, they said in the internet cafe from morning to night. Enes' family was very upset to hear this, they knew that something was wrong, but they did not think it would happen that much. They got an idea from the counselor on how to correct this situation. The counselor told them that Enes was addicted to technology and that they had to participate in social activities with him to prevent this situation. And he continued: \"Always find a physical activity that he likes, such as swimming, football, painting, and encourage Enes to get rid of his addictions that will join the real life\". Her family thanked the counselor in a sad and grateful way and left school. ) ÖMER OSMAN Metin çok akıllı bir çocukmuş. Babası doğum günü üçün ne hediye istesin diye sormuş o da telefon istemiş. Ama babası telefon almayı tek şartla kabul edeceğini söylemiş devamlı telefonun başında olmayacaksın demiş, Metin bunu kabul etmiş. Ama Metin telefon alındığından itibaren elinden bırakmamış. (Metin was a very smart kid. His father asked what gift he would like for his birthday. Metin asked for a phone call. However, his father said he would agree to take the phone on one condition and said that you would not always be on the phone, Metin agreed. However, Metin never left the phone.) BERRA(Şehit Hasan Altın Secondary School) Bunu gören babası Metin’e bir ceza vermeye karar vermiş ama bu ceza Metin’in aleyhine değil onu iyiye yönlendirecek ona ders verecek bir ceza imiş. Metin’in babası
Metin ile önce bir konuşma yapmış. Bak Metin eğer derslerine çalışmazsan hep telefonuna bakarsan diğer işlerini aksatmış olursun ve bu işleri yapmadığın için bir müddet sonra pişmanlık duyarsın ve mutsuz olursun. Ama ben senden bir şey isteyeceğim sana bir kitap vereceğim sen bu kitaba telefon yüzünden yapmadığın aksattığın işler için bir eksi atacaksın, yaptığın işler içinse bir artı günün sonunda artıların eksilerinden fazlaysa seni çok sevdiğin göle balık tutmaya götüreceğim. Aradan günler geçmiş Metin göle gitmek için artılarını eksilerinden fazla tutmuş ve babası her gün verdiği sözü tutarak onu balık tutmaya götürmüş. Metin bir süre sonra yorulduğunu fark etmiş babasına senden hiçbir şey beklemeden artılarımı arttıracağım babacığım demiş ve sözünü tutmuş. Her geçen gün artılarını arttırmış bir süre sonra hiç eksisi kalmamış ve Metin artık çok daha mutlu olduğunun farkına varmış. (Seeing this, his father decided to give a punishment to Metin, but this punishment was not a punishment against Metin, but a punishment that would teach him a lesson. Metin's father first made a speech with Metin. Look, Metin, if you don't study your lessons, you will be disrupting your other work if you always look at your phone, and after a while you will regret and become unhappy for not doing these things. But I will ask you something, I will give you a book, you will throw a minus to this book for the things you do not do because of the phone, and if the plus for the work you do is more than the minus of the plus at the end of the day, I will take you to the lake you love so much. Days passed since Metin went to the lake, keeping his pros more than his cons, and his father took him to fish, keeping his promise every day. Metin realized that he was tired after a while and told his father that I would increase my pluses without expecting anything from you, and kept his word. With each passing day, he increased his advantages, after a while, he had no cons, and Metin realized that he was much happier now.) MEHMET AKİF Mehmet’in doğum günü yaklaşmıştı. Mehmet o kadar heyecanlıydı ki annesine sürekli soru soruyordu kim gelecek? hediye alacaklar mı? babaannesi ve dedesi çoktan gelmişti bile arkadaşları da gelmişti Mehmet pastasına üfledi ve hediyeleri açma zamanı gelmişti bile. İlk dedesinin hediyesi ile başladılar dedesi Mehmet’e akıllı saat
almıştı babaannesi ise telefon almıştı arkadaşları da Mehmet e üst almıştı Mehmet hediyeler arasından e çok babaannesinin hediyesini beğenmişti. 5 hafta sonra iş işten geçmişti. (Mehmet's birthday was approaching. Mehmet was so excited that he was asking questions to his mother, who will come? Will they get a gift? His grandmother and grandfather were already there, and his friends had come too. Mehmet blew his cake and it was time to open the gifts. They started with the gift of his grandfather, and his grandmother bought a smart watch for Mehmet, and his grandmother bought a phone and his friends bought Mehmet. Mehmet liked the gift and his grandmother's gift. After 5 weeks, it was too late.) HATİCE HİRA(Şehit Hasan Altın Secondary School) Mehmet telefonunu elinden bırakmaz olmuştu. Babaannesi bu duruma çok üzülüyordu Mehmet’ e bu kadar telefonla uğraşman doğru değil dese de Mehmet onu hiç dinlemiyordu. Mehmet her geçen gün telefonla daha çok vakit geçirmeye başladı. Annesi , babası ve babaannesi onu uyarsa da değişen bir şey olmuyordu. Zavallı babaannesi ona telefon aldığı için kendini suçlu hissediyordu. Sırf bu yüzden üzülen babaannesinin tansiyonu yükseldi ve hastaneye kaldırıldı. Mehmet durumu öğrenince çok üzüldü telefonla bu kadar vakit geçirmesinin babaannesini bu denli üzebileceğini hiç düşünmemişti. O günden sonra Mehmet telefonla oynamasına bu kadar üzüldüklerine göre gerçekten de bu durumun onun için zararlı olduğunu anlayıp kendine saat sınırı koydu. (Mehmet couldn't put down his phone. Although his grandmother was very upset about this situation, Mehmet said that it is not right for you to deal with the phone so much, Mehmet never listened to him. Mehmet started to spend more time on the phone every day. Although his mother, father and grandmother warned him, nothing had changed. She felt guilty that her poor grandmother was calling her. Her grandmother's blood pressure rose and she was taken to the hospital, just because of this. Mehmet was very upset when he found out about the situation, and he never thought that spending so much time on the phone could upset his grandmother. After that day, Mehmet realized that this situation was harmful for him, and set himself a time limit, since they were so upset about his playing on the phone.) AHMET Ahmet, aşırı teknoloji ile iç içe ve bağımlı bir çocuktur. Ailesiyle çok az zaman geçiriyor ve derslerine fazla önem vermiyor. Gününün çoğunu oyun oynayarak
geçiriyor.5 saatini oyunda, geri kalanını zamanında geçirir; Youtube, Instagram ve Facebook gibi uygulamalara ayırırdı.Ailesi de bu durumdan şikayetçiydi. Ailesi düşünür, düşünür ve akıllarına en sonunda okuldaki rehber öğretmene danışma fikri gelir. Öğretmenin okulda serbest olduğu bir gün belirlerler ve ona giderler. Öğretmen ailesi ile konuştuktan sonra Ahmet'i çağırır. (Ahmet is an addicted child intertwined with extreme technology. He spends little time with his family and doesn't pay much attention to his lessons. He spends most of the day playing games, 5 hours in the game, the rest on time; He used to divide it into applications such as Youtube, Instagram and Facebook, and his family was also complaining about this. The family thinks, thinks, and eventually comes to mind to consult the school counselor. They set a day when the teacher is free at school and go to him. The teacher calls Ahmet after talking with his family.) HÜSEYİN Ahmet odaya girer ailesinin ve öğretmenin ona bir şey diyeceğini anlar. Rehber öğretmen ailesi ile konuştuğu konuyu Ahmet’e anlatmaya başlar. Merhaba Ahmet ailenden de duyduğum kadarıyla teknoloji ile fazla iç içesin. Ben ve ailen bu konuda konuşup bir çözüme ulaştık. Kendine bir program hazırlayacaksın ve program sayesinde yavaş yavaş telefon ve bilgisayarla geçirdiğin vakti azaltacaksın. En sonunda telefon ve bilgisayarla geçirdiğin saati günde bir veya yarım saate düşüreceksin. Ahmet öğretmeninin dediği şeyi çok iyi anlamıştı. Ailesinin de yardımıyla kendine bir program hazırladı. Ahmet çoğu zamanını ailesiyle vakit geçirerek ve arkadaşlarıyla oyun oynayarak geçiriyordu. Ahmet gerçekten hayattaki gerçeklerin sanal dünyadan daha değerli olduğunu anladı. (Ahmet enters the room and realizes that his family and teacher will say something to him. The counselor begins to tell Ahmet about the subject he speaks with his family. Hello Ahmet, as I heard from your family, you are very involved in technology. I and your family talked about this and came up with a solution. You will prepare a program for yourself, and thanks to the program, you will gradually reduce the time you spend with the phone and computer. Eventually, you will reduce the time you spend with the phone and computer to one or half an hour a day. Ahmet understood very well what his teacher said. He prepared a program for himself with the help of his family. Ahmet spent most of his time spending time with his family and playing games with his friends. Ahmet really understood that the facts in life are more valuable than the virtual world.) MUHAMMED
Muhammed çok çalışkan bir çocuktu. Öğretmenleri onu çok severdi. Yakın arkadaşı Hamza’yı çok seviyordu ancak Hamza son zamanlarda internette çok zaman harcamaya başlamıştı. Bu durum Muhammed’i üzüyordu onunla defalarca konuştu derslerden geri kaldığını söyledi Hamza tamam deyip geçiştirdi. Hamza’yı internetten uzaklaştırmak için Muhammed’in aklına bir fikir geldi. (Muhammed was a very hardworking child. His teachers loved him very much. He loved his close friend Hamza very much, but Hanza had begun to spend a lot of time on the internet lately. An idea came to Mohammed's mind to keep Hamza off the Internet.) SEVİMNAZ Muhammed Hamza’nın da yok diyemeyeceği bir piknik düzenledi. Tabi ki Hamza’nın bu pikniğe de tablet ile geleceğini biliyordu. Pikniğe gittikleri yer çok güzeldi. Hamza hariç herkes mutluk içerisinde gülüp eğleniyordu. Hamza ise tüm o kalabalığın içinde sinirle oynadığı oyunda bir üst seviyeye geçmeye çalışıyordu. Muhammed sabırla Hamza’nın tabletinin şarjının bitmesini bekliyordu. Muhammed’in beklediği şey oldu. Hamza tabletini şarj edecek bir yer arasa da bulması imkansızdı. Biraz somurttuktan sonra oyuna karışmaya başladı. Hamza arkadaşlarıyla oynamayı özlediğini fark etmişti. Akşam eve geldiğinde kendini çok yorgun hissediyordu erkenden yatağa girip uyudu. Uzun zamandır böyle güzel bir uyku çekmemişti. Kahvaltı için masaya giderken telefon çaldı. Arayan Muhammed idi. Muhammed Hamza’ya kendini nasıl hissettiğini sordu Hamza kendini çok iyi hissettiğini söyledi “Bak gördün mü tableti elinden bırakıp bizimle oynayınca her şey ne kadar farklı oldu günlerdir ilk kez yüzünün güldüğünü gördük. Biliyor musun tüm o pikniği senin için düzenledik sen tekrar gerçek oyunlara dön diye.” Sözlerini devam ettirdi. Bunları duyan Hamza çok duygulandı gerçek arkadaşlarının kıymetini anladı ve o günden sonra günden bir saatten fazla tablet telefonla vakit geçirmeyeceğine dair kendine söz verdi. (He organized a picnic that Mohammed Hamza could not say not to be absent. Of course, he knew that Hamza would come to this picnic with the tablet. The place where they went on a picnic was very nice. Except for Hamza, everyone was laughing and having fun. Hamza, on the other hand, was trying to move to the next level in the game he played with anger in the whole crowd. Muhammad was patiently waiting for Hamza's tablet to run out of power. It happened what Mohammed had been waiting for. Although Hamza could find a place to charge his tablet, it was impossible to find it. After a little sulking, he started getting involved in the game. Hamza realized that he missed playing with his friends. When he came home in the evening, he felt very tired and went to bed early and slept. He hadn't had such a good sleep in a long time. While going to the table for breakfast, the phone rang. It was Mohammed. Muhammed asked Hamza how he was feeling, Hamza said he felt very well. You know, we arranged that whole picnic for you so you can go back to the real games. \" He continued his words.
Hearing this, Hamza was very moved, he understood the value of his real friends and promised himself that he would not spend more than an hour on a tablet phone from that day on.) ZEYNEP’S TECHNOLOGY ADDICTION Zeynep is very hardworking student who never ignores her lessons. She always does her homework. Her teachers are proud of her, but she can’t do her presentation homework because she hasn’t got a computer. She is very sad for this situation. One day, her father bought a computer for Zeynep to do homework, but instead of doing her homework on the computer, she used computer for different reasons. She started to play games on the computer with her friends. She began to ignore her homework. When her family realized this situation, they felt very disappointed because they bought computer for her homework. They tried to find solution for this problem. In the end, The parents decided to set specific goals and laws to guide their daughter, Zeynep to use technology positively. So, the father sat with his daughter and discussed with her about the benefits and harms of the computer and technology and how it affects her health and her future at the near and far level, and he tried to persuade her to use the computer correctly. And after completion of all her duties, she can play for half an hour day after day, then she thanked her father and returned to a diligent and beloved student as her parents and teachers promised her ..... ZEYNEP NUR’S DREAM One day, Kumsal dreamed of herself as a technology addict. In her dream, her mother and father invited her to breakfast in the morning, but she said 5 more minutes and 10 more minutes and came to breakfast late. His mother and father were waiting for her angrily. She realized that she did something wrong, but she didn’t listen to her father and mother. After breakfast, she spent a lot of time playing with her smart phone. Her mother came to her room and asked her if she did homework or not. Kumsal said ‘No, I forgot my homework’. Her family were very worried about Kumsal because she got low marks in exams. Also, she didn’t
spend time with her family and her friends. She was really addicted to technology. One day, her friends met at the park, but they didn’t invite Kumsal. She asked them ‘Why they didn’t invite me?’ They answered her because she didn’t share us any work or game you still ony our phone all the time if you want us to for give you must be carefull of your parents and your friends she cried too much and say sorry for all of them then she woke up and she thanked to God for her dream. I will never lost my time on phone .I love my parents and friends at all. MÜNEVVER’S TECHNOLOGY ADDICTION Münevver was addicted to technology. She spent lots of time on the phone. One day she saw a game while surfing on the social media. The game was horror game and she liked it. She downloaded this game on her phone and she played this game all the time. When her mother realized that she was really technology addict, she punished Münevver. As a punishment, she couldn’t use her smart phone for a week. She was very bored at first, but a short time later, she tried to find some activities to do. She started to do sport, read a book and study. Her mother was very happy because she changed her mind Munevver started thinking about the people who stole their time while they were on phones (as she was) she thought of solution to help these people so she started making awareness videos about the seriousness of internet addiction and posting on social media thus changing Munevver life and many others.
SAMED’S INTERNET ADDICTION Samed is 7th grade student at Söğütlüçeşme Secondary School. He is addicted to Internet but he can’t admit this problem. He spends nearly all of the time on the Internet. He always plays online games. His mother is very worried for him. He has some friends but he never plays with his friends. One day, his friends played outside. They played hide an seek. They called Samed and said ‘Let’s play games outside’ but he refused because he wanted to play online games all the time. His mother got angry to Samed because .He refused to play hide-and-seek with his friends. He was overwhelmed by fear, because he entered the addictive phase. Fear began to creep into his mother's heart, especially after his weight gain and he became tired when making the least effort, so he decided to solve the problem by all means, but he did not succeed, so he decided to present him to a specialist to solve his problem, so he met with him and approached him and set up a program for him and he began to implement this program and he returned again playing with his friends And he became interested in his lessons and he participated in a swimming competition of the suburb and he achieved first place and everyone was happy for him. ا BARIŞ'S TECHNOLOGY ADDICTION It was the last day of the school.Barış was 7th grade student. Barış's report card was very good and his grades were high. He wanted smart phone as a reward from his mother. His mother accepted it and bought him a mobile phone. Barış was very happy and he liked the phone very much. He started to play games, but he wanted to play games all the time. He started to spend a lot of time on the phone. His family warned him to limit the time he spent on the phone, but Barış didn’t listen.
Once upon a time Baris school made competition .It was about the student who will get the highest gras he/she will take a gift certificate and mount of money. All students started to prepare for competition but Barıs said ‘I’m an intelligent student and I will win without studying’. When he did the exams, he didn’t do well because he spent his time in the games and social media. One day the school headmaster announced about results suddenly Barış grades were very angry from that day. Barış decided to make plan to study and he gave his phone for his parents .Actually he was studying all time to get high grades. However ın the end of the semester Barış started to get in all exam and his parents were very proud of him. TUNAHAN Tunahan is a technology addict. He never leaves the phone. He has dinner while he is looking at the phone . He doesn’t spend time with friends or he doesn’t do any sports. He just sits and plays online games. He starts to gain weight because he never does sports. His father is worried about his health. One day, his father wanted Tunahan to go to sports center. He didn’t want to go because he didn’t want to leave phone anymore. Tunahan contınued to use the phone all day long. His father decided to go to psychologist to fınd a solution. Tunahan went to a psychologist and talked to the psychiatrist for a long time. He asked Tunahan why he was connected to technology and they answered him and chatted.After this incident, Tunahan distanced himself from technology and overcame his technology addiction by delivering his homework on time.
SAFA’S TECHNOLOGY ADDICTION Safa was a lazy student. She always spent time on the phone. She never played with her friends. Her mother usually warned her not to sped too much time on the phone. She didn’t listen to her mother. In the end, her mother took the phone from her as a punishment for a week. She felt very bored and unhappy. Safa couldn’t do anything without phone. She was very aggressive. He didn’t know what to do without a phone. He decided to go out and was ver unhappy. Then he saw his friends and started playing with them. He didn’t think of his phone. He had a great time with his friends at that time. In the eveningb , he returned home and started spending time with his family . Going out for a while and spending time with his friends made him happy and heiped him get away from the virtual environment. The next day, he went to the library to study with his friends. He thought of his phone, but this time it didin’t pose too much of a problem for him and so he got used to being seperated from his phone. After that, he lived a much healhier life. UBEY’S TECHNOLOGY ADDICTION Ubey gets up in the morning and attends to the live lessons. After the live lessons finish, he starts to play the games on the computer and spends a lot of time there. He never does his homework. One day, his teacher asked why he didn’t do his homework. Ubey said ‘ I was ill.’ He started to tell lie. His teacher understood that he didn’t tell the truth and called his father to talk about this problem. After talking with his teaCher, his father got angry to Ubey, but he
didn’t listen to his father. He continued to play computer games.In the end his father found a solution for this problem. After talking with his teacher Ubey’s father warned him not to spend too much time on the phone. At first Ubey gave a promise to his father. But later he forgot it. And continued to play even more than before. So he had some health problems. His parents took him to a doctor. His eyes began to hurt and he had a backache. His parents were so unhappy about that situation so he understood his mistake. He got his pills and syrup so he felt better. He limited his time on the phone. Finally he recovered his illnesses and his parents were so happy about his situation. EFSA Efsa, teknolojiyi günlük bir saat civarında kullanan 6. Sınıfa giden bir öğrencidir. Arkadaşları bir gün Efsa' ya bir sosyal medya sitesi gösteriyorlar ve üye olmasını söylüyorlar. Efsa çok istekli olmasa da arkadaşlarını kırmamak için üye oluyor. Sonra farklı gelen bu sitede arkadaşlarını arkadaş listesine ekliyor. Onların paylaşımlarını gördükçe kendi de paylaşmak istiyor. Paylaştıkça arkadaşlarından gelen güzel yorumlar, beğeniler hoşuna gidiyor ve site de daha fazla zaman geçirmeye başlıyor. Zamanla Efsa her yaptığını durum(gönderi) olarak site de paylaşma isteğini bastıramaz hale geliyor. (Efsa is a 6th grade student who uses technology for around an hour a day. One day, his friends show Efsa a social media site and tell him to become a member. Although Efsa is not very willing, he becomes a member in order not to offend his friends. Then he adds his friends to his friend list on this different site. As he sees their posts, he wants to share it himself. As you share, you like the nice comments and likes from your friends and the site starts to spend more time. Over time, Efsa becomes unable to suppress the request to share on the site as a status (post) everything it does.) Nisa Nur completed Efsa’s story from Cumhuriyet Secondary School Efsa geç saatlere kadar bu sitede geziniyor. Bir gün yine bu sitede gezinirken paylaştığı durumların yorumuna bakarken dikkatini bir şey çekiyor. Yorumlara kötü içerikler paylaşıldığını görüyor. Bu yorumlardan çok korktuğu için annesine babasına söyleyemez. Bütün gece ne yapacağını düşünüyor. Sabah kalkar kalkmaz hemen üstünü giyiniyor ve kahvaltı yapmadan okula gidiyor. Okulda ise rehberlik öğretmenine söylemeye karar veriyor. Efsa öğretmenine bütün olan biteni anlatıyor. Öğretmeni de ona bu siteden çıkmasını ve ailesine bu olanları anlatmasını söylüyor. Efsa bu paylaşım
sitesi ile ilgili hesabını iptal eder ve ailesine olanları anlatıyor. Bu durumdan ders alan Efsa artık gerektiği zaman telefonunu kullanıyor. Derslerine öncelik tanıyor. Efsa surfs on this website util midnight. Someday while she takes a look this site she notices some comments underneath her pasts. Some of these comments are bad. Because she fears of these comments she hesitates to tell situation to his parents. The whole night she thinks what he has to do. As soon as she wakes up he dresses up and goes to school without having breakfast. She decides to share this problem with his councelling teacher. She tells everything about the posts and comments. Her teacher advices him to sign out that website and tell everything to his parents. Then she cancels his account related to that social networking site and shares the problem with her family. Learned the lesson Efsa lues her mobile phone as long as she needs it. She makes his lessons his only priority. EBRU Ebru eskiden hep dışarı çıkan sosyal biriydi. Ancak anne ve babası ona telefon alınca evden çıkmamaya başladı ve telefondan hep oyun oynuyordu ancak bir kapıya bir makbuz geldi ve para karşılığında oyun indirdiği anlaşıldı babası çok kızdığını belli etmedi ancak yinede kızmışdı. Eskiden annesinin yemeklerini yiyordu ancak şimdi ise hep dışardan söyleyip abur cubur yani kısacası zararlı yiyecelker tüketmeye başlamıştı. Artık bilgisayar karşısından kalkmıyordu ve biraz şişmanlamıştı. Ve annesi ne zaman çağırsa tamam anne geliyorum diyip duymazdan geliyordu. (Ebru used to be a social person who always went out. However, when his parents received a phone call, he stopped leaving the house and he was always playing games on the phone, but a receipt came to a door and it was understood that he had downloaded the game in return for money, his father did not show that he was very angry, but he was still angry. He used to eat his mother's food, but now he has always started to consume junk food, in short, harmful food from the outside. The computer was no longer in front of him and he was a little fat. And whenever her mother called, she said okay mom, I'm coming, and she ignored it.) Furkan completed Ebru’s story from Cumhuriyet Secondary School Bir gün yine annesini duymazdan geldi ve ailesi ebru uyurken ona bir oyun oynamaya karar verdi. Ebru uyurken onun gözüne bir sanal gözlük taktılar sonra uyandı ve
yüksek teknoloji dünyasında her şeyi gördü 2 gün orada kaldı. Ancak 3. gün ise oyun oynmaktan çok sıkılmıştı. Oyunların hepsini oynamıştı , yürüyüşe çıksa dağlar yoktu şehire gittiğinde şehirler yoktu. Ebru çok üzülmüştü ve ağlamaya başladı. Sonra kendine söz verdi asla ama asla annemi sözünden çıkmayacağım artık belirli saatlerde oyun oynayacağım ve annemin yaptığı her yemeği yiyeceğim ve asla paralı oyun satın almayacağım diye ve annesi sanal gözlüğünü çıkarınca anne ve babasına bir daha böyle bir şey yapmayacağım diye söz verdi . One Day ignored her mom’s advises and then her parents decided to play a game on her. While ebru slept they put a virtual reality glasses on her face. After that she woke up and saw every thing in a high tech world . She stayed there for 2 days. However on the third day she was so bored that she played all of the games she could play . If she walked to he mountains there were no mointains. When she decided to go to cities there was no city at all . Ebru began to get upset and cry. Then she gave a promise to herself \"Never and ever I won’t break my promise and follow what my mom says. I won't play games all the time. I will eat any meal my mom cooks. And I will never buy a paid game. When her mother look of the UR glasses she begged at them. She sald I will never do such things again. FATMA Fatma okula giderken ve okuldan geldikten sonra hep televizyon izlermiş. Günler hep böyle gelip geçermiş. Ailesi bu durumdan çok rahatsız oluyormuş. Bir gün Fatma’nın babası “kızım her gün okula giderken ya da okuldan geldikten sonra hep televizyon izliyorsun bide bu yetmezmiş gibi televizyonu çok yakından izliyorsun bir gün gözlerin kör olabilir” demiş. Ama Fatma bunları duymazlıktan geliyormuş. Fatma her gün yakından televizyon izlemeye devam etmiş. Bir gün Fatma uzaktaki şeyleri görememeye başladı. Durumun farkına varan ailesi Fatma'yı doktora götürmek için randevu aldılar. (Fatma used to watch television while going to school and after coming from school. Days have always come and gone like this. His family was very uncomfortable with this situation. One day, Fatma's father said, \"You always watch TV when my daughter goes to school or after she comes from school, you watch TV very closely, as if this is not enough. But Fatma ignored them. Fatma continued to watch TV closely every day. One
day Fatma could not see things far away. Realizing the situation, her family made an appointment to take Fatma to the doctor.) Eren completed Fatma’s story from Cumhuriyet Secondary School Doktor Fatma'nın gözlerinin bozulduğunu ve gözlük takması gerektiğini söyledi. Doktor eğer gözlük takmaz ve televizyon izlemeye devam ederse ameliyat olacağını söyler . Bu duruma üzülen Fatma televizyon izlemez ve derslerine çok çalışmaya başlar. The doctor said that Fatma's eyes were distorted and that she should wear glasses. The doctor says that if she does not wear glasses and continues to watch TV, she will have an operation. Sad about this situation, Fatma does not watch TV and starts to work hard in her lessons. NAHİDE Gamze hayatında okulda başarılı aynı zamanda çevre ilişkileri güçlü olan bir öğrenciydi fakat bir gün okullarına yeni bir öğrenci gelmişti sınıfta kaldığı söyleniyordu ama öğretmenleri hala bu konuyla alakalı açıklama yapmamıştı. İlk ders heyecanla yeni arkadaşlarını beklemeye başladılar ve sonunda bahsedilen kız gelmişti. O gün gamze tanışmak için yanına gitti ve adını sordu ilk cevap vermedi ama gamze sorusunu tekrarladığında sonunda cevap verdi adı cemre’ydi ve günler böyle birbirini kovaladı cemrenin tek sorunu kendini teknolojiye kaptırmasıydı yani bağımlısı olmuştu gamze sürekli onu uyarıyordu ama cemre her defasında bir şey olmaz oyundan güzelimi var gibi şeyler söylüyordu bir gün gamzeye de bir oyun önerdi gamzede aklından bir kere oynar sonra bırakırım diyordu eve gidince oyunu denedi ve bira daha şu leveli de geçiyim derken gamzede oyun bağımlısı olmuştu. Gitgide çevre ilişkileri zayıfladı artık hiç odasından çıkmaz oldu. (Gamze was a student who was successful in school and also had strong environmental relations, but one day a new student came to their school, it was said that she was staying in the classroom, but her teachers still did not make a statement about this issue. The first lesson began to excitedly await their new friend, and at the end the girl mentioned had arrived. That day, the dimple went to meet him and asked for his name, he did not answer first, but when he repeated the gamze question, he finally answered his name was Cemre and the days chased each other like that The only problem of the society was that he was hooked on technology, that is, he was addicted to the dimple,
but he was always warning him, but Cemre always did nothing from the game. He was saying things like he had a beauty, he suggested a game to the dimple one day, he was saying that he would play once in his mind and then let go, he tried the game when he got home, and the beer was addicted to the gamzee when he said that he would get along with that level. Environmental relations have gradually weakened, and now he has never left his room.) Yasemen completed Nahide’s story from Cumhuriyet Secondary School Odasında oyun oynamaktan başka birşey yapmıyordu. Öğretmeni ona ödev vermişti ama o sonra yaparım diyerek kenara attı. Oyun oynarken uyuyakalmıştı. Saat çok geç olmuştu ve okula geç kalmıştı. Okula gittiğinde öğretmeni ödevini yapmadığı için ona kızdı. Gece uyumadığı için derste uyumaya başladı. Öğretmeni bu durumu ailesine bildirdi. Ailesi de üzülüyordu. Gamze artık asosyal biri olmuştu. Birgün internette takılırken bir yazı ile karşılaştı. Bu makale de internet bağımlısı insanların nasıl davrandığını gösteren bir makaleydi. Gamze bu özelliklerin kendinde olduğunu farketti. Bu durumdan nasıl kurtulacağını düşünmeye başladı. Ertesi gün okullarına Nahide adında bir kız geldi. Bu kız çok başarılı biriydi. Gamze Nahide'yle arkadaş oldu. Nahide çok sosyal de biriydi. Gamze onunla arkadaş olunca tıpkı onun gibi bir kız oldu. Gamze artık eskisi gibi biri oldu. Ailesi de onun bu halinden çok memnundu. She was doing anything but playing video games in her room. Her teacher had given homework but she threw it somewhere in the room, thinking she would do it later. She fell asleep while playing. İt was too late. So she was late for the school, too. When she got the school, her teacher got mad at her because she didn't do her homework. Also she slept during the lesson because she went to bed late. Her teacher reported this issue to her parents. Her parents were sad. She became an anti-social student. Someday when she was surfing on the net she saw an article. It was an article which gives information about. How internet addict people behaves. She began to think how to get rid of this problem. The next day a new girl named Nahide came to her classroom. She was a very successful girl. They became friends. Nahide was also very outgoing. After their friendship, Gamze began to behave like Nahide. She became what she used to be once. Her parents and she was very pleased.
MERVE Sena, 6. Sınıfta okuyan bir kızdır. Ailesiyle bu dönem takdir getirirse telefon alacakları konusunda anlaştılar. Sena derslerine çok özen gösterdi, düzenli bir şekilde derslerine çalıştı. Notlarını yükseltti. Ve dönem sonunda takdir belgesi aldı. Ailesi de söz verdiği gibi Sena’ya cep telefonu aldılar. Ama telefonu aldıkları günden beri elinden asla bırakmadı. Dersleri gitgide düşüyordu ama umrunda bile değildi. Tek derdi telefon da oyun oynamaktı. Öğretmeni ailesiyle iletişime geçip derslerinin düştüğü konusunda bilgi verdiler. Ailesi bu duruma üzüldü. (Sena is a girl studying in the 6th grade. They agreed with his family that they would receive a phone call if this period brings appreciation. Sena paid great attention to her lessons and studied regularly. She raised his grades. And he received a certificate of appreciation at the end of the semester. As promised, her family bought Sena a mobile phone. But she has never let go of the phone since the day they picked it up. Her lessons were dropping, but she didn't care. Her only concern was to play games on the phone. The teacher contacted his family and informed him that her lessons were dropped. Her family was upset about this situation.) Safa completed Merve’s story from Cumhuriyet Secondary School MERVE Birgün Sena oyun oynarken gözlerinin bulanik gördüğünü fark etti. Bu durumu ailesine bildirdi. Beraber doktora gittiler. Doktor geçici bir durum olduğunu ve telefona çok uzun süre baktığı için olduğunu söyledi. Sena telefonda oyun oynamayı bıraktı. Gözleri eski sağlığına kavuştu. Dersleri eski başarisina kavuştu. One day, while Sena was playing, she noticed that her eyes were blurred. She reported this to her family. They went to the doctor together. The doctor said that it was a temporary situation and it was because she was looking at the phone for too long. Sena stopped playing games on the phone. Her eyes regained their health. Her lessons regained former success . SALİH ETHEM
Kemal’e babası karne hediyesi olarak telefon almıştı. Telefona arkadaşlarından duyduğu oyunları indirdi. Arkadaşlarıyla whatsapp grupları kurup ordan iletişim kurmaya başladılar. Tatil başlayalı haftalar geçmesine rağmen arkadaşlarıyla buluşmamış, doğru düzgün evden çıkmamıştı. Annesinin göndermek istediği kursları türlü bahanelerle geçiştirdi. Ailesiyle yemek yerken bile telefonunu yanından ayırmıyordu. Gelen mesajlara hemen cevap vermek, oyunda canları yüklendiğinde hemen oynamak istiyordu.. (Kemal received a phone call as a report card gift from his father. He downloaded the games he heard from his friends to the phone. They started to establish whatsapp groups with their friends and communicate from there. Although weeks had passed since the start of the holiday, he had not met his friends and had not left the house properly. He passed over the courses his mother wanted to send, under all sorts of excuses. He kept his phone with him even while he was eating with his family. He wanted to immediately reply to the incoming messages and play immediately when their lives were up.) BERRA(ŞEHİT HASAN ALTIN SECONDARY SCHOOL) Bu durum biraz onun için zorlaşmaya başladı çünkü canı çok sıkılıyor ve çeşitli ağrılar hissediyordu yani kısacası hasta olmaya başlıyordu ailesi endişelenip hastaneye götürdü doktor onlara gözünde büyük bir görme kaybı var eğer ameliyat olmazsa gözünü kaybedeceğini söyledi Kemal çok korktu ve kendini odasına kapattı telefona da maalesef bu süreçte daha çok baktı. Ağrıları artınca tekrardan hastaneye gittiler. Doktor 2 gün içerisinde ameliyat olması lazım dedi Kemal endişelendi ve kendini tekrar odasına kapattı Ama bu sefer telefona bakmadı uyudu dinlendi hatta ders çalıştı ve kendini daha iyi hissettiğini söyledi doktora tekrardan gittiler doktor gözünün daha iyi olduğunu söyledi ve eve geldiler. Annesi Kemal'e bütün bunların saka olduğunu ve sırf Kemal'in telefonu bırakması için yaptığını söyledi. Kemal büyük bir ders almıştı o günden sonra gerekli olmadıkça bir daha telefona bakmadı. This situation started to get a little difficult for him because he was very bored and he was feeling various pains, in short, he was starting to get sick, his family was worried and took him to the hospital.The doctor told them that there is a big vision loss in his eye, if he does not have surgery, he was very scared and he closed himself in his room, unfortunately, in this process. he looked more. When their pain increased, they went to the hospital again. The doctor said that he should have surgery within 2 days, Kemal was worried and closed himself in his room again. But this time he did not look at the phone, slept, even studied and said he felt better, went to the doctor again, the doctor said that his eyes were better and they came home. His mother told Kemal that all this was joke and that he just did it for Kemal to leave the phone. Kemal had learned a great lesson and did not look at the phone again unless necessary.
BAHAR Bahar günün büyük bir çoğunluğunu teknolojik aletlerle geçirir. Ailesi biraz kilo alsın diye sürekli yiyecek bir şeyler verir. Bahar teknoloji dünyasında yol alırken neyi ne kadar yediğinin farkına varmaz. Teknolojiyle çok uğraşan çocuklarda olduğu gibi Baharda da düzensiz beslenme sonucu rahatsızlıklar başlamıştır Zehra, Bahar’ın hikayesini Gerek İlkokulundan tamamladı. Zehra’nın kilo alması üzerine ailesi Bahar’ı doktora götürmeye karar verdi.Doktor Bahar’ın aşırı kilo aldığını söyledi..Bu durumun sonunda okul da akranları ıle oyunlar oynamakta sıkıntı yaşayacağını söyledi.Bahar da bunu üzerine artık bilgisayardan,telefondan uzak durmaya karar verdi. EMİN Emin birinci sınıf öğrencisidir. Teknoloji ile arası çok iyidir. Hatta o kadar iyidir ki başından saatlerce kalkmamaktadır. Yemek yerken bile bilgisayar, telefon uğraşmaktadır ve yediği yemekten de bir şey anlamamaktadır. Kilosu da epeyce artmış farkına bile varamamıştır. Ailesi bu durumdan çok şikayetçidir. Ailesi bu duruma çözüm aramaktadır Ömer, Emin’in hikayesini Gerek İlkokulundan tamamladı. Emin’in aşırı televizyon izlemesi nedeniyle gözleri bozulmuştur.Bunun için ailesi onu doktora götürdü.Ona kullanması için gözlük verdi ama Emin bu durumdan hiç mutlu değildi.Mutlu olmadığı içinde teknolojiden artık uzak durup daha mutlu olmuştur. NUREFŞAN Elif telefondan video izlemeye bayılır. Bu konuda ailesiyle çok tartışmaktadır. Ailesinin dediklerine hep karşı çıkan, onlarla sürekli tartışan, agresif bir çocuk olmuştur. Ailesi bu duruma bir çözüm aramaktadır Melisa, Nurefşan’ın hikayesini Gerek İlkokulundan tamamladı. Nurefşan’ın aşırı televizyon izlemesi nedeniyle bir gün gözlerinde aşırı derecede bir ağrı ile uyandı.Bunun üzerine ailesi Nurefşan’ı doktora gitti.Doktor televizyon ile aşırı vakit geçirmesi nedeniyle gözlerinde bozukluk oldugunu söyledi ve ona takması için gözlük verdi.Nurefşan gözlüğü kullanmaya başladı ama aslında kullanmak istemiyordu bunun için de artık televizyon dan uzak durmaya başladı.Böylece Nurefşan televizyondan uzak kaldıkça arkadaşları ile vakit geçirmeye başladı ve gözlerindeki bozuklukta düzelmeye başladı.
ESRA Esra pandemi döneminde evden dışarı çıkamayınca aşırı teknoloji bağımlısı olmuştur. Sürekli bilgisayar ya da telefondan video izlemektedir. Video izlerken de sürekli yemek yemektedir. Böyle bir durumda aşırı kilo almaktadır. Ailesi bu durumdan çok şikayetçidir Elif, Esra’nın hikayesini Gerek İlkokulundan tamamladı. Esra’nın kilo alması üzerine ailesi Esra’yı doktora götürmeye karar verdi.Doktor Esra’nın aşırı kilo aldığını böyle giderse obezıte hastalığına dönüşeceğini anlattı.Bu durumun sonunda okul da akranları ıle oyunlar oynamakta sıkıntı yaşayacağını söyledi.Esra da bunu üzerine artık bilgisayardan,telefondan uzak durmaya karar verdi. ZEYNEP Zeynep bilgisayar oyunlarına oldukça düşkündür. Oyun oynarken sürekli bilgisayar başında oturmaktan aşırı derecede bel ve sırt ağrıları çekmektedir. Ama bilgisayarın başına oturduğu anda yine aynı şekilde oturmaya devam etmektedir. Ailesi bu durumdan oldukça endişe duymaktadır. Sedat, Zeynep’in hikayesini Gerek İlkokulundan tamamladı. Zeynep’in aşırı bel ağrısından dolayı ailesi onu doktora götürmüştür.Doktor Zeynep’in hareketsizliğinden dolayı ve sürekli teknoloji bağımlılığından dolayı belinde kamburluk hastalığı başladığını söyledi.Bunu duyan Zeynep artık bilgisayar başında oturmaktan ziyade dışarıda arkadaşları ıle oyun oynayarak hareket ederek kamburluğu da önlemiştir.
HİLAL ERDEM-İNKILAP PRIMARY SCHOOL (ERZURUM-HORASAN) BAHAR (Spring spends most of the day with technological tools. His family constantly gives something to eat to gain some weight. Bahar does not realize what and how much she eats while navigating the world of technology. As with the children who deal with technology a lot, discomfort started as a result of irregular nutrition in Spring. ) (After Zehra gained weight, her family decided to take Bahar to the doctor. The doctor said that Bahar gained excess weight. At the end of this situation, the school said that she would have trouble playing games with her peers. ) EMİN Ömer completed Emin’s story from the Primary School (Emin’s eyes are distorted due to excessive television watching. For this, his family took him to the doctor. He gave him glasses to use, but Emin was not happy at all.) (Emin is a freshman. He is very good with technology. In fact, it is so good that it does not get up for hours. Even while eating, the computer, the phone is busy and does not understand anything from the food he eats. His weight has also increased considerably, he did not even notice. His family is very complaining about this situation. His family is looking for a solution to this situation ) NUREFŞAN (Elif loves watching videos on the phone. He argues a lot with his family on this issue. He has always been an aggressive child who always opposed what his family said, constantly arguing with them. His family is looking for a solution to this situation.) (One day, Nurefşan woke up with a severe pain in her eyes due to excessive television watching. Upon this, her family went to the doctor Nurefşan said that she had a disorder in her eyes due to excessive time with television and gave her glasses to wear. Therefore, Nurefşan started to spend time with her friends as she stayed away from television and her eyes deteriorated.)
HİLAL ERDEM-İNKILAP PRIMARY SCHOOL (ERZURUM-HORASAN) ESRA (When Esra could not leave the house during the pandemic period, she became extremely addicted to technology. He is constantly watching video from a computer or phone. He's always eating while watching a video. In such a situation, he gains excessive weight. His family is very complaining about this situation .) Elif completed Esra's story from both Primary School. (After Esra gained weight, her family decided to take Esra to the doctor. The doctor explained that Esra gained excess weight and that if she goes like this, she will turn into obesity. At the end of this situation, the school will have trouble playing games with her peers. decided to stay away.) ZEYNEP (Zeynep is very fond of computer games. He suffers from extreme back and back pain from sitting in front of the computer while playing games. But the moment he sits at the computer, he continues to sit in the same way. His family is very concerned about this situation.) Sedat completed Zeynep's story from his primary school. (Due to Zeynep's extreme back pain, her family took her to the doctor. Dr. Zeynep said that due to her immobility and constant technology addiction, she started to have a humpback disease in her waist. Hearing this, Zeynep prevented the hunchback by moving outside by playing games with her friends rather than sitting at the computer.)
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