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Home Explore IPEx - Leadership Essentials & Master Booklet

IPEx - Leadership Essentials & Master Booklet

Published by khoeve1, 2015-04-28 16:02:25

Description: Leadership Essentials & Master Booklet

Keywords: IPEx


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LEADessEentRialsSHIP andLEADmEastRerySHIP

Institute for Professional Excellence.The Institute for Professional Excellence (IPEx) is the corporateeducation and coaching division at Davenport University. Offeringfocused, customized, and innovative collaboration with businesspartners, we identify development needs, leading to the deliveryof strategic programs that yield positive results.

Table of Contents: Presentation Leadership Essentials Skills Understanding Different Behavior Styles ..............................5 Creativity Motivating Employees ..........................................................5 and Innovation Communication Skills............................................................6 Conflict Resolution ................................................................6 Finance for the Problem Solving and Decision Making..................................7Non-Financial Manager Business Etiquette ................................................................7 Time Management ................................................................8Business The Art of Delegation ............................................................8 Ethics Leadership Mastery Leadership Theory and Practice ........................................10 Increasing Team Performance ............................................10 Strategic Planning and Tactical Action................................11 Managing Change in the Workplace ..................................12 Business Ethics ..................................................................12 Finance for the Non-Financial Manager ..............................13 Creativity and Innovation ....................................................13 Presentation Skills ..............................................................14Managing Change in Increasing Team Leadership Theory the Workplace Performance and Practice Strategic Planning Leadership Mastery and Tactical Action Conflict Problem Solving and The Art of Resolution Decisioin Making DelegrationCommunication Business Time Skills Etiquette Management Motivating Understanding Different Leadership Essentials Employees Behavior Styles START(616) 233-2580 · 3

IPEx: \"We deliver innovative learning performance solutions to produce competitive advantages for clients around the world.\" Core Values: • Delivering innovative and high quality products and services • Continually striving for excellence in all that we do • Listening, telling the truth, and operating with integrity • Being responsive, dependable, and customer-focused4 (616) 233-2580 ·

LEADessEentRialsSHIP Program Length: 4 or 8 HoursUnderstanding Different Behavioral StylesThis course builds awareness of behavior style and uses Learning Content:this newfound knowledge to increase effectiveness of • Defining behavior styles and differencesinteractions with others at work. • Identifying behavior styles and methods for interactionThis course can be the foundation for other applications in • DiSCinterpersonal communications, customer service, sales, • Interpreting/observing personal styleteam building, management and coaching. • Communication challengesBenefits to Organization: Learning Methods: • More insightful leaders • Case studies • Improved interpersonal communication • Discussion • Greater sense of mission and vision among • Small group and the team large group activitiesMotivating EmployeesManaging and leading are about getting things done Learning Content:through people. The difference between what employees • Explore the factors that affect performancecan do and will do depends a lot on their level of motivation. • Identify employee ability and desire (motivation)Understanding the motivating to performprinciples for success is the • Apply the understanding of behavioral styles tofoundation of this course. select the most effective strategy to improveThe end result is learning how performanceto turn compliance into • Identify the actions of a leader skilled atcommitment. motivating others • Utilize effective feedback as a tool to tapBenefits to Organization: into motives • Increased productivity and individual attitudes • An engaged workforce who understands how Learning Methods: actions and behaviors affect business success • Case studies • A culture where people want to do their best • Discussion • An organization that retains and attracts staff • Small group • Reduced absenteeism and turnover • Teamwork and large group activities(616) 233-2580 · 5

LEADessEentRialsSHIP Program Length: 4 or 8 HoursCommunication SkillsThis course will help participants understand the different Benefits to Organization:mehtods of communication and how to make the most of • Decreased confusioneach of them. These strategies will provide a great benefit • Less conflictfor any organization and its employees. They will trickle • Increased productivitydown throughout the organization and positively impacteveryone involved. Learning Content: • Identify and overcome barriers to communication • Listening actively and effectively • Asking important questions • Non-verbal communication Learning Methods: • Case studies • Discussion • Small group and large group activitiesConflict ResolutionSuccess in dealing with conflict comes from understanding Learning Methods:how we behave, as well as how we can influence othes. If • Case studieswe approach difficult situations with a plan, we will find that • Discussionwe have less difficult people to deal with. • Small group and large group activitiesBenefits to Organization: • Self-awareness regarding attitudes and conversations • Employees that will know how to respond to coflict • Optimized working relationshipsLearning Content: • Conflict as communication • Benefits of confrontation • Conflict resolution models • Dealing with anger and problems6 (616) 233-2580 ·

LEADessEentRialsSHIP Program Length: 4 or 8 HoursProblem Solving and Decision MakingDespite all the natural decision making that goes on and the Benefits to Organization:problem solving we do, some people are very • Critical thinkinguncomfortable with • Increased self-awarenesshaving to make • Improved teamworkdecisions. The keyto finding creative Learning Content:solutions rests in • Analyzing information to describe problemsour ability to • Problem solving steps and toolsidentify options, • Creating a plan for implementing and evaluationgresearch them, and decisionsthen put things • Common mistakes to avoidtogether in a waythat works. Having Learning Methods:a process to work through can take the anxiety out of • Case studiesproblem solving and make decisions easier. • Discussion • Small group and large group activitiesBusiness EtiquetteAppropriate professional behavior is typically not spelled • Initiating conversation using open-ended questionsout in job descriptions, but plays a significant part in the • Office/social behaviorcareer of leaders. Professional behavior promotes good • Meeting and greeting people with effectivebusiness. In this course, the basic rules of good businessetiquette are examined and practiced. introductions • Office interactions – respecting others’ timeBenefits to Organization: • Leaving a positive impression • Improved impressions of people outside and within • Business travel the organization • Networking • Optimized working relationships • Business social events & meals • Increased self confidence Learning Methods:Learning Content: • Case studies • Habits • Discussion • Self-assessment • Small group • Creating a presence – visual and vocal and large group activities(616) 233-2580 · 7

LEADessEentRialsSHIP Program Length: 4 or 8 HoursTime ManagementPersonal time management skills are essential for Learning Content:professional success in any workplace. Those able to • Prioritizing daily activitiessuccessfully implement time management strategies are • Handling crisis situationsable to control their workload rather than spend each day in • Organizing workspacea frenzy of activity reacting to crisis after crisis. These highly • Planning meetingseffective individuals are able to focus on the tasks with thegreatest impact to them and their organization. Learning Methods: • Case studiesBenefits to Organization: • Discussion • Increased productivity • Small group • Proactive planning and large • Motivated employees group activities • More organized environmentThe Art of DelegationEffective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you Benefits to Organization:can master. It reduces your workload and develops • Time managementemployee skills. Delegating prepares employees who work • Clear communicationfor you to be able to handle your responsbilities and • Engaged employeessimultaneosly allows you to advance to other careeropportunities within your organization. Learning Content: • Delegation techniques • Giving instructions • Common delegation pitfalls • Monitor delegation results Learning Methods: • Case studies • Discussion • Small group and large group activities8 (616) 233-2580 ·

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LEADmEastRerySHIP Program Length: 4 or 8 HoursLeadership Theory and PracticeThis session is designed to help leaders understand the Learning Content:foundation and application of beneficial leadership styles • Identify and interpret the characteristics of leadersand behaviors. This session sets the framework for • Define how a leader is different from a managerdesigning an action plan for furthering the ability to lead • Review and understand different leadership stylesothers, get things done and obtain results. Action plans • Indicate sources of leadership influence and powerwill be developed and used throughout the curriculum both • Identify values; align actions with valuesin class as well as with the participant’s own individual • Formulate a vision, share the vision, and engageleaders. others in the vision • Discuss innovation and risk takingBenefits to Organization: • Define actions needed to foster collaboration, build • More confident, goal-directed leaders trust, empower and motivate others • More empowered employees • Increased productivity and Learning Methods: goal accomplishment • Case studies • Increased motivation • Discussion • Small group and large group activitiesIncreasing Team PerformanceThis course focuses on leadership of a team and how to • Discuss role of mission, vision, and valuesbest build a team to get things accomplished together in a • Study team processes which keep the team movingtimely fashion. This course acknowledges differences inpeople and uses this knowledge to increase effectiveness of and barriers to effective teamworkinteractions with others at work. The secret of team • Discuss issues of trust building, conflict vs.performance is managing both the process and the peoplein synchronization. collaboration, commitment accountability, and focus on resultsBenefits to Organization: • Develop strategies for working together to increase • Greater sense of vision and mission among productivity and satisfaction; benefit from diversity the team of background and communication styles • Increased trust, goal clarity and commitment • Adairs Action-Centered Management Model • Teams that reach their goals more quickly • Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development • Improved interpersonal communication • Six Thinking Hats • Improved conflict resolution and prevention skills Learning Methods:Learning Content: • Case studies • Analyze behaviors of effective and dysfunctional • Discussion teams • Small group and large group activities10 (616) 233-2580 ·

LEADmEastRerySHIP Program Length: 4 or 8 Hours Strategic Planning and Tactical Action • Understand the purpose of an organization’s strategies and their impact on functional businessTactics that put strategies into action are critical elements to units within the success. Most organizations have strategies;however, 70-90% of businesses with formulated strategies • Learn to develop and use the strategic planningfail to execute them appropriately. This session will provide tools such as SWOT, cascading goals, tacticala better understanding of strategic planning and provide action plus balance scorecards, Benchmarking, andways to mobilize your goals and objectives into tactical Best Practices.action plans that get implemented at all levels of theorganization to provide clear accountability and measurable • Understand the importance of communication withresults for greater success. all levels of the organization throughout the strategic planning process.Benefits to Organization: • Practical knowledge for leaders to plan and direct Learning Methods: specific actions which affect our business • Case studies • Real-time response to internal and external • Discussion business challenges • Small group and large group activities • Increased need for leaders to understand interdisciplinary issues in order to respond and predict significant business changes • Continuous connection between corporate initiatives and operational planningLearning Content: • Assist leadership in understanding both the concepts and hands-on building blocks of strategic planning. • Gain day-to-day meaning of key success factors, benchmarking and best practices. • Understand framework and process for strategic and operational planning • Develop a SWOT Analysis and goal strategies based on SWOT Matrix • Understand the inter-relationship between an organization’s mission/values and its strategies.(616) 233-2580 · 11

LEADmEastRerySHIP Program Length: 4 or 8 HoursManaging Change in the WorkplaceAdapting to changing business conditions is crucial in • Understand the process of transition andtoday’s economy. This course will prepare the manager to the individualview change as a necessary and positive aspect rather thansomething threatening. Armed with an understanding of • Analyze symptoms and causes of resistancechange dynamics, the manager will be better prepared to to changelead positive and constructive change. • Learn how to move people past status quoBenefits to Organization: and support a change • Greater understanding of the dynamics of change • Managers who know how to coach and support • Review four conditions of change and best employees through changes in the workplace approach for each • Increased morale and team productivity • Prepare for a conversation about change with anLearning Content: individual or group • Discuss change and today’s workplace realities • Identify the manager’s role as a change agent Learning Methods: • Case studies • Discussion • Small group and large group activities Business Ethics • Analyze the ways that professional ethical decision- making relates to employee motivation, employeeThis course explores applied ethics, focusing on selection, training, managerial authority, responsibil-professional situations in business. Participants will learn ity and accountabilityethical theory as they examine the complexities of ethicaldilemmas, compare and contrast ethical and moral systems • Recognize theand apply creative and critical thinking to ethical dilemmas social and legalinvolving professional decisions. ramifications of unethicalBenefits to Organization: business • Improved decision making by organizational leaders practices • Lowered risk of legal ramifications due to unethical business practices Learning Methods: • Case studiesLearning Content: • Discussion • Evaluate case studies demonstrating actual moral • Small group and large group activities dilemmas faced by managers and employees in diverse professions (616) 233-2580 ·

LEADmEastRerySHIP Program Length: 4 or 8 HoursFinance for the Non-Financial ManagerKnowing how to Learning Content:read financial • Define and understand general financial andstatements can be economic terms and concepts used in dailyinvaluable in management operationsanalyzing business • Describe the basic financial management functionsopportunities, • Obtain a general working knowledge of profit andassessing financial loss statements, also known as income statementsrisks, and • Obtain a general working knowledge of thecommunicating ideas to others. This session will show statement of financial position, also known as thehow financial data is generated and reported and how it is balance sheetused for decision making, analysis, and valuation. • Obtain a general working knowledge of how to analyze financial statementsBenefits to Organization: • Incorporate the competencies learned to enhance • Increased knowledge of financial drivers of success managers’ abilities as they manage departments or • Tools for practical application in business units to divisions in a cost-effective and profitable manner identify, forecast and predict financial success and/or challenges Learning Methods: • Increased understanding of the role each leader • Case studies plays in his/her contribution to corporate • Discussion overall success • Small group and large group activitiesCreativity & InnovationWe often go through our days on autopilot, doing things the Learning Content:way they have always been done. Have you thought of the • Identify practices that help your creative thinkingopportunities you’ve been missing to do better or, faster? and innovationFree your creative thinking and discover your great ideas. • Learn strategies to connect with your creative selfWhether you are in marketing, sales, accounting, or • Learn how to approach daily and big picture issuesoperations, you can benefit and approach situations from a more effectively in groups and break down barriersfresh perspective. to innovation.Benefits to Organization: Learning Methods: • Transform problems into opportunity for learning • Case studies and growth • Discussion • Encourage new thought process and ideas • Small group and • Increase collaboration and sharing of ideas large group throughout the organization activities(616) 233-2580 · 13

LEADmEastRerySHIP Program Length: 4 or 8 HoursPresentation Skills: Communicating Your Message with Confidence and CredibilityThis course is specifically designed for managers, Learning Content:supervisors and team leads who use formal and/or informal • Project verbal and non-verbal behaviors ofpresentations to communicate with their internal and/or confidence and credibility when presentingexternal customers. Learners will develop effective a messagepresentation skills that increase credibility, aid in retention of • Create an objective for the communication that willthe message and motivate the receiver to take the desired guide in content developmentaction. The skills developed also result in projecting more • Learn strategies to understand the needs ofconfidence (polish) in everyday communications. the audience • Determine the appropriate presentation format toBenefits to Organization: support the objective –informational, motivational • Improved presentation behaviors that project or persuasive credibility and confidence in the organization • Learn the critical elements of an effective opening • Leaders who are comfortable presenting to engage the audience immediately • Improved communication • Prepare content quickly and easily based on the message objective and the needs of audience • Use methods to manage nerves and anxiety before, during and after the presentation • Facilitate a lively, interactive question and answer period • Five techniques to solicit questions from the audience • Methods to respond to audience questions including negative or confrontational questions • Use visual aids effectively to support the message Learning Methods: • Case studies • Discussion • Small group and large group activities14 (616) 233-2580 ·

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