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Individual Journal-CULLADO

Published by Jannielle Tatad Cullado, 2021-05-15 13:02:36

Description: Midterm period journal


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Individual Journal B-MGAC202 Jannielle T. Cullado BSA21

Corporate Culture and Corporate Governance Having been able to discuss corporate culture and corporate governance, I really came to understand why companies have and strive for a culture and governance that would help the whole organization to work well as a whole. A company’s culture is indeed a sum of a company’s beliefs in action. The ways in which a company performs business, handles workflow, connects as a team, and treats their customers all add up to an experience that can reflect who they are as an entity. This simply shows that culture can be a reflection of the company’s core values. As a result, businesses strive to create an exceptional culture that will help them boost their company's brand and reputation, as well as increase overall efficiency, profitability, and employee engagement. Moreover, having a strong and effective governance would contribute to the development of an ethical corporate culture, which leads to improved results and sustainable business operations. This would also be helpful for a company to become more productive, and allow them to unlock new opportunities. Further, good corporate governance can reduce risks, and enable faster and safer growth as well as improve reputation and foster trust.

Philosophical Theories and Traditions Before I made the decision of the career path I had an interest in trying out, I was very keen into learning about subjects such as philosophy and psychology. I knew it would always have a part in any form of study or in any aspect of life. And I have proven that theory with the help of this topic. I was right to think that those two subjects will still have some contribution in my education. For example, today we talked about how ancient philosophers would make a link about their ideas on certain situations where a human being’s psyche will be put to the test. The concepts of Utilitarianism, Virtue Ethics, and Deontology were discussed and the main difference between them was given light. From identifying what would be the greater good and challenging whether I would be the type of person that cared about saving the life of many over one soul or the other. Also, I knew that the human being’s upbringing would have some sort of involvement in the way we think and that theory was also supported when we talked about virtue ethics. Those were the big ideas of today’s topic that stuck to me out of many other interesting topics.

Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants Today, we tackled about another interesting topic in the realm of professionalism. It was about the code of ethics that not only accountants have to abide to but even other professionals as well. The topic revolved around words such as integrity, objectivity, competence, behavior, and confidentiality. At first, they were as simple as what anyone can think of when those words are mentioned. But then other words came to mind and it was like a puzzle where it all connected in my head and I started to make a more solid connection between these words that happened to be the core principles when we talk about the code of ethics. For example, the idea of Nepotism, I thought that it was just as simple as an employee hiring his or her relative and adding him into the mix of the business but then I made the connection that it was actually an example of how the principle of objectivity was being violated.

Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants To be objective means that you have to avoid any form of conflicts of interest and be unbiased in the hiring process and that is how I made two and two together. Integrity I thought was as simple as being truthful but it somehow relates to the name that a person or a company had built to get to the position they have and breaking it is as good as saying that you have failed to keep your promise to be professional. These two principles really were where my head was wrapping around in but as I have mentioned there were three or probably more that we haven’t got to touch base upon. As a professional there will definitely be situations where such values will be put to test and we will be faced with tough decisions that would directly connect to that. I think that it really would just depend on whether what we studied in this degree would be retained and therefore ultimately be used properly.

Ethical Decision Making: Personal and Professional Contexts Under this topic, we were enlightened that not all the time, terminating an employee is unethical. For the reason being that, there are certain valid reasons why an employer came to a decision to terminate an employee. During this discussion, it was emphasized that there are unacceptable actions that an employee could possibly do that can result in his termination, just like misconduct, disobedience, fraud, commission of a crime and more. These things can cause one’s termination, so as an employee and a professional, we must ensure that we are fulfilling our roles and obligations in the business we work for with integrity and diligence. It was also stated that employee job satisfaction is more dependent on their work environment and established relationships with their coworkers than on the amount of money they are paid. I believe that workers are the most important factor in a company's ability to improve its success and productivity. Thus, corporate leaders and managers should concentrate on providing their workers with the care and rewards they deserve in order to inspire them to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. This way, companies can grow stronger with the help of mutual trust. Not only do they get to keep their employees, they also build morale that is infectious all around the company resulting in better outcomes and better overall performance.

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