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Home Explore DBK Yearbook

DBK Yearbook

Published by sjarjour, 2017-11-21 04:35:09

Description: DBK Yearbook


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YEARBMedical 6-2017 Projects UK The Medical Projects UK, a new and exciting international program, wasimplemented for HST2 and HST3 students. Six students from DeBakey travelled to Transylvania where they shadowed doctors at St. Constantine Hospital in Brasov, Romania. OOK 201 98

YEARB 6-2017 School Trips & Merits Field Trips The school celebrated positive behavior by rewarding students with merit field trips to The Adventure Room (Sem 1) and bowling (Sem 2).  Pictures include the HST Dental field trip to Prime  Dental Center and the American History trip to watch “Hidden Figures” as a part of their studies on the Civil Rights and the Cold War.  OOK 201 99

YEARBFrench 6-2017 Field tripThe French classes went on afield trip to Paul’s where they ordered their food in French to practice their skills.  Bon appetit!  OOK 201 100

YEARB 6-2017 QSTP Field Trip Students enrolled in the Physics and Intro to Engineering courses toured GE (General Electric) premises at QSTP (Qatar Science and Technology Park) to observe the engines at GE Aviation, Health Machines at GE HC, and Oil & Gas extraction lecture and a sailboat competition.  OOK 201 101

YEARB Art 6-2017 Field TripGrade 6 & 7 Art students enjoyed a guided tour to the Picasso- Giacometti exhibition and they showed their creativity by drawing a cubist portrait inspired by Picasso’s paintings. OOK 201 102

YEARB 6-2017 Field Trip Day Students enjoyed field trips by grade level, where they had time to have fun with each other while addresesing character trait topics upon their return to school. G6 & G7 students went to kayak the mangroves while G8 to G11 went to Novo Cinema. OOK 201 103

YEARBField Trip 6-2017 Day OOK 201 104

Book Fair International Week Qatar National Day Sports Day Family Fun Day March Reading Madness Science Fair End of Cycle Activities End of Cycle Certificate Assemblies Principal’s Awards Ceremony Book Fair WSidcehoEovle-nts International Week Family Fun Day Sports Day Qatar National Day Book Fair International Week Family Fun Day March Reading Madness Sports Day Science Fair POO1rK0in250c1 ipal’s Awards Ceremony End of Cycle ActivitiesYEARB 6-2017 End of Cycle Certificate Assemblies

YEARBBook Fair 6-2017 Thirteen bookstoresparticipated in DeBakey’s annual book fair event this school year,as well as Qatar National Library.DeBakey’s Book Fair was open to the public, and three schools participated in addition to families and friends of DeBakey students. OOK 201 106

YEARB 6-2017 International Week DeBakey High School’s International Week celebrates the wide cultural diversity of DeBakey and our students’ role as global citizens by learning more about their contemporary’s cultures, food, and languages while forming a greater understanding of their own place in the wider community. OOK 201 107

YEARBInternational 6-2017 Week OOK 201 108

YEARB 6-2017 Qatar National Day DeBakey High School celebrated Qatar National Day with art and sports competitions, Dukan El Ferij, Keram & Jailers board games, traditional dances and food. The speaker of the event, “Mr. Q.” Khalifa Saleh Al Haroon, an active Qatari social Media celebrity enlightened students about self-accountability and innovative thinking. OOK 201 109

QatarNational Day YEARB OOK 2016-2017 110

YEARB 6-2017Sports Day Students and faculty participated in team sports and fun games throughout the day. While DeBakey offers a challenging American curriculum, this was a day of fun competition and team building amongst students and faculty members. OOK 201 111

YEARBSports 6-2017 Day OOK 201 112

YEARB 6-2017 March Reading Madness March Madness was a month of activities centered around English which included a middle school Spelling Bee, a High school poetry SLAM competition, book-themed games and crafts, plus writing and reading  competitions. OOK 201 113

YEARBMarch 6-2017ReadingMadness OOK 201 114

YEARB 6-2017 Family Fun Day DeBakey celebrated its first family fun day this year. Students, friends, faculty and families enjoyed the day that was full of fun activities and tasty food choices. The day ended with a talent show. OOK 201 115

YEARBFamily 6-2017Fun Day OOK 201 116

YEARB 6-2017 Science Fair Hands-on scientific investigation and invention were the focus of our Sciece Fair 2017. Grade 6-12 Science and HST students designed, tested, analyzed, and presented their projects that used scientific method of research to solve a problem. OOK 201 117

Science Fair YEARB OOK 2016-2017 118

YEARB 6-2017 Principal’s Awards Ceremony The 2017 Principal’s Awards Ceremony recognized students who exceeded expectations. Awards were granted for academic excellence with All A’s, Subject Area Outstanding Achievement, Perfect Attendance, Volunteer Excellence, Leadership and Citizen of the Year awards in addition to Middle and High School Outstanding Student of the Year. OOK 201 119

YEARB OOK 2016-2017 120

YEARB 6-2017End of Cycle Awards Assemblies End-of-Cycle Awards assemblies take place at the end of each cycle to recognize students on the Honor Roll and High Achievers. Additional awards for many competitions and university workshops were distributed as well. OOK 201 121

YEARBEnd of Cycle 6-2017 AwardsAssemblies OOK 201 122

YEARB 6-2017 End of Cycle Activities At the end of each cycle and to enjoy their time after studying hard for cycle exams, students participate in various activities as sports games, chess & foozball tournaments, track relay, non-uniform days, and Movie Day. OOK 201 123

YEARBEnd of 6-2017 CycleActivities OOK 201 124

Mathematics Department Health Science Technology Department Science Department Social Studies Department English &Languages Department Arabic & Islamic Department Electives Department Mathematics DepartmentHealth Science Technology Social Studies Department Department Electives Department DepartmentsScience Department Health Science Technology Department Mathematics Department Science Department Social Studies Department English &Languages Department Arabic & Islamic Department Electives Department Health Science Technology Science Department Department OOK 201YEARB 6-2017 125

YEARBMathematics Department 6-2017DeBakey High School’s Math department offers severalcourses that range from Grade 7 to 12. We have a strongfaculty to teach courses such as Grade 7 and 8 Math,Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus. Studentsare also offered AP courses such as AP Calculus AB/BC andAP Statistics. We have had excellent results from the CollegeBoard AP exams and are looking forward to next with moreAP students and better AP scores. Khan Academy is usedto help Calculus students practice on a regular basis to beprepared for the rigorous AP exams.If one day at the year screams “party!” in Math Class, thatday is March 14. Grade 7 and 8 students had a “Pi Day”,where they celebrated the Mathematical constant pi (π).Many activities were held that day such as eating “pi”food, converting things into pi, Celebrating Albert Einstein’sbirthday, and having a competition in memorizing digits ofpi.Geometry students were able to apply what they havelearned about circles: equation of a circle/circumferenceof a circle/length of an arc and area of a sector, on round-shaped food. They were surprised to know that Math wasactually DELICIOUS!!! OOK 201 126

YEARB 6-2017 Science Department The Science Department of Michael E. DeBakey High School- Qatar works collaboratively to motivate and teach students to scientifically approach the world by incorporating critical thinking, problem solving, and real-world application of science concepts into every classroom. We believe that students learn best when they are engaged in hands-on activities, so we incorporate laboratory activities in our state-of-the-art Chemistry, Physics, and Biology labs to enable students perform laboratory practical experiments. The Science Department team realizes that fostering complex mental capacities in all students takes time. Students bring a range of experiences, skills, and abilities to the classroom. Research indicates that students learn best by doing and then having adequate time to reflect on what they have done in order to reconcile their findings with their previous understanding of the world. An integral part of our curricula is field experiences that we have developed with community partnerships that offer students real world applications. Our focus on the interchange of ideas, both through discussions (science talks, peer-to-peer talk, etc.) and written work (sketches, notebooks, exhibitions, etc.), is vital to transform students into a community of scientifically literate citizens. The Department successfully hosted the school’s science fair for all students in their science classes culminating in the nominated projects from each class competing in the annual DeBakey High School Science Fair competition. OOK 201 127

Health Science Technology Department2016-17 academic year saw someexciting growth in HST with collaborationswith other educational entities both inQatar and internationally. HST studentsparticipated in the SEHHA program, CNAQSkills Competition, Weill Cornell sponsoredevents such as the Qatar AspiringDoctors Program, High School MedicalConference and “Healing Hands EssayCompetition. HST students entered theMinistry of Education Scientific ResearchProject competition and were invited toparticipate in The Ministry of Public Healthstrategy launch. We saw many wins andsuccess in these amazing programs.Grades 6, 7 and 8 Health classes and HSTclasses integrated technology in theirlearning with the implementation of FlipClassrooms. The students used Mix and“Sway” programs from Microsoft to dotheir projects as we implemented projectbased learning throughout the year.HST 1 students and teachers becamecertified by Hamad training center in CPRand Basic Life Support. HST 2 studentsHST Depttook their knowledge one step further with hands on experience performingdifferent dental procedures at QatarPrime Dental Center. HST 3 studentsparticipated and became certified inHamad rotations, where they exploredthe various departments at HMC as partof their clinical training. In addition, TheMedical Project UK, a new and excitinginternational program was implementedfor HST2 and HST3 students. DeBakeystudents travelled to Transylvania wherethey shadowed doctors at St. ConstantineHospital in Brasov, Romania. The mission ofthe Department of Health Sciences is toenable students to develop the criticalknowledge and skills required to assumeprofessional responsibility and leadership inhealth promotion and disease prevention.The year was not complete without ourAnnual Science Fair where all Health, HSTand Science classes participated andshowcased their research and innovationskills. OOK 201 YEARB 6-2017 128

YEARB 6-2017Social Studies Department The Social Studies department at DeBakey High School teaches courses with an emphasis on critical thinking, integration, striving for understanding, and undertaking positive community actions. We teach Social Studies as an integratedsubject in the scope and sequence of the discipline. Students are encouraged to play an active role in their study of social sciences. A variety of assessments are used to demonstrate proficiency including self-assessment, projects, presentations, and research papers, in addition to tests and homework. OOK 201 129

YEARBEnglish & 6-2017 Languages DepartmentThe English and Foreign LanguageDepartment doesn’t just read booksand write papers. Every grade level hadnew learning adventures this year thattook the focus of reading, interpretation,and writing into new spheres of criticalthinking. We had many hands-on learningopportunities that ranged from field trips tomaking interpretive sculptures of mythicalcreatures to putting on self-written plays.Students deepened their understanding ofliterature and themselves through reflectivejournals, performance poetry, and originalstories. In addition, the English departmentsponsored March Literary Madness whichinvolved a month of activities includingSpelling Bees, a poetry SLAM, a writingcompetition, and book-related activitystations. All of these activities helped buildthe foundation of creative thinking in therealm of English which, in turn, builds thefoundation for college level reasoning inwhatever department our future graduatesfind themselves. OOK 201 130

YEARB 6-2017Arabic & Islamic Department The Arabic and Islamic Education department is vibrant, active, and provides students with many different avenues for study. Students can study Arabic and Islamic Education as a first language, following the Ministry of Education local government syllabus, or Arabic as a Second Language in addition to Islamic Studies in English. Learning is not confined to the classroom. Students can take advantage of the educational trips organized by the department. Religious and cultural events are celebrated on a whole school level; the Arabic and Islamic Education members of staff take the lead in organizing wonderful and memorable occasions such as Qatar National Day. OOK 201 131

YEARB Electives 6-2017 DepartmentAt Michael E. DeBakey High School, theElectives department is committed to providinga learning environment that encourages allstudents to maximize their potential, therebyoffering them an opportunity to display higherabilities.We aim to ensure that all students have had theopportunity to learn and succeed in PhysicalEducation, Performing, and Visual Art.The Physical Education curriculum is designedto develop students’ knowledge and skills formovement with continued social developmentto exhibit a physically active life style. Ourstudents are challenged to show their abilitiesin different sports such as Basketball, Volleyball,Handball, Football, Track and Field, as well assports-related fitness including coordination,balance, speed, agility, flexibility, power, andreaction time. They also develop values andgood social behaviour.The Music/Drama curriculum is designed todevelop students’ talent and skills in musicand performance. Our students learned howto play different musical instruments (guitar,piano, african drums, and flute recorder), aswell as learning about music theory. In Drama,students performed different musicals in class.The Art curriculum is designed to developstudents’ perception, creative expression, plushistorical and cultural relevance. Our studentsexperimented with different techniques,materials, and art styles to create their artwork.Student work ranged from creating paintingsin abstract expressionism, fauvism andimpressionism style, to portraits, optical illusions,Islamic geometric patterns, and clay sculptures. OOK 201 132

Lend a Hand Club Music Club Table Tennis Club Tech Club Recycling Club School Craft & Decoration Club Book Club Chess Club Rota Club Clubs Debate Club Sport Clubs Book Club Lend a Hand Club Music Club Recycling Club School Craft & Decoration Club Table Tennis Club Sport Clubs Debate ClubYEARB OOK 2016-2017 Tech Club Chess Club 133

YEARBLend a Hand Club 6-2017 Music Club Recycling Club OOK 201 134

YEARB 6-2017 Table Tennis Club School Craft & Decoration Club Book Club OOK 201 135

YEARBChess Club 6-2017Tech Club OOK 201 136

YEARB 6-2017 Rota Club OOK 201 137

YEARBMUN & Public Speaking Club 6-2017 OOK 201 138

YEARB 6-2017 Debate Club OOK 201 139

YEARBDebate Club 6-2017 OOK 201 140

YEARB 6-2017 Sport Clubs OOK 201 141

YEARBSport Clubs 6-2017 OOK 201 142

Student Life @ DeBakey Staff Life @ DeBakey DeBakey Parents Student Life @ DeBakey Student Life @ DeBakey Staff Life @ DeBakey DeBakey Parents EDvLeiefrBeydaaaktyey DeBakey ParentsStaff Life @ DeBakey Student Life @ DeBakey DeBakey Parents Student Life @ DeBakey DeBakey Parents Staff Life @ DeBakey Staff Life @ DeBakey Student Life @ DeBakeyYEARB OOK 2016-2017 143

YEARBStudent Life 6-2017 @ DeBakey OOK 201 144

YEARB 6-2017 Student Life @ DeBakey OOK 201 145

YEARBStudent Life 6-2017 @ DeBakey OOK 201 146

YEARB 6-2017 Student Life @ DeBakey OOK 201 147

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