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Home Explore DeBakey-October-2017-NewsPaper


Published by sjarjour, 2017-11-16 04:58:42

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DEBAKEY       TRIBUNEDelivering News to You ISSUE NO: 1; OCTOBER 2017FRreoemmLBeufts: aAtlii(PNraeismidi(eSnetc),reatnadryM),aAryhadmKuAsbhbaa(sV(iPcearPliaremseidnetanrti)a, nR)oba Osman(Treasurer),Get To Know Education Vs. Think PinkThe Principal Politics Day

CONTENTSpg.3 pg.9TÊTE-À-TÊTE WITH MR. SAIDI EARLY ACCEPTANCEMr. Issa Saidi, DeBakey's Principal, tells us DeBakey seniors discuss the prerequisitesabout what inspires him to lead. to secure a future. pg.5 pg.10A TASTE OF DEMOCRACY FROM BLUE TO WHITEA  photo essay on what goes behind the Transitions are always hard, especiallyscenes of the annual student elections. when you have moved from middle school to high pg.11-12EDUCATION VS. POLITICS THE MENTAL DILEMMAThe blockade on Qatar violates a basichuman right - the right to education without An analysis on the stress and student mentalbias. pg.13THE KIND TOUCH OUT & ABOUTCalgary nurses tell us why they like A round up on the various school activitiesspending time at EDITORIAL TEAM REISE | PAGE 2THINK PINK DAY CHIEF EDITORS: Maad Al Naema;DeBakey Senior Office collaborates with Shaikha Al Thanithe Calgary nurses to raise awareness on ASSISTANT EDITORS:the deadly C - cancer.  Tara Mitic; Noof Al Naama SUB-EDITORS: Haya Fakhri, Tamir Ibrahim, Islam Sharief; Khalid Mousa LAYOUT DESIGNERS: Wiqas Nugroho; Nadin Khalil

INTERVIEW ISSA The doors of the principal's office Mr Issa has always been loved by SAIDI has always held a sense of doom students. The man has been a and foreboding. But this feeling member of the school for a veryMr.Issa Saidi, the new Principal of disappeared as soon as it came as long time and is known to theDeBakey High School, tells us we entered the office of our DeBakey family.what inspires him to be a leader principal, Mr. Issa Saidi.  In a short interview we got to knowand be the champion of providing He greeted us with a warm smile the man behind it all. Thehigh quality education. that immediately pushed any interview  covered most of the nervousness out of the door. He important questions that willBY ALAE AHMAINE & SHOUQ AL THANI welcomed us with chocolates and surely answer your questionsPHOTO: MOHAMMED AL SHARIEF made us feel at home in his office.   regarding our new school principal.

What would be your ideal school environment and \"When facing challengeshow would you encourage that kind of culture? you have to set a targetTo me an ideal environment would be the kind where wefeel like one family, as family makes you feel safe and and know what is thehappy. I am sure at least 90 percent that everybody here is outcome you want andhappy with the environment and everyone is enthusiastic then resolve it by lookingand efficient. at what were theHow seriously do you take discipline? possibilities that causedDiscipline is the first step to success. By following the rulesyou respect and appreciate the environment you are in. the problem.\"How do you handle challenging situations? - Mr. Issa SaidiI have been in management for more than 20 years, sochallenge is the simplest thing I can face. When facingchallenges you have to set a target and know what is theoutcome you want and then resolve it by looking at whatwere the possibilities that caused the problem.What are some ways that you connect with yourschool community?We normally connect by meetings or emails, but I preferdirect communication and take everything case by case.How do you aspire to be a champion for the cause ofeducation and a role model for the many educators inQatar?DeBakey is among the best schools in Qatar as evaluatedby the Programme for International Student Assessment(PISA) and my goal is to keep up this good reputation. Iwould also like to help the other schools by offering andsharing our knowledge, expertise and experience.As a principal, you are expected to have good time-management skills. How do you organize your day today activities to meet the various demands andcommitments required of you?I find it best to prioritize my list as I am dealing with manydifferent things and I usually keep a one-year calendar tohelp me keep track of all the deadline and meetings.What message do you have for us?You should be proud of yourself and the efforts you put inyour studies. I would also like you all to set targets andwork towards your goals.What will be your fingerprints on this building afteryou leave?I’ve been a member of the DeBakey family since itsinception. I saw it develop through the years and wasalways there for it. So my finger prints are already there.

PAGE 4 A Taste of Democracy By: Dai Ashraf and Ghaya Al-Suwaidi On October 12 2017, the DeBakey student family announced their verdict. In the annual student council elections, a few students came out blazing in glory taking on coveted titles that many only dream of having. And, none of this success came with in the snap of fingers! Here we try to capture essentially the backstage drama of what goes down in an election...Vote for me OR else.. What did I get myself Yaaaaassss into ? #yougogurllWho should I vote for ? Say my name... say my Take it easyyyy #ootd#slay#confused name #anticipation Photo Credit: Ghaya Al-Suwaidi

PAGE 5EDUCATION VS. POLITICS BY MOHAMAD HAMADFor the past five months, the media The National Human Rights Committee in Qatar urged universities in neighboring nations to “set asidehas been bombarded with news of political differences and take into account the rights of Qatari students and not put obstacles in the way ofthe blockade on Qatar, and it their right to education.” A recent graduate from DeBakey High School, Reemwouldn’t take long for any update to Hamad, applied last summer to the University of Sharjah for medicine, and to her surprise, thebe reported and broadcast acceptance letter arrived later, but with a twist. It stated clearly that she has met the requirements.internationally. However, due to the political dispute she could not be accepted to study in the United Arab Emirates.But, the real question is how the As reported by Al Jazeera, early June this year, “Latest enrollment figures have shown that there are at leastblockade has affected people in ways 199 students taking summer courses at universities in Doha who are from countries locked in a diplomaticother than food and travel. Education dispute with Qatar. For them the future is uncertain. They didn’t want to be interviewed because of the riseis one of the main aspects of life and in tension, but they’ve told their classmates that they may have no choice but to abandon their courses.\"an overall human right that has been Safa Babikir, a student of Georgetown University in Doha states in her interview with Al Jazeera: \"Well,impacted.  certainly there have been students that have been forced to relocate and are considering findingThe idea that a university student could be banned alternatives to pursue their education, however, manyfrom graduating and could be sent home because universities have been advocating on their behalf forof something as trivial as citizenship, or the total them to be allowed to continue their studies hereshutdown on acceptances from any student who because this is an incredibly distressing situationhas the slightest ties with Qatar is a violation of the actually.”basic international rights. Education and politics are two very strong aspectsAs noted by the Qatar News Agency, “Violations were that define a nation, but these should not mix, for ashown in several ways, such as not allowing Qatari student should not be limited in any way, shape, orstudents to complete exams at the end of the form on the basis of political differences.academic year, and refused to give them certificatesof graduation and the closure of their educationalaccounts as well as the termination of theirregistration arbitrarily without giving reasons.”   

PAGE 6 THINK PINK Story C by: Amal A The nursing students from the Malik University of Calgary have been with the DeBakey High School Calgary nurses join hands with DeBakey for L for since October. They visited Health Science classes and have Think Pink Day. also continually assisted the DtehCBoaauklggehaytrsysotnunudtrehsneetssinochtneotrohvleieairwnds G school nurse; Ms. Valsa James. its initiatives. In addition, they helped organize, © Luakned pGaortliccihpeatred in the ‘Think A Pink Day’. The soon-to-be nurses set up a booth to spread R awareness within the students on cancer through educational activities. When they were asked Y what they thought of DeBakey, they said that they “really, really like it here”, and they think that N “the relationship between the students and teachers... is amazing”. They also added that U Health Science Technology students have the “same R knowledge” as them, being third- year nursing students. Fatemah Zadeh, one of thePics: Luke Golcher S nursing students, very enthusiastically said “I want to come here some day, and work E as a school nurse for DeBakey!\" © Luke Golcer S

PAGE 7 OVERCOME  THROUGH  COURAGE  &  STRENGTH  Math HOD Nadeem Rajput & Seniors.SHOW YOU CARE, BE AWARE ONE NURSE, ONE PATIENT,  ONE STEP  The Calgary nursing students tookDeBakey students work their magic to sell the handmade origami leadership along with the DeBakey Seniorpink flowers created by the Art club, under the guidance of the Art Office to organise the eventteacher, Mrs. Maria Del Mar Garcia Pics: Joelle Hazzouri DEBAKEY CELEBRATES THINK PINK DAY By Waad Ahmed The annual Think Pink day took place on 19th , October 2017 at DeBakey High School. This year’s ‘think pink’ day was held by the Senior office, in collaboration with nurses from the University of Calgary. The event took place during both high school and middle school recess breaks.Various activities such as a nail painting SUPPORTING THE FIGHTERS, ADMIRING THE SURVIVORS,station, a photo booth, origami flowers, and HONORING THE TAKENa bake sale were held. QR 4000was collected and it was all donated to the The DeBakey staff and teachers display their support for theQatar Cancer Society.  Think Pink Day

PAGE 8 EARLY BIRDS: DeBakey seniors seen with Counselor Mrs. Elisabeth Abi DaoudEarly It's only a month since school started, and \"This meant that the university guarantees already, universities' acceptance letters you a place for the next year only if you take the foundation program.\"A c c e p t a n c e have been finding their way to our DeBakey A lot of the seniors who received their seniors. acceptance letters, said they were \"full of joy,\" and \"relieved,\" especially that most of Most of the seniors who got accepted them were accepted to the universities on the top of their lists. \"It was a huge sourceBY ALAA HUSSAIN applied to outside countries like the United of stress for me and so when I got Kingdom. They sought help from both their accepted it relieved me a lot,\" said senior Saif Ibrahim. It wasn't only their joy andMAHA ALSULAITI counselor, Mrs. Elisabeth Abi Daoud and her pride but also their counselor's pleasure as she responded to all the acceptances with contacts in the U.K. Seniors used many a smile and said \"When I started getting emails filled with acceptance letters I was online common apps such as UCAS, the elated and also very proud to see their hard work pay off!\" Common App (U.S.), and UNAC (Ontario When asked of the prerequisites to achieve this early acceptance, most seniors University in Canada). The seniors also used recommend other seniors said in a unified voice: Be responsible and work hard to Naviance, a software used to submit most reach your goal. Never give up no matter how far the goal was from you. Working applications. \"I assisted seniors through the hard is the key to success.\" application process through college prep classes, meetings, workshops and universities' expos, only to name a few. Naviance has been our best friend for it provided career exploration and is an asset in the college application process,\" said Ms. Elisabeth. Senior Mehdi Delfi stated that the acceptance was to a foundation program.

PAGE 9From Blue ShirtsTo White ShirtsBy AbedelrahmanAbulibdeh & Aya RudwanTo quote Neil Armstrong- it’s a Moving on with the subjects,small step in the school, but a they are into the specifics suchgiant leap for the students. The as biology, algebra and worldjump from middle school to high geography. IPC is known to beschool may seem small, but it can so far the hardest subject basedbe stressful, pressurizing, and on the majority of the 9thmust be held with great graders.responsibility. Here at DeBakey “It’s not hard, as long as youHigh School, stress is something study you will have the potentialthat students learn to adapt of succeeding and learning well”-quickly and efficiently. said a 9th grader who didn’tThe 8th graders are moving on to want to be named. “I believe thata much higher curriculum and they are more mature. Grade 9grade level that involves much definitely requires more hardmore stress and responsibility. work but I think they are coping,”The SAT is one of the biggest said Ms Abimbola Abidogun,leading causes to stress Head of the Social Studiesaccording to the 9th Department.graders. They are worried to put The transition from cycle tests totheir GPA in jeopardy because it semester exams is the mostcould affect the outcome of many difficult and stressful partthings. “Grade 9 students are according to the 9th graders. It isadvised to start preparing for the more work and they are requiredSAT test and our school to cover more material; it takesadministers the PSAT test in up more time and has a muchgrade 10 as a practice for the bigger effect on the totalSAT. The SAT should be taken in outcome.grade 11 coupled with the Overall the 9th graders find highIELTS &TOEFL so when they school to be “moderate” butenter their senior year they can much more stressful andfocus on college applications and pressurizing than middle school.their academics. There for, this They believe that they canwill reduce the additional stress,” overcome this by studying hardsaid Mrs. Elisabeth Abi Daoud, and being dedicated tocounselor. achieving the honor roll.

PAGE 10ADDRESSING stress from family and stress about belief andMENTAL HEALTH values as sources of anxiety.By Mariem Gharbi & Humyra Najdan 67 percent of students believe the pressure and tension they suffer from stems fromPicture this: Someone comes up to you, school, while 33 percent believe otherwise.dreading the thoughts that eddy in their Over 75 percent of students find it difficult tobrain as it slowly cripples their human feel relaxed while stressed, and 48 percent ofcharacteristics. They tell you that this them find it hard to pay attention class,feeling is like a vortex pulling them down. remember things, and even sleep.This is just an example of how a teenagerwould feel in a state of depression. It starts The survey concludes that students' mentaloff with anxiety-- feeling unease and always health is generated by multiple factors thatworried about everything. It creates a revolve around their environmentalvoid, pressured by changes and unpleasant conditions, including schools and Furthermore, when asked about the symptoms that most students suffer fromMore than often, families are unequipped to when stressed, the majority chose lack ofdeal with this level of anxiety disorder and confidence, headaches, and anxiety/panicdepression. Many teenagers believe that attacks.depression stays like a birthmark,reminding them constantly of their Mr. Wayne Van Sitters, the Pastoral head at\"worthlessness\". And, unfortunately, many DeBakey, says, “We help the individual who isturn to self-harm as a mechanism for relief. struggling and do our best to encourage their parents to refer to a specialist. The way toA survey conducted by us reveals the core of manage mental health is to set a foundation,this problem. The survey was sent to instead of diving into the core of the problem.students in three schools, including First step is to divulge your inner strength,DeBakey. Inevitably, 92 percent of the that way the issue becomes easier to tackle.”respondents agreed that school was their The school authorities have also set upprimary source of stress.  mentorship programs where school staff and teachers are assigned students to establishHowever, 43 percent of students chose personal relations wherein the latter are ableemotional stress, while 36 percent selected  to open up about any issues that affect them. 

PAGE 11By Ahmad Nauf

PAGE 12OUT & ABOUTENTERTAINING EDUCATION GOIN' THE XTRA MILE By: Reem Busati By: Reem Saleh & Anke GolcherThe Educational Expo occurs each year at Clubs are important part of DeBakey student life.DeBakey High school where it includes universities Osama Hijazi of Grade 11 said: “There is a bigfrom Qatar Foundation, including College of impact on students after joining clubs, as itNorth Atlantic-Qatar and the Qatar University. increases their academic performance as well asThis year the expo was, yet again, a great decreases their overall stress”. Students choosesuccess. \"I found out that people wanted to get to participate in clubs mainly because they’reinto the medical field, as it was the most popular enjoyable and educational. Also, clubs arebooth,” says Roba Osman, a senior at DeBakey. rewarding for everyone in their own way, as theyMost universities provide booklets, while others provide valuable knowledge. Yazen Sheikhah,send emails. These include different information who’s an 11th Grader, in the Debate club said:from scholarships to different activities to clubs “Clubs are beneficial beyond personal gain.and all \"exciting pictures”. aving a university expo Some clubs give volunteer hours and some grantnot only increases students’ knowledge, but also you an advantage in college applications.” Thisgrabs students’ interest. Said Mrs. Elisabeth year, the school has given an extra opportunityAbiDaoud, Couselor, \"All booths were flooded for students that it's now possible to be in twowith the attendees, particularly Weill Cornell, clubs. Saif Nassar, current junior, said: “This willTexas A&M, and the medical program at Qatar increase club participation and would perhapsUniversity.\"  lead to more after school activities in the future.” SPORTING SPIRIT By: AbdulRehman Al Serhi & Mohammed Mohammed AlaaDeBakey High school always prefer its students tostay active in school, so that’s why it provides themwith many new ways to participate with differenttypes of sports and clubs during and after school.However, this year, a new program has come upwith another way of participating in sports otherthan clubs and usual physical education lessons.‘The After School Program’, has been organized tocover all aspects of physical education and sports– they have also introduced kickboxing.Furthermore, the after school program consists ofmany more after school activities such asbadminton, table tennis, athletics, gymnastics, andhandball. Says Amal Malik of grade 11, “Mr. DwayneBrown (teacher) and Mr. Umair Farooq (teacher)played badminton with me and Joelle Hazzouri(grade 11 student) and it was really intense andcompetitive”.

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