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Home Explore NATIONAL OFFICE - Eng (3)


Published by Davroon Nuriddinov, 2021-08-04 14:04:05

Description: NATIONAL OFFICE - Eng (3)


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MINISTRY OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN National Office for Technology Transfer and Innovation Implementation PD Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 29, 2020 No PF-6097. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PR dated April 1, 2021 No PQ-5047.

The main functions of the national office The National Office carries out the tasks and functions assigned to it directly and through the regional organizations that are part of its structure. creation, introduction, reproduction and commercialization of the results of scientific activity, innovative products and services, including new devices, materials and technologies, based on the needs of the real sector of the economy and the social sphere; active participation in the selection, evaluation and implementation of commercialized projects, attracting investment for their commercialization, holding forums, international fairs and exhibitions; development of consistent cooperation in the field of science and innovation with scientific, design and technological organizations and production organizations Development of international cooperation in the commercialization and implementation of innovative ideas, projects and technologies, as well as assistance in the transfer and localization of technologies developed abroad

NATIONAL OFFICE FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION IMLEMENTATION • MAIN STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS • NATIONAL OFFICE FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES: Study the needs of Providing consulting Development of Technology Holding forums, the economy services cooperation transfer international fairs ➢ Results of scientific activity ➢ Formation of research projects ➢ Scientific organizations, Assistance in the transfer and and exhibitions ➢ Innovative products ➢ Implementation of financial and ➢ Project-construction, localization of technology ➢ New devices ➢ Technological organizations, developed abroad ➢ Selection of projects ➢ Materials and technology economic calculations ➢ Production organizations ➢ Active participation in ➢ Application of marketing Promote the transfer of national evaluation and implementation Evaluation Development of consistent technologies abroad ➢ Attraction of investments Create methods cooperation in the field of Implementation Organization of training science and innovation courses THE PROCESS FOR BRINGING THE INNOVATIONS TO THE MARKET 1. Research 4. Protection 7. Licensing 2. Disclosure 5. Marketing 8. Commercialization 3. Evaluation 6. Choosing a partner 9. Revenue and Benefit to society

NATIONAL OFFICE FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION IMLEMENTATION • MECHANISMS OF ACTIVITY • NEEDS OF ECONOMY Study the needs of Analyze and adapt Acceleration Supporting 01 the economy and 02 solutions to needs 03 programs, 04 developments of the appropriate solutions organization of projects and their and create a foundation trainings and prototyping educational courses 07 Development of 06 Facilitate the 05 Supporting projects of international implementation of talented youth cooperation innovations INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT 08 Implementation of 09 Organizing events to Involvement of digital 11 Facilitate the technology transfer promote innovations implementation of 10 technologies in the innovations in the implementation of innovations regions

SYRDARYA BUSINESS ACCELERATOR (EDUCATIONAL-PRACTICE CENTER) Areas of study: Youth employment Development of small business - 3D prototyping Encouraging young people to - Food industry entrepreneurship Career guidance - Light industry - Craftsmanship - Household services New work places 150/course Project implementation period December 2020


ANDIJAN EXPERIMENTAL AND EXHIBITION AREA The purpose of the project: Training new professions Creating a counseling center as an Facilitating self-employment of the Increasing the income of the population experimental area for targeted audience population through the transfer of mini- through the cultivation and processing of (young scientists, inventors and farmers) technologies medicinal plants on the basis of innovative technologies Areas of activity Total land area: 9.0 ha Medicinal plants: Propagation, cultivation and Manufacture of Crop area: 8.0 ha • Amaranth processing of medicinal pharmaceutical products, Production area: 0.85 ha (4 different varieties) plants feed for livestock Administrative territory: 0.15 ha • Stevia Production of energy/energy Involvement of the • Silybum saving devices population in the cultivation • Khelba of medicinal plants Production capacity (of 1 year): • Amaranth – 20 tons • Feed – 1500 tons • Medicinal plants – 16 tons • Electric energy – 21.900 kW

International Robotics Challenge «Tashkent Robo Challenge» (May 2018) «FIRST Global Challenge-2018 Mexico» (August 2018) «International Robotics Challenge-2018» (October 2018) «KazRobotics» Robotics Festival (December 2018) «International Robot Olympiad» Grand D Challenge (September 2019) «FIRST Global Challenge-2019 Dubai» (October 2019) «International Robotics Challenge-2019» “The First OIC Robotics Challenge” (October 2019) «The 21th International Robot Olympiad 2019» (December 2019)


Purpose Problem DIRECTIONS: Increasing the knowledge of young people in Lack of knowledge of young people about innovation, startups, technology, programming, as GAME well as developing skills in project development startup project creation, teamwork, DEVELOPMENT project marketing and commercialization and commercialization ROBOTIC Result IT Solution Promotion of innovative activity by the Holding a 20-days technological selection of scientific and technical inventors UI / UX development marathon among students among youth, as well as support for the MARKETING in the premises of the Ministry of creation of new equipment, technology and ELECTRONICS INTERNET OF THINGS Innovative Development competitive products 3D PROTOTYPING Registration Technological education Team Building Project creation Project acceleration Project marketing and commercialization


GII TOP 50 InnovGalobtailon U Z B E K I S T A NGLOBAL INNOVATION INDEX Index Uzbekistan has moved up 9330 places to rd place in the Global Innovation Index rankings.

INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF INNOVATIVE IDEAS - \"INNOWEEK.UZ\" Number of visitors Number of participants Contracts concluded 2018 52 Number of contracts and memoranda signed in 2018-2019 1 966 - higher education institutions 260 668 - foreign guests and representatives of 16 local businessmen and large companies 41 318 – representatives of ministries and departments 2018 йил 2019 йил 2018 2019 537 - school students 65 - employees of commercial banks Amount of contracts and memorandums 214 - representatives of religious institutions signed in 2018-2019 in US dollars ($) 53 - officials of foreign companies and leading research centers 5278 112,85 223,6 7700 mln. $ mln. $ 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 1537 – higher education institutions 738 – individual entrepreneurs 683 – scientists 2354 – school students 634 – representatives of ministries and departments 91 – employees of commercial banks 70 – representatives of religious institutions

INNOWEEK 2020 The Main Events of the International Week of Innovative Ideas ONLINE exhibition APCTT regional virtual seminar 6 events 7 foreign 11 countries 6 countries International Innovation International Robotics 25 foreign 5 local 200 24 and Investment Forum Challenge 10 local speakers participants speakers speakers 120 4 fields 5600 participants participants 12 23,299 111 6,422 83 International Asian and Pacific International World Youth Innovation and Centre for Transfer of Robotics Innovation Conference Investment Forum Challenge Technology Number of articles in local digital media Number of Number of Number of foreign Number of Number of Number of Reports on local TV Number of materials in events held observers in the countries observers in the organizations channels foreign digital media during the week online exhibition in the online week participating in the Number of online Number of articles in week exhibition broadcasts on local TV print media channels 564 The value of contracts The value of investment 236,6 15 60 30 Number of materials between local agreements signed with mln. $ Number of photo 3 15 on local TV channel mln. sum entrepreneurs international partners materials on social 300 20 50 networks Number of posts on Facebook

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Membership in the Asia and Pacific Watergen Technology Transfer (Israel) - The Official Representation of the International Robotics Centre for Transfer of Technology – Gen-350 is an energy-efficient air-to-water Olympiad Committee - Memorandum of Understanding National Office of Innovations has generator that allows more water to be signed between the Center and the International been confirmed as the official generated through the air with less power representative of Uzbekistan in the consumption. Robotics Olympiad Committee - IROC in Manila, Asia and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Philippines. Technology. The Republic of Korea is implementing several projects in cooperation with Eco-packaging and KCOOPAGRO A memorandum of understanding was Polish Agency for Enterprise Development Agency (PARP) – Global Robot Cluster (GRC) together with signed with the Federation of Robotics of Memorandum of Understanding signed between National three other countries, as an entity that the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazrobotiks) Office of Innovations and intends to represent most of the in the framework of the Week of countries in the world, under the Innovative Ideas \"INNOWEEK\". objective of promoting exchange and collaboration in the field of robotics. Uzbekistan has been admitted as the 11th member state of the “Global Robot Cluster”.

MINISTRY OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN National Office for Technology Transfer and Innovation Implementation University Street. 7, Olmazor t. ,, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan. 100174 Phone: +99871 203-32-23 Email: [email protected] Web:

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