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Home Explore 16_setting Goals 6-8

16_setting Goals 6-8

Published by Empowering Education, 2018-01-26 22:48:36

Description: 16_setting Goals 6-8


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The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one. —Mark TwainBig Ideas For This Lesson Goal Setting: Defining Your Purpose At Home Resources Level: Middle School (6-8) Concepts: • Character Education • Goal Setting • ValuesA dream is a powerful thing. Every great achievement was once a dream – nothing more than an idea. It is the constantattention in the direction of your dream that points the way even in the face of challenges and setbacks.Goal setting is the process through which we transform our dreams into reality. When we set effective goals, we areliterally harnessing the power of our dreams. In this way, we begin to understand the truth behind often misunderstoodconcepts like “What you think you become,” or “the law of attraction” – not as a magical, effortless process but in thenitty gritty of how we consciously shape our thoughts and actions around our dreams, ideas, and goals.In class this week students identified their core values and wrote a personal mission statement. Core values are the prin-ciples and guidelines by which you live your life. A personal mission statement summarizes your values and provides abig picture goal for living your life. Knowing your core values and mission statement is like having a compass for life. Youmay not always be able to see your end destination, but as long as your decisions are in line withyour values and yourmission you know you are headed in the right direction. Essential VocabularyCore Values: The principles and guidelines by which you live your life. Values help you make decisions, know right fromwrong, and choose how to act and treat others. Principles, preferences, or guidelines concerning appropriate behavior; asense of “right and wrong;” overarching ethical and moral themes for a group or individual.Mission Statement: A 1 -2 sentence statement that summarizes an individual’s or group’s core values and big picturepurpose.SMART Goal: An acronym used to provide structure and accountability to goal setting. The five parts of a SMART goalinclude: Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Rewarding, and Timely.Purpose: The intention, aim, or goal of person or group. The reason(s) why something is done.© 2017 Empowering Education, Inc. PAGE 1 of 2 All rights reserved.

GOAl SETTING | GRADES 6-8 PracticeAsk your student to share the mission statement they made in class. Working with your student, decide on a wayto display this mission statement somewhere prominent so that they will see a daily reminder. You may choose todraw, paint, or decorate the mission statement, or even to write it in dry erase marker on the bathroom mirror.Discuss your student’s mission statement and ask how you can support your student in living their life in line withtheir core values.Methods of support may include goal check-ins, encouragement, timeline, rewards, and affirmations. Student Resources• Blackbird Fly by Erin Entrada Kelly (Grades 5 – 8)• Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson (Grades 5+)• Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan (Grades 5 – 8)• The Dreamer by Pam Munoz Ryan (Grades 5 – 8)• Dare To Dream!: 25 Extraordinary Lives by Sandra McLeod Humphrey (Grades 4 – 7)• It’s Our World, Too!: Young People Who Are Making a Difference: How They Do It - How You Can, Too! by Phillip M. Hoose (Grades 5 – 8)• Real Kids, Real Stories, Real Change: Courageous Actions Around the World by Garth Sundem (Grades 4 – 8)• Three Wishes: Palestinian and Israeli Children Speak by Deborah Ellis (Grades 5 – 8)• Setting Goals Activities (Kiwanis Terrific Kids)• Goal Setting Templates (Activity Village) Adult Resources• Help Your Child Make and Reach Goals (Video2:37)• The Beginner’s Guide to Goal Setting (Blog)• Stop Procrastination!: How To Set Goals, Implement Daily Routines And Increase Productivity! (Personal Development, Time Management, Productivity) (Book) by Lee Laughton© 2017 Empowering Education, Inc. PAGE 2 of 2 All rights reserved.

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