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KV NO 1 Chandimandir E School Magazine 2023

Published by Shashi Singh, 2023-07-25 13:16:02

Description: KV NO 1 Chandimandir School Magazine


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Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Chandimandir Cantt e-patrika

Principal’s Message The present time has witnessed numerous changes in various fields – Technology, trade, travel, tourism ,Health ,wellness and Education. Therefore teaching fraternity needs to strive endlessly to give prolific meaning to education and equip the students with such skills that provide them with opportunities where they can realise their vision for the future. It is important to nurture our students into expressive and creative beings. While emphasis on studies is irrefutable, an equal push is needed to trigger children’s imagination. A good balance between academic and extra-curricular activities shape students to lead a more fulfilling and holistic life .Learning should be integrated, an enriching experience for body, mind and soul. As educators, let us continue to nurture the creativity of students. A school magazine is suitable platform extending valuable opportunities to young talent to express their creativities. The co-operative efforts of students, parents and teachers is at the heart of the virtual education during these testing times. The massive efforts made in a short time to respond to the shocks to education systems , remind us that change is possible. We should seize the opportunity to find new ways to address the learning crisis and bring about a set of solutions previously considered difficult or impossible to implement. I wish all the students of KV.No.1 Chandimandir Cantt to achieve excellence in every walk of life. All of us do not have same talent. But, all of us have an equal opportunity To develop our talents APJ Abdul Kalam

Hindi Section सपं ादकीय प्यारे विद्यावथयि ों ि सावथयों! आज जब हम नई विक्षा नीवि की बाि करिे हैं िो विद्याथी के सिाांगीण विकास को सिोपरर रखिे हैं वजसमें उसके बौविक विकास के साथ-साथ भािनात्मक , सिं गे ात्मक एिं रचनात्मक विकास का वििषे ध्यान रखा जािा है। अपने वनर्ारि रि लक्ष्य िक पहचं ने के वलए हम एकजुट होकर वनकल पड़िे हैं और कभी-कभी मागि मंे मासमू प्यारे विद्याथी जब थक जािे हंै िो अक्सर प्रश्न करिे हैं क्या हम भी इन पवक्षयों की िरह विचरण कर पाऐगं े ,अपनी कल्पना िवि को घोड़े बनाकर कब दौडाऐ़ा गं ,े भािनाओं के पखं फै लाकर खलु े आसमान की सैर कब करंेगे? िब उनके इन प्रश्नों का उत्तर दने े के वलए हम हर िषि एक सरलिम माध्यम लेकर आिे हैं जो उन्हंे वबना पंखों के खुले आसमान की सरै करने का, अपनी भािनाओं को दसू रों िक पहचं ाने का, रंग वबरंगी दवु नया को कै निस पर उिारने का रास्िा प्रिस्ि करिी है जी हां यह है हमारे विद्यालय की ई पविका । यह एक ऐसा प्लटे फामि है जहां पर आप अपनी प्रविभा को वनखार कर दसू रों िक पहचँु ा सकिे हैं ,सावहत्य सजृ न कर अंदर की घटु न से मवु ि पा सकिे हंै ,अपनी कल्पना से उन्मिु गगन के पंछी की िरह उड़ान भर सकिे हंै विगि स्मवृ ियों को साकार कर पषृ ्ठ पर उिार सकिे हंै िो आइए प्यारे विद्यावथयि ों ि सावथयों हमारी यह पविका आप सब के छोटे-छोटे प्रयासों स,े उमड़िी भािनाओं से ,हसं ी की फु हारों से ,वचिकारों की वचिकारी से ऐसी उड़ान भरना चाहिी है वजसमें हम सब एकिा के सिू मंे बरं ् जाऐगं ।े आिा है आप इस कायि मंे अपना पूणि सहयोग देगं ।े राष्ट्रकवि मैवथलीिरण गुप्त की कवथि पवं ियों के साथ सब को उज्जिल भविष्ट्य की िुभकामनाएं देिी हं। वनज गौरि का वनि ज्ञान रहे हम भी कु छ हंै यह ध्यान रहे मरणोंत्तर गवुं जि गान रहे सब जाय अभी पर मान रहे कु छ हो न िजो वनज सार्न को नर हो ना वनराि करो मन को मीनू बाला स्नािकोत्तर वि. वहन्दी

एक वदन िुम्हारा भी नाम होगा, िमु ्हारा भी सत्कार होगा, िमु कु छ वलखो िो सही, िुम कु छ आगे पढो िो सही, िमु चलो िो सही, िमु चलो िो सही। सपनों के सागर में कब िक गोिे लगािे रहोगे, िुम एक राह चुनो िो सही, िुम उठो िो सही, िुम कु छ करो िो सही, िुम चलो िो सही, िुम चलो िो सही। कु छ ना वमला िो कु छ सीख जाओगे, वजंदगी का अनुभि साथ ले जाओगे, वगरिे पड़िे संभल जाओगे, वफर एक बार िुम जीि जाओगे। िमु चलो िो सही, िमु चलो िो सही। ~दीपा वसहं कक्षा-12िीं 'अ'

हरी-हरी खेिों में बरस रहे हैं बदूं ंे खिु ी-खिु ी से आया सािन भर गया मरे ा आुँगन । ऐसा लग रहा है जैसे मन की कवलयँु वखल गयी िैसे ऐसा वक आया बसिं लेके फू लों का जश्न।। र्पू से प्यासी मरे े िन को बूंदें ने दी ऐसा अँगु डाई कू द पड़ा मरे ा िन मन लगिा हंै मंै एक दामन।। यह ससं ार हंै वकिना संदु र लेवकन लोग नहीं उिने अकलमंद यही है एक वनिदे न न करो प्रकृ वि का िोषण।। आयुषी नायक कक्षा नौवीं ए.

मंै और मेरा भाई हम एक जसै े हंै पर हम वबल्कु ल अलग हंै सब कहिे हैं िो मुझ जैसा है माुँ कहिी है ये सबसे अलग ह|ै लडिे हंै बहि, बहि झगडिे ह,ंै माँु कहिी है िमु दोनों एक जसै े हो पर मैं कहिी हुँ हम वबल्कु ल अलग हंै | हाँु एक बाि िो है ना िो मेरे वबना रह पािा है ना मंै उसके वबना, दवु नया है िो मरे ी और मैं उसका जहाँु िो कोई और है नहीं िो है मेरा प्यारा भाई.... सोनल वसहं कक्षा सातवीं बी एक अच्छा विक्षक । एक विक्षक एक विद्याथी के जीिन में बहि महत्िपूणि होिा ह।ै एक विक्षक मंे बहि सारे गणु होिे ह।ैं विक्षक के पास कई जानकाररयां होिी हैं । एक अच्छा विक्षक एक विद्याथी के जीिन में ज्ञान,र्ैयि, अनिु ासन ,आवद से मजबूि आकृ वि का वनमािण कर दिे ा है । एक विक्षक एक विद्याथी के जीिन को हर िरह से सफल बनाने का प्रयास करिा ह।ै ज्यादािर विक्षक रचनात्मक िरीके से बच्चों को पढािे हंै वजससे विद्याथी एकाग्र हो सकें । एक विक्षक हर विद्याथी की आिंका, वजज्ञासा को दरू करिा ह।ै विक्षक ज्ञान प्रकाि और समवृ ि का भडं ार ह।ै विक्षक कभी बरु े नहीं होिे हंै के िल उनके ज्ञान दने े का िरीका अलग अलग होिा है वजससे बच्चों के मन मंे हर विक्षक के वलए एक अलग अलग छवि बन जािी है। - समीक्षा। - नौवीं 'ब'

सबको है प्यारी अपनी जान, पिु हो या इसं ान पिुओं को बचाएगं े,र्रिी पर संिवु लि जीिन बनाएगं े घायल पिुओं की करो सेिा मि बनो इनके वलए जानलेिा जानिर है दिे की िान हमें होना चावहए ,इन पर मान मि काटो जंगलों को इनको स्थान दो इनमंे चलिी सासं े हैं इनको भी सम्मान दो पिु है समाज का वहस्सा, अगर मारोगे िो बनकर रह जाएंगे वसफि वकस्सा मैं भी साथ िू भी साथ मानि और जीि साथ साथ जीिो की रक्षा करें आरुष वबश्नोई कक्षा सातवीं बी मेरा प्यारा स्कू ल यह मेरा प्यारा स्कू ल नहीं सकिा मैं इसको भूल मां ने मुझको जन्म वदया और वदया ढरे सारा प्यार स्कू ल ने मेरा ज्ञान बढाकर मेरा जीिन वदया सिं ार खबू खेलो और पढो िमु कहिी यह हमारी टीचर बड़े होकर प्रण िमु करना देि की सेिा करेंगे वमलकर कोई िकील कोई दिे का निे ा कोई डॉक्टर, इजं ीवनयर होगा भारि विश्व में बनेगा अव्िल हर कोई जब विवक्षि होगा यह मेरा प्यारा स्कू ल नहीं सकिा मैं इसको भलू . सोनाक्षी

आज तिरंगा फहरािा है आज तिरं गा फहरािा है अपनी पूरी शान से। हमंे तमली आजादी वीर शहीद ं के बतलदान से।। आजादी के तलए हमारी लंबी चली लडाई थी। लाख ं ल ग ं ने प्राण ं से कीमि बडी चुकाई थी।। व्यापारी बनकर आए और छल से हम पर राज तकया। हमक आपस में लडवाने की नीति अपनाई थी।। हमने अपना गौरव पाया, अपने स्वातिमान से। हमंे तमली आजादी वीर शहीद ं के बतलदान से।। गांधी, तिलक, सुिाष, जवाहर का प्यारा यह देश है। तजय और जीने द का सबक देिा संदेश है।। प्रहरी बनकर खडा तहमालय तजसके उत्तर द्वार पर। तहंद महासागर दतिण मंे इसके तलए तवशेष है।। लगी गूँजने दस ं तदशाएँू वीर ं के यशगान से। हमंे तमली आजादी वीर शहीद ं के बतलदान से।। हमें हमारी मािृिूतम से इिना तमला दुलार है। उसके आँूचल की छै याूँ से छ टा ये संसार है।। हम न किी तहंसा के आगे अपना शीश झुकाएूँ गे। सच पूछ ि पूरा तवश्व हमारा ही पररवार है।। नाम - तप्रयंका मीना किा – XI

गुरु कोरे कागज को अखबार बनािा है , गुरुको वजंदगी का हर वहसाब आिा है , रंग-वबरंगे फू लों से िो संसार को एक सदुं र बाग बनािा ह,ै िही िो है जो िारों को भी रोिनी दके र खुद सरू ज बनकर जगमगािा है , नटखट ििै ान बच्चों की लाख ििै ावनयां सहिा है, वफर भी गरु ु र्यै िि ान रहिा है , ज्ञान की एक एक बदंू से सींचिा है िह अपनी फसल , िभी िो विष्ट्य कभी अजिुन िो कभी राम बनकर परचम लहरािा ह|ै दीिािं ी र्ीमान 'ब' ग्यारहवीं कक्षा

English Editorial Once again we are glad to be back with the new edition of Vidyalaya E- Patrika 2023. Vidyalaya Patrika is an amazing portal to express our views, aspirations, zeal and creative talents. Our creative aspirations are the expression of values we cherish most, be it friendship, love and regard for elders and younger people around us. Nowadays world is full of uncertainties for teachers and parents because they are not the only ones who are imparting values to the new generation but our children and students are randomly picking up values from cheap sources and internet with a click of button we have to censor them to a certain extent so that we (teachers and parents) can impart a life sustaining education without which it is not possible to lead a congenial life. Education is not about bookish knowledge but it should also be about practical or skill development that makes a person to stand up on his toes, a fundamental foundation for any country state or nation .Education which draws a thick line between right and wrong, a ladder that takes us to the height where we belong. . ‘Brain controls the body and a strong body is result of strong brain training’ which is the need of hour. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan across the country endeavours to provide conducive environment for brain training. We here at KV No 1 Chandimandir are making every possible effort and endeavour to achieve this target with our dynamic Principal at the helm of all affairs. Aristotle once said that ‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no Education at all’. We are lucky in this respect as the articles and poems which are presented in this magazine are very sensitive and reflection of the compassion and kindness in hearts of our students. We owe special gratitude to Principal Mr. R .C Sharma whose dynamic and ever inspiring persona is behind the progress of KV NO.1 Chandimandir. I take this opportunity to thank students and teachers who contributed towards the making of this magazine. “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will.\" Mrs Shashi Bala PGT English

English Section LIFE: A BEAUTIFUL BOOK Life is a story in pages That gets printed since birth ages. You soured in sky, you fell in disguise Things are mentioned in every line. At the time of death you realise your ambitions that are left too few Situations occured to test you. But you didn't realise that they were to shape you. At last age you remember your every take, But it's too late to realise your mistake Life is like a story book, While filling the pages you need to be careful Or else you'll spoil your whole story All because of your silly fury. It's your life, your decision With how much care and precision You want to spare, or want to spend It beautifully because after death you can't repent. 12A Women empowerment Women empowerment is one of the most critical and essential things that everyone should support. It is when women are given the most power and right to make decisions for themselves. Women have been subjected to injustice through decades. They have been treated as non-existent for decades. Women were else was always making decisions for them. This is one of the biggest reasons for women’s empowerment. It was one of the essential things which were the need of the hour. Women were made aware of their rights. Along with their rights, women were taught

how to be self-independent in all aspects of their lives. They were taught how to create a space for them where they can grow and become the people they want to be. The men always had all the rights. However, the women didn’t have any of these rights, even a small right like voting. Things changed when women realized that they, too, need equal rights. This brought along the revolution by the women demanding their rights. It spread the awareness that gender shouldn’t be the reason for that things go in their favor. Countries all over the world called themselves, ”progressive countries” but every one of them has a history of ill-treating the women. Women in these countries had to fight against the systems to get the freedom and status that they have achieved today. However, in India, women’s empowerment is still lagging. There is more awareness that needs to be created for the awareness to spread. India is one of the countries which is not safe for women, and there are several reasons for the same. One of the reasons for their lack of safety is the danger of honor killing. Families think that it’s the right to kill the female if they have brought shame to the family and reputation of the family. Another big problem that women face is that there’s a lack of education. Women are discouraged from pursuing higher education in the country. Along with that, they are married early. The men dominating the women think that the role of women is limited to work for them. They don’t let these women go, and these women have no freedom. Piyush X B Pollution Pollution is a introduction of harmful materials into the environment. Pollution damage the quality of air, water ,and land. Pollution has reduced the usable amount of natural resources. Harmful gases and chemicals from the chimneys of factories pollute the air. The enormous use of plastic has given rise to plastic population millions of people get killed every year due to pollution related disease. Ties to reduce pollution Reduce the number of trips you take in your car. Avoid burning, leave trash ,and and other materials.

No to plastic bags, use the paper bag instead. Use of fan instead of air conditioner. Avoid usage of crackers. Turn off the light when not in use. Using public transport is a sure short way of contribution to less air pollution. Anshu Kumari 10th 'B' \"YOU CAN\" If you think you're beaten, you are..... If you think you dare not, you don't..... If you like to win, but think you can't..... It's almost a cinch, YOU WON'T !! If you think you'll lose, you're lost..... For our in the world you'll find..... Success begins with a fellow's will..... It's all in a state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are..... You've got to think high to rise..... You've got tobe sure of yourself before..... You can ever win the prize. Life's battles don't always go..... To the stronger, or faster man..... But sooner or later the one who wins..... IS THE ONE WHO THINKS HE CAN !!! Knowledge is Power \"Knowledge Is Power\" is a famous proverb which shows the importance of knowledge. It is a state of awareness about everything. It means that if someone has the power of knowledge then he has the ability to cross every obstacle in his path. Knowledge is something that

differentiate between a man and an animals. It is because knowledge that man is called as the most intelligent creature on earth. Knowledge is not same like learning. The knowledge that we gain overtime comes from our experience with other human beings. Indeed, knowledge is the only power which has led any country towards progress. It is the power that will serves us whole life and the key to live a successful life. It can make a week person the strongest person in the world. Leena X-B *Discipline* When I deeply go in search, Find disciplined the universe. Well ordered by natural laws, Governed, dynamic, without flaws. All the plants molescules, Element, atoms go by rules. Divinely disciplined, so safe, Go on without deforming shape. Indisciplined a life, we live Disorder is all we give. Fights, tensions , quarrels, hate, Sick at heart, I'll fated fate. Law and order if we bring, To life and be disciplined, Safe, smooth, the life will run, Deeds will be perfectly done. Shreya Sangha IX-B ARTICLE We all know the power of motivation. When we are motivated,we experience such a powerful self that no dream is too big for us. Motion becomes the fuel for the life which helps you achieve your dreams .Here ,you will find a collection of motivational articles that can help you to get success in life. With this motivation , we can change our lives with what we can do to survive, we have to do

something we need to do. So that we can survive with this, we have to become complacent in our life . BHARTI XB The value of sports The value of sports and games is recognized by all academics. Books develop our mind. Sports develop our body. In a healthy body there is a healthy mind. Everyone wants to be free from diseases. Everyone wants physical fitness. Sports make our body strong. They expand our lungs and improve blood circulation. They fill the body with energy. Sports refresh the mind after a long day's work. Sports and games teach us sportsmanship, honesty, punctuality and a sense of regularity of habits. They also teach us team spirit, leadership and obedience. Sports teach us the importance of cooperative efforts and make us disciplined. They teach us how to command and how to obey. Komal Kumari XB Importance of study Studying is a key skill used not only in education, but also in day- to-day life. It builds knowledge and understanding of a subject area which helps prepares you for your future. Whether that be progressing through education or starting a new job or apprenticeship. Studying at school is key when trying to achieve the targets and grades you want, especially if you are considering moving on to further education. Such as going to university. Study and research skills are also something that employers look for when recruiting. It shows a willingness to learn and understand what an industry is about. As well as showing initiative when it comes to researching and developing skills. Studying is not just important for educational development, but also builds personal skills. Having good study skills can improve your confidence, competence, and self-esteem. As well as helps reduce stress and anxiety around deadlines and exams. Khushi XII A. THANKS MOM AND DAD I love you Mama and Daddy You taught me oh so much; I can't begin to describe all the ways, That my life you profoundly touched, You taught me morals and values

You helped me reach my goals Tree And all the things I learned from you Will stay till I am old. I want to thank you deeply, For being there for me; And for being absolutely, without a doubt The best parents ones could be. I want to be a I looked at a beautiful tree, I know he grew up with me . When I was small he was smaller, But now he is really taller. I want to be really tall , Not like a giant, or not short like an ant. I want to be a tree , even though he is not free . They give us shade, Which never fades. They give us wood , Which is brown and good. He can't go to mall , But his seeds came to my hall . Grow up many trees , So that he can care you for free. I'd like to be a tree , Even though he can't move freely as me . Written by - Tanushka Class- VIII

Science Section Environment Everything that surrounds us referred to as the environment It is one of the responsibilities for every one to keep the environment All living and non living organisms come under the environment The environment can be saved by planting trees recycling pollution and creating awareness Thank you By P. Laxmi prasanna Class 7th A IMPORTANCE OF TREES Trees play an especially important role in enhancing our quality of life in the urban environment and this is acknowledged in the Governments Sustainable Development Strategy. They screen unsightly structures and activities, give privacy and soften the hard lines of buildings. Trees also bring colour and contrasts into the urban environment. Not only do trees have a visual quality, but they also enhance the environment in less obvious ways. Trees improve air quality by acting as natural air filters removing dust, smoke and fumes from the atmosphere by trapping them on their leaves, branches and trunks. Just 1 hectare of beech woodland can extract 4 tonnes of dust per year from the atmosphere. Trees reduce the 'Greenhouse' effect by removing carbon dioxide from the air and releasing oxygen. Each year a mature tree produces enough oxygen for 10 people. Trees are also an effective sound barrier and can limit noise pollution. Recent research shows that trees also help reduce the stress of modern life. Trees in themselves benefit the environment and the landscape, but they are also an integral part of the ecosystem providing benefits to wildlife and biodiversity. Trees, especially older or veteran trees and those in groups or woodlands, provide habitats for native ground flora such as bluebells and fauna, particularly bats, red squirrels and invertebrates.

The planting of trees and the care and preservation of mature trees can go a long way to making Trafford a great place to live, work learn and relax Topic: KNOW MORE ABOUT PLANTS ������ and ANIMALS . ( )PLANTS :- 1.) 21,000 ft is the altitude of the highest living flowering plant, Ranunculus lobatus(scientific name) , which is found in the Himalayan mountain range. 2.) It takes the slowest flowering plant 150 years , Puya raimondii(scientific name ) , to flower. It is found high up in the Andes mountain range of Bolivia and Peru. 3.) The height of the tallest flowering plant is 93 metre that is 305 feet is the Australian Majestic Mountain Ash tree . 4.) The size of the largest floating leaves is 2 metre that is 6.5 feet which belong to the Amazon water lily and are able to support the weight of a child . 5.) The world's tallest flower is the the Amorphophallus titanum(scientific name) , which Rises to 3mts that is 10 feet . It smells routting meat that attract the tiny bees that pollinate it , it is short lived and rarely seen.

6.) The heaviest cultivated fruit is the Pumpkin. It can reach astonishingly 600 kg that is 1,322 lb the same as the combined weight of 8 adult men . 7.) The world's smallest seed bearing plant , the watermeal, is 0.1 cm wide. It produces fruit that are tinier than salt grains. The biggest seed is produced by the Coco de mer, or double coconut palm . It weighs 20kg and grows in the Seychelles island in the Indian ocean. 8.) The weight of the heaviest tree, the giant Sequoia , which grows in California USA is 2,500 tonnes. 9.) The size of the world's largest leaf is 24 m that is 79 ft, which are found on the African Raffia palm. 10.) The size of the Dwarf willow , the world's smallest tree which grows in Arctic Tundra region is 5 cm. ( ) ANIMALS :- 1.) The length of the smallest reptile is 1.6 centimeter the Dwarf gecko of the Dominican Republic. 2.) The height of the tallest mammal is 5.5m- the Giraffe 3.) One of the slowest land molluscs is the garden snail , which travels at 0.05kph. That means it covers the distance of 1 km every 20 hours.

4.) The length of the Whale shark is 13 meter, the world's biggest fish . 5.) The length of Paedocypris progenetica, the world's smallest fish is 7.9 mm. It lives in Pete's cramps on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. 6.) 110 kph (68mph) is the speed of Sailfin . 7.) 20,000 km is the distance the Great White Shark migrates on its return trip between South Africa and Australia. 8.) The longest living fish is 140 years old - the Rougheye Rockfish .9.) The length of the longest snake is 10 meter ,the Reticulated python ,found in the Southeast Asia. 10.) The weight of the biggest land carnivore is 600 kg, the Polar bear☃. 11.) The weight of an African elephant is 12 tonnes, the biggest land mammal. By : - Simran Kumari 12 A K V No. 1CHM

Teacher’s Corner LEND A HELPING HAND While I was sitting in my AC room and enjoying reading a book of one of my favourite authors, Dada J.P. Vaswani, my washerwoman Sheela entered into my room and sat on the floor. She came to our place to collect the clothes for ironing. My brother’s wife (Bhabhi) gave her two bundles of clothes. She kept on sitting and did not get up. After waiting for 5-6 minutes, I asked her if she had some other work also as she used to discuss the problems of her school going children with me. She just smiled and replied, “Nahi Didiji”, “Yahan acha lug raha hai, thandak hai na.” I looked at her with surprise because as far as I know she was living in a servant quarter of my uncle’s big house, which is not less than any posh bungalow. I asked her, “Don’t you have fan in your room?” She replied, “Fan to hai didi, but the owner of the house before opening his eyes early in the morning switches off the main switch of our room. He only provides this facility during the night and so we have to spend the whole day facing intense heat.” I was shocked because I know uncle is the President of the Temple Committee of our sector and used to give many talks on charity. I got quite disturbed to see the double standards of people. A few days ago one of my childhood friends Anurag visited my place. We were enjoying our evening tea in the lawn of my house. Seeing the old gardener doing work in the lawn of my house my friend pointed, “Poonam, you have kept this gardener for the sake of keeping a gardener as he is not looking as efficient as he should be because of his age. I think this is the time you must replace him with some young and energetic person.” My courtesy not to argue with the guest kept me mum. These two episodes forced me to think : Are riches for showing off or merry making and not helping the less fortunate? Should they not bring happiness to others who are less fortunate with their small caring gestures ? Don’t their aged and ailing servants need their attention, sympathy and above all affection in the hour of their need ? I always want to remind myself one of the following lines of my favourite childhood poem. “Do something for somebody somewhere, While jogging along life’s road,

Help someone to carry his burden, And lighter will grow your load.” Rajkumari Amrit Kaur was the daughter of Raja Haman Singh, one of the ruling house of Kapurthala. She studied in Great Britain and had the training and charm of a real princess. Yet her conscience was directing her to lead a life of service to her countrymen. She chose to be a nurse and happily did the menial work of looking after the sick and the dying. She became a follower of Mahatma Gandhi. She was much influenced by Gandhiji’s simple life and service to the poor. Later when the new Government was formed, it was on Bapu’s recommendation that she became the first Health Minister of India. A sense of duty towards needy people pleases God. He certainly rewards those who are dutiful. There are unfortunate persons around us-the blind, the deaf, the lame, the poor, the sick and the suffering. Little acts of kindness are needed for them. Let us be willing and thoughtful. Lead a blind old man across a road. Give a helping hand to a lame person trying to board a bus, bring medicine for the sick, offer your seat to the old and the handicapped in trains and buses, give respect to the aged, help your friends in their studies and buy books for poor friends. Help all who need your help because service to fellow beings is service to God. Have special prayers to God for those who are hungry, thirsty and sick and for whom nobody cares. Remember the words of Swami Vivekananda, “There is no higher virtue than charity. Give the last bit of bread you have, even if you are starving. To give happiness to others is a great act of charity and every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven.” Even though you may have earned a million rupees, your day is incomplete unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Remember the saying of Dada J.P. Vaswani, “The day on which we have not done something for somebody is a wasted day. Let the words, “Can I do something for you?” be on our lips as often as possible”. Miss Poonam Kohli, PRT K.V.S. National Incentive Awardee (2007) National Awardee (2009)

A System of Atomic Habits Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results Inspired by the “status” of one of my dear friend, I got a chance to read a renowned book titled “Atomic habits” by James Clear. Title Atomic habits itself is of great interest to me as it is related to my own subject, Science that further motivates me to read this thought-provoking book. Here, I’m sharing an excerpt from this inspiring book. Atomic habit refers to a tiny change, a marginal gain, a one percent improvement. They are little habits that are part of a larger system. Just as atoms are building blocks of remarkable results. James Clear wants to convey that real change comes from the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions- doing two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes earlier, or reading just one more page. He calls them atomic habits. Habits are like the atoms of our lives. Each one is a fundamental unit that contributes to your overall improvement. At first, these tiny routines seem insignificant but soon they build on each other and fuel bigger ones that multiply to a degree that far overweighs the cost of their initial investment. They are both small and mighty. This is the meaning of the phrase atomic habits- a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do, but also the source of incredible power, a component of the system of compound growth. Small habits make a big difference. It is so easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making small improvements on a daily basis. Too often, we convince ourselves that massive success requires massive action- whether it is losing weight, writing a book, winning a championship, excelling in academics; we put pressure on ourselves to make some earth-shattering improvement that everyone will talk about.

Meanwhile, improving by one percent isn’t particularly notable- but it can be far more meaningful, especially in the long run. The difference a tiny improvement can make over time is astounding. Here’s how the Math works out: if you can get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty seven times better by the time you’ve done. Conversely, if you get one percent worse each day for one year, you’ll decline nearly down to zero. What starts as a small win or a minor setback accumulates into something much more. The secret to getting results that last is to never stop making improvements. It’s remarkable what you can build if you just don’t stop. It’s remarkable the knowledge you can build if you don’t stop learning. Small habits don’t add up. They compound. That’s the power of atomic habits. Tiny changes. Remarkable results. Meena Goyal TGT (Science) A Book in a day can keep stress away It’s called bibliotherapy—and it has mental health benefits for children. “Reading gives us a chance to end the day on a positive note, no matter how it goes.” No matter what’s going on in the world, a good book can provide insight, comfort or a welcome escape. Now may be the time to finally dig into that epic novel you’ve had on your shelf forever, revisit an old favorite or try something out of your reading comfort zone. Thankfully, books are easy to access without leaving home. Now a plethora of options available for parents to choose a readerly engagement with their children. Here are a few more ways to integrate the reading habit in your child’s relentless virtual world, which is here to stay. No one becomes a reader overnight. Parents can influence the reading habit in more ways than one. Designating a reading time and area which is sacrosanct, right from an early stage

will help build a routine and set a boundary. Also, letting the child’s interest govern his/her pick of a read will help too. Encouraging the child’s imagination, frequently asking short questions to form active healthy reading habits, is a must. It is well understood that reading fluency matters, in sustaining an interest in the hobby and making it enjoyable. Scanning and skimming skills of reading can also help to cater to reading specific needs. No hard science this, giving a few examples here and there, without making it a daunting practice will help. With the unleashing of the digital world upon us and the children alike, there’s no escaping it. In fact, working around the new reality has metamorphosed reading into a much a community activity. Online reading communities, Apps, Podcasts and videos are therefore a welcome addition. So are online libraries, E Books, storytelling sessions, read-along activities, DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) and newspaper subscriptions. Being an engaged reader yourself, engaging in reading as a community building activity and providing a chance for our young readers to imagine how the world outside is, especially in times when their imagination could well be under threat, is a great place to begin with. Turn the page over now! Regards: RAMESHWARI LIBRARIAN

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