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global achievers magazine 12 raj chodankar

Published by Rohan Aggarwal, 2021-07-30 17:07:13

Description: global achievers magazine 12 raj chodankar


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Editorial Teams RJ Aarti Malhotra - All India Radio Shubhangini Singh Mahecha Editor in chief Rohan Aggarwal Chief Coordinator & Editor Chief Designer and Editor Mentors Dr. Tilak Tanwar Dr. Vijay Kumar S. Shah Author Padmashri Awardee & Guinness World Records Holder & Renowned Social Worker Jyoti Rajora Sakshi Singhal Shweta Kumari Cristina Waterflowers Ritika Upmanyu Verma Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Visit us for Suggestions & Queries Webiste : Whatsapp : 8376914204 GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE august , 2021 | 1

Glob.a..l Achievers INDEX PAGE NO. Raj Chodankar 3-6 Navjyot Singh Sidhu 7-10 Dhirendra Singh 11-14 Prof. (Dr.) Divya Tanwar 15-18 Biren Dave 19-20 Advertisement 21 Advertisement 22 Riya Yadav 23-26 Naveen Dave 27-30 Syed Rafath Parveen 31-32 Mirabai Chanu 33-34 Advertisement 35 GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE AUGUST, 2021 | 2

ENTREPRENEUR RAJ CHODANKAR “To Achieve Success, “When you fear You Must Dream” ‘Fear’, you will Hi Readers! This is Cristina with an in- perish. When terview of an amazing physicist, Rajen- you start ana- dra Chodankar, Chairman and CEO of lyzing that fear Atmanirbhar - Made in India Company, and find solu- named RRP S4E Innovation Private Lim- tion, you will ited. He is 61 years old, born in 1960. He has contributed three decades of experi- win” ence in innovative engineering and physics. He was awarded the C.V. Raman Award for the top 5 physicists, in Maharastra for contributing in Nano Ma- chining, awarded by then hounourable chief minister Shri Devendra Fadnavis in 2015. Another IMR award for con- tributions in thermal imaging and am listed in the 100 In- spiring Indians Award. What is your most important accomplishment? “I think the biggest achievement is the respect and trust, I gained during my journey. Today when someone says “Raj, your contributions were much appreciated”- This makes me feel that “Yes, I have accomplished something.” Besides that, the thermal camera I am contributing with, will be a great asset to identify 12 diseases in the body, e.g – pneumonia, fever, COVID symptoms, etc. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE AUGUST, 2021 | 3

In upcoming four months, we will launch AUGUST, 2021 | 4 it in collaboration with a company called ‘Ayonix Japan’ whose founder is Dr Sadi Vural, a renowned mathemati- cian. It will comprise the facial recogni- tion feature and record the temperature of another person who is five meters apart from the front of the camera.” What is your inspiration? - “My family has been my long stand- ing inspiration. I am actually inspired by everyone. Especially, Dr. Anil Kakodkar and Guru Shri Dada Bhagwat (My teachers) who showed me the path to walk. My passion was my inspiration. One thing I realized from all the legen- daries is that Knowledge should not be kept within you, when you share the knowledge, you tend to get bigger and better. Knowledge is something which is your own creation, it come within you, you meet people down the journey and you pass it on and that's how we learn from these advisors. In my case, I met some wonderful people on my journey, Dr. Sadi Vural is one of them. At last, Shri Vinod Dugar who walked into our lives and took us beyond horizons within a span of a year of his as- sociation. We owe our success to him and his inspiration is a ac- celerated catalyst. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE

“Challenges only help you to go bigger, help you to get better and be prepared for many more challenges in the future.” What was the - “In my opinion, there has to be chal- initial stage in lenges in your journey. Smooth journey your journey? doesn’t prepare you for bigger opportuni- ties and challenges . - My journey was full of obstacles. There were challenges but I enjoyed and learned from them. We continue to learn in this process. During my exposure in industry and all its domains, the people that I've come across always resonate, at some point of time. - I feel Money is temporary. Power is temporary. You will earn. You will lose. You will learn. You will have ups and downs, but knowledge and goodwill stays forever.” GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE AUGUST, 2021 | 5

What are your future plans? Scripted By : Cristina Waterflowers -“I want to be the top-leading AUGUST, 2021 | 6 company in electro optics which will be an asset to the society for making India self- sufficient in technologies. India had faced challenges and now under the IDDM category which is indigenously de- signed, developed and manu- facture, we want to overcome these challenges. It's a fictional dream, but we are working to- wards it. I think the cohesive force and thought process is key to make it possible and we have a goal to accomplish it in next two years.” I wish him luck to keep moving forward and to keep inspiring people. Stay tuned to see where this journey takes him and what new opportu- nities come along. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE

POLITICS uotksr flga fl)w fl)w dHkh odkj ;wful dh xsan ij “yM+[kM+krh uko dk fldan” thjks ij vkmV gksus ds ckn ls yds j flDlj fdxa cu]s vkjS dHkh jktuhrh uotkrs flga fl)w dk fl;klh ds lQj dh ikjh esa Hkh tTck lQj muds fØdsV dfj;j dh fn[kk;kA uotksr flag fl)w fØdVs gh rjg jgk gS] th gka ita kc ds eSnku esa ges'kk vius NDdksa ds dkaxszl ds v/;{k cus uotksr fy, e'kgjw jgs gS- vkSj blh rjg jk- flag fl)w ds ftUnxh ds tuhrh esa Hkh fl)w us gSfVªd cuk;k lQj dh ckr djas rks yxHkx vkSj yxkrkj ve`rlj ls rhu ckj yks- muds fØdVs ls ysdj v/;{k dlHkk pquko Hkh thrsA cuus rd bu nksuksa lQj dk nkSj yxHkx ,d tlS k gh jgk gSA GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE AUGUST , 2021 | 7

GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE fl)w dh ,d ckr tks muds fØdsV vkSj jktuhrh eas ,d tSlh gS]og fd mudk tc dIrku ls fookn gqvk ftl dkj.k mUgksaus vpkud laU;kl ys fy;k vkSj blh rjg vc jktuhrh ds dSIVus ls Hkh mudk fookn gvq k vkjS e=a h in NksM+dj 'fl;klh laU;kl' ij pys x,A fcydqy fØdsV dfj;j dh gh rjg fl)w fØdVs eSnku esa fjVk;jesVa ls ykSVs vkjS vc fl;klr esa Hkh tksjnkj 'decSd' fd;kA fl)w ds jktuh- frd lQj dh ckr djsa rks 2004 esa mUgksaus igyk dne jktuhrh esa j[kk]ftles dh fl)w dks 'kkfey djus okys Hkktik ds ofj\"B usrk v#.k tsVyh Fks- ftlds ckn fl)w us ge's kk v#.k tsVyh dks viuk fl;klh xq# ekuk- Hkktik esa jgrs gq, vkSj NkMs +us ds ckn Hkh fl)w us 2004 eas igyh ckj ver` lj yksdlHkk lhV ls Hkktik dh fVdV ij pquko yMk+ A AUGUST , 2021 | 8

ml oä fl)w us dkaxzls ds díkoj usrk j?kquna u yky HkkfV;k dks 1]09]532 oksVksa ls gjk;k FkkA vksih lkus h dks gjkdj fl)w 2009 esa rhljh ckj lla n igaqp|s Hkktik ds fl)w dks 2014 eas fVdV u nsus ij ckn eas Hkktik us mUgas jkT;lHkk dk lnL; cuk fn;k Fkk] ysfdu 2017 eas fl)w jkT;lHkk lnL;rk ls bLrhQk nds j dkaxszl esa 'kkfey gks x, FksA tgk¡ dkxa szl dh ljdkj cuus ij mUgsa LFkkuh; fudk; ea=h cuk;k x;k] ysfdu 2019 eas eq[;ea=h dSIVu vefjanj flga ls erHkns ds ckn mUgkasus dSfcuVs ls bLrhQk ns fn;k Fkk| fl)w dk f[kykMh+ vkSj jktusrk ds :i eas fooknksa ls dkQh iqjkuk ukrk jgkA GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE AUGUST , 2021 | 9

uotksr flag fl)w ds des.VªVs j vkSj Vh-oh-dykdkj dh ckr djas rks ] tc Hkkjrh; fØdsV Vhe 2001 esa Jhyadk ds nkSjs ij xbZ rks fl)w us crkSj des.VªsVj fuEctw LiksV~Zl ds fy, dke fd;k| ckn esa mUgsa bZ-ih-,u-,l LVkj LiksVZ~l us vius pkSuy ij vucq af/kr dj fy;k vkSj os \"ou ykbuj d‚esMh\" djus yxsA bl dk;Z ls fl)w dks vikj yksdfç;rk Hkh gkfly gbq ZA bZ-,l-ih-,u- ls vyx gksus ds ckn os Vsu LikVs Zl~ ls tqM+ x, vkSj fØdsV leh{kd ds u, jksy esa Vh- oh- LØhu ij fn[kkbZ nsus yxAs vkjS blh rjg uotksr flag fl)w cus yM+[kM+krh uko ds fldanjA “ fldna j gkykr ds vkxs ugha >dq rk] rkjk VwV Hkh tk, tehu ij ugha fxjrk vjs fxjrs gS gtkjks nfj;k leaqnj es ij dHkh dksbZ leqanj fdlh nfj;k es ugha fxjrk---Bksdks rkyh ” GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE Scripted By : Sakshi Singhal AUGUST , 2021 | 10

dhirender singh ENTREPRENEUR Persistency and Consis- AUGUST , 2021 | 11 tency are the words akin to a person who has the will, will to work on him- self, will to work defying all impediments or odds coming in the way. This is the story of one such person who has been working consistently and learning daily to be a better version of himself. Mr. Dhiren, a small boy, hailing from a farmer family of Banaras went on to become a success- ful businessman in his life. No one in his family had any business back- ground so to accomplish the hard part he decided to become an entrepre- neur. His wife had a firm belief in him that he can start and manage his business. His wife has been his constant support system and the motivational factor of his life. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE

According to him, getting He started a company Indian Railways as their named DAN Technolo- client was never an easy gies, which is involved in task as their company had making public informa- to fulfil many legalities and tion systems. The systems get many approvals to have we find at airports and railways as their customer. railway stations an- In 2009, Dan Technologies nounce and display the made sure to the railways various important infor- that they can deliver their mation related to the ar- top-class products to them. rivals and departures of the flight and trains. Even GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE their projects/products are supporting the digital India movement by en- hancing the Supreme court and various high court digital displays. AUGUST , 2021 | 12

As a result, working consistently and with an optimistic intent, his company, within few years of inception, had its systems installed in more than 600 railway stations across the length and breadth of India. Under their ambit were 20 airports pan-India, including Mumbai Terminal-2. In 2020, their company won National Winner for Best Quality Product in their field from the government of India. One of the greatest moments for him was when his company handled the sanitation management of Kumbh Mela, Prayagraj, 2019. Kumbh is the biggest public gather- ing event in the whole world and managing it was a formidable task. His team had to make sure that all the public toilets are in working conditions, with proper latches, water availability, and many such things. They had made a war-room to keep a vigil on all the conditions of the public toilets. He thought of doing farming, a thing embedded in the roots of his forefathers, he made a firm decision to give it a shot. He purchased 3 acres of land in Pataudi, Haryana, and started farming. The aim was to start a supply chain management for fresh fruits and vegetables. He wanted to eliminate a middleman whose presence unnecessarily inflates the prices of vegetables and fruits. The immense demarcation between the margins that farmers get and those which middlemen get pained him a lot and Mr. Singh had decided to spend this. Coming from an Electronics Engineering back- ground, he decided to use machine learning and made an app for the online purchase and sale of vegetables. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE AUGUST , 2021 | 13

He decided to have an omnichannel platform, a mix of an online and physical one. He had plans to launch an innovative way that can change this vegetable and fruits market. His initiative, Veggie-on wheels will be like the taxi service of the food industry. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE Customers can book the vehicle through their app and the vehicle will come to their address letting them buy fresh vegetables and fruits directly at their doorstep, picking the best ones physically. The message he wants to convey to all the society is that people must believe that they can do wonders at any time. Whatever you are doing you will get many near-dust mo- ments. Tomorrow will seem to be quite hard, but you have to be in the game. You have to be persistent, consistent. Execution is very impor- tant. How you are executing your work is wshat matters the most. Scripted By : Ritika Upmanyu AUGUST , 2021 | 14

Prof. (Dr.) Divya Tanwar EDUCATION “Limit your fear and never let it limit you” The above quote aptly fits our lady, Prof. AUGUST, 2021 | 15 (Dr.) Divya Tanwar, a small girl with no pen- chant for studies and a lot of stage fear who ended up being the Director of University limiting all her odds. Although being an in- troverted kid who loved to enjoy household chores, she carved herself as a person with a proactive public profile. Prof. (Dr.) Divya Tanwar sticks to her aca- demics consistently as both of her parents were teachers and education was instinctively present in her genes. She completed her schooling from Govt. Girls Senior Secondary School, Swami Nagar and was graduated from Delhi University. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE

GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE As life goes, she pursued BSc in Electronics, MCA, MBA, MTech, MPhil and Ph.D. in computer sci- ence in her higher education. At present, she is working as a Director in Sanskriti University and Chair- person of Divey Foundation, serving endlessly and consistently to the de- prived persons of the society, a legacy she is carrying forward from her parents. Life is never a sweet dish being served to us by the almighty. It is full of challenges that constantly check our fortitude. The same was with Prof. Divya too. But her attitude was different, she took the problems as the catalyst for her success instead of lamenting about so. Being married early in her life, all her education was post marriage. She lost her father when she completed her class 12th, one of the most devastating moments in anyone’s life. . In her professional life, she faced serious problems due to her happy nature and good looks, and most often her performance was less appreciated. But she took all these adversities as the important el- ements of her success. AUGUST, 2021 | 16

Public speaking was her AUGUST, 2021 | 17 biggest fear. She was shy and lacked confidence for that. People close to her used to jokingly say that had 200% marks for confi- dence. But, as she was the person with intent, she de- cided to get into public speaking, build over it and today she enjoys this thing that used to be her fear long ago. Her life rule is that one must have a positive and happy nature, a sense of gratitude, the ability to work hard, and clarity of priorities in his/her. She finds all these qualities as her biggest strengths, the ones that had made her successful and calm during every phase of her life. When a person does so much selflessly for society, it is impossible that his or her efforts go unnoticed. She had been appreciated for her efforts to the better- ment of society. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE

Moreover, she enjoys creating She was facilitated with the awareness about cybercrimes and ‘Suryagaurav Rashtriya cybersecurity amongst common Puraskar-2020’ award for people. Her message to youth is exemplary contributions in that they should define the purpose the fields of Education & of their lives. Happiness is impor- Social Service by Suryadatta tant if you want to achieve big Group of Institutions, Pune things in life. Earning is important on 14th October 2020 at but decide for the job/work/profes- India Habitat Centre, New sion which you enjoy doing for Delhi. Further, she was also free. Good health and balanced facilitated on International family life are equally important to Women’s Day, 2021 at Birla enjoy the fruits of success. Academy of Arts and Cul- ture, Kolkata.Talking about GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE her plans, she wants to ac- tively work for the welfare and upliftment of under- privileged women and girl children, through her Foundation. Scripted By : Ritika Upmanyu AUGUST, 2021 | 18

SOCIAL WORK Dr. BIREN DAVE “A social worker, a true pa- triot, and a support pillar of many helpless individuals” Through this story, let’s introduce you to a limitless, passionate man who has ded- icated his life to helping others. The man who understands the sufferings of others and works for them. He is the unheard voice of those people who don’t speak for themselves. Dr. Biren Dave, And the soul of many social organizations who is working for the the National Pres- welfare of minority in our country. A social worker, a true patriot, ident of Cultural and a support pillar of many helpless individuals. At the very young Council of India, age of 17, he started social work and he took the plunge to do it The National along with his studies. After entering college, he won the college Chief Patron of elections and reached more students to help. After that, he joined National Minority the NSUI Congress students’ wing where he got bigger opportuni- Welfare Council ties to help and succor individuals.In 2001, he inaugurated the (NMWC) Cultural Council of India, a non-political organization that pro- motes cultural activities be it dance, music, art, and all among youth, and gave them the platform to move forward. He even started an organization named The National Congress Brigade of India to contribute his part as an active member and support the working of the Con- gress party externally. As the national president, he established National Sports and Youth Development Council (NSYDC) that is working to develop sports and the youth activities.Biren Dave has been the soul of the organizations more than the fingers in our hands. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE AUGUST, 2021 | 19

In 2018, he cooperated and became the organization National President of an organization named ‘NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND ANTICORRUPTION FORCE (NHRACF)’ to fight against corruption and unfair activities. This step has been supported by various individuals, NRI’s at different levels. After that, he became the National President of NATIONAL CHILD AND WOMAN DE- VELOPMENT COUNCIL (NCWDC). He also established an organization named NATIONAL CONSUMERS SAFETY COUNCIL (NCSC) to promote the rights and interests of consumers. He has been a soulful part of every field and the Chief Patron of the organizations like NATIONAL MEDIA COUNCIL (NMC), CITIZEN RIGHTS AND “Aspire to FARMERS PROTECTION FEDERATION, and inspire before EMBARK CARE FOUNDATION (ECF). we expire” For his astounding contribution to the nation, he has been honored at various international plat- forms and bestowed with various awards too.For him, his family is everything. He was thankful his all the family members, His Grand Father Vrajlal Dave, Grand Mother Madhukanta Dave, Father Arvind Bhai Dave, Mother Ushaben Dave, His Wife PINKY Modi Dave, Sister Aneri Patel, And Daughter Ayushi Biren Dave. His work is no less than therapy as he counsels people for their goals, remind them to stay happy, give them a space to access their wis- dom, support them in figuring out what to do, recognizes them they’re the expert of their own life, and prepare them to be the future leaders of our nation. Scripted By : Ritika Upmanyu GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE AUGUST, 2021 | 20



riya yadav EDUCATION “A good person can make someone else good.” This is Riya Yadav's journey as an educa- tor, social activist, and artist to be a good person and make others good. She is a French teacher at Narayana e-Techno School. She is associated with Dance Fed- eration of India Company and IFW (inter- national foundation of women). She has been to many dance competitions like District Dance Championship and State Dance Championship as a judge. Riya was Miss Reliance Jewels 2018 and has been the brand ambassador for many brands like Blackish label and Super Model to name a few. She has been honored from the Bolly- wood actress Amrita Rao in achiever award show and by fa- mous actress Kar- ishma Kapoor as people’s excellence awards. Riya is a very dynamic per- sonality with a pos- itive aura. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE august, 2021 | 23

If you put me in a pack of wolves, I'll come out leading them. Riya began her life jour- ney at the age of 13 with this goal in mind. She began her ca- reer as a teacher, and she thor- oughly enjoyed it. However, proving oneself to a society that believes that experience and learning come with age was challenging. She accurately emphasises that age is simply a number, and that being knowl- edgeable and successful does not need being old. With time, she began to see positive out- comes and is now a role model and inspiration. Riya possesses a creative mind that is drawn to acting and dancing. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE august , 2021 | 24

She has wanted to balance her job life and her passion for dance and art since she was a child. By becoming a French teacher, she was able to strike the perfect work-life balance. For Riya, it's all about being unique and successful. She fears the fact of being ignored.To overcome this fear she works harder and is making herself so capable with passing time that the people come to her for her talent, hardwork and courage.The key to happiness is contentment. Riya is happy with everything she has accomplished so far, but she is always striving to improve. Her perseverance and hard work allowed her to es- tablish herself in society and make her parents proud. She has a long way to go before she can sleep and she is working on it. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE august , 2021 | 25

Your parents are your greatest source of strength and the most im- portant people in your life. Her par- ents have been her rock, never allowing her to deviate from her am- bitions and encouraging her to be- lieve in herself and her passion. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE Riya intends to build her own educational institute and es- tablish a name for herself and her parents. She is driven by a desire to succeed. Riya believes - “You might fail numerous times to achieve your ambition. But never let failure be an end as there is always light at the end of every tunnel.” Scripted By : Shubhangini Singh Mahecha , 2021 | 26

naveen dave ASTROLOGY “Astrology is also a kind of science, no illusion” He wants to spread this mes- sage over the world and dispel myths about astrology be- cause no two people are the same. Naveen Dave was named the Most Trusted As- trologer in India in 2021. He is an astrologer as well as a Vastu consultant. He was named the Best Astrologer in Rajasthan in 2019 and the Astrologer of the Year in 2019. He was named a Rising Star of Asia 2020. Our path is always a reflection of who we are and where we belong. Naveen is from a Brahmin background, thus astrology runs in his veins. Surprisingly, he has a back- ground in engineering. He used to think of everything with a technical mind and reasoning because he came from a scientific background. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE august , 2021 | 27

He aspires to achieve 100 percent outcomes from his ef- forts, with real-life experience thrown in for good experi- ences. There are many different individuals around you, and getting to know them in order to help them and un- derstand their lives is a truly unique experience. However, getting to things does not imply disclosing them to others. Naveen believes in ethical work and, as a result, upholds high profes- sional stan- dards. He believes that it all comes down to the trust you de- velop with others around you and how comfortable they feel around you. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE august, 2021 | 28

There are instances when things don't work out and people's hopes are dashed. He is really upset, but this is how life works, and indi- viduals who arrive with a lot of hope are disappointed when their work is not completed despite all possible assistance. At such moments, he tends to lose trust in himself. In such a situation, he maintains his cool and prays to Lord Hanuman. This is a method of regaining tranquilly and peace. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE august 2021 | 29

Naveen thinks that time and environment are the direct man- ifestations of God. If you revere and respect them, you and future generations will be able to enjoy happy lives. No astrologer in the world can build your fortune; he can only coach you and advise you on how to avoid major prob- lems. The rest is taken care of. It is unavoidable. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE Scripted By : Shubhangini Singh Mahecha august, 2021 | 30

SOCIAL WORK Syed Rafath Parveen: The Saviour \"God does not give the same courage and big heart to do donation to everyone\" Late Syed Rafath Parveen born on 24th April 1979 in Prakasham district of Andhra Pradesh has set a new benchmark for humanity by Saving life of 6 people through organ donation. Rafath was a marvelous teacher of DPS, Delhi. She also got awards for her excel- lent work. Rafath completed her early education from India and her studies in education field from London. She was a golden heart lady who was very compassionate towards children coming from Economically Weaker Section of the Society. She used to take special classes for them after school hours. Also she made lot of individual finan- cial contribution to purchase books and stationery for EWS Children. GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE AUGUST, 2021 | 31

Rafath was suffering from bleeding of Her genoracity was also ex- blood vessels and was immediately ad- tended to poor and needy mitted in Max hospital. But on 24th De- people.She was very ambi- cember 2020, this 41 year golden heart tious and to. But just like a lady lossed the battle of her life after film, twist and turns were still being declared brain dead. After the waiting for Rafath, and that counselling of her family her organs happened when her life were donated to the needy patients and came to a new point on 18th the organs are functioning properly. December 2020, the 4th day Though it was a huge loss for the family of her landing in India. She which could not be filled but still she complained of severe head made her family proud and proved that ache. Dr Anwar Alam ,hus- she is really a great saviour. band of her younger sister, Neurologist suggested to get GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE CT scan of Head. Having noticed problem in CT Scan , he suggested to admit her in hospital for further investiga- tion and treatment. Scripted By :Shweta kumari AUGUST, 2021 | 32

ehjkckbZ pkuw SPORTS ehjkckbZ pkuw 8 vxLr 1994 esa baQky ls 20 fdykes hVj nwj u‚eZ~l vksda kj flga xjhc ifjokj esa tUeh pkuw dk iwjk uke gS lkbd‚u ehjkckbZ pkuw A vius cpiu ls gh mlds ifjokj us n[s kk Fkk fd og cgrq gh T;knk 'kfä'kkyh Fkh l ehjkckbZ us vkfs yfa id esa Hkkjr ds fy, Dyhu ,Ma tdZ esa 115 fdyks vkjS 87 LupS esa otu mBkdj flYoj thrk A psgjs ij gYdh eqLdku fy, usV ij mrjh ehjkckbZ pkuw us VksD;ks 2020 ds nwljs fnu iwjs n's kokfl;ksa dks [kq'kh dh otg nh l 26 lky dh osVfy¶Vj ehjkckbZ 49 fdyksxzke dh gS A muds flYoj esMy us djksMk+ as QSal ds pgs js ij xkYs Mu ped fc[ksjh l ehjk vksfyafid esa flYoj thrus okyh nlw jh Hkkjrh; efgyk f[kykM+h cuh A og vius Ng cgu Hkkb;kas esa lcls NkVs h gaS ij og 'kq: ls gh cgqr etcwr Fkh ,d ckj og vius HkkbZ ds lkFk taxy esa ydfM;+ ka chuus x, Fks rks mUgkuas s bruh lkjh ydfM+;ksa dk xëj [knq gh mBk fy;k tcfd HkkbZ ls mBk;k Hkh ugha tk jgk Fkk A mudk HkkbZ Hkh muds bl rjg Hkkj mBkus ij gSjku Fkk Aos Ng HkkbZ&cguksa esa lcls NksVh gaSA yfs du os rhjankt cuuk pkgrh Fkh los dgrh gSa esjs HkkbZ vkSj ppsjs HkkbZ QVq c‚y [kys rs Fks vkSj /kyw feêh ysdj ?kj ykSVrs Fks] eSa ,slk [ksy [ksyuk pkgrh Fkh tks lkQ lqFkjk gks blfy, rhjankt cuuk pkgrh Fkh l GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE august , 2021 | 33

13 साल की उम्र में गाइड की तलाश में भाई के साथ इंफाल के साई सेंटर पहुंची, पर कोई तीरंदाज नहीं मिला किस्मत से वही कुंजारानी देवी की 2004 के एथेंस ओलंपिक में वजन उठाने वाली क्लिपिंग देखी, इससे उनका मन बदल गया कुछ दिन बाद वे वेटलिफ्टिंग सेंटर गई। वहां अंतरराष्ट्रीय वेटलिफ्टर rc os 21lky dh FkhA ysfdu अनीता चानू से मुलाकात ogka igyh ckj esa otu ugha हुई। उन्होंने मीरा को हर दिन सुबह mBk ikus ls og VVw xbZ 6:00 बजे Fkh A Anlw jk vkSj ट्रेनिंग के लिए rhljk ç;kl Hkh बुलाया। यहां vlQy jgk vkSj पहुंचने के लिए muds uke ds vkxs दो बार बस fMM u‚V fQfu'k बदलनी पड़ती fy[k fn;k x;k A थी। ehjk us 201 ehjk vk[a kksa esa vkalw 6 eas fj;ks ls fy, ykSaVhA ,d vkys afid dSfj;j 'kq: lky ckn 2017 esa fd;kA oyZ~M pkSafi;uf'ki fQj 2018 esa d‚euosYFkxEs l eas xkYs M thrdj vkRefo'okl gkfly fd;kA fQj pkfs Vy gks xbAZ M<s + lky rd ckgj jgh fQj 2020 eas vkys fa id dk fVdV dVk;k A ;gka rd igqpa us ds fy, ehjk pkuw us ehjk tlS h Hkfä dh gSA ehjk us dgk fd os 5 lky ls ;g liuk ns[k jgh Fkh bl iy ds fy, esjs ifjokj] [kkldj esjh eka us cgqr R;kx vkSj leiZ.k fd;k gS] mlds fy, ] blds fy, mudk vkHkkjA GLOBAL ACHIEVERS MAGAZINE Scripted By : Jyoti Rajora august , 2021 | 34


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