A L/ Kr@* ,\\ ) \\ *.d#t' 7a U \\-.*kffdiE\"J 'Mhd 1 : .L &.n' ! I w* E v/ / \\ -...-S \\rc T BAN la DTP C SI., PHAM TP Hd GHi MINH Education Solutions
m, Cetting Started one, two, three, four, five, six, How old ore you? Review: seven, eight, nine, ten l'm (eight). Ao to Mm (pose 04-09) open your book, close your book, (Open your book)! honds up, hqnds down Nn nut, nose l. Feelings How ore you? Oo octopus, oronge hoppy, sod, fine/OK, gr€ot, l'm (hoppy). (poge I0-15) (Minh)'s (thirsty). Pp pen, penguin scored, bored, hungry, thirstY Qq queen, question 2. Shapes Whot's your nome? r6-19) circle, squore, rectongle, kion'gle My nome's (Vinh). Review: 3. Numbers Whot shope is it? Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq It's o (triongle). lpoge22-27) Rr robbit, robot REVIEW UNITSJ - 2 20-2tl 4. Animals Ss seo, sun How mony (circles) ore there? 28-3r Tt tiger, top eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourleen, (Twelve) (circles). Uu umb rellq uncle 5. Free Time fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twentY There ore (sixteen) (triongles). Review: Activities Where ore you from? Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu l'm from Honoi) (poge 34-39) duck, goot, pig, cow Whot's thot? 6. Around Town It's o {REVIEW UNITS 3 - (Poge 32-33) soccer, tog, hopscotch, hide ond Let's ploy (soccer). seek, ride my bike, reod books, oK. listen to music, eot snocks I (reod books). (Hoppy New Yeor) (M\" Christmos) zoo, beoch, pork, ployground I wont to go to the (zoo) REVIEW UNITS 5 - 6 (pose 44-451 7. Clothes T-shirt, dress, hot, shirt, ponts, ls this your (T-shirt)? Vv violin, vest shorts, shoes, socks Yes, it is. (poge 46-51) ls this your (dress)? Ww wotch, window No, it isn't. Xx fox, box These ore my (ponts) Yy yo-yo, yogurt Yes, pleose. No, thonk you. 8. Transportation bus, boot, plone, motorbike Con you see the (motorbike)? Yes, I con. (poge 52-55) Con you see the (bus)? No, I con't. REVIEW UNITS 7- 8 (pose s6-57], 9. Classroom eroser, ruler, croyon, pencil cose, Pick up your (eroser). Zz zebro, zoo count numbers, drow pictures, I con (count numbers). Activities spell words, sing songs, Mondoy, I (sing songs) on (WednesdoY) Review: Tuesdoy, Wednesdoy bose s8-63) Review: Whot doy is it todoy? lO. Dags of the Ao to Zz Thursdoy, Fridoy, Soturdoy, SundoY It's (Thursdoy). Week IREVIEW UNITS '10 (pose 68-69) 64-6 2
ru aracters eeu*&rr*&***e 7 Bill.\" ''> Sue $ & $ ff $ ffi f w $ q Vinh.,' e$Xqq{cff e1ssm153w.* ''^ Kim t Moi '$ *s $ $ ! x ;$ ''L Bobby
F Longuoge: * & one, two, three, four, E! ,F listen and point. Repeat. Jo9t five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten gW How old ore you? l'm (eight). re listen and point. J-L',\\ How old ore you? l'm three. l'm six. l'm ten. !i\\J jsing.,€: 6 How old ore you? 4 l'm four.
l- Point, ask, and answer. Ptag \"Magic finger.\" ow old ore you? l'm six.
&F * Languoge: q h pB open your book, close 5 your book, honds up, honds down SListen and point. Repeat. (Open your book)l I 2 ,,W 3 { /.'-\\ a)L G r! .tlr,wl \",& ,o*\"1 , * (fikYr-f :,' ,, \\. rr \"+ open your close Your honds up -s book book honds down re listen and point. dHU \"-s f. Open your book! E $:i! * *q?. SA ffi ;I,a& ae *.\\.-tf ',1#i. ..:i -S\";\\ . oo t/.h _-:>s*\\ lr, I !'-, l- 1* 1* I Yes, Teocher Open your book! ..*.-,t C/ose yourbookl Ii\\J sins.Jl:j 6 6
L Point, saU, and do. Open your book! ryl.\\ G t*\"J -n I II (h I rI r. tJ li ti. ; It- II ) 'ii I s ), * t s, :!ti:J:af ' EL Plag \"Simon sags.\" Gil Close your book! Simon soys: .,I ,.L.' ? F akrcn:*gs. \"Opt en vt our bookltr ' '{.'- ft * \\
F Review Ao to l4m & $ 1 a b cd efg h i j k I m n opq rs tuvwx yz{il p Awri te theletters. tisten and repeat.m f,) risten and point. fo'il wo b df ffi eut acd) or afSCl.ffi bo o o do ,'r\"ffi f, 'rwtr#,#fi A ffi foUow the letters and sag the sounds. Finisl Stort b c e F o 8 DE
p ffiwrit e theletters. Listen and repeat.*B ffi) Usten and point. dTt ICI r h i Iffi I .t::. -+ /-' ;r. kr--:;-\":= m @ Circl e the tetters. . : o o jk o h p Plag \"Board raeei' \"fo od \"
Unit 1 i ry Listen and point. Repeat.i,B Longuoge: oC hoppy, sod, fine,/OK, greot How ore you? l'm (hoppy). @e ho ppy sod fine/OK Ild greot re Listen and point.{E\\ How ore you? l'm greot \"l ii IT Prl .,i l I i# IiIE)sins.mB 6 How ore you? L l,n hoppy. 10
ED Point, ask, andanswer. I 7) -: ..\" ::e you? G[& m fine o L _ ,., .--.t,.at\",,{:ii'; -<@+ L f@ Plagthe\"chain\"game. -:,,., Ofe yOU? How ore you? t' m OK )/ l'm greot 9e oS eO :;:'. @ \\aa( u. p :. ,:;, ;,, ,.. '\"1 ge ii b{ ::' J {'a 11 lr* l) ,:-'
u -L >) Lelters: Unit 1 B Nn, Oo Words: nut, nose, octopus, oronge a b cd efgh i j k I m n opq rs tuvwx yzdil rie@d*'iM*ak***Mr*{ii&*ldrdard*i& *il!r*, t ffi) tisten and ?epeat.Trace. dS t7 &b 1A \\n2 A 3 2\\ t 0 1 & o to& V il ffi tisten and ?epeat.Write. J,*\\ , - ii i: Ut ii ii _ose $ *i p sing.m rllnls. ls o ,/ '' ;-\"1:r & p tisten and elap. {it\\ lrlnls. ts o , $ 12 - :i.. $ $ n/ n/ n. $ &. $ $ & $r ffi 8. s r $r & & ff tr $ s &' t8, I ;d
d1 ffi tisten and repeat,Traee. Jrs *..3 rS ,rI BIl&,m&i;i.,-id1 f 1 tr.1 r:: .{ a,s****,;l*it'tu.irl ui{*t t ;i s.f} l.isten and repeat.Write. .\" i i i: _ctoPUS i . _f0nge @ sing. g$ I f) Listen and hop.J,B This is an*, o, q* This rs on$, o/ o/ o. ,' 13
GM Longuoge: ,fl scored, bored, hungry, thirsty (Minh)'s (thirsty). ry Listen and point. Repeat. dS Whot's your nome? My nome's (Vinh). I 23 n ,{e ruvti g,c ,a I r&er--,,,,,---.r6 i,r iij scored bored i,.-i$ hungry thirsty r:,:'- ffi) i: t. listen and point. diB ,,. i\",ii::i,)alt AeBe AFe?AoTo5 OF MLI FP7aN95' ,& v ,;t Long's bored. Nhi's thirsty. r) -l ltt:1i:l;ll,1t \\tl Vy's scored Trong's hun gry + Minh's thirsty. 2. listen and repeat. JzE] r,,i;u ii{ffi l$i# 'i./ \\ re Phg the \"Pretend\" game. , rffs3 1it ]li r\\{.i\"i,\".tir*'.rr: 't:{ l#Yri Ji.\"\"-L.-_Jt\". I \":l-.1\"!r'' ,'i . 'iL*,.J\"/ Tom's bored.,,,.,,. ..* ,'.:i No. Tom's hungry. Yes. E14
EL/ t. listen and read. ,g;B Whot's ur nome? My nome's Linh il 4 .. Whot's ur nome? Whot's ur nome? My nome's My nome's Bobby. rt eo Vinh. \\ C) {i'i 2 Usten and repeat. #lL Whot's your nome? My nome's Vinh. ll,. i,,';!.rf .i \" *,11,4,,.!iT!.;-l . 'i11i;,i.' di.-il.rl \".$\" i.,_.i.:.:.. ',rii-, 1 Erc Ptau the,,chain,, game. , \"l -:-. i:, )'trt.-t '', \",'r; i*ru! : .r ./..,! .l r:. 'll i r.l .-,t1.;.ri,r.j.i*_ 5.*.ii..r.:.',:.r:.:t-. \"'),-i' ii -:'s your nome? Whot's your nome? e My nome,s Moi i;tlii., My nome's Bill tyv Ie mn ej; Ii i-t-1j\"4-':
(@ :uriilri $l Ii f\\l '1'S Longuoge: re usten and point. Repeat. CS| circle, squore, rectongle, triongle Whot shope is it? I 23 It's o (triongle). 4 circle squore rectongle triongle N tisten and point. J,%\\ W T \\W It's o circle. Whot shope I,tr',lt**. is it? it I \\d N sins.{,t FJ 6 Whot shope is it? 16 /tt q circle.
0I Unit 2 Lelters: obcdefg Pp, Qq Words: pen, penguin, queen, question h i j k I m n op q rs tuvwx yzJA ffi tisten and ?epeat,Trace. J$ 2 12 V1 ,, en ij i:i\"\"1.:..\" ..enoul' n : ::v p sing.f,q) I hove o.F, p risten and hop.St P, P, 'et*'' I hove o *e, P, P, P'
f) tisten and repeat.Traee. JEt 1 1 ^ i2 V p tisten and repeat.Write. J-$ ' ueen..:ii.,......: _uestion1.....: p Sing.J,B oTh is is ,'i f,) tisten and etap. T**B ?5 Q, 9, r:. This is o ii 9, 9, g' 19
M listen and draw lines. J,l$b . - , Exomple: o o o o a , .r'i. #8 * J: 'il Bill oo o o bored O hungry hoppy sod Unp Ptag the \"chain\" game. Whot's your nome? Whot's your nome? My nome's Lon. My nome's Moi 'oi ee \\. 3,{ ..,. _l' 20
2 mll io:nple: AB ti Point, ask, and answer. It's o circle. Whot shope is it? 9j3 I 21
Unit 3 W Listen and point. Repeat. Language: eleven, twelve, thirteen, I2 3 fourteen, fifteen How mony (circles) ore there? (Twelve) (circles). rere I 44 5 6 even thirteen 'l 15 twelve fourteen fifteen &J listen and point. J*Q N:*-:-- - :riri1.a:lj;t:::r:: How mony triongles WA r, ore there? w& Eleven triongles. S SS t' SS**:S a SS @ i iN= , $ &-r, Sing.ffi How there? d HJI\"I ;11;L,re '!J 22
Point, ask, and answer. rlolu/1.l|la.rrtAtlil $Z1'lla a- a !,.. all ,/or;tl I41al 4l . IZatlaa. 1a'ar ae. ortLl r u9t!5 al | ,1ir, 'r na'at 'a nt\",ta uo ..i a, 0alll, aa ,Z0A.ll Ilal a. 1?' '11:'' 5 ++++ A1 aa c+++ AAA^AAa ss str trs trtr ss ss took at part . Plag the \"Memorg\" game. How mony f low ers ore there? Look Fifteen f lowers Speo k
a b c d efg h i j k I m n op q rs tuvwx yzJil [) listen and repeat. d,4] D #lListen and point. ffi Draw lines. . , Exomple: o Nn o ffi etag \"Guess the pieture.\" Whot is it? Whoi is it? It's o nut son 6 24
Review fi) tisten and point. #I D Listen and repeat. #Jb e-o \\r( J Circle the odd one out. &# Exomple: il 9 wffi} @ @., Qr Fs'_''g''n / -' -..: )l J Plag \"Stepping stones.\" ,aWie. b '\")\"a e\"_. tAry € ru-t D w*,dq** .; tr I '*i; Lryk i^r &.r\\.w & rq-l[-&r\\h.Es*S-:-)'*..''f:-::f-** % % Y( L_1 '-j':t:\" \" !i\"\"m. !)}l.lY& eas 4 Yro@ 25
(@ Longuoge: sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, f,fl{{n{$,$ I \\Yfi ftfi nineteen, twenty W listen and point. Repeat. J*B There ore (sixteen) (triongles) Where ore you from? I'm from (Honoi). I2 3{ 5 17 reffi,%g mffi sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty l. tisten and point. J&B lirtl ,W t iNe A ?UzzLe goov FPOM vTeTNAtA iiit \\i llltl .l ? N NNN NNNtriJ There ore seventeen N There ore twsnty circles. triongles. There ore eighteen squores + 2. listen and repeat. JsB There ore sixteen triongles -,, j &r ffi FaPtag \"Stepping stones.\" ,,], , . ,, ,I :.'j.' ,; ..!'a:.,i]:. : t'ii ,. ffi.-s;-#* :-j'it'i q* :/,: @* w;;\"w e,'\",Njj'&i w*;:'' W W,&*twN** '# lW.,;sr., 6. ffir..* *J,k, ,:_& &;rd,* wqw ry Thereoresixteenbirds. , ,. - &v& @ i,,\" 4 26 .i
'l*;' t -il,l-:' fu L tisten and read. {* ...ll..1::..' 1 ri ,: I :l:J: i . ,: J::: .r,,i,: :jia 1.r!i::t:,..'j. I r-.i ! :l:\" r l 1.\"-i Where ore you from? l'm m Do Nong \\ Where ore l'm from New York you from? -:-: Qfe t . \":'a I .t ts\" C v Wow! l'm from Hoi Phong 2\" {.isten and repeat. fu.} Where ore you from? i: l'm from Hanoi. -.:i...il :t.' ar. '_\"iil'a ril fp Point, ask, and answer. Where ore you from? ':r:-lii. l'm from Hoi Phong Hoi Phon Honoi Nho Trong Nong t, Hue G
Unit 4 & Languoge: -1 duck, goot, pig, cow ry Listen and point. Repeat. fu*} Whot's thot? It's o (duck). I 23 % duck 65 prg .aq4 goot I 'r !r-u w,tr!,1f,.,1{l,l cow ffis) risten and point. JHt It's o pig. Whot's thot? 'il{!yi '$&q- \\ ,,\\t \"{.!*s. -:-{iS dt g. e HELP ! &t #W@-\" s resins.J,Bs@i Whot's thot? ;-d, 28 6 ht q duck.
Point, ask, and answer. l :'' ,)t. I 't:. . :i: ,I I I T I I I I I I It , I I I t I I t I I I 2..\\i. I ,III uil! , i I, a I It Plag the \"Pretend\" game. hot's thot? s o bird It's o duck )
t \\ Unit 4 Lelters: Rr, Ss e iil-liji-ti:-ij Words: robbit, robot, seo, sun .i._i-i 1ir::.: o b cd efgh ii ii$ rs tuvwx yz6 k I m n opq ii,!j..:. i:!:iri i.-i 'j::.rirl ffi) JBtisten and repeat.Trace.:rirt! N:iin ii:$ ::lit 1 2 V r....'...L IAS{!69.1 1I ffi tisten and ?epeat.Write. J.$ . , I V i ,@ O, \"Lrfl : i- , r,'- ,,/ :) n obbit i obot p sing.m I hove o p tisten andjump. JBI fl f/ \"l I have o r/ r/ r. 30
ry listen and repeat.Traee. JrB 1 $1 2 ;:, ;: ..., ;.t U n -eO Th is is the t Sing. J*\"1\\ sl lWW Wn SListen and ctap. Th is is s/ s/ s.
] mLJ listen and C iithe box. f.'i . - Exomple: o o 0 . iir .. oo . - ,l,t' 20 il 12 J' --.s dcd' --ffi c@ o bc t3 o 16 b o o 14 19 t3 R& o bc $, $,-) .- a. t0 17 20 q bc Ptag \"Magie finger.\" How mony bolls ore there? Twelve bolls. rI 32
HEUIEUU + - m ffiusten and eirele (A or BJ. cm B :.xo mple: i't. at .t9.!srt a .D !7 * I , '<l AA , t: \\ \\ -'ii Y ^-* A Plag \"Board raee!' \"co-\" L a !l-i ot It's o cow t\\
Unit 5 k ]5 G Longuoge: \\J soccer, tog, hopscotch, hide ond seek fiffi listen and point. Repeat. J; Let's ploy (soccer). oK. I 3 & & ii w. ,!.,i (E soccer fog hopscotch : : hide ond seek rc tisten and point. d,B Let's ploy tog. 'Ss, ;fl r.. d oK. I t? resins.J';BB Let's ploy soccer. t)* oK. 34 6
{ Point and sag. Let's ploy soccer oK. -o-r-l::ii\\.i! 'tRNi\"tisi tI i:.!ii-!i nI s' t- _i :i :rt\\-\\ihl.: 'O'**-*o T \\I l :S Ss:s].!:i ffie:\\ f, Phg the,,chain,,game. Let's ploy ,@, \"Simon s oys. -=^t/ s ploy hide o nd seek. ss. c 90 0 \\aa \\aai '*.'.$,..
ffi Unit 5 Lellers: Tt, Uu w,,wffiw R w Words: tiger, top, umbrello, uncle a b c d efg h i j k I m n op q rs t uv wx yz$*1 ffi tisten and repeat.Write. dI$ . - eri*iiir** p Listen and repeat.Trace. JF\"} 2- t1 V q\" .il \"aq %*%E\",-'-* /, iger oP B sing.m M,I con see o ffi tisten and elap. S,-*.rB t'' 36 oI, co n see ,?::';;=,. t', t', f. l:
7 ry Usten and repeat,Traee. J,* !) tisten and repeat.Write. ffi i \" UI I\\1 1- mbrello _nc e ''lTnl t.s-- ts my , @ Sing. ffi B U/ U/ I [if tisten and hop. ffi \\ This is myST u/ u/ u. $. Hi.r s ::iisi s ts iliii ftY.W
t@ - i! d#;lilJJAt ,* [l'til1 Languoge: T ride my bike, reod books, listen to music, eot snocks ry listen and point. Repeat. J I (reod books). (Hoppy New Yeor). (Merry Christmos). I -,otf.t *=-:'*''l 2# 4 \"g,. ;^\\/t';r \"* &l*;.fi;f&l ** t\\ s ride my bike reod books listen to music eot snocks ffi t. tisten and point. SS |-,..\"-\"na ON $eeve\\?'\"' # a I ride my bike. reod boo ks. $'-,a-!' I listen to music Got snocks 2. Listen and repeat. #B I reod books. I listen to music. *, ffip Plag the \"Pretend\" game. *-.- I ride my bike. i Y 38
EE) r. Listen and read. Jsgs T Hoppy birthdoy. eI * b1 C' tH ( )) a( )1 { L--- -,, .a3 a II I\" lirsten and repeat. ffi Hoppy New Yeor iii.Jll Merry Christmos. EE Role-ptag. ;i 1r: -.$.t,1:tr.jj .'i*i.i\"':i\"ii:{j.\"i:: l'*f A, Hoppy New Yeor Merry Christmos cirthdoy. '; -s @ ...) if ;. Thonk you Lqtf6l Thonk you 'a & Thonk you il 39
I \\ Longuoge: ffi i zoo, beoch, pork, ployground I wont to go to the (zoo). ffi Listen and point. Repeat. dS I aoo 2 ',': ,::i zoo beoch ployg rou nd '* i;-;1 y pork mp t. listen to the storg. d,'B 2. Listen and number. JSc <,** .\"*. wo n t to oo to w& rh e beo;h & aa t e., \\< t. Qd I EE J' r& j s€ xH N\\ .-l: ,/..:t' ,j: J-l ' ,..t -t, ffi&E)sins.{'%B , I wont to go to the zoo. 6 I wqnt fo go to the beoch. a 40
ED Pointandsau. I wont to go to the pork. W tm, -* *s w $ -rui I ik fs Plag \"Guess the picture.\" I wont to go to vqnt to go to the beoch. the pork. S*cs**.**t i* i:.: '.. Yes. ,roa- . .<yi - it {ifir' rL, g li- ':j\\ 1fll'#i.iL, .+*.&. 41
Review Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu Unit 6 B a b c d efg h i j k I m n op q rs tuvwx yz$ilI ,;, ry tisten and point. J,'B ,..'',.,,.\".,,,,-..,..,,.;1.,\"...' -*il ffi) tisten and repeat. J;B x ffi Circte the letters. . . Exomple: rWu ,@ ot V ST rS \" s:, r i lsI :ti a (' n- iiii,*& ry Ptag \"Board race!' 'sun\" 'L -l 42
}[ql , D tisten and repeat. fo} ry Listen and point. {u*B Srl lll &. il v., $, *8, *. & h'., $ r wl* &r & Y, $ $ p writetheletters. f, lil Exomple: L o o ' o w r, $, *, *fi fi }ll too & -i- {-- w - t, s, t} Plag the \"Chain\" game. p @ .a)--,t,) trr J &i & & $r €. fl & *; ,i $ii & *1 {ir ( t\"\\ ,..n_--;_\\: & Lr' r.u p. &, w &, k&l w & 4 w w| W: w, w W wi ss, d,, ^*ot
ffirc cdristen and tnebox. m ffi$ Exomple: o o &. ---L @ b A .g dr\"\\ fil ffie..A o c ob c{ o -,} q,'i o ob c q b c W PlaU the \"Pretend\" game. Let's p loy Let's pl oY soccer ho pscotch No. Yes. 44
T B m listen and draw lines. J,$ - Exomple o o o o 'b i, t rt 'aO {*$ {}* a !- U \\t o a I o oo fs Ptag the \"chain\" game. cnt to go wont to go to the zoo. - __: PnAu rk wont t ogo to the zoo. - \\f-l.r\\--*-9-\"-o- ,-.r-..-h)\\ 09 ee cO 9e i .F* \\aa( i .as { \\. ee {-'t:o '..'i: :'-i'
(@ Longuoge: T-shirt, dress, hot, shirt {';\\ (r\\ ti I ti ls this your (T-shirt)? tisten and point. Repeat. S\\ Yes, it is. ls this your (dress)? I 23 No, it isn't. is afvfi 4 T-shirt dress hot sh irt rel.tistentothestorg.su,}2.tistenandputac6o,a(se,.df,\\ ls this your I dress? Yes, it is. -s. :ts ,tr l t s f*fi ri$:&$ G # r$ a a I1, 'tg& $ I r'l* ; ,i 6 I i& } s s ii& $ ,B ! i& i;r i:* :iu ilti< ri$ \\\\itii tit:&'ii ry*& rrt{ i\\ tr!:11itr{i -t a\"fu#\" gSing. Jm\\ 6 ls this your T-shirt? Yes, if is. 46 lt
Point, ask, and answer. E Ptag \"Magie finger.\" \"T-shirt\"
WW Lelters: sS*NRsS@ Vv, Ww Words: violin, vest, wotch, window a b c d e f g h ii k I m n o p q r s t u v w x y z SI ry Listen and repeat.Trace. drB 1 V1 ffi tisten and repeat. Write. T;\") \" - 2 6 iolin ti' t'r.'j est ffi) sins. JB I hove o.s Y%#. I hove o ,.,n'' YVV. il} tisten andjump. i, IU 48
P f) #Itisten and repeat.Traee. 1\\ I i4 3 ffilfsfen and repeat.Write. . . 2 1I I !4 otch indow @ sing.{\";B lf's o ) // p tisten and etap. f=,*.} w, vy/ 2 ,/ lf's o //./ vy, w, vy. 49