Е. Б. Власова ШКОЛЬНЫЕ ОЛИМПИАДЫ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 5 - 8 КЛАССЫ CONTENTS ВВЕДЕНИЕ ........................................................................................................ 2 FORM 5 .............................................................................................. 4 FORM 6 ............................................................................................ 16 FORM 7 ............................................................................................ 28 FORM 8 ............................................................................................ 41 KEYS TAPESCRIPTS TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................... 83 USE OF ENGLISH ................................................................................. 83 READING............................................................................................... 95 KEYS TO THE TRAINING EXERCISES Москва Айрис-пресс 2006
ВВЕДЕНИЕ Что такое школьная олимпиада? Школьная олимпиада — это первый этап интеллектуального марафона по иностранному языку, за которым следуют муниципальная, окружная, городская и Всероссийская олимпиады. Цель школьной олимпиады — увлечь всех детей интересными заданиями, развить их познавательные потребности, позволить им самоутвердиться и познать самих себя, то есть создать все условия для формирования смысла учения, что \"в результате приведет к стимулированию и формированию положительной мотивации для изучения иностранного языка. Зачем нужны школьные олимпиады? В течение многих десятилетий в нашей стране традиционно проводятся школьные олимпиады по английскому языку. Они неизменно пользуются большой популярностью как среди учителей, так и среди учеников, потому что, с одной стороны, являются важным фактором популяризации предмета «Английский язык», выявления лингвистически одаренных детей и предоставления информации об уровне владения английским языком, а с другой стороны, создают мотивационную базу для изучения и освоения иностранного языка. Именно со школьных олимпиад начинались победы многих учащихся на окружных, городских и всероссийских олимпиадах, что позволило воспитать большое количество не просто интересующихся иностранными языками детей, а по-настоящему увлеченных юных лингвистов, осознанно овладевающих знаниями и умеющих их продемонстрировать. Когда и как проводить школьную олимпиаду? Школьную олимпиаду лучше всего проводить в ноябре, так как к этому времени уже повторен весь материал предыдущих лет обучения и дети адаптировались к процессу обучения. Кроме того, следующие этапы интеллектуального марафона (муниципальная и окружная олимпиады) обычно проводятся в декабре. Процесс проведения олимпиады включает в себя следующие этапы: 1. Подготовка и отбор заданий. На этом этапе учителю рекомендуется ознакомиться со всеми вариантами заданий для его класса и выбрать наиболее оптимальные из них в соответствии с уровнем учащихся. 2. Подготовка учеников. Целесообразно предложить ребятам повторить пройденные грамматические и лексические темы. Очень важно познакомить ребят с критериями оценивания и количеством баллов для каждого призового места, а также с форматом самой олимпиады в их возрастной группе. 3. Проведение олимпиады. Рекомендуем распределить время следующим образом: V-VI классы: USE OF ENGLISH, READING, LISTENING — 1 час, SPEAKING — 5-7 минут, WRITING — 20 минут;' VII класс: USE OF ENGLISH, READING. LISTENING — 1 час, WRITING — 45 минут, SPEAKING — 8-10 минут; VIII класс: USE OF ENGLISH — 30 минут, READING — 45 минут, WRITING — 1 час, LISTENING — 30 минут, SPEAKING — 10-12 минут. Если в V-VI классах олимпиаду можно провести в один день, то в VII-VIII классах было бы целесообразнее провести ее в течение двух дней, чтобы избежать перегрузки детей. Во время проведения олимпиады учащиеся должны сидеть по одному и выполнять задания на заранее подготовленных листах для ответа. На олимпиаде не разрешается пользоваться справочной литературой и брать с собой сотовый телефон. Лучше всего проводить олимпиаду в большой, светлой, хорошо проветренной аудитории. 4. Подведение итогов. Выявите победителей. При подведении итогов необходимо строго придерживаться критериев оценивания, а не сравнивать ребят друг с другом или с личным прогрессом каждого ребенка. 5. Награждение победителей должно проходить в торжественной обстановке, в присутствии других учеников и желательно родителей. Рекомендуется наряду с грамотами вручить ребятам памятные подарки: книги, словари, видеокассеты с фильмами на английском языке, билеты в театр и т. д. Необходимо уделить внимание каждому участнику олимпиады: так, если ребенок не занял призового места, надо отметить удачные стороны его устного ответа или письменной работы, присудив особую премию за отдельный вид речевой деятельности.
Что включает пакет материалов для проведения олимпиады? Пакет материалов разрабатывался с ориентацией на разные уровни владения языком, а также на требования, представленные в государственном стандарте и учебных программах по иностранному языку. Поскольку задания разрабатывались с учетом требований к школам с углубленным изучением английского языка, то в первую очередь учитывались требования региональной программы для III—IV модели обучения. Кроме того, понимая, что, начиная уже с VIII класса, учащиеся готовятся к сдаче между- народных экзаменов, автор включил задания, которые частично входят в экзамен PET'(Preliminary English Test; этот экзамен ежегодно организует и проводит Британский совет) по разным видам речевой деятельности. Таким образом, участие в школьной олимпиаде является своеобразной подготовкой для успешной работы в других олимпиадах или международных экзаменах. Учителя должны учитывать и тот факт, что участникам предлагается показать не только свои навыки и умения в разных видах речевой деятельности, но и определенный уровень социокультурной компетенции. Часть USE OF ENGLISH включает в себя следующее: 1) для V-VII классов это грамматические задания, в которых ребятам предлагается раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужную форму. Лнтор включил это задание, потому что именно видовременные формы глиголп представляют собой основную сложность на этом этапе обучения; 2) для VIII класса формат меняется. В первом задании учащиеся должны выбрать лексическую единицу, наиболее подходящую к связному тексту. Во втором им предлагается перефразировать предложения, используя заданное начало как отправную точку. Если такие ляда ним в классе прежде никогда не выполнялись, необходимо сделать предварительно несколько аналогичных упражнений. В части READING проверяется умение понимать текст в целом и распознавать детали. Для этого учащимся V-VII классов нужно ответить на вопросы и определить верность высказывании; для учащихся VTII класса задания усложняются. В первом на них автор включил аутентичные материалы (объявления), понимание которых имеет большое практическое значение для (нормирования коммуникативной компетенции; во втором задании ребятам предлагается текст с множественным выбором ответов. До выполнения заданий рекомендуется ориентировать учащихся на самостоятельную формулировку ответов. В части WRITING необходимо выполнить задания, проверяющие умение владеть письменной речью: написание записки, открытки, письма, заполнение формуляра, написание сочинения, описание события, впечатлений и т. д. Требуемое количество слов варьируется в зависимости от года обучения: V-VI классы — 50 слов, VII класс — 100 слов, VIII класс — 150 слов. При подготовке учащихся необходимо обратить их внимание на объем послания и на тот факт, что словом считаются и знаки препинания. Несомненно, в работу каждого класса, занимающегося по углубленной программе, входят задания на развитие письменной речи, но перед олимпиадой все же необходимо убедиться, что дети помнят правила оформления открытки, письма, записки. LISTENING включает в себя задания, нацеленные на проверку понимания общего содержания текста и его деталей. Каждый текст для аудирования звучит дважды, и об этом обязательно надо проинформировать детей. Целесообразно дать детям возможность перед прослушиванием текста ознакомиться с заданиями, которые им предстоит выполнить. Следует убедиться, что все учащиеся понимают суть предстоящих упражнений, и только после этого приступать к работе с записью. SPEAKING состоит из двух частей: проверка навыков монологической и диалогической речи. Разнообразие заданий зависит от класса и уровня владения языком. Предлагаемые для описания картинки не включены в данное пособие, поскольку лексические темы в каждой школе могут отличаться друг от друга в зависимости от выбранных учебно-методических комплексов. Автор предлагает учителям самостоятельно подобрать соответствующие материалы. Обработка результатов В каждом задании указано максимальное количество баллов, а в конце каждого варианта — общая сумма, соответствующая 100%. Подсчитав количество баллов, которые набрал каждый ученик, и составив пропорцию, можно узнать, какой процент работы он выполнил. Автор предлагает следующую оценочную шкалу: 1-е место — 100-98 % 2-е место — 07-95 % 3-е место — 94-92 % Если вышеуказанная оценочная шкала покажется учителям чрезмерно завышенной, можно несколько снизить планку: 1-е место — 100-90 % 2-е место — 89-79 % 3-е место — 78-68 % Критерии оценивания Поскольку оценивание в частях USE OF ENGLISH, READING, LISTENING проводится с учетом данных правильных ответов, а в частях SPEAKING и WRITING их быть не может, автор предлагает следующие критерии оценивания этих видов речевой деятельности.
FORM 5 VARIANT 1 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself lo the teachers and be ready to answer their questions. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. * WRITING (10 points) You have just come back from a holiday in the country. Write down a short letter (50 words) to your friend in London about it. * USE OF ENGLISH (17 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense FORM. Long, long ago there 1 ................ (live) a lot of mice in an old house. There 2 ............. (live) a cat in that house too. The mice 3 ................... (be) afraid of the cat but they 4 ................... (not know) what to do. So one day they all 5 ................... (come) to an old clever mouse and 6 ................... (begin) 7 ................... (talk) about the cat. \"What 8 ................... (can) we do?\" they 9 ................... (say). \"The cat 10 ................... (kill) us all.\" Suddenly one little mouse 11 ................... (say), \"Let's put a bell round the cat's neck and we 12 ................... (hear) it.\" They 13 ................... (be) all very glad and they 14 ................... (begin) to dance. Suddenly the clever old mouse 15 ................... (say), \"I 10 ................... (want) to ask one question. Who 17 ................... (put) the hell round the cat's neck?\" * READING (10 points) Read the text and be ready to do some tasks below. A man was walking in the park on a beautiful spring day and he came across a penguin. He did not know what to do. He took him to a policeman and said, \"I've found this penguin, what should I do?\" The policeman replied, \"Take him to the Zoo.\" The next clay the policeman was walking in the same park when he saw the same man with the penguin. He walked up to him and said, \"Didn't I tell you to take the penguin to the Zoo?\" \"Yes,\" answered the man, \"that's what I did yesterday and today I am taking him to the cinema.\"
A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. A man found a penguin in the park. 2. He knew what to do with it. 3. The man didn't want to take the penguin to the Zoo. 4. They met the policeman in the cinema the next day. 5. The man was taking the penguin to the cinema. В Answer the following questions. 1. Whom did a man see in the park? 2. Why was the policeman surprised when he saw the man for the second time? 3. Where did he meet the man? 4. Where was the man going? 5. Why was the man taking the penguin to the cinema? * LISTENING (10 points) Listen to the text \"A Clever Answer\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. Who did the American travel with? 2. What did he always do for his children? 3. Why did the children frighten the animals? 4. Why did the American ask about the price of the Zoo? 5. What did the Zookeeper answer? В Finish the sentences. 1. One day the American came to ................................................................................... 2. In the Zoo the children ................................................................................................ 3. In the evening they asked him to ................................................................................ 4. The American wanted to buy the Zoo for ................................................................... 5. The text is called \"A Clever Answer\" because ........................................................... TOTAL: / 57 points
VARIANT 2 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers and be ready to answer their questions. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. * WRITING (10 points) Your friend asked you to wait for him/her. But you are in a hurry. Write him/her a message (50 words) explaining the situation, write down why you can't do what he/she asked you to. * USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. Dear Ann, You 1 ................... (be) free to come here on Saturday? My brother Paul 2 ................... (come) and 3 ................... (bring) his friend, Tom. You 4 .................... (not meet) Tom yet, but I 5 ................... (think) you 6 ................... (like) him. Не 7 ................... (be) a doctor and 8 ................... (love) his profession very much. Last year he 9 ................... (go) with his sister to the seaside and 10 ................... (have) a very good time there. Every day they 11 ..................... (swim) in the sea, 12 ...................... (play) tennis and 13 ................... (see) a lot of sights. I also 14 ..................... (want) to go to the seaside. Probably we can 15 ............... (do) it together. On Saturday we 16 ..................... (have) dinner in the garden. I 17 ................... (know) that you usually 18 ........................ (not eat) much for dinner but I am sure you 19 ......................... (like) my homemade pizza. I hope the weather 20 ........................... (be) fine as well. Love, Mary * READING (7 points) Read the text and be ready to do some tasks below. A NEW TICKET Mr Monk was on a train, and he lost his ticket. He looked in all his pockets, but it was not there. There was another man in the same compartment. \"Where are you going?\" \"To York,\" Mr Monk said.
The man got up and opened the door of the compartment. \"Where are you going?\" Mr Monk asked. \"I am going to get you another ticket,\" the man answered. He went out and closed the door. He came back a few minutes later and gave Mr Monk a ticket for York. \"How did you get it?\" Mr Monk asked. \"It was quite easy,\" the other man said. \"I went into each compartment and said, 'Are there any tickets for York?' And a lady gave me this one.\" A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Mr Monk was on a train. 2. There were men who wanted to help him. 3. Mr Monk was going to London. 4. Mr Monk bought a new ticket. В Answer the following questions. 1. Why did the man decide to help Mr Monk? 2. Where did he go? 3. How did he get a ticket? * LISTENING (8 points) Listen to the text \"Blowing Hot and Cold with the Same Breath\" and do the tasks. A Answer the following questions. 1. Where did a wild man live? 2. Why did he want to talk to a stranger? 3. What did the stranger do because he was cold? 4. What did he do when he was drinking hot milk? В Finish the following sentences. 1. The wild man invited the stranger to come to his ....................................................... 2. When the .stranger was drinking milk he started to ................................................... 3. The old man was very angry because ......................................................................... 4. The stranger told the wild man ................................................................................... TOTAL: / 55 points
VARIANT 3 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers and be ready to answer their questions. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. * WRITING (10 points) You've just seen an interesting film. Write a postcard (50 words) to your friend in the USA about it. * USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) Open she brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. Long ago there lived an old woman in England. She 1 ........... (have) a son who 2 ...... (be) a sailor. He 3 ............... (go) to different countries and always 4 ................. (bring) presents for his old mother. Once he 5 ................... (go) to China and 6 ..................... (bring) some tea from that country. At that time tea 7 ................... (be) very expensive and only rich people 8 .......................... (can) buy and drink it. So the old woman was very happy to have it. But she 9 ............................ (not know) what to do with it. She 10 ................... (think) it 11 ................... (be) a vegetable. She 12 ..................... (invite) her friends to taste it with her. At last the day of the party 13 ..................... (come). The woman 14 .................... (put) a big dish with tea-leaves on the table. The guests 15 ……………….….. (begin) to eat them with salt and pepper and they 16 ................... (not like) it. Some time later the sailor 17 ................... (come) into the room. \"What 18 .................... you ................................ (do)?\" he asked. \"Where 19 ........................... (be) the water in which you have boiled the leaves?\" \"I 20 ........................... (throw) it away,\" his mother answered.
* READING (6 points) Read the text THE KING AND THE PAINTER and be able to do the tasks below. There was a king who thought he could paint very well. His pictures were very bad but the people to whom he showed them were afraid to tell him the truth. They all said that his pictures were wonderful and they liked them .very much. One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and said, \"I'd like to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them?\" The painter looked at the king's pictures and said, \"My king, I believe that your pictures are bad and you will never be a good artist.\" The king got very angry and sent the painter to prison. Two years had passed and the king wanted to see the painter again. \"I was angry with you,\" he said, \"because you didn't like my pictures. Now you're a free man again and I am your friend.\" The king talked with the painter and invited him for dinner. The dinner was wonderful. And they enjoyed it very much. After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter again and asked, \"Well, how do you like them now?\" The painter turned to a soldier who was standing behind him and said, \"Take me back to prison.\" A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. The king was proud of his pictures. 2. The painter told the king the truth. 3. Some years later the king became a good painter. В Answer the following questions. 1. Why were people afraid to tell the King the truth about his pictures? 2. What happened to the great painter who told them the truth? 3. Did the painter change his mind when lie met the king two years later? * LISTENING (9 points) Listen to the story \"Thankful Strangers\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. What did Mr Morton do? ______________________________________________ 2. By what kind of transport did he usually get to his office? ____________________ 3. What happened one day? ______________________________________________ 4. What did he see on the seat of his car? ___________________________________ 5. What did the Mortons find out when they came back after the performance? В Finish the following sentences. 1. Mr Morton went out of his office to go to ... ……………………….……………… 2. He was surprised to see his car in the evening because ............................................. 3. The Mortons decided to go to the theatre because .................................................... 4. The thieves had taken their things because ................................................................. TOTAL: / 55 points
VARIANT 4 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers and be ready to answer their questions. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. * WRITING (10 points) You've just been to an interesting museum. Write down a postcard to your friend (50 words) describing what you've seen. * USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. Mr Smith felt very bad. One of his friends 1 ................. (advise) him to go to a doctor. Mr Smith 2 ................... (decide) to follow his advice. When the doctor 3 ................... (examine) him he 4 ................... (tell) him to go to a village and stay there for a month, to go to bed early, drink milk, eat a lot of vegetables and smoke only one cigar a day. \"If you 5 ........................ (take) my advice,\" 6 .................. (say) the doctor, \"you 7 .................... soon ................... (feel) well.\" Mr Smith 8 ....................... (look) a little surprised when he 9 ..................... (hear) the doctor's advice, but the doctor 10 ................... (not see) it. A month later Mr Smith 11 ................. (come) to the doctor again. \"How 12 ..................... (be) you?\" the doctor 13 ..................... (ask) him. \"You 14 .......................... (look) better now. 15 ..................... my advice ................... (help) you?\" \"Thank you,\" 16 ................... (say) Mr Smith, \"117 ..................... (do) all you had recommended me to do. I 18 ................. (go) to the country, I 19 ................... (eat) a lot of vegetables. But one cigar a day nearly killed me. You see it 20 ................ (be) impossible to begin smoking at my age.\" * READING (8 points) Read the text and be able to do the tasks below. AESOP AND THE TRAVELLER Aesop was a very clever man who lived hundreds of years ago in Greece. lie wrote many fine stories. He was well-known as a man who was fond of jokes. One day, as he was enjoying u walk, he met a traveller, who greeted him and said, \"Kind man, can you tell me how soon I shall get to town?\"
\"Go,\" Aesop answered. \"I know I must go,\" protested the traveller, \"but I should like you to tell me how soon I shall get to town.\" \"Go,\" Aesop said again angrily. \"This man must be mad,\" the traveller thought and went on. After he had gone some distance, Aesop shouted after him. \"You will get to town in two hours.\" The traveller turned round in surprise. \"Why didn't you tell me that before?\" he asked. \"How could I have told that before?\" answered Aesop. \"I did not know how fast you could walk.\" A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Aesop was a clever man who lived in Italy. 2. He was fond of walking. 3. The traveller did not know how quickly he would get to town. 4. Aesop told him at once how soon he would get to town. В Answer the following questions. 1. What did Aesop ask the traveller to do? 2. Did the traveller understand him? 3. When did Aesop give him his answer? 4. Why did he not do it before? * LISTENING (7 points) Listen to the text \"An Expensive Breakfast\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. Where was a king travelling one day? 2. Why did he stop at a little village? 3. How much did the farmer ask him to pay? 4. Why was the king surprised? В Finish the following sentences. 1. The king ordered ....................................................................................................... 2. The king thought that he had to pay so much because .............................................. 3. But the farmer said that it was because ..................................................................... TOTAL: / 55 points
VARIANT 5 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers and be ready to answer their questions. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. * WRITING (10 points) You've been to the theatre and have seen a good play. Write a short letter (50 words) to your friend in Scotland describing your impressions. * USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense FORM. Once a rich lady phoned the manager of the London Opera House. She 1 ............ (say) that she wanted to have a party and invite a famous singer. The manager 2 ................... (agree) to help her. The singer 3 ................... (come) to the lady's house. The lady 4 ................... (be) pleased to see him, but she 5 ................... (tell) him to have supper with her servants. The singer 6 ................... (say) nothing. He went to the kitchen, 7 ................... (enjoy) his supper and after it 8 ................... (sing) to the servants. The lady 9 ................................... (not expect) him to stay there so long and 10 .................... (call) him, as she 11 ........................ (not be) pleased with the fact that he 12 ................... (not be) in her sitting-room with her guests. \"13 .................... you ...................... (sing) something for us?\" she 14 ...................... (ask) him. \"I 15 ................... (be) sorry, but I 16 .................... already ................... (sing). You 17 ................... (see), I always 18 ................... (sing) for those people with whom I have supper.\" With these words he 19 ..................... (leave) the room. He 20 ..................... (teach) a good lesson to the rich lady. * READING (10 points) Read the text (A JOKE) and be able to do the tasks below. Everyone has read stories about Sherlock Holmes, who was a famous detective. He was the most famous detective of all time. The author of all the stories was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Once Sir Arthur arrived in Paris. He took a cab and asked the
cabman to take him to a big hotel, where lie was going to spend the night. The cabman brought him to the hotel. When he received his fare he said, \"Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.\" Sir Arthur was surprised, \"How do you know who I am?\" he asked. \"Well, sir, I read in the newspapers yesterday that you were coming to Paris from the South of France. The train, by which you arrived, came from the South of France. Your hat and your clothes told me that you were English. I put all together and guessed at once that you were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.\" \"That is wonderful,\" said Sir Arthur. \"With so few facts you were really able to know me.\" \"Of course,\" said the taxi driver, \"your name was ou both of your travelling bags. That also helped.\" The cabman played a joke on Conan Doyle. A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Sherlock Holmes is a famous writer of detective stories. 2. Once Sir Arthur Conan Doyle came to Paris. 3. The cabman recognized him at once. 4. He could not explain why he had recognized him. 5. He knew that his passenger was a famous writer because he had seen him before. В Answer the following questions. 1. Why did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle take a cab? 2. How did the taxi-driver explain the fact that he knew his passenger's name? 3. Did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle believe him? 4. What was the real reason for the cabman's knowledge? 5. Why did the cabman decide to play a joke on the famous writer? * LISTENING (9 points) Listen to the story \"A Penguin\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. What did a man find? ________________________________________________ 2. Where did he find him? _______________________________________________ 3. Whom did he turn to for help? __________________________________________ 4. Where did the policeman tell him to go? __________________________________ 5. Why didn't he follow the policeman's advice? ______________________________ В Finish the following sentences. 1. The policeman was walking in ……………………………………. the next day. 2. There he saw ......................................................................................................... 3. He was surprised because ..................................................................................... 4. The man answered that ......................................................................................... TOTAL: / 59 points
VARIANT 6 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers and be ready to answer their questions. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. * WRITING (10 points) Write a postcard (50 words) to your friend in Australia. Invite him/her to spend winter holidays with you. Tell him/her what you are going to do together. * USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. Mrs Green was a teacher in a big school. She 1 ............. (have) boys and girls in her class and she always 2 ............... (enjoy) teaching them, because they 3 .............. (be) quick and they 4 ................... (think) about everything carefully. One day she 5 ........ (say) to the children, \"People in some countries 6 ................... .(wear) white when somebody 7 .............. (die) in their family, but in other countries people 8 ................... (wear) white when they 9 ................... (be) happy. What colour 10 .............. a woman ............... (wear) when she 11 ................... (marry), Ann?\" Ann 12 ................... (say), \"White, Miss, because she 13. ................... (be) happy. \" Mrs Green 14 ................... (agree). But then one of the boys in the class 15 ................... (put) his hand up. \"Yes, Dick!\" Mrs Robinson 16 ................... (say). \"17 ................... you ................... (want) to ask a question?\" \"Yes, please, Miss,\" Dick 18 ............... (ask). \"Why 19 ................ men ................ (wear) black when they 20 ................... (marry)?\" * READING (9 points) Read the story and do some tasks below. A MODERN KITCHEN A cook, who wanted to get a job, came to speak to Mrs Smith's house. She asked her what dishes they liked to have and the mistress said they had three meals a day and liked to have ham and eggs for breakfast, a vegetable soup and beefsteak for lunch, chicken or fish for dinner. Then Mrs Smith took the cook to the kitchen and showed her the electric cooker, the washing and drying machines, a dishwasher, a microwave and other things.
\"It won't be difficult for you to cook in our house,\" she said. \"I don't think so,\" answered the cook and began to put on her coat. She was going to leave the house when Mrs Smith asked in surprise, \"Aren't you going to stay?\" \"No,\" said the cook, \"your kitchen isn't good for me. It's an engineer you want, not a cook.\" A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Mrs Smith needed a cook. 2. Mrs Smith told the cook about the menu. 3. She showed the cook her house. 4. The cook liked the kitchen. В Answer the following questions. 1. What questions did the cook ask Mrs Smith? 2. Why did Mrs Smith think that cook's work would be easy? 3. What did the cook do? 4. Why did she decide to leave the house? 5. What was the cook afraid of? * LISTENING (7 points) Listen to the text \"A Holiday\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. Why did Jim go to Blackpool? 2. How did he get there? 3. What did he do there? В Finish the following sentences. 1. It was very nice to fly because .................................................................................... 2. Jim liked the city because ........................................................................................... 3. When Jim and his uncle got into the cinema it ........................................................... 4. Jim found it difficult to watch the film because ......................................................... TOTAL: / 56 points
FORM 6 VARIANT 1 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. 3. Connect it to any appropriate theme studied in English and try to speak about it. * WRITING (10 points) Write a letter (50 words) to your friend in Britain describing the season you are having now. * USE OF ENGLISH (25 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. When Mr Smith 1 ............. (get) up in the morning the weather was very bad. It 2 ....... (be) very bad. It 3 ............. (be) cold outside and it 4 ................... (rain) heavily. He was about to leave for his office when he 5 ................ (find) that all his umbrellas 6 ............ (be) out of order. So he 7 ................... (take) his umbrellas to the umbrella- maker and 8 ................... (say) that he 9 ................... (come) back and take them in the evening. In the afternoon Mr Smith 10 ................... (go) to have lunch at a restaurant. A lady 11 ................. (come) in and 12 ........... (sit) down at Ms table and 13 ............. (have) lunch. Mr Smith 14 ................. (leave) earlier. By mistake Mr Smith 15 ........... (take) her umbrella and 16 .............. (go) to the door. However, the lady 17 ............. (ask) him to give her umbrella back. \"Oh, I 18 ................. (be) sorry,\" 19 ................... (say) Mr Smith. In the evening Mr Smith 20 ................... (take) his umbrellas from the umbrella-maker and 21 .............. (get) on the train. The young lady 22 .............. (be) on the same train too. She 23 .................... (look) at his umbrellas and 24 .................... (say), \"You 25 ......................... (have) a good day, ............................ you?\" * READING (9 points) Road the text (PATRIDGE'S ALMANAC) and do the tasks below. Many years ago there lived a man in London whose name was Patridge. A lot of people knew him because he wrote almanacs where he predicted the weather for each day of the year. Once he decided to visit one of his friends who lived in the country. He left London early in the morning and in a few hours he stopped at a small hotel to have dinner and rest a little. As he wanted to see his friend he didn't stay in the
hotel for a long time. When he was ready to go, the receptionist said to him, \"Don't go out! It will rain.\" \"No, I am sure it will not,\" said Patridge and left the hotel. But very soon it began to rain. \"How did the receptionist know it?\" he thought. \"I must return and ask him. It will help me to write my almanac.\" The receptionist met him at the hotel. Patridge gave him some money and asked him, \"How can you predict the weather so well?\" \"Oh, we have Patridge's almanac, and when this Patridge says that the weather will be fine we always know that it will rain. Today it is July 20th, and the almanac says, \"Fine weather, no rain.\" A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Mr Patridge was popular because of his almanac. 2. One day he decided to find new material for his book. 3. The receptionist recognized him. 4. Mr Patridge decided to speak with the receptionist because he thought that this talk would help him. В Answer the following questions. 1. Why did a lot of people know Mr Patridge? 2. Why did he decide to go to the country one day? 3. How long was he going to stay at the hotel? 4. Why did the receptionist recommend him not to leave the hotel? 5. How could the receptionist predict the weather so well? * LISTENING (9 points) Listen to the text \"The Power of Imagination\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. Why did Mr Green travel so much? ______________________________________ 2. What accommodation did the receptionist offer to Mr Green? _________________ 3. What happened at night? ______________________________________________ 4. What did Mr Green discover in the morning? ______________________________ 5. Why is the story called \"The Power of Imagination\"? ________________________ В Finish the following sentences. 1. The receptionist offered Mr Green and another traveller the same room because .... …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. At first Mr Green did not like the idea but he agreed because .................................. 3. The other traveller asked Mr Green to help him as ................................................... 4. Mr Green thought that he had broken the window with a chair because .................. TOTAL: / 63 points
VARIANT 2 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. 3. Connect it to any appropriate theme studied in English and try to speak about it. * WRITING (10 points) You are very excited because your parents have presented you with a puppy. Write a short letter (50 words) to your sister describing your pet and how you take care of it. * USE OF ENGLISH (25 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense FORM. A Frenchwoman 1 ...................... (decide) to go to Great Britain for a holiday. So she 2 ................... (pack) her things and then she 3 ................... (remember) about her little clog. She 4 ................... (take) it with her because there 5 ................... (be) no one who 6 ............. (can) look after it. The dog 7 .............. (be) very quiet and she 8 ................... (hope) that everything 9 ...................... (be) all right during the flight. The flight was very pleasant and she 10 ................... (enjoy) it very much. The French- woman 11 ................... (think) that nobody 12 ................... (notice) the dog. But just before the plane 13 ................... (land) one of the passengers who 14 ................... (sit) near the woman 15 ................... (tell) her that the English did not let foreigners bring dogs to their country. The woman 16 ................... (not know) what to do. When the plane 17 ....................... (land) she 18 ....................... (put) the dog under her coat and 19 ................... (go) to the Customs House. The Customs Officer 20 ................... (tell) her that she 21 ................... (can't) bring dogs to Britain. \"I have no dog,\" 22 ............... (say) the woman. \"Then I 23 ................................... (understand) that the tail which 24 .................... (hang) down below your coat 25 ................... (be) your own,\" said the Customs Officer. * READING (11 points) Read the text (ENGLISH IS A CONFUSING LANGUAGE) and do the tasks. When I arrived in England, I could not speak a word of English, so I decided to take some lessons. My teacher told me, \"It is necessary to study English very well as English is a confusing language.\"
At first I didn't understand him. But some time later I understood what he meant. I remembered an evening I had spent in a bar in my hotel. I decided to speak English to the barman. I ordered, \"A bear, please.\" The barman could not believe his ears. Ho thought for a moment and then said, \"Listen to me, young man, you are in a bar, not in a Zoo.\" I didn't understand him but I saw he wasn't pleased. A friendly Englishman saved me and ordered a beer for me. He invited me to his table. He was very patriotic and talked about the Queen. I didn't understand half of what he had said, but I decided to please him. \"God shave the Queen,\" I said. He stood up, looked at me and walked away without saying a word. When I think of that day now I see how right my teacher of English was. A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. The author could not speak English when he arrived. 2. The author understood what the word \"confusing\" meant. 3. The barman was angry because he understood him correctly. 4. A friend decided to help him. 5. He was friendly at first. 6. The young man left the author of the story because he was angry with him. В Answer the following questions. 1. Why did the author of the story decide to take lessons of English? 2. Why did the friendly Englishman decide to help the author of the story? 3. Why did he leave angrily? 4. Did the author of the story understand the meaning of the word \"confusing\"? 5. What does it mean? * LISTENING (9 points) Listen to the text \"Seeing a Friend Off\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. Where were three men sitting? ________________________________________ 2. Who gave them information about the trains? _____________________________ 3. Why did they decide to take the train at last? ______________________________ 4. How many of them caught the train? ____________________________________ В Finish the following sentences. 1. Three men could not catch the train because ............................................................. 2. They decided to take the train at last when ................................................................ 3. The third man who could not catch the train went to the bar and .............................. 4. His friends were not going anywhere because they .................................................... 5. The man missed the train because .............................................................................. TOTAL: / 65 points
VARIANT 3 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. 3. Connect it to any appropriate theme studied in English and speak about it. * WRITING (10 points) Write a letter (50 words) to your cousin asking him/her how he/she has spent summer holiday and what he/she has done. * USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense forms. Mr and Mrs Smith 1 ................... (get) married thirty years ago, and they 2 ................ (live) in the same house ever since then. Mr Smith 3 ................... (go) to work at eight o'clock every morning and he 4 ................... (get) home at half past seven every evening from Monday to Friday. There 5 ................... (be) quite a lot of houses in their street, and most of their neighbours 6 ................... (be) very nice. One day an old lady in the house opposite Mr and Mrs Smith 7 ................... (die) and after a few weeks a young man and woman 8 ................... (come) to live in it. Mrs Smith 9 ................... (watch) them for a few days from the window and then 10 ................... (say) to her husband, \"Bill, the man in that house always 11 ................... (kiss) his wife when he 12 ................ (leave) in the morning and he 13 ................... (kiss) her again when he 14 ............... (come) home in the evening. Why 15 ................... you ................... (not do) it?\" Mr Smith 16 ................... (not know) what to say because he 17 ............. (be) so puzzled. He 18 ................... (think) for a while and then 19 ................... (answer), \"I 20 ........................... (not know) her very well yet.\" * READING (10 points) Read the text (A Trip by Plane) and do the tasks below. An American farmer wanted to make an air trip. There was an airport close to his farm. So one morning he came there to ask if he could make an air trip. \"You see,\" he said to one of the pilots, \"I have never flown before, but I would like to.\" The pilot told him that the price of the trip was 10 dollars for a ten-minute trip. \"Oh, it's a dollar a minute,\" the farmer said. \"Can't you reduce the price?\" The pilot thought for a minute and then said, \"I won't take any money if you don't say a word during the whole trip.\" The farmer agreed.
\"By the way,\" said the pilot, \"you may take your wife too.\" The farmer was happy. The next day at three o'clock the farmer and his wife arrived at the airport. Soon they were up in the air. The plane flew at a high speed, it went up and down very quickly, but the passengers didn't say a word. \"You are brave people,\" said the pilot. \"I thought you would be afraid to fly.\" \"Well,\" said the farmer, \"I am glad, I will not have to pay for the trip, as I didn't have to say a word, but I wanted to speak to you when my wife fell out of the plane.\" A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. The farmer didn't like the price of the trip. 2. The farmer decided to take his wife because it could make the price of the trip less. 3. The passengers kept silent when they wore in the air. 4. The farmer's wife was quite well after the trip. В Answer the following questions. 1. What kind of trip did the farmer want to make? 2. Did he find the trip cheap or expensive? 3. On what condition did the pilot agree to change the price of the trip? 4. Who joined the farmer? 5. Did the farmer pay for the trip? 6. What happened to his wife in the air? * LISTENING (9 points) Listen to the text \"On the Train\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. Why did the man in black attract Bill's attention? 2. Why did he have to leave the compartment? 3. What did the man in the black suit do? 4. Why did he do it? В Finish the following sentences. 1. Bill's train was leaving from ……………………………………………….. station. 2. The man running after the train was wearing ………………………………………. 3. In the corridor he saw a man with his right hand on the …………………………..... 4. Bill thought that the man was .................................................................................... 5. The guard knew the man because .............................................................................. TOTAL: / 59 points
VARIANT 4 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe the picture offered by the teachers. 3. Connect it to any appropriate theme studied in English and speak about it. * WRITING (10 points) You had a very good summer because you went hiking to the mountains. Write a letter to you friend (50 words) describing what you did and saw. * USE OF ENGLISH (21 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense FORM. One day a lady 1 ............. (see) a mouse running across her kitchen floor. She 2 ........ (be) very afraid of mice, so she 3 ................ (run) out of the house, 4 ................ (get) in a bus and 5 ................... (go) down to the shops. There she 6 ................... (buy) a mouse-trap. The shopkeeper 7 ................... (say) to her, \"8 ................... (put) some cheese in it, and you 9 ................... (catch) that mouse.\" The lady 10 .............. (come) home with her mouse-trap, but when she 11 ...................... (look) in her cupboard, she 12 ................... (can't) find any cheese in it. She 13 ................... (not want) to go back to the shops, because it 14 ................... (be) very late, so she 15 ................... (cut) a picture of some cheese out of a magazine and 16 ...................... (put) that into the trap. Surprisingly, the picture of the cheese 17 ................... (be) quite successful! When the lady 18 ................ (come) down to the kitchen the next morning, there 19 ............. (be) a picture of a mouse in the trap beside the picture of the cheese. What 20 ................... you ................... (think) the woman 21 ................... (do) next? * READING Read the text (A Storm at Sea) and do the tasks below. (9 points) There was a performance at a London theatre in which there was a storm at sea. Some boys were shouting and running under a large piece of green cloth to make that storm. Each boy received a shilling a night for his work. People enjoyed the performance and a lot of people visited the theatre when the performance was on. But the theatre director wanted to make still more money from these performances and he decided to make the boys' pay lower. So he said that he would pay not a shilling but a sixpence for their work. Such conditions didn't suit the boys and they decided not to accept them. So during the next performance, when the storm was to begin the boys
began to shout but they were not running under the cloth. So nobody could see any storm at sea. The theatre director ran to them, looked under the cloth and asked, \"What's the matter? Why aren't you making any storm?\" One of the boys asked him, \"Do you want a sixpence or a shilling storm?\" \"All right, all right,\" the director said, \"I'll give you a shilling a night, only give me a good storm.\" The storm began, and everybody thought that they had never seen a better storm before. A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. The boys were shouting under a small carpet. 2. The theatre director decided to lower the payment because the performance was not successful. 3. The boys only shouted after the payment became lower. 4. The boys did it because they were tired. 5. The theatre director asked them to do their best. В Answer the following questions. 1. Where was the performance on? 2. What did the boys do during the performance? 3. Why did they stop doing what they had been asked? 4. Why was the performance successful again? * LISTENING (9 points) Listen to the text \"At the Zoo\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. What were big baskets at the Zoo for? 2. Where were there a lot of people at the weekends? 3. Why was Mr Brown surprised? 4. What were the children looking at? 5. Why were the children more interested in watching a little animal? В Finish the following sentences. 1. People usually were near ............................................................................................ 2. That clay people were near ......................................................................................... 3. A little mouse was ...................................................................................................... 4. The mouse was near the children but it was ............................................................... TOTAL: / 59 points
VARIANT 5 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. 3. Connect it to any appropriate theme studied in English and speak about it. * WRITING (10 points) You have just moved to a new flat where you have your own room. Write a letter (50 words) to the family with whom you spent some time in Britain describing your new room. * USE OF ENGLISH (27 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense FORM. Mr Jones 1 ............. (go) to a restaurant one day. He 2 ................ (leave) his coat near the door. There 3 ............ (be) nothing in the pockets of his coat when he 4 .............. (leave) it, so he 5 ................... (be) very surprised when he 6 ................... (take) his coat after the meal and 7 ................... (find) the pockets full of money! There 8 ................... (be) a waiter near the door, so Mr Jones 9 ................... (say) to him, \"Somebody 10 ................... (make) a mistake. He 11 ................... (put) some money in my coat. 12 ................... (take) it and when he 13 ................... (come) back, 14 ................... (give) it to him.\" The waiter 15 ................... (take) it and 16 ................... (go) away. Suddenly another man 17 ................... (come) in with a coat just like Mr Jones's. \"I 18 ............. (be) sorry,\" said the man. \"I 19 ................... (make) a mistake. I 20 ................. (take) your coat and you have got mine. Please, 21 ................ (give) my coat back.\" Mr Jones 22 ................... (answer), \"I 23 ................... (give) the money to the waiter. He 24 ........................ (give) it to you.\" Mr Jones 25 ................... (call) the manager of the restaurant. And to their surprise the manager 26 ................... (say) that they didn't have any waiters but only waitresses at that restaurant. So Mr Jones 27 ................... (understand) that he had given the money to a thief. * READING (7 points) Read the text (Economy is the Best Policy) and do the tasks below. A young mother believed that it was very wrong to waste any food when there were so many hungry people in the world. One evening, she was giving her small
daughter her tea before putting her to bed. First she gave her a slice of fresh brown bread and butter, but the child said that she did not want it like that — she asked for some jam on her bread as well. Her mother looked at her for a few seconds and then said, \"When I was a small girl like you Lucy, I was always given either bread and butter, or bread and jam, but never bread with butter and jam.\" Lucy looked at her mother for a few moments with pity in her eyes and then said to her kindly, \"Aren't you pleased that you've come to live with us now?\" A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. A young mother thought that people should think more about the poor. 2. The child wanted to have tea and jam. 3. Lucy felt sorry for her mother. В Answer the following questions. 1. What did a young mother think about wasting food? 2. What did she want her daughter to have? 3. What did the daughter mean by her last sentence? 4. Did she agree with her mother? * LISTENING (10 points) Listen to the text \"Fortune\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. What was a man carrying in his hands? 2. What did he think was enough for him? 3. Who decided to help him? 4. Did the man agree to stop when the bag was full? 5. What happened when the last diamond was put? В Finish the following sentences. 1. The man was wondering .............................................................................................. 2. The Fortune decided to help him on condition that ..................................................... 3. The man found it very difficult to stop because .......................................................... 4. When everything became dust .................................................................................... 5. The man was punished for his .................................................................................... TOTAL: / 64 points
VARIANT 6 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers. 3. Connect the picture to one of the themes studied in English and speak about it. * WRITING (10 points) Write down a letter (50 words) to your friend in Britain about your favourite subject at school. * USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. Some young men 1 .............................. (travel) in a smoking compartment of a railway carriage. Just as the train 2 ............. (be) about to start the door suddenly 3 ................... (open) and an old woman 4 ........................ (come) into their compartment. The young men 5 ................... (want) the compartment for themselves and they 6 ................... (say), \"This 7 ................... (be) a smoking carriage.\" But the woman 8 ................... (not listen) to them. She 9 ............... (come) into their compartment and 10 ........... (sit) down. They 11 ................... (decide) to smoke as much as they 12 ................... (can) and 13 ............... (hope) that she would leave the carriage soon. There 14 ............. (be) a lot of smoke in the compartment and the young men 15 ................... (begin) to feel bad. In a quarter of an hour to their great surprise the woman 16 ................... (take) out a pipe and 17 ................... (begin) to smoke too while the men 18 ................... (sit) and 19 ................... (breath) heavily. The young man 20 ................... (have) to change the compartment very soon. * READING (11 points) Read the text (WHAT IS MORE USEFUL) and do the tasks below. It happened once when a trolley-bus, a car and a bicycle met at the red light. As they were waiting for the green light, they began to argue. The Car was the first to speak. He said to the bicycle, \"I can't understand why people are using you! You are so slow. Do you know that people started travelling by cars about a hundred years ago: in 1885. I'm very fast, I can carry not one man, as you do, but five. Anybody can see that I am more useful than you.\" \"It depends on when and where,\" said the small bicycle. Then the trolley-bus spoke. \"I am better and more useful than you,\" he said to the car. \"You can take only five people, but I can take more. It's quite clear to anybody that I am more useful than you.\" \"It depends on when and where,\" said the small bicycle again. At that moment they saw a green light and moved on to see which of them was the fastest. Of course the bicycle was the slowest and the trolley-bus could not leave the city. The car left the city and was moving very fast. But soon it came to the place where there was a bridge over the river.
The car could not cross it as the bridge was very bad. So it had to take another road. And when, at last, it came to a village on the other side of the river, it saw that the bicycle was waiting for it. \"Why,\" said the car, \"how did you cross the river?\" \"Well,\" said the bicycle, \"there was a little passage on the bridge just wide enough for me to cross the river. And so here I am. Do you remember what I said? It depends on when and where. You see now that I was right.\" A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. The car thought that the bicycle was not useful at nil. 2. It thought that it was more useful because it was very fast. 3. The bicycle agreed with it. 4. The trolley-bus thought that it was the most useful of all. 5. When the green light was on the trolley-bus was the fastest. 6. When the car came to the village it saw the bicycle there. В Answer the following questions. 1. When did people start using cars? 2. Why did the car think that the bicycle wasn't useful? 3. Why did the trolley-bus think that it was more useful than others? 4. Why couldn't the ear cross the river? 5. Why was the bicycle right when it said, \"It depends on when and where\"? * LISTENING (9 points) Listen to the text \"A Thief\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. Where did the Englishman and his wife stay in Rome? 2. What did they think of their accommodation? 3. When did the Englishman decide to do the sightseeing? 4. What did he ask the passer-by about? В Finish the following sentences. 1. The Englishman's wife didn't go sightseeing with him because ................................. 2. The Englishman decided to speak to a passer-by when .............................................. 3. He ran after the passer-by because .............................................................................. 4. It took him ....................................................................... to find the way to his hotel. 5. The Englishman understood that he himself was the thief when ............................... TOTAL: / 60 points
FORM 7 VARIANT 1 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers and express your personal attitude towards the theme of the picture. 3. You are going to arrange a New Year Performance at school. Discuss with your partner the concert and activities of this event as well as your own responsibilities. * WRITING (10 points) Your friend from Great Britain is going to come to Moscow for the first time. Write him/her a letter (100 words). Describe what you are going to see/do together. * USE OF ENGLISH (22 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. A forester with his dog Tarzan was riding through the thick forest. Suddenly his horse 1 ................... (stop). The forester 2 ................... (feel) that something 3 ................... (frighten) it. He 4 ...................... (look) round and 5 ................... (see) a pack of wolves 6 ..................... (come) to them. Then the dog Tarzan 7 .................... (run) over to the wolves, 8 ................... (sniff) and 9 ....................... (disappear) with them in the forest. The forester remembered the day when he 10 ................... (find) a helpless hungry wolf-cub. He 11 ............ (pick) it up, 12 ............. (bring) it home, 13 ............... (warm) it, 14 ................... (give) it food and 15 ................... (put) it in Tarzan's dog house. Soon the cub 16 ................... (grow up). Then the forester 17 ................... (take) the young wolf back to the place where he 18 ................... (find) him and 19 ................... (leave) him there. Now the forester understood why the wolves 20 ....................... (not attack) him or his dog. Among them 21 ................... (be) Tarzan's friend. Tarzan 22 ............................ (return) home the next morning safe and sound.
* READING (8 points) Read the text (A Wonderful Discovery) and do the tasks below. Sarah had a son of ten, who was called Jack. He did not like studying, but loved watching television. Sarah used to drive to school at half past four in the afternoon, bring Jack back home and give him some tea, but as soon as he got home, he always rushed to the television set and turned it on. \"Haven't you got any homework, Jack?\" his mother always asked him as she began to make tea. \"Eh? Oh, yes, I have got a little,\" he used to answer. \"I'll do it later when there's nothing interesting on television.\" At first Sarah had allowed Jack to watch television instead of starting his homework first, but soon she discovered that lie never had a little homework — it was always a great deal — and that there was never a time when there was nothing interesting on television, so that after putting off doing his homework for a couple of hours, Jack was too tired to do Ids homework properly, if at all. Sarah then decided to make him do it first. This was always a battle, and often when Jack obeyed his mother, he did his work quickly and carelessly as he wanted to finish it quickly and get back to his beloved television. The result was the same as when he left his homework until last; bad work, which he was punished for the next day at school by getting low marks, either because his homework was full of mistakes, or because he did not know the work he was supposed to have prepared the night before. One evening Jack's science homework was about famous inventors like Thomas Edison, who made important discoveries and inventions in the field of electricity. When he had homework that consisted of learning facts, his mother began to test him when he finished, to try to make sure that he had really done the work properly and not left anything out, and this is what she did this time. She did not let him stop until she was sure that he knew what was in his book. But this time, it was less of a battle than usual to make Jack sit down and go over what he had learnt carefully, because it had strong connection with television. In class the next day, the teacher said to Jack, \"What are some of the things that Thomas Edison did for science?\" \"Well,\" Jack answered happily, \"first of all, if it were not for Edison, we'd all be watching television by candlelight.\" A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Jack had a lot of homework. 2. He did not do his homework well because he was not a clever boy. 3. Jack's mother made him do his homework. 4. Jack enjoyed doing his homework about Thomas Edison. В Answer the following questions. 1. Was there sometimes nothing interesting on television for Jack? 2. Were Jack's results better when his mother made him do his homework? 3. What did Jack's mother do to stop him being punished at school? 4. Why was Jack's answer funny?
* LISTENING (9 points) Listen to the text \"Three Black Umbrellas\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. What did Sally want to buy? 2. Why did it have to be rather cheap? 3. Why did she choose a black umbrella? 4. Where did she leave it? В Finish the following sentences. 1. Sally decided to have a sandwich and a cup of coffee because .................................. 2. Sally thought that one of the umbrellas would solve her problem as ......................... 3. Sally went to the buffet on her way home when she .................................................. 4. The passengers felt sorry for her because ................................................................... 5. Sally's mother got three umbrellas from ..................................................................... TOTAL: / 59 points
VARIANT 2 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers and express your personal attitude towards the theme of the picture. 3. Some students from a partner school in Great Brita n came to Moscow. You are responsible for the programme arrangement Speak with the group leader about it and answer his/her questions. If there is something that he/she wants to change, try to do it. * WRITING (10 points) You have just come from an exciting trip in the mountains. Write a letter (100 words) to your friend in the United States and share your impressions. Mind the rules of letter writing. * USE OF ENGLISH (29 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs in to the proper tense form. Once, while I 1 ................... (walk) in a park in London, I 2 ................... (see) an old strange-looking man. He 3 ................... (sit) on a bench 4 ................... (hold) a closed book in his hands. I 5 ................... (sit) down on the bench and 6 ................... (look) at the book. I 7 ................ (see) that the book 8 ............. (be) of great interest. It 9 .......... (be) a very old copy of early Byron's works. I 10 ................... (look) at the old man in surprise and 11 ................... (understand) that he 12 ................... (know) I 13 ............... (sit) on the bench because of him and the book he 14 ................... (hold) in his hands. I 15 ................ (smile). \"It is the last I 16 ............. (have),\" he said and 17 ................... (stretch) it out to me. I 18 ................... (take) with the words, \"I 19 ................... (be) a lover of old books.\" I 20 ................... (open) this small book and 21 ................... (look) at the date. \"Oh,\" I said. \"It 22 ................... (be) a remarkable book.\" \"Yes,\" he 23 ................... (sigh). \"I 24 ................... (have) to sell it to buy the necessities of life. I 25 ................... (have) a hard life and this book 26 ................... always ................... (be) a comfort to me.\" I 27 ............... (nod) and 28 ................. (think) that I 29 ........... never ................... (see) such a remarkable book.
* READING (7 points) Read the magazine article and do the tasks below. Every good climber wants to climb mountain Everest, 8, 848 metres above the sea level, the highest mountain in the world. It stands between Nepal and Tibet, in the Himalayas. It is, in fact, quite a \"young\" mountain — only about two million years old. The Tibetans call it Chomolungma, the \"Mother of the World\". Only just over 600 people have ever climbed to the top of Everest. You cannot climb the mountain without special permission from the government of Nepal; you can only climb it in May or October every year; you must have a booking for your expedition — and at the moment there are no more bookings for the next ten years! The expeditions which have climbed Everest have all used tents, oxygen bottles and other climbing equipment. Many expeditions have left their old equipment behind them — empty oxygen bottles, old food containers, etc — so there is now a serious litter problem high up on the mountain. The government of Nepal is now trying to clean up the mountain. In May 1993 they gave permission to a team of young Americans to climb the mountain ... but they asked them to bring back the litter on their way down again. The expedition brought down 2, 850 kilos of litter from the highest slopes of the mountain. This was the start of a plan to clear all the litter from Mountain Everest. A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Everest is less than 1, 100 metres high. 2. It is in the Alps. 3. 500 people have climbed it. 4. People can climb it from May to October. В Answer the following questions. 1. Can you book an expedition to Everest now? ………………………………………. 2. Why is there a serious litter problem? ……………………………………………… 3. How did the government start to exercise their programme? ………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. * LISTENING (8 points) Listen to the text \"A Wrong Door\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. Did the little old woman follow the directions of the air hostess? ………………… 2. What mistake did she make?...................................................................................... 3. Who were the four men?............................................................................................ 4. Why did the old woman think that they were watching television? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. В Finish the following sentences. 1. The air-hostess was in …………………………... at the back of the plane. 2. She said that the lavatory was ……………..………………... of the plane. 3. The old woman saw .................................................................................... 4. She said that she had found the lavatory because ....................................... TOTAL: / 64 points
VARIANT 3 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers and express your personal attitude towards the theme of the picture. 3. You're going to organize an \"Environmental Week\" at school. Discuss your and your partner's responsibilities and activities that you are going to arrange. * WRITING (10 points) You are on your first trip to the United States. It is Wednesday evening, the end of your sightseeing visit to New York. Write a letter (100 words) to your family at home and tell them about the places you visited and the sights you saw in New York with your friend. * USE OF ENGLISH (22 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. Once a philosopher was travelling down a river in a small boat. While he 1 ............. (cross) the river he 2 ................... (ask) the boatman, \"3 .............. you ............... (hear) about Philosophy?\" \"No,\" 4 ................... (say) the boatman. \"I 5 .............. (be) sorry for you,\" replied the learned man. \"You 6 ................... (lose) a quarter of your life because it is a very interesting science!\" Several minutes later the philosopher asked the boatman another question: \" 7 .............. you ................... (hear) about Astronomy, when you 8 ................... (be) at school?\" \"No, I 9 ................... (leave) school many years ago and I 10 ................... (forget) all about it,\" was the answer. To this the philosopher answered that he 11 ............... (be) really sorry for the man, and he 12 ................... (think) that the boatman 13 ................... (lose) a second quarter of his life. Some minutes passed and the passenger again 14 ................... (wonder) if the man 15 ................... ever ................... (hear) about Algebra. And the man had to admit that he 16 ............ never ................ (know) anything about it. \"In that case you 17 .......... certainly ................... (lose) a third quarter of your life!\" said the scientist. At that very moment the boat 18 ....................... (strike) on a big stone. The boatman jumped and 19 ................... (cry), \"20 ................... ever ................... (learn) to swim?\" \"No,\" was the answer. The boatman explained sadly that the philosopher 21 ................... (lose) his whole life as the boat 22 ................................. (sink).
* READING Read the text and do the tasks below. (7 points) Purcell was a small man. He owned a pet shop. He sold cats, dogs, monkeys and birds. Each morning when he completed the routine of opening his shop, he sat down on a high stool behind the counter and read a morning newspaper. It was a cold rainy day. Mr Purcell was reading a newspaper as usual when a customer appeared in the shop and said that he wanted something in a cage. \"Something in a cage?\" Mr Purcell was a bit confused. \"You mean some sort of pet?\" \"I mean what I said!\" answered the man. \"Something in a cage. Something alive that is in a cage.\" \"I see,\" said the shopkeeper not sure that he did. He started to offer different pets, but it seemed that the price was too big for the customer. At last he decided to have two white doves for five dollars. Mr Purcell handed the cage to him. \"Listen,\" the man said suddenly. \"How long do you think it took me to make those five dollars?\" Mr Purcell was in a state of panic, but he asked, \"Why, how long?\" The customer laughed. \"Ten years! I've spent ten years in jail. Ten years! Fifty cents a year!\" He took his cage and left the shop. Mr Purcell came up to the shop window to look at the customer who was holding the cage and looking at his purchase. Then he opened the cage and took the birds out. Soon they disappeared in the sky. A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Mr Purcell sold cats, dogs, horses and birds. 2. Each morning he had a cup of coffee. 3. The customer rejected all the offers because he could not afford the price. 4. He said that he had made those five dollars in jail. В Answer the following questions. 1. Why was Mr Purcell surprised when he heard what the customer wanted? ……….. 2. Why did he choose the doves? ………………………………………………………. 3. Why did he let them out? ……………………………………………………………. * LISTENING (8 points) Listen to the text \"The Big Party\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. Why was Harriet selfish and unkind? ………….……………………………………. 2. Why did she have a heart attack? ……………………………………………………. 3. Why did she decide to arrange a party? ……………………………………………... 4. How many guests came? …………………………………………………………….. В Finish the following sentences. 1. Harriet always tried to attract the attention of the public to herself alone because ... 2. She fell lonely because ............................................................................................. 3. She did not receive any greetings ............................................................................. 4. Her friends did not come because ............................................................................. TOTAL: / 57 points
VARIANT 4 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers and express your person- al attitude towards the theme of the picture. 3. You are planning to start a school newspaper. Talk it over with your partner and share responsibilities. What parts will it consist of? What topics will it cover? * WRITING (10 points) The British Airways book of Travel Advice and Information for tourists says this: \"If you notice environmental problems, write to the local environmental organization.\" Write a letter (100 words) to an environmental organization called \"Friends of the Week\". Tell them about the litter problem in your area and de- scribe your ideas for a solution to it. Start your letter with Dear Sir/Madam, and finish it with Yours faithfully ... . * USE OF ENGLISH (29 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. The Greens lived in an ancient house. They 1 ................... (buy) it as it 2 ............. (be) a good example of the early 19th century architecture. But one day they 3 ................... (notice) that strange things 4 ................... (begin) 5 ................... (happen) in the house. The first 6 ................... (do) when they 7 ................... (move) in. They 8 ................... (have) dinner and they 9 ................... (have to) 10 ................... (eat) by candlelight as the electricity 11 ................... (not turn) on yet. Gwen 12 ................... (light) the candle. \"If they 13 ................... (not turn) it tomorrow morning, I 14 ................... (go) to the village centre in the afternoon und 15 ................ (make) them 16 ............... (do) it,\" said Mr Green. Ten minutes later the candles suddenly 17 ................ (go) out, first one then the other. \"John, who 18 ............. (do) that?\" asked Mrs Green. \"I 19 ............ (think) the wind 20 ................... (blow) out the candles. But his wife 21 .............. (be) sure that it 22 ................... (not be) the wind. First, there 23 ............. (be) no wind and then she 24 ................... (lock) the door and 25 ............... (shut) all the windows before supper herself. They 26 ................... (finish) supper quickly but Gwen 27 ................... (not can) 28 ................... (forget) what 29 ................... (happen).
* READING Read the text and do the tasks below. (8 points) Greenville was a small town in the middle of England. Most of it was full of houses and shops, but in the middle of the town there was a small park, which contained, among other things, a playground for small children. The park had always been closed at six every evening, and this had meant that the playground closed at that time too, but now the town council was discussing whether, in the summer, the playground should be left open till later. There was a lot of discussion about this among the members of the town council. A few of them thought that children should not be encouraged to stay out late in the evenings; others said that it was healthy for children to have a change from television to get some fresh air, and to be able to play in the playground instead of perhaps doing things that were either dangerous or harmful. At last one of the council members who was a woman, asked, \"Have any of you ever gone to the playground on a summer evening? If you had, you would have seen that there are groups of children playing there after six every evening.\" \"But the playground isn't open then!\" others cried. \"I know,\" the woman answered, \"but it's no mystery that there are plenty of small holes in the fence round the playground through which the children can climb. And when they have to get in that way, they're much more eager to do so than if the gates are open. It's much more exciting for them to do things they think are forbidden, you sec, and it does no harm, does it?\" The other members of the town council laughed, and they all agreed that the gates should continue to be closed at six for the children's sake, so as not to spoil their fun. A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. There were a lot of houses and shops in the park of Greenville. 2. The town council was thinking of closing the park before six. 3. Some members did not want to change the time. 4. Others wanted the park to remain open to encourage children to stop going out. В Answer the following questions. 1. At what time had one member seen children playing in the playground? ……………. 2. How had they got in? ………………………………………………………………… 3. Why was it a good thing? …………………………………………………………….. 4. Why did the town council agree to continue closing the park at six? ………………… * LISTENING Listen to the text “A Game” and do the tasks below. (8 points) A Answer the following questions. 1. What was Johnny keen on? …………………………………………………………… 2. What showed his great interest? ………………………………………………………. 3. Why didn't his mother let him open the window wide? ………………………………. 4. What happened all of a sudden? ……………………………………………………… В Finish the following sentences. 1. His mother was frightened because .............................................................................. 2. She tried to …………………………………………………….... but in vain. 3. Johnny started to speak when …………………………………………..... 4. His mother understood that her son .................................... TOTAL: / 65 points
VARIANT 5 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers and express your personal attitude towards the theme of the picture. 3. You are going camping with a group of school mates. Talk it over with your partner. Discuss the things you are going to take with you and your itinerary. * WRITING (10 points) Your friend from Great Britain has sent you a letter inviting you to come and stay with his family for two weeks. One of the lines from his letter ran: \"What would you like to do and see during your stay?\" Write a letter back (100 words) and answer your friend's questions. * USE OF ENGLISH (26 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. When Nelly returned to her native city after 4 years at the University she 1 .............. (understand) that many things 2 ............................ (change). The first night at home she 3 .................... (go) for a walk 4 ............................ (accompany) by a friend of hers. The girls 5 ................... (see) many people 6 ................... (have) walks with their children. \"Look!\" Nelly's friend suddenly 7 ................... (cry). \"A new bridge 8 ................... (appear) here!\" \"When 9 ................... it ................... (build)?\" Nelly's friend 10 ................... (not expect) her 11 .............. (be) so excited. \"You 12 ................... (see),\" she said, \"it 13 ................... (be) our new council policy. They 14 ................... (build) a lot of new things at the moment. 15 ................... you ................... (remember) Mr Perking's old barn? A new garage 16 ................... (build) in its place. It 17 ................... (not finish) yet, but when they 18 ................... (finish) it, it 19 ................... (be) the biggest garage in the city.\" Nelly 20………….. (shake) her head in disbelief. \"It 21 ................ always……… (be) difficult 22 ................... (make) the City Council 23. …………….. (do) anything in the field of construction,\" she said. She 24…………….. .(remember) how old-fashioned her city 25……… (be) before. She hoped she 26 .................... (see) more attractive changes in the near future.
* READING (7 points) Read the text and do the tasks below. This happened more than fifty years ago, in a little American town called Springfield. The newspaper \"The Springfield Voice\" had a very difficult life. The newspaper hadn't enough money and could not pay its workers. But it had one difficulty that was even worse. Whenever some interesting news appeared in 'The Springfield Voice\", the rest of the newspapers in the town at once published the same news as their own. At last \"The Springfield Voice\" decided to teach their enemies a lesson. In the morning, April 1, \"The Springfield Voice\" published the news that a coffee king whose name was Lirpa Loof had come from abroad and was going to visit Springfield. Of course, this was tremendous news in such a little town. That same afternoon all the other newspapers in the town wrote about Mr Lirpa Loof. One of the newspapers published an interview with the rich businessman, another newspaper told its readers that Mr Lirpa Loof had had a meeting with the businessmen of the town, who were planning to buy coffee from him. The next day, April 2, \"The Springfield Voice\" wrote: \"Of course, we are proud that the other newspapers believed our story about the rich foreign businessman Lirpa Loof. But they must not forget what the date was yesterday. Read the first, then the second word — Lirpa Loof — from the end to the beginning and you will see why they must not forget that date.\" A Write down whether the following statements are true or false. 1. It happened fifteen years ago in America. 2. The newspaper had financial problems. 3. The newspaper wrote about a coffee king who came to Springfield. 4. Other newspapers published information about him too. В Answer the following questions. 1. Why was the newspaper \"The Springfield Voice\" in a difficult situation? 2. Why did other newspapers publish information about the coffee king? 3. What is the message of the story? * LISTENING (8 points) Listen to the story \"A Hobby\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. 1. Why did the teacher encourage her pupils to have a hobby? 2. Why could some of the children go home? 3. What did the rest of the pupils have to do? 4. Why did Tommy go home? В Finish the following sentences. 1. The teacher was surprised that Tommy was not in class because ............................ 2. Tommy wanted to take the collection home because ............................................... 3. Tommy said that the butterflies belonged to ............................................................ 4. It turned out that ....................................................................................................... TOTAL: / 61 points
VARIANT 6 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. 2. Describe one of the pictures offered by the teachers and express your personal attitude towards the theme of the picture. 3. You and your friend are going to make a project about your district/town. Talk it over with him/her. What parts will it include? What sights are you going to highlight? What form will it take? * WRITING (10 points) Finish the story (100 words) starting with the following words: Tom came in and closed the door behind him. * USE OF ENGLISH (26 points) Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form. A middle-aged, well-to-do woman I ....................... (do) her Christmas shopping. She 2 ................... (think) she 3 .................... (like) a cup of tea. She 4 ................ (go) to a cafe in the department store, 5 ........................... (take) a vacant seat with relief and 6 ..................... (lay) all her parcels and her handbag on the chair next to her. A pot of good English tea 7 ........................ (bring). While she 8 ......................... (enjoy) it she suddenly noticed a hand from behind 9 .......................... (snatch) her handbag. She 10 ............... so ................... (shock) that she 11 ...................... (not react) at once. When the woman 12 ............................. (understand) all, the thief 13 ......................... (disappear). She walked to the Security and reported that she 14 …….......... (rob) and explained what 15 ........................ (happened). She really 16 ........................ (not have) much hope that her handbag with the keys, money, credit cards 17 …….......... (find). But it was more of a pleasant surprise when the people from the store 18 ................... (ring) her later that day. They 19 ................... (say) they 20 ................... (find) her bag and 21 ................... (ask) her 22 ................... (come) and 23 ................... (get) it back. When she arrived at the place, the people had no idea what the old dear 24 .............
………………..(talk) about. The woman went back home and when she opened the door she realized who 25 .......................... (phone) her: during her absence the thief 26 ................................. (take) away all the things from her house. * READING (8 points) Read the text and do the tasks below. A company in Japan is selling a new drink. Their new drink is a powerful mixture of powered ginseng root, a fungus from the skin of caterpillars and reptile's blood. This strange drink, people say, is helping Chinese women athletes to win gold medals at international athletics meetings. The Japanese firm says that this mixture can do wonderful things for ordinary people too. Mr Ma Junwen is the trainer of the Chinese women's athletics team. Ho created the recipe for this peculiar cocktail of roots and fungus and blood specially for the team. His runners train in the mountains of central China. They run 30 or 40 kilometres every day, so they are all very strong runners. But they all drink Ma's cocktail every day too ... and they are winning more medals nowadays than they did before. And Mr Ma is trying to market his odd mixture through the company in Japan. People in Japan know about Ma's runners and they are rushing to buy a bottle of his amazing drink. So Mr Ma is winning, too, not only runners. Before he invented his drink, he was not a rich man, but now he is making a lot of money from the drink, and people in Japan love it! A Write down whether the following sentences are true or false. 1. Mr Ma is helping Japanese sportswomen. 2. This drink is a mixture consisting of different ingredients. 3. This mixture was created for sale. 4. A Japanese company is now selling the drink in China. В Answer the following questions. 1. Who is drinking Ma's mixture nowadays In Japan? 2. Who usually drinks it In China? 3. How many medals are Chinese women runners winning nowadays, with the help of Mr Ma's drink? 4. Why is Mr Ma winning? * LISTENING (7 points) Listen to the text \"The Only Way\" and do the tasks below. A Answer the following questions. TOTAL: / 61 points 1. What do the boys who join the navy study do? 2. Why was one of the swimming instructors good? 3. What did he try to do with the boy who could not swim? 4. Why did he give up teaching? В Finish the following sentences. 1. In the old days many sailors ... 2. The teacher gave his pupil a piece of advice because ... 3. He said that the only way to save his life was to ...
FORM 8 VARIANT 1 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers. Be ready to answer their questions. 2. Describe the picture offered by the teacher and express your personal attitude towards the theme of the picture. 3. You have been asked to organize a day trip for your History class. Talk with your partner about what you’d like to do and what preparations you will have to make. 4. Talk with your partner about spending time with friends/members of your family. * WRITING (20 points) 1. (10 points) You are going to a youth camp in Britain. Fill in the application form. HUNTINGDON YOUTH CAMP Full name (1) .................................... Home Address (2) .................................... Nationality (3) .................................... Date of birth (day/month/year) (4) .................................... Sex (5) .................................... Do you speak English? (6)..................................... How long have you been learning English? (7) .......................................... What are your hobbies/interests? (8) .......................................... Why do you want to go to the camp? (9) .......................................... What activities would you like to take part in? (10)……….…………………. 2. (10 points) Three month ago you and your family moved to another town. Write a letter (150 words) to your friend in Britain telling him/her about your impressions.
* USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) 1. (10 points) Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. I enjoyed business studies at school and wanted to 1 ................... my knowledge of the subject so I decided to study it at university. Also I knew it would be 2 ................... later when I looked for a job. At first, the course wasn't quite 3 ....................... I had expected because it didn't cover the subjects I was particularly interested 4 ............... . We spent lots of time studying a range of subjects 5 ................... law and economics but I soon 6 ................... these are things you need to understand. In class we work in groups, preparing ideas, we then 7 ................... them with the others. Now we are learning how to make business plans and we can see how they would 8 ................... apply to the world of business. We have a very busy 9 ............. life at the university so whatever subject you study, you must be 10 ................... on it or you won't make yourself find the time to study. 1. increase grow fill correct 2. likely useful possible hopeful 3. that which what than 4. by with of in 5. so as such like 6. explained realized showed believed 7. divide join share add 8. actually just presently exactly 9. party evening social free 10. glad keen clever quick 2. (10 points) Change each sentence so that it means the same as the first. The second sentence is started for you. Write down the missing words only. 11. Tom's hobby is tennis. Tom is .............................................................. . 12. They are building a new bridge. A new bridge ................................................................................................. . 13. Air Travel is faster than any other kind of travel. Air Travel is the ............................................................................................ . 14. If you are a student you can always get special reduced prices. Unless you are a student ................................................................................ . 15. There is great danger in driving too fast. Driving too fast is ..................................................................…................... . 16. It's a pity that I don't know him. - I wish .................................................... . 17. May we leave our bikes here? - Are we .................................................. ? 18. Jane asked, \"Where is the ball?\" - Jane asked ............................................. . 19. It's not necessary to pay if you're a student. You ................................................................................................................ . 20. My bedroom is above the sitting room. My sitting room ............................................................................................. .
* READING (10 points) 1. (5 points) Look at the sign in each question and mark the letter next to the correct explanation - А, В, C, or D. 1. DO NOT PARK YOUR CAR BY THESE GATES A Parking near these gates is forbidden. В The entrance to the car park is through these gates. С Do not bring your car into this park. D Close these gates alter parking your car. 2. EXCITING NEW RANGE — IMPORTED SILK TIES A Sport clothes are on sale here. В Foreign ties are available. С There are special prices for tourists. D We make and sell silk dresses. 3. SNACKS CAN BE ORDERED FOR THE INTERVAL A You cannot buy a snack until the interval. В Snacks are served here before the interval. С You can ask for snacks in time for the interval. D Snacks are served here just after the start of the interval. 4. THE GARDENS ARE LOOKED AFTER BY THE NUNS A Nuns take care of the gardens. В These gardens are privately owned. С We are looking for a new gardener. D Visitors may not use these gardens. 5. PLEASE WAIT HERE TO BE SEATED A Please do not take these seats. В These seats are already reserved. С Stay here if you want a seat. D These seats are not being used. 2. (5 points) Read this text and questions below. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer - A, B, C or D. Five miles across the water from the town of Reachton lies the group of islands known as the Herndigs. The main island is St George. Separated by a narrow channel of water is St George's little sister, St Margaret. People first lived on these islands 1,500 years ago. By the 1950s population had gone down to below twenty and in 1960 the last person left the islands. But in 1991 two families moved back and since then more people have followed. Tourists now visit these islands regularly to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Visit the one shop on the islands, which sells butter, cheese and bread produced by the families who live there. The produce is also taken by boat to restaurants in Reachton where it can be enjoyed by visitors to the area. Perhaps more interestingly, a range of perfumes are made from the wild flowers and herbs which grow on the island and can be bought in the shop. They are produced mainly for export and are very special. So a visit to the shop is a must!
St George island is easily explored on foot, but in the interests of safety, visitors are requested to keep to the main footpaths. From where the boat lands, go along the cliff, until you reach a steep path signposted to the church. When you get there it is worth spending a-moment in this lovely old building. Carry on along the same path which continues to climb to the highest point on the island. There is a wonderful view from here along the coastline. If it is warm, you may like to finish your day relaxing on the beach. Priory beach on the eastern side of the island is safe for swimming. Sandtop Bay on the western side is the other sandy beach but swimming is not advised here. It is possible to hire a boat across to the islands or you can take one of the boat trips which depart from Reachton harbour in summer, Monday — Friday. The islands are always open to the visitors apart from on Sundays. Buy a ticket for a boat trip from the kiosk in Reachton harbour. The charge for landing on the islands is included in the ticket but, if you take your own boat, remember to take some money. The crossing takes thirty minutes and boats run every fifteen minutes. Before you set off on a trip, visit the exhibition centre which tells the history of the islands and gives information about wildlife you may see when you get there. 6. Why had the population of the island gone down before 1961? A Because people had loft the island. В Because the island is very far from Great Britain. С Because of the environment. D Because the islands had disappeared. 7. What souvenirs can tourists buy on the islands? A Some exported dairy products. В Some perfumes. С Some food and perfumes. D Some bread. 8. Why should visitors keep to the main footpaths? A Because the islands are not inhabited. В Because the roads are very bad. С Because it is dangerous. D Because there are no rescue teams. 9. Where is it better to swim? В From the Sandtop Bay. D In the Reachton harbour. A You cannot swim anywhere. С From the Priory Beach. 10. When Is landing on the islands free? В If you go by your own boat. D If you go on Sunday. A If you go by a boat trip. С If you go in summer. * LISTENING (6 points) Look at the six statements. You will hear a conversation between a girl, Alice and a boy, Sam, about a play their school is doing called Romeo and Juliet. Decide whether the statement is correct or incorrect. Put a tick, if you think it is correct, or a cross, if it is not correct, opposite each statement. A They are going to have the practice outdoors today. В Sam has decided he no longer wants to be Romeo. С Alice agrees with Miss Hayes about Sam's voice. D Sam agrees that Alice should speak to Miss Hayes about the problem. E Alice persuades Sam to take a smaller part in the play. F Someone is needed to produce the scenery. TOTAL: / 66 points
VARIANT 2 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers and be ready to answer their questions. 2. Describe the picture offered by the teacher and express your personal attitude towards the theme of the picture. 3. You and your partner want to go to a recreation park together. Talk about the arrangements in your diary, find an evening when you are both free and then arrange where to meet. 4. Talking about one's likes and dislikes, expressing opinions. Talk to each other about the sort of food you enjoy and the kind of place you like or don't like to go out for a meal. * WRITING (20 points) 1. (10 points) You are going to apply for an education holiday. Fill in the form. EUROPEAN STUDY CENTER Easthay University Buxford LX 92 1AR Family name (1) ............................................... First name (2) ............................................... Full Address (3) ....................................................................... Date of birth (day/month/year) (4) ................................................ Nationality (5) ....................................................................... Occupation (6) ....................................................................... Why are you applying for a study holiday? (7)………………………………... What language(s) can you speak? (8)……………………………….. How will you be travelling? (9) ................................................................... Signature (10) ................... 2. (10 points) You are on holiday with some friends. Write a letter (150 words) to your friend in Australia about two things you have done and mention something unpleasant, which happened some days ago.
* USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) 1. (10 points) Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. English is the first language of many people in countries outside the United Kingdom. When you 1 .............. speakers of English from around the world, you 2 ................... notice that they do not all speak in the same way. There are also some 3 ................... in the words they use, including the names of 4 ................... objects that are part of everyone's daily life. But although pronunciation and 5 ................... are not the same everywhere, it is interesting that English speakers 6 ................... opposite sides of the world can understand 7 ................... other easily. It does not seem to 8 ................... where they learnt the language. And of course this is one reason why speakers of other languages are keen 9 ................... learning English too. If you know English, you are more 10 ................... to be able to study or work in all sorts of exciting places, such as the United States or Australia. 1. recognize meet find attend 2. originally strangely curiously immediately 3. mistakes corrections changes differences 4. common popular favourite general 5. reading composition dictation vocabulary 6. of in from at 7. each one the some 8. mind care matter worry 9. by on to for 10. likely probably possibly luckily 2. (10 points) Change each sentence so that it means the same as the first one. The second sentence is started for you. Write down the missing words only. 11. It's a pity I haven't read this book. I wish ............................................................. . 12. My lunch break is too short. My lunch break isn't ............................................................................................... . 13. You must keep these vegetables in the freezer. These vegetables .................................................................................................... . 14. She explained she had not got any money. She said, \"I ........................................................................................................... .\" 15. I am not as pretty as my sister. My sister .............................................................. . 16. It's a pity you haven't seen the performance. You should .............................................................................................................. . 17. I like coffee better than tea. I prefer ........................................................................ . 18. The students will have read the text by 4 o'clock. The text .................................................................................................................... . 19. But I could not accept his invitation. But I …………..……………….................. . 20. My friend said, \"I am having here a good time.\" My friend told me ..................................................................................................... .
* READING (10 points) 1. (5 points) Look at the sign in each question and mark the letter next to the correct explanation. 1. DO NOT TOUCH POTTERY, ASK SHOP ASSISTANT TO SERVE YOU A Put pottery back in the right place after looking at it. В If you want to pick up the pottery, find an assistant to help you. С Pay for the pottery before you touch it. D If no shop assistant is available, take your pottery to the service desk. 2. ANY LOST LUGGAGE LEFT HERE AFTER TWO WEEKS IS SOLD A We charge a fine for lost luggage. В We give lost luggage away if it is not collected after two weeks. С We will look after your luggage for two weeks if you pay a fee. D We keep things people have lost for a maximum of two weeks. 3. CHOOSE A PAIR OF SHOES FREE WHEN YOU BUY A COAT TODAY A All shoes are at reduced prices. В You are given some shoes if you buy a coat today. С We have shoes to match the coat we sell. D You can get a discount on a coat if you buy some shoes today. 4. CHECK WITH THE WAITER BEFORE SITTING DOWN AS SOME TABLES ARE RESERVED A Ask a waiter which tables are available. В Ask a waiter if you want to reserve a table. С It is essential to reserve a table before you arrive. D It is advisable to find a table before you order your meal. 5. WE CAN ALSO PRINT YOUR CHEQUE FOR YOU A You can write your cheque at this pay desk. В You must use your credit card if you pay here. С You may cash your cheque at this pay desk. D You do not need to write your own cheque details. 2. (5 points) Read this text and questions below. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer - А, В, C, or D. I went to the cinema last week and laughed all the way through the new film \"Waiter!\" which is set in a restaurant. The American actor Tom Waters plays the worst cook the world has ever seen and he employs one of the worst waiters, played by Joe Vermont. The London restaurant where the filming took place does actually exist. Jane Connors, the owner, runs a successful business and, although she thinks \"Waiter!\" is a good film, she is very annoyed with the director. When she agreed to the filming, she wasn't told that the film is about a restaurant where everything goes wrong and the food is disgusting. Although the film might make Jane's restaurant famous if it is a success, she is afraid that people will stop coming because they will
think that the food and service is terrible — like it is in the film. Jane is worried she will lose business and may even have to close and start again with a new restaurant. Having seen the film, I agree that she has a problem. The film company paid her a very small fee and she has since asked for more. The best solution though is for her to contact the newspapers. I am sure they will be interested in her story and it will actually help her business in the end. 6. What is the writer trying to do next? В To review n film. D To take someone's advice. A To advertise a restaurant. С To explain someone's problem. 7. What can the reader find out from the text? A Why Jane is feeling angry. В Why Jane's restaurant has closed. С Why Jane didn't enjoy the film. D Why Jane's restaurant is unpopular. 8. What does the writer think Jane ought to do? A To open a new restaurant. В To ask the film company for more money. С To improve the quality of the food in her restaurant. D To write to the newspapers. 9. What did the director not tell Jane? A That the film would be a success. В That the restaurant in the film would be very bad. С That she would not be paid. D That she would need to employ extra staff. 10. What is Jane worried about? A That she would have to close her restaurant. В That she would have to close her business and start a different one. С That she would become un popular. D That she would have to close her restaurant and open a new one. * LISTENING (6 points) Look at the six statements for this part. You will hear a conversation between a man, Marcus, and a woman, Cora, who work in the same office. Decide whether each statement is correct or incorrect. Put a tick, if you think it is correct, or a cross, if it is not correct, opposite each statement. A Marcus is often late for work. В Cora disagrees with Marcus about the cause of the traffic jam. С Marcus believes employers should provide buses. D Marcus agrees to try coming to work by bus tomorrow. E Marcus is planning to have a day off. F Cora suggests that Marcus is lazy. TOTAL: / 66 points
VARIANT 3 * SPEAKING (10 points) 1. Introduce yourself to the teachers and be ready to answer their questions. 2. Describe the picture offered by the teachers and be ready to express your personal attitude towards the theme of the picture. 3. You and your partner are going to spend a few days together after your exams. Decide together which place you are going to stay at. Think about the time of the year, the cost and how you will get there. 4. Talk with your partner about sports you enjoy doing or watching (now or in the past). * WRITING (20 points) 1. (10 points) You want to join a sports centre. Fill in the application form. SOUTHHEND SPORTS CENTRE Long Lane, Coalport HP 4 7NL UK APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Full name (1) ……………………………………. Age (2) ……………………………………. Sex (3) ......................................................... Nationality (4) ......................................................... What sports do you take in at present? (5) ............................................................ Please describe how well you play or do your favourite sport. (6) ........................................................................................ How often do you do sport? (7) ........................................... At what time of day and on which day(s) of the week do you prefer to do sport? (8) ................................. …………………………………….. What new sport would you like to start? (9) .......................................................... Home address (including country). (10) ........................................................ 2. (10 points) You are going to spend a month with a family in England. Now you are writing a letter (150 words) to the family to introduce yourself to them. Tell them about your school, family, describe some of your hobbies and interests and say what you hope to do-while you are in England.
* USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) 1. (10 points) Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. If you ask many people to name a twentieth-century artist, they will suggest \"Picasso\". Although he 1 .............. born in 1881 and died in 1973, the general public 2 ............... thinks of his work as modern art. His early paintings look traditional 3 ................... us nowadays, but his later work is less easy to understand, 4 ................... seventy years after he did it. One thing students should 5 ................... about Picasso is that he enjoyed a joke. This is clear 6 ................... we look at the drawings he made on dishes and pots. When we try to 7 ................... the importance of Picasso, we must not forget that he was a clever businessman as well as a great artist. Although poor when young, he was excellent 8 ................... selling his work, and he became extremely rich. He believed he was a great artist, and he could 9 ................... other people that he was too. Some people feel that there are other twentieth-century artists who should be 10 ................... famous, but this can only be decided in the future. 1. was has is had 2. yet still just already 3. with by to for 4. all that though even 5. remember revise review remind 6. how when where which 7. check consist judge discover 8. in on out at 9. persuade insist decide agree 10. actually presently fairly equally 2. (10 points) Change each sentence so that it means the same as the first one. The second sentence is started for you. Write down the missing words only. 11. If you speak English you can easily explain what you want at the hotel. Unless you ........................................................................................................... . 12. If possible you should keep your car in a garage at night. If possible a car .................................................................................................... . 13. Always take the keys with you when you park the car. Don't ..................................................................................................................... . 14. Every tenth student goes free. There is no charge .............................................. .. 15. It is a pity Tom didn't go to the theatre with us yesterday. I wish .................................................................................................................... . 16. When I came come yesterday, they were watching TV. TV ......................................................................................................................... . 17. I don't believe that he has taken the money. He .................................................. . 18. Paul asked, \"Where is the key?\" Paul wondered …….……………................. . 19. You are not as good at skiing as I am. I am ....................................................... . 20. A very tall man sat in front of me at the theatre. I ............................................................................................................................ .
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