pg. 1 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 PIB Monthly Magazine (September- 2019) Copyright ©Aspire IAS All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of Aspire lAS. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 2 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 ASPIRE IAS PIB INDEX SR. Topic Name PageNumber NO. 4 1. Election Commission of India Launches a One Stop Solution to Verify & Authenticate Voter Details 4 5 2. 6 Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) 7 8 3. 9 India takes over COP Presidency from China 10 11 4. 12 Steering Committee on Fintech related issues 13 14 5. 15 Ethanol Blended Petrol Programme (EBP Programme ) 16 6. Exercise Yudh Abhyas 2019 7. India announces contribution of 22 mn USD to GFTAM 8. 15th FC meet the Ministry of Food Processing Industry 9. CBDT enters into 26 APAs 10 Joint Statement on Cooperation between India and Russia 11 What is a Mobile Science Exhibition (MSE) Programme? 12 Institutions of Eminence (IoE) Scheme 13 Meeting between Indian and South Korean Defence Ministers 14 14th Conference of Parties (COP14) to United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 3 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 15 16 Ujjwala Yojana achieves target 16 25 Union HRD Minister launches several initiatives 17 26 Conference on “Criminal Activities and Radicalization in Jails 18 27 Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 19 28 Visit of Indian Naval Ships to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia 20 32 Measures to Enhance IPR Ecosystem through Lower Fees 21 35 National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) 22 38 National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) Scheme 23 40 ERSS- Dial 112, ‘E-Beat Book’ System and ‘E-Saathi’ App 24 45 International Sign Language Day 25 48 16th Global SME Business Summit 26 52 India-CARICOM Leaders’ Meeting 27 54 World Tourism Day-2019 Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 4 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Election Commission of India Regular notification on modifications on Serial No. Launches a One Stop Solution to and details of Polling Station, Change in BLO/ ERO, Verify & Authenticate Voter Details all information related to Polling Station will also be shared with the Electors. Context: Vice Chief of the Army Staff The Election Commission launched the Electors Context: Verification Programme in New Delhi. Lt Gen MM Naravane assumed charge as the Details: Vice Chief of the Army Staff (VCOAS). He succeeds Lt Gen Devraj Anbu. The programme was unveiled on the National Voters’ Service Portal ( and About VCOAS: Voter Helpline App by the CEC Sunil Arora. The VCOAS is the second-highest ranking The main aim of the programme is to improve Officer in the Indian Army. the health of electoral rolls and to provide better He is a PSO (Principal Staff Officer) at the Army electoral services to citizens and increase the Headquarters in the national capital. level of communication between voters and the The VCOAS is always a 3-Star Officer in the Commission. rank of Lieutenant General. The program has been launched at all Levels Central Government Health Scheme including at the State/UT HQs, Districts and (CGHS) Polling Stations. Context: It will run from September 1, 2019 to October 15, 2019. The Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr. Harsh Vardhan inaugurated a state-of-the-art The voters can log on to NVSP portal ( CGHS Bhawan at New Delhi. or Voter Helpline App or Common Service Centres or any nearby voter facilitation centre to About CHGS: avail the following facilities: It provides medical care to the Central Verification and correction of existing data. Government employees and pensioners enrolled under the scheme. Authentication of the data by the prescribed It offers health care in the following systems: method. Allopathic Homoeopathic Providing and verifying details about family Ayurveda members. Unani Siddha Updating information about voters in the family Yoga who have expired or permanently shifted. Beneficiaries: Providing GIS coordinates of their house for availing the services better. Giving feedback on polling stations. The one time authentication of details and sharing contact detail would help electors to get update on online application status, status of EPIC, Election Day announcement, voter slip on their registered email and mobile number. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 5 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 All central government employees and The organisation also plans and implements dependent family members and country programs to improve electoral democracy and works in collaboration with other international All central government pensioners bodied to spread democratic election systems. dependent family members India and AWEB Ex-Governors & Lt. Governors Ex-Vice Presidents Election Commission of India had been closely Freedom fighters associated with the formation process of the A- Sitting and retired Judges of Supreme Court WEB and was one of the founding members of Retired Judge of High Courts AWEB in October 2013. Delhi Police Personnel in Delhi only India has been member of the Executive Board Railway Board employees since 2013 and took over as Vice-Chair of AWEB Post and Telegraph Department employees since 2017. Journalists accredited with PIB (in Delhi) India continues to promote AWEB’s mission Employees and pensioners of certain wholeheartedly to promote partnership among autonomous/statutory bodies which have been Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) around the extended CGHS facilities in Delhi world. The Scheme is available in 71 cities currently and India takes over COP Presidency the government plans to extend it to 100 cities by from China 2022. Context Session of the Executive Board of Union Minister for Environment, Forest & A-WEB Climate Change (MoEF&CC), and Executive Secretary, UN Convention to Combat Context Desertification (UNCCD), jointly inaugurated the 14th Conference of Parties (COP14) to UNCCD. Chief Election Commissioner of India spoke to the Extraordinary Session of the Executive Board About Conference of the Parties (COP) of Association of World Election Bodies in Bengaluru. The COP is the supreme decision-making body AWEB of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). The Association of World Election Bodies, All States that are Parties to the Convention are commonly referred to as ‘A-WEB,’ is the first represented at the COP, at which they review the global organization of election management implementation of the Convention and any other bodies, and the membership currently consists of legal instruments that the COP adopts and take 97 organizations from 94 countries. decisions necessary to promote the effective implementation of the Convention. The association was founded to support the democracies achieve good governance and A key task for the COP is to review the national socio-economic improvements that are sustained communications and emission inventories under political stability. submitted by Parties. AWEB supports each EMBs’ (Electoral Based on this information, the COP assesses Management Bodies) capacity building efforts. the effects of the measures taken by Parties and Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 6 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 the progress made in achieving the ultimate Department of Economic Affairs, submitted its objective of the Convention. Final Report. About India and COP 14 About Fintech companies the Indian union Environment Minister who is Financial technology (Fintech) is used to also the elected COP President for next two describe new tech that seeks to improve and years, expressed India’s resounding commitment automate the delivery and use of financial to finding a long-term solution for minimizing the services. impact of desertification and land degradation. At its core, fintech is utilized to help companies, India being the global host for COP 14 will take business owners and consumers better manage over the COP Presidency from China for the next their financial operations, processes, and lives by two years till 2021. utilizing specialized software and algorithms that are used on computers and, increasingly, Through hosting COP 14, India will highlight its smartphones. leadership in navigating the land management Fintech, the word, is a combination of “financial agenda at global level. It will also provide a stage technology”. to mainstream sustainable land management in country’s national development policies. When fintech emerged in the 21st Century, the term was initially applied to the technology The objective of the COP 14, is to discuss on employed at the back-end systems of established various issues of land such as sustainable land financial institutions. management, reversing land degradation, mitigating drought, halting desertification, Fintech now includes different sectors and addressing sand and dust storms, linkages with industries such as education, retail banking, gender, tenure, etc. fundraising and nonprofit, and investment management to name a few. About UNCCD About the recommendations United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) was adopted in Paris on The report outlines the current landscape in the June 1994 and ratified by 196 countries & Fintech space globally and in India, studies the European Union. various issues relating to its development and This convention can be called as “Mother makes recommendations focusing on how fintech convention” of the other two Rio Conventions that can be leveraged to enhance financial inclusion emerged as a major outcome of the 1992 Rio of MSMEs. Earth Summit viz. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and The Committee report also identifies application Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). areas and use cases in Governance and financial services and suggests regulatory upgrades Steering Committee on Fintech enabling fintech innovations. related issues The Committee has recommended that the RBI Context may consider development of a cash-flow based financing for MSMEs. The Steering Committee on Fintech related issues constituted by the Ministry of Finance, It has also recommended that Insurance companies and lending agencies to be encouraged to use drone and remote sensing technology for crop area, damage and location Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 7 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 assessments to support risk reduction in Ethanol Blended Petrol Programme insurance/lending business. (EBP Programme ) The Committee has highlighted the positive impact of Fintech innovations on sectors such as Ethanol is an agro-based product, mainly Agriculture and MSMEs. produced from a by-product of the sugar industry, namely molasses. In years of surplus production And it has recommended NABARD to take of sugarcane, when prices are depressed, the immediate steps to create a credit registry for sugar industry is unable to make timely payment farmers with special thrust for use of fintech along of cane price to farmers. with core banking solutions (CBS) by agri- financial institutions, included Cooperative The Ethanol Blending Programme (EBP) seeks societies. to achieve a blending of Ethanol with motor spirit with a view to reducing pollution, conserve foreign The Committee recommends a special drive for exchange and increase value addition in the modernisation and standardisation of land sugar industry enabling them to clear cane price records by setting up a dedicated National Digital arrears of farmers. Land Records Mission based on a common National Land Records Standards with The Central Government has scaled up involvement of State Land and Registration blending targets from 5% to 10% under the departments. Ethanol Blending Programme (EBP). The Committee also recommends a This programme has been extended to the comprehensive legal framework for consumer whole of India except Union Territories of protection be put in place early keeping in mind Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands with the rise of fintech and digital services. effect from April 2019 to promote the use of alternative and environment-friendly fuels. It has also recommended adoption of Regulation technology (or RegTech) by all This intervention also seeks to reduce import financial sector regulators to develop standards dependence for energy requirements and give a and facilitate adoption by financial sector service boost to the agriculture sector. providers to adopt use-cases making compliance with regulations easier, quicker and effective. The procedure of procurement of ethanol under Similarly, it has also recommended that the EBP has been simplified to streamline the financial sector regulators develop an institutional entire ethanol supply chain and remunerative ex- framework for specific use-cases of Supervisory depot price of ethanol has been fixed. technology (or SupTech), testing, deployment, monitoring and evaluation. To facilitate achieving of new blending targets, a “grid” which networks distilleries to OMC depots Revision of ethanol price and details quantities to be supplied has been worked out. State-wise demand profile has also Context been projected, keeping in view distances, capacities and other sectoral demands. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has given its approval for the following, including The results have been quite encouraging, with fixing higher ethanol price derived from different supplies doubling every year. raw materials under the EBP Programme. Exercise Yudh Abhyas 2019 Context Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 8 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 As part of the ongoing Indo-US defence been modified specifically to suit the exacting standards demanded by IAF. cooperation, a joint military training, Exercise Yudh Abhyas – 2019 is being conducted at Joint IAF has signed a contract with ‘The Boeing Base Lewis Mc Chord, Washington, USA. Company’ and US Government for 22 Apache About Yudh Abhyas 2019 Attack Helicopters. The first eight helicopters have been delivered on schedule and the last batch of helicopters is to be delivered by March 2020. Exercise Yudh Abhyas will provide an The helicopter is capable of delivering a variety opportunity to the armed forces of both countries to of weapons which include air to ground Hellfire train in an integrated manner at Battalion level with missiles, 70 mm Hydra rockets and air to air joint planning at Brigade level. Stinger missiles. Multiple scenarios will be rehearsed during the joint Apache also carries one 30 mm chain gun with exercise with a view to understanding each other’s 1200 rounds as part of area weapon subsystem. organisational structure and battle procedures. To add to the lethality of the helicopter, it This would result in a higher degree of joint carries fire control radar, which has a 360° manship that would further facilitate interoperability coverage and nose-mounted sensor suite for between the armed forces of both countries to meet target acquisition and night vision systems. any unforeseen contingency across the globe. Significance of the induction The exercise is also an ideal platform to learn from each other’s expertise and experiences of planning Apache attack helicopters are being purchased and execution of operations. to replace the Mi-35 fleet. Both armies will jointly train, plan and execute a The addition of Apache Attack Helicopter is a series of well-developed operations for neutralization significant step towards modernisation of Indian of threats of varied nature. Air Force helicopter fleet. ln, the end of a joint exercise will be undertaken by This procurement will enhance the capability of both countries in an operational setting under a UN IAF in providing integrated combat aviation cover mandate. Experts from both sides will hold expert to the army strike corps. academic and military discussions to share each other’s experiences on varied topics for mutual These tandem seating helicopters are benefit. day/night, all-weather capable and have high agility and survivability against battle damage. Induction of AH-64E Apache Attack These are easily maintainable even in field Helicopter conditions and are capable of prolonged operations in tropical and desert regions. Context The IAF (Indian Air Force) formally inducted the India announces contribution of 22 AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter into its mn USD to GFTAM inventory at Air Force Station Pathankot. Context About AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter Apaches have been an integral part of numerous India has announced a contribution of 22 million historic campaigns worldwide. These aircraft have US Dollars to the Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFTAM) for the 6th replenishment cycle, Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 9 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 an increase of 10% over the amount contributed The Union Minister of State for Development of by us in the 5th cycle. North Eastern Region (IC) will lay the foundation stone of North Eastern Regional Agricultural About Global Fund Marketing Corporation Limited (NERAMAC) Marketing complex in Guwahati, Assam The Global Fund is a partnership designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and About NERAMAC malaria as epidemics. The NERAMAC Limited was incorporated in the As an international organization, the Global year 1982 as a Government of India Enterprise Fund mobilizes and invests more than US$4 and having its registered office at Guwahati and billion a year to support programs run by local operating under the administrative control of the experts in more than 100 countries. Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER). In partnership with governments, civil society, technical agencies, the private sector and people NERAMAC is a pioneer marketing organization affected by the diseases, we are challenging in the field of Agri-Horti sector of the North- barriers and embracing innovation. eastern region, involved in supporting farmers right from the fields and up to the markets to the The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis end consumers through registered FPO/FPCs. and Malaria were created in 2002 to raise, manage and invest the world’s money to respond NERAMAC, when having its own infrastructure to three of the deadliest infectious diseases the developed with all facilities, will not only attain its world has ever known. sustainability but it also strengthens for the larger operation which will directly or indirectly benefit The idea for the Global Fund arose from a the farmers of the region. wellspring of grass-roots political advocacy coming face-to-face with the imperatives of global NERAMAC is continuously making all efforts for leadership. the development of the farmers of the Northeastern region and double their income by AIDS, TB and malaria are all preventable and the end of 2022. treatable – but solving this problem requires the commitment not only of world leaders and 15th FC meet the Ministry of Food decision-makers but also of those working on the Processing Industry ground to help the men, women and children living with these diseases. The idea was discussed at a G8 summit in Context Okinawa, Japan, in 2000. The real commitment began to coalesce at the African Union summit in The Chairman, Shri N.K. Singh, the Members April 2001, continued at the United Nations and officials of the 15th Finance Commission held General Assembly Special Session in June of that a detailed meeting with, Union Minister for Food year. Processing Industries and senior officials of her Ministry. This was finally endorsed by the G8 at their About the meeting summit in Genoa, Italy, on July 2001. MoS (DoNER) to lay foundation The Minister presented an overview of the Food stone of NERAMAC Processing sector to the Commission and its contribution to the economy. Context Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 10 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 The Commission felt that it was of immediate decided the strategy to stabilise prices of TOP value to complete the ‘Cold Chain Grid’ project of crops. the Ministry and Value Added Infrastructure, The ‘Operation Greens’ programme was which is now under way. announced to promote farmer producers The Commission was also appreciative of the organisations, agri-logistics, processing facilities Ministry’s project “Operation Greens” which is an and professional management. Integrated Value Chain development of Tomato, The major objectives of this programme include Onion and Potato (TOP) Crop and price enhancing sales realisation of farmers growing stabilisation measures. these crops by strengthening production clusters and their FPOs, and linking/connecting them with About ‘Cold Chain Grid’ the market. The National Cold Chain Grid in the country will It also seeks price stabilisation for producers connect food producing hubs to cold storage and and consumers by proper production planning in processing industries. It will further aid to double the TOP clusters and introduction of dual use farmers’ income and create huge job varieties. opportunities. India is one of the largest food producers in the COP Day 3 world and the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables yet only 2.2% of our fruits and Context vegetables are processed. The 14th Conference of Parties (COP14) to As recommended by the Task Force on cold- United Nations Convention to Combat chain a National Centre for Cold-chain Desertification (UNCCD) is holding multitude of Development (NCCD) has been established to significant discussions on land management. promote and develop integrated cold-chain in India for perishable agriculture and horticulture produce Gender Action Plan including perishable from allied sectors. The Convention recognizes the importance of The main objectives of the centre are to women in the implementation of the Convention, recommend standards and protocols for cold- and identifies critical areas for their engagement: chain infrastructure, suggest guidelines for human resource development and to recommend 1. awareness-raising, and participation in the appropriate policy frame-work for development of design and implementation of programmes; cold-chain. 2. decision-making processes that men and women adopt at the local level in the governance Operation Greens of development, implementation and review of regional and national action programmes (RAPs The programme was announced in the Union and NAPs); Budget 2018-19 with an outlay of Rs 500 crore to 3. capacity-building, education and public stabilise the supply and prices of tomato, onion awareness, particularly at local level through the and potato (TOP) crops. support of local organizations. Price volatility of TOP crops wreaks havoc in the About UNCCD: households of this country. This is a revolutionary scheme which has evolved after sustained dialogue with all stakeholders and we have Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 11 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 The UNCCD is an international agreement on Bilateral and multilateral APAs good land stewardship. It helps people, communities and countries to create wealth, grow Bilateral APAs (BAPA) are those that also economies and secure enough food and water include agreements between the taxpayer and and energy, by ensuring land users have an one or more foreign tax administrations under the enabling environment for sustainable land authority of the mutual agreement procedure management. (MAP) specified in income tax treaties. Through partnerships, the Convention’s 197 The taxpayer benefits from such agreements Parties set up robust systems to manage drought since they are assured that income associated promptly and effectively. with covered transactions is not subject to double Good land stewardship based on a sound taxation policy and science helps integrate and accelerate Significance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, builds resilience to climate change and The progress of the APA scheme strengthens prevents biodiversity loss. the Government’s resolve of fostering a non- The Convention entered into force in December adversarial tax regime. 1996. It is one of the three Rio Conventions along The Indian APA programme has been with United Nations Framework Convention on appreciated nationally and internationally for Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Convention on being able to address complex transfer pricing Biological Diversity (CBD). issues in a fair and transparent manner. India became a signatory to UNCCD in October 1994 and ratified it in December 1996. Joint Statement on Cooperation CBDT enters into 26 APAs between India and Russia Context Context The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has Joint statement on cooperation for 2019-24 with entered into 26 Advance Pricing Agreements Russia, which was issued in Vladivostok, Russia (APAs) in the first 5 months of the financial year after Prime Minister ShriNarendraModi’s annual (April to August, 2019). bilateral summit with Russian President Mr Vladimir Putin. Out of these 26 APAs, 1 is a BAPA entered into NATURAL GAS SECTOR with the United Kingdom and the remaining 25 are Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements Both sides recognize the significance of (UAPAs). Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) supplied from Russia to India and agree to strengthen LNG What is APA imports to India to promote India’s bid to transform itself into a gas-based economy. An advance pricing agreement (APA) is an ahead-of-time agreement between a taxpayer Russia will encourage its public and private and a tax authority on an appropriate transfer sector companies to participate in gas projects in pricing methodology (TPM) for a set of India, particularly in the development of gas transactions at issue over a fixed period of time. pipeline networks and city gas distribution infrastructure in India. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 12 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 India’s private and public companies will supplement nutrition for their children and explore the possibility of collaborating in LNG pregnant women/lactating mothers. projects, including in the Arctic. This year Poshan Maah focuses on five critical In regards to cooperation in the Arctic, Indian components – ‘First 1000 days of the Child, companies will examine the possibility of Anaemia, Diarrhoea, Hand Wash & Sanitation development of closer cooperation with Russian and Poshtik Aahar (wholesome meal with diet companies, including the LNG Arctic projects of diversity)’, called ‘Paanch Sutras’. JSC NOVATEK. Both Sides welcome the interest of JSC Mobile Science Exhibition NOVATEK to enhance LNG supplies to India and (SCIENCE EXPLORER) joint development of gas market in India including but not limited to LNG infrastructure projects in Context collaboration with Indian companies. THIRD The Union Minister of State for Culture and Tourism (Independent Charge), Shri Prahlad TRAINING, TECHNOLOGY, Singh Patel flagged off the first-ever Mobile COUNTRY COOPERATION Both Sides will strengthen and diversify existing Science Exhibition (SCIENCE EXPLORER) for training exchange program and create new ways the entire Ladakh Region in Leh of enhancing knowledge exchange, joint research in energy sector, including those in emerging What is a Mobile Science Exhibition (MSE) Programme? technologies. Both Sides agree to explore possibility of Mounted on a specially designed bus, a Mobile undertaking joint projects in third countries in the Science Exhibition carries a number of interactive energy sector. exhibits related to everyday science. The MSE or Museo-bus travels from school to Launching Poshan Maah in Different school in rural areas and organize exhibitions States there throughout the year. Along with the exhibition, some other Context programmes like Sky Observation Programme Under POSHAN Abhiyaan, this September is through telescope, science films show, Science being celebrated as the Poshan Maah across Demonstration Lectures etc. are also organised. country to address the malnutritional challenges. The program has been fully funded by Ministry Poshan Maah of Culture, Govt. of India. Objectives of the programme The month-long intensive event plans to bring Popularize science and technology among the about convergence amongst various students and general public. ministries/departments to rally people’s opinion and participation to reduce and finally eliminate Creating a scientific awareness in the society. malnutrition from the country. Inculcating a spirit of enquiry among the young Poshan Maah aims at making people aware of people. the importance of nutrition and giving individual access to government services to support Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 13 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Inspiring youngsters to pursue a career in fight against the scourge of international terrorism science, technology, engineering and thereby ensuring military security in the strategic mathematics. Central Asian region. Supplementing formal education imparted in The TSENTR-2019 strategic measures will focus schools and colleges with non-formal science on evaluating the level of troop preparedness, the education. acquisition of the required skills and raising the level of interoperability and demonstrate the Promoting a culture of science in society. readiness of the participating armies. National Council of Science Museums The exercise TSENTR 2019 will comprise two (NCSM) modules. The first module will include counter- terror operations, repelling airstrikes, National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), reconnaissance operations and defensive an autonomous organization under the Ministry of measures, while the second will focus on Culture, Govt. of India is primarily engaged in offensive operations. ‘Communicating Science to Empower People’ through its network of twenty-five Science Institutions of Eminence (IoE) Centres/Museums spread across India. Scheme NCSM is the world’s largest network of science centres and museums that functions under a Context single administrative umbrella. CURTAIN RAISER: EX TSENTR 2019 The Ministry of HRD has taken various steps to implement the scheme of Institutions of Eminence Context (IoEs). Exercise TSENTR 2019 is part of the annual About the Scheme series of large scale exercises that form part of the Russian Armed Forces’ annual training cycle. Institutions of Eminence scheme has been launched in order to implement the commitment Russia holds a major military exercise every of the Government to empower the Higher year at one of it’s four military Commands i.e Educational Institutions and to help them become Vostok (East), Zapad (West), TSENTR (Centre) world-class teaching and research institutions. and Kavkas (South). Objectives of the scheme About TSENTR 2019 to provide for higher education leading to This year’s Exercise TSENTR 2019 will be excellence and innovations in such branches of conducted by the Central Military Commission of knowledge as may be deemed fit at post- Russia. graduate, graduate and research degree levels and award degrees, diplomas and other Apart from host Russia, military contingents from academic distinction China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan will also take part in this to engage in areas of specialization to make mega event. distinctive contributions to the objectives of the university education system wherein the The exercise aims at evolving drills of the academic engagement is clearly distinguishable participating armies and practising them in the from programmes of an ordinary nature. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 14 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 To develop the capacity of the students and the Ganga Gram: Village Baghori in Uttarkashi researchers to compete in the global tertiary Awards were also given to youngsters in the education marketplace through the acquisition Swachh Bharat Summer Internship category. and creation of advanced knowledge in those areas Exercise Yudh Abhyas – 2019 to provide for high-quality teaching and Context: research and for the advancement of knowledge and its dissemination through various research The opening ceremony of Exercise Yudh Abhyas programmes undertaken in-house by substantial – 2019 was held at Joint Base Lewis MC Chord, number of full-time faculty and research scholars in diverse disciplines Washington, USA. to pay special attention to teaching and About Exercise Yudh Abhyas: research in unique and emerging areas of It is a joint military exercise between the Indian knowledge, including interdisciplinary areas, and US armies. which are regarded as important for strategic needs of the country but are not being pursued by The US contingent was represented by a conventional or existing institutions so far, and company of 5-20 Infantry Battalion of the US award degrees, diplomas and other academic Army while the Indian side was represented by distinctions. the Assam Regiment. to aim to be rated internationally for its teaching Both sides will jointly train, plan and execute a and research as a top hundred Institution in the series of well-developed tactical drills for world over time. neutralization of likely threats that may be encountered in UN peacekeeping operations. Swachh Mahotsav 2019 This is the 15th edition of the joint exercise. Context: The first edition was in 2004 and the exercise is designed to augment cooperation between the The Swachh Mahotsav 2019 was held at New two armies while sharing training, cultural Delhi organised by the Union Ministry of Jal exchanges, and building joint operating skills. Shakti. The President gave away the Swachh Bharat Awards in various categories. Meeting between Indian and South Swachh Bharat Awards 2019 Korean Defence Ministers Best Swachh Iconic Place award: Vaishno Devi Context: Shrine Board in Jammu and Kashmir. Defence Minister Shri Rajnath Singh holds talks Swachh Award in Swachhta Action Plan with Minister of National Defence of Republic of category: Ministry of Railways Korea, Mr. Jeong Kyeongdoo in Seoul, South Korea. Swachhta Pakhwada Award: Department of Defence Details: PSU Category award for contribution to Swachh The Defence Minister is on a 3-day visit to Bharat Kosh: Power Grid Corporation South Korea. Award for Open Defecation Free (ODF) and Behavior Change: Gujarat and Sikkim Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 15 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 During the talks, the two leaders Prevention and suppression of illegal, unregulated comprehensively reviewed bilateral defence fishing activity/ drug trafficking/ piracy cooperation. Exchange of information in the prevention of They discussed the ongoing co-operation at smuggling, illegal immigration Service-to-Service level and prospects for Conduct of Search and Rescue operations at enhanced co-operation between defence sea industries of India and Korea. They also exchanged views on regional and 14th Conference of Parties (COP14) international developments of mutual interest. to United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Two major agreements to promote defence educational exchanges and extend logistical Context: support to each other’s Navies were signed. Rajnath Singh also visited the War Memorial to The 14th Conference of Parties (COP14) of the which he presented a copy of the citation United Nations Convention to Combat received by the Indian 60th Para Field Hospital Desertification (UNCCD) is being held in New for its exceptional contributions during the Korean Delhi, India between 2nd and 13th September War. 2019. 28th Indo–Thai CORPAT Details: Context: Over 3,000 participants from all over the world are expected to participate in COP14. The 28th edition of the India -Thailand The Parties to the Convention will agree on the Coordinated Patrol (Indo-Thai actions each will take over the next two years and beyond to take planet earth on to a sustainable CORPAT) between the Indian Navy (IN) and the development path. Royal Thai Navy (RTN) is being conducted from Ministers from 196 countries, scientists and 05 – 15 September 2019 at Bangkok. representatives of national and local governments, non-governmental organizations, About the Indo – Thai CORPAT: city leaders, the private sector, industry experts, women, youth, journalists, faith and community It is a collaborating exercise between the Indian groups will talk at the conference. and the Thai navies. UNCCD is the sole legally binding international It is being conducted twice a year since 2003. agreement that links environment and This exercise reflects both forces’ shared development to sustainable land management. commitment for the peaceful Indian Ocean and international maritime security and cooperation. It addresses specifically arid, semi-arid and dry Objectives of the Indo – Thai CORPAT are to sub-humid areas, known as drylands, home to ensure effective implementation of United Nations some of the most vulnerable ecosystems and Conventions on Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) peoples. which specify regulations regarding It was established in 1994 and entered into Protection and conservation of natural force in 1996. resources Conservation of marine environment Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 16 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 It is one of the three Rio Conventions along with for the people living in such houses, especially United Nations Framework Convention on the women who use them to cook food. Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Convention on As per WHO, about 5 lakh fatalities in India Biological Diversity (CBD). occur because of unclean cooking fuel. India became a signatory to UNCCD on 14th They cause severe respiratory diseases and October 1994 and ratified it on 17th December problems as well. 1996. Additionally, there is also the hassle of The chief agendas for COP14 are reversing land collecting firewood from mostly unsafe places. degradation and its outcomes while accelerating positive achievements for people and for To avoid these problems, the government came ecosystems with a view to delivering on the United up with this scheme. Nations-mandated Sustainable Development Goals. It was inaugurated in Ballia, Uttar Pradesh by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 1st May, Ujjwala Yojana achieves target 2016. Context This will go a long way in making women more empowered. The PM addressed a state-level Mahila PMUY Features Saksham Melava or Empowered Women’s Meet of Self Help Groups, organized by Maharashtra Under this scheme, 5 crore connections are to State Rural Livelihood Mission (UMED), in be provided to the people needing them. Aurangabad BPL families will be offered a support of Marking the ahead-of-date achievement of 8 Rs.1600 per connection. This is for the cylinder, crore LPG connections under Pradhan Mantri booklet, pressure regulator, safety hose, etc. and Ujjwala Yojana, the PM distributed LPG will be borne by the government itself. connections to five beneficiaries. Apart from these, the scheme also provides The PM said that Jal Jeevan Mission has been interest-free loans to buy stove and refill by oil launched in order to free women from the trouble marketing companies. of having to toil hard to fetch water. The connections would be given in the name of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana women of the households. The PMUY is a scheme to provide LPG (liquid An initial outlay of Rs.8000 crore was petroleum gas) to households below the poverty sanctioned for the implementation of the scheme. line. This is to have universal coverage of cooking gas in the country. The chief aim of this scheme The authorities would identify BPL families to protect the health of the women and children in based on the Socio Economic Caste Census homes where unclean cooking fuels are used. data. About 10 crore households in the country use The scheme is also expected to create firewood, dung cakes, coal, etc. as their cooking employment to the tune of about a lakh. It will fuel. also boost the ‘Make in India’ programme for manufacturers of gas cylinders, stoves, gas hose The smoke emanating from such stoves are and regulators. Only domestic manufacturers are alarming and they cause severe health problems engaged in this. It is also a business opportunity to the tune of a minimum of Rs.10000 crore. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 17 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Jal Jeevan Mission In the past decade (FY 2008-17), India invested about $1.1 trillion on infrastructure. Major objective of Jal Jeevan Mission is to The challenge is to step-up annual provide piped water supply (Har Ghar Jal) to all infrastructure investment so that lack of rural and urban households by 2024. infrastructure does not become a binding It also aims to create local infrastructure for constraint on the growth of the Indian economy. rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge and Hon’ble Prime Minister in his Independence management of household waste water for reuse Day speech highlighted that Rs.100 lakh crore in agriculture. would be invested on infrastructure over the next According to the data published in various five years. reports, about half of the country’s households don’t have access to piped water supply. Infrastructure projects will include social and economic infrastructure projects. To implement It is an urgent requirement of water an infrastructure program of this scale, it is conservation in the country because of the important that projects are adequately prepared decreasing amount of groundwater level. and launched. Therefore, Jal Jeevan Mission will focus on National Infrastructure Pipeline integrated demand and supply management of water at the local level. Benefits of Jal Jeevan Mission The National Infrastructure Pipeline would include greenfield and brownfield projects costing Household pipeline water supply above Rs 100 crore each. Clean and drinkable water Recharge of ground water level Other qualifications for inclusion in the pipeline Better local infrastructure for the current year will include availability of a Less water-borne diseases DPR, feasibility of implementation, inclusion in Less water wastage the financing plan and readiness/ availability of administrative sanction. National Infrastructure Pipeline of Rs. 100 Lakh Crore Each Ministry/ Department would be responsible for monitoring of projects so as to ensure their Context timely and within-cost implementation. To achieve the GDP of $5 trillion by 2024-25, The Task Force will also enable robust India needs to spend about $1.4 trillion (Rs. 100 marketing of the pipeline of projects requiring lakh crore) over these years on infrastructure. private investment through the India Investment To achieve this task, a Task Force under the Grid (IIG), National Investment & Infrastructure chairmanship of Secretary (DEA) has been Fund (NIIF), etc. constituted by Union Finance Minister to draw up a National Infrastructure Pipeline for each of the Military Medicine for SCO Member years from FY 2019-20 to FY 2024-25. States Context Background Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 18 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 The first conference of Military Medicine for States of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Member States will be held in Delhi. Tripura. Significance The North Eastern Council was constituted in 1971 by an Act of Parliament. The constitution of The conference will be the first Military co- the Council has marked the beginning of a new operation event hosted by India,under the SCO chapter of concerted and planned endeavour for Defence Co-operation Plan 2019-2020, after it the rapid development of the Region. became a SCO Member State in 2017. Over the last 35 years, NEC has been The conference will be conducted by the Indian instrumental in setting in motion a new economic Armed Forces under the aegis of Headquarters endeavour aimed at removing the basic Integrated Defence Staff (HQ IDS), with the aim to handicaps that stood in the way of normal share best practices in the field of military development of the region and has ushered in an medicine, build capacities and overcome common era of new hope in this backward area full of challenges. great potentialities. During the conference, the Indian Armed Forces Bilateral meeting with China will also demonstrate the Rapid Action Medical Team and organise a visit for the delegates to the Context Army Research and Referral Hospital. Deliberations will take place between military The Union Minister for Environment, Forest & medicine experts of SCO Member States on Climate Change (MoEF&CC), held a bilateral rendering of combat medical meeting with China. support,humanitarian assistance during disasters and measures to improve patient safety. Minister also stated the various efforts made by the Government to improve efforts towards The SCO Member States will be represented by afforestation, by highlighting the recent senior military medical practitioners. Dialogue distribution of CAMPA funds to various states. Partners Nepal and Sri Lanka will also be sending their delegations to participate in the Conference. About CAMPA 68th Plenary of the North Eastern Due to certain discrepancies in the Council implementation of compensatory afforestation, some NGOs had approached The Hon’ble Context Supreme Court for relief. Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah today The Hon’ble Supreme Court on 10th July 2009 addressed the opening session of the 68th issued orders that there will be a Compensatory Plenary of the North Eastern Council in Guwahati Afforestation Fund Management and Planning North Eastern Council Authority (CAMPA) as National Advisory Council The North Eastern Council is the nodal agency The Council will be under the chairmanship of for the economic and social development of the the Union Minister of Environment & Forests for North Eastern Region which consists of the eight monitoring, technical assistance and evaluation of compensatory afforestation activities. Objectives of CAMPA Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 19 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management In short, the department would be modernized and Planning Authority (CAMPA) are meant to to protect and regenerate the forests and wildlife promote afforestation and regeneration activities habitat. as a way of compensating for forest land diverted to non-forest uses. Sixth India-China Strategic National CAMPA Advisory Council has been Economic Dialogue established as per orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Context Court with the following mandate: Lay down broad guidelines for State CAMPA. The sixth India-China Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) came to a conclusion with both Facilitate scientific, technological and other sides agreeing that the SED has emerged as a assistance that may be required by State CAMPA. crucial mechanism to facilitate bilateral trade and investment flows and enhance economic Make recommendations to State CAMPA based cooperation between the two sides. on a review of their plans and programmes. Background Provide a mechanism to State CAMPA to resolve issues of an inter-state or Centre-State character. State CAMPA The SED was set up in the year 2010 between the erstwhile Planning Commission of India and The State CAMPA would presently receive funds the National Development and Reform collected from user agencies towards Commission (NDRC), China compensatory afforestation, and all other amounts recovered from such agencies under the Forest The SED has since then served as an effective (Conservation) Act, 1980 and presently lying with mechanism for enhancing bilateral practical the Adhoc CAMPA. cooperation. The State CAMPA would administer the amount NITI Aayog after its formation has taken the received from the Adhoc CAMPA and utilize the Dialogue forward giving it a greater momentum. funds collected for undertaking compensatory afforestation, assisted natural regeneration, Under the aegis of the SED, senior conservation and protection of forests, representatives from both sides come together to infrastructure development, etc. constructively deliberate and share individual best practices and identify sector-specific opportunities State CAMPA would provide an integrated for enabling ease of doing business and facilitating framework for utilizing multiple sources of funding trade and investment. and activities relating to protection and management of forests and wildlife. Mutual agreements: Its prime task would be regenerating natural Policy Coordination: forests and building up the institution engaged in this work in the State Forest Department The two sides undertook in-depth discussions including training of the forest officials of various reviewing trade and investment climates in order levels with an emphasis on training of the staff at to mutually identify complementarities and harness cutting edge level. synergies to this effect future engagement. Working Group on Infrastructure: The two sides noted the significant progress made in the feasibility study on Chennai- Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 20 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Bangalore-Mysore railway upgradation project and An Indian delegation headed by Mrs. Shakuntala personal training of Indian senior railway D. Gamlin, Secretary, DEPwD deposed before the management staff in China, both of which have UN Committee. been completed. Committee on CRPD The two sides agreed to identify new projects for cooperation as well as support enterprises to The Committee on the Rights of Persons with expand cooperation in the transport sector. Disabilities (CRPD) is the body of independent Working Group on High-Tech: experts which monitors implementation of the Convention by the States Parties. The two sides assessed the achievements made since the 5th SED and exchanged views on All States parties are obliged to submit regular regulatory procedures of ease of doing business, reports to the Committee on how the rights are development of artificial intelligence, high-tech being implemented. States must report initially manufacturing, and next-generation mobile within two years of accepting the Convention and communications of both countries. thereafter every four years. Working Group on Resource Conservation and The Committee examines each report and shall Environmental Protection: make such suggestions and general recommendations on the report as it may consider The two sides discussed and reviewed the appropriate and shall forward these to the State progress made in the fields of water management, Party concerned. waste management, construction & demolition waste and resource conservation. The Optional Protocol to the Convention gives the Committee competence to examine individual Working Group on Energy: complaints with regard to alleged violations of the Convention by States parties to the Protocol. Both countries identified future areas of collaboration and resolved to work on Renewable The Committee shall meet in Geneva and Energy space, Clean coal technology sector, normally hold two sessions per year. Smart Grid & Grid integration and Smart meters & E-mobility sectors. ‘ANGAN’- International Conference Working Group on Pharmaceuticals: on Energy Efficiency in Building It was also decided that both sides should Sector promote pragmatic cooperation, strengthen complementary advantages in pharmaceutical Context industry and explore cooperation for promoting Indian generic drugs and Chinese APIs. An international conference ANGAN 22nd Session of UN Committee on (Augmenting Nature by Green Affordable New- CRPD habitat) focussed on Energy Efficiency in Building Sector Context The Conference is being organised by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of India is a signatory of the United Nations Power, Government of India in collaboration with Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities GIZ under the Indo German Technical (UNCRPD). Cooperation. About the conference Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 21 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 The International Conference will provide a About the Scheme platform to deliberate on interdependence between organizations, systemic sustainability and The Scheme shall secure the lives of 5 Crore feedback loops for better resource efficiency. Small and Marginal Farmers by providing a Given the formidable challenge of providing minimum pension of Rs 3000 per month, to those adequate energy of desired quality to the who attain 60 years of age. consumers at reasonable costs, improving the All the small and marginal farmers who are efficiency in high energy consumption sectors like currently between the ages of 18 to 40 years can buildings have become important component of apply for the scheme. our integrated energy policy. Farmer’s monthly contribution can be made from Due to lack of awareness and knowledge about the installments of PM-KISAN or through CSCs. latest technologies, financial assistance, suppliers Ekalvya Model Residential Schools and purchase of energy-efficient equipment, etc. efforts on energy efficiency and conservation in Ekalavya Model Residential School (EMRS) is a this sector have been moderate and therefore Government of India scheme for model residential require greater push. school for Indian tribals (ST, Scheduled Tribes) This event aims to provide thrust in this direction across India. so as to address such challenges faced by the It is one the flagship intervention of the Ministry stakeholders. of Tribal Affairs, Government of India and was About BEE introduced in the year 1997-98 to ensure tribal students get access to quality education in the The BEE is a statutory body under the Ministry remote tribal areas. of Power, Government of India. It assists in EMRSs are set up in States/UTs with grants developing policies and strategies with the primary under Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India. objective of reducing the energy intensity of the Indian economy. IPPB Announces Rollout of new services BEE coordinates with designated consumers, designated agencies, and other organizations to identify and utilize the existing resources and Context infrastructure, in performing the functions assigned to it under the Energy Conservation Act. The Union Minister for Communications, Electronics & IT and Law & Justice announced the Kisan Man Dhan Yojana rollout of Aadhaar Enabled Payment System Context (AePS) Services by India Post Payments Bank (IPPB). Prime Minister Narendra Modi shall launch the About India Post Payments Bank Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana in September 2019. India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has been Prime Minister Narendra Modi shall also established under the Department of Posts, inaugurate 400 Ekalvya Model Residential Ministry of Communication with 100% equity Schools to provide quality upper primary, owned by Government of India. secondary, and senior secondary level education to ST Students in Tribal dominated areas. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 22 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 IPPB was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Economic Ministers from ten ASEAN Member Minister Shri Narendra Modi in 2018. States and the Minister of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of India (“the Ministers”) met at The bank has been set up with the vision to build the most accessible, affordable and trusted bank Bangkok in Thailand for the sixteenth AEM-India for the common man in India. Consultations. The fundamental mandate of India Post Important takeaways Payments Bank is to remove barriers for the Two-way merchandise trade between ASEAN unbanked & underbanked and reach the last mile and India grew by 9.8 per cent in 2018 leveraging the Postal network in India. IPPB’s reach and its operating model is built on The Ministers were also pleased to note the the key pillars of India Stack – enabling Paperless, recovery of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows from India in 2018 Cashless and Presence-less banking in a simple and secure manner at the customers’ doorstep, This placed India as ASEAN’s sixth-largest through a CBS-integrated smartphone and trading partner and sixth largest source of FDI biometric device. among ASEAN Dialogue Partners. Significance of the AePS According to India’s preliminary data, FDI inflows into India from ASEAN in 2018 was approximately IPPB’s unparalleled network complimented with 36.98 per cent of total FDI flow into India. robust interoperable technology platform set up by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) is The Ministers agreed to initiate the review of the poised to take banking to each & every household ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIGA) across the remotest parts of the country. to make the AIFTA more user-friendly, simple, and trade facilitative for businesses With AePS services any common person with a bank account linked to Aadhaar can perform basic ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement banking services such as cash withdrawals and (AITIGA) balance enquiry irrespective of the bank they hold their account with. The ASEAN–India Free Trade Area (AIFTA) is a free trade area among the ten member states of To avail these services, a customer with an the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Aadhaar linked account can simply authenticate (ASEAN) and India. his/her identity with fingerprint scan & Aadhaar The ASEAN–India Free Area emerged from a authentication to complete a transaction. mutual interest of both parties to expand their economic ties in the Asia-Pacific region. AePS services are bank-agnostic and are driven India’s Look East policy was reciprocated by by an inexpensive infrastructure enabling low cost similar interests of many ASEAN countries to delivery of doorstep banking services to every expand their interactions westward. section of the society without discrimination, thus bringing forth the dawn of a ‘Truly Inclusive After India became a sectoral dialogue partner of Financial System’. ASEAN in 1992, India saw its trade with ASEAN increase relative to its trade with the rest of the Joint Statement of 16th AEM-India world. Between 1993 and 2003, ASEAN-India Consultations bilateral trade grew at an annual rate of 11.2%. Context Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 23 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Acknowledging this trend and recognising the Based on the findings of this study, a proposal economic potential of closer linkages, both sides for development of NW-1 was taken up for seeking recognised the opportunities for deepening trade technical assistance and investment support from and investment ties and agreed to negotiate a the World Bank framework agreement to pave the way for the Finance Minister announced JMVP in Budget establishment of an ASEAN–India Free Trade Speech in July 2014, to enable commercial navigation of at least 1500 tonnes vessels in Area (FTA). The signing of the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Ganga. Agreement paves the way for the creation of one States that come under this project are: Uttar of the world’s largest FTAs. Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal The ASEAN-India FTA will see tariff liberalisation Significance of the project of over 90 percent of products traded between the two dynamic regions, including the so-called The alternative mode of transport will be “special products,” such as palm oil (crude and environment-friendly and cost-effective. The project will contribute to bringing down the logistics refined), coffee, black tea and pepper. India’s second Multi-Modal Terminal cost in the country. Context Mammoth Infrastructure development like multi- modal and inter-modal terminals, Roll on – Roll off (Ro-Ro) facilities, ferry services, navigation aids. The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will Socio-economic impetus; huge employment dedicate to the nation India’s second riverine generation. Multi-Modal terminal built at Sahibganj in Jharkhand 100 Days Achievement of Ministry of Civil Aviation This is the second of the three Multi-Modal Terminals being constructed on river Ganga under Context Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP). Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP) Ministry of Civil aviation has undertaken many initiatives in the past 100 days in the direction of Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP) for capacity enabling affordable flying and healthy aviation augmentation of navigation on National Waterway- sector growth. 1 (NW-1) is being implemented with the technical assistance and investment support of the World Key initiative Bank. ‘Aviation Jobs’ is a unique web-based portal One of the major problems for commercially launched by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, which viable and safe navigation on NW-1 is low depth seeks to bring together job seekers and upstream of Farakka due to low discharges from prospective employers in the Indian civil aviation tributaries and difficult hydro morphological sector. characteristics of river Ganga. eDGCA project conceptualized to completely A pilot study on the Allahabad-Ghazipur stretch automate the processes and functions of DGCA was commissioned by Inland Waterways Authority and its constituent directorates as well as to of India (IWAI) to find solutions to this problem. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 24 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 provide a strong base for IT infrastructure and Changpa service delivery framework. Garra DigiSky– an online portal to regulate the entire Mon gamut of activities relating to governance and The Commission noted that prior to creation of Union Territory of Ladakh, people in Ladakh operation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System region had certain agrarian rights including right on land which restricted people from other parts of (RPAS)/Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles the country to purchase or acquire land in Ladakh. (UAVs)/drones has been made operational. Similarly, the Ladakh region has several distinct cultural heritages by communities such as Drokpa, Esahaj-100% of security clearances pertaining Balti and Changpa, among others, which needs to to the Ministry have been made online on Esahaj be preserved and promoted. online portal launched by the Ministry of Civil Aviation. Significance of the move DigiYatra Trial for rollout of DigiYatra initiative has been started at Bangalore and Hyderabad airports. The initiative envisages seamless and hassle free passenger travel using biometric The Commission after careful consideration, technologies. recommends that the Union Territory of Ladakh be brought under the Sixth Schedule of the NCST recommends inclusion of Constitution. The Commission feels that this will Ladakh under 6th Schedule help in: Context Democratic devolution of powers; Preserve and promote distinct culture of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes under region. the Chairmanship of Dr. Nand Kumar Sai to Protect agrarian rights including rights on land deliberate the issue of inclusion of UT of Ladakh Enhance transfer of funds for speedy under Fifth/Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of development of Ladakh region. India. Union HRD Minister launches Reasons for inclusion several initiatives The Commission feels that this will immensely Context help in meeting the cherished aspirations of the tribal people in Ladakh region. Union Human Resource Development Minister The Commission took note of the fact that the launched the Smart India Hackathon 2020, Atal newly created Union Territory of Ladakh is Ranking of Institutions on Innovation predominantly a tribal region in the country. Achievements (ARIIA) 2020, and Institution’s The region is inhabited by following Scheduled Innovation Council 2.0. Tribes, namely: Balti Launch of IIC Beda Bot, Boto MHRD’s Innovation Cell has envisioned Brokpa, Drokpa, Dard, Shin establishing a strong network of Institution’s Innovation Council (IICs) in Higher Educational Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 25 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Institutes to promote innovation and start-up in Smart India Hackathon 2020 is a nationwide academia through multitudinous modes leading to initiative to provide students a platform to solve an innovation promotion eco-system in these some of the pressing problems we face in our campuses. daily lives, and thus inculcate a culture of product The primary mandate is to encourage, inspire innovation and a mindset of problem solving. and nurture young students by supporting them to In SIH 2020, the students would have the work with new ideas and transform these ideas opportunity to work on challenges faced within into innovations of tomorrow while they are in their various Ministries, Departments, Industries, PSUs informative years. and NGOs to create world class solutions for Through IIC, Institutes are encouraged to design some of the top organizations including industries semester wise activity plan, organise and report at in the world, thus helping the Private sector hire IIC portal to obtain scores and star ratings as an the best minds from across the nation. incentive. Students across India compete creatively to ARIIA 2020 solve problems of Ministries, Departments and Industries to give solutions Harness. Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Technology Students across India compete to Achievements (ARIIA) is an initiative of Ministry of creatively solve problems and offer technical Human Resource Development (MHRD), solutions Government of India Harness expertise of students from AICTE/UGC The initiative aims to systematically rank all major approved institutions, IITs, NITs and IISc. educational institutions and universities on Conference on “Criminal Activities indicators related to promotion of “Innovation and and Radicalization in Jails Entrepreneurship Development” amongst their students and faculties. Context Objectives Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, to inaugurate the National Conference on “Criminal Setting direction for HEIs towards streamlining Activities and Radicalization in Jails: Vulnerability and establishing a strong startup ecosystem in of Inmates and Jail Staff and their Protection” campus and Focus Measuring Innovation & Startup ecosystem based on Input, Process, Output and Outcome To understand various criminal activities at based individual and gang level and considers safety measures for vulnerable inmates and jail staff. Focusing on both quantity and quality aspects of Startup Eco-System available at To understand various facets of radicalization in prison and suggest measures for counter Also measure the impact created by these radicalization. innovations and Startups in society and Aiming at uplifting India’s Position in the Global To analyse and formulate the security and Innovation Index from 57th to top 30 in a time protection standards for prison staff and period of 5 To provide an interdisciplinary platform for Smart India Hackathon Report correctional personnel to exchange and share their experience on prison reforms. This event would also promote research and development activities on the functioning of the Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 26 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 correctional administration across the country and Exercise MAITREE is an annual training event nudge to develop a scientific approach among the which is being conducted alternatively in Thailand various correctional administrations in a and India since 2006. professional manner. Notably, in the series of military training Curriculum for Life Skills (Jeevan exercises undertaken by India with various Kaushal) designed countries, Exercise MAITREE with Thailand is significant in terms of the security challenges Context faced by both the nations in the backdrop of changing facets of global terrorism. Union Minister of State for Human Resource The scope of this exercise covers company level Development launched the Curriculum for Life joint training on counter-terrorism operations in Skills (JeevanKaushal) designed by University jungle and urban scenario. Grants Commission (UGC). The joint military exercise will enhance the level About the initiative of defence co-operation between Indian Army (IA) and Royal Thailand Army (RTA) which in turn will UGC constituted Expert Committee prepared a further foster defence cooperation and bilateral Curriculum for Life Skills (JeevanKaushal) for relations between the two nations. Under Graduate Programme. The curriculum is designed to impart and Rashtriya Bal Puraskar strengthen the knowledge, skills and dispositions believed to be the best requisites of the current Context Industry and thereby empower the talent inherent in each learner. Life Skills like communication skill, interpersonal The Ministry of Women and Child Development skill, time management, problem-solving ability, (WCD) has extended the last date of receipt of decision making capacity, leadership ability and applications for the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal integrity play a crucial role in boosting the Puraskar – 2020. employability of the students. About the award Life skills (JeevanKaushal) curriculum cover the set of human talents acquired by an individual via Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar instituted classroom learning or life experience that can help by WCD Ministry to felicitate meritorious children, them to deal with problems encountered in day to individuals and institutions of the country is given day life. under two categories i.e., Bal Shakti Puraskar and Bal Kalyan Puraskar. This includes the core skills each individual must possess internally as well as externally for the The Bal Shakti Puraskar aims to give recognition betterment of self and the society as a whole. to children who have made extraordinary Adoption of life skills is the key to success and achievements in various fields including quality in life. innovation, scholastic, sports, art and culture, social service and bravery. Military Exercise Maitree – 2019 the Bal Kalyan Puraskar is given as recognition Context to individuals and institutions, who have made an outstanding contribution towards service for Joint Military Exercise MAITREE-2019 between children in the field of child development, child India and Thailand will be conducted at Foreign protection and child welfare. Training Node, Umroi (Meghalaya) About the exercise Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 27 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 India joins the Global AMR R&D National Pension Scheme Context Context India has joined the Global Antimicrobial The Prime Minister of India launched at Ranchi, Resistance (AMR) Research and Development the National Pension Scheme for Traders and (R&D) Hub as a new member. Self-Employed Persons, a pension scheme for the Vyaparis (shopkeepers/retail traders and self- About Global AMR R&D employed persons) with annual turnover not exceeding Rs 1.5 crore. The Global AMR R&D Hub was launched in May 2018 in the margins of the 71st session of the World About the scheme Health Assembly, following a call from G20 Leaders in 2017. Government has approved National Pension Scheme for Traders and Self-Employed Persons The Global AMR R&D Hub supports global in acknowledgement of notable contribution of priority setting and evidence-based decision- Vyaparis (shopkeepers/ retail traders and self- making on the allocation of resources for AMR employed persons). R&D through the identification of gaps, overlaps and potential for cross-sectoral collaboration and It is a voluntary and contributory pension leveraging in AMR R&D. scheme for entry age of 18 to 40 years with a provision for minimum assured pension of Rs The operation of the Global AMR R&D Hub is 3,000/- monthly on attaining the age of 60 years. supported through a Secretariat, established in Berlin and currently financed through grants from The beneficiary should not be income taxpayer the German Federal Ministry of Education and and also not a member of EPFO/ESIC/NPS Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry of (Govt.)/PM-SYM. Health (BMG). The Central Government shall give 50 % share Significance of joining Global AMR R&D of the monthly contribution and the remaining 50% contribution shall be made by the beneficiary. By partnering with the Global AMR R&D Hub, India looks forward to working with all partners to The monthly contribution is kept low to make it leverage their existing capabilities, resources and affordable. For example, a beneficiary is required collectively focus on new R&D intervention to to contribute as little as Rs.100/- per month at a address drug-resistant infections median entry age of 29 years. AMR is the ability of a microbe to resist the Visit of Indian Naval Ships to Kota effects of medication that once could successfully Kinabalu, Malaysia treat the microbe. Context Today, the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance continue unabated around As part of Indian Navy’s Overseas Deployment the world. to South East Asia and Western Pacific, Indian Navy ships Sahyadri and Kiltan made a port call at Given the important and interdependent human, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia animal, and environmental dimensions of antimicrobial resistance, India considers it Significance of the visit reasonable to explore issues of antimicrobial resistance. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 28 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 The two ships are equipped with a versatile looking forward to Switzerland joining the array of weapons and sensors, can carry multi-role International Solar Alliance. helicopters and represent the ‘coming of age’ of About the Federal Council of Switzerland: India’s warship building capabilities. During the port call, the Indian Navy and the It is the highest executive authority of the Swiss Royal Malaysian Navy would be participating in Confederation (the official name of Switzerland). the bilateral exercise Samudra Laksamana. Its members represent Switzerland’s main political parties. The exercise would include a harbour phase wherein professional interactions, official calls, It is a seven-member council which constitutes social engagements, visits by the local populace the federal government of the Swiss and various sports events would be conducted. Confederation. The Sea Phase of the exercise would enable the The Council serves as the collective head of two navies to further hone their skills in order to state and of the government of Switzerland. enhance interoperability between the navies to ensure peaceful and secure seas for all. It is appointed by the Federal Assembly, which is the federal legislature of Switzerland. President of India Addressed The Supreme Court Benches Federal Council of Switzerland Context: Context: The Vice president Mr. M Venkaiah Naidu called President Mr. Ramnath Kovind addressed for the establishment of more Supreme Court the Federal Council of Switzerland in Berne on Benches, at a book release function in New Delhi. 13th September. Highlights of the President’s Address: Key Points: He said that the partnership between India and Naidu called for the expansion of Supreme Court Switzerland has made significant progress. and the establishment of more benches in different He sought Switzerland’s support to enhance parts of the country, as per the recommendations global efforts to defeat and destroy all forms of of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law terrorism. and Justice, to put an end to the inconvenience caused to litigants who travel long distances and He noted that in the coming weeks, both spend a huge amount of money and energy to countries would have their first automatic access justice. exchange of information on tax matters. He also called for setting up of special benches This, Mr. Kovind noted was a positive in higher courts to deal with election petitions and development since tax evasion and money criminal cases against political leaders. laundering had links with terrorism. He also wished the three limbs of the state, the He also thanked Switzerland for its consistent legislature, the executive and the judiciary would support for India’s membership of the Nuclear work together and inspire synergy to ensure all- Suppliers Group. round development of the nation. He opined that they should not transgress into one another’s He also said that India will work with Switzerland territory. in fighting climate change and that she was Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 29 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 About Supreme Court Benches: This Policy envisions positioning India as a global electronics hub by encouraging and driving Constitution bench is the name given to the capabilities in the country for developing core benches of the Supreme Court of India which components (including chipsets), and creating an consist of at least five judges of the court which sit enabling environment for the industry to compete to decide any case “involving a substantial globally. question of law as to the interpretation” of the The policy seeks to: Constitution of India or “for the purpose of hearing any reference” made by the President of India under Promote domestic manufacturing and export in Article 143. the whole value chain of ESDM (Electronics System Design and Manufacturing) sector. The power to constitute a Constitution Bench and refer cases to it lies with the Chief Justice of Offer incentives and support for manufacturing India. core electronic products. Constitution Benches have decided many cases Provide special package of incentives for mega such as the Kesavananda Bharati case. projects which are extremely high-tech and entail huge investments, such as semiconductor facilities Electronics Sector in India display fabrication, etc. Draft schemes to encourage new manufacturing Context: units and expand existing units. The Union Minister for Electronics and Information Encourage R&D and innovation in all subsectors Technology, Communications and Law & Justice, of electronics; and in emerging areas of Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad will meet prominent technology such as 5G, AI, Machine Learning, leaders of the electronics industry at Vigyan IoT/Sensors, Drones, Virtual Reality, Robotics, Bhawan on 16th September. Nano-based devices, Additive Manufacturing Photonics, etc. Key Highlights of the Electronics Sector in India: Give incentives and support for enhancing availability of skilled manpower, including re- The domestic manufacture in this sector has skilling. grown from USD 29 billion in 2014 – 15 to USD 70 billion in 2018 – 19. Focus on Medical Electronic Devices Industry, Fabless Chip Design Industry, Power Electronics India has emerged as the 2nd largest for Mobility, Automotive Electronics Industry and manufacturer of mobile handsets in the world. Strategic Electronics Industry. The number of manufacturing units for LCD/LED Create Sovereign Patent Fund (SPF) to promote TVs and LED lights have gone up. the development and acquisition of Intellectual Properties in the ESDM sector. This sector now generates employment for more than 20 lakh people in the country. SPF is a State-led investment fund that will acquire Intellectual Property (IP) assets important Off late, the export of electronic goods has also to national economic objectives. increased. Thrust trusted electronics value chain initiatives The electronics market is poised to reach USD to improve national cybersecurity profile. 400 billion by 2025. National Policy on Electronics 2019 Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 30 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Bamboonomics at COP 14 UNCCD: ‘Jaldoot’ Exhibition flagged off TRIFED-GIZ Context Context: ‘Jaldoot’ a travelling exhibition arranged by Regional Outreach Bureau, Pune under the Union Minister for Tribal Affairs Mr. Arjun Munda Ministry of Information and Broadcasting was launched Bamboonomics at the COP 14 of the flagged off. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Background Key Points: To tackle the water crisis looming the country, the Government of India launched the JALSHAKTI Bamboonomics is a movement to combat ABHIYAN, a water conservation campaign desertification and climate change which will focusing on 1592 stressed blocks in 256 districts involve the tribal community of India since they across the country. have the expertise in this field. They have lived for generations without The Regional Outreach Bureau, (ROB), an office disturbing the natural harmony of a place, and under the Ministry of Information and without degrading the environment. Broadcasting, Government of India, takes care of The movement will also not compromise the various outreach activities and development income of the poor in these regions. communication needs of the Central Government. The movement will ensure that tribals can earn a livelihood without causing environmental harm. ROB in association with MSRTC (Maharashtra About TRIFED: State Road Transport Corporation) is launching the Jaldoot campaign. TRIFED stands for Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited. The ROB has redesigned the bus, to create the Jaldoot: Travelling Exhibition on Jalshakti Abhiyan. Jalshakti Abhiyan It was formed in 1987 is a national-level apex The Jalshakti Abhiyan focus on five key aspects: organization functioning under the administrative control of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GOI. Water Conservation and Rain Water Harvesting Renovation of Traditional and other Water The ultimate objective of the cooperative is Bodies socio-economic development of tribal people in Reuse of Water and Recharging of structures India by way of marketing and development of the Watershed Development tribal products on which the lives of tribals depend Intensive Afforestation heavily on. About GIZ: GIZ is a body based in Bonn, Germany that Indian Railways to Undertake one works in the field of international cooperation for More Drive sustainable development and in international education work. Context It works with the UN, the EU, governments all over the world and with private players also. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 31 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Indian Railways will undertake one more drive of Kovind also urged Slovenia to join the “MASSIVE SHRAMDAN“ with main focus on International Solar Allaince. “COLLECTION OF PLASTIC WASTE”. Both countries signed and exchanged seven Objectives MoUs and Programmes of Cooperation in the fields of Investment, Sports, Culture, River Enhanced cleanliness, through collection of Rejuvenation (Clean Ganga Mission), Science & plastic waste from all railway premises. Particular Technology and Standards. attention to be given to approaches to stations Call on Prime Minister by Governor of New Jersey, Mr. Phillip D. Murphy Creating awareness for a greater impact against single use plastic. Displaying Replacements/ Substitutes for such Context: plastic items. The Governor of the state of New Jersey Phillip For distributing Cloth bags in large numbers as Murphy is on a visit to Mumbai, Agra, Hyderabad advised by the Environment and Housekeeping and Delhi. Management Division of Railways. Educating all in Railways, including vendors to be Details: prepared for ban of single use plastic with effect from October 2019. Single use plastics are those that A Governor in the United States is akin to a have thickness below 50 microns. Chief Minister of a State in India. President of India in Slovenia New Jersey has the highest population of Indian-Americans in Context: the USA. President Mr. Ramnath Kovind is on the final leg The state has emerged as a top destination for of his visit to Iceland, Switzerland and Slovenia. India’s trade and investment into the U.S. This is the first-ever presidential visit from India to Both Mr. Murphy and PM Modi agreed to the Slovenia. significance of cooperation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and Details: higher education. The president pointed out in his address in the Measures to Enhance IPR occasion, that there were immense possibilities for Ecosystem through Lower Fees India-Slovenia ties to further develop. Context: Slovenia has developed niche technology in the defence sector and is a proven leader in the field The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has of Artificial Intelligence, defence equipment and proposed to reduce the fees for various IPRs clean water technologies. (Intellectual Property Rights). The President thanked Slovenia’s support for India’s permanent membership of the UN Security Details: Council and sought continued support for India’s membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. The fee structure reduced is for both e-filing and physical filing. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 32 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 The reduction in fees ranges from a 50% launched on 16th September. This is a digital decrease to a 100% reduction (waiver of fees) for platform to give single point access to exporters. different sectors. Details: Geographical Indications have been given a 100% reduction in the fees. This platform will be a single access point for all exporters, for all FTAs/PTAs and for all agencies Domestic filing for patents has increased from concerned. 22% in 2013-14 to 34% in 2018-19. Awareness programmes for IP are being Certificate of Origin will be issued electronically conducted at schools, colleges, universities, R&D which can be in paperless format if agreed to by institutes and industry clusters. the partner countries. To address the issue of pendency in IP Authorities of partner countries will be able to applications, the government has streamlined the verify the authenticity of certificates from the process, and also increased manpower in this website. field. Further, it provides administrative access to the Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Department of Commerce for reporting and (ECGC) introduces Nirvik monitoring purposes. Context: Maiden IN-RSN-RTN Trilateral Exercise Commences The Ministry of Commerce & Industry through Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) has Context: introduced a new Export Credit Insurance Scheme (ECIS) called NIRVIK to enhance loan availability A trilateral exercise, involving the navies of the and ease the lending process. Republic of Singapore, Thailand and India has commenced at Port Blair on 16th September. Details: Details: The scheme was announced by the Finance The five-day-long exercise is aimed at bolstering Minister on 14th September as a measure to boost the maritime inter-relationships between exports. Singapore, Thailand and India, and to contribute significantly to enhancing the overall maritime The details of the scheme were announced by security in the region. the Commerce and Industry Minister on 16th This would also strengthen the mutual Enhanced cover will ensure that Foreign and confidence amongst the three navies in terms of Rupee export credit interest rates will be below 4% interoperability and development of a common and 8% respectively for exporters. understanding of procedures. Under this scheme, insurance cover percentage has also been enhanced to 90% from the present average of 60% for both principal and interest. Common Digital Platform for World Ozone Day Issuance of Electronic Certificates of Origin Context: Context: The Union Minister of State (MoS) for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Mr. The Common Digital Platform for Issuance of Babul Supriyo was speaking at an event in New electronic Certificates of Origin (CoO) was Delhi to mark World Ozone Day. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 33 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Cooling Action Plan: Finance Minister Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman handed over an antique bronze idol of Buddha to the The minister highlighted the fact that India became one of the first countries in the world to Minister of State for Culture & Tourism Mr. Prahlad Singh Patel on 17th September at New Delhi. launch a comprehensive Cooling Action plan in Details: March, 2019, which has a long term vision to The idol had been stolen from the Nalanda address the cooling requirement across sectors Museum of ASI (Archaeological Survey of India) in such as residential and commercial buildings, 1961 and had resurfaced at an auction in cold-chain, refrigeration, transport and industries. Maastricht in The Netherlands (organized by a London-based dealer) in 2018. The India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) lists out actions which can help reduce the cooling On receiving this information, the Directorate of demand, which will also help in reducing both Revenue Intelligence (DRI) officer in London direct and indirect emissions. contacted the Art & Antique Unit of the Metropolitan Police (UK). The India Cooling Action seeks to The ASI also certified that the statue was stolen Reduce cooling demand across sectors by 20% from the Archaeological Museum in Nalanda. to 25% by 2037-38 The International Council of Museums also Reduce refrigerant demand by 25% to 30% by inspected the image and confirmed that it is the 2037-38 same as the one stolen from Nalanda in 1961. Reduce cooling energy requirements by 25% to The India Pride Project, an online volunteer 40% by 2037-38 group of art enthusiasts, played an active role in the identification of the idol. Recognize “cooling and related areas” as a thrust area of research under the national S&T British authorities handed over the idol to the Programme Indian High Commissioner (UK) on India’s Independence Day in 2018. Training and certification of 100,000 servicing The stolen Buddha statue is documented as sector technicians by 2022-23, synergizing with “Seated Buddha in Bhumisparsha Skill India Mission. Mudra” (height 6.5 inches, circa 12th century CE). About World Ozone Day: Every year September 16 is marked as About the Bhumisparsha Mudra: the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer or World Ozone Day. This is a common pose found in idols of the This day was designated by the UN in 2009. Buddha in many countries. This date was chosen because it was the day in This means: ‘Touching the Earth’. 1987 when nations signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. In this posture, the right hand points downwards The theme for this year: 32 Years and Healing towards the earth, hanging over the knee and palm facing inwards. The left hand rests on the lap Bronze Idol of Buddha seated in the with the palm upright. Bhumisparsha Mudra Significance of the pose: This pose represents Context: the moment when the Buddha attained enlightenment. It stands for ‘Calling the Earth to Witness the Truth’. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 34 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar The objective behind the award is to stimulate and National Safety Awards for the and maintain the interests of both the Performance Year 2017 management and the workers in accident prevention programs. Context: The awardees get a shield and a merit certificate. The Labour Minister gave away the Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar and the National Safety These awards are given in 12 schemes (10 for Awards for the performance year 2017. factories/installations/construction sites and 2 for ports). Details: ‘San-Sadhan’ Hackathon toilets This award scheme is operated by the Directorate General Factory Advice Service & Context: Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) in Mumbai. This is an attached office of the Ministry of Labour and Design for Divyangjan-accessible Employment. showcased in ‘San-Sadhan’ Hackathon. Details: About the Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar: Participants of the ‘San-Sadhan’ Hackathon came up with thought-provoking ideas for This award was previously known as ShramVir accessible toilets for the physically challenged National Awards. (Divyangjans). It was initiated in 1965 by the Labour Ministry. About the ‘San-Sadhan’ Hackathon: It is awarded in recognition of outstanding It was organized jointly by the Ministry of Jal suggestions given by a worker or a group of Shakti and the Department of Empowerment of workers and implemented by the management Persons with Disabilities, in collaboration with Atal during the previous calendar year, resulting in Innovation Mission and NITI Aayog. improvement in quality, productivity, savings to the unit including savings in foreign currency and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and working conditions such as safety, health and 91springboard were also part of this initiative. environmental conservation in the industrial undertakings where “Suggestion Schemes” are in This was an initiative under theSwachh Bharat operation. Mission. A cash prize and a merit certificate are given in Applications were invited for designs that make three categories. toilets smarter, more accessible, and easier to About the National Safety Awards: use. This award was also initiated in 1965. The government said that it was looking for This award is given in recognition of outstanding smart, scalable and innovative solutions for safety performance of industrial establishments, economical toilets for individual and community construction sites, ports and installations under the use in rural and urban contexts. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). Three innovators were selected winners from the shortlisted 21 applications. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 35 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 National Institute of Ocean “sovereign right” which refers to the coastal nation’s rights below the surface of the sea. Technology (NIOT) The surface waters are international waters. Context: Officials from the Ministry of Earth Sciences Atomic Energy Commission apprised the Vice-president of the status of the National Institute of Ocean Technology’s research Context: facility at Thupilipallam village in Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh. The Chairman of India’s Atomic Energy Commission gave a statement at the 63rd General Details: Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at Vienna. The foundation stone for the research facility at About the Atomic Energy Commission Thupilipallam was laid in 2016 but the project has (AEC): seen delays due to legal hurdles. The AEC is the governing body of About the National Institute of Ocean the Department of Atomic Energy (DOE) GOI. Technology (NIOT): The Department of Atomic Energy is under the NIOT is an autonomous society under the direct charge of the Prime Minister. Ministry of Earth Sciences, established in 1993. The AEC was established in 1948. It has its main office at Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Its functions encompass organising research in The chief objective of the institute is to develop atomic science, training atomic scientists, reliable indigenous technologies to solve the promoting nuclear research in the Commission’s various engineering problems associated with the own laboratories and undertaking prospecting of harvesting of non-living and living resources in the atomic minerals and extracting such minerals for Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which is use on industrial scale. about two-thirds of the land area of India. About the International Atomic Energy The institute engages in developing technologies Agency (IAEA): for sustainable utilization of ocean resources. It is an international organization that seeks to It also engages in providing solutions to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and organisations working in the field. to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. About the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): It is also the international centre for cooperation The EEZ is a sea zone prescribed by in the nuclear field. the UNCLOS in 1982, over which a country has special rights regarding the exploration and use of It works with its member states and multiple marine resources, including energy production partners worldwide to promote the safe, secure from water and wind. and peaceful use of nuclear technologies. It stretches from the baseline out to 200 nautical It was established in 1957. miles from a country’s coast. It is headquartered in Vienna, Austria. The term EEZ does not include the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles. It also does not It has 171 members. India became a member in include the territorial sea. 1957. The difference between territorial sea and the The IAEA, along with its former Director-General EEZ is that the former confers full sovereignty over Mohamed ElBaradei were jointly awarded the the waters, whereas the latter is merely a Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 36 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - Company Law Committee 2019 Context: Northern Zonal Council: Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, and Rajasthan The government constituted the Company Law Central Zonal Council: Chhattisgarh, Madhya Committee for examining and making Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh recommendations on various provisions and issues pertaining to the implementation of the Eastern Zonal Council: Bihar, Jharkhand, Companies Act. Odisha, and West Bengal Details: Southern Zonal Council: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana The Committee will examine and make Western Zonal Council: Dadra and Nagar recommendations on various issues pertaining to Haveli, Daman and Diu, Goa, Gujarat, and the Companies Act, 2013 and the Limited Liability Maharashtra Partnership Act, 2008. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, as well as Lakshadweep, are not members but are special The Committee will comprise of a chairperson invitees to the Southern Zonal Council. and members. The north-eastern states are not members of any of the above councils. Their problems are The Secretary of the Ministry of Corporate addressed by another statutory body, the North Affairs is the Chairman. Eastern Council, created by the North Eastern Council Act, 1971. The Committee will analyse the nature of offences (compoundable and non-compoundable) India-BLEU and submit its recommendation as to whether any of the offences could be re-categorized as ‘civil Context: wrongs’ along with measures to optimize the compliance requirements under the Companies The 16th session of the Joint Economic Act, 2013 and to provide further Ease of Doing Commission (JEC) between India and Belgium Business. Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU) was convened in New Delhi on 17th September 2019. It will also study the feasibility of introducing settlement mechanism, deferred prosecution Details: agreement, etc., within the ambit of the Companies Act, 2013. The three countries (India – Belgium – Luxembourg) reiterated the importance of the JEC It will also examine the LLP Act and recommend towards the development of bilateral economic measures to promote Ease of Doing Business. and trade relations through facilitating dialogue and enhancing cooperation on a wide range of Zonal Councils issues of mutual interest, such as, transportation and logistics, renewable energy, aerospace and Context: satellites, audio and visual industry, agro and food processing industry, life sciences, ICT, traditional The 29th meeting of the Northern Zonal Council will medicine, Ayurveda and yoga, and tourism. be held on 20th September at Chandigarh. JEC sessions are convened based on an About Zonal Councils: agreement signed in 1990 in New Delhi. Zonal Councils are statutory bodies established It is a biennial event (happens once in two under the States Reorganisation Act 1956. years). They are advisory bodies and were established to promote interstate cooperation and coordination. There are five zonal councils in India, as follows: Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 37 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 It is held in the capital cities of the three This is the first year of the maritime exercise. countries alternatively. The exercise had been announced by Prime It is the main vehicle for discussing economic Minister Modi at the Shangri-La Dialogue in 2018. and commercial issues between India and BLEU. A fourth country Malaysia has expressed its The JEC was set up in 1997. interest in being a part of the exercise. Facts about the trade between India and Points to Note: Belgium – Luxembourg: Exercise SIMBEX – A bilateral naval exercise The bilateral trade between India and Belgium between India and Singapore. grew 41% in 2018 – 19 compared to 2017 – 18. The bilateral trade between India and Exercise MAITREE – A bilateral military exercise Luxembourg grew 150% for the same time period. between India and Thailand. Read more about Exercise MAITREE India is Belgium’s second-largest export New Chief of Air Staff destination and fourth-largest trade partner outside the European Union with a significant contribution Context: from the Indian diaspora. Leading exports from Belgium to India: The government has decided to appoint Air Marshal RKS Bhadauria, PVSM, AVSM, VM, Gem and jewellery (rough diamonds) ADC, presently, the Vice Chief of Air Staff as the next Chief of the Air Staff. Chemical and chemical products Details: Machinery and mechanical products Major exports from India to Belgium: Gem and jewellery (finished products) Air Marshall Bhadauria replaces Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa, when he retires on Base metals and articles 30th September 2019. Chemicals and chemical products There are around 160 Belgian companies in India. The position of the Chief of Air Staff is always held by the highest-ranking air officer, Air Chief Many Indian software companies have established Marshall. base in Belgium to cater to the Belgian and European markets. This position is the chief head and commander of the Indian Air Force. SITMEX-19 It is also sometimes abbreviated as CAS. Context: National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) Scheme The sea phase of the maiden SITMEX-19 (Singapore India Thailand Maritime Exercise) has Context: begun in the Andaman Sea. The harbour phase ended at Port Blair. The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has announced a new PPP (public-private About SITMEX: partnership) scheme, National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) for using technology for The exercise is conducted between the navies of better learning outcomes in higher education. India, Singapore and Thailand. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 38 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Details: The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Coal and Mines conferred the National Geosciences Awards The objective of the scheme is to use Artificial for the year 2018 for outstanding contributions in Intelligence to make learning more personalised the field of geosciences, mining and allied areas to and customised as per the requirements of the 22 scientists. learner. About the National Geosciences Awards: This requires the development of technologies in Adaptive Learning to address the diversity of The awards scheme originated in 1966 when the learners. GOI instituted the National Mineral Awards. There are a number of start-up companies The National Mineral Awards scheme was developing this and MHRD seeks to recognise enlarged into the National Geosciences Awards such efforts and bring them under a common (NGA) scheme from the year 2009 onwards to platform so that learners can access it easily. foster further research in geosciences. These awards are given in ten categories The Ministry wishes to make such technologies namely: accessible to a large number of students from Mineral exploration economically weaker sections. Groundwater exploration Mining technology The Ministry would create and maintain Mineral beneficiation a National NEAT platform that would provide Sustainable mineral development one-stop access to these technological solutions. Basic and applied geosciences Geo-environmental studies Ed-Tech companies would be responsible for Natural hazards investigation developing solutions and managing the Award for Excellence registration of learners through the NEAT portal. Young Scientist Award They would be free to charge fees as per their The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana policy. Yojana reaches One Crore beneficiaries As their contribution towards the national cause, they would have to offer free coupons to the extent Context: of 25% of the total registrations for their solution through the NEAT portal. The Ministry would then distribute these free coupons to economically disadvantaged students. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) would be the implementing agency for the NEAT programme. Expert committees would select the Ed-tech The Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana companies. (PMMVY), a central government scheme for pregnant women and lactating mothers has The Ministry proposes to launch and start crossed one crore beneficiaries. operations by November 2019. National Geosciences Awards Prime Minister gets Global Goalkeepers Goals Award 2019 Context: Context: Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 39 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Prime Minister Narendra Modi was conferred upon Integrated refund system with disbursal by a the Global Goalkeepers Goals Award 2019 by the single authority to be introduced from 24th Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. September 2019. Details: The Council also took an in-principle decision to link Aadhaar with the registration of taxpayers Started by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under GST and also to examine the possibility of in 2017, Goalkeepers is a catalyst for action making the 12-digit unique identification number towards 17 Global Goals for Sustainable mandatory for claiming refunds. Development. Changes were also made to the GST rates for ‘Goalkeepers’ brings leaders from all over the various goods and services. world together and works towards fighting About the GST Council: inequality and ending poverty. The Goods and Services Tax Council is a Prime Minister Modi is being conferred upon this constitutional body for making recommendations award for his work in sanitation through the to the Union and State Governments on issues Swachh Bharat Mission. related to Goods and Service Tax. It is chaired by the Union Finance Minister. 37th GST Council Meeting The other members are the Union State Minister Context: of Revenue or Finance, and Ministers in-charge of Finance or Taxation of all the States. The 37th GST Council met on 20th September 2019 in Goa. It was chaired by the Finance ERSS- Dial 112, ‘E-Beat Book’ Minister Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman. System and ‘E-Saathi’ App Key Recommendations: Context: Relaxations in annual returns filing for MSMEs The Union Home Minister Mr. Amit Shah launched for the financial year 2017 – 18 and 2018 – 19. three citizen-centric services of the Chandigarh Police which are ERSS- Dial 112, ‘E-Beat Book’ A committee of officers would be appointed for System and ‘E-Saathi’ App, in Chandigarh. examining the simplification of forms for annual return and reconciliation statement. ERSS: Extension of the last date for filing of appeals ERSS stands for Emergency Response Support against orders of the Appellate Authority before System. the GST Appellate Tribunal as the Appellate Tribunals are yet not functional. ERSS is one of the key projects of the Union Ministry of Home Affairs under the Nirbhaya Fund. The new return system would be introduced from April 2020 instead of the previously proposed ERSS provides a single emergency number October 2019. (112), and a computer-aided dispatch of field resources to the location of distress. Suitable amendments would be made to the CGST Act, UTGST Act and corresponding SGST Citizens can send their emergency information Acts in view of the creation of the union territories through call, SMS, email and through the 112 of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. India mobile app. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 40 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - Dial 112: 2019 PACEsetter Fund programme Till now, there were more than 20 emergency The PACEsetter fund was constituted by India helpline numbers, for various kinds of and the USA in 2015 as a joint fund to provide emergencies needing the help of rescue forces in early-stage grant funding to accelerate the the domains of fire, health, police, etc. commercialization of innovative off-grid clean energy products, systems, and business models. This was ineffective since the public would often get confused with the numbers and end up The mission of the PACEsetter Fund is to wasting time calling the wrong emergency service. accelerate the commercialization of innovative off- grid clean energy access solutions by providing To avoid this, the Dial 112 is created, which is a early-stage grant funding that would allow single number for immediate assistance services businesses to develop and test innovative from police (100), health (108), fire (101), and products, business models and systems. women (1090). The Fund’s main purpose is to improve the viability of off-grid renewable energy businesses Initially, 16 states and Union Territories are that sell small scale (under 1 megawatt) clean planning to roll-out the service. energy systems to individuals and communities without access to grid-connected power or with In the future, more emergency services would be limited/intermittent access. covered in this initiative. Context : E-Beat Book: The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy It is a web and mobile-based application which awarded Grants to the awardees of the second will ease the collection, updation and analysis of round of PACEsetter fund programme. information related to crime and criminals in real- time. Corps of Army Air Defence The E-Beat Book would be linked with the Crime Context: and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS), which would help in real-time updation The sixth reunion of the Corps of Army Air of crime/criminal data. Defence was celebrated on 20 and 21 September 2019 at Army AD College, Gopalpur. Every Beat Officer would be having an android phone to use the App. About the Corps of Army Air Defence: ‘E-Saathi’ App: The Corps of Army Air Defence (AAD) is an This App is intended to help the general public, active corps of the Indian Army that is mandated including senior citizens, to remain in touch with with protecting Indian air space from enemy the police and also give suggestions to facilitate aircraft and missiles, particularly below 5000 feet, participative community policing. where it is highly impossible for Air Force planes to intercept the threat. The beat officer would be able to provide AAD is tasked with India’s air defence against services like passport verification, tenant foreign threats. verification, servant verification, character certification, etc. at a click of a button through the App, without people needing to visit the police station. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 41 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 The Corps was first raised in 1939 when it competency level or go for higher skills for participated in the Second World War. professional growth. However, the Corps became an autonomous The RPL scheme envisions to impart skill-based corps only recently in 1994, when the Corps of Air training to one crore people between 2016 and Defence Artillery was bifurcated from the Army’s 2020. artillery regiment. The certificates can give workers the chance to A training school called the Army Air Defence go for higher education in their respective fields. College (AADC) was set up to provide training to its personnel, at Gopalpur, Odisha. It will also give them different options in upgrading and upskilling. The motto of the corps is: ‘Aakashe Shatrun Jahi’ (Sanskrit for ‘Defeat the enemy in the sky’). RPL certificates certify skills acquired informally and drive young people to venture into aspirational Apart from the Second World War, it has seen job roles. action in the wars with Pakistan in 1947, 1965 and 1971; in the 1962 war with China and in the Kargil The industry will also be benefitted because War in 1999. formalizing the skills of employees will give a clear picture of the available skill sets, skill gaps and the The Corps is headed by the Director General of need for upgradation to achieve desired quality Corps of Army Air Defence, who is generally a 3- and productivity benchmarks. star general. Read more on Initatives Under Skill India Misiion. Mochi Swabhimaan Initiative About the Mochi Swabhimaan Initiative: Context: It is a nationwide activity in which the Leather Sector Skill Council (LSSC) will extend support to The Union Minister for Skill Development and the cobbler community who provide leather-based Entrepreneurship, GOI awarded Recognition of services, with CSR funds and bring respect to their Prior Learning (RPL) Certificates to more than one skills by giving them a better working environment thousand workers from the leather sector in in the form of kiosks/umbrellas. Chennai. He also launched the Mochi Swabhimaan Initiative. About the Leather Sector Skill Council (LSSC): About the RPL Certificates: It is a non-profit organisation dedicated to RPL certificates are given under the Pradhan meeting the demand for skilled workforce in the Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) of Skill leather industry in India. India to the unorganised semi-skilled and unskilled workers. The LSSC was set up in 2012 as one of the key sector skill councils approved by National Skill These certificates can help them get assessed Development Corporation (NSDC). and certified on their current competencies as per NSQF levels (National Skills Qualifications The LSSC caters to the training and employment Framework). needs of various subsectors in the leather industry such as finished leather, footwear, garments, RPL also shows them a path to bridge their leather goods, accessories, saddlery and harness current knowledge and skill levels to reach a sectors. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 42 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 It also has a partnership with the Council of resilient to disaster. He also invited member Leather Exports (CLE). countries at the summit to join this coalition. limate Action Summit 2019 The Global Climate Action Summit is organised by the UN and attended by world leaders and heads Context: of state. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the The objective of the summit is to raise the global Climate Action Summit 2019 in New York on level of ambition to meet the goals of the Paris 23rd September. Agreement and to galvanize action that can limit climate change to 2°C and even 1.5°C. Details: UAE-India High Level Joint Task Force on Investments Prime Minister Modi said that India will increase the share of non-fossil fuels, and by 2022 the Context: country is planning to increase the renewable energy capacity target from 175 GW to 450 GW. The 7th meeting of the UAE-India High Level Joint Task Force on Investments (HLTFI) was held on Modi was among the first set of speakers at the 22nd September 2019 in Abu Dhabi to review and summit along with the heads of Germany, New maintain the significant progress made in Zealand and the Marshall Islands. enhancing bilateral trade and investment between the two countries. Only 63 leaders are allowed to address the summit and this time, more than 100 had applied Details: for this honour. The HLTFI was established as a key forum to The United Nations had announced that promote economic ties between the UAE and countries that are declaring a positive India. development in their commitments are given the The HLTFI plays a key role in promoting and chance to address the summit. facilitating investments between the two countries and in addressing mutual concerns. Modi also said that India has made plans to Areas for future cooperation were also discussed make its transport sector green through e-mobility. at the meeting, including growth opportunities for Indian banks, asset managers and technology Other initiatives declared by the Prime Minister companies at the Abu Dhabi Global Market include the following: (ADGM – an international financial centre in Abu Dhabi), and the potential for private banks Working to increase the proportion of biofuel operating at the ADGM to offer high quality private blend in petrol and diesel. wealth services in India. Provided clean cooking gas to 150 million Cyclonic Storm ‘HIKAA’ families. Context: Launched Jal Jeevan Mission for water conservation, rainwater harvesting and water resources development. Almost 80 nations have joined the International Solar Alliance. The Prime Minister also announced that India is launching a Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, an initiative to make infrastructure Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 43 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 A cyclonic storm named ‘HIKAA’ over the The Ministers also released Energy northeast and adjoining east-central Arabian Sea Conservation Guidelines for MSMEs. moves closely westwards. They also launched the Knowledge Management Details: Portal “SIDHIEE” under the BEE’s MSME Programme. HIKAA moved nearly westwards with a speed of The SIDHIEE portal will host useful information 17 kmph during the past 6 hours. including fifty videos of multimedia tutorials for MSMEs for early adoption of energy-efficient It is now about 490 km west-southwest of technologies. Veraval in Gujarat. The Conclave is expected to be useful in It is likely to intensify further during the next 24 creating a platform for pooling the knowledge and hours and weaken gradually thereafter. synergising the efforts of various stakeholders. It is very likely to move nearly westwards and The participants will discuss various issues such cross the Oman coast during the early hours of as strategies to promote energy efficiency, 25th September as a deep depression. technical and financial capabilities of MSMEs, capacity-building and awareness programmes. HIKAA is a tropical cyclone and has now been classified as a ‘very severe storm’. About the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE): There is a warning of strong winds along and off the Gujarat coast during the next 12 hours. Sea conditions are also likely to be ‘rough to It is a statutory body under the Ministry of Power, very rough’ and fishermen have been advised not Government of India. to venture into the northeast and adjoining east- central Arabian Sea till 24th morning and into the It assists in developing policies and strategies northwest & adjoining west-central Arabian Sea till with the primary objective of reducing the energy 25th morning. intensity of the Indian economy. National Conclave on Energy It coordinates with designated consumers, Efficiency in MSME sector designated agencies, and other organizations to identify and utilize the existing resources and Context: infrastructure, in performing the functions assigned to it under the Energy Conservation Act. The National Conclave on Energy Efficiency in VAHAN Database MSME sector was inaugurated by Union Ministers in Hyderabad on 23rd September. Context: Details: The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has asked all PUC Centres (Centres that issue The two-day Conclave is being organized by the Pollution Under Control Certificates/PUC Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) with Certificates to on-road vehicles) to link emission participation from MSME entrepreneurs, industry test data with the VAHAN Database. associations, technology and service providers, sectoral energy experts and senior officials from About VAHAN Database: the Government. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 44 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 VAHAN is a digital national vehicle registry This was launched taking into account the fact that portal. congenital and hereditary genetic diseases are It collates all the information available with road becoming a great health burden in India. transport authorities for easy access by both There is a need for adequate and effective genetic citizens and regulators. testing and counselling services. The portal allows access to all details about In India’s urban areas, congenital malformations vehicles such as registration number, colour, and genetic disorders are the third most common chassis/engine number, body/fuel type, cause of mortality in new-borns. manufacturer and model and provides various online services to citizens. With a very large population and high birth rate, and consanguineous marriage (marriage among Driving Licence and related information are blood-relatives) favoured in many communities, automated through another application called the prevalence of genetic disorders is high in ‘Sarathi’. India. VAHAN offers the following services: The NIDAN Kendras will provide counselling, Vehicle registration (new/renewal/transfer, etc.) prenatal testing and diagnosis, management, and Permit (issuance/renewal) multidisciplinary care in government hospitals Taxes (calculation and payment) (where there are more patients). Fitness (Fitness Certificate issuance and The Kendras will produce trained clinicians and renewal) also undertake screening of pregnant women and Enforcement (issue of challan, settlement of new-borns for inherited genetic diseases. penalty amount) International Sign Language Day UMMID and NIDAN Kendras Context: Context: The Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre celebrated Sign Language Day on The Union Health Minister inaugurated the UMMID 23rd September. and NIDAN Kendras on 23rd September. About the UMMID: About the International Sign Language Day: UMMID stands for Unique Methods of The UN declared 23rd September as Management and treatment of Inherited Disorders. International Sign Language Day. It has been launched to tackle inherited genetic The day was first observed in 2017. This date diseases of new-born babies and pregnant was selected because this was the date when the women. World Federation of the Deaf was established in 1951. The initiative aims to: The theme for 2019 is Sign Language-Rights Produce skilled clinicians in human genetics. for all. Establish five NIDAN Kendras. The objective of celebrating this day is enhancing the awareness of sign language and It is supported by the Department of Biotechnology making the reach of sign language greater. (DBT) under the Ministry of Science and Technology. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 45 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 About the Indian Sign Language Research The benefits that students get from being a part and Training Centre (ISLRTC): of this scheme are: It is an autonomous body under the Department They can get skills to become accomplished of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, social leaders in the future. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. They get experience which will help them The Centre was established in 2015. become efficient administrators The Centre carries out many activities for It will help them understand human nature better promoting the use of Indian Sign Language as the educational mode for deaf students at primary, It will also help them understand the rich cultural secondary and higher education levels. diversity of India It conducts diploma courses in Indian Sign It will help them have national pride through a Language Interpretation. better knowledge of the country It is located in New Delhi. NSS organises camps, parades, youth festivals, etc. as part of its activities. National Service Scheme India Water Week-2019 Context: Context: The President of India presented the National The President Shri Ramnath Kovind inaugurated Service Scheme Awards at New Delhi on the 6th India Water Week-2019 at New Delhi on 24th September. 24th September. About the National Service Scheme: About the India Water Week-2019: The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central The 6th edition of the India Water Week is being Sector Scheme of the Government of India, under organised in New Delhi between 24th and the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. 28th September 2019. It gives opportunities to school students of It was organised for the first time in 2012. classes XI and XII, and university/college students to take part in various government led community The idea behind the Water Week is to have service activities and programmes. talks, discussions, seminars, and sessions to build public awareness, to get support to implement key The chief objective of the NSS is to offer strategies for conservation, preservation and students and young people a first-hand experience optimum use of available water. in delivering service to the community. The theme for the 2019 event is “Water It was started in the year 1969. Cooperation – Coping with 21st Century Challenges”. Currently, there are 3.8 million student volunteers in this scheme. This year, the focus is on the need and importance of water use across all sectors. Motto of NSS: “Not Me But You” It is organised by the Ministry of Water All volunteers wear the NSS badge which is a Resources in coordination with the nodal symbol of pride and honour for them. The badge ministries of Environment, Forest and Climate signifies that they are ready for service round the Change; Agriculture; Urban Development; Rural clock. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 46 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Development; New and Renewable Energy; Any farmer with a high quality of crops can utilise Power; Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation; the this platform to demonstrate best practices of NITI Aayog and other PSUs, national and cultivation to other farmers so that this will help international bodies. other farmers adopt these methods. The conference will be attended by more than The app will also help in geo-tagging and geo- 1000 national and international delegates, and fencing of crops and give weather forecast there will also be an exhibition. messages to farmers. Two Agriculture Mobile Apps Central Government takes several Launched key decisions to curb rise in prices of Onions Context: Context: The Union Minister for Agriculture Shri Narendra Singh Tomar launched two mobile apps for The Central Government has taken many agriculture in New Delhi on 24th September. They decisions to check the rise in prices of onions. are ‘CHC Farm Machinery’ and ‘Krishi Kisan App’. Steps Taken – Details: About CHC Farm Machinery App: States have been requested to utilise a stock of CHC stands for Custom Hiring Centres. 35,000 tons available with the Central Government for direct retailing to ease the pressure on prices. Through this app, farmers will be able to select and order the required farm machinery at rates The National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing feasible for them from Custom Hiring Centres Federation of India (NAFED) which holds the located in a 50 km radius. central buffer on behalf of the Union Government has been directed to distribute onions in Delhi Over 40000 CHCs have already registered on through stores of Safal, Mother dairy, NCCF and the app. its own outlets at a fixed rate of not more than Rs. 24 per kilo. This is a multilingual app and can be downloaded onto any android phone. The Kharif crop of onions from Karnataka has It is especially helpful for small and marginal already started arriving in the market and this will farmers who will have easy access to high value ease the pressure on supply from Maharashtra as and technical agricultural equipment facilitating well as prices in adjoining regions. optimum use of all types of inputs using these farming machines. According to the government, there is enough This will help farmers increase their income. stock in Maharashtra to meet the demand. But, This will also help increase the rate of supplies are being restrained by sellers to mechanisation of farm holdings. increase the prices. The government is About Krishi Kisan App: considering imposing stock limit if the prices do not moderate on account of speculative behaviour This app will provide farmers the information of traders. about the best demonstration of high-yielding crops and seeds in their nearby area. MMTC Ltd. (Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation of India) has also been directed to Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 47 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 float a tender for the import of onions to meet any Details: shortfall in availability. The government has also asked NAFED to This group comprising of countries and private prepare for the upcoming festive season by companies will drive transformation in hard-to- moving adequate stock to places of consumption decarbonize and energy-intensive sectors. and distribution to ensure that supply remains Countries that are part of the Group are: unhindered. India The reported export below Minimum Export Sweden Price to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka will be Argentina immediately stopped and the government will take Finland strict action against those who are found to be violating this decision of the government. France About Minimum Export Price (MEP): Germany It is the price below which an exporter is not Ireland allowed to export the commodity from India. MEP Luxembourg is imposed in view of the rising domestic The Netherlands retail/wholesale price or production disruptions in South Korea the country. It is a kind of quantitative restriction to The United Kingdom trade. Private organisations include Dalmia Cement, DSM, Heathrow Airport, LKAB, Mahindra Group, About NAFED: Royal Schiphol Group, Scania, SpiceJet, SSAB, ThyssenKrupp and Vattenfall. NAFED is an agricultural cooperative This global initiative will be supported by the World organisation established with the objective of Economic Forum, the Energy Transitions promoting cooperative marketing of agricultural Commission, Mission Innovation, Stockholm produce to benefit farmers. Environment Institute, and the European Climate Foundation among many others. It was established in 1958 to promote the trade of agricultural products and forest resources. India and Sweden will lead the Group. With its headquarters in New Delhi, it is today Industry sector emissions, including those from one of the largest procurement as well as hard-to-abate and energy-intensive sectors like marketing agencies for agricultural products in steel, cement, aluminum, aviation and shipping India. are expected to be 15.7 Gigatonnes (Gt) by 2050. This initiative is hence, important for industry to Leadership Group for Industry find a workable pathway towards reducing Transition emissions and deliver on the Paris Agreement. Context: 16th Global SME Business Summit A ‘Leadership Group for Industry Transition’ was Context: announced at the Global Climate Action Summit to help guide the world’s heaviest greenhouse gas emitting industries towards a low-carbon economy. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 48 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 Union Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari inaugurated the The ‘Varaha’ is a state-of-the-art offshore patrol 16th Global SME Business Summit 2019 in New vessel. Delhi on 24th September. It was built by Larson & Toubro. About the Global SME Business Summit: It has features like ultra-advanced navigation, communication sensors and machinery. The Summit is organised every year by the Ministry of MSME and the Confederation of Indian It will operate from the port of New Mangalore on Industries (CII) for bringing together stakeholders the West Coast covering the Exclusive and leaders in the MSME sector. Economic Zone up to Kanyakumari. Theme for 2019: “Making Indian MSMEs ICGS ‘Varaha’ is capable of operating the Globally Competitive”. indigenously-developed Advanced Light Helicopter by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). The summit will help: The ship is well equipped with high speed boats, Disseminate knowhow on assessing the export medical facilities and modern surveillance potential of the products and services of Indian systems. MSMEs. It is also capable of carrying pollution response Identify suitable markets. equipment. Develop strategies to penetrate new markets About Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): through trade associations, multi-lateral agencies, international business forums and E-Commerce The EEZ is a sea zone prescribed by platforms. the UNCLOS in 1982, over which a country has special rights regarding the exploration and use of The event will also help participating Indian marine resources, including energy production MSMEs to single out avenues for joint ventures, from water and wind. franchising, cross-marketing, buyer-seller meets, etc. It stretches from the baseline out to 200 nautical miles from a country’s coast. The Minister, speaking on the occasion, said that the Government’s target is to increase MSME’s The term EEZ does not include the continental present share of 29 percent of GDP to 50 percent shelf beyond 200 nautical miles. It also does not in the next five years and raise its export include the territorial sea. contribution from 49 percent to 60 percent. The difference between territorial sea and the Indian Coast Guard Ship ‘Varaha’ EEZ is that the former confers full sovereignty over the waters, whereas the latter is merely a Context: “sovereign right” which refers to the coastal nation’s rights below the surface of the sea. The Defence Minister Shri Rajnath Singh The surface waters are international waters. commissioned Indian Coast Guard Ship ‘Varaha’ in Chennai on 25th September 2019. The Minister India-China Financial Dialogue said that the ship is a fine example of industry Context: collaboration with the Make in India initiative. About ICGS Varaha: The 9th India-China Financial Dialogue was held in New Delhi on 25th September. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 49 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 About the India-China Financial Dialogue: Active community participation This is a mechanism between India and China Supporting aspects of the campaign include with an aim to promote cooperation in the financial patient support, private sector engagement, sector. political and administrative commitment at all levels. This is generally held between delegations led by the Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, The government will make sure that TB patients Ministry of Finance from the Indian side, and by receive free and high quality treatment and care at the Vice Minister, Ministry of Finance from the private and public hospitals. Chinese side. The government has set the target year for The dialogue is held on various financial matters eradicating TB from the country as 2025. The such as the macroeconomic situation and policy, global target set by the UN is 2030. cooperation in multilateral framework, bilateral investment and financial cooperation. It also aims to improve and expand the reach of TB care services across the country by 2022. This year, both sides committed to promoting a favourable environment to enable continuous This includes preventive and promotive growth of bilateral trade and investment, approaches, and proposes interventions such as strengthen their efforts to promote a more engagement with private sector health care balanced and healthier development of trade and providers, inter-ministerial partnerships, corporate economic cooperation and further enhance the sector engagement, latent TB infection closer development partnership between the two management, and community engagement. The countries. interventions will be accompanied by a comprehensive, mass media and communications The next round of India-China Financial campaign to generate awareness about the Dialogue is to be held in China. disease and the free treatment services available under the government programme. ‘TB Harega Desh Jeetega’ Campaign Last year, the government has launched the Nikshay Poshan Yojana, a direct benefit transfer Context: (DBT) scheme to provide nutritional support to TB patients. Since then, about 26 lakh patients have The Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare received the benefit directly into their bank launched the ‘TB Harega Desh Jeetega’ accounts. Campaign along with the National TB Prevalence About the National TB Prevalence Survey: Survey on 25th September. He also released the TB India Report (2019). This survey is crucial for achieving the goal of ending TB in India by 2025. About the ‘TB Harega Desh Jeetega’ The survey will take 6 months and cover the Campaign: whole country. The data thus obtained will be used as a policy The chief objective of the campaign is to tool for further interventions. eliminate tuberculosis (TB) from India. About the TB India Report (2019): The campaign has 3 pillars Clinical approach According to this Report, 21.5 lakh cases of TB Public health component were reported in 2018. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved
pg. 50 Easy to PICK–“PIB Monthly Magazine \"September - 2019 In 2017, there were 18 lakh cases and 2018 saw a rise of 17% from the previous year. About Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis is usually caused The Ministry of Home Affairs issued a notice to by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or various other this effect on 20th September 2019. strains of mycobacterium. It is an infectious disease and is air borne. The award seeks to recognize notable and It mostly affects the lungs but can also cause inspiring contributions to promote the cause of harm to other parts of the body. national unity and integrity and to reinforce the There is also an increasing concern about multi- value of a strong and united India. drug resistant TB (MDR-TB). The award will be announced on the occasion Symptoms of Active TB: of National Unity Day, i.e. the birth anniversary of Sardar Patel on 31st Coughing that lasts three or more weeks Coughing up blood The award shall be conferred by the President Chest pain, or pain with breathing or coughing by a Sanad under his hand and seal and Unintentional weight loss presented by him in a presentation ceremony Fatigue along with the Padma award presentation Fever ceremony held at the Rashtrapati Bhawan. Night sweats Chills The award would consist of a medal and a Loss of appetite citation. There is also latent TB, a condition in which the bacteria remain in the body in an inactive state No monetary grant or cash award would be and cause no symptoms. This should also be attached to this award. treated since it can turn into active TB, and spread. Not more than three awards would be given in a year. It would not be conferred posthumously Sardar Patel National Unity Award except in very rare and highly deserving cases. Context: Nominations can be sent by any Indian national, institution, or organisation based in India. The Government of India has instituted the ‘Sardar Individuals can also nominate themselves. Patel National Unity Award’ as the highest civilian State/UT governments or ministries in the GOI can award for contribution to the unity and integrity of also send nominations. India. CPGRAMS Details: Context: Minister of State Dr. Jitendra Singh launched CPGRAMS reforms in the Department of Posts. Aspire IASThe name associated with excellence 10/70 Old Rajeneder Nagar N.Delhi www.aspireias.com8010068998/9999801394 ©2018 ASPIRE IAS. All rights reserved