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Home Explore brownfield- brand book

brownfield- brand book

Published by dolevlevit111, 2023-07-16 12:03:41

Description: brownfield- brand book


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Brand Book By Dolev Levit

11‫חוצץ‬ Visual Language

12Colors #F2E85E #F2CD5C #F7931E R:242 ,G:232 ,B:94 R:242 ,G:205 ,B:92 R:247 ,G:147 ,B:30 C:7 ,M:2 ,Y:77 ,K:0 C:5 ,M:17 ,Y:75 ,K:0 C:0 ,M:50 ,Y:99 ,K:0 #98D5EA #F26A4B #BF8FB7 R:135 ,G:211 ,B:231 R:242 ,G:106 ,B:75 R:191 ,G:143 ,B:183 C:44 ,M:0 ,Y:8 ,K:0 C:0 ,M:73 ,Y:74 ,K:0 C:24 ,M:49 ,Y:6 ,K:0


14Typography Good Boy is the brand's official font used in our logo, titles and products. R iaslluesleedmVfeaonrbretorlsauoankRn.nodiunangdbtreaxntdin abcdefg Regular hijklmno pqrstuv abcdefg hijklmno wxyz pqrstuv wxyz

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