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Home Explore HS-249351_Ceramic Catalog Direct_v3 060118-1

HS-249351_Ceramic Catalog Direct_v3 060118-1

Published by bob, 2018-10-29 05:54:50

Description: HS-249351_Ceramic Catalog Direct_v3 060118-1

Keywords: Shaw Floors Tile & Stone


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TILE & STONE Ceramic & Natural Stone Product GuideFable, 200 Beige (12\" × 24\") Cameo, 700 Jasper (12\" × 24\") Turnbury, 150 Latte, (4\" × 4\") Dodge City, 157 Accent & 100 Farmhouse (7\" × 24\") 1shawfloors.comdirect 06.18.2018HS-249351-18

TILE & STONE Ceramic & Natural Stone Product Guide Ceramic Natural Stone Features & Benefits NEW! 2018 Cameo Channel Plank Turnbury Warranty Costa D'Avorio CDI Dodge City Plank DCOF Elegance PEI (Porcelain Accents) Shade & Texture Rating Empire NEW! 2018 Fable Geneva NEW COLOR! 2018 Glacier NEW! 2018 Heirloom Madagascar OasisNEW SIZE! 2018 Olympia Plank NEW! 2018 Shoreline Sierra Madre St. Pete NEW! 2018 2direct 06.22.2018HS-249351-18

TILE & STONE CAMEO ceramic500 Agate550 Quartz 700 Jasper Back to Table of Contents 3

CAMEO TILE & STONEStyle Number CS09X CS08X CS07X CS11X CS10XConstruction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramicTile Type floor tile floor tile floor tile bullnose mosaicTile Size 12\" × 24\" 17\" × 17\" 13\" × 13\" 2.75\" × 13\" 13\" × 13\" × 2\"Technical 4 4 4 4 4Wear Rating Group > 300 lbs > 300 lbs > 300 lbs > 300 lbs > 300 lbsBreak StrengthWater Absorption 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%DCOF > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42Shade Variation V3 V3 V3 V3 V3A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of> 0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council ofNorth America’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walkingsurface where water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedlyslippery resulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not foruse on ramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Finalselection should be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance withANSI A137.1 standards.Colors500 Agate 550 Quartz 700 JasperCS10X mosaic500 Agate 550 Quartz 700 JasperBenefits Back to Table of Contents 4

TILE & STONE CHANNEL PLANK ceramic100 Flax 510 Stone Gate600 Brandy760 Thicket 620 Cider 700 Mussel Back to Table of Contents 5

CHANNEL PLANK TILE & STONEStyle Number CS30MConstruction ceramicTile Type floor tileTile Size 7\" × 22\"Technical 3Wear Rating Group 300 lbsBreak StrengthWater Absorption 6%DCOF > .6Shade Variation V2A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors100 Flax 510 Stone Gate 600 Brandy 620 Cider 700 Mussel 760 ThicketBenefits Back to Table of Contents 6

TILE & STONE COSTA D'AVORIO ceramic700 Cafe Back to Table of Contents 7

COSTA D'AVORIO TILE & STONE Style Number CS10F CS09F CS43J CS12F Construction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic Tile Type floor tile floor tile floor tile bullnose Tile Size 17\"×17\" 13\"×13\" 6.5\"×6.5\" 2.75\"×13\" Technical 4 4 4 4 Wear Rating Group 412 lbs. 412 lbs. 412 lbs. 412 lbs. Break Strength Water Absorption 6% 6% 6% 6% DCOF > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 Shade Variation V2 V2 V2 V2A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of> 0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council ofNorth America’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walkingsurface where water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and becomeunexpectedly slippery resulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not foruse on ramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Finalselection should be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance withANSI A137.1 standards.Colors100 Bone 200 Beige 700 CafeBenefits Back to Table of Contents 8

TILE & STONE DODGE CITY PLANK ceramic100 Farmhouse with 157 Accent 500 Barnwood700 Fencepost 750 Smokehouse Back to Table of Contents 9

DODGE CITY PLANK TILE & STONEStyle Number CS85PConstruction ceramicTile Type field tileTile Size 7\" × 24\"Technical 3Wear Rating Group 250 lbsBreak StrengthWater Absorption 3-7%DCOF 0.61Shade Variation V3A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors100 Farmhouse 157 Accent 500 Barnwood 700 Fencepost 750 SmokehouseBenefits Back to Table of Contents 10

TILE & STONE ELEGANCECS64P | Basketweave ceramic wall tile | porcelain accents CS63P | Pinwheel 190 White 190 White w/ Black DotCS61P | Hexagon CS62P | 2\" × 2\" with Dot190 White w/ Black Dot 100 White Back to Table of Contents 11

ELEGANCE TILE & STONEHexagon Mosaic 1\"PorcelainMatte Finish10\" × 12\" sheetCS61P 100 White 190 White w/ Black 190 White w/ Black2\" × 2\" Dot Mosaic 100 WhitePorcelain 190 White w/ BlackMatte Finish12\" × 12\" sheetCS62PPinwheel Mosaic 190 White w/ BlackPorcelainMatte Finish12\" × 12\" sheetCS63PBasketweave MosaicPorcelainMatte Finish12\" × 12\" sheetCS64P 190 White w/ BlackHexagon Mosaic 2\" 100 WhitePorcelainMatte Finish12\" × 12\" sheetCS01Z4\" × 4\" Dot Mosaic 190 White w/ BlackPorcelainMatte Finish12\" × 12\" sheetCS00ZBenefits Back to Table of Contents 12

TILE & STONE ELEGANCECS68P | Beveled Diamond ceramic wall tile | porcelain accents CS65P | Penny Round 500 Warm Grey 101 BiscuitCS66P | Mini Brick CS67P | Lantern500 Warm Grey 500 Warm Grey Back to Table of Contents 13

ELEGANCE TILE & STONEMini Brick Mosaic 100 White 101 Biscuit 500 Warm GreyPorcelain 100 WhiteGloss Finish 100 White 101 Biscuit 500 Warm Grey11\" × 12\" sheet 100 WhiteCS66P 101 Biscuit 500 Warm GreyPenny Round Mosaic 101 Biscuit 500 Warm GreyPorcelainGloss Finish12\" × 12\" sheetCS65PLantern MosaicPorcelainGloss Finish10\" × 11.5\" sheetCS67PBeveled DiamondMosaicPorcelainGloss Finish10\" × 12.9\" sheetCS68PBenefits Back to Table of Contents 14

TILE & STONE ELEGANCE ceramic wall tile | porcelain accentsWall: CS36L in 550 Taupe | Floor: CS79K in 522 Seamist, Boca Hexagon Mosaic 15 Back to Table of Contents

ELEGANCE TILE & STONEStyle Number (Bullnose) CS35L CS85MConstruction ceramic ceramicTile Type bullnose bullnoseTile Size 3\" × 6\" 4\" × 16\"3\" × 6\" Wall 100 White 101 Biscuit 200 Linen 500 Warm Grey 550 TaupeCeramic 101 BiscuitGloss Finish 101 BiscuitCS34L4\" × 16\" Wall 100 White 200 Linen 500 Warm Grey 550 TaupeCeramicGloss FinishCS36L2\" × 2\" MosaicPorcelainGloss Finish12\" × 12\" × 2\"CS37L 100 White 200 Linen 500 Warm Grey 550 TaupeA DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF AcuTest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for useon ramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.The basis of a beautiful kitchen! This collection starts with the classic 3\" × 6\" wall tile and adds an exciting new size andshape - 4\" × 16\" - for an elegant, modern look. Mosaics and coordinating bullnose round out the series.−− Wall Tile −− Gloss MosaicsCeramic with glossy finish Porcelain: Suitable for walls Perfect for kitchen backsplashes and shower walls −− Bullnose−− Matte Mosaics Ceramic with glossy finish CS35L bullnose must be used with 3\" × 6\" wall tile Porcelain: Suitable for floors CS85M bullnose must be used with 4\" × 16\" wall tile and wallsBenefits mosaic only Back to Table of Contents 16

TILE & STONE EMPIRE ceramic100 Cream, backsplash, Mixed-up CS59L 200 Latte500 Surf 700 Cafe Back to Table of Contents 17

EMPIRE TILE & STONEStyle Number CS75Q CS74Q CS73Q CS98Q CS99QConstruction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramicTile Type floor tile floor tile floor tile bullnose mosaicTile Size 12\" × 24\" 17\" × 17\" 13\" × 13\" 2.75\" × 13\" 13\" × 13\" × 2\"Technical 4 4 4 4 4Wear Rating Group 350 lbs 350 lbs 350 lbs 350 lbs 350 lbsBreak StrengthWater Absorption 3-6% 3-6% 3-6% 3-6% 3-6%DCOF > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42Shade Variation V3 V3 V3 V3 V3A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of> 0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council ofNorth America’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walkingsurface where water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and becomeunexpectedly slippery resulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not foruse on ramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Finalselection should be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSIA137.1 standards.Colors100 Cream 200 Latte 500 Surf 700 CafeCS99Q 13\" × 13\" × 2\" Mosaic100 Cream 200 Latte 500 Surf 700 Cafe 18Benefits Back to Table of Contents

TILE & STONE FABLE ceramic500 Gris 200 Beige Back to Table of Contents 19

FABLE TILE & STONEStyle Number CS30X CS31X CS32X CS37X CS38XConstruction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramicTile Type floor tile floor tile floor tile bullnose mosaicTile Size 12\" × 24\" 20\" × 20\" 12\" × 12\" 2.75\" × 12\" 12\" × 12\" × 2\"Technical 4 4 4 4 4Wear Rating Group 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbsBreak Strength 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10%Water AbsorptionDCOF 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49Shade Variation V2 V2 V2 V2 V2A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors200 Beige 500 GrisCS38X mosaic200 Beige 500 GrisBenefits Back to Table of Contents 20

TILE & STONE GENEVA ceramic202 Habano 550 Ceniza Back to Table of Contents 21

GENEVA TILE & STONEStyle Number CS20P CS19P CS18P CS21P CS22PConstruction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramicTile Type floor tile floor tile floor tile surface bullnose mosaicTile Size 12\" × 24\" 20\" × 20\" 12\" × 12\" 2.75\" × 12\" 12\" × 12\" × 2\"Technical 4 4 4 4 4Wear Rating Group 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbsBreak Strength 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10%Water AbsorptionDCOF .6 .6 .6 .6 .6Shade Variation V2 V2 V2 V2 V2A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors CS22P 12\" × 12\" × 2\" Mosaic202 Habano 550 Ceniza 202 Habano 550 CenizaBenefits Back to Table of Contents 22

TILE & STONE GLACIER ceramic105 Grey 120 Gold Back to Table of Contents 23

GLACIER TILE & STONEStyle Number CS13P CS12P CS11P CS14P CS15P CS16P CS17PConstruction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramicTile Type floor tile floor tile floor tile wall tile surface mosaic bullnose wallTile Size 12\" × 24\" 20\" × 20\" 12\" × 12\" 8\" × 12\" 2.75\" × 12\" bullnose 12\" × 12\" × 2\" 2\" × 8\"Technical 4 4 4 4 4 4 4Wear Rating Group 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbsBreak Strength 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10%Water AbsorptionDCOF .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29Shade Variation V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors CS17P 12\" × 12\" × 2\" Mosaic105 Grey 105 Grey120 Gold 120 Gold Back to Table of ContentsBenefits 24

TILE & STONE HEIRLOOM ceramic500 Sterling 750 Hope Chest770 Silhouette 150 Fine China Back to Table of Contents 25

HEIRLOOM TILE & STONEStyle Number CS39Z CS38ZConstruction ceramic ceramicTile Type floor tile floor tileTile Size 8\" × 36\" 7\" × 22\"Technical 3 3Wear Rating Group > 551 > 551Break Strength 3-7% 3-7%Water Absorption > 0.42 > 0.42DCOFShade Variation V4 V4A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of> 0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council ofNorth America’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walkingsurface where water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedlyslippery resulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not foruse on ramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Finalselection should be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance withANSI A137.1 standards.Colors150 Fine China 500 Sterling750 Hope Chest 770 Silhouette Back to Table of ContentsBenefits 26

TILE & STONE MADAGASCAR ceramic100 Bianco 500 Driftwood600 Natural 700 Saddle Back to Table of Contents 27

MADAGASCAR TILE & STONEStyle Number CS32L CS58VConstruction ceramic ceramicTile Type floor tile floor tileTile Size 6\" × 24\" 6\" × 36\"Technical 3 3Wear Rating Group 305 lbs 305 lbsBreak StrengthWater Absorption 4% 4%DCOF 0.54 0.54Shade Variation V2 V2A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors We recommend that this product be installed with no less than a 3/16\" grout joint.100 Bianco 600 Natural500 Driftwood 700 SaddleBenefits Back to Table of Contents 28

TILE & STONE OASIS ceramic100 Bone 200 Beige500 Light Grey 570 Dark Grey Back to Table of Contents 29

OASIS TILE & STONEStyle Number CS72Q CS71Q CS70Q CS96Q CS97QConstruction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramicTile Type floor tile floor tile floor tile bullnose mosaicTile Size 12\" × 24\" 17\" × 17\" 13\" × 13\" 2.75\" × 13\" 13\" × 13\" × 2\"Technical 4*, 3 4*, 3 4*, 3 NA 4*, 3Wear Rating Group 350 350 350 350 350Break Strength 3-6% 3-6% 3-6% 3-6% 3-6%Water Absorption > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42DCOF V3 V3 V3 V3 V3Shade Variation*colors 100 & 200A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors CS97Q 13\" × 13\" × 2\" Mosaic100 Bone 200 Beige 100 Bone 200 Beige500 Light Grey 570 Dark Grey 500 Light Grey 570 Dark GreyBenefits Back to Table of Contents 30

TILE & STONE OLYMPIA PLANK ceramic100 White 170 Sand200 Natural 500 Ash 700 Brown Back to Table of Contents 31

OLYMPIA PLANK TILE & STONEStyle Number CS71W CS68QConstruction ceramic ceramicTile Type field tile field tileTile Size 8\"×36\" 7\"×22\"Technical 3 3Wear Rating Group 250 lbs 250 lbsBreak StrengthWater Absorption 7% 7%DCOF >0.42 >0.42Shade Variation V3 High V3 HighA DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors100 White 170 Sand 200 Natural500 Ash 700 BrownBenefits Back to Table of Contents 32

TILE & STONE SHORELINE ceramic220 Vanilla (with color 500 Ice, Mercury Glass) 700 Cocoa100 Avena Back to Table of Contents 33

SHORELINE TILE & STONEStyle Number CS04P CS03P CS05P CS06P CS07P CS08P CS09P CS10PConstruction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramicTile Type surface field tile field tile field tile wall tile bullnose wall mosaic wall listelloTile Size 2.75\" × 12\" bullnose 12\" × 24\" 20\" × 20\" 12\" × 12\" 8\" × 12\" 2\" × 8\" 12\" × 12\" × 2\" 3\" × 8\"Technical 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4Wear Rating Group 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbs 180 lbsBreak Strength 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10% 6-10%Water AbsorptionDCOF .36 .36 .36 .36 .36 .36 .36 .36Shade Variation V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of> 0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council ofNorth America’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walkingsurface where water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and becomeunexpectedly slippery resulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not foruse on ramps.-For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Finalselection should be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance withANSI A137.1 standards.Colors100 Avena 220 Vanilla 700 Cocoa CS10P 3\" × 8\" Listello 100 AvenaCS09P 12\" × 12\" × 2\" Mosaic 220 Vanilla 700 Cocoa100 Avena 220 Vanilla 700 CocoaBenefits Back to Table of Contents 34

TILE & STONE SIERRA MADRE ceramic200 Sandstone 350 Reservior600 Torchwood 700 Foothills Back to Table of Contents 35

SIERRA MADRE TILE & STONEStyle Number CS21L CS20L CS22L CS23L CS24LConstruction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramicTile Type floor tile floor tile floor tile bullnose mosaicTile Size 18\" × 18\" 13\" × 13\" 6\" × 6\" 2.75\" × 13\" 13\" × 13\" × 2\"Technical 3* & 4 3* & 4 3* & 4 3* & 4 3* & 4Wear Rating Group 250 lbs 250 lbs 250 lbs 250 lbs 250 lbsBreak StrengthWater Absorption 3-5% 3-5% 3-5% 3-5% 3-5%DCOF 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52Shade Variation V3 V3 V3 V3 V3*color 700 onlyA DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors200 Sandstone 220 Canyon 350 Reservior 600 Torchwood *700 FoothillsCS92Q 13\" × 13\" × 2\" Mosaic200 Sandstone 220 Canyon 350 Reservior 600 Torchwood *700 FoothillsBenefits Back to Table of Contents 36

TILE & STONE ST. PETE ceramic100 Gulf200 Tabby 500 Pier Back to Table of Contents 37

ST. PETE TILE & STONEStyle Number CS97W CS86L CS85L CS87L CS89L CS91LConstruction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramicTile Type floor tile floor tile floor tile surface bullnose mosaicTile Size floor 17\" × 17\" 13\" × 13\" 6\" × 6\" 2.75\" × 13\" 13\" × 13\" × 2\" 12\" × 24\"Technical 4 4 4 4 4 4Wear Rating Group > 250 412 lbs 304 lbs 412 lbs 304 lbs 304 lbsBreak StrengthWater Absorption 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%DCOF > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42 > 0.42Shade Variation V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors100 Gulf 200 Tabby 500 PierCS91L 13\" × 13\" × 2\" Mosaic100 Gulf 200 Tabby 500 PierBenefits Back to Table of Contents 38

TILE & STONE VENETO ceramic120 Sesame 150 Brine 270 Almond500 Pepper 700 Ginger Back to Table of Contents 39

VENETO TILE & STONEStyle Number CS95W CS94W CS93W CS96W CS33X CS34XConstruction ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramicTile Type bullnose mosaicTile Size floor floor floor floor 2.75\" × 13\" 13\" × 13\" × 2\" 12\" × 24\" 18\" × 18\" 13\" × 13\" 6\" × 6\"Technical 3 3 3 3 3 3Wear Rating Group > 250 > 250 > 250 > 250 > 250 > 250Break Strength 3 — 7% 3 — 7% 3 — 7% 3 — 7% 3 — 7% 3 — 7%Water Absorption 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58DCOFShade Variation V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3A DCOF value of > 0.42 is the new standard for tiles specified for commercial application in standard A137.1-2012, Section 9.6. It replaces the SCOF value of >0.60 referenced in ASTM C1028. For more information on the correlation between the two values and about the DCOF AcuTest visit the Tile Council of NorthAmerica’s website: www.tcnatile.comMANUFACTURER’S WARNING:- Tiles with DCOF Acutest values less than .42 are not recommended for use in areas with wet or slippery conditions. If such tiles are used as a walking surfacewhere water, ice, oil, grease and/or other substances are present, such a condition could cause a reduction in foot traction and become unexpectedly slipperyresulting in a fall and personal injury. See ANSI standard A137.1 section, available at Water, oil, grease, etc. create slippery conditions. Floor applications with exposure to these conditions require extra caution in product selection. Not for use onramps.- For additional information, refer to Factors to Consider.- Since there is a shade variation on all natural products, the tile and trim supplied for your particular installation may not match these samples. Final selectionshould be made from actual tiles and trim and not from tile and trim samples or color reproductions. Manufactured in accordance with ANSI A137.1 standards.Colors120 Sesame 150 Brine 270 Almond 500 Pepper 700 GingerCS34X 13\" × 13\" × 2\" Mosaic120 Sesame 150 Brine 270 Almond 500 Pepper 700 GingerBenefits Back to Table of Contents 40

TILE & STONE TURNBURY natural stone150 Latte Brick Mosaic200 Ivory 3×6 Turnbury | 126 Seaside Boca 4\" Hexagon 700 Noce 3x6 Back to Table of Contents 41

TURNBURY TILE & STONEField Tile Latte Ivory Noce Accent Tile Latte Ivory Noce4\"× 4\" CS70J CS61J CS62J 12\" × 12\" × 2\" × 2\" Mosaic CS78H CS77H CS81H3\" × 6\" CS76H CS73H CS79H 2\" × 12\" Briarcliff (honed & filled) Chair Rail CS22J CS14J CS29H 1\" × 12\" Briarcliff (honed & filled) Pencil Liner CS23J CS15J CS29J 3\" × 12\" Turnbury Listello CS75H Multi-Color 101It is important to note that any natural stone hard surface flooring can become slippery when wet or improperly maintained. Unless specifically stated byShaw Industries, Inc. the use of Shaw Industries, Inc. natural stone is not recommended for exterior horizontal surfaces.This product can be used in interior wet areas if sealed and maintained properly. The stone look could be altered if not maintained properly. For informationabout products that can protect the stone from moisture exposure contact your local Shaw hard surface territory manager.This product may contain dry seams, pits, fossils and glass veins that are filled at the factory or during installation. These are all inherent characteristics ofthe stone. Since these veins can sometimes lose their fillings, they should be refilled as part of normal maintenance.A sealer is recommended for all natural stone products.Note: Natural stone is a product of nature, hence variations in shade and appearance are inherent. Veining and mineral deposits create uniquecharacteristics per stone.Please consider at the time of purchase… No Two Stones Are Alike! Installation constitutes acceptance.Colors Mosaic Listello 3 Premium Grade 101 Multi Color is true and consistent throughout and represents the truest form of the stone. Little to no veining or surface imperfections are found. Premium Grade offers the most consistent coloration along with the smallest pits.150 Latte 150 Latte Select Grade Majority of the surface is pure with the color remaining relatively consistent throughout the product. Small amounts of discoloration may be seen in a few select tiles. Select Grade offers some color variation and slightly larger pits than Premium Grade. Classic Grade Discoloration and imperfections are more pronounced and variation in shading / color exists throughout product. Classic Grade offers high variation from tile to tile and the largest pits.200 Ivory 200 Ivory PPGRERMAIDUEM NSATTOUNREAL700 Noce 700 NoceBenefits Back to Table of Contents 42

TILE & STONE WARRANTYThe following is the limited warranty Please Note: Shaw does not grant is no guarantee by Shaw that theseissued by Shaw® Industries Group, to any person or entity the authority exact results will be guaranteedInc. (“Shaw”) for Shaw Tile & Stone to create for it any obligation or on every tile. Shaw extends noproducts. Shaw warrants that its first liability in connection with this guarantees, expressed or implied, asquality tile and stone products are product. Shaw shall not be liable to to slip resistance, wear-time period,manufactured according to ANSI the consumer or any other person or gloss or maintenance procedures.137.1-2012 and meet or exceed these entity for any incidental, special or Test procedures and individualrequirements. consequential damages, arising out results are available from Shaw.What the Shaw Tile & Stone Flooring of breach of this limited warranty ANSI A-137.1Limited Warranty Covers: or any implied limited warranty Shaw tile achieves the necessaryThis Tile & Stone product has (excluding merchantability). All values for the ANSI A-137.1been manufactured in accordance implied warranties are hereby (American National Standardswith industry standards and is limited to the duration of this limited Institute) requirement. This is themanufactured to last a lifetime with warranty. Some states do not most complete testing done onproper care and maintenance. All allow the exclusion or limitation of ceramic tile and includes tests onfirst quality Tile & Stone from Shaw implied warranties or the limitation thickness, facial dimension, warpage,is warranted to be free of defects in of incidental or consequential edging, water absorption, crazing,the quality of the product for one damages, so the above limitations thermal shock, bonding strengthyear from date of purchase. This or exclusions may not apply to and breaking strength.warranty applies to products used the purchaser. This warranty gives Installation Consideration:in residential applications only for as the purchaser specific legal rights, • Water, oil, grease, etc. createlong as the original purchaser owns such rights may vary from Stateand resides in the home where the to State. This warranty is effective slippery conditions. Floorproduct was installed. for all shipments after August 1, 28. applications with exposure toEach Limited Shaw Tile & Stone Contact Shaw for complete warranty these conditions require extraFlooring Warranty is subject to the information. caution in product selection.following conditions Installation and Reference Materials • Latex modified thin-setThis limited warranty is valid only Installation procedures recommended for all North America. The warranty is recommended are those indicated in • For highly slip resistant, throughnot transferable. It extends only to the current Handbook for Ceramic body, and unglazed porcelainthe original retail purchaser. This Tile Installation as published tiles, special care should belimited warranty applies only where by the Tile Council of America, taken when grouting with darkthe affected area of the Shaw Tile & Inc. Specification references pigmented colors. A grout releaseStone Flooring is visible. The flooring recommended are those established is recommended to prevent finelymust be installed in accordance with in the American National Standard powdered pigments from lodgingShaw’s recommended installation Specifications for the installation in the pores of the tile surface.instructions. This limited warranty of ceramic tile, as published by the • Tiles should be selected and mixedshall not apply to damage arising Tile Council of America, Inc. Due from multiple cartons and shadingfrom any of the following: consideration must be taken with arrangement planned prior to• A ccidents, abuse or misuse regard to the subsurface, intended installation.• Improper installation use of the tile surface, and exposure • Special consideration needs to be• E xposure to extreme heat to foreign substances such as water, given when installing tiles 20\" and• Improper care and maintenance oil, acid, etc., when selecting the larger.• Scratch, impact or cutting type of setting material and grout. • Pre-grout sealing is recommended• Freight If in doubt, the manufacturer of when installing all natural stone• M odification, alterations, repair or these setting materials should be decorative consulted. accents. This prevents grout from service by a non authorized floor Shade Variations staining the stone during the covering dealer Due to inherent variations associated grouting process, and to ease in• P roblems caused by structural with quarried stone and naturally grout clean-up. After installation, movement/deficiencies in the base fired tile & stone products, color sealing of the stone will reduce of subfloor and texture variations from samples porosity and increase stain should be expected. Blending of tiles resistance. Use a penetrating or from at least six different cartons surface coating type of sealer, during installation is recommended, depending on desired aesthetic. as shine/finish can differ under • Once the tile has been cleaned and certain lighting conditions. Prior to dried after installation, grout joints installation, tile and stone should be should be treated with a sealer. approved by customer. No claims Grout is porous and sealing it for shade or texture will be honored will simplify future maintenance after installation. (Epoxy grouts do not require a Limits of Liability sealer). We recommend you apply Tests are performed on random a sealer at least twice a year for samples of Shaw tile by an maximum stain protection. independent testing laboratory and are believed to be representative of the general quality of the tile. There Back to Table of Contents 43

TILE & STONEClarity Digital Imaging This technology creates more realistic visuals, improved color saturation, and fewer pattern repeats. The most common traditional glazing application uses rotocolor methods (rotating silicon drums are infused with liquid glaze that are rolled onto the tile creating the pattern and texture). This method creates a two dimensional visual and because of the method a pattern repeat can be more obviousand occur more often. Also the ability of the glaze to reach the surface edges and heavy textures can be achallenge.Clarity Digital Imaging is similar to high definition ink jet printing. High tech digital machinery controls everyelement of the application process. The glaze is applied in multiple layers using spray nozzles and offers ultimateprecision and attention to detail.The ability to manipulate where the glaze is applied on each tile reduces the number of pattern repeats, and as aresult, one product can have 40 to 60 different faces—resulting in up to 10X more graphic variation.The choice is clear, Clarity Digital Imaging by Shaw Tile & Stone.PEI RATINGS Group 3 Recommended for all interior residential and lightGroup 5 commercial uses.Recommended for all interior residential and heavy Group 2commercial uses. Recommended for all walls and bathroom floorsGroup 4 where softer footwear is worn.Recommended for all interior residential and Group 1moderate commercial uses. Recommended for residential interior walls. SHADE & TEXTURE RATINGS V2 MODERATEV1 LOW Distinguishable differences in texture and patternLow shade and texture variations within each carton. within each color. V4 RANDOMV3 HIGH Random variations of shade and texture withinHigh shade and texture variations within each carton. each carton. IMPORTANT: It is imperative that tiles from variousIMPORTANT: It is imperative that tiles from various cartons be continually blended during installation tocartons be continually blended during installation to insure optimum optimum appearance.Back to Table of Contents 44

What is DCOF? TILE & STONEStricter, More Accurate Testing ResultsIn Superior Tile ProductsIn 2012 the Tile Council of North America (ANSI) A137.1 is 0.42 DCOF as measured(TCNA) adopted the ANSI A137.1 test by the more reliable (in terms of, safety)protocol known as the DCOF AcuTest for DCOF AcuTest. This means that tilesassessing ceramic tile slip resistance for suitable for level interior spaces expectedinterior application. Shaw Tile & Stone to be walked upon when wet should havehas embraced the TCNA’s new standards a DCOF (Dynamic Coefficient of Friction)for measuring a tile’s frictional resistance value of 0.42 or greater replacing theas it is closely related to traction and previous 0.60 SCOF (Static Coefficient ofslipperiness. The DCOF AcuTest does not Friction) rating over a wet tile surface permeasure the flooring itself but, how the the ASTM C 1028 test method. It is Shaw’stester, lubricant (sodium lauryl sulfate commitment to our customers to providesolution) and tile surface interact which accurate information for our tile productsmore accurately simulates the conditions that ensure this new COF criteria in theof people walking on tile and provides a ANSI A137.1 standard is met and maintaineduseful comparison of tile surfaces. The such that Shaw, Shaw Customers andthreshold requirement (based on extensive End Users collectively, do our part toresearch in Europe and by TCNA) in the minimize any potential for slips and falls inAmerican National Standards Institute’s residential and commercial interiors.Shaw Industries, Inc.PO Drawer 2128Dalton, GA 30722-2128800-441-7429shawfloors.com03.30.2018HS-270690-18 Back to Table of Contents 45

TILE & STONEAny questions or corrections to catalog should be sent to [email protected] Back to Table of Contents 46direct 06.18.2018HS-249351-18

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