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GK Book 5_2077

Published by swopnil.1019, 2020-10-08 06:22:39

Description: GK Book 5_2077


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Athens Olympic Interesting Facts A series of runners carry the flaming torch from Olympia, Greece to Olympic stadium for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Bobsled track is made of thick ice on top of concrete. It is at least 1,200m long and goes downhill all the way. The first contemporary Olympic Games took place with great glamour in 1896 in Athens. Wrestling luge Ski jumping Did you know? Luge is a racing sled in which the rider lies face up. It has no steering or brakes. The rider guides the luge down the course using their legs and shoulders to steer. The luge made its Olympic debut at the 1964 Games. luge BOOK FIVE 101

South Asian Games 2019 The 13 South Asian Games 2019 was held in Nepal from December 1 to 10. The games were played in three different cities in Nepal: Kathmandu, Pokhara and Janakpur. The opening and closing ceremonies were held at the Dasharath Stadium in Kathmandu. Around 2700 athletes from 7 countries (Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Maldives, Bhutan and Sri Lanka) competed in 26 different sports events. India stood first with 312 medals; Nepal stood second with 206 medals and Sri Lanka at third position with 251 medals. The official mascot of the 13th SAG was a pair of blackbucks. Blackbucks are an endangered species, found mostly in the southern region of Nepal. 102 BOOK FIVE

Choose the correct answer about the 13th SAG 2019. a. Which Nepali player won four gold medals in swimming? Gaurika Singh Ayasha Shakya Santoshi Shrestha b. How many gold medals did Nepal bag? 174 41 51 c. Which country won the highest number of gold medals? Nepal India Sri Lanka d. Which game did Sanil Shahi play in 13th SAG 2019? Swimming Boxing Football e. In which city in Nepal did not host SAG 2019? Pokhara Janakpur Birgunj f. Which country failed to win a single gold medal? Pakistan Bhutan Maldives g. How many medals did Nepal bag in 13th SAG 2019? 312 206 251 h. Who won the gold medal for football in 13th SAG 2019? Bhutan Nepal India Did you know? Kiran Singh Bogati won the marathon Baikuntha Manandhar is the first gold. Nepali athlete to have performed a hat-trick in marathon in three consecutive editions of the SAG. Santoshi Shrestha won the women’s 10,000m race, becoming the first Nepali woman athlete to win a gold medal. BOOK FIVE 103

Test Yourself OLYMPIC The Olympic Games (often Tick ( ) the correct answer. referred to simply as The Olympics 1 ANFA is related to: or The Games is an international Cricket multi-sport event subdivided into Football summer and winter sporting events. Tennis The summer and winter games are each held every four years. Until 2 Asia Cup and Champion Trophy is 1992, they were both held in the related to: same year. Since then, they have been separated two years apart. Football Badminton Interesting Facts Cricket Although elephant polo was first 3 When was the first modern Olympic played in India at the beginning of game held? the twentieth century, the modern game originated in Meghauly, 1896 Nepal. Tiger Tops in Nepal remains 1888 the headquarters of elephant polo 1845 and the site of the World Elephant Polo Championships. 4 Where was the first SAF game held? India Elephant polo Nepal Bhutan 104 BOOK FIVE

Test Yourself Did you Answer the following questions: know? 1. What is the largest organization related to PELE sports? Edison Arantes do .................................................................... Nascimento best known 2. What is the national game of Scotland? by his nickname Pelé, is a .................................................................... former Brazilian football 3. What is Deepak Bista related to? player, rated by many as .................................................................... the greatest footballer of all 4. When and where was the first world cup time. In his native Brazil, Pelé is held? hailed as a national hero. .................................................................... 5. Where was the 17th World cup football held in 2000? .................................................................... 6. “ I am born to play football”, who stated this statement? .................................................................... 7. How many times has Brazil won the world cup till now? .................................................................... 8. Where was the first Asian games held? .................................................................... 5 Pele Rugby 1904, Uruguay Japan-South Korea New Delhi (1951) Taekwondo I.O.C. International Olympic Committee BOOK FIVE 105

Test Yourself Match the sports or games of column A with the number of players in each side in column B A B 1. Basketball 6 2. Baseball 7 3. Football 1 or 2 4. Cricket 15 5. Croquet 12 6. Hockey 1 or 2 7. Netball 4 8. Polo 7 9. Lawn Tennis 11 10. Lacrosse 13 or 15 11. Rugby Football 11 12. Table Tennis 11 13. Water Pole 9 14. Volleyball 5 Amazing facts g Ping-pong is name for the game of table tennis. It was given this name because of the noise the ball makes as it is hit to and fro over the net. 106 BOOK FIVE

Test Yourself Tick ( ) the correct answer. 1. Where was cricket played first? a. England b. South Africa c. Australia 2. Who was the first cricketer to score 10000 runs matchess? a. Sunil Gavaskar b. Lala Amarnath c. Kapil Dev 3. Honmer is known as the first poet of the world. a. Lala Amarnath b. Sachin Tendulkar c. Ajit Wadekar 4. Which player was the first to score 500 runs in one day cricket matches? a. Kapil Dev b. Viv Richards c. Roly Umrigar 5. Which Indian cricketer is known as Bhajii? a. Yuvraj Singh b. HaribhajanSingh c. Gautam Gambhir 6. When was the first one day cricket series held in India? a. 1982 b. 1980 c. 1981 7. When did India win the World Cup? a. 1955 b. 1957 c. 1983 8. Don Bradman is a cricketer who played for: a. England b. Pakistan c. Australia 9. Who won the World Cup of 1999? a. Australia b. Pakistan c. India 10. Who won the ICC Champions Trophy 2006? a. India b. Australia c. West Indies 11. In which country was the ICC T20 Cricket World Championship 2016 held? a. India b. Australia c. Pakistan BOOK FIVE 107

8UNIT UNIVERSE The Universe is the name that we use to describe the collection of all the things that exit in space. It is so huge that its size is hard to imagine. It is made of many billions of stars and planets, and enormous clouds of gas, separated by gigantic empty spaces. LIGHT YEARS The smudgy little shapes Distances in space are huge. in this photograph are some of the most distant galaxies ever seen. They are usually measured in GALAXIES light years. One light year is the distance that light travels in A galaxy is an enormous group of a year, which is approximately stars. Galaxies are so big that it can 9.46 million million km. Light take a ray of light thousands of years travels at a speed of 300000km per to travel across one. Earth is in the second. Milky Way galaxy. This galaxy is about 100,000 light years across. On a clear night, you can see a broad, dense band of stars stretching across the sky. This is the Milky Way. In ancient times, people thought the band looked like a trail of spilt-milk, which is how our galaxy got its name. The sun is a huge ball of burning goes. 108 BOOK FIVE

On a clear, dark night you PLANET EARTH can see several thousand stars in the sky. The Earth is one of the planets that travel around, HOW BIG? the Sun. Together, the Sun Nobody knows how big the universe is. It and everything that is in contains millions and millions of galaxies. orbit around it are called As astronomers develop new more powerful the solar system. Then telescopes, they discover even more galaxies. nearest natural object to the So for astronomers have spotted galaxies that Earth is the moon, which are up to 15,000 million light years away. orbits the Earth. It takes a ray of light 112 seconds to travel from the moon to the Earth. Moon STARS IN SPACE There are billions of stars in every galaxy. A star is a ball of gas that produces heat and light. Some stars are much brighter than others. They vary in colour too. The colour of a star depends on how hot its surface is. Stars can be red (these are the coolest), orange, yellow, white or blue. Blue ones are the hottest of all. The closest star to Earth is the sun. It is about 150 million km (93 million miles) away. A ray of light takes eight minutes to travel from the sun to Earth. The second closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri. It is about 421 light years away that is 40 million million km. Earth BOOK FIVE 109

Test Yourself ASTEROIDS Asteroids, also called minor Tick ( ) the correct answer. planets or planetoids, are a class 1 The brightest planet in the sky is : of astronomical objects. The Mercury term asteroid is generally used Mars to indicate a diverse group of Venus small celestial bodies in the solar 2 The red planet is: system that orbit around the Sun. Neptune 'Asteroid' (Greek for \"star-like\") Mars is the most commonly used word Jupiter in the English literature for minor 3 The nearest planet to Earth is: planets. Saturn Venus Interesting Facts Neptune 4 The planet named after Roman God Comets are small Solar System bodies that orbit the Sun and, when of war is: close enough to the Sun, exhibit a Mars visible coma and/or a tail. Earth There are reported 3,354 known Mercury comets as of November 2007, of 5 Which of the following is Jupiter which several hundred are short- period. made of? Rock Comets Carbon dioxide Hydrogen 110 BOOK FIVE

Test Yourself Did you Answer the questions: know? 1. Which planet has the maximum number JUPITER of moons? Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest .................................................................. planet within the solar system. It is two and a half 2. What is the average distance of the earth times as massive as all of from the sun? the other planets in our solar system combined. Jupiter, .................................................................. along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, is classified as 3. Who is the first man to go to space? a gas giant. .................................................................. 4. What was the first artificial object to hit the moon? .................................................................. 5. Which planet is also called morning star? .................................................................. 6. Which is the first country to launch the artificial satellite? .................................................................. 7. What name do we give to the collection of stars, held together by their mutual gravitational attraction? .................................................................. 8. Which is the second largest planet in the solar system? .................................................................. Saturn Russia Luna 1 Venus 150 million km Galaxy Saturn Yuri Gagarin BOOK FIVE 111

9UNIT HUMAN BODY Tick ( ) the correct answer. 1 How many bones are there in our neck? 6 10 8 2 The longest bone in our body is: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Humer The digestive system is a series Femur of hollow organs joined in a long, Tarsals twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. 3 How many blood groups are there? Inside this tube is a lining called the 2 mucosa. In the mouth, stomach, and 3 small intestine, the mucosa contains 4 tiny glands that produce juices to help digest food. 4 The biggest muscles is: Two solid organs, the liver and the Bicep pancreas, produce digestive juices Tricep that reach the intestine through small Gluteus maximus tubes. In addition, parts of other organ 5 Which of the following is the systems play a major role in the largest digestive gland? digestive system. Digestion is the process by which food Liver and drink are broken down into their Tongue smallest parts so that the body can use Saliva gland them to build and nourish cells and to provide energy. 112 BOOK FIVE

Interesting Facts Answer the questions: The lung is the essential 1. What is the hardest substance found in respiration organ in air- the human body? breathing vertebrates. Their principal function .................................................................. is to transport oxygen from the atmosphere into 2. Which monkey possesses a blood factor the bloodstream, and to otherwise found only in humans? release carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into .................................................................. the atmosphere. 3. Which part of human body is first highly Lungs affected by nuclear radiation? Did you .................................................................. know? 4. The vitamin built up in the body with the HEART sun shining on the skin is? The heart is a muscular organ responsible for .................................................................. pumping blood through the blood vessels. The 5. What is the number of bones in an adult average human heart human body? beating at 72 BPM, will beat approximately 2.5 billion .................................................................. times during a lifetime spanning 66 years. 6. How many types of muscles are there in our body? .................................................................. 7. Which body part of human grows quickest until we are five? .................................................................. 8. Which organ can regenerate if a part is cut off? .................................................................. 9. What is called the inner part of a bone? .................................................................. 10. Which digestive organ produces bile that breaks up fats into tiny drops? .................................................................. BOOK FIVE 113

1OUNIT DISEASE Tick ( ) the correct answer. 1 Fear of water: Agoraphobia Monophobia Hydrophobia 2 Fear of being alone: Monophobia Hydrophobia Xenophobia 3 A strong desire to steal: POLIO Egomania Polio is a viral disease that can Kleptomania damage the nervous system and cause Monomania paralysis. 4 A strong and sudden desire to set The polio virus enters the body fire to things: through the mouth, usually from hands contaminated with the stool of an Pyromania infected person. Dipsomania Polio is preventable by immunization. Metromania Since polio immunization has become 5 The fear of heights: widespread in the world, cases of polio Acrophobia are rare. However, polio remains a Homophobia problem in some developing countries. Monophobia Interesting Facts Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is a serious but preventable disease that affects the body's muscles and nerves. It typically arises from a skin wound that becomes contaminated by a bacterium called Clostridium Tetani. Tetanus 114 BOOK FIVE

Interesting Facts Test Yourself Avian influenza virus Answer the questions: usually refers to influenza. 1. Which disease is caused due to the A virus found chiefly in birds, but infections can deficiency of Iodine? occur in humans. The risk is generally low to most .................................................................. people, because the viruses do not usually infect 2. What is the virus that causes AIDS? humans. .................................................................. Bird Flu 3. Which disease might be caused if bitten Did you by a dog? know? .................................................................. GOITRE A goitre is also called a 4. What is the full form of BCG? bronchocele, is a swelling in the neck due to an enlarged .................................................................. thyroid gland. In conditions producing 5. Which part of the body is affected by endemic goitre, when meningitis? iodine is not available, these hormones cannot be made. .................................................................. 6. Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of: .................................................................. 7. Titanus is caused due to: .................................................................. 8. Which was the first disease to be cured by vaccination? .................................................................. Bacillus Calamette Guerin Vitamin C Smallpox Brain Rabies Goitre Clostrodium Titani Human Immune Virus BOOK FIVE 115

Test Yourself Brain Teasers a. Find the missing numbers: 7, 10, 9, 12, 11, ___, ___, b. Who will weigh more: Rama weighing 12 kg or Seema weighing 25lbs? ........................................ c. Insert the missing word in the following sentence: As success is to hard work, so is failure to........................................... d. Which of these is the odd one: box, tin, casket, tray, chest, and trunk? .............. e. Insert a word of three letters that completes the first word and starts the second: S (__ __ __) (__ __ __ I C) f. Find the odd-one out: 6,12,18,24,30,38,42........................................ g. Which is odd one out? Earth, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Asteroid, Jupiter ................ h. Which is the odd one in this series: Austria, Canada, Iran, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Cuba, and China? .......................................................................... i. Spooky has a favourite number. It is a 2 digit number. The total of the digits is 10. It is an even number It is less than 30. What is it? ........................................ j. There are 13 animals in the house. They are all cats and bats. If there are 3 more cats than bats, how many of each are there? .............................................. k. How many apples do I have? If I give half of my apples to my friend Tina and then give half of what is left to my friend Jaya, I will have 6 left. .......................................................... l. The spiders are playing with numbers Find the pattern and work out what the missing number will be ........................................................ 116 BOOK FIVE

Test Yourself Complete the following sentences. 1. can live without water. 2. The organ that helps a fish to swim is............................. 3. Green colour of leaves is due to...................................... 4. The first animal domesticated by man is......................................... 5. Mushroom does not have.................................................... 6. The process by which plants are able to make their food is.............................. 7. Animal cell does not contain.............................................. 8. Strawberry plant is a......................................................... 9. a single celled animal. 10. A female fox is called...................................................... 11. The strongest muscles in our body is............................... 12. ..............................eyes are bigger than its brain. 13. ....................................... do not have the brain. 14. Polar bears are ...................................handed. 15. ...........................................taste with their feet. fins dog creeper vixen photosynthesis Ostrich’s left tongue Starfish Butterflies Amoeba cell wall chlorophyll Lung chlorophyll BOOK FIVE 117

Test Yourself Answer the following questions. a. Which was the biggest animal in Jurassic Era? ................................................ b. What are the animals that can live both on land and in water called? ................................................................................ c. Which reptile changes its colour according to surrounding? ............................ d. What is the longest bone in the human body? ................................................... e. In terms of computing, what does ROM stand for?........................................... f. What is the common name for Nitrous Oxide? ................................................. g. How many principal blood groups are there? ................................................... h. What is the Earth’s primary source of energy? ................................................. i. Which planet is named after Roman God of war?............................................ j. When was the first modern Olympic game held? ............................................. k. Which is the second largest planet in the solar system? ................................... l. Pure water freezes at what temperature?............................................................ m. What does the abbreviation WWW stand for?................................................... n. What science fiction writer wrote the three laws of robotics? .......................... ........................................ o. Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and Explorer are types of what?...................... .......................................................... p. IBM is a well-known computer and information technology company, what does IBM stand for? ................................................................................. 118 BOOK FIVE

Test Yourself Answer the following questions. a. Draw the next shape in the sequence. b. Which of these numbers is even? 17 11 25 14 31 c. A yard is 3 feet. How many feet in 3 yards? d. Round 28 to the nearest 10. 30 12 45 40 Did you e. Power is to watt as mass is to... know? liter kilogram mile f. Lion is to lioness as horse is to... NEPALISAT-1 is the first satellite mare drone swan of Nepal. It is also known as Bird g. Blow is to blew as find is to... NPL. It was launched on 17 April forgot froze found 2019 successfully from Virginia in the United States. Its aim is to gather detailed geographical information. h. A cub is a young bear, and a joey is a young ............................ i. A ribbon is used to decorate a present, and icing is used to decorate a .................... j. Baseball is played on a diamond, and squash is played on a .................... BOOK FIVE 119

Test Yourself 5 meters Answer the following questions. 17 meters a. What is the area of the given rectangle? 1. 12 square meters 2. 22 square meters 3. 44 square meters 4. 85 square meters b. The time is 2:15pm. What was the time 10 minutes ago? 2:05pm 3:00pm 2:45pm 2:15pm c. Which of these numbers is a multiple of 5? 37 13 40 8 d. Miss Rai makes study guides for her class of 21 students. She uses 252 sheets of paper. How many sheets of paper are in each study guide? 12 sheets 231 sheets 273 sheets 5,292 sheets f. Spoon is to feed as spade is to........................ dig scoop carve g. A shark lives in the ocean, and a slug lives on .................. Did you SUNGLASSES THAT PLAY MUSIC know? A famous sunglass manufacturer Zungle has created smart sunglasses that play music for you. They contain bone-conduction speakers that send sound waves as vibrations through the skull. The wearer hears crystal clear sound while the outside world hears almost nothing. 120 BOOK FIVE

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