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Small Enterprise Magazine Jan2022 Volume X, Issue I_Digital (1)
Dear Readers,

This month, we shall see how 2022 will be one of the most significant years for business transitions. This issue will cover the latest trends, challenges, and upcoming business trends. For the first time in history, the way of business will change completely; people will focus more on technological advancement and innovation.

We will see how the businesses can grow and emerge stronger from the pandemic. This month’s issue focuses on the “Next Normal” and see how they will tackle the challenges, and shape our future.

Since the emergence of the pandemic Covid-19, businesses have been struggling, entrepreneurs working hard, and scrambling to work effectively and adapt to the circumstantial changes.

There have been several business transitions in 2021. However, 2022 will see beyond that. Rather than just grinding through the current situations, businesses should focus on evolving and finding new ways of an effective business. The next normal won’t be all struggle and gr

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