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Home Explore Yearbook 2022

Yearbook 2022

Published by Sachintha Senanayake, 2022-07-27 18:33:34

Description: Yearbook 2022 - Gateway College Colombo


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Throughout my two years of acting like a stray dog lost in the hall- ANN NARENDRAN ways of gateway, Ann was always there to help me find my way. No doubt she’s an angel sent from the skies- the ones up there were envious of her power and overwhelming kindness. Aside from Ann’s generosity, she is an absolute joy to be around. Not only that, she’s also one of the most brilliant people I know. I could talk to her for hours without end on the most mundane topics and still be entertained. She has the ability to make anything inter- esting- a feat not many can accomplish. Everyone should have the chance to meet someone as wonderful and reliable as her at least once in their lifetime. I hope she has a life filled with many glorious opportunities ahead of her :D ~Thenuki It’s okay not to be okay – you don’t ALWAYS have to smile. But it’s not okay to NEVER to smile at life ABAYA JAYASINGHE Our friendship has been going strong for the past six years. Terms like submissive, innocent, and tranquil sum up who you There are no regrets in life are. You have always dragged me in your relationship prob- .....just lessons. lems, which has gotten me into trouble. Together, we have experienced many happy and sorrowful moments. I'll never forget the very well-known fpm period when you detailed your incredibly well-known goddess in exquisite detail. Anoth- er instance that comes to mind is the times you left me hungry after you finished my meal (Greedy fellow). Having said that, many more instances are off-limits due to explicit content. I can't wait to witness you and your goddess getting married one day. ~Afzaal 41

Silent, observant and innocent on the outside. However, on the inside resides a devil only few privileged people know about. That being said, he has always given great advice on life issues and has talked me out of making bad decisions, during five hour long calls that went well past 2 a.m. We made countless memories (bitter and sweet). He has the abil- ity to drive someone completely out of their wits, just using words. A surprising fact is that he is the most gossip hungry person I will ever meet. I will never forget the year 11 FPM, Chemistry and Physics periods we had together and the things we spoke (too explicit to disclose here). Never let go of that \"blue hearts\" dream. I am looking forward to that \"special day\" in 5 years time when you tie the knot with your \"perfect angel\". ~Abhaya AFZAAL MARIKAR I have learned from the bad times and was humbled by the good. Thank you for all of the great life lessons When I first met you, Akil Fernando, I found you a bit of a know it all, AKIL FERNANDO who thought pointing at clouds and classifying them was going to im- Who flies not high falls not low press me enough to become one of your closest friends. Eventually, you were right. 42 I liked the way we would rarely talk as kids but had this thing of imitat- ing the other. A simple facial expression I'd make to you across the room, and there you were, making it back. Like my mirror. I'd make a frown and there you were making up songs to make me laugh. I'd fold my arms and put my head on the table, and there you were, doing the same, squinting at me and grinning. Somehow you knew exactly what to do. It's funny to think you never remember any of these and yet we somehow got so close again after not speaking for many years. And honestly, a lot of that stayed so constant. A little mirror, you'd show me parts of myself I liked very much: my strengths, my mannerism, the things that set me apart. But that mirror shed light on stuff that I didn't like either; my flaws and my scars and it really did point out things I knew I had to work on to be a better person. For that, I am entirely grateful. If you are not an Akil Fernando, when you do meet one, you'll feel your blood boil and your eyes roll in disgust with the way this creature be- haves. Every inch of you will hate them passionately. And yet, keep them very close. ~Insha

When Sir James asked me to take care of the new kid, I never expected him to be one of my favorite people in the world. I’ve known Alan for 3 years but it feels like I've known him my entire life. I’ve never seen someone fit in so easily and so fast. I’d say Alan and I spend too much time together, I even go on his dates with him. Many people would say I third-wheeled him, but in reality the girl would third wheel us. We just really enjoyed spending time together. However, he’s the biggest wet wipe I know, I've seen him punch someone while swearing in polish, ask for 35/- change, make us walk 30 minutes to Area 07 and we had to carry this guy 3 flights of stairs cause he fell “asleep”. For real though I'm really gonna miss him and I don’t know what I'm gonna do without him. Also, I wish he never added me to that call. ~Kanchuka ALAN FERNANDO Had to put my grades up for adoption cause I couldn’t raise them Adam is an all-rounded guy who knows how to have fun as well as keep his priorities right and man likes to go to Gam- paha, he has a great charisma and a positive look on life which I learned a lot from and he would always help anyone in need and I can assure you he will always stick by you no matter what the situation is, even when you are alone strand- ed in Gampaha. He is always genuine and himself which I re- ally acknowledge, he will never forget a friend, even if he or she lives in Gampaha. All in all mans was always there for me he was my ride or die and the brother i never had and will always be, even though we might part ways in the future I’m certain he will always have my back, and likewise. ~Dulara (Male) AADAM STEWART Told you I was sexy in high school 43

Anton is a very funny and loyal person. He joined gateway during year 11 but got friends quickly with everyone around him. He is an athlete who runs field events like 400m, 800m and always laughed a lot. Anton was naughty during school as he would mostly be out of school premises and barley at- tends classes. That's what made him even hilarious since teachers couldn't recognize him most of the times when he actually attended classes. He is mostly chill all the time and he very rarely gets angry. He also talks on filth most of the time and is what builds his personality. Finally I'd like to say he is a good friend of mine and is a very interesting person. ~anon SHAMODITHA FERNANDO Victory is reserved to those who are willing to pay the price Anya is \"THE\" school memory. I will never forget the classes we bunked together, hiding from teachers and expecting they didn't see us but they actually did. I think even tho we were in different classes, we spend more time with each other than our actual classmates. I think what I learned from you is check what's under the mask before checking out. Lol. Some stuff are meant to be kept in hiding don't you think ;) Cheers to more memories with you even out of school! ~Senuni ANYA DEWAPURA We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun :) 44

He always spoke to me with great enthusiasm, and listened to me with real consideration. My opinion always counted. He would challenge my thinking, even as he instilled morality into my thought process. He is definitely a \"man\" of wisdom; a great teacher. When I needed explanation, he would provide it in a gentle and understanding way. He was firm, but fair. He is truly a person who is kindhearted. We have lived moments together and have created memories that will remain through- out my life. My gratitude knows no bounds, hoping to finish that 5km kayaking session soon. ~Banufly AQEEL SHAHABDEEN Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. From being borderline rude to each other, to becoming the pair that teachers didn’t want to have in their classes togeth- er, its been one hell of a journey! I’ve never seen someone who is as inspiring and resilient as you are. Here’s to all the late night calls planning for murders, endless rants and our stupid ass jokes we made in class. (Ps. You can now get back and maintain those GORGEOUS curls you’ve got) Thank you for everything you’ve done for me over the years and all the advice. Keep being you and keep chasing your dreams. Love you so much Ara <3 ~Tharinya ARALIYA GUNASEKARA C’est la Vie 45

It's been 7 years since I first met you and I can definitely say that it's been quite a journey. From the mango achcharu to the late night talks, there's not many others I could imagine doing all that with. Not sure how we got through all those FPM peri- ods but I'm gonna miss annoying you every single day and seeing your stupid face turn tomato red. From the day we met you've always achieved everything you've set your mind to and that's one of the things that stand out about you. Regard- less of how difficult circumstances can be, you've managed to accomplish countless things. Needless to say, you have a great future ahead of you. Despite being one of the most tal- ented people I know, you're still one of the biggest idiots I've met in my life. Here's to many more blurry night balcony talks and \"apple dates\". Always here for you love. ~Smellini ARANI WEERAWARDENA ‘Put something inspirational' - Mom AYSHA Mohamed Ali, never met someone who's academically smart but does not have common sense at all. She's someone who knows everyone's gossip, and somehow ends up in every- one's drama. which is surprising because she doesn't seem much of a drama queen! oh.... and also never try arguing with her even if she's wrong, she will not stop until we give up! Everything aside, she's someone who will always be there when you need help especially when it comes to teaching, no matter what the circumstances are! she will never let you down when you count on her! she's truly a one of a kind and an beautiful per- son inside, out ~Munira SAMEERA ALI Faith, trust and a bit of pixie dust! 46

Funny and father like character. Always he is the one that knows everything (pandithayaa). Veryyy weird Haircut, only he and his royal barber knows that hairstyle. Friends from year one, that just means a lot. Together we have seen Bot- tles, Board erasers, and even DUSTBINS flying out of the class (also he was the person behind all the ideas to annoy miss chithrani). There is not a single day where he doesn't com- plain about his belly, he says he doesn't eat much... I guess only god knows the solution to his problem. Adeee.... the monkey face you made in year 8, still make me laugh men, never gonna forget that da. Azam... if you are reading this, I promise you that this will not be our last goodbye. ~Hammad AZAM RIYAZ You know what's smart and small? A Volkswagon Beetle! AZIRA CUTTILAN Azira is one of sweetest girls I've come across. we were nev- er really 'friends' like that per say, that was until the house Looking for a love that could destroy boards were appointed in 2020. She's had my back through a worlds and mend fairytales. lot and never fails to put a smile on my face. I am genuinely blessed to have her in my life despite everything. Azira is the type of girl you look at and think \"she seems fun to hang out with\", but I'm very shy at making new friends. In the sense I overthink a lot so I probably thought Tatiyana seemed like a \"rude, posh\" person, AND BOY WAS I WRONG! We don't hang out 24/7 but whenever we do, I always enjoy her company. She wears a smile on her face whenever and wherever you see her, and has the voice of an angel. Another thing about her; HER hair!! like omg, she has the most beautiful curls I have ever seen and I've got to say , in might be a little jealous:P Azira Tatiyana cuttilan {I hope I spelled your name right} is AMAZING and I only wish the best for her. So much Love for her! ~ Shenny 47

Binakshie is one of the most fun and cheerful people you’ll ever meet. Her witty jokes and positive personality make her great company to be around. She has a close circle of friends and never fails to surprise them with her extremely infectious laugh, which can instantly cheer you up. Her genuine and pas- sionate love for dogs is clear by how excited she gets around them. She is a lighthearted person who is always willing to try fun and crazy things. She is always willing to share her opin- ion with you, never backing down from an argument. Howev- er, when she is serious, she is one of the most hard working students. Her collection of academic achievements is proof of how hardworking she is. She is a good hearted and reliable person who is always willing to help a friend. ~Tisakya BINAKSHIE GUNAWARDANA If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can probably make something out of you Trust me ladies, he looks better in person ~Joel CANAAN JOSEPH You can retake an exam but not a party 48

dan the man in a garbage can living in a caravan eats from a can has a cat called pan ~poem by dhruvi DAN FERNANDO I got kicked out of Hogwarts for doing Black magic. DEWAN OBADAGE 800 characters is never enough and never will be enough to fully summarize the absolute himbo energy this man gives off. Yeah I'm trans, male to sigma male However, if you're looking for Golden Retriever enthusiasm, he's the best boi you got! We work well together, because he makes sure I don't end up in a coffin and I give very good head pats and hugs to show my appreciation. There's not a day that passes where I wasn't happy with him, and I think everyone should have their very own personal De- wan. Warning: Flirt game so strong you already lost before you even try to start. Also, he's probably the only reason I'm not dead yet (because I am a walking disaster, and trip over air), so thank you for being the Best Bodyguard ever! 10/10 recommend, and I hope he knows how much I cherish the friendship we have. :) ~Dilmi 49

DHRUVINKE ANTHONYPILLAI Known this man for over a decade, crazy. Just yesterday we were walking down the halls of the Primary, going for D&T Had to put my grades up for and Kandyan Dancing, now here we are today ready to say adoption cause I couldn’t raise goodbye. them Dhruvi is the kinda guy that fits in with the \"Cool\" kids, the \"Nerds\" and even the \"New\" kids, easy going and Light- hearted. It's difficult to come up with a description to the thought of someone looking at our yearbook and asking, who's that guy? Well that \"guy\" was my best friend of over 10 years, the guy I've shared some of my best memories with, through thick and thin. Love you always Dhruvinke, it's been one hell of a ride g. \"Friends are like Condoms, they protect you when things get hard\" :) ~Dan the Man Kevin is a question mark wrapped in a mystery. Many people have compared him to an assassin, for his ability to approach anyone unnoticed and leave without a trace is unparalleled. Yet the few that have gotten a hold of him, and managed to outwit his at- tempts at vanishing into thin air, have spoken of his kind nature and deep thoughts. One can only hope that Kevin will use his abil- ities as a force for good, and if his reputation is anything to go by, it is certain that the world is need of more people like him. Maybe one day, we will witness Kevin’s true power that he has been hiding from us all this time. Till then, good luck to you, Kev- in. ~anon DILANKA KEVIN Of course I talk to myself. Some- times I need expert advice 50

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