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Sarah F - Final Project (1)

Published by parkerr3519, 2021-01-22 21:29:13

Description: Sarah F - Final Project (1)


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I​ deology Magazine Collectivism   Collectivism is an ideology that emphasizes the groups priority  rather than the individuals in the group. A collectivist ideology  focuses on the greater good of the people rather than  themselves. An example of collectivist values are having strong  families or friendships, this is a collectivist belief because an  individual with strong families or friendships usually sacrifice  their own happiness to benefit the other individual.  

Communism/Marxism Marxism is a theory created by Karl Marx that interprets the idea  that the working class (proletariat) should overthrow the capitalist  class (bourgeoisie) to establish a classless society where  property would be owned by the state. The theory of Marxism had  evolved into a political value called communism. Communism is  an ideology based on the belief that the working class must  overcome its property owning oppressors through revolution,  resulting in working towards a classless society. With a classless  society communities can own their own property and people can  share in production of goods.        

Evolution of Communism   Communism had evolved through theory and belief of Marxism.  Communism had offered individuals a government run society and  had also offered a classless society where everyone was seen as  equal. Russia in the early centuries was run by a monarch (Tsar).  Lower class Russian individuals were extremely poor and saw  communism as the next best thing. Russian peoples thought that  communism would offer a society where everyone will become equal  and the lower class will finally become economically stable. Joseph  Stalin, a Russian ruler had introduced communism to Russian society.  Stalin had numerous goals for Russia and Liberal values were not  one of them, he had believed that they could not help the USSR  achieve its goals. Stalin's goal was to use rapid force to  industrialize Russia, and collectivise farms through which private  farms were taken by force and used to create a collective farming  system      

Communism Today   Communism exists in Cuban society today with Fidel Castro  as their leader. Cuban individuals are allowed to vote, the  government in Cuba controls over 90 percent of the economy,  rationing working salaries in exchange for health care, and  education for Cuban citizens.                

Symbols of Communism      

  Socialism Vs Democratic Socialism  Utopian Socialism:​ An ideology based on cooperative  communities with improved living and working conditions for  industrial workers. This socialist ideology was attempted in  the early years by Robert Owen and Charles Fourier   Evolution of Socialism:​ Socialism had started to evolve after  the industrial revolution during the late 18th and early 19th  centuries. Classical Liberalism had been used during this time  and accumulated wealth for a small group of business  owners, and increased poverty for a majority of the  population. These individuals were left with poor living  conditions and working conditions. Individuals in Europe and  North America were starting to question the practices in their  political and economical systems especially Laissez-Faire  capitalism. People proposed changes to this system so that a  new system would ensure that there would be equal  opportunities for everyone. These were Socialist views and  the idea of co-operation instead of competition was the start  to socialism’s evolution. Socialism had provided people with  improved living and working conditions as well as restricting  working hours, and raised wages. Children wouldn’t be hired  until they reached the age of ten and were promised to make  a profit.These economic ideas were embraced by people with  socialist views and were created by Robert Owen  

Robert Owen (1771-1858):R​ obert Owen was one of the first  British industrialists who felt that it was the responsibility of  business owners to operate a profitable business and  productive workplace while also treating workers well. Owen  was the owner of textile mills in New Lanark, Scotland, he  improved living conditions for his workers and opened up  schools for children and adults to provide education. Owen  had believed that it was the obligation of the owner to create a  better community for workers.          D​ emocratic Socialism 

Democratic socialism is a political ideology that embraces a  peaceful, evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to  socialism. Individuals in a socialist society would share wealth  fairly through democratic means.   What does Democratic Socialism provide people with today?   . Universal Health Care   . Free Education until your second term of University   . Norwegians believe in the socialist view that all wealth should  be distributed equally and everyone should have equal  opportunities.   Democratic Socialism Today:​Democratic socialism exists in  Norway and is led by Erna Solberg who had been the Prime  Minister since 2013 and was the leader of the conservative  party since 20       

  Socialism Symboles    

  Liberalism   Liberalism is an ideology based on the importance of individual  liberty and the values of individualism which include rights and  freedoms, self interests, competition, economic freedom, rules  of law, and private property.  Modern Liberalism:​ Modern Liberalism has developed over time  to address concerns with the inequality created by laissez-faire  capitalist society, while remaining focused on individual rights.  Modern liberalism was important to people in order to keep the  unemployment rate low, and to control deflation and inflation  rates.   Modern Liberalism Today:​Modern Liberalism today is used  today by Justin Treadue who is the Prime Minister of Canada.  Canada is run by a democratic government that has the right to  their own individual thoughts with the respect of the minority.  Candian individuals are offered free healthcare, Canadian  Pension Plan, Canadian Student Loans, multiculturalism, and  gun control ect. Canadians have a economic system called a  mixed economy that is a form of free market principles and is  combined with government intervention.  

    Mixed economy   A mixed economy is when free market principles are combined with some degree of government intervention. This economic system came about largely because of widespread poverty, unemployment, and desperation created in many parts of the world during the great depression. A mixed economy combines elements of the free market economy and the command economy. A mixed economy provides individuals freedom with privately owned companies to decide how goods and services will be produced in order to maximize their efficiency and profit. Private ownership and property are protected by law and the government provides people with government funded services that acts as a safety net to citizens.  

   Green countries are more modern liberalism based countries.  “If by a \"Liberal\" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind,  someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares  about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their  jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can  break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad,  if that is what they mean by a \"Liberal\", then I'm proud to say I'm a \"Liberal.  ― J​ ohn F. Kennedy 

Individualism   An individualist ideology emphasizes individual values, such as  independence, self reliance, individual achievement, competition,  and freedom. Individualism also can be interpreted when a person  focuses on their o​ wn growth​ in society whether it's economically  or emotionally.      Conservatism: ​Conservatism is a political ideology that is  opposed to rapid changes and supports keeping traditions in  society. A conservative belief by most individuals is that the  government shouldnt provid special benefits to a certain group of  people. Conservatives usually believe that the government should  play less of a role in regulating business and managing the  economy. Conservatism had evolved when businessmen and  politicians had rejected liberalism and the new deal.    

Capitalism/Classical Liberalism:​ Capitalism is an economics  system based on free markets, fair competition,wise consumers,  and profit motivated producers, in which minimum government  involvement is preferred. Classical liberalism was first embraced  by Adam Smith's economic principles one including the invisible  hand. Classical liberalism included no government involvement in  the economy and proposed the idea that the function of  government is to protect individual rights to life, liberty and  property. Classical liberalism provided economically involved  individuals with full control of their company with yet to no  government involvement. It had provided competition for  company owners, and encouraged freedom of risk takers  (business owners). Business owners were introduced to a  capitalist,free market system with laissez-faire principles.     Adam Smith: A​ dam Smith is the author of the Wealth of Nations  which has influenced countries economically world wide. Smith  had rejected an economic system called mercantilism, because  he believed a free market economy was more productive and  beneficial to society. He had believed that people tend to act out  of self interest, and in doing so can help others and contribute to  the common good through their efforts. He had also believed that 

people should be allowed to better themselves through hard work  without the influence of the government, and that this would lead  to a healthier economy.  

Fascism Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. After the end of the first world war facism had grown exponentially, and was praised by the citizens of Germany and Italy. People had begun to reject liberal values and many had felt that the values of liberalism had a part in the first world war. Facist believed that democartic government was weak, unstable, and unable to solve social, economic political problems. Adolf Hitler: ​During the 1920’s Hitler began to rise to power through the nazis. He started holding big gatherings to promote his big ideas to take over Germany and get rid of anyone who stood in his way. In 1923 the Nazis tried taking over Germany with force but miserably failed and Hitler got tried and was sent to jail. Once hitler was reised the nazi party had gained extreme poopulairty and ended up being elcted and took over Germany. Hitler began to implement his fasist ideas that involved scapegoating jewish individuals.

Facism Today: ​Neo-Nazi groups are social or political movments that seek to revive and implement the idelolgy of Nazism. Individuals involved in these groups promote hatred and attack racial, and ethnic minorities. These groups promote white supremacy and in some cases promote a facist state.

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