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Home Explore Edition 113

Edition 113

Published by Stephen Ndicho, 2023-07-30 19:08:02

Description: Edition 113


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KThshe P1r0e.s0id0ednta’silDyiogensltine edition Where Pictures TaMlokndTahyo, Juuslya3n1d, 2s0O23f Words Where PNioct.4u4r5es Talk ThoSUusNaDnAdYs, OJUf LWY 3o0r,ds20231 The Their Excellences Signature Since 2013 Majority of Kenyans President Samia Suluhu Has- President William Ruto in Mombasa yesterday in Mombasa: are posting mixed san also tried to mediate be- Many Kenyans have posted mixed reactions over a possible dia- feelings over an con- tween the two but which efforts logue between the President and Azimio Supremo Raila Odinga firmed story of for- allegedly flopped. that some in Azimio party envisage to culminate into a hand- mer Nigerian President Olusegun shake that will see the government divided between Azimio and Obasanjo mediating for dialogue Raila’s modus operandi KK. At stake is Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi’s po- between President William Ruto is to always seek to share gov- sition which Kenyans don’t understand why Azimio wants it to and Azimio supremo Raila ernment positions every time he be an Agenda at the Obasanjo mediated dialogue... Odinga. has lost an election, right from Daniel Arap Moi’s time, to Many Kenyans are dis- Kibaki and Uhuru’s tenures, gusted that after going through which in effect kills the role the the issues to be discussed in the opposition ought to play in a envisaged dialogue, nothing has democratic country like Kenya. been listed about their concerns on cost of living or lowering food It has now been con- stuffs but political issues only that firmed that President Ruto met are meant to benefit Azimio. Raila at a hotel in Mombasa on Friday night in the presence of As a result, many Kenyans Obasanjo for a possible mediat- aren't favouring any dialogue that ed process to ‘discuss issues is calculated to benefit only a few concerning Kenyans’. politicians and not Kenyans across board and therefore they President Ruto’s lieuten- want the President to keep off ants led by Majority Leader Ki- talks with Raila Odinga that mani Ichung’wa however feels would lead to a handshake that that should it be that Ruto and will benefit Raila and his politi- Raila must meet personally for cians. a dialogue, it should be held openly and publicly for Kenyans Leaders, both from Kenya to follow and eventually prove Kwanza and Azimio across the or disapprove the discourse. country aren't keen on the Ruto/ Raila dialogue and want the gov- However, a free- ernment to deliver on its mandate lance reporter posted the fol- and promises and opposition to lowing report to various news do their checks and balances’ outlets that sounds to have job. some authentic substance: Tireless efforts have been “Azimio coalition and their allegedly made by the Raila side Kenya Kwanza counter- to have the President and his parts have agreed to hold team pushed to the negotiating fresh talks to deliberate on table with the latest yet uncon- five key issues under discus- firmed news that Tanzanian sion…. PAGE 2

2 The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words FROM PAGE 1 The Ruto/Raila dialogue was fa- Former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo jetted into the country on Thursday night and trav- cilitated by former Nigerian Presi- elled to Mombasa where the President Dr William Ruto is in on five days working tour and where dent Olesegun Obasanjo. the scheduled meeting took place in an undisclosed hotel between the President, Obasanjo and Raila Odinga. In a joint statement, the Many of both KK and Azimio lieutenants weren't posted of the meeting which caught them una- two sides said they have agreed wares and started reacting differently and giving conditions for the Ruto/Raila dialogue if any. Re- to form a ten-member committee ports emanating from the talks indicate that the meeting didn't conclude on any of the issues at to steer the talks, five from each hand but basically agreed on the need to hold a National Conversation or dialogue on pertinent side. issues that has sharply divided the KK Government and Azimio party. They termed it a collective Kenya Kwanza govern- Former President determination to resolve their dif- ment led by President Uhuru Kenyatta ferences amicably for the benefit William Ruto believes who is suspected of Kenyans. beyond reasonable by KK of having doubt that former President funded the oppo- The statement was alleg- Uhuru Kenyatta was a heavy sition demos edly issued by Majority leader of financier of the demonstrations where several the National Assembly Kimani that rocked the country for Kenyans died Ichung'gwah and his Minority months, leaving behind a trail of and properties counterpart Opiyo Wandayi. deaths and destruction of prop- destroyed. erties of unfathomed value. Uhuru donated \"The parties agreed that Sh 1Million to- the Finance Bill is sub judice and This is due to Uhuru’s wards the victims should be decided in court. Given presence during the vigil held of demos with the foregoing, we take this oppor- on Friday at Kalonzo’s home in police that makes tunity to reaffirm our commitment Karen that was meant to mourn KK believe he is to this agreement and the people the victims of clashes between part of the anti of Kenya.\" police and demonstrators government ele- where an impromptu fund rais- ments. The new development ing was held for those victims comes barely a week after Presi- dent William Ruto expressed will- PAGE 3 ingness to hold dialogue with Azimio leader Raila Odinga. Ruto said he was ready to have a sit-down with the opposi- tion chief at a time of his conven- ience. Raila said he was ready for the talks but expressed reser- vations that the President was not serious about the whole ar- rangement and therefore he de- manded a mediator. \"The committee shall be seized with the following five is- sues; reconstitution of IEBC; im- plementation of two thirds gen- der rule, entrenchment of con- stituency development fund, establishment and entrench- ment of the Office of the Lead- er of the Opposition and em- bedment of the office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary.\" The committee will include four members from outside Par- liament, two from each side, leaders of the Majority and Minor- ity from the National Assembly and four additional Members of Parliament -two from each side. They said the Finance Act, 2023, whose enactment largely contributed to Azimio calling for resumption of street protests, will not form part of the discussions as it is a matter that shall be con- versed before the courts. ”

The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words 3 Ichung’wa responds to Azimio FROM PAGE 2 the worst will happen. The Majority leader in At the same time, Raila the National Assembly and where donated Sh 1 million Kimani Ichung'wah has towards that cause. Odinga is hell bent to meet broken his silence after President Ruto for a one on the Azimio La Umoja KK government strongly one dialogue over unexplained One Kenya Alliance believes that Uhuru and his larg- agenda. camp 'disowned' the er Kenyatta family funds the op- joint statement which position to cause mayhem in the Ruto and his lieutenants excluded discussions of country, a gesture that has seen are not seized of that gesture the high cost of living. some altercation between the by Raila which they suspect is In a statement President and the Kenyatta fami- a prelude for a handshake that Ichung'wah re- ly. which they have openly de- leased, on behalf of the clared won’t take place as it de- Kenya Kwanza Alliance, Government supporters stroyed the country by killing yesterday, the key is- believe Uhuru ought to have re- the opposition which should be sues to be discussed by LoM Kimani Ichung’wa tired from active politics just like in place to check on govern- many retired presidents all over ment. the new ten-member the hard economic times are the world. committee which will be formed global. Uhuru himself has told by KKA and Azimio include the Now President William Ru- the country that ’his president’ reconstitution of IEBC and im- \"We have agreed both in to is demanding that Azimio must hasn't called him since he plementation of two thirds gen- opposition and in government compensate those Kenyans who handed over power to him last der rule. that violence, anarchy and blood- died during the demonstrations year August or even consulted shed cannot be a way of trans- as well as properties destroyed him on anything. The others include the acting business in our country.\" thereof, arguing that if Azimio entrenchment of CDF, creation didn't call for those demos, those Ruto feels Uhuru ought of the office of opposition leader \"As we communicated Kenyans couldn't have met their to have retired from politics like and embedment of the office of yesterday, we shall embark in the deaths or those properties de- Moi and Kibaki did and stop in- the Prime Cabinet Secretary. process of dialogue so that we stroyed. citing the opposition against can resolve the five issues we him and his government but Despite the Azimio camp indicated as the agenda of the Azimio accuses the police Uhuru says it is his right to as- confirming that they had agreed committee that we will set up.\" of brutality that occasioned those sociate with anyone he wants on the composition of the ten- deaths and property destruction. including politically supporting member committee, they dis- \"That does not mean that his friend and brother Raila missed the listed issues, saying the cost of living is not an issue But the President is con- Odinga, a statement that their first priority is the cost of to the people of Kenya. The chal- tending that if someone attacks seems to declare continuity of living, terming Ichung'wah's lenge on the cost of living is a an armed policeman with a stone hostilities between the two bud- statement as 'one sided' and a global problem.\" or other crude weapon, police are dies turned worst of foes. wish list. likely to defend themselves and \"We went to the people Speaking at Alliance with manifestos, and as Kenya High School, Ichung'wah main- Kwanza, our Plan has policies, tained that the issues listed is capability and resources. Given what will be discussed, saying an opportunity to implement that the Kenya Kwanza government plan, we will change the tide and has its plan underway to reduce reduce the cost of living,\" said the cost of living, further saying the Kikuyu MP.

4 The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words Church & Politics: Because The cardinal reason why Kenyan’s to lack of a watchdog sion in the country that not only various government installations President William Ruto political organization that left stopped speedy development of including State House. is vehemently opposed them suffering from. the country but also hatred, sus- to the much talked about hand- picion, vilification of individuals He was denied government shake between him and opposi- It is due to that lack of a that opposed the handshake allocation of his revenue where he tion leader Raila Odinga in the vibrant opposition party in Ken- and killing of plans the Jubilee funded all Deputy President’s guise of a dialogue is simply to ya that the Church is usurping Party had promised Kenyans if functions including fueling govern- avoid further murder of the op- the role of the opposition as it they elected Uhuru and Ruto for ment vehicles and stipend in his position in the country which did before the re-introduction of a second term. office from his pockets. leaves Kenyans without a a multiparty democracy in Ken- watchdog against government ya in 1991. The Handshake regime All this period of four years excesses. saw many politicians suffer, lost time, massive looting of govern- The President believes their positions in parliament and ment resources took place includ- President Ruto bears because the constitution pro- Senate and profiling of anyone ing deaths of innocent Kenyans, witness of how the handshake vides space for the opposition suspected of being anti- all which necessated the Church between former Prime Minister in Kenya, his government handshake politics. start talking tough to government. Raila Odinga, all the way back doesn't find it prudent to kill it by from Moi’s era through Kibaki handshaking with Raila Odinga The President himself The President want the op- and Uhuru has occasioned the way it happened in 2018, became the ultimate sacrificial position to play its role as the occasioning a lot of political ten- lamb by being denied entry into Church shepherds souls of Ken- yans

The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words 5 President William Ruto being welcomed at Ukunda grounds, Kwale County by the Clergy who had organized the interdenominational prayers and thanksgiving service that was attended by large crowds of Christian and Muslim faithful from the County and outside... Design & Build* Kingship Building Solutions Ltd Are you planning to build your dream home, flat or even a com- mercial development? Let's help you actualize your dream... P.O Box 17638-00100 Nairobi. Lotus plaza 2nd floor. Call 0727586217/0786 695760.

6 The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words No. 445 MONDAY, JULY 31, 2023 The President’s signature on Toyota Their Excellences Signature Digest Fortuner is a great deal really… President William Ruto launched Toyota Fortuner Assembly Line, Miritini, Mombasa County. “We are implement- ing progressive policies, including promoting the up- take of locally-produced goods in the public sector to attract investors in the manufacturing industry. The goal is to create more job opportunities, foster technology transfer and fashion a diverse and resili- ent economy,” said the President. Prime Cabinet Secretary Hon Musalia W Mudavadi, CSs Onesimus Kipchumba Murkomen, Moses Kuria, Aden Duale, Salim Mvurya, Council of Gover- nors Chairperson Anne Waiguru, Mombasa Gover- nor Abdullswamad Nassir, Lamu Governor Issa Timamy, Speaker of the Senate Amason Kingi, MPs led by Majority Lead- er Kimani Ichung'wah, Jap- anese Ambassador to Kenya H.E. Okaniwa Ken, Principal Secretaries, among others, were there. The President’s Digest Daily is taking advantage of The Power of Global Telephony Technology in Social Media Information Super Highway KEVIAN PRODUCTS soci Available in All Markets in the East & to reach millions of people worldwide Central African Region through the different al platforms available. Kenyans are reading it in their millions too. Address: Opposite Engen Petrol Station, Let them know what you sell, what you do, Factory Road, Off Garissa Road, Makongeni, Thika, Kenya Phone what you offer as services etc. 020-20573313 Call 0713862404 to buy competitive space in this Online Newspaper.

The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words 7 The President was also received by the local Sheikh who preached a moving sermon during the service Mining abnd Blue Economy CS Salim Mvulia welcoming the President to Ukunda grounds where Senate Speaker Jefferson Kingi also received the President alongside other local leaders.

8 The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words The Sheikh and Bishop, side by side after each got his time to preach to the large interdenominational congregation at Ukunda grounds in Kwale County. BELOW: Leaders Houses Speakers Wetangula and Kingi and Mombasa Governor Abdulwasad Nassir

The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words 9 Interdenominational Church service at Ukunda Showground, Kwale County. With Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs Salim Mvurya, Speakers Moses Wetang’ula (National Assembly) and Ama- son Kingi (Senate), Governors Fatuma Achani (Kwale), Abdullswamad Nassir (Mombasa), Mohamud Mohamed (Marsabit), and John… Let's not get tired of doing good, because in time we'll have a harvest if we don't give up. — Galatians 6:9—Pres Ruto quoting the Bible

10 The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words Deputy President Rigathi Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua yesterday joined students and teachers celebrated of Alliance Gachagua has wel- High School to lay the foundation stone for a new Chapel as part of the school’s Centenary pro- comed dialogue with jects. Azimio leaders to re- Said the DP, “It is a pleasure joining the school's fraternity as the institution looks forward to solve conflicts. marking 100 years of touching lives since establishment in 1926.” He was accompanied by Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, Cabinet Secretaries Ezekiel Machogu (Education) Speaking at the Alliance Kipchumba Murkomen (Transport), PS for Education Dr. Belio Kipsang', our Kiambu hosts; Gover- High School in Nairobi on Sun- nor Kimani Wamatangi, National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichungw'a -also the Kikuyu MP, day, July 30, 2023, DP Gacha- Senator Karungo Thang'wa, Kiambu Woman Representative Anne Wamuratha, a host of the gua said it was only through dia- school's old boys, among other leaders. logue that the country can be peaceful and move forward. “If there is change of heart by Azimio leaders, we are ready but I was to say on behalf of President William Ruto, that nev- er again in this country shall we allow people to kill others and to destroy people’s property. It will not happen again,” said the DP. DP Gachagua commend- ed police for managing Azimio protests dismissing human rights groups for condemning security agents for using excessive force on Kenyans. He said Police are hu- mans too and assured them of government protection as they dispense their work. “The policemen never went to anybody’s home, you came with stones and rocks to stone them. That police officer is somebody’s husband or son or even sister. I have heard human rights bodies condemning police. Our policemen were in- jured, others are in hospital, not a single leader or organization has stood to say it is wrong to injure police officers,” he said.

The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words 11 Rebuilding the Kenya Shipyards in Mombasa; great achievement President William Ruto yesterday presided over the rededication of KNS Shupavu, a Kenya Navy vessel, and laid a wreath to fallen KDF heroes at the Kenya Navy Headquarters, Mombasa County. The President said, “We are rebuilding the Kenya Shipyards to give it a new and improved capacity to sustainably support the maritime industry and boost our Blue Economy. This will enhance the Government’s exploration of untapped trade and investment opportunities in ocean resources for the country’s economic growth.” Guard of honour mounted by the Kenya Navy officers ready for inspection by their Commander –in— Chief President William Ruto

12 The President’s Digest Monday, July 31, 2023 Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words Where Pictures Talk Thousands Of Words No. 445 MONDAY, JULY 31, 2023 The Digest DailyHis Excellency’s Signature First Lady on Love \"Love is patient; love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishon- or others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily an- gered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoic- es with the truth. It always pro- tects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.\" Visiting US Prophetess Cindy Jacobs who accompanied the First Lady Rachel Ruto at Ev Wairimu Nilson’s Church at Karen Don’t go to Court, CONTACT US:- Let’s Mediate & Email: [email protected] Negotiate for you! Call: 0777 306244 WhatsApp: 0727 306244 It’s cheaper, quicker and friendlier! Call us on our hotline: 0713862404 Designed, Published and posted Online by Limpopo Holdings Ltd. P. O Box 492-01000 THIKA, Kenya Cell Phone 0713862404 Email: president’[email protected]

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