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Home Explore Reach Beyond Your Comfort Zone Flipbook v2

Reach Beyond Your Comfort Zone Flipbook v2

Published by personalchangesystems, 2019-02-08 10:10:19

Description: Reach Beyond Your Comfort Zone Flipbook v2


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REACH BEYOND YOUR COMFORT ZONE A Custom Online Training Program to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone, Rise to the Challenge, & Build Confidence Andy Molinsky, Ph.D. Author of Reach (Penguin Random House) Columnist at Harvard Business Review, Forbes

About Dr. Andy Molinsky •  Ph.D. from Harvard Business School •  Professor of Organizational Behavior •  18 years experience teaching and developing courses •  Author of Reach (Penguin Random House) •  Author of more than 50 articles in Harvard Business Review •  Consultant & speaker across diverse industries and market sectors •  Struggles outside his comfort zone but works hard to overcome it! © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Do Your Employees Struggle… o  Handling difficult conversations o  Giving positive or negative feedback o  Speaking up in meetings o  Building relationships o  Networking o  Speaking assertively o  Using power and influence © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Are they stuck in a cycle of avoidance? © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017 !

Avoid the Situation CYCLE OF AVOIDANCE Worried & Anxious Short-Term Relief… But… Even More Worried Next Time © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Would you like to see them become…. •  More confident and creative •  More efficient and effective at their jobs •  Bolder and more confident in their professional style © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Welcome to the Reach Beyond Your Comfort Zone Training Program © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

The Reach Training Program Overview o  6 week fully customizable “blended” course o On-line + live training sessions o  Custom video trainings with Dr. Molinsky o  High quality PowerPoint video lessons, e-books, and custom self-assessment tools o  Supervised support from hand-selected and certified Reach Beyond Your Comfort Zone coaches o  User-friendly online course platform © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Training Program Flow o  Week 1: Introduction to Reach system and tools for stepping outside your comfort zone o  Weeks 2-5: Participation in Four Weekly Reach Challenges o  Week 6: Wrap up and next steps © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Comfort Zone Challenges Select four that fit your team best 1. Networking in an authentic manner 2. Learning to speak up and assert yourself 3. Presenting and participating in meetings 4. Delivering positive feedback 5. Having difficult conversations 6. Learning to apologize well 7. Developing and using power and influence 8. Building relationships through small talk 9. Choose your own situation week © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Live Action Videos © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Custom Narrated Video Lessons © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Custom Self-Assessments & E-Books © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

User-Friendly Online Platform © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Your Certified Coach •  Each certified coach takes a 5-week course to become certified in the Reach program •  Coaches are carefully vetted and selected for their knowledge of the program, coaching and training experience and ability to customize a program that will satisfy the needs and demands of your industry or client base. © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Testimonials and Endorsements for Dr. Andy Molinsky and Reach Beyond Your Comfort Zone © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

\"Andy Molinsky has a fascinating way to build the connection between theory and practice. I had several opportunities to work with him and I’m sure that thanks to his insightful guidance also this new book will be a practical and useful guide for your personal development.” Matthias Kempf Senior Director HR Emerging Markets for Adidas © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

As we think about professional development at the Bank, we continue to find ourselves discussing how to overcome the key barrier of “comfort zone”, i.e. how can we as an organization give our associates the tools and support to “take the leap” and push themselves in ways that are uncomfortable in order to help them achieve their professional ambitions. Having Andy's perspective was incredibly valuable for the group and the feedback we’ve received has been tremendous. Associates were impressed with Andy's ability to make a complex topic relatable and, in particular, his use of examples through his research made it easy for them to understand how to use Andy's tools in their day to day lives. Associates told us they had not really been able to pinpoint the reasons for their discomfort in taking on new challenges, and that this discussion of the root causes of avoidance was particularly insightful. Andy's session was exactly the type of content that we find valuable for our organization. Paulomi Shah Managing Director Bank of America   © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

When I first heard Andy speak on the topic of stepping outside your comfort zone, I was thoroughly impressed. I knew this topic would be perfectly aligned with Dell’s Global Marketing Rotation Program (HiPo Program). The way in which Andy presented the content (structured/ simple/actionable) as well as the workshop format, made for an impactful event. The members walked away with tangible things they could put in to action immediately – he was rated extremely high on our post conference survey. I would highly recommend Andy and this topic – he has done so much work in this arena which brings so much value! Susan Collard Career Development Director, Global Marketing, Talent and Capabilities, Dell EMC © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

As a clinical psychologist I've encountered clients who struggle with workplace issues involving assertiveness, giving and accepting feedback and navigating the work environment in general.  My clients arrive from a variety of cultural backgrounds and ethnicities. The employment domain requires a very specialized skill not all psychologist in private practice posses. Thankfully, I've discovered a resource for my clients to utilize outside of my office. REACH is the perfect guide and handbook. My clients find the techniques in Andy's book applicable to their situations and easy to adjust. Overtime, I've heard reports of improvements with work rapport, feeling less socially awkward and an overall boost in confidence.    Jennifer Brown, Clinical Psychologist (Boston, MA) © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Andy presented the REACH Training Program to our up and coming talent at Reebok. Everyone agreed that Andy’s approach is extremely personable, clear, confident and interactive. The exercises and group discussions helped to crystalize key messages and apply content on the job immediately. Participants enjoyed the program so much they asked for ongoing follow up sessions where they can learn more and hold each other accountable for actions plans. We are excited to have Andy return and continue the dialogue on Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone! Lauren Tupper, HR Talent Reebok USA © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

Hope to see you soon inside the Reach Program! Contact: [email protected] © Personal Change Systems LLC, 2017

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