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SSRVM eMagazine JULY 2021

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Vishalakshi JULY 2021 Volume:01 Issue: 02 SSRVM Bangalore East EMagazine July 2021

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 “Jai Guru Dev” “A Guru desires nothing from you except your well-being and progress on the path!!! “ Guru Purnima is the day of reflection. It is the New Year for a spiritual seeker; for one who is on the path. Just like how we celebrate New Year on 1st January every year, for a spiritual seeker, the New Year is on Guru Purnima. Like there is fatherhood and motherhood, there is something called Guruhood as well. A guru shares his knowledge consciously, giving his/her hundred percent without expecting anything in return. We have to be grateful for all the blessings and all the knowledge that we have received. Under the guidance of a proper guru, the knowledge we gain transforms our lives. - As followers we have to realize this and be thankful for all that has come our way, and celebrate!!! “It is a day of reflection; to review on one’s credits and debits and look at the balance sheet. It is a day to be grateful for all that we have achieved in the past year, and a day to resolve to do what we are here to do in the coming year. That is the essence of Guru Purnima. ”- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar

SSRVM 1 4 Bangalore East 5 7 CONTENT 9 11 Principal's Message 13 Curriculum Design as per NEP 2020 15 Experiential Interactive & Joyful Learning 17 Language Development Skills 19 Numeracy Development Skills 21 Cognitive Development Skills 23 Physical & Motor Development Skills 29 Health & Nutrition 31 Arts & Cultural Development Integrated and Cross Curriculum 35 Cooperative & Collaborative Learning 38 Social & Emotional Development Skills 43 360 Degree Assessment 44 Special Assembly & Celebrations Students’ Corner 46 58 ¤Art & Craft activities 60 ¤My Learning Experience 63 Special Educator Corner Guest Speakers’ Corner Teachers’ Corner ¤Views & Experiences ¤Teachers’s Art Parents’ Corner Proud Moment

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Principal’s Message “This is the most important year, it’s going to help you decide your stream and in turn your career!!”Having heard this a hundred times all year through made these teenagers forget the worldly attractions that a typical teen would dream of. These students gave up their sleep to deep dive into the content to fulfill their dreams as well as that of their loved ones. Then came the second wave upsetting the entire set up, shattering all the plans. The Divine and Gurudev sent us the boat loaded with blessings which reflected in the resilience shown by all in adapting themselves back to the online platform, making me Salute these warriors. Uncertainty crept into the education system, but these young heroes kept up their bravery and encountered all the challenges defeating them one by one.The atmosphere was grim and not very encouraging. The tsunami had created an outburst of an aggressive version of the virus which began spreading like wildfire engulfing many lives. Though externally we all exhibited a calm and composed atmosphere internally the fear was still hot and burning. The year long preparations now reduced to months, to weeks. With days to go for the examinations there was yet another set back. Cancellation of the Board Exams! Suddenly the teachers had to hunt , trace out the best scores across subjects,across the various tests and exams conducted all along. I saw the teachers battle for the best scores so that they could do complete justice to these deserving students. We had several run throughs, forgetting our personal lives. We became math experts overnight doing so many calculations with our heads experiencing the ride on a Merry go round. We didn’t want any student to miss out on anything that was due to him/ her There was an inner satisfaction that we experienced and the inner consciousness was at peace that we did our best in alloting the maximum scores permitted by the board. Now, as I see the scores of each child I feel a sense of pride not only for the figures that’s reflecting on the paper but am proud of the hidden results of their performance in staying strong emotionally through this turbulence where every student has achieved a perfect Centum. As I thank all the Staff members, Academic Heads and the coordinators for their unstinted support, I also express my immense Gratitude to Vaishnavi Ma’am who took up the responsibility on her shoulders in the compilation of the marks trying out all permutations possible to mediate and get the best settlement for each student. I thank all parents for understanding the efforts put in by their ward as well as by the facilitators. I appreciate each one of you my dear Angels for your performance academically and as a Student of this institution. I am indeed extremely proud of you!!! Wishing you all the very best always. Dr Reshma Ganesh Founder Principal and Campus Director SSRVM, Bangalore East 1

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Nurturing Right Freedom in Young Minds “Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.” These are the words of our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, on the auspicious occasion of Indian Independence. The words indicate that India will thrive life and freedom. Yes! On this August 15th of 2021 we will celebrate 75th Independence Day. Our country as a nation has come much ahead in the growth trajectory. It’s now at the cynosure with all the global powers in each and every aspect like socio and economic front. It is living the dreams of its forefathers. It’s a pioneer in science and technology. India is one of the fastest growing nations in terms of GDP. It’s a global nuclear power. When Independent India enters 21st century its most important asset is, it’s growing young population. India has world’s largest population of youngsters. It is the responsibility of the nation to guide and mold these young citizens as they are the future of our country. Our responsibilities are even higher when the world is going through such worse scenario. The pandemic has much worse effect on our children and adolescent minds. Their wings are being taken away and are chained to their homes. They have become like little caged birds. Their young minds are fully dependent on their parents and teachers. They don’t have a chance to interact with their friends and are not able to share their feelings or play with their besties. We feel as if the most important part of their lives -- their childhood is being snatched away from them. So, on this occasion of Independence Day, we would like to emphasis on the freedom of our young minds. As a parent or as a teacher we should make our utmost efforts to make our home a paradise for them. We can employ this time to bring out the family bonding as it helps children to build confidence and also teaches them how to interact with others in a 2

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Nurturing Right Freedom in Young Minds meaningful and polite way. Let’s make sure that the young mind doesn’t miss their friends. It is very important for us to take some time from our busy schedule to be with them and make their life much more beautiful. It is our responsibility to make the future citizens of India powerful and purposeful. COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown has brought about a sense of fear and anxiety around the globe. This phenomenon has led to short term as well as long term psychosocial and mental health implications for children and adolescents. These inexorable circumstances which are beyond normal experience, lead to stress, anxiety and a feeling of helplessness in all. The words of Nehru spoken 74 years back is still relevant. The words bring hope that India will awake to life and freedom. And we will step from old to new days of freedom. We would like to conclude the importance of creating young and active minds by a famous quote by ‘Franklin D Roosevelt’ ---“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future”. Wishing the entire family of SSRVM BE a Happy Independence Day!!! Jai Hind!!!! Ms. Vishnupriya & Ms. Varshini Facilitator SSRVM, Bangalore East 3

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Curriculum Design as per NEP 2020 Storytelling - An effective teaching tool for all grades “There's always room for a story that can transport people to another place.\" J.K. Rowling National Educational Policy emphasizes child centered pedagogy. Story plays a significant role in each one of us life. When a story is being told, it usually has an underlying message or lesson that the speaker is trying to convey. Storytelling is an excellent tool that helps to explain expectations, strengthen character and also deepens thinking. By teaching a concept with a story, the young minds are instilled to sharpen their thinking skills and learning is made easy and effective. Our Principal Madame Dr. Reshma Ganesh held a session for the teachers on how to incorporate storytelling in classrooms. She explained in detail the different genres of story right from narrating the story of your own life to a fictional story made up of characters and events. By using storytelling as a teaching tool, we ensure that a message is reaching the students in efficient and effective ways. She added that a story doesn't have to be produced by Disney in order for it to be heard and remembered. We as teachers can create stories to make learning more fruitful. It just takes a good plot, a good lesson, and a good listener at the other end. Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.\" --Robert McKee…. She added that storytelling has always been the best tool to communicate ideas, persuade others, and get what you want as teachers!!!!! We at SSRVM BE, use stories as a successive tool for the students to learn in a constructive way and make learning worthwhile!!!! 4

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Experiential, Interactive and Joyful Learning Experiential learning is the practice of learning through doing. Through this method of learning, students will be able to grasp concepts in a better way and will be given an opportunity to be more creative. In interactive learning we forgo one way communication, and learning becomes more interactive. Students are able to bring in the element of happiness and joy through joyful learning. By following all these strategies of learning, we are able to bring in a stress-free environment to have a rich learning experience. Pre-Primary Grade-1 In Math, an activity was conducted to reinforce the concept of addition. It was an interactive session where children got an opportunity to add different numbers while having lot of fun Our tiny tots were trained on the concept of Body parts and importance of sense organs through fun activities. To enable experiential and joyful learning, a real plant was shown to enlighten the concept of parts of the body and its uses. Children were also asked to draw and name it to make the activity interesting. Grade 2 Grade-3 In Science students played a game “Guess About Me” to reinforce the concept about food habits of animals. In Social Studies, children marked various states in the physical map. The concept of addition of 3 digit numbers was introduced. The teacher used the concept using coloured counters to help children find out the sum of two numbers. 5

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Experiential, Interactive and Joyful Learning Grade- 4 Grade-5 In Science an activity based on Skeletal system was performed. In Science students performed an experiment to understand layers of soil model . In Social Studies, KWL Charts were prepared by students. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Social Science Activity Physics/ chemistry: Students were Physics Activity by Grade VIII asked to get the Grade- 9 mercury thermometer in the class and teacher explained how to read the thermometer. Grade-10 Economics & Science Activity by Grade X Science & Social Science Activity by Grade IX 6

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Language Development Skills Language development is thought to proceed by ordinary processes of learning in which children acquire the forms, meanings, and uses of words and utterances from the linguistic input. Language development lays the foundation for the reading and writing skills in children as they enter and progress through school. Language Development skills supports the ability of your child to communicate, express and understand feelings. Pre-Primary Grade-1 EVS sessions are always filled with the information and explanation related to the things in our daily life, which helped the students to connect to the subject easily. Children traced the sight words in a suji/sand tray. Children also portrayed their speaking skills by talking about their favourite toys. Grade 2 Grade-3 As a part of the Inspirational Story Series, based on the theme ‘Great Environmentalist’, the Story of Mansukhbhai Prajapati, a famous rural innovator in India known for his earthen clay based functional products was narrated during the assembly. Children learnt that they should never think about failures and never give up. To imbibe language skills, various STEAM activities were performed in English, Hindi and EVS. 7

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Language Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 Language Activities in English Students were asked to compose an acrostic poem using various forms of Adjectives on 'Springtime' or write a paragraph on the same topic. To enhance the writing skills, an activity was performed in English, Hindi and Kannada Children displayed immense enthusiasm and creativity. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 An activity in Hindi & Kannada Languages activities by Grade VII Languages activities by Grade VIII Grade- 9 Grade-10 Hindi & Kannada Language activities An activity in English - Theme “Unity in Diversity.” 8

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Numeracy Development Skills Numeracy skills aim at improving the abilities of a child in building a strong foundation in all aspects, especially in mathematics. Numeracy development is important because it provides the student’s ability to think and perform in real life situations. It helps to sharpen even their intellectual skills. At SSRVM BE we conduct activities on developing various numeracy skills. Students are given hands-on experience on the topic learnt. Pre-Primary Grade-1 The concept of addition was introduced by connecting mathematical concepts with real-life world. It helped students to internalize the concepts better and faster. Children learnt Number ‘2' and its values. The concept was reiterated with fun activity where they made flowers using onion. Grade 2 Grade-3 The concept of addition was introduced by connecting matematical concepts with real life world. An art integration activity was performed whereby children did a creative art work on a kite. To develop the numeracy skills, activities were done in Mathematics during the month of July. Teachers introduced subtraction and its properties using objects. 9

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Numeracy Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 Chapter: 4 – Multiples and Factors (Subject Enrichment Activity) . hands-on activity helped students to find out the factors of a given number in an interesting and fun way To reinforce the concept of subtraction, an art integration activity was performed wherein children created a comic strip using their creativity and developed a story board. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 An activity on Fractions: Students framed different riddles Activity on different shapes was Students made different designs using and enjoyed a lot while playing done. Theme : Understanding paper grid with different colors. mind game with parents. Quadrilaterals Grade- 9 Grade-10 Students created a hidden picture Students made clinometer, and with its help they by plotting and joining measured the angle of elevation and the distance between them and the wall. They represented the data the various points and named the coordinate points in figures and calculated the height of the ceiling of their house and presented it. 10

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Cognitive Development Skills With cognitive development, children try to understand things and become more aware of their surroundings as and when they learn new concepts. It is the development of problem- solving skills, performing mental tasks, that helps to store the information gathered and later apply the knowledge gained. We conduct online games, activities to help the students recall the concepts and apply them. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Quizzes were organized using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Children enjoyed the games and were able to perform well. Children played online puzzles, games and solved live worksheets that improved their cognitive skills. Children learnt about the green colour and the objects related to the green colour. They enjoyed the activity by making a green frog using cutouts. Grade 2 Grade-3 Memory Games and quizzes were organised using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Quizzes were organized using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Children enjoyed the games and were able to perform well. 11

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Cognitive Development Skills Grade-5 Grade- 4 Students solved many worksheet of all subjects. Games and quizzes were organised using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Children solved worksheets based Self - assessment can provide insight Students were given kannada on lessons taught. into students’ true comprehension and worksheets to solved based on the can help to identify gaps in students’ knowledge. lesson taught. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Students were given worksheet based on the lessons Students were given worksheets based on lessons taught in the month. This is to assess their taught in the month. comprehensive skills based on their learning. 12

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Physical and Motor Development Skills Gross motor or physical skills are those which require whole body movement and which involve the large muscles of the body to perform everyday functions, such as standing and walking, running and jumping, with core stabilizing. Motor development is important throughout a child's life as it is tied with physical development and other development areas. Pre-Primary Grade-1 To maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed. Children performed simple exercises through which their gross motor skills improved. Grade 2 Grade-3 Children actively learnt and enjoyed through play and physical activities. To maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed. 13

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Physical and Motor Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 Activities like warm up exercise, eye exercise were done along with physical exercise. To ensure that children maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Physical exercises were performed Physical activity, warm up exercises Physical activity, warm up exercises which helped children to regain their fitness during the pandemic. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Different sports and their techniques were discussed. Various sports and their techniques were Physical exercises were performed. discussed. Physical exercises were performed. 14

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E Julnye 2021 Health and Nutrition A healthy body has a healthy mind. Good nutrition helps students to show up at school and prepare them to learn. We should eat right to live strong. Foods with proper nutrients help us to stay healthy and strong. At SSRVM, we focus on giving importance to healthy facts to give them a better tomorrow. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Children were given inputs about key plants like Tulsi, Neem, Turmeric etc and their medicinal benefits. Teachers demonstrated few home remedies using some of the herbs and explained the benefits also. Children learnt about good eating habits and how they help us grow in a healthier way. Children brought dry fruits to celebrate health and nutrition day. Grade 2 Grade-3 A quiz was conducted to ensure that children understood the difference between healthy and junk food, and the foods which boost the immunity. Children were given inputs about key plants like Tulsi, Neem, Turmeric etc and their medicinal benefits. 15

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Health and Nutrition Grade-5 Grade- 4 Students prepared Salad by using different fruits and nuts, and they presented the fruit salad in a creative way. A quiz was conducted to ensure that children understood the difference between healthy and junk food, and the foods which boost the immunity. Grade- 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 This activity provides students an opportunity to learn cooking skills, specific cooking styles and techniques. The purpose of culinary club is to provide an environment for students to socialize, be creative, be organized and have fun. Culinary club students prepare food and enjoy eating the results. Culinary club provides a great way to educate students about good nutrition and what’s in season. It can also encourage them to eat healthy foods. In the month of July students were encouraged to prepare Fruit Cream Salad using seasonal fruits and dry fruits. Students learnt the nutritional value of each ingredient used in making of fruit cream salad and they presented the fruit salad in a creative way. 16

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Arts and Cultural Development Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences. Art affects the fundamental sense of self. Painting, sculpture, music, literature and the other arts are often considered to be the repository of one's thought. Art has therapeutic expression, like dreams, offers a way to connect with places that are difficult to reach via language. Thus, art and cultural development are dependent one each other. At SSRVM we conduct online virtual tours to ingrain the young minds with different cultures and various forms of art. Art and craft classes help the students to learn the nuances of different forms of art. Other subject activities are integrated with art to enhance their creative skills. Pre-Primary Grade-1 To educate children about the rich culture and heritage of our country and to foster national integrity, a virtual tour to Edakkal caves in Kerala was arranged. They were amused with the visuals of these natural caves. Children performed multiple art and craft activities related to the concepts like dot making in D, Smileys using bottle cap (circle), “E” made by building blocks, onion cut out flower making for number “2”, rice drum for sense organ, frog for “F” etc . Grade 2 Grade-3 To enhance the creativity in students, they were taught to make a picture frame. Children came up with different ideas and showcased their splendid creativity. A virtual tour to Edakkal caves in Kerala was arranged. They were amused with the visuals of these natural caves. 17

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Arts and Cultural Development Grade- 4 Grade-5 The five elements of shading are full light, halftone, shadow edge, reflected light, and cast shadow. Students showcased their creativity. Heritage Quiz was conducted to ensure that children had a basic idea about the Mysore Palace in Karnataka. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Students learned various Mandala art works drawing done by Mandala art works done by Grade 8 types of pencil shading techniques. Grade 7. Students showcased their students. It showcased their creativity creativity. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Portrait which has been made on drawing sheet by pastel colors. Animal ( Pencil Shading) Life cycle of any animal can be drawn in detail with pencil. 18

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Integrated and Cross Curriculum The word integrated means that, various parts/aspects of a subject are linked or coordinated with other subjects to make learning easy. At SSRVM we follow an integrated and cross curriculum. This way of learning focuses upon the inter-relatedness of all subjects, which help these students grasp basic concepts effortlessly. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Activities were done wherein the topics in various subjects were integrated with other subjects to help students have better understanding of how the knowledge is applied in various fields. Children did potato man as STEAM activity which helped in developing their creativity and also integrate their studies with arts. Grade 2 Grade-3 An activity on animal drawings by using different numbers were done by students of grade 3. An integrated activity on hand printing were done by students of grade 2. 19

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Integrated and Cross Curriculum Grade- 4 Grade-5 Children learned to arrange themselves for sport’s day or any other event with the help of a physical educator. Activities were done wherein the topics in various subjects were integrated with other subjects to help students have better understanding of how the knowledge is applied in various fields. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 English activity was A video related to Simple As part of Subject enrichment activity, based on grammar topic - Adjectives. Equations, how to Frame and Solve an students were asked to dress up as a Equation were shown to students. They Students were asked to recall any were involved in mind game activities leader from the current times or a of their memorable and joyful moments leader from the times of the Indian with their parents or friends and write about it using adjectives. Freedom struggle. Grade- 9 Grade-10 As part of Subject enrichment activity, students were Students were provided with detailed information divided into groups. Each group was given a personality. about our motherland. Students made a collage on They presented on the life, achievements and the the State of their interest including physical features, awards won by the said personalities literary figures, food, costume, dance form. 20

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Cooperative and Collaborative Learning Students learn best when they are immersed in learning, through interaction and application. A student is more likely to remember something when discovered through active participation and peer work. Performance is improved with collaborative/cooperative methods. This technique is valued more than individualistic ways as it helps the students in performance and progression. Grade 5 Grade-6 In history, some videos related to Harappan Civliziation were shown to the students. These videos help the students to visualize the town planning of Harappan civilization. Social - Democracy in India - the concept of election process was introduced by organising class monitor election. Few students were nominated for the position of class monitor and other students voted for their favourite candidate by using the raising hand option in MS teams. Grade 7 Grade-8 Students were asked to present on the topi ‘Understanding Quadrilaterals’. They a presentation on the comparison of different quadrilateral and conclude, “Which type of parking is convenient, Parallelogram or Rectangle and how?”. Geography: A quiz was conducted for grade 7 on the topic: 'Interesting facts about Earth'. 21

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Cooperative and Collaborative Learning Grade-10 Grade- 9 Group activity: Students were divided into two groups Students were taught to make a clinometer to find the and did a presentation on “How is coordinate angle of elevation and angle of depression of an object. geometry used in Google maps? They learnt to make a movie using a video editing software on “how the distance from the Earth to the planet and stars are calculated”. 22

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills “A happy mind is a healthy mind, and a healthy mind is good for the body.” To nurture students' social and emotional development, it is important that we engage them in quality interactions and activities on a daily basis. We at SSRVM plan and execute activities and games to make students understand that they are valued. Social and emotional skills result in enhancing their achievement, improves their relationship with other age groups and also make them a successful human being. Pre-Primary Grade-1 On the occasion of International Plastic Bag Free Day, children were told the importance of cutting down on the use of plastic bags. At SSRVM, Children learnt a prayer under the guidance of teacher. Prayers have a power of creating a pious atmosphere that helps instill certain values such as humility and discipline in the students. Children learnt to greet elders and friends and they learnt to express their needs to parents as well as teacher. Grade 2 Grade-3 On the occasion of National Doctor’s Day, children expressed their gratitude to all the doctors who risked their lives fighting with the deadly corona virus and saved innumerable lives, by preparing a ‘Thank You Card’. Health and wellness officer Ms Shraddha and special educator Ms Abirami took an orientation session on inculcating self discipline for the children. They also shared some valuable tips and messages on academic, social and emotional wellbeing for the children. 23

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 A session on learning about my body was conducted for students of Grade 5, 6 & 7. The objective of the session was to help students acknowledge the mental, emotional, and physical changes that they will go through in adolescence period. To create awareness and make students sensitive towards the harmful effects of deforestation a Special Assembly was held on Vana Mahotsav Day Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 A session on learning about A session on learning about An interaction with the class teacher comparing ourselves to others. comparative ourselves to others. during the class teacher period helped A quiz was conducted for grade 7 the teacher to know about the students. students and to build a strong relationship with them. Grade- 9 Grade-10 An interactive session with class teacher to strengthen An interactive session with class teacher to strengthen and develop a healthy bonding. and develop a healthy bonding. 24

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Now a days the idea of cleanliness is becoming In this era, people tend to think keeping their narrow and limited. Personal cleanliness is just house clean is enough. A healthy atmosphere one aspect of the whole concept. Having a and hygiene are very vital for a person to be fit clean surrounding, clean community and and healthy. The surroundings also should be further step wise leads to clean nation which clean so you can breathe pure and clean air. indirectly results in a healthy nation. Knowing Cleaning the environment reduces pollution, how cleanliness shows an impact in health protects unique ecosystems and conserves conditions people are neglecting and afraid to resources, such as water, land and air which are admit the fact that they are careless and very important to reserve for upcoming ignorant about their surroundings. generations. Plants play a huge role in balancing A clean environment ensures the protection of atmospheric environment and a vital part of biodiversity and ecosystems upon which human life; we just don't notice but more than human life and all other life on Earth depends. half of the objects most of the furniture in our Keeping it clean would help us to experience houses itself are made up of plants. We get fresh natural resources like water, and air and numerous benefits by using plants and we also need to keep the pollution down. Dirty tend to face terrible situations without plants polluted surroundings would lead to the which all are aware of, as we use huge extent accumulation of pollution and more dirt will from plants. It is our responsibility to plant few serve as a breeding ground for a host of plants and take good care of the existing ones. diseases. As a part of community service, I picked up few crumbled papers and soft drink cans which Sumiran were laying on grass and watered a dry tree. Grade XI, Commerce SSRVM Bangalore East P. Pragna Grade XI, Commerce SSRVM Bangalore East 25

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Community service is an unpaid work that Helping people when they are need by giving benefits people and organisations in the groceries is not a big deal. We can see community. Being a part of a community happiness in them, when we give something service can make us feel that we are a part of to them. We must pray that the happiness something greater than ourselves. It can give should stay in them throughout their life. us an opportunity to connect with people and understand their situation. We must be happy, joyful and faithful by doing this community service. By doing this we feel happy and satisfied in our life. Importance of community service ¤It teaches the next generation about generosity ¤Charity reduces poverty ¤Charity will promote feeling of happiness ¤Donating gives you an opportunity to show gratitude I feel even the animals are also the part of By doing this community service I have learnt the community. We must feed them with so many things. The first thing I felt by doing food or biscuits so that their stomach is this service is happiness and satisfaction which filled. They enjoy the food which we give. I received. I feel that the greatest gift which I They are also happy. We are also happy. could give to the needy people is by contributing some fundamental needs to them and making their lives better. It creates a special bond with people being served. It increases social awareness and responsibility. I feel community service is not only by providing the needy things to people but also teach them about the healthcare and healthy living. contd... 26

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Charity is one of the act of extending love and \"Helping parents with small work with a great kindness to others unconditionally, where the love can bring a great happiness in them \" decision is made from heart, without expecting They work all day not for them but to ensure any of the of the reward. I believe that charity that we are safe and comfortable. Even they originates from heart as I feel the importance work all day they do almost half of our work ,like in giving the needy things to the needy people. keeping our room clean, keeping our clothes We must help the needy people who are clean and so on this will never end. Take a half affected by war, natural disasters, orphans by an hour from your schedule to help your giving them food, shelter, aid and the other parents that half hour will bring a great fundamental needs if required. After doing this happiness in your parents life. Today I spent wonderful service I have decided that I will half an hour with my mother just by helping her continue to donate and give needy things to to do with the clothes. I could see the happiness needy people throughout my life. I thank my in her ,and that made my day. This will also school for giving me this wonderful bring happiness in you. I could feel the hard opportunity work that we need to do that simple work. Imagine the hard work that she would put to do all other work like cooking, do with dishes which will never end, mopping etc. I would suggest all of you over there to spend half an hour to help your parents. I will promise you that it will be a most wonderful part of your day. \"WE OFTEN THINK OF CHARITY AS AN Works seems to be easy until we do it .This is the ACTION BUT I THINK OF CHARITY AS A STATE most valuable lesson that I have learnt my OF THE HEART\" helping my most wonderful mother in the world . Thank you I Love You Mom Poojitha C Dikshitha N A Grade XII Commerce Grade XII Commerce SSRVM Bangalore East SSRVM Bangalore East 27

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills 28

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 360 Degree Assessment 360-degree assessment helps participants identify their strengths and weaknesses and also gives opportunities for improvement. We at SSRVM BE follow self-assessment, peer assessment, group assessment which helps the facilitator to give proper feedback for the student's improvement. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Various online quizzes and live worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of children. Children learnt to answer live worksheets, quizzes and they also enjoyed the Wheel Activity and auto drawing activity which developed their interest and were active in the class. Grade 2 Grade-3 Various online quizzes and live worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts. Various online quizzes and live worksheets was designed to assess the learning and understanding of children. 29

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 360 Degree Assessment Grade-5 Grade- 4 Assessment is a key component that helps students learn. Students are able to see how they are performing in class. Assessment motivate students to give their best. Various online quizzes and live worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Peer assessment, Self assessment and An assessment was conducted based on 360 degree assessment apart from assessment by parents. the lessons taught in the month of June. activities, pen and paper type of assessments are conducted to Students performed well in the evaluate students’ performances. assessment. Grade- 9 Grade-10 360 degree assessment apart from activities, pen and 360 degree assessment apart from activities, pen and paper type of assessments are conducted paper type of assessments are conducted to evaluate to evaluate students performances. students’ performances. 30

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations July is a special month as it has many important events to be celebrated and to be remembered. At SSRVM BE we celebrated the important days of the month by conducting special assemblies. Doctors July 1st is celebrated to as National Doctors Day to mark the birth and honour the Day contributions of renowned physician Dr. Bidhan Chandra. In recent years, doctors have played a significant role in our daily lives. This day serves to show gratitude to all those doctors who have selflessly aided us in our time of need and tirelessly worked for the health of their patients. At SSRVM BE, a special assembly was organized where our Alumni, Dr. Aishvarya Kannan addressed the students and answered their queries on the current pandemic. She also advised the students on the safety measures to be followed. 31

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations International Plastic free day and Vana Mahotsav July 3rd is celebrated as international plastic free day to reduce the usage of plastic in everyday life. The students of SSRVM were a part of the special assembly to mark its importance. On this day an awareness was created about the threat caused by plastic pollution in both land and marine life. The key take - away from the assembly was to use jute and cotton bags to have a green environment and also save our planet 'Mother Earth'. In the month of July, we also celebrate Vana Mahotsav popularly known as the Forest Festival to make students understand the importance of saving forests. A special Assembly was conducted to instill the young minds the need of planting more trees and to have a Green India… 32

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Guru On July 24th, SSRVM BE celebrated Purnima Guru Purnima in magnificent way. Guru Purnima is a day dedicated to all the guru's who share their wisdom to their followers. A special assembly was hosted to make students acknowledge the role of Guru and to give them due respect by following their preaching. Guest lectures were organized by the school management to make the even more captivating. 33

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Kargil Vijay Kargil Vijay Diwas marks the victory of Diwas Indian soldiers in recapturing the mountain heights that were occupied by the Pakistani Army on July 26 1999. Kargil is important because of its close proximity to the LOC (Line of Control) and Pakistani forces were training themselves to cross the LOC. SSRVM BE held a special assembly on July 26th to salute to the real heroes. Honorable guest speaker Dr. Raghunath Basavashetty addressed our students with his enriching experience. Students learnt that we have to be determined to reach our goal. 34

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Crafts Pre-primary Children performed multiple art and craft activities related to the concepts like dot making in D, Smiley’s using bottle cap ( circle), “E” made by building blocks, onion cut out flower making for number “2”,rice drum for sense organ, frog for “F” etc. Grade 1 Children performed multiple art and craft activities related with Fruits. Grade 2 Children performed multiple art and craft activities. Students showcased their creativity. 35

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Crafts Grade 5 Grade 3 To enhance the creativity in students, they were taught to make a picture frame. Children came up with different ideas and showcased their splendid creativity. Grade 4 Grade 6 36

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Crafts Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 37

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Students’ Corner Kargil Vijay Diwas My Learning Experience Dr. Raghunath Basavashetty I am very glad to give my feedback for the I learned many things from this assembly like session on Kargil Diwas by our guest how brave and disciplined our army is and how Dr. Raghunath Basavashetty Sir. Thank you much soldiers go through to protect their Dr. Reshma Ganesh ma'am for inviting such a country's citizens. How they face their fears wonderful person on this day. He gave very and get over it and adapt to the different motivational and inspiring speech and he climate and many more with Dr. Raghunath sir shared his real life experience during Kargil speech. From sir's speech I learned some War and how he got a wonderful chance to values like there is no shortcut in life, you work with the great soliders. cannot run away, and always be well prepared. What inspired me the most: This assembly was very helpful to me due to *We should never give up till we reach our goal many reasons *We have to fight our fear with braveness . ¤It helped me be more proud of our army. *We have tbo work always together. ¤It helped me to know more about Kargil War. *We have to salute to those who sacrifice their ¤It also showed me the courageousness and lives for us. braveness of our soldiers. * What ever difficulties come in our lives, we I'm thankful to my teachers for allowing me to have to face them boldly. learn and understand what exactly our soldiers * Kargil is not a story of just winning but it is a go through while protecting our country. story of pain with pride !! Gayathri J Manoj, 8E B. Jaswitha, 7A SSRVM Bangalore East SSRVM Bangalore East I learnt about Dr. Ragunath Basavashetty’s life as a medic at the Indian Army, his training, challenges, service and accomplishments, the Kargil war, its effects, and the Indian Army’s role in protecting our country throughout the war. I have learnt many important values from this event: Facing challenges, fears and overcoming them, Taking on life bravely as it comes. Always being aware and present in our surroundings. Aspiring to help the people in our country. As a questionnaire for this event, I am honoured to have had the opportunity to interact and learn about the Kargil war and Dr. Ragunath himself. Tiya S, 9B SSRVM Bangalore East 38

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Students’ Corner Alumni Talks with Dr. Aishvarya Kannan Kargil Vijay Diwas I am writing this report to appreciate the wonderful This session was taken by Dr.Raghunath session “Alumni Talks with Dr. Aishvarya Kannan” that Basavashetty who was a military doctor and had was conducted on 17th July, 2021, Saturday at 5 pm. given active support to the Kargil warriors. He The session was not only extremely informative but it shared his experience to us, reminding how it was was also a moment to reflect on the learning and on this day 22 years ago. achievements of our school. It was a proud moment The session started off when Dr.Raghunath said for the teachers and students of SSRVM BE. Aishvarya that 26th July is a proud day for the whole country, Kannan, a former student of SSRVM BE, has a day not be forgotten, a day where we think about established herself as a successful medical real heroes. He told he was privileged that he was a professional and as a good human being who has a part of the incident. He further went on with special place for animals in her heart. She currently is sharing his experience of the Kargil war, as we doing house surgency in the prestigious Victoria know it was a conflict between India and Pakistan. Hospital. The session began with Dr. Aishvarya It was a very painful period from 3 May 1999 till 26 Kannan educating us about the ongoing pandemic. July 1999. Dr. Raghunath even said that 26th July She believed it was her duty to speak about the was an unforgettable and proud day for India. A disease. She talked about Covid-19, the virus causing day which reminds us of all the heroes who fought it, modes of transmission, the body system it affects in that merciless war. and also the threats of it becoming a systemic The Navy, Air force, and Army have given their full disease. She also mentioned various methods of participation in this Kargil war. These forces have prevention of the disease with respect to personal risked their life for our mother land. He even said protective gear, social distancing, hygiene measures, that he had immense pleasure in treating all the physical fitness and nutrition. She talked about the heroes of his own country. He even told that the importance of vaccination and persuaded the 18+ war damages had took so much time to recover. age group to get vaccinated. She also mentioned the He concluded his session by talking about how vaccination program schedules available in the proud and grateful he was for the 5 years he had Victoria Hospital. She added that taking care of our spent in the Indian Army. It taught him the mental health and staying positive can benefit us. She importance of discipline and changed him shared how doing Surya Namaskar helped her with mentally and physically. The session truly left us all stress and was grateful for SSRVM BE to have instilled more patriotic than ever and we will try our best to that quality in her. Dr. Aishvarya Kannan concluded incorporate his learnings in our lives too. her presentation by sharing an experience she had in the hospital with patients who were affected by Chirag Covid-19 which helped us realize the importance of Grade XI, Commerce positivity in life. Finally, she answered questions that the students had regarding her school life and goals. Dr. Aishvarya Kannan lives by “Whatever you do, do it with a 100%” Alena P Vinod Grade XI, Commerce 39

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Students’ Corner Kargil Vijay Diwas My Learning Experience Dr. Raghunath Basavashetty On 26th July, 2021, we got an opportunity to SSRVMBE showcased the National spirit by virtually meet Dr. Raghunath Basavashetty, celebrating Kargil Vijay Diwas even during the who served for Indian army, who had pandemic via online. This event showed witnessed Kargil War and who now is serving National spirit and respect to our soldiers in our nation as a doctor. He is an inspiration to young minds of the students. all of us. He has sacrificed a lot for our country. Dr. Raghunath Basavashetty’s speech on He shared his own experience with us of that Kargil war, his experience with army and in of Kargil war, which helped us to understand Kargil was an eye opener for us and he clearly the obstacles faced by the army during this explained the struggles and sacrifices done by war. He also addressed all our questions. It was our army. a great experience and I learnt a lot about I salute the soldiers and their family. I will be Kargil war. true to our nation and it’s security. The Value I Caught: Behind a victory, there will Thank you SSRVMBE for this wonderful event. be efforts, sacrifices and hard work. Jai hind!!! Dr. Raghunath Basavashetty is a great socialist. Indian army played an important role during H Shree Ashwika, 5H the war. I would like thank all the teachers for SSRVM Bangalore East conducting such a program. Monika KM, 9C SSRVM Bangalor East 40

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Students’ Corner Medha Program My Learning Experience preservation of forests in the Himalayas, first In this Medha Program, we have learnt many as a member of the CHIPKO MOVEMENT in things like different breathing techniques, the 1970s, and later the ANTI-TEHRI DAM sudarshan kriya and suryanamaskar. Our movement starting 1980s. teachers told us to do some breathing He is still relevant today because if not for him techniques before sleeping and chant OM 5 there wouldn't be any environmentalists in times. I tried this and from that day my sleep the country. He showed that we can get was much better than usual. things done through peaceful methods and They even had told us to draw and write some people still continue to follow his ideas. Even sentences from our non-dominant hand. From outside of India people follow his methods. this even our non-dominant hand would We are still fighting against the same issues become strong. They even made us to do he was against all those decades ago. some fun activities and games (building tower Sunderlalji had spoken as the voice of nature. from whatever objects available around us) it He lived for nature and protection. His legacy was very fun. They even taught that, do not let shows the way for the future of humanity, others push your buttons nor we should push mandating living with respect for, and in others buttons. harmony with nature. The value I learnt from this program is that, if Thank you each and everyone one of us learn some breathing techniques and sudarshan kriya it is Mohit S Gujari, 8E very helpful. By doing this, my mind stays calm SSRVM - Bangalore East all the time. I am able to react at different situations. I feel more comfortable and I don't feel stressed. These are the very important values I learnt from this program. Thanks to Ravishankar Guruji and to our teachers who has taught us these wonderful techniques which helps us to keep our mind calm. This program was very helpful for me. I learnt a lot from this program. Sunderlal Bahuguna is a noted Garhwali environmentalist, Chipko movement leader and a follower of Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of Non- violence and Satyagraha. For years he had been fighting for the 41

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Students’ Corner Medha My Learning Experience Program By doing this Medha Yoga program I feel very Jai Gurudev, confident, peaceful and happy. This program not only taught us how to control our emotions I am MV Aditya studying in 8th standard of but also how to stay focused, and calm SSRVM BE. I feel fortunate to study in a school everywhere. It was very nice. It really helped us which fosters value education and I am also in coming forward in our life. This confident grateful to all my teachers. Our school takes up and peaceful nature is not just for few months many activities which help us in the personality or years but will last throughout our life. growth. One such program was Medha Yoga Sanvi - 8A which was conducted from July 19th to July SSRVM Bangalor East 21st. ¤We learnt few breathing techniques and I am Aanya Agarwal of class 8C. I am studying Sudarshan kriya. in SSRVM Bangalore East. I am blessed to be ¤Ujjay breathing learning in a school where education, sports, ¤Candle blowing breathing and meditation are equally valued. All the ¤Basthrika students dauntlessly can share their feelings. We also played fun games which motivated us My Learning: and taught us life lessons. 1) To concentrate on my work ¤Medha yoga boosted my confidence and 2) Different breathing techniques elevated my energy levels. I am doing the 3) Surya Namaskar breathing techniques learnt everyday as 4) Giving importance to oneself advised by our yoga trainers, Mani sir, Gauri 5) To be crisp and clear ma'am, Yashaswini ma'am and Pavithra 6) To control anxiety issues ma'am. 7) Improved creativity and leadership skills Now I am able to concentrate more and focus 8) Ways to improve immunity in my studies and I am giving my 100% in 9) Understand the positive side of each whatever I do. situation (just like the two sides of a coin) I was able to grab much important AV Aditya, 8B information. This session was enthralling. SSRVM Bangalore East I realized that each one of us is talented in our own way. I look forward to such programs in the future. Aanya Agarwal, 8C SSRVM Bangalore East 42

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Special Educator Corner A special education ensures the involvement of 10 Benefits of Reading parents to make the learning more meaningful Aloud to Children for students. The special educator collaborates closely with teachers and parents to foster the ¤Builds vocabulary learning of students. At SSRVM BE we have a ¤Improves reading comprehension special educator to help and guide the students ¤Promotes empathy in helping them to perform better. ¤Reduces empathy Reading is the heart of Education. ¤Reduces stress Reading is the most important activity every ¤Boosts brain development family should have as a part of their daily ritual. ¤Exposes children to different While reading aloud to a child, he/she gets familiarized with all the beginning and ending experiences sounds, syllables, blending that make up the ¤Increases chances of later success words which will help the child to read and ¤Helps develop communication understand easily as they grow. Babies Learn to Recognize Words in the Womb. Reading skills habits ideally starts even before the baby is ¤Builds self-esteem born which helps the baby to recognize words. ¤Deepens family connections By reading aloud, the child's brain gets used to the words and is ready to associate reading as a pleasure activity. Ms. Abirami Umasankar Special Educator SSRVM Bangalore East 43

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Guest Speakers’ Corner Importance of Guru in Life Guru is Aspiration, Guru is our Inspiration!!!! was well explained. It was indeed a blessing The session began with the explanation of that children were given a wonderful Guru's importance in one's life. Mrs. Gayathri opportunity by Gurudev to learn about Anand, our guest speaker of the day explained Sudarshan Kriya at such a young age. how Guru helps us to become a better person. Chinmudra and its importance was also Mother – Our first guru -- gave us life and explained in the session. Mrs. Gayatri taught us the basic discipline that we all need concluded the session with a wonderful to follow to have a better life. Teachers play an rendition of a bhajan “Guru om Guru, Namo important role in everyone's life. They inspire Namah…”. Children joined in presenting the the students to give their best. Lord Krishna -- bhajan to Gurudev as a mark of respect and 'Jagat Guru', where Jagat means the 'entire for helping them discover their inner self!!!! world' and Guru means spiritual master who removes darkness. The importance of Guest Speaker - Mrs. Gayatri Anand Bhagavad Gita and also about Sudarshan Kriya Guru Purnima On 24th July SSRVM BE organized a session on sutras among other holy books. The students the importance of Guru in our life to mark the worship their spiritual Gurus (Teachers or occasion of Guru Purnima. The session was Gods) on this day and thank them for headed by our Guest Speaker Mr. Sailesh imparting their knowledge for living a happy Kumar. He began the speech with an apt life. The audience were then presented the explanation of the term Guru. What does Guru teachings of Dronacharya, a master skilled at mean? The term 'Gu' in Guru stands for military arts. Dronacharya was capable of darkness, and 'Ru' means removal of darkness. teaching warfare tactics to Pandavas and Thus, a guru is someone who removes all Kauravas. But it was Arjuna who became the darkness from our lives. God has given the first star pupil due to his concentration and importance to Guru because he alone has the perseverance skills. The famous bird-eye test ability to reform a person with proper of Dronacharya helped Arjuna to identify his guidance. The session was informative with goal and to be steadfast in achieving that the lessons from the life of Kabir Das – a great goal. Guidance from a guru helps a person to Indian Mystic poet who was strongly identify his goal and proceed towards influenced by his teacher. A Guru teaches us to achieving it. In our lives, our parents are our identify the good and bad in our life. He will first gurus. The session concluded with a guide us to choose the correct path. He message to the students on the respect and explained the reason for celebrating Guru dedication to be shown towards teachers and Purnima. It is a day to pay respect to our learning. teachers. Maharishi Ved Vyasa's birthday is commemorated on this day. He wrote - The Guest Speaker- Mr. Sailesh Kumar epic Mahabharata, 18 puranas and the Brahma 44

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Guest Speakers’ Corner Doctors Day On July 17, 2021, SSRVM-BE invited Dr. Aishvarya Kannan - a part of our alumni to the Alumni talks. She spoke about the Covid 19 virus. Though we are aware about the facts of this virus, we did not get a chance to know about the virus in detail. She gave a holistic view of this virus and explained in detail how the human body is affected. Some of our existing students also were curious to know more about her and her profession. She answered all their questions patiently. The school is very proud and elated to have such students as part of our Alumni. Guest Speaker- Dr. Aishvarya Kannan Kargil Vijay Diwas “If death strikes before I prove my blood, I Guest Speaker- Dr. Raghunath Basavashetty swear I'll kill death”, said Param Veer Chakra recipient, Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey. It was a great learning experience for the On July 26, 2021, SSRVM Bangalore East students and they were indeed blessed to celebrated Kargil Vijay Diwas virtually with a have been part of the guest lecture. They took lot of enthusiasm and zest. The Kargil war was home a valuable lesson-- “There is no an armed conflict between India and Pakistan alternative to hard work” as part of their that took place in May 1999 and lasted for learning. three months. The attack happened in the Kargil district of Kashmir and also at many places along the Line of Control (LOC). Dr. Raghunath Basavashetty, one of the bravehearts from the Kargil war, addressed students on this historic day. He motivated the children to work with utmost dedication and determination. His inspiring words gave the students new hope and zeal to pursue their dreams. An interactive session was held for the students to satisfy their curiosity about Kargil war. Dr Raghunath was gracious to answer their queries and satisfy their thirst for knowledge. 45

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Teachers’ Corner Doctors – - The Real Warriors Doctors are the personification of God on Earth!!!!! Doctors are living God, who heal the patients from pain. Every day, these selfless warriors give their best and full-time support to those under their care, while cutting themselves off from their families and loved ones. They sacrifice their personal lives for the safety and welfare of the public. Their efforts are priceless and deserve lifelong gratitude from our end. Dear Doctors, we are so lucky to have you! You are our pillar of support in all our tough times. Thank you for being the dedicated, thoughtful, and compassionate souls that you are! We appreciate your efforts for constantly fighting the invisible enemy around the world. You are the real warriors!!!! Ms. Vichithra P V Facilitator Pre-Primary Teacher SSRVM Bangalore East 46

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E July 2021 Teachers’ Corner In memory of my dearest teacher, who inspires me…. The ringing of the bell, standing in queue, assembly, She gave me the most valuable gifts which I can proclamation, investiture ceremony, concert never lose… the basic disciplinary values and I owe (annual day celebration) etc.… The one-minute them all to her. freeze bell… Once the bell rang each and every one Her words inspired each one of us. The most would stand in the same place without moving motivating words were “Only if you aim for the including the teachers and the helpers. All are stars, you'll reach the clouds one day”. She taught beautiful memories that take me back to my all her students to have the courage to fight till we childhood days…. the Gul mohar tree, watching it reached our aim. bloom from the classroom after exams in March was I would like to share some memories/incidents a treasure to our eyes. “My childhood, my school which helped me to become a good and well- and dear Sister Andrea”. I proudly remember my disciplined person even today. Me and my friends alma mater, St. Joseph's Convent, my mentor, and broke a glass cupboard in our last year of school. Sister Andrea. We were sent to her office, she asked us what I was fortunate and privileged that I had a happened and we owned up to our mistake and headmistress like Sister Andrea, of SJC, The lady told the truth to her that we were tickling each other who ruled with an Iron hand for all the 11 years I and we fell on it. To our surprise she let us go studied there. Sister Andrea achieved quietly what without any further questions. We could not believe many other legends strive to do - she influenced that we got away without any scolding. She taught generations of students - not by any populist me the courage to be honest and to be true no means, or just academics, but by molding strong matter what!!!!! individual personalities. Her teaching, We got an opportunity to teach some children of St perseverance, courage, hard work, constancy of Anthony School in our neighbourhood that helped purpose, faith and the pursuit of excellence are me learn the joy of looking beyond the self and the some of the qualities that I look upon in my life. She joy of giving. I learnt life's most important lesson – also taught empathy by caring for the Compassion from my dear Sister Andrea. underprivileged and through the joy of sharing. We were giving a farewell to our seniors and we had Batch after batch of students quaked in fear in her planned a skit - Candid Camera. Our plan was to presence, but by some strange osmosis, we learnt to create havoc in the hall at the end of the act, after respect the values that she believed in. which Sister Andrea would come up on stage and She was a strict disciplinarian and an scold the audience. Then we announced that 'they uncompromising coach, unfailingly impartial. If were all on Candid Camera'. We asked Sister if she better was possible, good was never enough. would be a part of this plan. She agreed and pulled Whether it be school sports, celebrations, feast it off so well. It was a super ending and received days, or even just an assembly - no matter how small huge applause. the events were, she would always insist on perfection and creativity. She taught me grace (a Contd... very rare commodity today), honesty and courage – her natural traits that she magically imprinted onto the students. 47

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