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SSRVM eMagazine DECEMBER 2021

Published by itdesign.ssrvmbe, 2022-02-26 03:16:28

Description: SSRVM eMagazine DECEMBER 2021


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SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner 2022 PLANNER TO MAKE A BETTER LIFE Healthy habits for a healthy life : Using a planner allows us to schedule each event, much-needed break from our hectic life. So, appointments and tasks, so that we know what to whenever possible, go for a short or long trip expect and don't run out of time. Set specific due (keeping COVID safety guidelines in mind). dates and deadlines for everything to help us to stay Sixth, amid your busy schedules, don't forget those on track, and have extra time left for ourselves and who are dear to you. Be it your parents, other family our family. The most obvious way is to have an members, or friends—keeping in touch with dear inspirational quote or some powerful slogan written ones is extremely imperative. in your planner which will motivate you to do the Seventh, everything that looks hunky-dory on social work correctly. By breaking up your big, wonderful media may not be the same in real life. Try to world just as though you would break up your big, demarcate between one's highlight reels and reality wonderful goals, into manageable pieces. These and let go of 'social media validation' for everything pieces get easily organized into your planner, to keep you do in life. everything together and running smoothly. Eighth, explore those fields which you never knew about. How about learning a new language, There's no doubt that the pandemic has taken a toll exploring pottery, gymnastics, reading your over our lives, but that does not mean that we stop favourite authors again, time for video games, living our lives to the fullest. Don't constrain yourself painting or sketching. Try to learn more and grow as to the disasters of 2020/2021, think big, open your an individual. Don't stop yourself from what you mind to hope & stand stronger for 2022. 2022 is the know already, but put yourself in challenging perfect time to make a commitment to become situations. healthy, physically and mentally instead of making a Ninth, the kind of company we keep matters a lot bunch of overenthusiastic New Year resolutions (that since their thoughts and energies often reflect on we end up feeling bad about it later). Seize the how we begin to perceive things. Hence, it is crucial opportunity to revamp our lifestyle to be healthier all that we stay away from people with negative year round. Even small changes can lead to a thoughts as much as possible and let only positivity refreshing change over time. be contagious. Here are some habits to inculcate in 2022 to make it Tenth, Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present your best and healthiest year! at the moment and see positive results in our daily First, motivate yourself to be productive every day lifestyle, like reduced stress, anxiety and depressive which requires you to care for yourself first. It's not symptoms. Try incorporating this technique into limited to just how you look but also how you feel. your lifestyle this year. Focus on your mental well-being as much as your As we cross over to the next year, we may not be physical well-being. able to leave COVID-19 completely behind, but we Second, Hydration is extremely important at all times! could take better care of our health, while not Make it a point to drink at least eight to ten glasses of having to step out to do so.It's 2022! A new year! But water daily. that doesn't mean everything has to start on the go, Third, Exercising for a specific amount of time every right now. Every day is a new day, so cut yourself day will keep those unwanted calories at bay. You can some slack, as it's absolutely okay to start slow and incorporate this habit in your morning routine or build up the pace as the days pass by.Take a pledge evening routine, according to your schedule. to make 2022 the best year of your life. Fourth, your body needs at least eight hours of sleep to regain its strength after being active for the whole Ms. Rima Paria day. Regardless of how busy your schedule is, make Facilitator sure you catch good sleep at night. SSRVM Bangalore East Fifth, Travelling is a beautiful therapy that gives us a 48

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner ROLE OF CITIZEN IN CONTROLLING POLLUTION Some 25 years ago, most of us knew that sound, air ¤Using reusable water bottles instead of throw- and water pollution were the most common forms aways of pollution in the world around us. Accordingly, ¤Automatically turning off lights when not in use our efforts were also directed towards reducing ¤Implementing water and energy conservation noise, smoke from vehicles and the like. practices Just as plastic, thermocol etc can pollute our water ¤Reducing the use of water and chemical inputs; and air, land too could be directly or indirectly ¤Adoption of less environmentally harmful polluted by their use, affecting our food chain as pesticides or cultivation of crop strains with natural well. resistance to pests The fact is that each of us is responsible for the Environmental citizenship is the idea that we all present environmental situation and therefore, should take responsibility must take responsibility to bring about a change in for how we interact with the environment. There that situation. are many ways of doing this. Pollution prevention approach: Another way that you can engage in good Pollution prevention is any practice that reduces, environmental citizenship is to keep eliminates, or prevents pollution at its source. waste down to a minimum in your home. The key Pollution prevention approaches can be applied to to this is to reduce, all potential and actual pollution-generating reuse and recycle. activities, including those found in the energy, Reduce: Reduce the number of materials and agriculture, federal, consumer and industrial goods you consume. This might mean limiting the sectors. Prevention practices are essential for number of purchases you make in the first place. preserving wetlands, groundwater sources and Do you really need another bottle of nail polish, or other critical ecosystems examples of reducing another pair of black shoes? To determine your pollution practices include: true needs and avoid impulse buys, try the three- ¤Modifying a production process to produce less day rule: if you want to buy something non- waste essential, wait three days. If you're still thinking ¤Using non-toxic or less toxic chemicals as about it three days later, then you can buy it. More cleaners, degreasers and other maintenance than likely, you will have forgotten about it. chemicals Reuse: Reusing is the act of taking old items that you might consider throwing away and finding a new use for them. Get the most mileage out of the materials you encounter. Jars from grocery store foods can be used to store leftovers or to take lunch to work. Use old clothing as cleaning rags. Sometimes materials can be reused by other people. Working computers and parts can often be donated to community centres or charitable organizations. Clothing can often be donated and given a second life. Recycle: This is probably the most well-known and well-understood of the 3 Rs. If you have recycling pick-up services, you will be familiar with recycling 49

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner ROLE OF CITIZEN IN CONTROLLING APPLE SPINACH YUMMY (JUICE) POLLUTION Contd... paper, plastic and metal materials. These Ingredients: - 250 grams materials are carefully processed at TC Recycling. Spinach finely chopped -1 The separated and processed materials will later Apple finely chopped - 50 ml be processed into other goods. Water - ½ tea spoon Resolve to be eco-friendly: Soaked chia seeds - as per taste (Optional) It's actually not too difficult to be eco-friendly. Lemon juice - As per taste The biggest challenge lies in stepping out of your Honey comfort zone and doing things differently. Instead of taking up bigger challenges, let's take Method: baby steps. Today's baby steps will mark the ¤Grind spinach and apple with water. beginning of tomorrow's revolution. ¤Add honey and soaked chia seeds and give it a 1. Always carry a cloth bag in your purse or car good mix. when you step out for ¤Add lemon juice, mix and serve. shopping. 2. Practice bucket baths instead of using the Benefits: shower Gives instant energy. 3. Fix aerators in your taps to reduce water flow Rich in vitamins and minerals. 4. Choose reusable cutlery for parties. Stainless Boosts immunity. steel cutlery renting options are available, in case you need cutlery in large numbers 5. Do not line wet waste bins with newspaper or plastic. There is nothing disgusting about the wet waste bin. Your wet waste bin is like your food plate, whatever you cook for yourself but is not consumed goes into the bucket 6. Use natural soaps so that you and our water sources remain healthy. Less lather needs less water for cleaning and creates less pollution 7. Use reusable containers while buying food and other items like tea, juice etc 8. Carry your own water bottle when you step out. Ms. Richa Agarwal Facilitator SSRVM Bangalore East 50

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Art Teachers’ Corner HOW TO PREPARE BICYCLE WITH BEST OUT OF THE WASTE As a part of 3R's, let us see how to prepare a toy ¤On top of this bridge, take a paper cup and bicycle using old/unwanted materials. stick it with the help of a glue. Materials are Required: ¤Now take the other wheel and mark the 1) Popsicle/Ice cream Sticks Centre. This will be the front part of the bicycle. 2) Paper cups ¤From the Centre, stick 2 popsicles facing 3) Cardboard Pieces upward on the either side of the wheel. 4) Water Colors/ color paper ¤Now to the top, stick another popsicle. This 5) Glue and scissor will be the handle bar of the cycle. 6) Bottle caps ¤To connect the front and back part, take a 7) Decorative items like beads, flower cutouts popsicle and stick one end to the front popsicle etc. and the other to the paper cup at the back. Steps to create a toy bicycle: ¤To make the basket for the cycle, take another ¤Take a cardboard and with the help of bottle paper cup and stick in the front as shown in the cap, cut 3 circle shape cutouts. This will be the picture. wheel. Beautiful toy cycle is ready. It can be used for ¤Now with the help of water colors/color paper storing stationaries. make the wheels and paper cups colorful. ¤Now take a popsicle and stick it as a bridge Ms. Neeraja kota between the two wheels. Art Facilitator, SSRVM Bangalore East 51

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Book Review A Boy Called Dickens facts from his life to find out the true parts and by Deborah Hopkinson fictional parts. This would be a great time for students to read one of Dickens novels, such as This book is different from any book that, I have Oliver Twist or David Copperfield, and to have read before. As the reader, you are pulled along students figure out what parts mirrored his true and encouraged to interact. Often, you are spoken life. Students could research information about to directly as the reader: “Come along, now. We are him to see what sparked or inspired him to write here to search for a boy called Dickens.” Can enter his novels. the world of Charles Dickens' childhood in this This book has beautiful language. The illustrations picture book. The fog and cold of London will are well done and help drive the story by depicting enfold you, along with the smoking chimneys and old London and the difficult childhood Dickens the dankness of the Thames. endured. Many people may be unaware of the Twelve-year-old Dickens worked in Warren's financial struggles Dickens' family faced when he blacking factory, wrapping bottles of blacking for was a boy, since the novelist kept this part of his sale. He entertained the boy next to him with his life a secret for many years. While Hopkinson stories when they could get away with it. Dickens explains in her endnotes that the book is based on worked for ten-hour days and when work is finally actual incidents and pieces that Dickens wrote completed, he is headed home to his tiny attic about his own life, she does emphasize that it is a room where he lived alone. His family was in the work of fiction. Readers will enjoy the overall debtors' prison with only Dickens bringing in any message of the story of a young boy never giving money at all. When his father and family is released up on his dream despite facing many difficult from prison, Dickens' life changes and he is finally obstacles. allowed to go to school. Even though this is a fictional story and not a Ms. Madhumanti Dandapat biography, you could find the articles and true Primary Facilitator, English, SSRVM Bangalore East Cockroach in the Coach and A Pinch of Magic by Asha Nehemiah other stories by Easy Phonics Asha Nehemiah is a popular author for children of This phonic book is great start for the little ones. all age groups. A Pinch of Magic is a very good Children can learn the two, three letter words book. Her stories always provide valuable lesson easily. Pictures are very clear and the teaching in our life. From this story children can develop method is very simple to understand the phonic their emotions. Overall, this is a good story book concept for the small children. Beginners can from where children can learn some good lessons recognize and pronounce words correctly from this of help, care, love and respect. This story can be book. The easy phonics series is carefully designed used as a good way to spend time with kids by to help young children. Phonics and pronunciation doing role play which helps children to develop are clear. Colorful illustration and interesting basic moral values in their life. stories will strengthen the children vocabulary and improve confidence. Ms. Sukanya Primary Facilitator, Ms. Sukanya SSRVM Bangalore East Primary Facilitator, SSRVM Bangalore East 52

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Book Review The book I choose was The Magic of the lost It is a story about animal Hindu mythology. temple by Sudha Murthy. It's a story about a Within Infinite myths lies an eternal truth. twelve-year-old city girl named Nooni who visits Who knows it all? her grandparents in their village. She is a tomboy Varuna has but a thousand eyes. who is brave, determined and very adventurous. Indra, a hundred. Nooni finds new friends and has a great time at the You and I, only two. village. Things turn out to be exciting when Nooni Pashu means animal in Sanskrit. A lot of stumbles upon an ancient, fabled stepwell right in importance is given to animals in Hindu the middle of a forest near her village and goes on mythology. Without them stories of gods, an adventure of a lifetime. demons, humans, and sages are incomplete. I liked this book for many reasons like it always Hindu mythology is full of tales in which animals made - The book kept me guessing on what will play an important role. Some animals are looked happen next. It made me laugh at times, feel sad at upon with fear and dread, while some are times and sometimes with mixed feeling. The worshipped along with gods. Some shape the characters and their conversations were so real. world's fate, while others form eternal bonds with Once you start reading you can't put it down! humans. Where did the animals come from? From The book gives the reader feel of joy while reading. Vishnu's avatars or Shiva's asanas? How was a deer If I rate it, I would give it a 10 / 10 responsible for the events of the Ramayana? Why is Garuda sworn as the enemy of the Nagas? How Geetika S Nair, 5G did a mongoose teach Yudhishthira the true 5G, SSRVM Bangalore East meaning of sacrifice? Devdutt Pattanaik tells many animal stories from ancient texts, with his brand charm and wit, answering all the questions and more in this clearly illustrated book. This book is designed for children with simple language and interesting characters which amuse them. Why does Shiva have a snake coiled around his neck? Why is Laxmi represented by an owl? Who is Vasuki, Takshaka, Agastya, Gandaberunda, Gunakeshi etc.? There are a lot of interesting facts that I bet you did not know. People of all ages will enjoy the book. Harshavardhan N Y 5F, SSRVM Bangalore East 53

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Book Review Anisha Chadha 6A, SSRVM Bangalore East Answer to the riddles 1) A clock. 2) They have 6 children. Each daughter has the same brother. There are 5 daughters and 1 son. 3) A stamp. 4) Popcorn. 5) A keyboard. 54

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Book Review Amritha R 7D, SSRVM Bangalore East 55

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Parents’ Corner Parents’ Feedback Happy with Shashaanka's academic We are happy with the way all the activities are performance and feedback from the teachers. going on. Special reading classes for Kannada Also, the overall curriculum along with extra- and Hindi is a real help. As these are not our curricular activities are commendable. Thank mother tongue, these are helping a lot in you SSRVM BE. improving their skills. Thank you all for your great support. Jai Gurudev!!! Parent of SHASHAANKA P HARITAS 1C Parent of GODA SRI MAITREYI 2A Well organized assessment and revision schedule. Great appreciation to the whole Very happy with the teachers and their team of teachers who managed to conduct teaching methods. Class teacher is giving classes online without any hassles. individual attention and suggestions to improve students' social behaviors. Class Parent of HARSH ROHITH 1E activities and discussions are outside the textbook, which is helping my kid to We are very happy to see our daughter understand the concepts thoroughly. Thank Janani's progress. Online classes are planned you!! and executed at a very excellent level by the teachers. The way you teach small students is Parent of HRITHIKA S MENON 2E very appreciable. Thank you for all your support. Thanks to all teachers and class teacher for their coordination in conducting online classes Parent of JANANI 1G in such a nice way. We are satisfied with the efforts taken by the teachers. Thank you, Extremely happy, with the academics, we see teachers!!! a lot of improvement in Sanvi. The teachers are very nice and they encourage all the children to Parent of RIDDHI GUPTA 2J participate in various activities, which is really very good. Overall, a very good experience. This is a great meeting with the class teacher to know about students' performance Parent of SANVI S 1H academically. This also enables parent to connect with teacher to know about other I am happy that teachers take extra care and aspects and upcoming activities planned by interact with children personally. They ask the the school management. I appreciate all the interest of children and attend them like each sincere effors from the teacher in one is unique. Very good experience in spearheading this interactive meeting. developing the future of my child. Thank you!!! Parent of ANJANA.S 3A Parent of PRABHAV 1I Happy with the online classes and the Thanks to all the teachers, who are trying their teachers' efforts to make the classes level best in creating a strong foundation for innovative and interactive. I applaud the the students. Special thanks to Pooja ma'am reading classes organized by the language and Anitha ma'am. teachers on Saturdays, as it helped to improve Ridhima’s reading skill a lot. Thank you so Parent of NIKA AGGARWAL 2A much. Jai Gurudev!!! Parent of RIDHIMA CHETRI 3H 56

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Parents’ Corner Parents’ Feedback The PTM meeting was conducive and fruitful. Jai Gurudev!!! As always, very happy As of now, the children have utmost clarity with conversing with the class teacher and much the concept and are absolutely fine with the satisfied with comments given by ma'am. Very online sessions during the pandemic. Even happy and satisfied to see progress in children. though we all are going through tough times, Thanks to all the teachers and staff for being so such virtual plans give a common platform for kind and helpful. the teacher and parents to share their thoughts and ideas. Thanks to all the teachers for Parent of V VAISHNAVI 4D executing it in such an approachable and friendly way. Thank you so much. Thank you so much ma'am for all the efforts you are putting for our kid's development. Your Parent of JAYANTIKA PARIA 3F patience and commitment towards our child's improvement is really commendable. Jai Gurudev teachers!! Feeling really great to be a part of SSRVM BE. Even in online class Parent of AARADHYA MEHER 4G teachers give individual attention for all students by questioning them. I have noted My kid is doing good with his online classes. It some teachers take so much time to make is good to having reading classes for Kannada sure, every child understood the concept. and Hindi. We are thankful to Teachers for their Raakesh comes up to us with excitement, support towards the children. Thank you!!! saying he learnt something new after his classes. Thanks to all the teachers for your Parent of RUTHWIK DODLA 4G great efforts. We appreciate all the hard work that have been Parent of RAAKESH 3J put by the teachers for a seamless learning curve. My son enjoys all the sessions and Excellent teachers. Hindi videos are very teachers are helping him in understanding the helpful for revising topics. Kannada notes are concepts thoroughly. also very useful. Conducting extra reading classes for languages is really helpful. Thank Parent of MADHAVAN KARTHICK 4H you so much!!! Parent of SAISAKETH RAVURI 3K We are satisfied with Ananya's progress. Thank you, ma'am, for your support and cooperation for the overall development of Ananya. Appreciating the efforts and hard work of the teachers and management. Parent of ANANYA ANEESH 4A 57

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Proud Moment With immense pride we are happy to announce that our Music facilitator Ms. Krithika Srinivasan is awarded as the “Madurai Shanmukhavadivu Subbulakshmi Sangeet Samman 2021” for bolstering the contours of Musical Intelligence in the field of music. The management and staff congratulate Ms. Krithika for her achievement and wishes her good luck for her future endeavors!!! Congratulations 58

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Proud Moment Winners of Ramayana Festival 2021 With great pride and happiness, we are happy to announce the winners of the Ramayana Festival 2021. Congratulations PRANAV ANANDH, 4G 1st prize in Shloka Chanting - Aditya Hrudayam 3rd prize in Classical Music Under 8 Years to 11 Years Junior Category GAURI J MANOJ, 3F 2nd prize in Shloka Chanting - Aditya Hrudayam Under 8 Years to 10 Years Junior Category SARVAANANTH, 3G 2nd prize in Classical Music Under 8 Years to 11 Years Junior Category MEDHA ULLAS, 2E 2nd prize in Dance Under 5 years to 9 years Junior Category Ramayana Festival 2021 SUNAYA PALASSERI, 8C 3rd Prize in Classical Seniors Category Ramayana Festival 2021 The management and staff congratulate and wish our shining stars for their achievement. All the best for all your future endeavors. 59

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Proud Moment Congratulations Adding feather to the cap, we proudly announce that Mayank Bhat - 4A has received Gold Medal for Bhagavad Gita Parayana. His efforts in learning and completing Sampoorna Bhagavadgeeta from Avadhoota Datta Peetham Mysore was commendable. The management and staff of SSRVM BE congratulate him for chanting all 700 slokas and for receiving gold medal from Pujya Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamy. Best wishes for all your future endeavors. Congratulations Mayank Bhat!!!! 60