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SSRVM eMagazine DECEMBER 2021

Published by itdesign.ssrvmbe, 2022-02-26 03:16:28

Description: SSRVM eMagazine DECEMBER 2021


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SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E November 2021 “Jai Guru Dev” “LIFE GROWS WITH GRATEFULNESS” Beauty has many aspects and gratefulness is one of them. One becomes grateful, when he or she doesn’t feel a sense of lacking. As humans we are never contented with what the divine has given us. Gratefulness comes with knowledge. We, as humans should have that knowledge to feel grateful and happy with whatever the divine has bestowed upon us. When we have faith, life becomes complete. Let us open our eyes and see everything in a positive way with gratefulness. Let us be grateful for this life and have faith, so that our life becomes complete. “Feel grateful for your very existence and all that you have received. This will bring you a flood of prosperity and happiness. ” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar

SSRVM 1 2 Bangalore East 4 6 CONTENT 8 10 Principal's Message 12 Editor’s Corner 13 Experiential Interactive & Joyful Learning 14 Language Development Skills 16 Numeracy Development Skills 17 Cognitive Development Skills 18 Physical & Motor Development Skills 20 Health & Nutrition 22 Arts & Cultural Development Integrated and Cross Curriculum 28 Cooperative & Collaborative Learning 31 Social & Emotional Development Skills 37 360 Degree Assessment 38 Special Assembly & Celebrations Students’ Corner 39 51 ¤Art & Craft activities 52 ¤Articles by students Games Corner 56 Special Educator Corner 58 Teachers’ Corner ¤Views & Experiences ¤Art Teachers corner Book Review Parents’ Corner ¤Parents’ Feedback Proud Moment

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Principal’s Message A REFLECTION WHILE WELCOMING 2022 A humble beginning with just 7 students in 2001 and neither building or ambience to boast of nor the infrastructure requirements, today the institution is running to its optimum capacity of nearly 3,000 students with 3 blocks and world class infrastructure. How was this feat possible since the institution is located away from the city in rural area with no proper access then? It was one conviction in the Methodology that was given by H. H. Sri Sri Ravishankar Gurudev, which brought in the synchronization between the walk and talk. Value based joyful education, experiential learning and inclusive practices have always been our forte while imparting education. 'Broaden the Vision… Deepen the Roots', having such a profound vision helped in adopting the best practices from across the globe as well as strengthening the rich Indian Culture that our country is blessed with. Now, it gives us immense satisfaction to see the Alumni excel with flying colors in every field and build successful careers in an array of profession ranging from doctors, engineers to being a pilot or in hotel management to even walking the ramp as successful models and in directing movies to being a cinematographer. Constant showering of awards and accolades for the outstanding achievements in various categories has ensured that the spirits are maintained high. The institution stands tall where knowledge is revered and is placed on the highest pedestal supported by the pillars of 21st century skills & positive attitude. The foundation is laid strong with honesty, values and ethics. At the core center, heart of the institution is the trust, faith, love, care and compassion towards the human society, environment, our country and to this Universe. Vasudaiva Kutumbakam!!! Dr Reshma Ganesh Founder Principal and Campus Director SSRVM, Bangalore East 1

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Editor’s Corner KEEP GREEN AND KEEP OUR PLANET CLEAN When we say go green, it means to follow the best practices and spread the knowledge that leads to an eco-friendly environment. We are blessed to have this birth as humans, because God has given us the power of taking decisions. As responsible citizens we must work in a collaborative way to take responsible decisions and opt for appropriate lifestyles that helps to protect our environment and sustain its natural resources for us, as well as our future generations. There are a lot of ways to go green. The concept of going green is all about practicing and learning an eco-friendly lifestyle that will help protect the environment and conserve natural resources, biodiversity and habitats. There are variety of reasons to go green, but most come back to supply and demand. We have a limited number of resources available and more and more people using them up. If we want our future generations to enjoy the same standard of living that we've experienced, we need to take proper measures to sustain the thought of making world a better place to live. Ways to make the world a better place for living: Implementing green practices into your home or office can help reduce waste, conserve natural resources, improve the quality of air and water. We also have to follow some proper ways to protect ecosystems and biodiversity. Taking a step toward preserving green energy and other eco-friendly living techniques will help us make a positive environmental impact and allow us to lead a healthier life. Educating ourselves on the best ways to follow an eco-friendly lifestyle is a great way to begin this new healthy chapter in our life. Here are few advantages of GOING GREEN 1. Reduces Environmental Pollution 2. Reduces Energy Costs 3. Conserves Natural Resources 4. It's Economical 5. Leads a Healthier Life 6. Creates a Self-Awareness in Children 7. Better community in your community It is possible to go green wherever you may be, at home, workplace, community, public spots etc... The home is the easiest place to initiate/start a go green campaign, with every family member being conscious over their carbon footprint imposition. Here are few ways which can be followed at home to conserve nature. 1. Turn Off the Tap: Shutting off the water while brushing your teeth will save about 2,000 gallons a year. Turning off the shower when lathering up or shampooing will save even more. The typical showerhead gushes up to 5 gallons per minute. 2. Recycle Electronics: Cell phones, laptops, tablets, and other electronics contain toxic materials including lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can leach into the environment if not disposed of properly. Earth911 or Call2Recycle are some organizations that work in collecting old electronics to be refurbished, resold or recycled. We should also work on ways to get rid of some electronics, including selling or trading them, if they're in good condition. Contd... 2

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Editor’s Corner - Contd... 3. Plant a simple backyard garden : By growing our own vegetables, we can eat more healthy food deprived of pesticides. Even a small container garden will help save on trips to the store and packaging materials. Make sure to buy low- maintenance plants that don't need lots of water... 4. Switch your light bulbs to energy efficient types : One of the simplest ways to reduce energy consumption is to switch lights off when you leave a room. If it's sunny outside, open up the blinds and make use of natural light instead. Turn off all the electronic appliances when not in use. 5. Create a homemade compost bin : Instead of dumping leftover food elsewhere, add it to the kitchen compost bin. Your fruit waste will also go into the bin as part of the content to be regularly emptied into a composter. 6. Stop using disposable bags. Get some reusable bags : Plastic carry bags are affecting our environment by using fossil fuels for production and transportation, and by causing a great amount of pollution after it's use. You can help reduce pollution and save the environment by using cloth bags. 7. Use reusable water bottle, and stop buying plastic disposable bottles : Recently plastic pollution has been a big problem. Only 12% of all the plastic bottles were recycled and the rest of them are settled either in landfill or the in the ocean. For instance, last year 22 billion plastic bottles were in the landfills and 8 million metric tons of plastic were in the ocean. It would take about 1000 years for a plastic bottle to decompose, and in the meantime, plastic pollutes its surrounding environment. Due to plastic pollution, 100 thousand marine animals are killed each year. 8. Even better, walk or ride a cycle for closer places : Bicycles require less materials to manufacture. In addition, riding a bicycle is a pollution free activity that requires no fuel. Vehicles require fuel, put out nasty fumes, and require more resources to manufacture. So let us take the initiative of using cycle or prefer walking to create a pollution free environment. 9. Think twice before you buy anything. Avoid unnecessary buying : However, a new study conducted by researchers from the University of Arizona found that buying green isn't necessarily the best bet for consumers. Instead, they say that buying less overall proved to be better for both the environment and consumers' happiness. The less we consume, the less damage we will do to the environment. Reducing your consumption is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and take a political stance by rejecting our consumerist culture. 10. Collect rainwater, and use it to water your houseplants and garden : The rainwater that falls on your roof and property is essentially free. All it takes is a method to harvest it into a tank or cistern for later use. While rainwater can be a perfect primary water source for many uses and situations, it is also a great backup to water supply for emergency situations. We abuse land because, we regard it as a commodity belonging to us, but when we see land as a community to which we belong, we begin to use it with love and respect. As citizens, let us all take accountability of saving our mother Earth and follow all possible ways to keep it GO GREEN… Ms. Vishnupriya & Ms. Varshini Facilitator, SSRVM, Bengaluru East 3

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Experiential, Interactive and Joyful Learning In interactive learning, students are given opportunities to participate in the classroom activities using various modes like technologies, being part of group activities, discussions or debates to help them get hands-on experiences on the knowledge gained. At SSRVM BE, we create interactive learning environments for students to experience their learning outcomes. Pre-Primary Grade-5 Students performed an activity in the class by using vinegar, baking soda and balloon to observe the production of carbon dioxide gas. Our tiny tots learnt about various seasons, seasonal Grade-7 fruits and vegetables; dresses used for each season etc. in detail. They were also part of many art and craft Students were explained about various chemical activities related to seasons. reactions. Examples of different chemical reactions were shown and discussed in detail. Grade 6 To make students understand electric cell and its function, students were asked to show an electric cell and to observe its ends. 4

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Experiential, Interactive and Joyful Learning Grade- 8 Grade-9 As a part of Subject Enrichment activity, students had to demonstrate law of conservation of energy using any model. This activity helped to promote scientific temperament and creative skills. As a part of experiential learning students were asked to test and demonstrate in class different samples of liquids as electrolytes and non-electrolytes. This activity emphasized on the development of scientific temperament. Grade- 6 Ohms law experiment was conducted as a part of term 2 syllabus, to enable students understand the concept of resistance and its dependence on different factors. 5

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Language Development Skills Literacy skills provide a strong foundation as it helps students to be more proficient, expressive and confident. In addition, other developmental tasks are also linked with language development skills. At SSRVM BE, literature response activities are a part of our curriculum which help students improve their language skills. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Storytelling is a creative form of expression, where imagination is translated into words. With the help of the life story of M.S.Dhoni children were given inputs on collaborative teamwork. Our PP children learnt phonic sounds, rhymes and formation of letters from A to Z to improve their language skills. Grade 2 Grade-3 As a part of the Inspirational Story Series, Story of Rabindranath Tagore (The Bard of Bengal) was narrated during the assembly. Children were made aware that Tagore is revered across the world for his remarkable contribution in the field of literature, music and art. Storytelling is a creative form of expression, where imagination is translated into words. With the help of the life story of M.S.Dhoni children were given inputs on collaborative teamwork. 6

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Language Development Skills Grade- 4 Grade-5 Students were involved in an activity, wherein, they changed verb to participles and framed sentences using the same. As a part of the Inspirational Story Series, based on the theme GREAT MUSICIAN : M S Subbulakshmi’s life story was narrated. Children understood that M.S is a name that is synonymous with the world of Carnatic music. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Students were introduced to the Students shared poems written in the concept of Email and the importance theme of nature. of digital communication. To make learning more experiential, they wrote Grade-10 a mail to their friend by following the email format. Grade- 9 9£Éà vÀgÀUÀwAiÀÄ «zÁåyðUÀ½UÉ r¸ÉA§gï wAUÀ½£À°è “ºÀgÀ°Ã¯É” JA§ UÀzÀå¨sÁUÀPÉÌ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀAvÉ ZÀlĪÀnPÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÉÊUÉÆüÀî¯ÁVvÀÄÛ. ªÀÄPÀ̽UÉ EµÀÖªÁVgÀĪÀÅ ¥ÉæÃPÀëtÂAiÀÄ ¸ÀܼÀPÉÌ ¨sÉÃn ¤ÃrgÀĪÀ C£ÀĨsÀªÀzÀ §UÉÎ vÀgÀUÀwAiÀÄ°è ZÀað¸À¯Á¬ÄvÀÄ. 7

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Numeracy Development Skills Numeracy is the knowledge of skills, behaviors and disposition that students need in order to use mathematics in a wide range of situations. At SSRVM BE, our students are part of many activities that creates a strong foundation on numeracy skills. This allows them to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by taking informed decisions. Pre-Primary Grade-5 To reinforce the concept of measurement, students measured the quantity of the ingredients in grams/liters used for preparing their favorite dish. Our PP children learnt numbers from 51 to 70 through various activities like bundling, car activity and leaf activity for before and after numbers. They also practiced missing numbers with the help of jumping frog activity. Children learnt writing numbers from 0 to 30. Grade 6 Grade-7 An activity on exponents was conducted wherein, students made a paper folding activity. To reinforce the concept of angles, students were involved in an activity where they measured the angles for each alphabet of their name. 8

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Numeracy Development Skills Grade- 8 Grade-9 An Activity on surface areas and volumes of some 3D shapes were done. Students also calculated the Surface areas and Volumes of their objects using the relevant formulas. SEA - Students measured circumference and diameter of different size bangles and made a tabular format. Grade- 10 As a part of subject enrichment activity, students were asked to make patterns using paper strips which were in AP and derived the formula to find the sum. 9

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Cognitive Development Skills Cognitive development refers to mental capacity. It helps in problem solving, language acquisition, learning about objects and to understand the relation between cause and effect. At SSRVM BE, activities are conducted, to foster the cognitive skills of our students. Pre-Primary Grade-1 Quizzes were organized using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Children enjoyed the games and performed well. In the month of December, our tiny tots were introduced to black and white colors. Children identified different objects related to the color. Grade 2 Grade-5 Students solved worksheets and online quizzes based on the lessons taught in the month. This is to assess their comprehending skills. Quizzes were organized using ICT tools during online classes for the cognitive development of students. Children enjoyed the games and performed well. 10

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Cognitive Development Skills Grade- 6 Grade-7 Students solved worksheets based on the lessons taught in the month. This is to assess their comprehending skills. Students were given worksheets based on lessons taught in the month. This is to assess their grasping skill based on their learning Grade- 8 Grade- 9 Grade- 10 Students solved worksheets based on A worksheet on the chapter Russian A worksheet on the chapter the lessons taught in the month. This is Revolution was given to students. Agriculture was given to students. Peer evaluation was done for the to assess their comprehending skills. worksheet. 11

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Physical and Motor Development Skills Physical well-being and motor development are important aspects of a child’s overall development. Their future health, and well-being is related to the development of their large and small muscle groups. At SSRVM BE, recreational activities and regular exercises are conducted to help students remain fit and active. Pre-Primary Grade-1 At SSRVM BE, to ensure that children maintain good health and a calm mind, physical exercises were performed. Our children practiced different types of gross motor skill exercises with the help of video made by teachers and performed the same during our interactive sessions. Grade- 6 Grade- 9 Grade- 10 At SSRVM BE, to ensure that children Rules of football and soccer were Activities like Memory games, maintain good health and a calm shared with the students to know Meaning of Sports Training were mind, physical exercises were performed. about the game in detail. conducted. 12

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Health and Nutrition Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Adequate nutrition is one of the important factors that influence good health, immunity and better growth. At SSRVM BE, we conduct regular health sessions, activities related to healthy habits to make students understand the importance of good health and nutrition. Pre-Primary Grade-5 As a part of the culinary club, students prepared Healthy Oreo Bread Cake. Students showcased their creativity by decorating the cake with gems, Choco chips, cream etc. As a part of inculcating healthy and nutritional food habits, the importance of milk, different milk products and its advantages were discussed. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Students of grade 6 were involved in Students of grade 7 were involved Students prepared some chatpata chaat a group discussion where, they in a group discussion. They shared mixture with different veggies shared their views about the their views about the advantages advantages and disadvantages of and disadvantages of junk food. remembering the nutritional value of junk food. each of them. 13

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Arts and Cultural Development Art helps to develop students’ self-esteem, aesthetic sense, creativity etc. It provides them an opportunity to improve their emotional balance and help students to work as a team. At SSRVM BE, activities and field trips are organized to boost students’ creativity and connect with art and culture. Pre-Primary Grade-1 A virtual tour to Hampi Temple was organized to help students understand the importance of art and culture. At SSRVM, children performed different art activities involving Origami Snowman, Raincoat, Beach, Reindeer and Santa cap. They also learnt how to use Atta dough to make flower. Grade 2 Grade-5 Children were involved in making greeting cards for the festive season.. Students displayed their creativity and interest for Art & Craft. A virtual tour to Hampi Temple was organized to help students understand the importance of art and culture. 14

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Arts and Cultural Development Grade- 6 Grade-7 Students of grade 7 were oriented in detail about the different size, shape and structure of birds in their art classes. Children were involved in making greeting cards for the festive season. Students displayed their creativity and interest for Art & Craft. Grade- 8 Grade- 9 Grade- 10 Students of grade 8 were oriented In order to make a good portrait is Mithila Painting art is a style of Indian about African Tribal Art in detail. very essential to understand the mood painting practiced in the Mithila region and expression of the model. of India and Nepal. 15

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Integrated and Cross Curriculum The key benefit of integrated and cross curriculum is the ability for students to process their knowledge gained in multiple ways. It provides a deeper understanding of content by combining various streams. At SSRVM BE, interdisciplinary approach is practiced to provide students an opportunity to learn and apply skills in meaningful context. Pre-Primary Grade-5 Art was integrated with Math to understand the concept of 'Line of Symmetry'. Students showcased their drawing skills and identified the line of symmetry for the same. Our little one's enjoyed making trees of different season using handprint and flowers in different colour dots with earbuds as a part of integrated approach. Grade- 8 Grade- 9 Grade-10 History-As a part of SEA students had to Students studied about different dams As a part of cross curriculum student explain the history of electroplating. and related them with respect to the were asked to prepare a PPT on They discussed the electroplating amount of energy produced and the methods used in Bronze Age, Roman amount of power produced. Students monuments which is built by same Period, Medieval Period etc. also mentioned about the conservation pattern. of energy in a Hydel Power Plant. 16

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Cooperative and Collaborative Learning In cooperative and collaborative learning, students work face to face and learn to work as a team. Students share their views, ideas, suggestions etc. while working in small groups. At SSRVM BE, group activities are conducted as it helps students to develop their interpersonal skills. Grade- 5 Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Students presented their thoughts Students of grade 6 presented a group A debate was conducted on the topic on vitamins, fruits and vegetables skit, wherein one group acted 'Impact of British rule on Indian culture and the right time to eat. Through this activity students learned the as Dhamma Mahamatta and the other and Local for Vocal'. Students did importance of fruits in a cooperative group as people of Kalinga. research on topics and presented it in way. front of the class. Grade- 8 Grade- 9 Grade- 10 Students showed various electroplated Group activities were conducted on Students discussed on the topic objects and discussed the Surface areas and Volumes to reinforce ‘Various Allotropes of Carbon’ such as application of electroplating in the topic. diamond, graphite and fullerene. automobiles, aerospace metal plating, Cooperative learning motivates them to cutleries etc. help one another in learning process. 17

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Social and emotional learning (SEL) helps students to work on setting their goals. It helps them to build positive relationships. At SSRVM BE, we organize personal interaction sessions and team building activities to help students to work on their interpersonal skills and to build their self-esteem. Pre-Primary Grade-1 To bring awareness among the children on bullying, our Health and Wellness Officer Ms.Shraddha and Ms.Sushama Pillai conducted a session to build their social and emotional skills. At SSRVM, prayers and bhajans play a major role in increasing emotional intelligence of children and developing relationships with peer group and facilitators. Grade 2 To bring awareness among the children on bullying, our Health and Wellness Officer Ms.Shraddha and Ms.Sushama Pillai conducted a session to build their social and emotional skills. 18

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Social and Emotional Development Skills Grade-8 During Class Teacher's Period, the teacher dedicates some quality time with an aim to understand the child in a better way. Grade- 9 Grade-10 Considering the present scenario class teacher dedicates some quality time with an aim to understand the child in a better light and to give them an opportunity to speak about their concerns if any . Class teacher’s period is conducted to have more interaction with the students. This also helps the students to discuss about their problems to the teacher. 19

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 360 Degree Assessment ‘Assessment is the engine which drives student learning…’ At SSRVM BE, we follow 360-degree assessment as it is a great tool for self-improvement and self-awareness. Through these assessments students can understand their strength and weakness. Students also get an opportunity to contemplate their strategies for better learning and understanding. Pre-Primary Grade-1 As a part of 360-degree assessment, various online quizzes and live worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children. Our children participated in Science fair and presented their topics using experiments or 3D projects. This helped in their overall development. Grade 2 Grade-3 NEP 2020 focusses on overall development of students and therefore emphasizes 360-degree assessment. A Formative Assessment was conducted to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children. As a part of 360-degree assessment, various online quizzes and live worksheets were designed to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children. 20

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 360 Degree Assessment Grade- 4 Grade-5 Assessment is a key component as it help students to gauge their learning and motivate them to do better. NEP 2020 focusses on overall development of students and therefore emphasizes 360-degree assessment. A Formative Assessment was conducted to assess the learning and understanding of concepts in children. Grade- 6 Grade- 7 Grade- 8 Assessment help students to identify Assessment help students to identify Assessment results provide contextual ways to make their learning better. ways to make their learning better. insights and can open constructive Subjective and objective assessments conversations about strengths and Subjective and objective were conducted to help students possible areas of improvement that assessments were conducted to help can directly impact student learning. students enhance their preparations. enhance their preparations. Grade- 9 Grade-10 360 Degree assessment was conducted for students which helps them to prepare well for their public exams. The value in a 360-degree assessment tool for education comes from its inherent lack of bias, offering a thorough, wholesome evaluation of student's performance from various perspectives. 21

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations National Pollution Control Day National Pollution Control Day is observed annually on December 2nd in memory of the people who lost lives during 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy. It is also the day to raise awareness about the hazards of air pollution. Children were oriented about how they could control pollution and guide others by their actions to make our environment pollution free. 22

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Indian Navy Day Navy Day is observed on 4th December every year to commemorate the launch of Operation Trident against Pakistan during the 71' Indo-Pak War. Children were made aware that the Indian Navy is a well-balanced three- dimensional force, capable of operating above, on, and under the surface of the oceans and safeguarding our national interests. Its objective is also to improve its circumstances in the Indian Ocean Zone. The theme of 2021 Indian Navy Day is 'Swarnim Vijay Varsh' signifying 50 years of India's victory in the Indo- Pakistan war that took place in 1971. 23

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations National Energy Conservation Day The National Energy Conservation Day is observed on December 14th, every year by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). The day focuses on making people aware of global warming and climate change and promotes efforts towards saving energy resources. To create awareness in students about the significance of Energy Conservation, Ms. Jayshree Vadhyar, an Associate Research Scientist and parent of our Grade-3 student conducted an interactive session with students during the assembly. 24

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations National Mathematics Day “Mathematics gives us hope that every problem has a solution.” Every year, December 22nd is celebrated as National Mathematics Day in India in honor of mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). The celebrations were announced by the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at Madras University in 2012. At SSRVM BE, Mathematics day was celebrated with a lot of zest and enthusiasm. Children were exposed to few mathematical tricks and puzzles. 25

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Kisan Diwas “Farming looks mighty easy when your plough is a pencil and you're a thousand miles from the corn field.” They, who go through the struggle, know the best about the efforts put behind farming. National farmers’ day, or Kisan Diwas, is celebrated across the country on December 23rd to honor India’s farmers and mark the birth anniversary of the nation’s fifth Prime Minister, Choudhary Charan Singh. In 2001, the Government decided to recognize Choudhary Charan Singh’s contribution to the agriculture sector and welfare of farmers by celebrating his birth anniversary as Kisan Diwas. This day is celebrated mainly for urban people to realize the contribution of farmers to the economy. At SSRVM BE, Kisan Diwas was celebrated with a lot of zest and enthusiasm. Students understood the importance of farming. 26

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Special Assembly and Celebrations Christmas and Helper’s Day Celebration Christmas is a wonderful and holy festival that spreads bliss and happiness all over the world. The Christian community joins together to celebrate this blissful day with most of their respect and honor. Christmas is celebrated everywhere as a joyful family affair. We too, at SSRVM celebrated Christmas as a happy time for our children. Our little children presented various carols, dance performances and spoke about the significance of the day through virtual platform. Santa too made a grand entry through the virtual platform. Christmas is a time to give and share. On this joyous occasion we also celebrated helper’s day. The day was dedicated to each and every helper to make them feel special and show that they are indispensable part of the institution. 27

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Crafts 28

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Crafts Adya Hegde Athira Dinesh 1A, SSRVMBE 1D, SSRVMBE Navya Apte 2D, SSRVMBE 29

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Students’ Corner Art & Crafts Rian Goswami Anaya Sharma 3D, SSRVMBE 5E, SSRVMBE Shreya J 4B, SSRVMBE Krisha S 6G, SSRVMBE Tejas Roshan 6E, SSRVMBE 30

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Students’ Corner AN ESSAY ON HOW STUDENTS CAN SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT “Environment provides bliss to people leading their life perfectly. Rivers bliss us with sacred water and provide us health, night, morning, vegetation. Sun bliss us with peaceful life. Our cows provide us milk.” Nature…. where do these refills go? They go to a trash dump and just add more toxins into our beautiful Earth. What do you think when I write the word nature in Instead; I am sure we can use fountain pens. They my essay? You would probably be thinking of the only need ink to be refilled once in a while and do green meadows blowing in the breeze, the flowers not cause any harm to the environment even the blooming or the golden sea coast during the slightest bit. sunset. 2) Deforestation: Our thoughts about nature usually depend upon How do kids stop deforestation? What is our our perspective- but however; we can all decide on responsibility in it? Even if certain things are out of one thing – Nature to us, is almost everything. We our power, we can do some things that will spread are wholly dependent on nature for everything – the word around. Our clothes, the air we breathe in, the water we One way we can stop deforestation is, by drink, everything. So, for one-minute, dear reader, spreading awareness. This invokes a lot more than I am asking you to forget everything. Forget this what you think. If one person becomes aware insignificant article; forget the noises around you. reading the poster or seeing the sign, he/she can Just imagine what would the world be without spread the knowledge to three other people, and trees? What would the world be without nature? they in turn can spread the knowledge thus gained Every time I think of it, it etches a scary image in my to another 3 people and so on the chain of mind. I usually imagine a barren post-apocalyptic spreading awareness continues. Imagine the world with nothing in it, just barren ground and potential of inculcating awareness amongst thousands and thousands of miles full of people. poisonous air. The main question is – how do we 3) Waste of energy : stop it? Every problem might seem scary, but there When we leave the light bulb on for a long time must be a solution to it, right? So, I have given a list without switching it off, we are actually wasting a below on how children of my age can contribute to lot of energy; which can destroy our Mother Earth save nature. at a slow rate. For this matter, we just need to 1) Pollution : remember that we need to switch off the electrical Pollution is a very wide topic. In this case, however, appliances and any other gadgets that use energy we shall take it it to be littering. But what is the after its use. Therefore, as responsible children, it is responsibility of children in stopping it? What our duty to take that extra step and save it. steps can be possibly taken to stop it? Remember, Remember, with courage and regular efforts, every small thing you do counts. What about not everybody can save the world. using ball pens? This may seem a bit indirect to you; so let me explain. We continuously replace the Dhananjay Krishna refills of ball pens, whenever the ink runs out. So 5F, SSRVM, Bangalore East 31

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Students’ Corner RESPONSIBILITY OF CHILDREN TOWARDS THE MAINTENANCE OF CLEAN ENVIRONMENT “The earth doesn't belong to us we belong to the earth” Cleanliness of environment is one of the key on the streets to prevent littering on the roads, factors for a sustainable surrounding. If our keeping garbage bines for each street/roads environment is polluted and dirty, the etc. are few things that can be followed. consequences form a chain of negative events. “Make sure that you do not let Mother Earth This may include an instance given below: become 'once upon a time'.” Once a locality is dumped with garbage it Let us all together think of creative ideas to produces stinky smells and attracts several house care for our Mother Earth and everyone pests. This may lead to frustration and spread of around us. Let us all unitedly stay connected diseases, demand for medicines, extra work for with each other to maintain a clean chemists and doctors, stress and tension. All these environment. events can be simply avoided by a single step - “Nurture nature for a better future!” cleanliness of the environment. “Clean and green is our perfect dream” Nandika Hiran The responsibility for cleanliness is laid upon the 6D, SSRVM, Bangalore East shoulders of children as it is our minds that will be leading the future. But if this generation's children do not follow simple measures of cleanliness, our minds that teach the future generations will lead to more misfortunes. “Green Revolution is the best solution to arrest pollution” We can begin with spreading awareness by communicating with people around us, advertising through media, holding campaigns and meetings, educating people all over the world about the cleanliness of mother Earth and much more. “Do not litter it makes the world bitter” Why not begin each month or at least each year by planting one tree? One person planting one tree will considerably increase the greenery of our country. How about segregation of waste in every place of our country? Making banners and posters 32

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Students’ Corner RESPONSIBILITY OF CHILDREN IN SAVING ENVIRONMENT I am Bhavani.K from class 12th (Commerce). I 1) Buy quality toys that last longer. So that they would like to thank the institution for giving me don't create more trash. this wonderful opportunity. 2) Plant a leafy tree in your neighborhood and ACTIVITY: Responsibility of children in saving water it regularly. Environment 3) Convert old plastic bottles into plant holders, Environment refers to the natural surroundings fill it up with soil and grow tiny flowering plants and conditions in which we live. Unfortunately, 4) Do not mix plastic waste with organic waste. this Environment has come under a serious ORGANISER: SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR VIDYA threat. This threat is almost entirely due to MANDIR BANGALORE EAST human activities, that has caused serious CONCLUDING REMARK: damage to the Environment. It is not only the I would like to conclude that children should responsibility of adults to save the Environment know their responsibility in saving Environment but also the responsibility of children. and should do small-small things which they Raising an environment-friendly child is can do to save the Environment. necessary in the world, where everyone is becoming unaware of their actions and Bhavani irresponsible in saving the planet. As Grade XII - Commerce, environmentally-conscious parents, it is SSRVM, Bangalore East necessary to teach children to develop responsibilities for the world around them and to adopt eco-friendly habits. Teaching children the need to change to 'green' actions helps save energy, prevent waste, and consequently protect the Earth. The common way for environmental protection is the 3R's – REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE. It is necessary to train the children to learn how to eliminate waste, reuse things, and recycle whatever that could be transformed. Some of the ways through which children can help in saving environment are: 33

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Students’ Corner MY LEARNINGS FROM LIFE SKILL SESSION GRATITUDE TO PARENTS Students of class 12 science and commerce Gratitude is the readiness to show appreciation participated in a Life Skills session led by our and to return kindness. honorable principal, Dr Reshma Ganesh ma'am, on When I think about my parents there is so much 8th January 2022. This session focused on gratitude, I need to offer them. They are the gems Emotional Intelligence. I found the session to be of my life. They are my first teachers. They are the extremely beneficial. Being naturally stressed, I ones who taught me good values, humility, developed a method for managing my emotions. sincerity and honesty. My mother loves me The session was a boost to me. Whenever ma'am unconditionally. She is warm and loving yet strict says you must introspect yourself, it assists me in and stern. She loves me but scolds me when I am understanding where I typically stand as a student. wrong. She is the one to whom I go to, when I am I want to thank our beloved principal for in dire need of an advice. I am my father's princess. conducting these types of sessions. He tells me sweet things and is there when I am I learned a lot from this session. The major down. takeaway was, learning to let go of any burdens in My parents gave me love, joyful memories, our heads in order to lead a stress-free life. warmth, confidence to try and most of all, a home. Furthermore, I realized that what you think about My parents never discouraged me when I got low yourself matters a lot more than what others scores, but they always appreciated me when I expect of us. Moreover, we must be aware of how secured good scores. our emotions affect our behaviors. This shows their faith in me which gives me more Another important point is that, we should not confidence to correct myself. limit ourselves. We should be empathic towards Our mother is the first person we see and the one others. Hence, we should determine the root cause who cares for us. Our father is the one with whom of our problem and know how to resolve it, we can joke around with. I will always be thereby enhancing our emotional intelligence. immensely thankful to my mother and father till the end of my life. Omisha. B Grade XII - Science, SSRVM, Bangalore East Srenyasri 6F, SSRVM, Bangalore East 34

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Students’ Corner LEARNINGS FROM LIFE SKILL SESSION Our Principal, Dr. Reshma Ganesh had taken a On January 8th, our dear Principal Reshma ma'am, session on “Emotional Intelligence” on 08/01/2022 conducted a life skill session for all the grade XII (Saturday). She spoke on how we should handle our students on how to build our Emotional emotions in any circumstances. Nowadays we Intelligence. The session was conducted spend most of the time at home with our parents, beautifully which consisted of many views and we sometimes become rude to them whenever they ideas, with the help of which we could lead a much come and check us and tell us to focus on our brighter life with many positive outlooks. The studies. At that moment, we should revert and session was thought provoking. I would like to analyze that why we did so. We should think it in a share few tips that were smartly illustrated by positive way that our parents stopped us from ma'am. These include always letting go of our further wasting time and focus on studies, as that is worries about the future. Never try to capture your more important and beneficial for us. future. Your own perception and mindset create Ma'am said that by studying our knowledge your reality. We can surely make a gloomy day into becomes broader, we become more enriched and a a bright day through our positive outlook. Next, we confident person. Also, when we keep studying our must always learn to judge situations and manage mindset changes from “I WON'T DO IT” to “YES, I our emotions accordingly. We must learn to be DID IT” rather than those who keep thinking that strong at times and easy-going sometimes. Always “This should happen or this would have happened”. develop empathy instead of sympathy. Emotions, We make it happen- by hard work, dedication, self- helps you feel what the other person is going motivation and control on our emotions. through and also helps to build stronger We must have patience – through which we can relationships. Last but not the least, never judge recognize and express gratitude, able to diffuse your life based on other's opinions. We can never anger and help relationships work much smoother. satisfy everyone in this world. Well, one can surely This will help in building a Healthy communication. say if you develop Emotional Intelligence, you Ma'am told a story of Potato, Egg and Coffee beans naturally develop Physical and mental well-being that inspired me a lot. Three of them were kept in along with good leadership qualities and success boiling water for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes when in your life! As ma'am explained, Life doesn't get they were taken out ---- The hard potato became Easier, you just get stronger. I truly thank ma'am soft, the fragile egg became hard whereas the for sharing such wonderful and positive thoughts ground coffee beans got mixed with water and with us. produced aroma. Three of them were placed under similar conditions but each one reacted to it Samyuktha Manoj differently. Similarly, situations are same for Grade XII - Science, everyone but it depends on how we react to it. SSRVM, Bangalore East Ma'am said - “What happens in life is just 10 percent, the remaining 90 percent depends on how we react to it”. This session was very useful to me. I learnt how important Emotional Intelligence is and how to have control over it. Sadhana Pandey Grade XII - Science, SSRVM, Bangalore East 35

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 COMMUNITY SERVICE – AN INTEGRAL PART OF SSRVM BE Serve! Engage yourself in community service to whatever extent you can. - Sri Sri Ravishankar As a part of the community service program, the management along with Dr. Raghunath Basavashetty took an initiative of helping the students of Solinga Tribal Community from a Government school in rural part of Karnataka to make learning possible in all ways. Our teachers and our beloved parents took an active part of this community service program by offering stationeries like note books, pens, pencils, erasers, sketch pens etc. to those children. We are grateful and thank the teachers and the parents for their contribution in serving the tribal community and to help them grow. 36

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Games Corner Put your thinking caps on and guess the answers for these riddles. 1. Name an item which has hands and a face, but can't hold anything or smile? 2. Mrs. Brown has 5 daughters. Each of these daughters have a brother. How many children does Mrs. Brown have? 3. I go all around the world, but never leave the corner. What am I? 4. I make a loud sound when I'm changing. When I do change, I get bigger but weigh less. What am I? 5. It has keys, but no locks. It has space, but no room. You can enter, but can't go inside. What is it? Answers to the riddles in page no: 54 37

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Special Educator Corner MOTOR SKILLS IN CHILDREN Little hands need to develop dexterity and strength. ¤Dance - helps to build the child's awareness of The ability to accomplish self-need and everyday rhythm, coordination and balance. tasks by using motor skills helps to build a child's ¤Building Legos and blocks. self-esteem and confidence. The ability to learn and ¤Exercising – Doing pull ups and push ups to practice motor skills at an early age can benefit them strengthen their shoulder muscles. academically, socially and personally. Motor skills ¤Playing five stones to improve hand - eye improves with practice so, 'The earlier we practice coordination. motor skills the better it is for the little ones'. ¤Stick tapes in different shapes and walking on it. FINE MOTOR SKILLS are those that require a high ¤Animal yoga - Representing an animal and hold degree of control and precision in the small muscles the pose for as long as the child can. of the hand (using a pencil to write, spoon & fork to ¤Walking on the line (straight, zigzag, curve) eat). ¤Connecting dot mazes GROSS MOTOR SKILLS use the large muscle ¤Jump and Grab-hang some objects and ask to groups and are generally broader and more jump and grab energetic than fine motor movements. These ¤Scissor skill - improves hand strength, hand eye movements include walking, kicking, jumping and coordination climbing stairs. Ways to strengthen motor skills: Ms. Abirami Umasankar ¤Tactile playing with play dough. Special Educator, SSRVMBE ¤Playing puzzles together, picking up puzzle pieces helps to develop pincer grasp, hiding pieces of puzzles in the house and ask them to find and match ¤Drawing, colouring and painting - enhances their creativity, imagination, strengthens hand - eye coordination and gains greater control to use pencil ¤Tying shoe laces, buttoning and zipping shirts and jackets. ¤Trampolines, swing - a great activity to improve balance. ¤Hopscotch - hopping and jumping strengthens body balance and coordination. ¤Brushing hair and teeth ¤B al l oon and bubbl e pl ay – C has i ng balloon/bubble enables them to run, jump and move in zig-zag ways that requires a sudden shift in balance and weight. 38

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner CONSERVATION OF FARMING Farming is practiced since the beginning of human farm materials and equipment. By using only basic civilization. Now a days, farming is a significant materials and equipment, like a hoe, along with contributor to climate change as crop production skillful and proper management, smallholder farmers releases high amount of methane and nitrous oxide, can achieve successful crop production. two main greenhouse gases. In aiming to reduce While conservation agriculture provides many greenhouse gases farmers have adapted benefits for farmers and the environment, farmers conservation farming. Conservation farming also can face constraints to adopt these practices. conserves natural resources and biodiversity. It Wetlands or soils with poor drainage can make includes a set of practices which conserve the soil, adoption challenging. When crop residues are water, soil moisture and enhances fertility of soil and limited, farmers tend to use them for fodder first, so quality seed by saving time and money. there might not be enough residues for the soil The term “conservation farming/agriculture” was cover. To initiate conservation agriculture, coined in the 1990s, but the idea to minimize soil appropriate seeds are necessary, and these may not disturbance has its origin in the 1930s in United States be available or affordable to all farmers. of America. Conservation agriculture is also knowledge intensive Conservation farming works on 3 main principles- and not all farmers may have access to the ¤Minimum soil disturbance - farmers practice zero knowledge and training required on how to practice tillage farming, which allow direct planting without conservation agriculture. Finally, conservation plowing. agriculture increases yields over time but farmers ¤Crop residue management - farmers seeds may not see yield benefits immediately. directly through surface residues of previous crop. However, innovations, adapted research and new ¤Crop rotation practice - growing 2 or more crops technologies are helping farmers to overcome these at the same time on the same piece of land or growing challenges and facilitate the adoption of 2 different crops on the same land in a sequential conservation agriculture. manner. Conservation farming requires the use of modified Ms. Aanchal Jain farm equipment in order to sow crops in untilled soil. Facilitator, Sr.Sec.Biology, Despite this fact, it is a great solution for smallholder SSRVM Bangalore East farmers in developing countries with limited access to 39

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner IMPORTANCE OF MATHEMATICS IN DAILY LIFE Mathematics is a deliberate utilization of issue. applied. Taking care of the bank's exchanges isn't Moreover, the subject of Mathematics is one of the straightforward, and you have to have some main subjects of our life. Regardless of which field information on mathematics to keep up your or calling you are placed with; math and its record, store some cash, pull out cash, and so utilization is all over. That is the reason it is essential forth. On the off chance you wish to advance, you to have a decent comprehension of the subject. have to consider the interest you should pay and Even though the essentials of mathematics start the month-to-month premium you need to pay. from school; however, its use proceeds till the end The financial area is identified with maths; so, even and becomes a vital part in our daily life. the clients should be acquainted with it. Envisioning our lives without it, resembles a boat Subsequently, from the above models, you may without a sail. You may be shocked to realize that have a reasonable thought that there is no such we use mathematics consistently, even without region where the idea of mathematics isn't knowing it. From dialling numbers on the utilized. You can't manage without this subject, telephone to giving cash for making the and that is why it is essential to keep your instalments, our reality is encircled by mathematics. rudiments option to play out the regular exercises So let us see what sway this subject has made on of life. So, mess around with the numbers and our lives. Ms. Usha While shopping, we set up a rundown of things we Facilitator, Sr.Sec.Maths, require, compute the necessary measure of cash for SSRVM Bangalore East it, and so forth. This count depends on numbers which come from mathematics. Without the numbers, you can't choose the amount you have to pay to the merchant and the amount you have spared. So, on account of shopping as well, you are encircled by the universe of mathematics. This is where various mathematical ideas are 40

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner TIPS TO CONSERVE EARTH OR SAVE EARTH THAT CAN BE PRACTICED AT HOME Let's protect the planet and go green to save our an appropriate reusable container. A plastic bottle environment! Below are some tips and ideas that takes thousands of years to decompose, because it's we can follow at home to conserve Mother Earth: not biodegradable. 14. Plant a tree to reduce air pollution as shady 1. Unplug chargers, turn off lights when not in use. landscape enhances the value of your property and Also turn off appliances like computers, laptops, reduce the energy consumption's. and phones when you leave for the day. 15. Enable the cruise control button in your car to get 2. Replace regular light bulbs in your home with better mileage. With increasing gasoline prices, this is compact fluorescent bulbs. a boon for your budget and the environment too. 3. Join the carpool or public transportation to save 16. You can save about 10% of your energy use by fuel and its cost. adjusting your thermostat 1% cooler in winter and 1% 4. Avoid using disposable cups at work in order to higher in summer. save space in the landfill and energy. Instead, you 17. Try to get your phone recycled as it introduces very can bring your own ceramic cup/coffee mug. harmful and toxic substances into the environment 5. When you make purchases, try to opt for the and go into landfills. brands that use recyclable packaging. 18. Maintain your vehicle by regularly checking the air 6. Bring your meal in a reusable container and don't filter and giving it a clean. This will help your vehicle to buy an additional plastic container for it. function more efficiently. It's also important to inflate 7. Start a recycling program in your home, office or your tyres to a specific pressure as it reduces tyre-wear community. and helps the fuel economy. 8. Start paying your bills online and ask companies 19. You can conserve energy in your home by to stop paper bills from being sent to you. Print and ¤Setting your freezer temperature 0-5 or refrigerator copy on both sides of the paper. It helps to save temperature at 36-38 paper and trees. ¤Minimize door opening while using oven 9. Use reusable grocery bags rather than plastic ¤Avoid using chemicals to clean your home, instead bags. use a microfiber cloth 10. Get your IT equipment like computers, laptop, 21. Buy wooden toys instead of throwaway plastic toys printer, and phones recycled or decomposed in 22. Take the stairs instead of using lifts. order to reduce related air pollution and water pollution. It can take a million years to decompose. Let us take these small initiatives at home to save our Contact a company that offers IT equipment Planet Earth. recycling or disposal services in your area. 11. Use an eco-friendlier disposable or cloth in Ms. Akshata place of nappy of the child as it adds million tons of Facilitator, Primary, waste in landfills each year. SSRVM Bangalore East 12. Recycle newspaper, bows and gift bags and reuse them. You can also create something unique by using old newspaper, maps, and cloth. 13. Instead of purchasing a plastic water bottle, buy 41

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner HEALTHY FOOD HABITS “A healthy outside starts from the inside” Healthy food will keep children fresh and -Robert Urich rejuvenated. When eaten in proper intervals and at the right time, these foods can make them fit and Jai Guru Dev, energetic. Healthy food is delicious, and can cause a definite increase in the brain’s functionality. We are living in difficult times because of the virus that has made us face many challenges both Junk food is tasty than healthy food but it causes emotionally and physically. Indeed, it is hard to the most of the health problems. continue or follow the same routine, as these thoughts keep flowing through our minds and we So why do we need to eat junk food when our fail to remember that our health is more precious to Mother Earth has blessed us with fruits, us. vegetables, pulses and grains that are rich in Food is crucial part of our life. It is our source of minerals and has a lot of nutritive value. Let us eat energy. A healthy diet is essential for good health. It healthy foods to have a healthy and fit life. protects us against many chronic non- communicable diseases. A healthy food does not Ms. Rowena Amelia Francis only impact our physical health but our mental Facilitator, Primary, health too. When we eat healthy fruits and SSRVM Bangalore East vegetables that are full of nutrients, we reduce the chances of diseases. A healthy diet comprises of different foods. These include staples like cereals, legumes (beans and lentils) fruits and vegetables. Healthy food refers to the food that has the correct amalgamation of ingredients in it. Healthy food focuses on the right blend of ingredients in food and it does not require eating less. In fact, eating healthy food all day will keep an individual fuller. 42

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner USE OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY “There must be a better way to make the things we depleted. Sustainable energy is energy that we want, a way that doesn't spoil the sky, or the rain or will never use up or deplete. It is inexhaustible. the land” Sustainable energy should be widely With the beginning of the industrialization, a new encouraged as it does not cause any harm to the age of opportunities began. We started to produce environment and is available widely free of cost. more and more better products than at any point All renewable energy sources like solar, wind, before in human history. We discovered electricity geothermal, hydropower and ocean energy are and harvested nature's resources to help us sustainable as they are stable and available in improve our production facilities. But like plenty. As of today, around 20% of the world's everything in life, the advancement came with a energy needs, come from Sustainable energy cost. The rapid improvements in the fields of mass sources. Hydropower is the most common form production and technical advancements took its of alternative energy used around the world. toll on the environment as well as life on the Earth. Let's see some of the benefits of sustainable More production means more energy energy. consumption that leads to more demand for It Emits Low or Zero Greenhouse Gases: resources which in turn leads to more waste. But it's The constant emitting of heat-trapping gases not too late to escape the vicious circle and ensure into the atmosphere affects our weather patterns that our technical advancements do not turn and increases the temperature on the Earth's against us. This can be achieved by means of surface, leading to extreme conditions such as Sustainable energy. droughts and floods. But solar panels or wind Sustainable energy is energy that meets the needs turbines do not emit greenhouse gases, so they of the present generations without compromising are the answers to our problems. the ability of future generations to meet their own Helps Improve Air Quality: needs. In other words, its source lasts forever on Imagine having a diesel generator in your human time scale. It is about finding clean, basement. You would have a lot of harmful gases renewable sources of energy—sources that renew going into the air around you. This is similar to themselves, rather than sources that can be what we do when we burn fossil fuels for energy Contd... 43

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner USE OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Contd... production. Fossil fuel combustion produces are putting measures in place to encourage harmful pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and people to go for renewable energy sources sulphur dioxide, leading to various health instead. problems, including asthma, lung cancer, chronic Our Future is not unpredictable, it is simply the bronchitis, heart disease, etc. result of choices we have made. It is the way to go Low Costs: if you want to reduce your power costs and have a For example, did you know that solar panels only more reliable system that doesn't rely on fossil need about an hour of sunlight to provide you with fuels or other unsustainable energy sources. It's enough energy for the entire day? This makes it time to start using sustainable energy sources easy and affordable as there is no need to buy a because it will be much better for you and the traditional power supply. Additionally, wind planet in general. turbines are becoming more efficient every year, so this will be cheaper than ever before in the Ms. Pavana K.N future. So, if you want to reduce your power costs History/Political Science Facilitator and have a sustainable energy source, renewable SSRVM Bangalore East energy is the way to go. It Creates Jobs: This is excellent news for you because not only does it mean more jobs, but also better pay! So, if you're looking for a job that will give you security and stability in your life, look no further than the field of renewable energy. Makes the Energy System Resilient: Unlike before, when you could be faced with blackouts, this is a thing of the past. So, if you want to have access to electricity at all times without worrying about power outages or reliability issues, go with sustainable energy sources. The good thing about this is that you alternate the sources you use depending on the time of day and weather changes, leaving you with an energy system that is very reliable and resilient. Accessible to All: It's accessible to everybody, making them live an eco-friendly life. It doesn't matter your income, where you live, or how much money you have because all consumers can benefit from this technology regardless of their situation. The Future of Our Planet Depends on Us: There is no time to waste because the future of our planet depends on us. Currently, many countries 44

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner KEY TAKE AWAYS FROM THE LIFE OF SRINIVASA RAMANUJAN its acuity, and would arrive at his results “by a process of mingled argument, intuition, and induction, of which he was entirely unable to give any coherent account,” as stated by his colleague, GH Hardy, the Cambridge professor who recognized his talent. This accounted for the fact that Ramanujan “never met his equal” and has been compared to legendary mathematicians such as Euler and Jacobi. Failure is dwarfed by passion: Understanding his mathematics may be beyond Although he did exceptionally well in school, our abilities, but understanding how he built a Ramanujan's scholarship program at the name out of this ability falls within the scope of Government Arts college was a shipwreck. He failed mere humans. Here are some lessons from his life his Fellow of Arts exams two years in a row as his that a mind can apply. indulgence was only in mathematics. Subjects such Self-taught and hence, self-reliable: as English, Philosophy, and Sanskrit could not hold Ramanujan was always ahead of the formal his interest, and therefore took a backseat. So, the education that was taught during his time. His twenty-year old opted to drop out and pursue passion for numbers, therefore, not only took him independent research in mathematics. Stricken by ahead of everyone else in his age, but also in a poverty and sometimes by starvation, he found completely different direction. He was 11 when he ways to make meagre sums of money to sustain his imbibed all the mathematical knowledge of two life. college students who were lodging in his home. At It was only when he met V Ramaswamy Iyer, 13, he grasped advanced trigonometry and began Founder of the Indian Mathematical Society, that he devising theories of his own. When he was 16, he gained recognition in the mathematical circle. chanced upon GS Carr's collection of 5,000 Soon, he accepted the job of a clerk in Madras Port theorems presented without proofs – a challenge Trust and spent his spare time working on that was irresistible to our prodigy. He thoroughly theorems. In 1912, he published a seven-page studied them and devised his own ways of arriving paper on Bernoulli numbers, which immediately put at results. His mastery of mathematical him in the spotlight. Professors at the University of applications was completely independent of Madras were astounded at his mathematical existing models because most often, he was never abilities, and with the help of Professor aware of current theories. Ramaswamy, many strings were pulled before Surpassing rivals: Ramanujan was accepted as a Research scholar at Ramanujan was turned down by many British the University. mathematicians for his lack of formal education. Gaining wide recognition takes patience and But it was this very trait that gave him an edge over effort: every mathematician at the time. His crude The professors at the university tried to present methods didn't follow conventional mathematical Ramanujan's work to British mathematicians, who, models and hence left many confounded. But his although acknowledging his potential, weren't keen curious ways of functioning, shaped his originality on taking him under their wing. Some and made him unique. He would rapidly modify his mathematicians that Ramanujan wrote to, returned hypotheses in a manner that was often startling for his letters without any response. Ramanujan, in his Contd... 45

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner KEY TAKE AWAYS FROM THE LIFE OF SRINIVASA RAMANUJAN Contd... letters, tended to present theories and results Some of his work like the Ramanujan Prime and without their derivations and proofs. This gave the Ramanujan Theta Function, with their many the impression that this mathematician, who unconventional results, have fuelled future was previously unheard of, was a fraud. In fact, even research. His work on composite numbers has GH Hardy, who later developed a long association been the most notable as it opened the doors to a with Ramanujan, first came to the same conclusion. whole new line of theories. Even after all these His first letter (which became posthumously years, Ramanujan's work holds value and is still historic) contained 120 theorems, some of which making contributions. Mathematician Ken Ono were already postulated and some with evident recently made a discovery about elliptical curves, breakthroughs, were all presented without proofs. incited by Ramanujan's comments in his After continual correspondence with Hardy, notebook. Ramanujan left for England, where he spent five Ramanujan lived a short life, but he did so richly years at Cambridge – years that were instrumental among the numbers he loved so very much. His in building his recognition. colleague at the Cambridge University, JE Work that inspires future innovations: Littlewood, remarked that “every positive integer Ramanujan's contributions to mathematics, was one of his personal friends,” a remark that however eccentrically they may have been effectively summarizes his ingenuity and produced, influenced future mathematical personality in a few simple words. research. His habit of not presenting proofs inspired many papers as mathematicians strived to Ms. Chaitra decipher his methods. Hardy himself produced Secondary Facilitator many papers exploring Ramanujan's theories. SSRVM Bangalore East 46

SSRVM Magazine Bangalore East E December 2021 Teachers’ Corner HUMANS – A BANE OR BOON TO EARTH Humans are a bane or boon? It's a deep and inflict irreversible damage to the animal kingdoms thought-provoking question. Humans are boon to in the environment. Mankind has forgotten that the Earth if he lives in the right way. Nature is planet belongs to humans as well as the other maintaining a beautiful balance among the biotic – animals, there should be cohabitation. But human is abiotic components. If any one component among destroying forests, polluting oceans, rivers, lakes this chain is taking more advantage, it can disturb and putting other animal life at stake. The use of the whole balance of the nature. fossil fuel for the existing technology pollutes the Among other biotic components on Earth, humans air by releasing harmful gases such as carbon have well developed brain. He uses this and dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitric develops science and technology which makes his oxide and methane. The damages to Ozonosphere life much easier and more comfortable. Science are the result of air pollution. Besides, petroleum and Technology has developed an environment for and its by-products pollute the marine the human that makes it easier to achieve goals. environment and harm the marine ecosystem. Technology innovation has brought not only Depletion of natural resources is another negative benediction to mankind but also condemnation. impact of technology on the environment. Innovations, such as the use of coal as an energy Technological evolution has almost emptied source, have a negative impact on the natural resources like coal, petroleum, methane etc. environment. The development process of The Earth is the primary home of mankind and technology is not linear. Modern technology has several lives and generations are ahead. We must brought curse of pollution to the Earth and its care for our home and other habitats. Human needs habitats. The marine ecosystem is being destroyed to be self-critical to make himself a blessing, by day by day. Many species of birds got extinct and using it through proper innovation and spirit of many more are on the 'Red List' of the IUCN. overall well-being of all living beings in the planet. Modern gadgets are made of plastic and use But he could be a curse for the planet, if he does not electromagnetic waves for network connection. advocate the responsible way of living on Earth. The chips and plastics are not biodegradable and cause air pollution, soil pollution and water Ms. Preethi P pollution. The electromagnetic waves are so much Secondary Facilitator harmful to natural lives in all ways even they can SSRVM Bangalore East cause cancer. As soon as humans started encroaching lands, oceans, skies, we started to 47

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