A whiplash injury is a non-medical term to describe a range of neck injuries that occur with a sudden distortion of the neck. A whiplash injury is commonly the result of a motor vehicle accident. The most common scenario is that the victim is seated in a vehicle that is rear ended or hit from the rear quarter. A whiplash injury can occur at speeds less than 15 miles per hour Los Angeles Back.
What are the symptoms of whiplash?
Patients will typically experience pain along the neck, corresponding to the level of where the pain is being generated from. Neck pain due to whiplash injury can be immediate or can progress over several weeks. Neck pain may be referred to the shoulders, upper back or may even sometimes cause headache. A whiplash injury may result in stretching or pinching of the spinal nerves. With involvement of the nerves, radiating pain may be present to the shoulder, arm or fingers Endoscopic spine surgery.
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