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Published by Sulaiman Zulkarnain, 2022-02-25 07:49:17

Description: SHORT MESSAGE


Read the Text Version


Read the text to answer question. Pembahasan: Kata digaris bawahi menunjukkan pentingnya informasi itu, yaitu jam, hari dan waktu assembly. The note tells the time for… A. Term 2. B. assembly. C. school concert. D. preparation of acts. The note tells the time for… gambaran umum teks fungsional pendek jawaban:B

Read the text to answer questions Santi, Our plan to visit our friends who suffer from Merapi eruption is cancelled. The weather is not good to fly. I will let you know later. Sari From the text we know that … A. Santi and Sari go to Merapi. B. Sari suffers from Merapi eruption. C. Merapi’s weather is fine. D. Sari and Santi cancell their visit. Pembahasan: Teks pesan singkat tersebut menginformasikan penundaan kepergian ke temannya, hal ini dapat dilihat pada kalimat ‘our plan to visit our friends who suffer from Merapi erruption is cancelled’. informasi rinci teks fungsional pendek jawaban :D

Read the text to answer questions Santi, Our plan to visit our friends who suffer from Merapi eruption is cancelled. The weather is not good to fly. I will let you know later. Sari How are Santi and Sari going to visit their friends? A. By bus B. By ship C. By train D. By plane Pembahasan : Kalimat ‘the weather is not good to fly’, menunjukkan mereka akan pergi dengan naik pesawat. informasi tersirat jawaban: D

Read the text to answer questions What is the message about? jawaban : B A. A sick grandma B. A delay of an activity C. A Working project D. A great plan Pembahasan : Isi pesan tersebut adalah penundaan suatu kegiatan karena penulis pesan berhalangan hadir. gambaran umum teks fungsional pendek

Read the text to answer questions jawaban : C Dinda can’t come to Mira’s house because… A. the project has not planned. B. she has to work in the hospital. C. her grandma is sick. D. Dinda must be hospitalized Pembahasan : Alasan Dinda tidak dapat datang adalah karena neneknya sakit, informasi tersirat

Read the text to answer questions From the message above we know that... jawaban : A A. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project. B. Dinda’s grandma involves in the project. C. Dinda and her grandma will meet Mira at the hospital. D. Dinda expect Mira to stay in the hospital with her. Pembahasan : Dari dalam teks bisa disimpulkan bahwa Dinda dan Mira sudah merencanakan untuk bekerjasama dalam membuat project. informasi tersirat

To: Liz Sorry honey, I can’t keepl my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. I’ve to meet Mrs. Cathy at 07.00 pm. Please, don’t be angry. Sender Mom How is Liz’s mother feel about her promise? A. Impressed B. Confused C. Relieved D. Guilty Pembahasan : Dari pernyataan sorry honey, maka dapat diketahui bagaimana perasaan Liz’s mother yaitu guilty. Jawaban : D informasi tersirat.

To: Liz Sorry honey, I can’t keepl my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. I’ve to meet Mrs. Cathy at 07.00 pm. Please, don’t be angry. Sender Mom Mom writes the text in order to … Jawaban : A A. apologize for not keeping the promise. B. remind Liz that she has a promise with her. C. tell Liz that she has to go to the meeting. D. say that she cannot meet her in the Mall. Pembahasan : Tujuan dari pesan singkat tersebut diketaui pada kalimat pertama pada pesan tersebut Sorry honey, I can’t fulfill my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. tujuan komunikasi.

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