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Published by becca, 2021-05-06 09:09:45

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Contents Pages Contents Subscribe to receive talent insight, market 01 About Burns Sheehan analysis, tech events, D&I advice, leadership 02 Introduction 03 Message from the CEO podcasts & more. 04 Message from the Managing Director 05 Talent Insights 1 06-09 Diversity & Inclusion 10-11 Futures Programme 12 The Northern Tech Scene 13 Leadership 14-15 On-Demand Talent Subscription Solution 16 Software Engineering 17-22 Quality Engineering 23 DevOps/SRE & Infrastructure 24-26 Data 27-29 Product & Agile Delivery 30-31 Burns Sheehan Tech Events 32-35

About Burns Sheehan Burns Sheehan was established in 2004 by Sean Burns and Jon Sheehan. Originally starting out in a small basement in Austin Friars, Moorgate, the business has continued to grow and expand, and today boasts beautifully bright and spacious offices right beside London Bridge and Monument Station. Following the continued success of the business, our Manchester office was established in 2016 and is led by our Head of Manchester, Chris McGowan. Our Northern base now reside in the heart of Enterprise City, on the doorstep of many of our clients. We are experts in recruiting top technical talent and have built our impressive portfolio of candidates and clients through our commitment to establishing honest, long-lasting relationships. We pride ourselves on looking far beyond the transaction and delivering an excellent service. Our reputation is our business. 2 2

Introduction This report has been developed by collating data points from over 50 clients and technology leaders with regards to their hiring over the previous 6 months, beginning in September 2020. Inside you will find: Comments around how salaries have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic An insight into hybrid working models / remote working post-COVID-19 Talent insight into what engages technologists when looking at a job specification or employee benefits package Market insight from our team of talent specialists across Software Engineering, Data, Product, DevOps/SRE, Infrastructure & Leadership Regional salary benchmarking for technology hires across London, Yorkshire and the North West. By sharing this report we hope to educate the Technology community on the ever-changing market Whilst there are exceptions, the levelling of conditions. We want to equip employers and candidates with the most accurate insights to help make each role is based on the following, however job the most informed hiring / employment decisions moving forward. This Market Report will be useful for titles and seniority will vary amongst employers: employees looking to better understand their value in the market and employers who are looking to re-evaluate the salaries and benefits package they have on offer, in order to attract and retain hires in JuJnuinoiro:r :  <2 years experience a competitive market. MiMd id : 3+ years experience SeSneinoi.or : 5+ years experience When referring to the Salary Guide it's worth considering the size of company that you are and the LeLaedad: : 6+ years experience + line management amount of funding that you have achieved. There is no one-size-fits-all, but for an accurate benchmark LPeriandcipal : 8+ years experience against competitors at a similar stage we would advise using the rule of thumb that Pre-Series A businesses are more likely to pay towards the lower end of the salary brackets, whilst PE & VC backed companies are (excludes line management) more likely to be advertising at the top band of the salary scale. For more information on specific job roles get in touch with our Managing Director, Chris Spranklen at Created and edited by [email protected]. Becca Rose, Marketing Manager 3 *The data shared is accurate as of April 2021 - date of publication.

Message from the CEO Throughout history, times of economic uncertainty have always witnessed a significant increase in the pace of innovation and change. This is particularly evident in the technology world today. The pandemic has accelerated existing trends in remote working, e-commerce, and automation. Changes that were expected to take years are happening in months! Organisations are investing more in technology to ensure that they have a competitive edge. The result is that technology talent is in huge demand. Tech talent has significantly more options today than it did pre-pandemic and companies are being more creative to ensure that they retain the best talent. The other significant shift that has accelerated during the pandemic is the need for organisations to have a more diverse workforce. Diversity is a business-critical imperative and not just a “feel good” initiative. As recruiters, we have a huge role to play. We at Burns Sheehan are working hard to identify and more importantly, to engage with diverse groups. As well as working closely with our clients to help reduce bias within the process, we are providing real-time data reporting to allow us to pivot and respond quickly. The post-pandemic shift towards remote working will allow greater access to underrepresented groups, but there is much to be done in this area. Sean Burns Co-Founder & CEO [email protected] 4

Message from the Managing Director The last 12 months have been transformative, not just for the Technology sector but also for the Recruitment sector. When we published our last Market Report in August 2020, I wrote about how proud I was at the bouncebackability of the Burns Sheehan team, as well as our clients & candidates that we serve. Since then, there has been continued pressure on people and organisations, yet the resilience of Technology leaders has enabled us to play our part in rebuilding the economy during these uncertain times. Now, more than ever is the time for us to listen and deliver on our promise to identify and engage with world class tech talent. Burns Sheehan continues to deliver successful technology events as well as publishing blogs, podcasts, and monthly newsletters. Many of our clients have made public declarations to become more inclusive and diverse through lenses beyond gender. We are not just gathering data around D&I, we are using it to drive action and to measure its impact with our clients through our Talent Insight Reports. According to the Tech Nation Report 2021, UK Tech investment iiss 33rrdd iinn tthhee WWoorrlldd, hitting a record high of $15bn in 2020 in the face of challenging conditions. The UK is more attractive to international investors than ever and tech is becoming even more important to the UK economy. In the last 6 months we have seen a significant increase in the number of Start-ups and Scale-ups in the Impact tech & Deep tech sectors. Whether it’s HealthTech, EdTech, BioTech, FoodTech, ClimateTech or FinTech, these organisations are looking to improve the way we live, work, and think about life, and we are proud to be chosen to share their compelling stories to the market. Confidence is on the upward trajectory and it is a testament to our client’s cultures that we are having daily conversations with Talent Acquisition teams and CTO’s of technology organisations who have managed to recruit and onboard hundreds of staff during the pandemic which has given them the edge in the battle for talent as well as the opportunity to push on with the growth of their business. Chris Spranklen Managing Director [email protected] 5

What do Tech Talent look for in an employer? Talent Insights what stands out to you most when reading through a Job Spec? In a bid to understand what engages & disengages technologists when it comes to an employer's offering, we conducted our Talent Insight Analysis to hear from our community. Unsurprisingly, 23% Clarity of what I might be flexibility was high on the agenda, both when searching for new opportunities and as a cause of able to impact in my role dissatisfaction in a current role; we'll delve into this further over the next few pages. = Detailed explanation of the The last 12 months have given people an opportunity to reflect on their careers, with many using their additional free time to upskill and others re-evaluating where they are in their technical or current team setup, best personal journey and where they would like to be. Clear career progression and support for personal practice & ways of working learning and development was rated highly among technologists across the board and a key reason for disengaging with an employer if not received. 20% 19% 15% Technology has been crucial in driving us through this pandemic and has a big responsibility in Technologies in the Insights into tech Understanding of combating many of the problems the world is facing. A lot of Technologists have taken note of this stack, project challenges to the company and have found themselves excited by engaging in an assignment where they can have a positive, missions & hopeful overcome & mission, values & tangible outcome on the world. For this reason, ethical company missions and the opportunity to outcomes. problems to solve. financial security. make an impact in a role were of high interest among candidates looking for a new employer. What would be a key reason for We've shared a round-up of our findings on this page and throughout the report (look out for the disengaging with your current employer? gold speech bubble) and hope the data shared can help the Tech Industry improve its tools of attracting the very best talent in 2021. lack of lack of a Legacy career tech 6 progression mentor or stack uninspiring /cto ceo 40% 25% 24% What interests you most in a potential employer? 38% 30% 18% Company Tech Landscape DIVERSITY & Mission & Projects inclusion An impactful Pure Greenfield Tech Projects A very inclusive & company mission & opportunity to help choose diverse company that resonates technologies used on culture products/applications.

Talent Insights: Hybrid Working is the Future The tech industry has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to flexibility, but the When the world opens back up, how many days a demand for remote working has increased and company's working from home policies will be week would you prefer to be in the office? a contributing factor for many candidates when weighing up potential opportunities. As lockdown restrictions ease, businesses are refining exactly what those return to work policies Fully Remote 33% will look like, aiming for some structured flexibility whereby employees split their time between 1-2 days in the office 49% the office and at home. 3-4 days in the office 14% In the office full time 4% The office will always have a role in how we work, but what that looks like in terms of layout, size and location will change. Offices of the future will be a place of personal connectivity and Technologists have always had a plethora of options when it comes collaboration, designed and set up to drive innovation and productivity among teams. to choosing where they want to work, but they now also have the Office space should be optimised to support group sessions and discussion, with break-out option to decide how they want to work. I think there will be an areas and open spaces to facilitate creativity and co-creation. Synchronising schedules and element of trial and error when it comes to establishing return to requesting employees come into the office on set days will also reduce the number of video work policies as what feels right now, might not feel right in 6 meetings needed when the team are working from home, allowing more uninterrupted time to months time. The situation is constantly changing and we focus on solo tasks. are continuing to have to adapt on a fairly regular basis. The opportunity of increased flexibility has opened doors to drive diversity in hiring and to Jon Sheehan, Co-Founder & Head of CX cultivate more inclusive workforces. Helping parents return to work, reducing the need for travel and empowering employees to work where they work best, businesses will be able to reach out to an entire pool of undiscovered talent who desire, or indeed need this flexibility. 7

Talent Insights: A Spotlight on Remote First Over the last 6 months we have been working with a number of remote-first businesses such as What's the most important thing to you when you're Hopin, Whereby and Typeform, who have the advantage of being able to hire from anywhere in the office? within a certain time zone, operating as a distributed but connected team. We’ve seen a number of candidates solely looking for 100% remote opportunities due to the enhanced work/life Collaboration & training 42% balance experienced by many during the last 12 months, so these roles are highly sought after. Social aspects 40% Change of environment 18% Many of these businesses are looking to set up a physical office location (typically in London) for those who wish to use it as teams continue to grow, and others are considering ‘pay as you go’ credits that can be used for co-working spaces every month on shorter, more flexible agreements, for employees looking for an element of face-time with colleagues and the opportunity to collaborate. The benefit packages for some of these fully remote businesses often include a generous allowance for a home office set up (~£800-£1000) as well as working from home expenses or salary top-ups to account for additional costs incurred by working remote. Hours are typically flexible and an unlimited holiday allowance is common. 8

Talent Insights: Employee Benefits Which Employee Benefits do you find most important? Businesses are thinking more creatively about how they structure an employee benefits package that stays competitive in the market and promotes wellbeing, flexibility and personal growth 59% WFH Flexibility and development. An attractive employee benefits package could be the difference in influencing a candidates decision. 25% Learning & Development Budget Some of our clients have had success by taking a more flexible approach to how they pay their employees and allowing people to tailor their package to their individual preference. For tnatropmI tsoM 25% example, taking increased equity or stock options in lieu of salary, or vice versa. Providing adequate support for mental health and wellbeing will be top of the agenda for many 22% Clearly Defined Career Path businesses following the pandemic. Many companies have embedded support into their employee benefits packages by offering counselling and mental health experts who are 18%19% Annual Bonus available to employees throughout the day should they need them. Unmind & Kooth are two 17% Childcare Flexibility resources that focus on mental health care & counselling and have models set up so they can be added to health & wellbeing packages. 12% Share Options 12% 9 Which Employee Benefits do you find least important? 16% Unlimited Annual Leave tnatropmI tsaeL 16% Recolation Expenses 19% Ability to Work in Global Office Locations 21% Extended Parental Leave 16% 30% Volunteering Options 35% Free Breakfast & Lunch

Diversity & Inclusion It’s encouraging to see the attitude shift across the tech industry as we all work towards the shared goal of a more diverse and inclusive technology sector, however it's important to remember that diversity goes beyond gender. When assessing how diverse your organisation is, a holistic approach needs to be taken to understand what could make an employee diverse from yourself and the ways in which you could support them. This could mean reflecting on your interview process and assessing if and how it could disadvantage someone from a marginalised background. Are your interviews lengthy, do they require a lot of preparation and at-home assessments? This could put working parents who may not have a lot of time outside of working hours to prepare at a disadvantage from the start. Likewise, when selecting a criterion for a job role it's important to realise that doors that may be unlocked for some may be perpetually locked for others. By breaking down and distinguishing key requirements from desired requirements, you are showing potential candidates they they don't have to have every single one of these requirements in order to apply and as a result, strong potential candidates are less likely to self-select out of the process. Assessing a candidate based upon competence rather than experience allows you to conduct a more inclusive hiring process. It's important to take a thorough audit of where your company is right now in terms of D&I. This could be where you are in terms of policies, protocols, different behaviours within the Probably the most important influence on many hiring strategies, is organisation, or the level of diversity in relation to your location and industry. This will help diversity. The benefits that diverse teams bring are undeniable and, you understand what you’re doing well and what you’re lacking, and will help you determine although it’s been an issue on the radar for a while, it now seems your first steps towards a strategy. that more companies are trying to be proactive in their •What networks are you actively involved in? strategies to not only encourage but ensure diversity in their teams. •What are you doing for your black employees? Simon Evans, Senior Director •What are you doing for your LGBTQ community? •Are you measuring the % of diverse employees that you have in your organisation? •Are you using inclusive language in your job descriptions? •What feedback loops do you have in place for candidates from diverse communities so that you continue to learn? •How diverse is your senior management team? 10

Diversity & Inclusion As an agency, it's integral that we are providing a diverse talent pipeline to our clients to reflect their ethos as It’s a fact that a diverse workforce is better for an equal opportunity employer. Over the course of the past year, we have begun to implement a number of business – both at the bottom line and from the initiatives to support our commitment to providing equal opportunities for all; including unconscious bias and collaboration that results from diversity of thought. diversity training for all members of the business and partnering with diverse professional networks that offer But for this to happen, you need to ensure that your access to job boards and CV databases that allow us to expand our reach and diversify our talent pool. organisation is fostering an inclusive culture that will enable your employees to feel We're committed to addressing the lack of female and BAME representation in the technology sector by comfortable enough to present continuing to increase the visibility of underrepresented groups and role models in tech through our community their full selves in the workplace events, blogs, podcasts and our Futures Programme - a mentoring scheme to facilitate progress for aspiring and bring their best self to the future leaders in tech (learn more on page 12). We insist on showcasing Technology professionals from a variety conversation. of different communities and backgrounds at all of our events to share a blend of opinions, perspectives and experiences. Beth O'Neill, Marketing Executive & D&I Champion Over the last 6+ months we have been actively measuring and reporting on the diversity in our hiring funnels (at every stage) in our Talent Delivery Reports, to ensure transparency in our recruitment processes and help our clients identify any imbalances. This data collection is an ongoing process and we are taking the necessary steps to ensure it is collected accurately, ethically and honestly. We've shared the gender diversity of placements made by our team in the last 12 months below and have started the necessary steps to begin to measure and report on multiple diversity dimensions moving forwards. We recognise that we have a long way to go to address the current imbalance of our placements, but by evaluating and sharing where we are now, we hold ourselves accountable to continue to improve this data. % of Female Placements made by Burns Sheehan between April 2020 - April 2021: 11

FUTURES PROGRAMME FACILITATING PROGRESS FOR ASPIRING FUTURE LEADERS IN TECH WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? This is a mentoring programme to help inspire and accelerate the learning environment NOW IF YOU'RE INTERESTED, LET US KNOW for the future leaders in the Technology community. Our mission is to help close the equality gap for women, people of colour, people with disabilities and many other Click the link below, send us your email address & we'll be in touch! marginalised groups to reach their full potential in work. WEEK LET'S HAVE A CHAT We will work with our membership to create a tailored programme in which mentors 1 will engage with their mentees on a 1-2-1 basis over an agreed period of time. These We'll have an exploratory call & hear more about you - your areas meetings are a time to formulate & work on accomplishing the mentee's workplace of expertise & level of experience, your career goals & areas you goals. The aim of this programme is to help equip our members with improved skills would like to develop, as well as any challenges you are facing. and leadership strategies so that they can better prepare for the future and become more impactful in their own lives. WEEK FINDING YOUR MATCH 2-3 BECOME A MORE INSPIRING LEADER We'll work our magic and pair you with someone that we believe can help you achieve your outcome goals. You'll be able to preview their profile & check for compatibility. WEEK MENTORS & MENTEES CONNECT 3-4 Time to meet each other! Mentees will share their career goals & EXPAND YOUR GROW YOUR SHARE SET GOALS & GAIN ACCELERATE areas they wish to develop with their mentor & then together, KNOWLEDGE TECH IN YOUR you'll set the objectives that you'll be working towards. BASE REAL-LIFE CAREER NETWORK WORK TOWARDS CONFIDENCE E X PTEi mReI EtNo CmEe eSt e a c h o t h e rT! H E M WEEK MENTORING BEGINS 4-5 Mentees will share their career Once both parties are happy, mentoring meetings can begin, taking place on a tailored schedule that suits the mentee & WE'LL FIND YOUR MOST goals & areas they wish to mentor. COMPATIBLE PAIR BASED ON THE ASSESSMENT OF EXPERIENCE develop with their mentor & then FOLLOWING CRITERIA: together, you'll set the objectives AREAS OF EXPERTISE that you'll be working towards. YOUR GOALS & OBJECTIVES YOUR AVAILABILITY 12

The Northern Tech Scene The Northern Tech Market in 2021 has been crazy. Normally in recruitment terms, people return from the festive break with a bit of malaise and it takes a few weeks before the recruitment world really takes off…that did not happen this year. Companies have returned in 2021 with a real hunger and desire to recruit. Most businesses put plans on hold in 2020 to see how the world turned out, it feels like Q1 of 2021 was trying to play catch up on last year. The recruitment drive is across businesses of all sizes. We are seeing some of the big digital businesses really try to get rolling in 2021, alongside the exciting start ups in the ecosystem. We are seeing those who can move quicker as the most successful in hiring. Speed is king in these busy markets, not just in a sense of being first over the line but actually making candidates feel like they are wanted by the organisation. Those who take their time often give off a feel of uninterest and lose candidates in the process. What is really exciting is some of the funding that is continuing to be invested into tech businesses such as Matillion, Peak AI and Orka Technology. We are starting to see these companies gain significant investment and hopefully growth will follow! We’re also seeing an increase in remote first businesses from across the country. Those in areas which are less populated by talent on their doorstep are now taking a remote first mentality and opening up talent across the UK. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance are going to be massive draws to candidates this year. This doesn’t just mean remote first will win, but giving people the chance to continue to work from home will become a basic requirement for most technology candidates. Chris McGowan Director of Manchester [email protected] 13

London Our Sectors Leadership Like the majority of the Technology Industry, the senior hires market has never been busier. With the demand for strong technologists at every level in an organisation, it would only make sense that the demand for talented Leaders at the top would be high. Over the last 12 months we have been partnering with some of the UK’s most exciting technology led businesses to build out their Senior Leadership Teams. We have been engaged in multiple Chief Technology Officer, VP of Engineering, Director of Technology, Delivery Director, Director of Architecture and Head of Engineering searches. The salary bandings as shown on the next page are basic salaries only. We have seen slight uplift from last year and think this is mainly driven by the market being buoyant and companies being wary that they will be in competition for talent. The hot topics when taking job briefs from clients are: Diversity and Inclusion - is very high on the agenda for every company we engage with. Candidates with experience of building Diverse teams and Inclusive cultures will have the edge on those who don’t. Building a high performing Engineering culture – is very important when scaling to attract the right talent and retain staff in such a competitive market. Hands on vs hands off - We are still seeing a slight bias in candidates that have come from a “hands on” Engineering background, most companies will still assess technical knowledge throughout the interview process (in some capacity). Experience raising VC/PE Funding – Candidates that have worked in VC or PE backed businesses and have successfully raised funding or been apart of a sale/exit/transaction are highly sought after. Jon Sheehan Co-Founder & Head of CX 14

Leadership London North West & Yorkshire Job Title SME FTSE 500 FTSE 250 Job Title SME FTSE 500 FTSE 250 Head of Engineering Head of/ VP Engineering VP/Director of Engineering £110,000- £110,000- £115,000- Director of Engineering £60,000- £85,000- £75,000- £130,000 £130,000 £145,000 £85,000 £105,000 £110S,M00E0 £120,000- £120,000- £135,000- £75,000- £100,000- £100,000- £160,000 £160,000 £185,000 £110,000 £125,000 £130,000 VP/Director of Technology £120,000- £140,000- £150,000- VP of Technology* - -- £160,000 £180,000 £200,000 Chief Information £160,000- £180,000- £200,000- Chief Information £100,000- £150,000- £175,000- Security Officer £220,000 £255,000 £300,000 Security Officer £125,000 £210,000 £250,000 Chief Technology Officer £160,000- £180,000- £200,000- Chief Technology Officer £100,000- £150,000- £175,000- £220,000 £255,000 £300,000 £140,000 £250,000 £250,000 *Rare in North West/Yorkshire, not enough data available for an accurate benchmark 40% Talent Insights Our mentorship programme powered by women in technology aims to help inspire and accelerate the 35% of Leaders careers of the Future Leaders in our community. By connecting individuals in tech to share real in our survey workplace stories of success and failure, we want to help equip our mentees with improved skills and cited a lack of a mentor leadership strategies to better prepare for the future and become more impactful in their own lives. or uninspiring CEO/CTO Interested in becoming a mentee or mentor? Find out more information about our Futures Programme here. as a key reason for Becca Rose, Marketing Manager disengaging with their current employer. 15

Embedded Recruitment Solution ON Our 'On-Demand' Talent Acquisition Subscription Service Contingency Model Subscription Based Model 20% Placement fee REDUCE HIRING COSTS BY 35% Embedded Talent Partner Using a mix of advanced social recruitment Unlimited hires per month techniques and traditional talent mapping, we find Talent Coordinator to assist the Talent Partner the top passive and active, hard-to-reach talent. REDUCE TIME TO HIRE BY 33% Multiple specialist delivery teams to support the Talent *Invoice on candidate start date Partner and help you hire at pace and volume Co-branded solution tailored to your hiring challenges Don't just take our word for it... See how our tailored subscription solution has PROVEN TO IMPROVE ATTRITION RATES scaled world-class tech teams for some of our Improved quality of candidates resulting in increased leading clients. employee engagement and staff retention We become your ambassadors in the marketplace by providing additional services: Introducing and educating D&I into all talent pipelines Industry insights and market reports Tailored community events and marketing content 16

London Our Sectors Software Engineering - Backend In purely technical terms, there hasn’t been a huge shift in Software Engineering in the last 6 months. In the JVM world, Kotlin is still increasing in popularity with Software Engineers and a number of well-known ‘Java-Houses’ are not only building new solutions in Kotlin but actively migrating their Java-based platforms over to the new language. Go and Node are also increasing their market share of backend services and Python and Scala continue to have their fans while also providing a natural crossover into the Data Engineering space. It will be interesting to see what Java 17, the next LTS version being released in September 2021, will bring to the table, although ultimately, Java’s going nowhere fast! Outside of Software Engineers’ individual preferences, it still has one undeniable and vitally important advantage for companies in the current climate… the proliferation of potential candidates in what is becoming as competitive a market as we can remember. There are other interesting factors at play. Employers are more often willing to look at cross-training Software Engineers from other languages, bringing flexibility to their hiring strategy. They are also trying to come to terms with what work will look like in the post-pandemic world – Should they offer fully remote and do most people really want that? I would suggest that despite a sizeable minority enjoying the fully remote lifestyle, most would want a hybrid model offering more flexibility to work from home, whilst still including time in the office to socialise (or should I say collaborate!). Simon Evans Senior Director & Head of Backend Engineering - London 17

North West & Yorkshire Our Sectors Software Engineering - Backend Over the last 6 months in the .Net market in the North, there seem to be congruences as to what the market demanded in early 2020, just more of them! The demand is for well-rounded Senior Developers and Technical Leads, however what we’re noticing more recently is that there’s a demand for architecture experience. Hybrid roles are beginning to surface which offer opportunities to diversify a Developer skill set. Engineers who are on top of modern frameworks like NetStandard, understand Onion Architecture and embrace TDD are in demand. We are noticing the demand for Mid-Level Developers with 3-4 years’ experience, however candidates at this stage are looking for Senior titles and responsibilities. We’d encourage businesses to invest in lower Mid-Level Developers with good coding fundamentals and give them opportunities to develop, to reduce time to hire and ultimately save money. Some businesses are offering cross training opportunities as they transition to Go. This is hit and miss with candidates, some of which want to specialise and some want to diversify their skills. To stand out from other businesses in Manchester, offering clear progression routes, cross training opportunities, options for paid certifications (AWS, Azure) and challenging projects embracing cloud tech tends to attract great Engineers. A take home technical task is reducing the talent pool so success in hiring is linked to adopting an integrated kata into Technical Interviews. Bethany Baron Senior Software Engineering Specialist - Manchester 18

Software Engineering - Backend London North West & Yorkshire Category Technology Junior Mid Senior Lead Principal Category Technology Junior Mid Senior Lead Principal Java £35,000- £50,000- £80,000- £100,000- £110,000- Java £25,000- £37,000- £45,000- £60,000- £65,000- £45,000 £70,000 £100,000 £120,000 £140,000 £35,000 £50,000 £65,000 £75,000 £85,000 .Net £35,000- £50,000- £75,000- £90,000- £110,000- .Net £25,000- £30,000- £50,000- £65,000- £70,000- £45,000 £65,000 £95,000 £110,000+ £130,000+ £30,000 £45,000 £65,000 £85,000 £90,000+ Golang - £50,000- £80,000- £100,000- £110,000- Engineer Golang £37,000- £45,000- £50,000- £60,000- Ruby £70,000 £100,000 £120,000 £140,000 Ruby - £50,000 £60,000 £70,000 £75,000 Python £32,000- Python Engineer Kotlin £45,000 £45,000- £70,000- Kotlin £25,000- £32,000- £45,000- £50,000- £55,000- Scala £65,000 £90,000 Scala £32,000 £45,000 £57,000 £65,000 £75,000 PHP £85,000-£100,000 PHP £30,000- £35,000- £50,000- £65,000- £60,000- £35,000- £50,000- £75,000- £90,000- £85,000- £35,000 £50,000 £60,000 £85,000 £75,000 Talent Insights £50,000 £70,000 £95,000 £110,000 £120,000 - £30,000- £50,000- £65,000- £70,000- When asked, would you £50,000- £80,000- £90,000- £110,000- £45,000 £65,000 £85,000 £90,000+ prefer to remain fully - £70,000 £100,000 £110,000 £140,000 remote when the UK is £25,000- £30,000- £50,000- £65,000- £70,000- out of Lockdown? £35,000- £50,000- £80,000- £100,000- £110,000- £30,000 £45,000 £65,000 £85,000 £90,000 £50,000 £70,000 £100,000 £120,000 £140,000 Our Software Engineering £25,000- £28,000- £38,000- £50,000- £70,000- community said: £30,000- £45,000- £65,000- £80,000-£95,000 £28,000 £38,000 £48,000 £65,000 £80,000+ £45,000 £65,000 £80,000 45% Yes Leadership Engineering Manager £100,000-£130,000 Leadership Engineering Manager £75,000-£120,000 35% No 20% Not Sure *See page 15 for more Engineering Leadership Roles 19

London Our Sectors Software Engineering - Frontend React is still the go-to Front End library, with companies increasingly migrating away from other popular choices such as Vue and Angular, although Svelt is attracting attention as a new up and comer due its abstract approach towards building out user interfaces. Next.js is growing in popularity as it allows for increased functionality, such as server-side rendering and its efficiency for generating static pages for React based applications. For most companies, they are moving towards regimented TDD and with that carrying out a refresh in terms of their testing approach. React testing library is really taking off as the testing framework of choice over the likes of enzyme, because it's lightweight and much more efficient. Readd aabboouutt NNoottoonntthheehhiigghhssttrreeeett's'smmiiggrraattiioonnffrroommEEnnzzyymmeettooRReeaacct Testing Library here and the benefits seen among the Software Engineering team. Community sharing has been cited as a priority initiative for a lot of companies, not just internally via guilds and groups but in the wider tech community; understanding the benefits that it brings, strengthening their reputation in the tech community but also adhering to their responsibility as tech leaders. Engineers love to see companies share their knowledge to the wider community and this is something we've noticed as a real differentiator for active candidates. We have noticed a high volume of companies doing away with remote testing and instead opting for a live practical assessment, or to save time and expended energy on the candidates side, for them to showcase a previous piece of work which they could iterate and develop by adding some functionality. This is not unanimous, remote testing still has a lot of benefits for both the company and candidate but there certainly has been a shift. Jake Wilson Senior JavaScript Specialist – London 20

North West & Yorkshire Our Sectors Software Engineering - Frontend The demand for modern framework experience has surged over the last few months, with React remaining the most popular framework and Vue becoming a popular choice for businesses. As the demand for Front-End Developers continues to increase, so does the expectation for commercial experience within these modern frameworks and there is a significantly smaller talent pool. Companies looking to implement these modern frameworks should actively encourage and invest in cross training their new and existing Developers if they want to reduce their time to hire. A similar trend in the market is the challenge in motivating strong Mid-Level Developers with 3-4 years’ experience to move company without the guarantee of a step-up to a Senior role. To solve this, companies should take advantage of the market of promising Junior Developers and invest in training them up to help bridge the supply gap. We have also noticed the introduction of modern frameworks within Manchester to keep up with the modern technologies that are more commonly used within the London tech houses. With more businesses relocating their tech teams from London into Manchester, the increase in the latest technologies has increased. The introduction of GraphQL is becoming more well known within Manchester businesses and will soon be a sought after framework for companies across the North West. Charlotte Smith Senior Software Engineering Specialist – Manchester 21

Software Engineering - Frontend London Mid Senior Lead Principal North West & Yorkshire Mid Senior Lead Principal Category Technology Junior Category Technology Junior £25,000- £50,000- £70,000- £90,000- £95,000- Full Stack £25,000- £28,000- £45,000- £55,000- £70,000- Full Stack £40,000 £65,000 £90,000 £110,000 £130,000 £30,000+ £45,000 £55,000 £68,000+ £90,000+ JavaScript Node.js £25,000- £50,000- £65,000- £90,000- £95,000- JavaScript Node.js £25,000- £28,000- £45,000- £55,000- £70,000- Engineer £40,000 £60,000 £85,000 £110,000 £120,000+ Engineer £30,000+ £45,000 £55,000 £65,000+ £85,000+ React / React / Vue.js £25,000- £50,000- £65,000- £90,000- £90,000- Vue.js £25,000- £28,000- £45,000- £58,000- £70,000- £40,000 £60,000 £85,000 £110,000 £120,000+ £30,000+ £45,000 £58,000 £68,000+ £85,000+ Typescript £25,000- £50,000- £65,000- £90,000- £90,000- Typescript £25,000- £28,000- £45,000- £55,000- £70,000- £40,000 £60,000 £85,000 £110,000 £120,000+ £30,000+ £45,000 £55,000 £65,000 £85,000+ £35,000- £45,000- £65,000- £90,000- £90,000- iOS £25,000- £35,000- £50,000- £70,000- £70,000- Talent Insights iOS £45,000 £65,000 £90,000 £110,000 £120,000+ £35,000 £50,000 £65,000 £90,000 £100,000 The key reasons our Mobile Android £35,000- £45,000- £65,000- £90,000- £90,000- Mobile Android £25,000- £35,000- £50,000- £70,000- £70,000- Software Engineering Engineer £45,000 £65,000 £90,000 £110,000 £120,000+ Engineer £35,000 £50,000 £65,000 £90,000 £100,000 community would disengage with their React £30,000- £40,000- £65,000- £90,000- £90,000- React £25,000- £30,000- £45,000- £65,000- £70,000- current employer: Native £40,000 £60,000 £90,000 £110,000 £120,000+ Native £30,000 £45,000 £60,000 £85,000 £100,000 1. Legacy Technology Leadership Head of Mobile £100,000 - £120,000+ Leadership Head of Mobile* - Stack / Limited new platform or application build opportunities A mobile first approach is becoming more and more common and it's here to 2. Limited Salary stay. We all use our smartphones for everything these days, so to keep up with Reviews this shift in behaviour, more Engineering roles are a mix between web and mobile (React & React Native). 3. Lack of remote working Jake Wilson, Senior JavaScript Specialist opportunities & flexibility of hours 22 *Rare in North West/Yorkshire, not enough data available for an accurate benchmark

Quality Engineering London North West & Yorkshire Category Technology Junior Mid Senior Lead Principal Category Technology Junior Mid Senior Lead Principal Analyst / £25,000- £35,000- £55,000- £65,000-£75,000 Analyst / £20,000- £25,000- £35,000- £50,000-£60,000 Manual £35,000 £55,000 £65,000 Manual £25,000 £35,000 £50,000 Automation £35,000- £45,000- £60,000- £65,000-£85,000+ Automation £20,000- £25,000- £37,000- £50,000-£65,000 Engineer £25,000 £37,000 £50,000 QA Engineer £45,000 £60,000 £70,000 QA SDET / Developer £40,000- £50,000- £75,000- £85,000-£100,000+ SDET / Developer £25,000- £30,000- £40,000- £55,000-£70,000 in Test £50,000 £70,000 £90,000 in Test £30,000 £40,000 £55,000 Leadership Head of QA £85,000 - £100,000+ Leadership Head of QA £70,000 - £75,000 The first half of 2021 has been a particularly busy time for tech in general, including QA. Passive 23 candidates are often not willing to entertain a move if they can help it because of the perceived risk in the current job market, unless it meets a specific or narrow criteria. Some job-seekers have highlighted a poorer candidate experience in processes, which might be attributed to the volume of applications and increased competition from harder hit, Covid impacted job markets. This manifests itself in the form of lack of feedback and decreased conversion rates in terms of application / to offers from both agency and direct applications. Jay Despojo, Senior QA Specialist

London Our Sectors DevOps/SRE & Infrastructure The increase in demand for more Developers and Software Engineers has naturally led to tech teams hiring more DevOps/SRE/Platform Engineers. Most requirements are for AWS-centric Engineers with good exposure to Terraform or similar infrastructure as code tooling. We are still seeing a slight bias towards Engineers from a traditional Systems Administration background over those who have originated from more of a coding- oriented setting, although the need for DevOps/SRE/Platform Engineers who can code to a respectable level in at least one language is still on the rise. Those organisations with the most streamlined of interview processes are benefiting from snapping up top talent in this area; we are still seeing technical tests and case studies being utilised to assess candidates’ suitability, but those who are asking for 3+ hour tests are losing the battle to hire, given the vast amount of opportunities out there in this space. With the majority of work being successfully achieved remotely in the last year during the pandemic, candidates are certainly more mindful of having more of a remote aspect within their remit, with the desire for having some time in the office to socialise and for a change of scenery still seemingly important. A blend of remote/office presence is likely to ensue as we move forward. Luke Pentney Director & Head of DevOps - London 24

North West & Yorkshire Our Sectors DevOps/SRE & Infrastructure The second half of 2020 saw a strong resurgence in demand for Cloud & DevOps specialists across the North, and this has continued into 2021. One notable trend has been the sharp increase in client demand for Engineers with skills in the Microsoft/Azure automation and DevOps space. Many organisations have opted to recruit discreet DevOps Engineers with Microsoft/Azure DevOps experience, where a lot of this work was previously entrusted to software engineering teams. Repeated lockdowns have also accelerated already existing trends within the public sector, shifting more and more services and infrastructure out of data centres and into the cloud. The combined impact of these shifts has seen a major spike in activity for us on the Azure front. However, even with the continuing growth of Azure, AWS remains the most-asked-for public cloud platform across our Northern client base. It’s also the usual ‘go to’ option for Junior Engineers looking to establish themselves with Cloud & DevOps. Within the AWS/GCP space, perhaps the most notable trend of 20/21 thus far has been the growing influence of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) principles throughout many of our leading technology businesses. Increasingly, Hiring Managers are looking for their Cloud & DevOps practitioners to be armed with software engineering skills and experience. This, combined with the challenges of hiring & retaining in lockdown, appears to have applied some inflationary pressures to salaries within the sector. The rewards for talented Engineers seeking out permanent roles have never been greater, but nor have the expectations placed upon them. John Beesley Principal DevOps Specialist - Manchester 25

DevOps/SRE & Infrastructure London North West & Yorkshire Category Technology Junior Mid Senior Lead Category Technology Junior Mid Senior Lead Engineer DevOps £40,000- £55,000- £75,000- £95,000- DevOps £30,000- £40,000- £55,000- £70,000- £55,000 £75,000 £95,000 £110,000 Platform £40,000 £55,000 £70,000 £80L,0ea0d0 Kubernetes Platform £40,000- £55,000- £75,000- £95,000- £30,000- £40,000- £55,000- £65,000- is the most £55,000 £75,000 £95,000 £110,000 £40,000 £55,000 £65,000 £75,000 common “buzz word” SRE £50,000- £60,000- £80,000- £110,000- SRE £30,000- £40,000- £55,000- £70,000- currently, with more & £60,000 £80,000 £110,000 £130,000 £40,000 £55,000 £70,000 £90,000 more Engineers identifying opportunities Engineer £40,000- £55,000- £70,000- to work with it & investing £55,000 £70,000 £85,000 in relevant certifications DevSecOps £60,000- £70,000- £90,000- £110,000- DevSecOps £30,000- to enhance this possibility. £70,000 £85,000 £110,000 £150,000 £40,000 £30,000- £45,000- £65,000- Jamie Thuillier, £45,000 £60,000 £75,000 DevOps Specialist £40,000- £50,000- £60,000- £85,000- £20,000- Infrastructure £50,000 £65,000 £85,000 £110,000 Infrastructure £30,000 £30,000- £45,000- £65,000- Talent Insights £45,000 £60,000 £75,000 Network £35,000- £45,000- £60,000- £75,000- Network £20,000- 32% of DevOps/ £45,000 £60,000 £75,000 £110,000 £30,000 SRE/Platform professionals in our 1st Line £25,000 - £27,000 - - 1st Line £20,000 - £25,000 - - survey selected lack of career progression Support 2nd Line £30,000- £32,000- £40,000- £50,000- Support 2nd Line £22,000- £25,000- £30,000- £35,000- as a key reason for 3rd Line £32,000 £40,000 £50,000 £60,000 3rd Line £25,000 £30,000 £35,000 £45,000 disengaging with their current employer. £38,000- £45,000- £50,000- £65,000- £28,000- £32,000- £40,000- £48,000- £45,000 £50,000 £65,000 £75,000 £32,000 £40,000 £48,000 £55,000 26 Head of DevOps £110,000 - £140,000 Head of DevOps £75,000 - £120,000 Head of Platform £110,000 - £140,000 Head of Platform £75,000 - £120,000 Leadership £120,000 - £150,000 Leadership £85,000 - £130,000 £110,000 - £140,000 £70,000 - £110,000 Head of SRE Head of SRE Head of Infrastructure Head of Infrastructure

London Our Sectors Data Across the Data specialisms that Burns Sheehan work on (Engineering, Analytics & Science) we haven’t noticed too many changes in salaries over the last 6+ months – which was to be expected. One area that seems to be more in demand and having inflated salaries is specific niche, senior or lead technical positions. This is more focused on the Data Engineering side rather than anywhere else, but looking at modern tech stacks and introducing infrastructure as code (GCP/Kubernetes/Terraform), this has paved the way for some inflated salaries for those with that very niche skill set, especially if they have come from Product-driven, highly scalable businesses that not only want the technical skill set, but the commercial acumen around scaling. We’ve certainly noticed the rise of the DataOps Engineer. Traditionally, Data Engineering was really about ‘connecting the dots’ in a business’ end-to-end data flow, consolidating data streams from various sources, and ensuring that data quality and transaction standards were met. However, within the finer details of any given role, Data Engineering has now become a byword for so many different processes and functions that the job title itself has ceased to have individual meaning; this term can now imply experience with a whole host of technologies including Python, Scala, Java, NoSQL databases, Kafka, Spark, Data Warehouses and ETL or scheduling tools such as SSIS, AWS Glue or Airflow. We have witnessed this mostly in our conversations with clients, who in many cases are now looking to hire one person across Data and DevOps, rather than two separate specialists. This is sometimes highlighted by an ‘ideal’ Data Engineering candidate having knowledge of more traditionally Devops technologies such as Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins or Ansible. Nick Wright Head of Data - London 27

North West & Yorkshire Our Sectors Data The last six months, where do we start about Data in the North... I personally am no Data Analyst, but we have seen a real uptick in the number of Engineering roles coming from larger companies - particularly from consultancies who are seeing more demand from long-standing clients for Data Engineers, who are now seeing the true value of data. Over the next year I see this staying much the same, as one Hiring Manager put it “you can’t put a roof on a house without building the foundations”. In his world meaning they couldn’t do Data Science and Insight properly without having enough good clean data to use. Hiring processes have seen a shift in demand, with take-away tasks becoming less prominent and the focus moving to in depth discussions around previous work and projects, sharing what went well and more importantly, what went wrong and how they dealt with and solved that. As industries go, everyone has data but it's all about how they utilise that data and make it work for them. The demand across Data Engineering, Data Science and Machine Learning always has that exciting buzz, but we still get lots of requirements for the more traditional MS BI & Data Analytics roles across both Manchester & Yorkshire. Dan Billington Principal Data Specialist - Manchester 28

Data London North West & Yorkshire Category Junior Mid Senior Lead Principal Category Junior Mid Senior Lead Principal ecneicS ataD scitylanA ataD gnireenignE ataD Data Scientist £40,000- £55,000- £70,000- £90,000- £100,000- ecneicS ataD scitylanA ataD gnireenignE ataD Data Scientist £30,000- £40,000- £50,000- £70,000- - Talent Insights £55,000 £70,000 £90,000 £120,000 £140,000 £40,000 £50,000 £60,000 £100,000 - Machine Learning - 56% of Data Machine Learning £40,000- £55,000- £70,000- £90,000- £100,000- Engineer £30,000- £40,000- £50,000- £70,000- respondents Engineer £55,000 £70,000 £90,000 £120,000 £140,000 £40,000 £50,000 £60,000 £90,000 said greater flexibility Data Analyst of working hours and Data Analyst £35,000- £45,000- £55,000- £65,000- - £20,000- £25,000- £35,000- £50,000- location as one of £45,000 £60,000 £75,000 £85,000 £25,000 £30,000 £45,000 £55,000 their most important employee benefits. BI Analyst £35,000- £45,000- £55,000- £65,000- - BI Analyst £25,000- £30,000- £40,000- £50,000- - £45,000 £60,000 £75,000 £85,000 £30,000 £40,000 £50,000 £55,000 - - Data Engineer £40,000- £50,000- £70,000- £90,000- £100,000- Data Engineer £30,000- £35,000- £60,000- £80,000- Product-led teams & companies are constantly (Python/Java/Scala) £50,000 £70,000 £90,000 £120,000 £140,000 (Python/Java/Scala) £35,000 £60,000 £80,000 £100,000 looking for new ways to improve their offering & Data Architect - £85,000 - £150,000 - - Data Architect - £65,000 - £85,000 - many use experimentation as a way of doing that, so BI Developer £40,000- £45,000- £55,000- £70,000- £70,000- BI Developer £30,000- £35,000- £45,000- £55,000- we’ve seen a real increase £45,000 £55,000 £70,000 £85,000 £85,000 £35,000 £45,000 £55,000 £70,000 in the demand for Data Scientists with good Chief Data Officer £120,000 - £200,000 Chief Data Officer £90,000 - £115,000  experience in the area. Head of Data Science Typical pihsredaeL pihsredaeL Head of Data Science Typical £100,000 - £150,000 £70,000 - £100,000 * Head of Data £100,000 - £150,000 Head of Data £70,000 - £100,000 * Jonny Guy Engineering £80,000 - £130,000 Engineering £65,000 - £85,000 * Principal Data Head of BI / Head of BI / Specialist Head of Analytics Head of Analytics 29 *These roles are rare in North West/Yorkshire and so there is limited data to go off

London Our Sectors Product & Agile Delivery For the most part of 2020, Product Manager roles were thin on the ground in comparison to other disciplines such as Engineering, DevOps and Data, where hiring was the priority during the pandemic. However, this changed towards the end of last year and from early 2021, we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of Product Manager roles. It’s a highly competitive market at the moment with candidates in high demand and often completing recruitment processes quicker than previously. Experienced Product Managers and Scrum Masters have seen a slight increase in salaries compared to last year at around 5%. We’ve also noticed an increased demand for Data & Analytics focused Product Managers and expect this to be a growing trend this year. Businesses have relied on data more than ever during the pandemic and Product Teams have been required to take a more data-driven approach. Combining data and product management enables a greater focus to be placed on product analytics, consistent prioritisation and roadmapping, and setting quantifiable goals. Making sure everyone on the team understands the fundamentals and embedding data into the culture of the team ensures people are making decisions in a much more rigorous way. Similarly, following the pandemic where company's growth was halted - we are seeing a resurgence in companies trying to grow at an even quicker rate. Ted Truscott (ex Facebook), a Growth Product Manager presented a talk on how companies can adopt a different product approach in order to facilitate such growth, and specifically what Start-Ups and growing tech businesses can learn from the established Tech Giants. Read the highlights here. Louise Smith Director & Head of Product - London 17 30

Product & Agile Delivery London North West & Yorkshire Job Title Junior Mid Senior Lead Job Title Junior Mid Senior Lead Talent Insights Product Manager £40,000- £55,000- £70,000- £90,000- Product Manager £30,000- £40,000- £50,000- £60,000- A company mission that Product Owner £50,000 £70,000 £90,000 £100,000 £40,000 £55,000 £65,000 £80,000 is ethical, impactful & that resonates, is a key Business Analyst £40,000- £50,000- £65,000- £75,000- Product Owner £30,000- £40,000- £50,000- £60,000- factor of interest when £50,000 £65,000 £75,000 £85,000 £40,000 £55,000 £65,000 £80,000 looking into a potential Product Designer Scrum Master / £35,000- £45,000- £60,000- £70,000- £25,000- £30,000- £40,000- £55,000- 33%employer for Delivery Manager £45,000 £60,000 £70,000 £80,000 £30,000 £45,000 £65,000 £70,000 Head of Delivery of Product & Delivery professionals. Business Analyst £35,000- £55,000- £70,000- £80,000- Product Designer £25,000- £30,000- £50,000- £60,000- £45,000 £65,000 £80,000 £85,000 £35,000 £50,000 £75,000 £85,000 Scrum Master / £40,000- £50,000- £70,000- £90,000- Delivery Manager £25,000- £35,000- £50,000- £65,000- £50,000 £70,000 £85,000 £100,000 £30,000 £45,000 £70,000 £90,000 £100,000 - £130,000 Head of Delivery £80,000 - £120,000  Head of Product £110,000 - £130,000 Head of Product £80,000 - £110,000  VP of Product £110,000 - £140,000 VP of Product £80,000 - £110,000  Chief Product Officer £120,000 - £150,000 Chief Product Officer £90,000 - £120,000  31

Delivering Industry Insight On Trending Topics We have recently partnered with... Burns Sheehan Tech Events The key to organising a successful tech talk is working with attractive, technology-led, data-driven businesses with inspiring stories to tell. We listen to our network and facilitate their hunger to learn by working with speakers from our partners and presenting on current trends in the technology market that our community want to hear about. Our tech talks are one of our most powerful tools for re-engaging with the tech community and each event is run by a different team to allow us to cover a multitude of topics and engage with and attract a diverse pool of candidates. Our events aren't a one-size fits all approach. We've previously held breakfast round-tables, workshops, Q&A's, moderated talks, speaker presentations and digital events. Click on the logos to the right to see some of the highlights and read more here. I found Burns Sheehan wholly supportive and collaborative as we I felt really humbled to be part of such a great panel. I achieved both of my goals brought the webinar to life, aiming to address real life topics and 1) facing my fear of speaking in public 2) learning from people who know a lot more problems. It was an enriching experience working with the diverse panel than I do on the subject! they collated, and I learned a lot from the other panelists as well as from the event attendees. -Sophie, Senior Program Manager -Pedro, Software Engineering Manager 32

Utilising The Power Of Our Network How do we do it? Targeting How do you produce an engaging event? You ask the audience what topics would An ignite a thought-provoking and insightful discussion for them. We conduct surveys with our candidate and client community on a regular basis, to establish trending Audience topics in the tech community. By listening to our target audience and inviting the best candidates from our network, we bring together some of the best tech minds under one roof discussing the topics important to them. Attracting Within our vast network we have a number of active and prospective event speakers. Speakers Once we have established the trending topics we reach out to our community to establish a host, theme and panel of speakers. Marketing As well as sharing the event details as a business on our social media pages, our I’ve had the chance to speak to a different Techniques recruiters use events to strike up conversations & build on new and existing group of people and practice presenting relationships with their strongest candidates and contacts. Our post-event blogs are a publicly. You're able to learn from others about great way to continue the conversation and follow up on new contacts we meet and what they’re doing and how they’re solving engage with at our events. problems in the same or different ways to you. -Lachie, Senior Software Engineer 33

Creating a Conversation With Your Community Why are events so valuable? Drive The Discussion Events are the most powerful recruitment tool for passive candidates. They are the perfect opportunity to initiate a conversation and build relationships with new and existing contacts by asking for discussion topics, sharing information, inviting attendees and following up with blog posts and event highlights. Hosting these events creates a platform for you to provide your valuable insight on trending topics in the tech community. It's an opportunity for your business to create a conversation and shed light on the topics you want discussed. Amplify Your Brand & Attract Talent The best candidates want to work for the best companies. Events are an opportunity to showcase your company culture and internal talent, whilst engaging with tech talent in the marketplace and educating them on client projects they may not otherwise hear about. This can often encourage tech talent to start talking to clients about working with them, thereby kick starting the hiring process. When hosting a meet-up, the words that you want to spring to mind are engaging, conversational, learning, friendly and professional. Burns Sheehan have been a huge help in bringing that to the table, plus so much more. We're looking forward to partnering with Burns Sheehan on many more events in the future. -Tom, Talent Acquisition Lead 3242

Harnessing The Power Of Our Online Community Digital Events & Start-Up Diaries Podcast Our digital events and Tales in Tech Live series have been a great way for us to continue learning from and sharing knowledge with our tech community whilst we're unable to host meetups. With travel constraints eliminated and the opportunity to present and join the audience from the comfort of your own home, we have been able to work with speakers based outside of the UK and our webinars have been viewed by people from all over the world. Throughout 2020 we successfully hosted over 20 live webinars for our tech community. Ranging from speaker presentations, live coding sessions, panel Q&As and subject debates, we have covered topics in all areas across Engineering, Product, Data, DevOps & hiring insights. You can watch back all of our previous digital event recordings on our YYoouuTTuubbee cchhaannnneell.. Our Start-Up Diaries podcast delves into the challenges, surprises and lessons learnt by forward- thinking Founders & Business Leaders growing some of the most exciting tech start-ups in the UK. It was great to share tootoot's investment journey and feature on Burns Sheehan Start-Up Diaries podcast. I'd recommend anyone looking to showcase their business to reach out to the team. -Michael, Co-Founder & CEO  35

London 55 King William Street EC4R 9AD 0203 206 1900 Manchester 3.11 Bonded Warehouse 18 Lower Byrom Street M3 4AP 0161 416 6169 [email protected]

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