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Home Explore Power ACTiON Booklet - Create, Act, Empower [2018]

Power ACTiON Booklet - Create, Act, Empower [2018]

Published by Active Rainbow, 2018-09-27 09:03:42

Description: The "Power ACTiON" Booklet is an outcome from the project under the same name, which was created during the follow-up phase of the Youth Project. It contains information about the project, daily reportages of the Exchange event with photos, testimonials of the participant's experience, the follow-up results of the local activities the national teams implemented and 18 brand new educational tools about the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum and social inclusion.
The project was organized by Olde Vechte Foundation and Active Rainbow in Ommen, the Netherlands and was funded by the Erasmusplus Jeugd.

Keywords: booklet,human rights,workshops,lgbt rights,gender,sexuality,project,results,inclusion


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© 2018 Olde Vechte FoundationCoordinator, Writer, Editor: Cathy/Aikaterini ManousakiDesign: Elina PrimakaPhotography: Elina Primaka & Jules (Rei) PuertoQuotes/Perspectives, Reportages, Testimonials, Workshops, Follow-ups by participants of Power Action Youth ProjectOlde Vechte Foundation – Training center for non formal learning Active Rainbow - Educational PlatformZeesserweg 12, 7731 BG, Ommen, the Netherlands E-mail: [email protected]: +31 529 451 963 Facebook: ActiveDiversityE-mail: [email protected] Instagram: @active_rainbowWebsite: (foundation) | (accommodation) Vimeo: Active RainbowFacebook: Olde Vechte foundation Youtube: Active RainbowAll portions of this publication may be reproduced for use in non-formal education, provided acknowledgement of the source and notification of suchuse is given to Olde Vechte Foundation or Active Rainbow. This publication was written as a follow-up result of the Power ACTion Project. All contentis the intellectual property of Power ACTion project, unless otherwise noted herein. This publication has been produced with the financial support ofthe European Union, under the Erasmus+ programme. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not represent theopinions or positions of the funders of this project.“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects theviews only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

CONTENT 04 About 06 Activist Portraits 08 Program 32 Workshops 50 Follow-ups 56 Testimonials 58 Acknowledgement 3

about the PROJECT Power ACTiON was a dynamic 12 days self- exploration journey in a intercultural context which brought together 45 young activists in order to act on topics of LGBTQIA+ Spectrum, inclusion and blend diverse non-formal educational tools. One of the main objectives of the project was the organization and creation of new non-formal learning tools, fostering the important role that non-formal education plays role in combating discrimination and promoting social inclusion and the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum. Furthermore the project aimed: • To identify the LGBTQIA+ needs and challenges nowadays and maintain the knowledge on the LGBTQIA+ rights and spectrum • To empower youngsters in their personal growth: to reach emancipation: becoming aware of their identity, self-awareness, self-expression and freedom of choice • To exchange on how to organize an activity in their local community (workshops, street actions etc.) • To organize and implement new workshops and activities during the Exchange and afterwards in each partner country, raising awareness and boosting the active participation of youth The Exchange took place in January 2018, at Olde Vechte Foundation in Ommen, the Netherlands. The project was financially supported by the Erasmusplus Jeugd and the Erasmus+ programme.4

about thePUBLICATIONThe “Power ACTi-ON Booklet” is one of the maineducational tools developed during and after theExchange.Inside this publication you have the chance to:• Meet the Empowered Activists• Get behind the scenes and learn all about the Exchange, through documentation and the daily reportages from participants• Be inspired from participants perspectives about the importance of Inclusive Education and being active citizens;• Learn a variety of new tools created and developed by participants during the Advanced Planning Visit and the Exchange• Have a glimpse on the local actions and results performed by each national team in their countries during the follow-up phase of the projectNote: The initials LGBTQIA+ stand for: Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and +(all other forms of sexual and gender expression). Theinitialism LGBTQIA+ emphasizes the diversity of sexualityand gender identities.When referring to LGBTQIA+ Spectrum, we acknowledgethe wide range of aspects that relate to the term:community, culture, human rights, gender and sexualdiversity, social movements, etc. 5

empowered activist PORTRAITS Meet our Powerful ACTors who owned their experience and shared for 12 dynamic days an enriching and fruitful journey together! The young activists come from 9 different countries from Europe: Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Netherlands and Spain.6


“Today was the first day of the program, which started DAY 1 in the evening and we kicked off doing the proper PowerACTiON experience of all 45+ people in the group after all the physical storms had passed and we had rested. We got the chance start expressing ourselves through movement and getting to know each other through different games, working in pairs and as a whole group, drawing each other’s “Power Actors” portraits. “8

It is fundamental, an inclusive Education doesn’t just help to create a moresafe and understanding society but also it will be easier for someoneto accept their identity if they grow with a positive education issues. Ireally think that most of the prejudice comes from misunderstandingsand ignorance, and from fear of the unknown, so showing this reality assomething normal, something that is happening here and now and is notgoing to disappear if we just don´t talk about it, will help to make disappearsome negative or incorrect ideas about LGBT issues.Education is the only solid way of creating a real change in our societiesand the responsibility of making it better is in our hands- Rei, Spain 9

“In day 2, we had lots of entertaining and educational DAY 2 activities during the day. Lastly, we explored gender identity as a star. Each First of all, we practiced putting various negative individual star would be more like a blotch or a strange concepts concerning the LGBTQIA+ community in a box shape. Later we did a meditation on unconscious, displayed as physical objects. Some of them were: “You society-formed concepts of how a “couple” or “parents”, will be never be loved because you are trans.”, “LGBT+ etc. appear in our imagination and analyzed the people commit suicide because they are weak, and stereotypes. that is how natural selection works”, etc. The liberating All in all, “after the storm and rain always comes the and empowering moment was throwing them all away rainbow” and the day was enlightening, fulfilling and full and emptying the box for new opportunities and birth of activity.” of something new and beautiful. The group atmosphere was very empathetic and we were really understanding Let LGBTQI+ persons themselves work on each other. education material, so that the right information will be delivered to everyone. I don’t think straight Later on we got to know and made 3 different support cis people are the most capable ones of writing systems for each other: the whole group, a smaller about LGBT+ related topics when it comes to group with one leader and one “buddy”. The buddy education. For example: education about LGBT+ system helps to cope with the process. It is safer and people’s experiences, the issues they face, how easier doing things together. We became friends with sexuality and gender works for them. This is someone from a whole different culture and got to something we should and CAN do ourselves. experience their point of view. - Fiona, Netherlands A lot of us have experienced oppression and difficulties in our lives. We’ve been hurt, alone, excluded. Therefore, organizers are paying attention and balancing the situation by creating support systems for which we are very grateful. Furthermore, we had an exciting discussion about the whole LGBTQIA+ spectrum, both interesting and exhausting. It was eye-opening knowing opinions and perspectives of other people from different countries. Some of the acronyms for the letters discussed were almost unheard of. We could speak freely and safely. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” politics would be denounced and just plain wrong here.10


“We created inclusive pieces of art, which represented DAY 3 our Powerful Reflection Group spirits. After the lunch we had an opportunity to work in trios and build each one our unique Lego brick tower with the help and guidance of the others and we had a chance to realize our 100% impact on the results as players and the possible influences from the coach and commentator side. In next, very relieving activity, we moved a lot and through dance we could fully express ourselves and experience the variousity of movement and interaction with different objects and people. In the evening we connected on a deeper level through a sharing process, practicing our listening and presence and liberating ourselves - we shared and faced our bright and darker sides letting ourselves free and emotions come and go.”12

There are always available options to beactive in your local area. First, you canjoin community meetings and get to knowwhat you can do if you are interested. Orif you want to take things slowly, at leastparticipate at events such as PRIDE etc.There is still a lot work that can be donewith communities.- Richi, Slovakia 13

“Today the Power Actors got the chance to have an DAY 4outdoor experience. We left the foundation in themorning to visit Amsterdam!We travelled in groups on the Dutch railway and wewere encouraged to create our own agreements abouttiming and meeting points.We divided into teams and were assigned a list ofwonderful missions to accomplish. It was a fun way toexplore the city, because the missions required us bothto bond with each other and to observe the environmentaround us: Dutch people, their language, their habits,the peculiarities of Amsterdam, the connections with thetopics of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum.We took an uncountable amount of selfies and pictures,but especially we filmed some videos. Each team wasequipped with one camera and was invited to make avideo-reportage of the day. We can’t wait to see whateach team will show us, when the reportages are ready,because each of us lived the Amsterdam experience intheir own way and looked at the city with different eyes.It was interesting and refreshing to spend an entire dayoutside of the usual working environment of the project.We are filled with new inspiration and knowledge andwe feel empowered to put it into practice in the comingdays.” It is important to secure a safe and concrete school/educational environment in which bullying or any kind of distinction will not be tolerable. A school based on the approach of the human rights.14

It is important for all kids/people to know that they can openly andwithout fear talk about issues regarding their gender identity and theirsexuality.- Avraam, Greece 15

“One thing leads to another, and so did our wonderful DAY 5 short trip to Amsterdam! We had a long morning so that we could prepare our group videos. We met at Action room ready to share our trip experience. First we were introduced to the “Feedback Schema”, a way to give constructive feedback, because as it is said, “feedback is a gift-take it or leave it”! Then we had the chance to use the schema, in order to give constructive Feedback on the teams’ Amsterdam videos. 8 teams, 8 videos, 8 different perspectives, 8 special narratives. Every team got all its power and personality to its video, and we all were happy to share with each other. We shared funny and touchy moments, songs and laughs and, of course, constructive feedback. The last scheduled part of the day, was a workshop on public speaking and argumentation. We explored about the best way to construct an effective argument according to the context and the aim of the argument. Our day ended in a self-organized way. We - always democratically - decided to have a movie night in Action room. We met and watched “Call me by your name” that was selected among 3 suggested movies by the majority of the group. Day #5 came to an end, and we are all ready for the next challenge to come! “16

By doing! We can’t do the same things overand over and expect different results. We canbe more active by raising our voice (not beingsilenced) not matter how small and shaky itmight be. Making communities, making safespaces for young people, looking for help andasking help when it’s needed. Nobody changedthe world by sitting on the couch.- Ilze, Latvia 17

“Power ACTiON is in it’s day #6, where we are in the DAY 6starting process of creating 10 new and unique work-shops where we will share new tools and experiencesregards LGBTQIA+ Spectrum, informal education,mindfulness, personal experiences and media.Here are some key words describing the day from ourviewpoint:“inclusive community | secret friends | workshops |inspiration | cooperation | brainstorming | topics andtools| timetables | consultations | non formal education |walking around | nice weather | teamwork | conversation| connection”” I think it’s very important to be open-minded and compassionate. While we’re enjoying the fruits of freedom and rights which the earlier generation have fought so hard, we should realize that it can still be a privilege to so many people out there. Vote, join a pride or simply take part in a event are all means to show our support. We should never stay silent to a public affair just because it’s not directly related to us. It’s still a long way to go to quality. If we’re the lucky ones, we should stand up and strive for what we believe and at the same time reach out to those who are behind us. - Wei Lun, Slovenia18

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“Day #7 in Power ACTiON journey was full of new DAY 7 insights, inspirations, learnings and understanding as part of the first 5 workshops created by the teams. In this day we experienced thinking traps, creation of our own memes, meditation, bullying & stereotypes and personal story sharing through intimate performances.”20

Young people need mentors not only forLGBT+ related topics. They need to havesomeone they feel safe with and that canhelp guide them, whether it is about theirgender, their sexual orientation or careerpaths. Young people are insecure andneed someone to confide in. Communitiesshould have vocal messages to youngpeople that there are safe places to goand to talk to someone, at the sametime they should educate other youngpeople about LGBT+, what it means,what the people go through, so they cancreate a safe environment for their peersthemselves.- Monika, Czech Republic 21

“Day #8 in the program was the second day of DAY 8implementation of the new different workshops.We started the day with meditation and body movement.The second part of the day continued with storytellingand discussion about misgendering. Later on therewas sensitive discussion about discrimination outsideand especially inside the LGBTQIA+ community. Theworkshop part was closed with playful storytelling andtheater workshop where participants made a LGBTQIA+twist in famous fairytales.The day ended with a warm reflection about the projectand workshops.” It is very important to take care about what is going on around you, in your community, in the society and try to help change something into the better more equal direction. The problem is that the young people are many times too shy,22

not motivated and frustrated from the the people from LGBTQIA+ communities to 23current situation in their countries so I meet together more often in order just tothink the first point in becoming an active see/hear that there are same and similaryoung citizen would be in encouraging people and that one is not alone in thethe young people and giving them hope world.and motivation. Good thing would be for - Filip, Czech Republic

“To begin with, the day started with a discussion DAY 9 about the previous 2-day workshops and the opinions expressed about them. The discussion showed numerous views in our particular reflection group about the things done previously, including that the favourites of our group were the Queer museum as well as Yoga on the first day of the workshops. After that, we continued our day with wonderful lunch and introductions about LGBTQIA+ communities in different countries. Various themes were included, involving the point that one of the best situations with the rights exist in the Netherlands but, unfortunately, by scoring everything overall the worst situation with the rights come to Lithuania, Slovakia and Latvia. We got to know various things which not everyone knew previously, for instance, in Slovakia you cannot change the gender without sterilization, as well as some of us, did not know that the first country in the world which allowed same-sex marriage was the Netherlands. It happened in 2001. Between the presentations about the LGBTQIA+ communities in the countries, half of us went to the water meditation in the pool, where we dealt with anxiety, bad thoughts as well as clearing our inner world. In summary, the day, in comparison to the other days, was not so fulfilled with tasks and there was a lot of time to get rest and recharge.”24

I think that young people should be encouraged to involve themselves inyouth centers. But, first of all, there need to be youth centers in each localcommunity, no matter how small the community is. Youth centers need tobe a safe place for young people, where they can be creative, share theirthoughts and knowledge, gain new skills and explore their passion. Alsoschools should provide more information about LGBTQIA+, about feminism,about equal rights. A lot of schools in my local community avoid to talk aboutthese things, because the teachers are very conservative. Of course, soare most of the parents, therefore school is not a safe place for LGBTQIA+children. If the formal education can’t provide young people with a safe andencouraging place, then youth centers should.- Marta, Latvia 25

“It’s day #10 in our Power ACTiON project and it’s time DAY 10to discover our Actors talents - starting from singingand dancing till dating tips, magic tricks and uniqueperformances.Big part of the day consisted of preparing for upcomingPower ACTiON Open Event, where we are creating ournew activities connected to the LGBTQIA+ topic and weare excited to welcome to the event people from outsideof the project. “ “Rome was not built in a day”. More simply, even small steps that anyone can do, can be cumulatively very important. Do not hesitate to hire a LGBTQI + person on your business, go out on the road in a peaceful journey to claim legal recognition of gender identity, condemn any form of violence people get into their minds, transfer to the children the idea that a little kid may have two dads, but that does not make them different from the rest of the children. Participating in clubs and teams even those who are not LGBTQI + individuals is particularly important. Supporting rights claiming groups for some is necessary. We usually hear “I have no problem with the gay people, everyone does what they want in their bed.” Quoting the words of a well- known journalist here in my country, I will say that ... the LGBTQI+ are not not the bed and the closed doors are society, equal opportunities, rights, family and self-determination, and that is something that everyone needs to understand.26 - Elena, Greece


“Power ACTiON Open Event was the topic of the Day #11 in DAY 11 our journey. During one and a half day of preparation, we created an event with unique activities for ourselves and the local dutch guests such as: - Star Corner where everyone had beautiful opportunity to see and acknowledge the beautiful diversity of each of us - Cooking Gender-bread cookies, while exploring different gender identities - Exploring Human Library and getting insights into the stories of LGBTQIA+ community and its individuals - Enjoying Queer Corner with music, glitter and visual sensations. Our event was supported as well by two lovely guest speakers - Guilliano Pinas who shared about the Dutch vogue scene & Taravell Martens, who shared about the Ballroom scene in Netherlands and its origins.”28

Freedom and love for oneself extendsto others around you and is enoughto change the world. This is the besteducation I know.- Tautvydas, Lithuania 29

“Last day was all about saying goodbye, crying and closing DAY 12 our life chapter. Our support groups. We came together with our reflection groups and talk about our last days. It was emotional. We draw our suitcases on the paper. What will we take home? What will we leave here? We put our thoughts into words. And words were written in the suitcase. Slowly getting ready to say goodbye. After lunch there was a time for our “buddies”. Our partner in crime during the Exchange. Person to take care of at our best. Sharing thoughts and feelings was pleasant. Nobody wants to go home. There is a quote: “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Whole group gathered in the end for closing ceremony part. With each other, two by two, we shared individually our moments, emotions, wishes, feelings with another person. Someone whom you felt comfortable with and people you adored. Our gorgeous facilitators got us diy “confetti pistols”. Best part was splashing them all around. Into each other. Letting go of the sadness and bringing happiness back. Playing like kids. For the end our beautiful photographers who were following us through the week took a group photo. The evening was spent in cozy area and library talking, dancing, socializing and writing personal letters. Pleasant days were behind us. Saying goodbye was so not easy.” People in the LGBTQIA+ community exist and excluding a whole group of individuals based on prejudice would be a huge mistake for the development of our world. Education is the basic condition for any change to happen. - Iva, Slovenia30


WORK- POWERFUL AND SHOPS POWERLESS SP made during APV One of the main objectives of this project was to INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: ✓ create new non-formal educational tools which would promote social inclusion and active citizenship of young MATERIALS NEEDED: one big room LGBTQIA+ people in society. DURATION: approximately 40 minutes During the APV each country had the chance to introduce one workshop / activity to the rest of the PURPOSE: group. You’ve got the power, but what is the meaning of power for you? Drama is an educational tool that can be used any time. This activity is there in order to explore the power relations in society, to rise self-awareness upon own possibilities and to create chance for self-expression. INSTRUCTIONS: First, there is a warming up activity. All the participants are asked to make couples, situated face to face. Their task is to touch each other’s hands. According to the first instruction, one of the team members will lead the movement and the partner follows it. They can move along the room freely. As a second instruction, they have to change the roles: the one who was leading before will follow this time. A third instruction: there is no specific rule, they act and decide who is the leader as they want and they can change their roles any time they want. It is possible to interact with other teams, there is no limitation regarding this.32

Main activity: all the participants are asked to stand in perceived in our society?a row facing their partners. They are told not to speakat all from that moment. One of the rows will get the • Do you see any connection with the LGBTQIA+role of being completely powerful. The other partners Spectrum situation?are asked to be totally powerless. They have to playtheir roles when the signal is given. During 5-8 minutes, • Have you ever thought that you are a powerful/they have to perform their roles without saying a word. powerless person?Suddenly, the facilitator changes their roles and theones who were powerful will become powerless and the REMARKS: Depending on the time, the debriefing canother way round (the powerless become powerful). Let be done also in small groups at first, so everyone hasthem play freely for another 5-8 minutes. space to share, and then with the whole group.After the time is gone, we all sit down together and start The activity needs at least 10 participants, since thea small debriefing. more they are, the easier it is to see patterns and draw conclusions.DEBRIEFING: Visual evaluation based on the commentsand the body language of the people and the At the end a short, funny activity could be useful in orderparticipation in the activity. to shake them out of the atmosphere of the workshop.• Some questions set in the air will be:• How do you feel about the game?• Is there anyone who felt uncomfortable/comfortable with any of the roles? Why?• Do you think this game reflects somehow reality? To what extent?• What is the meaning of power? How is power 33

MAKING BETTERARGUMENTS LV INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X As a next step, the groups start to work with their own topic, they can use their smart-phones and/or PCs to MATERIALS NEEDED: notebooks, pens, phones and/ check for more information, to look up facts and to read or computers in order to search for information - for what other have said. Later on, the groups will have a the participants whiteboard or big piece of paper and chance to present their arguments. colorful markers - for the facilitators 5-6 situations - assumptions or stereotypes about the LGBTQIA+ DEBRIEFING: It happens through questions related Spectrum to the problem situations - what are the things they explored? What have they learned? Did they come up DURATION: approximately 40 minutes with some new arguments or evidences? PURPOSE: In society we often hear a lot of expressions REMARKS: Situations or assumptions used in this which aren’t based on scientific facts, mostly they are workshop: just assumptions and stereotypes. This workshop is there in order to raise the awareness of the existence • “How do you know you are gay if you haven’t tried of LGBTQIA+ in society and to make better arguments sex with someone of the opposite gender?” when expressing opinions and sharing knowledge. • “There can be only man and woman. Nothing else. INSTRUCTIONS: Firstly the participants are asked to It’s those stupid millennials making up the things just form groups and sit close to each other. Then all of to get the attention. When I grew up, nobody was these groups will get one stereotype or assumption thinking this. Check the biology book!” and the question is: how to respond to it? Before the discussion starts, the facilitators give tips on how to • “Gay men are effeminate, promiscuous and bitchy. formulate a better argument: Lesbian women are butch, dress-dodging man- haters.” 3 ways to make an argument: • “If you are gay you will go to hell when you die!” • experience • “People become homosexual because they • facts, science were sexually abused as children or there was a deficiency in sex-role modelling by their parents.” • statistics34

VARIOUSFEELINGS GRINDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X After the same procedure is done with all of the images, the participants are asked to create 3 different groupsMATERIALS NEEDED: one flipchart, notebooks and (of 6-7 people) and sit together in different parts of thepens for each participant, colorful post-its (3 different room. Each group gets one of these bowl and their taskcolors) is to mime one by one as many words as possible (one person is miming, the rest of the group needs to guess).DURATION: 40 minutes The game goes on until the time is up, and then they count which group got the most points.PURPOSE: Bringing awareness to our feelings, beingable to share them and reflect upon them. DEBRIEFING: There are 3 questions they need to discuss among these teams and present their points inINSTRUCTIONS: At the beginning all participants are front of the whole group:asked to close their eyes and think of a feeling theyexperienced recently. Then they are sharing these • How was this experience for you?feelings one by one, and the facilitator writes them downon the flipchart paper. • What do you think it was about?In the next part, the facilitator is showing 3 different • What did you gain from this activity?images to the participants (one after the other) andall they need to do is to write down the feeling thesepictures create in them on colorful post-its (eachimage has a different color). All these little papers arecollected and mixed in a bowl after each image and theparticipants are asked to choose randomly a piece ofpaper, check the feeling written on it and in case it isclose to what they wrote, they can keep it, if not, theycan put it back in the bowl and choose another one. 35

REFLECT ON YOURSELF LT INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X • Would you be satisfied with your life if you would die tomorrow? MATERIALS NEEDED: one flipchart (it can be done also without) • Do you think you are a good person? • Is there someone you want to apologize to, but you DURATION: 40 minutes can’t? PURPOSE: This activity is there in order to improve self- • Would you like to change your life completely? expression, it is a form of self-development. • Is there any moment in your past that you really want INSTRUCTIONS: Firstly the participants get a small to replay? briefing about the rules of the activity: they will hear some • Have you ever had a fear, but you overcame it? questions and according to their answers (whether is it • Is there something in your past you want to change? “yes” or “no”) they need to stand either in one corner of • Do you think it is too late for certain things in your the room or in the other. Before the process starts, there is a short meditation to prepare them: they are asked to life? close their eyes and focus on how they are feeling in the • Are you working hard to achieve something? moment. The question asked during the activity are the • Do you tell people you’re “fine” when you are sad? following: • Do you forgive easily? • Do you feel that others are judging you? • People, are you happy? • Is there someone you wish you would have never • Do you like yourself? met? • Are you yourself? • Do you believe in yourself? • Is it true that you developed yourself during last year? • Have you ever made someone happy? • Do you dream a lot? • Would you enjoy watching your life as a movie? • Is there someone whom you really miss now?36

MTURSAAITNIENGRINOIAGNLLSFILNOERINDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X The second part of the workshop starts by creating a circle all together and holding each other’s hands. TheMATERIALS NEEDED: projector, computer or laptop, participants are asked to close their eyes. Then they getnotebooks for the participants in case they want to make the following instructions:some notes • feel your breathingDURATION: approximately 40 minutes • feel your forehead, your eyes, your ears, etc. (goingPURPOSE: The activity is there in order to explore the through the whole body)potential of using online learning material to swiftlycover training needs in an organization. Moreover it • feel that from your chest a little energy bulb isoffers the participants some public speaking training. growing and it’s covering slowly your whole bodyINSTRUCTIONS: The workshop starts with a • through your fingers you give this energy to the otherpresentation about the potentials and obstacles of person, who’s next to youusing online training materials in an NGO setting. In thesecond part the facilitator gives a short introduction • all this energy forms a bulb in the middle of the circleabout public speaking and shows a video from theUniversity of Washington’s Introduction to Public • feel your body, your breathing againSpeaking by Matt McGarrity. Then the participants areasked to create a short introductory speech and later on • arrive to the present moment and open your eyesthey get feedback from the others. DEBRIEFING: The following questions are written on theDEBRIEFING: The whole group has the chance to flipchart paper:talk about the workshop and what they experienced,moreover they can ask any kind of questions from the • How did you experience yourself during this activity?facilitator. • Are there any tips how we can improve our workshop? • All together the whole group is discussing these questions openly. 37

CREATIVE WRITING NL INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X In the second part of the workshop, each person has 5 minutes to create an individual story that fits into the MATERIALS NEEDED: one flipchart paper, notebooks style of the group. After the time is up, everyone shares and pens for everyone the story in the small groups and the task is to create one story per group out of all the individual stories. The DURATION: approximately 40 minutes participants have approximately 12 minutes to write down their final “product”. PURPOSE: In the last part of the workshop the participants are The activity is there in order to create space for self- asked to form a big circle on the floor and share their expression through communication and creative writing. stories (there will be 3 different writings in 3 different styles). They can either choose one person who reads INSTRUCTIONS: the whole story or read it all together sentence by sentence. The participants are divided in 3 groups and each group has a writing style: fantasy, non-fiction and third-person. DEBRIEFING: After this, they have 10 minutes in order to complete the following sentence in their small groups, according to It is an open sharing based on the following question: the style they got: THE LAST TIME...WAS IN AN UNSAFE SPACE, THIS HAPPENED… • How was this experience for you? (Meanwhile, the facilitator walks among the groups, checking if they need any kind of support.)38

#IDENTITY ITINDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X • those who like to sleep and read long books - those who like to sleep but don’t like long booksMATERIALS NEEDED: 1 printed form per participant, 1pen per participant, a lot of post-its and paper-tapes • those who like cats - those who hate TrumpDURATION: approximately 40 minutes In each case after the division happens, the small groups are asked to talk about their topic (vegetarians,PURPOSE:This workshop wants to propose a reflection pro-abortion, etc.). Each group will get pens and paperson identity issues and aims to stimulate a discussion. to write down the main inputs, or draw them. In eachThe topics this workshop will hopefully bring up, even turn the facilitators gently touches one group memberif they are not addressed directly, are: social dynamics on the shoulder, and that person needs to step in theof exclusion, inclusion and belonging; the expression middle of the group and share the motto they have.of the self in the social media and its consequences;ghettoization of minorities; the need for an intersectional DEBRIEFING:The whole group reflects upon theapproach to minority issues and activism: de- activities by going through the following questions:individualization. • How did the workshop make you feel? (filling inINSTRUCTIONS: The workshop is divided into 3 parts. the for, choosing groups, talking inside the group,In the first part the facilitators distribute the paper forms saying your motto)previously prepared and give 15 minutes to everyone in • What did you talk about inside the group?order to fill out every field. After they are asked to stand • Did you notice similarities between this form and theup and keep these forms with themselves. questions that social platforms ask you?In the second part the participants are asked to divide REMARKS:The activity mainly represents how muchthemselves according to which category of the following diversity is not expressed these days. The facilitatorapplies to them: can choose to give an explanation at the end of the workshop or leave the interpretation completely up to• vegetarians - meat-eaters the participants.• those who speak Spanish - those who are pro- 39 abortion

VIDEO EASY ANDMAKING 101 CZ FAST SK INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: ✓ MATERIALS NEEDED: computer or laptop, projector, tripod MATERIALS NEEDED: iPhone or Android Smartphone, DURATION: approximately 40 minutes DSLR camera, computer, data projector, internet access PURPOSE: The share experiences and knowledge regarding video making and editing, which is a colorful DURATION: 40 minutes tool in order to share ideas, facts, etc. INSTRUCTIONS: There are no specific instructions, the PURPOSE: Share the knowledge of video making with participants are sitting in the room and listening to the the participants, give the tool and the skills to create facilitators who give a detailed presentation about video and to share with others any type of content that makes making and editing (while using the projector in order them interested. to make it visual and bring examples). All information is based on the needs of the participants (what kind of INSTRUCTIONS: The participants are asked to write knowledge they need in order to work with this in the a word or a short sentence individually that comes to future). their mind relating this APV meeting. Later on 4 different DEBRIEFING: At the end of the meeting the facilitators groups are created and each gets one camera and one ask informally the group about how much they learned computer. The groups are asked to divide specific roles from the workshop and how could they use all this between their members (in order to make it clear: who information during the rest of the meeting (during video does what) and they have the task to come up with an assignments). idea that they will put in the form of a video. The video has to be approximately 30 seconds.40 As a next step, the groups have some time to go outside and create their videos. When they come back, all videos are projected and everyone has the chance to give feedback. DEBRIEFING: It is an open sharing in order to reflect upon everything that happened during the workshop.


WORK- BODY SHOPS BUDDIES made during Exchange One of the main objectives of this project was to BODY AWARENESS create new non-formal educational tools which would INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: ✓ promote social inclusion and active citizenship of young MATERIALS NEEDED: blankets, music LGBTQIA+ people in society. DURATION: approximately 60 minutes PURPOSE: Connecting the body and mind, creating a During the Exchange particpants were given time safe space to explore this connection, self-acceptance to create totally new activities based on the input they have learned during the project or learnings / INSTRUCTIONS: information they had brought with them beforehand. 1. Introduction of the activity The instructions of these activities are given in a 2. Guided meditation: Questions on the relationship with simplified and structured way, which offers the space the body and opportunity for anyone who want to implement and experience them, to make adjustments based on the 3. Guided movement context they are in and the group they are working with. 4. Group reflection DEBRIEFING: Getting feedback and discussing it with participants REMARKS: All is love.42

BREATHINGMANDALASDEALING WITH STRESS, PRACTICING THE INSTRUCTIONS:AWARENESS. 1. Introduction to concepts, context of the situationINDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X (WITH A GOODWEATHER) 2. Breathing exercisesMATERIALS NEEDED: Printed mandalas from internet 3. Mandala “theory“search (1/participant), colorful markers, pencils, etc.Chairs or mattresses, candles, other things that create 4. Coloring the mandalas & destroying them in the enda nice and welcoming atmosphere. Calm backgroundmusic. 5. Closing wordsDURATION: DEBRIEFING:• 5-10 minutes introduction With the “feedback schema“:• 15 minutes breathing exercises • what was/wasn‘t working for the participants? • what would they do differently?• 25-35 minutes introduction about mandalas and • tips, compliments, suggestions coloring them REMARKS: disclaimer about the fact that it‘s just a• 3-5 minutes for closing tool, not a religious practice; people can also research some breathing exercises and how they can improvePURPOSE: The LGBTQIA+ youth experiences a lot of someone‘s mental state“minority stress“ and practicing awareness can help withthat. Some practical tools and tips from yoga, meditationpractices and “new age philosophie“. 43

DON’T THINK - IT’S A TRAP! THINKING TRAPS DEBRIEFING: • Did you find yourselves using one of the thinking INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X traps? MATERIALS NEEDED: Three flip chart papers, definitions of thinking traps printed, scissors, markers. • If, yes, how did it make you feel? DURATION: • Is there a way how you could avoid or change them? • Intro 10 min • Preparation for group work 5 min REMARKS: Mental traps: • Group work 35 min • Conclusion 10 min Mind reading: assuming one knows what others are thinking (usually about oneself) PURPOSE: Participants will acknowledge different types of thinking traps and will learn how to deal with them Mental filter: when one notices what ones “filters” and how to accept them in their own lives. allows us to notice, and one dismiss anything that doesn’t “fit”. Like looking through dark glasses or only INSTRUCTIONS: listening to the negatives whilst anything more positive or realistic is ignored or dismissed. 1. Introduction with the theme Prediction: believing one knows what’s going to happen 2. Preparation for group work in the future, and treating it as a certainty. 3. Participants working in small groups, preparing their Compare & Despair: seeing only the good and positive performance (a theatrical example of one of the thinking aspects in others, and comparing ourselves negativity traps) against them. 4. Conclusions Shoulds & Musts: thinking or saying “I should” (or shouldn’t) and “I must” (or musn’t), therefore putting pressure on oneself and setting up unrealistic expectations.44

INCLUSIVE FAIRY TALESCritical self: putting oneself down being too critical on CHANGING THE GENDER, SEX, RACE OR ELSE OFoneself, or blaming oneself for events or situations that ONE OR MORE CHARACTERSare not totally ones responsibility. INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X MATERIALS NEEDED: Costumes, make-up, colors,Black & White thinking: believing that something or printer, papers, laptops/multimedia player.someone can be only good or bad, right or wrong, DURATION: 5 minutes dance / 20 minutes to create therather than anything in between or shades of gray. fairy tale / 25 minutes to perform / 10 minutes for the feedbackCatastrophizing: imagining and believing that the PURPOSE: Reflection upon the relevance of fairy tailesworst possible thing will happen in a situation, when during one‘s childhood. Creating one‘s own safe spacerealistically things would turn out much better. in the tale. INSTRUCTIONS:Emotional reasoning: I feel bad so it must be bad! I feel 1. Dancing/warm upanxious so I must be in danger! (I also use this one tag 2. Assigning fairy talesfor the extreme reasoning of emotions trying to discredit 3. Creating an inclusive version of the fairy talethem in favor of logic, but that’s a personal statement) 4. Performance 5. Feedback (after each performance)Mountains & Molehills: exaggerating the risk of danger, DEBRIEFING: Through questions:or the negatives, and minimizing the the odds of how • What do you think is the role of the fairy tales?things are most likely to turn out, or minimizing the • Have you ever felt excluded by fairy tales?positives. 45Evaluations & Judgements: making judgements aboutourselves, others or things that happen when one hasno evidence to back up those ideas.Bad Memories: sometimes events trigger memories ofbeing hurt in the past, leading one to believe that thedanger is here and now, rather than in the past, causingone to feel down, upset, stressed or worried right now.

THE INTERACTIVE Compliment game – the main idea of the compliment EMPOWERMENT OF game is that people write compliments on papers, THE LGBTQIA+ YOUTH attached to their backs. This is a great way to inspire and empower people. BULLYING, PREJUDICE, STEREOTYPES 1. Calling song INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X 2. Introduction/Lecture/Use of example MATERIALS NEEDED: 50 colorful papers and pens, toothpaste, projector. 3. Bullying/Prejudice presentation (Power Point) DURATION: 4. Stereotypes game/activity • 10 minutes introduction lecture + toothpaste • 15 minutes stereotypes games 5. Compliment game/activity • 30 minutes compliment game • 5 minutes for conclusion DEBRIEFING: Through questions: • What is created to people? PURPOSE: The activity is there in order to Identification • How they are feeling after the compliment game? of the problem, overcoming stereotypes, empowerment. • Did they receive enough of information about INSTRUCTIONS: Presentation with a projector, bullying? experiment with a toothpaste to show that things that are done can‘t be undone, but we can learn from them. Stereotypes game – action of reflection and empowerment.46

DISCRIMINATION &INTERSEXUALITYDISCRIMINATION AMONG THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE Short presentation: using the flip chart all togetherREGARDING LGBTQIA+ we try to find and reveal the layers of oppression, brainstorming and writing the different occasions of theINDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X discrimination.MATERIALS NEEDED: already prepared profile forms , “Profile me “ activity: the participants are asked to fillpens, projector, flip chart, marker the profile dating form that were given, which contains questions of things they are into and not. In the nextDURATION: approximately 10 min energizer / 10 min step they are asked to split into groups, randomlyshort presentation of the topic / 20 min “profile me” choose the profile of another and try to guess who itactivity / 3 min video / 15 min discussion - sharing belongs to.Then reflect on the experience inside thepersonal stories small group.PURPOSE: To raise awareness about discrimination Video/photos: show a video about discriminationwithin the LGBTQIA+ community taking place at dating applications and show some photos of profiles with description that discriminatedINSTRUCTIONS: certain people (ex. no asians). Show that this kind of discrimination is just the tip of the iceberg that is takingEnergizer: participants stand in cycle. They are asked to place inside the LGBTQIA+ community.turn around so their right shoulder is facing the centerof the cycle and put their hand on the shoulders of the Discussion - sharing stories: Share personal storiesperson in front of them. Carefully they try to sit on the rated to the topic.knees of the person behind them. 47

QUEER DELUSIONALMUSEUM 2068 MEMES PERSONAL EXPERIENCES OF OPPRESSION GENERAL STEREOTYPES THAT PEOPLE HAVE WHEN INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X THEY DON’T HAVE MUCH INFORMATION. MEDIA & MATERIALS NEEDED: Candles, squared carpets, bar CREATIVE THINKING stools, lights, museum signs, guitar, random objects DURATION: approximately 60 minutes INDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X PURPOSE: Showing different forms of oppression through an original form of human library MATERIALS NEEDED: 1 laptop per group, 1 camera/ INSTRUCTIONS: mobile phone camera per group, Projector • Welcoming participants in the room and giving them DURATION: approximately 60 minutes entrance tickets • Introduction of the museum (history, topic etc.) PURPOSE: Because it’s funny and to prove that the way • Splitting into groups someone sees things is not always accurate. • The groups visits the installations at the time • Feedback part INSTRUCTIONS: DEBRIEFING: • How did this experience make you feel? (aesthetics, 1. Explanation of the subject emotions, concepts) 2. Explanation of the working methods • Would you like a museum like this to exist in reality? 3. Forming groups48 4. Giving them subjects on which groups will work 5. Giving 30min. to create meme of 6 pictures 6. 15min for showing the work DEBRIEFING: Asking about what were their thoughts during the workshop? Asking if they had a good time. REMARKS: Topics for groups used during the YE: Drag queens; Polyamory; Bisexuality; Cleaning schedule; Food in the project; Activism; Giving the feedback.

CALL ME BY MYPRONOUNGENDER, MISGENDERING, TRANSGENDER, 2. Human library: 4 short stories of trans peoplePRONOUNS and how using the right pronoun makes them feel. create moments for the audience to feel empathy andINDOORS: ✓ OUTDOORS: X understand the importance.MATERIALS NEEDED: A4 papers, markers (2 papers 3. Divide the audience into smaller groups to discussand markers per divided group), flipcharts these questions: what is the definition of misgendering? what to do when it happens? have you ever experiencedDURATION: being misgendered?1. Introduction, experiencing different types of walking 15 min 4. Let the groups share their ideas and experiences.2. Reflection 10 min 5. Final lecture and flipchart on using the  right pronoun and tools to deal with misgendering in practice.3. Human library 15 min DEBRIEFING: Has your perception on using pronouns4. Reflection in smaller groups, final lecture, 20 min changed? How can you use this in practice?PURPOSE: The purpose is to raise awareness of theimportance of using the right pronoun and provide toolsfor practice.INSTRUCTIONS:1. Walk slowly, then quickly, then on your own pale, thenfeminine, then masculine, then your way. reflect onthe comparison between the way of walking feminine/masculine/ your own way. Become aware of the diversityof the meanings of these concepts and the style ofwalking as yourself regardless of masculine/feminineexpression. 49

FOLLOW- QUEER MUSEUMUPS 2068 GR Power ACTiON Youth Project did not end with the TYPE: Performances and exhibition of artwork and Exchange itself - each phase was a valuable part of objects. the growing journey, cultivating the learnings and multiplying the results reaching individuals back home. HOW: During the event there were performances about During the Follow-up phase, participants had the chance working rights of LGBTQAI+ people, the talent of a trans to share their discoveries and outcomes in their local boy, fatphobia and hate speech by church/priests. There communities by spreading the word and delivering was also exhibition of objects about gender roles (e.g. workshops which they had developed and experienced children toys) and flyers based on social media real during the Exchange. incidents about slut shaming, hiv stigma, bullying and misgendering. Like this, the 45 young activists, by simply sharing about their experience with their peers, families and Avraam, Alex and Anastasia took on the organizational other social environments or taking bigger initiative part, Elena prepared a part of the exhibition and Avraam and organizing events, they reached directly more than performed. We want to mention that our team had the 1300+ people, ages verifying from 15 to 60 years old. support of the performers that was part of our ‘Queer Museum 2068’ and the people from ‘Communitism’ and Participants did it their way, em-powering action and also Cathy Manousakis that encouraged us during the raising awareness on the important topics that matter to event and took photos. them! DID YOU ACHIEVE PURPOSE?50 Of course! First of all, the number of people who came to support us was beyond our greatest expectations and this was a big surprise for us. The feedback given by guests was really warm and positive. After the event, there were also some invitations for Avraam for an interview to the greek magazine VICE about his group ‘Fat Unicorns’ and for participating to a big queer project in Athens in the end of June.

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