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Home Explore Zapalgo Catalogue

Zapalgo Catalogue

Published by miedzamow, 2017-07-13 20:12:29

Description: Zapalgo Catalogue


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Copyright © Zapalgo All rights reserved. Warsaw, Poland, 2017ISBN 978-83-947937-0-8Printed by Grafdrukpol

TABLE OF CONTENTSAbout Us 5Light Switch 6Products 14 Table Lamps 48 Floor Lamps 78 Wall Lamps 106 Ceiling Lamps 134 Furniture 166 Accessories 182 Bulbs 186Choices 198Index 200Contact

ABOUT USWe, the People behind Zapalgo, started a small lighting company in 2013. Nowafter four years we offer lamps, furniture and accessories. Here is our catalogue.As for lighting, we believe in one simple rule – where there’s a pipe, there’s alamp. We love to play with styles, allusions and inspirations. Quotes, borrowingsand tributes. Everything that brings fun, joy and happiness to us and ourcustomers.We don’t like: hollow embellishments – so every detail in our design is fullyoperational.We like: things, so we try to create objects that are timeless and can betreasured for a lifetime. Hand made to order, fully customized, true and real.We love: copper. A mystical metal of infinite faces. Always changing, warm,colorful and generous. When you give it a little love, it always gives a lot moreback.With a profound understanding of natural materials, and special attention todetail, we aim to create a high-quality, original interior designs, that are notonly functional, but whose form brings excitement, fascination, gladness anddelight.As for furniture and all other things - the same. 5



TOUCH DIMMER You can regulate the level of brightness simply by touch - tap the lamp once to turn the light on/off or hold it to set the level of brightness just right.8 |Light switch

Light switch | 9

ROTARY DIMMER You can also use our rotary dimmers - turn the knob right to reach full brightness or...10 | L i g h t s w i t c h

...turn it left for a gentle light. L i g h t s w i t c h | 11

IN-WALL DIMMER Our Valvo wall dimmer lets you control the level of brightness in your room fluently and smoothly. You may use it with all our lamps or any other lamps of your choice, as long as all the bulbs as compatible with dimmers mechanism.12 | L i g h t s w i t c h

L i g h t s w i t c h | 13



ALUMINO Over three pounds of pure aluminum, a bulb and an in-built touch dimmer to set the brightness just right. What else does a lamp need?16 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 8 W x 8 D x 14 H cm 3 W x 3 D x 5.5 H inchMaterial:Power switch: aluminiumCustomization: touch dimmer cord T a b l e L a m p s | 17

RANDO A small solid wood box with thick copper plates on top and bottom. It may be small, but offers a lot of colorful variations and a powerful, touch controlled dimmer, making it playful, handy and fun.18 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 9 W x 9 D x 14 H cm 3.5 W x 3.5 D x 5.5 H inchMaterial:Power switch: solid wood, copperCustomization: touch dimmer metal, wood, cord T a b l e L a m p s | 19

20 | T a b l e L a m p s

TRIBOOvercomplicated to simplicity,oversimplified to complexity. Thissomewhat ‘3D Möbius strip’ lamp haseverything it takes - steampunk feel,geometry roots and high precisionhand assembling. Tribo is entirelymade of pure copper and, with apowerful dimmer hidden inside, youcan regulate the brightness of thebulb simply by touch. A small cage,but a big, round heart. T a b l e L a m p s | 21

22 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 19 W x 17 D x 35 H cm 7.5 W x 6.5 D x 14 H inchMaterial:Power switch: copperCustomization: touch dimmer metal, cord T a b l e L a m p s | 23

TRIBO K. A Tribo lamp, only with a knob. Instead of a touch dimmer you get a fully operational knob dimmer that works the same as when you pour water from a faucet. Only here it is light that you control.24 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 19 W x 17 D x 35 H cm 7.5 W x 6.5 D x 14 H inchMaterial:Power switch: copperCustomization: rotary dimmer metal, knob, cord T a b l e L a m p s | 25

STOPO Simplistic and humble in its form, Stopo encourages intuitive interaction straight to the point – turn the knob and see what happens. Hydraulic origin obliges to only one solution – a powerful dimmer that lets you regulate the brightness smoothly and fluently. No more hollow embellishments – Stopo offers not only great design, but also an astonishing experience.26 | T a b l e L a m p s

T a b l e L a m p s | 27

28 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 20 W x 20 D x 20 H cm 8 W x 8 D x 8 H inchMaterial: copperPower switch: rotary dimmerCustomization: metal, cord, knob T a b l e L a m p s | 29

BUJANDO A fun project inspired by a Soviet era Russian toy that cannot be knocked down. Even if you try hard. The same laws of physics and principles of accurately placing the center of gravity lead us to creating this playful lantern lamp. Besides a marble-looking, perfectly round concrete base, it also offers a powerful touch dimmer, hidden just below the bulb.30 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 21 W x 21 D x 51 H cm 8.5 W x 8.5 D x 20 H inchMaterial:Power switch: copper, concreteCustomization: touch dimmer metal, cord T a b l e L a m p s | 31

32 | T a b l e L a m p s

TRUMPETOA strange trumpet or an even strangerjellyfish, everyone sees something different.With more zoological than politicalconnotations, we love to observe how muchthis lamp changes through customization –by choosing natural fabric shades, colorfulmetal finishes and cloth-covered cords, youcan make it really unique and outstanding –a real and true eye-catcher. T a b l e L a m p s | 33

34 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 25 W x 25 D x 66 H cm 10 W x 10 D x 26 H inchMaterial:Power switch: copperCustomization: cord dimmer metal, cord, shade T a b l e L a m p s | 35

ROTO A kinetic lamp with adjustable structure. It consists of two separate pieces, with the plugged one capable of acting like a swing or a windmill. You can set it horizontal, vertical, or however you like. It’s your call.36 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 39 W x 31 D x 71 H cm 15.5 W x 12 D x 28 H inchMaterial:Power switch: copperCustomization: cord dimmer metal, cord T a b l e L a m p s | 37

ARBO This desk lamp is a great example of how common sense can lead to wrong conclusions. This single pipe project, like a snake, folds and bends to form a shape of a tree. An apple tree maybe? Guess the length of the copper pipe used and you will know.38 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 30 W x 20 W x 35 H cm 12 W x 8 D x 14 H inchMaterial:Power switch: copperCustomization: cord dimmer metal, cord T a b l e L a m p s | 39

KAGO Inspired by Art Deco and Bauhaus design icons, built with the acknowledgment for the spirit of Edison/Tesla retro bulbs, this magnificent copper cage lamp is stylish in an old- fashioned, 1920’s era way. Elegant, exquisite and delightful.40 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 25 W x 25 D x 48 H cm 10 W x 10 D x 19 H inchMaterial:Power switch: copperCustomization: cord dimmer metal, cord T a b l e L a m p s | 41

POMPIDO Pompido is about connection and dialogue. Copper pipes connect and hold special fluorescent plexiglass walls just like past connects and builds the future foundations. It is a dialogue between loft, industrial chill and plastic, colorful pop-art excess. From this uncommon merger evolved something new and truly beautiful – an eccentric, sculpture-like touch dimmable lamp.42 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 23 W x 23 D x 40 H cm 9 W x 9 D x 15.5 H inchMaterial: copper, fluorescent plexiglassPower switch:Customization: touch dimmer metal, cord T a b l e L a m p s | 43

RADIATORO Steam engines era styling that evolved into robot-like copper pipe lamp. One eye on the future, one eye on the past. And a knob that lets you regulate lamps madness level from darkest to brightest. Fluently and seamlessly.44 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 45 W x 32 D x 52 H cm 18 W x 13 D x 20.5 H inchMaterial:Power switch: copperCustomization: rotary dimmer metal, knob, cord T a b l e L a m p s | 45

SPIRALO Inspired by the DNA double helix, but rewritten, redesigned, deconstructed and translated to copper pipes and fittings language and reality. Then, after seven days, by adding a natural fabric shade and a rotary dimmer, regulated with a colorful knob, we finished our job, thus creating something new – a lamp.46 | T a b l e L a m p s

Dimensions: 40 W x 40 D x 86 H cm 15.5 W x 15.5 D x 34 H inchMaterial:Power switch: copperCustomization: rotary dimmer metal, cord, knob, shade T a b l e L a m p s | 47



YAMATOJapanese minimalism is always agood idea. It is light, non-dominant,blends into interior discretely andpermanently. Same materials – wood,copper and fabric – but arranged intoan explicitly determined Japanesestyle. It’s all in the design and Yamatomakes a perfect example. And aperfect lamp.50 | F l o o r L a m p s

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