UVODNIK INTRO ARNOUD ZAALBERG DIREKTOR HOTELA LE MÉRIDIEN LAV SPLIT GENERAL MANAGER, LE MÉRIDIEN LAV SPLIT U drugom ćemo Dragi gosti, cijele regije uz unaprjeđenje kvalitete sadr- vas broju upoznati žaja i ponude vrlo nas raduje, no ujedno i veliko mi je zadovoljstvo predstaviti vam obvezuje da vama, našim dragim gostima i s nezaobilaznim drugi broj časopisa Le Magazine, s kojim posjetiteljima, neprekidno pružamo još boljelokacijama u Splitsko- vam želimo približiti hotel Le Méridien Lav iskustvo i potičemo vas da zajedno s nama dalmatinskoj županiji Split i njegove sadržaje te vas upoznati s vri- otkrivate sve čari Splita i okolice. jednostima koje nas pokreću. te tradicionalnom U drugom izdanju našeg Le Magazina koje gastronomijom Inovativnost i jedinstvenost, izvrsnost i za- se nalazi pred vama upoznajemo vas s ne- jedništvo s našim gostima vrijednosti su koje zaobilaznim lokacijama u Splitsko-dalmatin- koju jednostavno izdvajamo kao najvažnije. A kako volimo ra- skoj županiji i tradicionalnom gastronomijommorate kušati, ali vas diti iskorake i neprekidno pokušavamo biti koju jednostavno morate iskušati, ali i pod- još bolji i bliži vama, odlučili smo pokrenuti sjećamo na čari zdravog i opuštenog načina i podsjetiti na čari Le Magazine i omogućiti vam da, u prene- života. Gastronomija, kultura i posebnost zdravog i opuštenog senom značenju, ponesete djelić uspomena svake destinacije među najvažnijim su dijelo- i kutak hotela sa sobom kući. Upravo zato je vima identiteta Le Méridiena, ali i nepresuš- načina života. ovaj časopis tako poseban. na inspiracija i poticaj oko kojih smo kreirali brojne sadržaje. Prošle godine proslavili smo desetu obljetni- cu i možemo reći da smo zaista mnogo po- Međutim, za nas u hotelu Le Méridien Lav stigli. Hotel Le Méridien Lav Split sinonim je postoji nešto što je važnije od kulture ili ku- luksuznog smještaja, izvrsne gastronomske linarstva, a to ste vi! Stoga se nadam da ponude i brojnih sadržaja, prvi izbor onih koji će vas naš časopis inspirirati i potaknuti na nisu spremni na kompromise kad je u pitanju putovanja i istraživanja jedinstvenih lokacija vrhunska kvaliteta te inspiracija putnicima s kojih ćete sa sobom ponijeti sjećanja za koji od odmora traže „ono nešto više“. Pri- cijeli život. Uživajte u stranicama koje slije- sjećajući se svih tih lijepih trenutaka zapravo de, jer sam uvjeren da ćete u njima pronaći već razmišljamo o budućnosti koja će zasi- nešto baš za sebe. I ne zaboravite – krila- gurno biti još bolja. tica „gost je kralj“ za nas je osnovna misao vodilja, zato opušteno uronite u istraživa- Tijekom velikog dijela proteklog desetljeća nje hotela Le Méridien Lav. naš je hotel bio jedini hotel s 5 zvjezdica u regiji. Izniman napredak i turistički procvat4
Dear guests, ism boom in the entire region. Neverthe- Le Magazine is less, this obliges us to keep continuously bringing the overviewit is a great pleasure to introduce you the providing you, our dear guests, with better of the most popularsecond issue of Le Magazine, created with experience and encourage you to join us in locations andthe aim to bring you closer to Le Méridien discovering the alluring charm of Split and attractions of Split-Lav Split and its offer but also to make you the surrounding area. Dalmatia Countymore familiar with our core values. worth discovering, Le Magazine is bringing the overview of traditional cuisineInnovative and unique approach, excellence the most popular locations and attractions culture as well asand long-term relationship with our guests of Split-Dalmatia County worth discover- reminding you of theare among the most important ones. We al- ing, traditional cuisine culture as well as re- necessity of healthyways strive to be one step ahead, constant- minding you of the necessity of healthy and and relaxed lifestyle.ly getting better and closer to you and that relaxed lifestyle.is why we decided to start this magazine.This magazine should give you the opportu- Cuisine, culture and coordinates are thenity to take your memories with you, wher- pillars of Le Méridien identity, being aever you go. That is one of the reasons why constant inspiration and encouragementthis magazine is so special. around which we have created many initi- atives. However, there is something that isWe have really achieved a lot in the past more important to us than culture or cui-10 years – Le Méridien Lav Split is a syno- sine, and that’s you.nym for luxury accommodation, extraor-dinary gastro offer and numerous facili- Therefore I hope that our magazine willties. It is the first choice of those who are inspire and encourage you to travel andnot willing to make compromises when discover a unique location, resulting in un-it comes to quality and an inspiration to forgettable memories. Enjoy the followingtravellers who seek “something more” … pages, I believe you will find somethingWhile reminiscing all these wonderful mo- interesting and please bear in mind – thements, we are actually looking to the even famous proverb “customer is king” is thebrighter and better future. For quite some fundamental guiding principle in our ho-time, our hotel was the only 5-star hotel in tel so relax and enjoy the experience of Lethe region, but we are very happy to wit- Méridien Lav Split.ness a great progress and continuous tour- 5
C onlemani nudi mnogo više od izvrsne hrane. talijansku strastvenost, a također Vas vodi do To je mjesto gdje možete uživati u talijanskom naše filozofije hrane i pića - koncepta dijelje- stilu života i istražiti pravi smisao talijanskog nja. Podijelite jela s Vašim društvom, koristeći la dolce vita. Smisao Conlemanija je slaviti, ruke gdje god je moguće, i učinite svoj posjet uživati u hrani i životu poput Talijana. Conlemaniju još zabavnijim! Od kulinarske ponude preko usluge pa sve do Talijanski klasici u novom ruhu, pizza svjetske interijera i glazbe, sve je u trendseterskom klase, neodoljiva pasta, zapanjujući antipasti talijanskom stilu s Napolitanskim akcentima. i dolci, u paru s nekim od najboljih talijanskih Conlemani je mjesto ručno odabranih i ruka- vina, stvorit će očaravajuće dolce vita iskustvo ma stvorenih proizvoda i vrijednosti koji govo- koje ćete htjeti proživjeti još mnogo puta. re sami za sebe. Govore talijanski! Benvenuti a Conlemani! Gli Italiani parlano con le mani - Talijani govo- re rukama. Ovaj slogan ističe srž Conlemanija,6
Gli Italiani Talijani govore rukama. Ovaj slogan ističeparlano con srž Conlemanija, talijansku strastvenost, a također Vas vodi do naše filozofije hrane i le mani pića - koncepta dijeljenja. Italians speak with their hands. This catchphrase points out the very core of Conlemani, Italian passion, and also leads you to our food philosophy, the sharing concept.C onlemani offers much more than just ex- points out the very core of Conlemani, Ital- cellent food. It is a place where you can ian passion, and also leads you to our food indulge in Italian lifestyle and explore the philosophy, the sharing concept. Share your true meaning of dolce vita. Conlemani is dishes with your company, help yourself about celebrating food and life the way with your hands, and make your Conlemani Italians do. experience even more fun! From cuisine over service to interior design Reinvented Italian classics, world class piz- and music, everything is of on-trend Italian za, compelling pasta and stunning antipas- style with a Neapolitan twist. Conlemani ti and dolci, paired with some of the best is a place of handmade and hand-picked Italian wines and all ingredients of Italian goods and values which speak for them- passion, will create a joyful dolce vita ex- selves. They speak Italian! perience, an experience you will want to re- live many times. Gli italiani parlano con le mani – Italians speak with their hands. This catchphrase Benvenuti a Conlemani! 7
7 PALMI LOUNGE 7 PALMS LOUNGE Opustite se u našim luksuznim cabanama i uživajte u privatnosti. Isprobajte neke od osvježavajućih koktela ili laganih i ukusnih zalogaja. Cabane su pravo mjesto za opuštanje duha i tijela. Lounge in our new luxury cabanas by the beach & experience private moments combined with refreshing cocktails and revitalizing drinks – a place to relax your body and mind.8
Flybridge Collection Being italian. azimutyachts.comADRIATIC OFFICIAL DEALER Navis Marine d.o.o. | Exclusive Distributor for Croatia & Serbia Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 10000 Zagreb - Croatia | P +385 1 4635 261 | M +385 98 278 275 | [email protected] Marina Lav, Grljevacka 2A, 21312 Podstrana - Croatia | M +385 91 43 43 423 | [email protected] www.navis-marine.com | www.azimutyachts.hr | www.azimutyachts.rs
RESTORAN 7 PALMI 7 PALMS RESTAURANT Okružen raskošnim palmama, s predivnim Surrounded by lush palm trees, with a Iskusite vrhunske, pogledom na Jadransko more i okolni ar- beautiful view of the Adriatic Sea and sočne odreske hipelag, restoran 7 Palmi nudi Vam bogat nearby islands, 7 Palms restaurant offers i svježe morske izbor jela za ukusan, a istovremeno lagan i you a wide selection of dishes for a tasty, plodove s našeg zdrav ručak te vrhunske specijalitete s ro- yet light and healthy lunch, as well as deli- grila i uživajte u štilja. cious grilled dishes. predivnim zalascima sunca na samo par Tokom dana u ponudi su razne salate, tje- 7 Palms Restaurant welcomes you during metara od mora. stenine, pizze i burgeri. U noćnim satima the day with light fares, salads, homemade restoran se pretvara u elegantno mjesto za pasta, pizza and burgers. Just before sun- Experience succulent izlaske u kojem možete probati vrhunska set, 7 Palms is transformed into an exclu- steaks and seafood mesna i riblja jela te najbolja hrvatska vina. sive restaurant where you can taste premi- from our live BBQ um steaks and enjoy the fiery entertaining grill & enjoy the Iskusite vrhunske, sočne odreske i svježe atmosphere. spectacular sunset morske plodove s našeg grila i uživajte u surrounded by palms predivnim zalascima sunca na samo par Experience succulent steaks and seafood in front of the beach. metara od mora. from our live BBQ grill & enjoy the spec- tacular sunset surrounded by palms in Nakon večere opustite se u lounge baru i front of the beach. Pair your dishes with uživajte u prekrasnom ambijentu, na samoj the best Croatian wines. obali mora. Chill out with delightful cocktails in the lounge area overlooking the beach with the Dalmatian sunset in full view.10
Priuštite si izlet u dalmatinsku gastronom- PIVNICAsku povijest u restoranu Pivnica i prepustite RESTORANse okusima lokalnih recepata i tradicionalne PIVNICAhrvatske kuhinje prožete sezonskim proi-zvodima i dalmatinskim specijalitetima.Naši kuhari pripremit će Vam svježu ribuili meso na žaru u otvorenoj kuhinji kojase savršeno uklapa u tradicionalni prostorprožet mirisima Mediterana kao što su ori-gano, peršin, ružmarin ili timijan.Uživajte u hrvatskim specijalitetima kaošto su škampi na buzaru, pljukanci, šporkimakaruli, rižoto od kozica, hvarska grega-da i pašticada. Tokom ljetnih mjeseci naterasi restorana možete poslušati nastupelokalnih klapa.Interijer Pivnice tipičan je dalmatinski: ta-mne drvene grede, crvene pločice, ribarskemreže i povijesne fotografije hotela.Taste the history with local recipes and tra-ditional Croatian cuisine enriched with se-asonal products and Dalmatian specialitiesin the Pivnica restaurant.Our chefs will prepare tasty dishes in theopen kitchen dominating this traditionalspace with the typical aromas of the Medi-terranean: fresh herbs like oregano, parsley,rosemary and thyme.Experience memorable moments in ourPivnica Tavern infused with traditional Cro-atian recipes combined with the best winesand beers from our region. Taste best localolive oils, regional cheese, Dalmatian pros-ciutto & authentic Croatian dishes withlocally sourced ingredients and destinati-on-inspired flavors.Enjoy Croatian specialties Buzara deScampi, ‘Pljukanci’ homemade truffle pasta,‘Šporki makaruli’ beef macaroni, Adriaticshrimp risotto, ‘Hvarska gregada’ fish stew,traditional ‘Cevapcici’ minced meat or ‘Dal-matian pašticada’ 5 hour braised beef stewseasoned with fresh picked herbs in typicalDalmatian interior or on the outside terra-ce combined with live klapa performing du-ring the summer season.The interior design and décor is typicalDalmatian: dark wood panelling and beamswith red tiles, fishing nets and historicalphotos of the hotel.12
UNLOCK OURNEW APP**Just type Le Méridien Lav in the search boxPreuzmite našu aplikaciju s App Store-a iliGoogle Play-a i otkrijte sve što Vam je potrebnoza nezaboravan odmor.Download our mobile app from the App Storeor Google Play and discover everything youneed for a wonderful vacation.
CHAMPAGNEBAR Isprobajte jedan od naših prepoznatljivih If you are looking for a place to Sip’n’sta-COOL AND COZY, koktela dok sjedite u udobnom naslonjaču s re in to the hazy islands, experience our li-CONTEMPORARY WITH kojeg se pruža jedinstveni pogled na more i vely cocktail bar with elegant and modernFUNKY LIGHTS AND obližnje otoke. Zahvaljujući svojoj lokaciji, na setting. Presenting beautiful views of theMUSIC, CHAMPAGNE BAR samom ulazu u hotel, i modernom interije- Adriatic Sea - Champagne Bar is the heartGIVES YOU THE FEELING ru, ovaj bar prožet elegancijom jedno je od and soul of the hotel. Time goes fast withOF EXCLUSIVITY. najomiljenijih mjesta naših gostiju, osobito the piano sounds while enjoying one of our predvečer kad, okupan raznobojnim svjetli- distinctive cocktails or a large selection of 14 ma, pruža romantično-ekskluzivni ugođaj. carefully selected quality wines and cham- pagnes as well as light dishes. Osim velikog izbora pažljivo odabranih najkvalitetnijih vina, pjenušaca i koktela, Cool and cozy, contemporary with funky li- Champagne bar nudi i nekoliko jela za one ghts and music, Champagne Bar gives you koji u isto vrijeme žele uživati u pogledu i the feeling of exclusivity. ukusnoj hrani.
Ombre LatestSombre fashionBalayage trendsBabylightsHAIR SALON Located in the Diocletian Spa centre Working hours - Mon - Sat: 2:30 pm - 8:30 pm
S VIŠE OD 70 RAZLIČITIH WITH OVER 70 TREATMENTS WETRETMANA U PONUDI, POMOĆI WILL HELP YOU RELAX, UNWINDĆEMO VAM DA SE OPUSTITE I AND MAINTAIN A HEALTHYNASTAVITE RAZVIJATI ZDRAVE LIFESTYLE.NAVIKE I STIL ŽIVOTA.Natrpani dnevni raspored i dinamičan način Busy daily schedule and a dynamic life-života kradu nam trenutke opuštanja pa sve style are shortening traditional momentspopularniji postaju spa tretmani, masaže i of relaxation, so different spa treatments,odlasci u saune, jer su ugodan i dostupan massages and saunas are recording incre-način brige o tijelu i zdravlju. U hotelu Le asing popularity, being the pleasant andMéridien Lav Split čeka Vas zdrava i opušta- accessible way of taking care of our bodyjuća oaza – Diocletian spa & wellness. and health in general. Diocletian Spa & Wellness - the relaxing oasis awaits you inNajekskluzivniji spa centar u Splitu i jedan Le Méridien Lav Split.od najvećih u Hrvatskoj, opremljen je s de-vet soba za različite tretmane, unutarnjim Diocletian spa & wellness is the most exc-i vanjskim bazenom, tri rimske kupelji s lusive spa in Split and one the largest spagrijanim ležajevima, finskom saunom, ma- centres in Croatia. The spa facilities includesažnom kadom, plunge bazenom te avan- nine treatment rooms, an outdoor infini-turističkim tuševima. Boravak u našem ty pool, an indoor pool, three Roman bat-wellness centru pruža potpuni užitak za hs with heating lounges, a Finnish sauna,dušu i tijelo pa je odličan izbor za odmor od a whirlpool, a plunge pool, and adventureužurbane svakodnevnice. showers. It offers a complete pleasure for body and soul and is a great destinationU modernom i luksuzno uređenom prosto- for escaping the everyday life.ru očekuje Vas čitav niz različitih tretma-na koji uključuju tradicionalne i moderne In a modern luxurious space, The Diocle-masaže, tretmane za lice i tijelo i mnoge tian Spa & Wellness offers a wide rangedruge. Jedan od najpopularnijih tretmana of traditional and modern massages, facialje četveroručna masaža koju istovremeno and body treatments. The spa’s signatu-izvode dva terapeuta pa se s pravom nazi- re treatment is the Diocletian Four-han-va kraljevskim tretmanom. ded Massage offering an unforgettable spa experience.U sklopu Diocletian spa & wellnessa nala-zi se prostrana oaza za opuštanje i fitness Discover the imaginative relaxing areas andcentar s pogledom na more. S više od 70 the fitness centre with a sea view. Withrazličitih tretmana u ponudi, pomoći ćemo over 70 treatments we will help you relax,Vam da se opustite i nastavite razvijati unwind and maintain a healthy lifestyle.zdrave navike i stil života. 17
VJENČANJAWEDDINGSVjenčanja u nekom od gradova na obali sve su Wedding by the sea, in one of the cities on thepopularnija, a mi vas potičemo da Dalmacija coast is becoming more and more popular, andbude vaš izbor za jedan od najvažnijih dana we encourage you to consider Dalmatia as youru životu. Le Méridien Lav Split pobrinut će venue for one of the most important days inse da, bez obzira na to radi li se o intimnom your life. Le Méridien Lav Split will make surevjenčanju s malim brojem uzvanika ili that, regardless of whether your wedding isekskluzivnoj gala zabavi, bezbrižno provedete an intimate ceremony with just a few guestsnezaboravne trenutke. or an exclusive gala party, you enjoy these unforgettable moments, care-free and happy.Zašto odabrati Why Le Méridien Lav?Le Méridien Lav? ROMANTIC LOCATIONROMANTIČNA LOKACIJA Our beautiful beaches offer spectacular view of the City ofS prekrasne plaže resorta pruža se spektakularni pogled Split, crystal clear Adriatic Sea and the nearby islands.na Split, kristalno čisto Jadransko more i jedinstveni split-ski arhipelag. BEAUTIFUL VENUE The main wedding ballroom can host up to 450 guests. IfJEDINSTVENI PROSTOR you decide to organize your party outside, next to our in-Naša glavna svečana dvorana može primiti do 450 uzvani- finity pool, we could host close to 1.000 guests.ka, a ako vam se više sviđa ideja o vjenčanju na otvorenom,uz naš vanjski infinity bazen, možemo ugostiti i do 1000 EASY BUDGETINGuzvanika. Unlike many other venues our basic menu price includes various services such as: event manager expert advice,LAKOĆA PLANIRANJA TROŠKOVA gala dinner set up, ballroom rent, free night for the newly-Za razliku od uobičajenih ponuda, naša osnovna cijena me- weds in a deluxe room, stage, screen projections, children’snija uključuje brojne usluge kao što su: stručni savjet event ballroom and menu tasting with our chef.menadžera, gala set up za večeru, najam sale, besplatnonoćenje za mladence u deluxe sobi, plesni podij i pozornicu, SAFETY AND PRIVACYprojekcije na platnima, salu za djecu te degustaciju dogo- Free garage parking with video surveillance guaranteesvorenog menija, uz prisutnost našeg glavnog kuhara. the safety of your vehicles. The location of our ballroom on the separate floor provides a necessary level of privacy.SIGURNOST I PRIVATNOSTBesplatan parking u garaži s video nadzorom garantira si- CATERINGgurnost vaših automobila, a lokacija svečane dvorane koja Le Méridien Lav Split has a unique variety of weddingse nalazi na posebnom katu osigurava visoku razinu privat- menus that can be tailored to your specific tastes and de-nosti za vas i vaše goste. sires. Our chefs have combined a refined selection of sever- al wedding menus that you can personalize and adjust to your wishes with our Event Manager and chefs. 19
POSVE OSOBNO CLOSE AND PERSONAL KONGRESI CONGRESSES Dvorane s najvišim tehnološkim standardi- State of the art meeting space, carefully ma, vrhunska gastronomija i moderan di- selected cuisine and modern design ele- zajn idealan su ambijent za stvaranje novih ments create an ideal atmosphere for new ideja, produktivan rad i otkrivanje poslovnih ideas, powerful engagement and discove- prilika. ring new business opportunities. U hotelu Le Méridien Lav Split na raspola- Le Méridien Lav Split offers 2,500 square ganju vam je oko 2.500 m2 kongresnog metres of total conference space including prostora, uključujući i gala dvoranu s pri- grand ballroom with natural light. rodnim osvjetljenjem. Kongresne dvora- ne opremljene su vrhunskom audio i video Eight meeting rooms create a total of nine opremom, brzim internetom, a po potrebi meeting spaces – all located on single con- možete koristiti i sustav za simultano pre- ference floor, equipped with superior audio vođenje te kompjutere u našem poslovnom and video equipment, High-Speed Internet centru. Najveća dvorana proteže se na 800 Access, simultaneous translation system m2, a uz nju na raspolaganju je još osam and computers in our business centre. The opremljenih dvorana. largest meeting room extends to 800 m2. Zahvaljujući dugogodišnjem iskustvu u or- With wide experience in organizing all ganizaciji različitih događanja, od jedno- sorts of events, from simple meetings to stavnih sastanaka do velikih konferencija i large conferences and car launches, we predstavljanja novih automobila, spremni present you dome of our satisfied clients: smo ispuniti sve vaše zahtjeve i pomoći Daimler, Boston Consulting Group, Paratek vam u organizaciji svih tipova događanja. Pharmaceutical, NATO, The Economist… Neki od naših zadovoljnih klijenata su Da- imler, Boston Consulting Group, Paratek Pharmaceutical, NATO, The Economist i mnogi drugi.20
POSVE OSOBNO CLOSE AND PERSONAL Eight meeting rooms create a total of nine meeting spaces – all located on single conference floor, equipped with superior audio and video equipment, High- Speed Internet Access, simultaneous translation system and computers in our business centre. Kongresne dvorane opremljene su vrhunskom audio i video opremom, brzim internetom, a po potrebi možete koristiti i sustav za simultano prevođenje te kompjutere u našem poslovnom centru. 21
RESTORAN Započnite dan s bogatim i ukusnim doruč- Start your day with delectable breakfastSPALATUM kom, udobno smješteni u chic i modernom buffet in chic & contemporary interior ofRESTAURANT interijeru ili na terasi našeg restorana. the Spalatum Restaurant or with a pano-SPALATUM ramic view of the Adriatic Sea and on the Prekrasna terasa restorana Spalatum pru- city of Split. 22 ža panoramski pogled na kristalno plavo more i povijesnu jezgru grada Splita. Okre- Terrace of the Spalatum restaurant offers nuta prema zapadu, nudi Vam savršen panoramic views of the crystal blue Adriat- vidikovac s kojeg se možete diviti spekta- ic Sea and the historical centre of the City kularnom zalasku sunca i izgubiti pojam o of Split. Facing west, it will offer you the vremenu, dok promatrate kako se crvenka- prime viewpoint to admire the spectac- sto-žuti tonovi pretvaraju u najzvjezdanije ular sunsets and lose track of time while nebo koje ste ikad vidjeli. observing as reddish-yellow tones turn into the starriest sky skies you’ve ever seen. Uživajte u spektakularnim zalascima sunca i isprobajte neke od pomno odabranih te- Enjoy Chef’s choice dinner buffets sea- matskih buffet večera, spravljenih od najfi- soned with fresh ingredients or a variety of nijih sastojaka. themed buffets in the summer season sur- rounded with spectacular sunsets. Uz izvrsnu hranu, najbolje odgovara kvali- tetno, pomno odabrano vino. Plavac Mali, With excellent food, goes excellent, care- Pošip, Malvazija, Graševina i mnoga druga fully selected wine. Plavac Mali, Pošip, Mal- vrhunska hrvatska i inozemna vina odlično vazija, Graševina and many other best Cro- će se uklopiti u intimni ambijent restorana. atian and foreign wines will fit perfectly in Uživajte u besprijekornoj usluzi naših zapo- the intimate atmosphere of the restaurant. slenika i potaknite sva svoja osjetila gastro- Enjoy the impeccable service of our staff nomskim specijalitetima spravljenima od and induce all your senses with specialities najkvalitetnijih namirnica. made from the finest ingredients.
ADVANCE NOTICE 5 sleeping rooms wine cellar fitness centar with sauna infinity poolLiving space 385 sqm First row to the seaEffective space 509 sqmLand area 742 sqmDeveloper & building promotorCounseling and saleMarina Mall -Le Meridien Lav Grljeva ka 2 A 21312 PodstranaPhone office: +385 (0) 21-343 027 Mobile: +385 (0) 91-7661 588 Mail: [email protected]
KIDS CLUBObiteljskom odmoru posvećujemo posebnu Le Méridien Lav Split pays a special atten-pozornost, proizvod je to koji gotovo jedna- tion to family vacations, product popularko traže i domaći i strani gosti pa neprekid- both with domestic and international gue-no unapređujemo sadržaje za djecu. U želji sts. Therefore, we are continuously impro-da ih potaknemo da izraze svoju kreativ- ving facilities for children, trying to enco-nost i zadovolje znatiželju trudimo se osmi- urage them to express their creativity andsliti brojne zabavne programe u kojima će satisfy their curiosity within a number ofuživati i biti veseli, ali istovremeno i sigurni. entertainment programs.Kids Club tako nudi brojne aktivnosti za Kids Club offers many activities for chil-mališane u ugodnoj i sigurnoj atmosferi, dren in a pleasant and safe atmosphere,pod stalnim nadzorom profesionalaca koji under constant surveillance by professio-brinu o njima. nals who take care of them.Kids Club je otvoren za svu djecu od 4 do Kids Club is open to all children age 4 to12 godina – jer kad su djeca zadovoljna ni 12 - with the motto – when children arenama odraslima ništa ne nedostaje. happy, so are the adults. 25
OTKRIJMO ZAJEDNO DISCOVER TOGETHERLe Méridien obiteljski program otkrivanje podmorja. Oblikom podsjeća na Le Méridien Family invites make-poziva one koji vjeruju u otkrivanje pravu podmornicu, ali ne uranja cijela u more believers, aspiring inventors,novih mjesta, male izumitelje, nego ima podvodnu kabinu koja se nalazi 1,5m junior culinarians and little cultureljubitelje kulinarstva i najmlaðe ispod morske površine. Ovo je plovilo idealno seekers to blast off into discovery.istraživače da urone u istraživanje. za zabavu cijele obitelj, a posebno ZA DJECU. Unlock our destination with this“Otključajte” lokalne znamenitosti i Zanimljiva ponuda su noćne vožnje s guide to local family-friendlymjesta ovim vodičem namijenjenim podvodnim osvjetljenjem. attractions.obiteljima s djecom. Cijena: Odrasli 90 kn, Djeca 45 kn For more information on Le MéridienZa više informacija o Le Méridien Information: 385 99 3500 905 Family, please contact our Concierge.obiteljskom programu, molim Vas Radno vrijeme: 10:00 - 23:00kontaktirajte djelatnika na recepciji. Udaljenost od hotela: 4.8 km KRKA NATIONAL PARK Uzrast: Za sve uzraste The Krka river is a natural karsticNACIONALNI PARK KRKA phenomenon with its breathtakingRijeka Krka je prirodni fenomen sa svojim ANTONIČIN MLIN ŽRNOVNICA waterfalls and 17 natural barriers. Walkingprekrasnim vodopadima i 17 prirodnih Dođite i uživajte u našem povijesnom mlinu on the wooden paths through enchantingbarijera. Hodajući po drvenim mostićima i i rekreacijskim prostorima! Na našem moving water, hearing the rare birds sing,stazama preko rijeke, slušajući pjev ptica autentičnom dalmatinskom imanju, vratit and visiting still active hundred years oldi posjetom 100 godina starim mlinovima ćete se u prošlost i posjetiti predivnu water mills will definitely make you fall inučinit će ovaj izlet uzbudljivim i dokazati znamenitost iz 16. stoljeća. Naš mlin pokreće love with this natural treasure.Vam da je doživljaj prirode neprocjenjiv. rijeka Žrnovnica, a naše brašno se melje na isti način kao prije 500 godina. Cost: Adult 110kn, Child 80knCijena: Odrasli 100kn, Djeca 80 kn Hours: Vary by seasonRadno vrijeme: Ovisno o sezoni Cijena: besplatan ulaz Information: 00 385 95 859 2600Informacije: 385 95 859 2600 Radno vrijeme: na upit Distance from hotel: 100 kmUdaljenost od hotela: 100 km Udaljenost od hotela: 4.8 km Age range: All agesUzrast: Za sve uzraste Uzrast: Za sve uzraste Informacije: 385 91 797 3070 HORSEBACK RIDING/CANYONJAHANJE KONJA/IZLET KANJONOM EXPERIENCEDopustite da Vaše prvo iskustvo jahanja ČAROBNI GRAD IGRAONICA - SPLIT Let your first horseback riding startsbude na ranču u selu Glavice. Početnički Čarobni grad je mjesto gdje će Vaši najmlaði on the ranch in village Glavice. Beginnertečaj se organizira na ranču nakon čega razvijati psihofizičke sposobnosti i zdravlje, course (intro ride) is organized on thepočinje Vaše putovanje kroz kanjon, brda i osmišljavati i obogaćivati slobodno vrijeme ranch and after that your journey takespolja. Jahanje završava pripremom domaćeg i druženje kroz rekreaciju i sport. Idealno you to the canyon, hills and fields. Theručka na ranču! mjesto za igru tijekom ljetnih kišnih dana! horseback riding finishes with home-made lunch on the ranch.Cijena: Ovisi o ruti Cijena: 40 knRadno vrijeme: Ovisno o sezoni Radno vrijeme: ovisno o sezoni Cost: Varies by routeInformacije: 385 95 859 2600 Udaljenost od hotela: 10.6 km Hours: Vary by seasonUdaljenost od hotela: 30 km Uzrast: Za sve uzraste Information: 00 385 95 859 2600Uzrast: Djeca od 5 godina i više Informacije: 385 21 380 649 Distance from hotel: 30 km Age range: from 5 years oldIZLET POLUPODMORNICOMPolupodmornica „MARIJETA“ je smještenana središtu rive i idealno je plovilo za
SEMI-SUBMARINE EXPERIENCE VAŽNE INFORMACIJESemi-submarine Marijeta departs from 1. Cijene važeæe u trenutkuSplit Riva (the promenade), located in thecenter of Split harbor. This unique vessel tiskanja brošureoffers a pleasant and safe tour and is 2. Kontaktirajte naše osoblje zaideal for adults and children of all ages. Itremains above sea level at all times, while detaljeits hull, the underwater observatory, is 1.5 3. Ulaz u neke ustanove nemeters below the surface. Through yourown personal viewing window, you can možemo garantirati, a zawatch abundance of marine life. neke aktivnosti je potrebna rezervacija.You can choose between day tours andnight tours with underwater lights. IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. Prices and opening hoursCost: Adult 90 kn, child 45 knInformation: 00 385 99 3500 905 correct at time of publishing.Hours: 10:00–23:00 2. Speak to the Concierge team toDistance from hotel: 9.4 kmAge range: All ages assist you with bookings. 3. The Concierge is unableANTONICA’S MILL - ŽRNOVNICADiscover historic watermill and adjacent to guarantee entry to therecreational areas! On the authentic recommended venues andDalmatian estate, you will travel back in time some of the activities mayand visit a beautiful 16th Century landmark. require advanced booking.Our flour is milled on-site just like it was 500years ago.Cost: Entrance Free,F&B upon consumptionHours: Upon requestDistance from hotel: 4.8 kmAge range: All agesInformation: 00 385 91 797 3070MAGICAL CITY PLAYGROUND - SPLITIt is a place where your child can developmotor ability and health, create and enrichfree time with recreation and sports. Bestoption to spend rainy days in the summer.Cost: 40 knHours: Vary by seasonInformation: 00 385 21 380 649Distance from hotel: 10.6 kmAge range: All ages
Radost putovanja traje C zahvaljujući suvenirima M Souvenirs bring back Y memories CM MY CY CMY K Radost putovanja počinje planiranjem, a traje The joy of travelling begins with planning the Suveniri nas zahvaljujući suvenirima, podsjetnicima na de- journey and lasts long after you came back vraćaju u vrijeme stinaciju koju smo posjetili, iskustvo koje smo home thanks to the souvenirs. Souvenirs re- i mjesto koje smo doživjeli ili događaj kojem smo prisustvovali. mind us of the destination that we have visit- posjetili, izazivaju Suveniri nas vraćaju u vrijeme i mjesto koje ed, an experience we had or an event which osmijeh i nostalgiju smo posjetili, izazivaju osmijeh i nostalgiju i we attended. Souvenirs bring us back to the i donose duh donose duh destinacije u dom. time and the place, bring smile to our faces destinacije u dom. and create the feeling of sweet nostalgia. U suvenirnici Le Méridien Lav možete pronaći Souvenirs bring us veliki izbor autohtonih dalmatinskih proizvoda Le Méridien Lav gift shop offers authentic, back to the time and i suvenira. Svi proizvodi pažljivo su odabra- high quality products and souvenirs from the place, bring smile ni kako biste doživjeli najbolje što Dalmacija Dalmatia. Discover the locally crafted gifts, to our faces and nudi te ponijeli lijepu uspomenu na naš hotel, carefully selected in order to allow you to ex- create the feeling of Dalmaciju i Hrvatsku. U ponudi možete pro- perience the best Dalmatia has to offer. The sweet nostalgia. naći domaća maslinova ulja visoke kvalitete, Gift Shop is the place to find everything from vrhunska vina te razne rukotvorine. organic olive oils to exclusive local wines and hand-made souvenirs. Suvenirnica se nalazi ispred restorana Spa- latum. Gift shop is located in front of the Spalatum restaurant. RADNO VRIJEME: od ponedjeljka do nedjelje od 8:00 do 22:00 sata. OPENING HOURS: Monday to Sunday 8:00 to 22:00 hours.28
INTERVJU INTERVIEW YUYA MATSUO“I’ve travelled all around Europe. I’ve visited 28 countries in Europe so far and more than 100 cities. Split is definitely one of my favorite cities in the world.“Putovao sam cijelom Europom. Za sad sam posjetio 28 država u Europi i više od 100 gradova. Split je definitivno jedan od meni najdražih gradova na svijetu 30
INTERVJU INTERVIEW YUYA MATSUO Fotograf, istinski zaljubljenik u Hrvatsku.YUYA Photographer, in love with CroatiaMATSUOTko je Yuya Matsuo u 5 riječi? Putovao sam cijelom Europom. Za sad samWho is Yuya Matsuo in 5 words? posjetio 28 država u Europi i više od 100 gradova. Split je definitivno jedan od meniFotograf, istinski zaljubljenik u Hrvatsku. najdražih gradova na svijetu.Photographer, in love with Croatia I’ve travelled all around Europe. I’ve visit- ed 28 countries in Europe so far and moreVolite puno putovati, zašto? than 100 cities. Split is definitely one of myYou love to travel a lot, how come? favorite cities in the world.Učeći o drugim kulturama i upoznajući dru- Kakvi su Vaši dojmovi u vezi hrvatskihge ljude shvatite da dok putujete morate gradova i općenito Balkana? Možete libiti otvorenog uma kako biste shvatili što vidjeti/osjetiti različitost ljudi, hrane,vas okužuje. U početku nisam previše mario arhitekture..?za vlastitu kulturu dok sam živio u Japa-nu, no što sam više putovao i vidio svijeta, What are your impressions about citiespočeo sam sve više cijeniti to što imam u in Croatia and the Balkan region? Cansvojoj zemlji. Može se reći da učim o svojoj you see/feel diversity in people, food,kulturi i jako sam ponosan na nju. architecture..?By learning about other cultures and meet- Zbilja volim balkansku regiju. Smatram daing new people, traveling makes your mind su ljudi na Balkanu jako ljubazni i gostolju-open and makes you realize what you have bivi. Njihova želja da pomognu potpunomsurrounding you. I did not really care too strancu me uvijek oduševljava. Arhitekturamuch about my Japanese culture when I je raznolika i zanimljiva. Ona je mješavinalived in Japan, but as I traveled and saw raznih utjecaja tokom povijesti, od antičkogthe world, I started to appreciate what I Rima sve do Austro - Ugarske monarhije.had in my country. And now you can evensay that I am learning about my culture I really like the Balkan region. I found Bal-and I am proud of it. kan people to be very kind and welcoming towards guests. Their willingness to helpWhat countries and cities have you complete strangers always amazes me. Ar-visited until now? Do you have a chitecture is quite diverse and interesting tofavorite city? see. It is a mixture of influences through- out the history, from Ancient Rome to Aus-Koje ste sve zemlje i gradove do sada tro-Hungarian Empire.posjetili? Je li Vam neki grad draži odostalih? 31
INTERVJU INTERVIEW YUYA MATSUOZalazak suncau BrooklynuSunset inBrooklyn, NYCZalazak suncau MotovunuSunset inMotovun32
INTERVJU INTERVIEW YUYA MATSUO Zalazak sunca u Budimpešti Sunset in BudapestŠto Vam je najbolje kod putovanja? NASTOJIM SLATI When I was in Split 2 years ago, I was over-What do you like the most while POZITIVNE PORUKE whelmed by the beauty of Old Town andtraveling? PUTEM SVOJIH that made me want to know how to capture FOTOGRAFIJA this beauty in photos. That’s how I startedUpoznavati nove ljude i otkrivati nove kul- JER SMATRAM to learn photography and started to seekture i mjesta. DA U SVIJETU out different places to take photos. Split is POSTOJI DOVOLJNO where I started my travelings as well.Meeting new people and discovering new NEGATIVNOSTI.cultures and places. Što točno želite reći sa svojim I TRY TO SEND fotografijama i kako to postižete?Je li fotografija oduvijek bila dio Vašeg POSITIVEživota? Kad ste shvatili da želite biti MESSAGES Exactly what it is you want to say withfotograf i živjeti od toga? THROUGH MY your photographs and how do youWas photography always involved in PHOTOS BECAUSE actually get your photographs to doyour life? When did you realize you THERE IS ENOUGH that?wanted to be a photographer and make NEGATIVITY IN THEa living out of it? WORLD. Nastojim slati pozitivne poruke putem svo- jih fotografija jer smatram da u svijetu po-Ne, fotografija je novi izazov za mene. Kad stoji dovoljno negativnosti. Nadam se dasam prije dvije godine posjetio Split, bio kroz moje fotografije mogu zainteresiratisam oduševljen ljepotom starog dijela gra- ljude za neko mjesto, ili pak domaćem sta-da, te me to navelo da naučim takvu ljepo- novništvu ukazati i nanovo otkriti ljepotutu prenijeti na fotografiju. Tako sam počeo mjesta u kojem žive. Uvijek nastojim u sce-učiti o fotografiji i sve više tražiti različita nu uključiti poseban trenutak koji nitko nemjesta za fotografiranje. Split je također može duplicirati.mjesto gdje sam i započeo svoja putovanja. I try to send positive messages through myNo, photography is a new challenge for me. photos because there is enough negativity in the world. I hope, through my photos, that I can make people interested in the place, and 33
INTERVJU INTERVIEW YUYA MATSUO SPLIT JE GRAD KOJI NAJRADIJE POSJEĆUJEM. OTKAKO SAM PRVI PUT PRIJE PAR GODINA POSJETIO SPLIT, VRAĆAO SAM SE TRI PUTA.for local people, I want to make them real- but I still believe Sony is one step ahead Rad Ansela Adamsa, on je bio umjetnik size and rediscover the beauty of the place from its competitors. velikim tehničkim znanjem. Također, bio jewhere they live through. I always try to in- apsolutni perfekcionist. Njegovi neiscrpniclude the unique moment in the scene that Pratite li trendove u fotografiji? napori da zabilježi savršen trenutak su meno one can duplicate. Do you follow trends in photography? inspirirali da budem strpljiv.Koju kameru koristite i postoji li neki Generalno govoreći, ne, ali dok sam na pri- Ansel Adams, because he was both tech-poseban razlog tome? mjer u Splitu, nastojim se preko društvenih nical and artistic. He was also an absolute mreža povezati s lokalnim stanovništvom perfectionist. His untiring efforts to captureWhat camera do you use and is there a i osobama koje posjećuju Split. Pogledam the perfect moment inspired me to have pa-special reason why? neke od njihovih fotografija, te na taj način tience. naučim o lokaciji iz perspektive putnika ili ži-Koristim dvije Sonyjeve kamere, a7ii i telja. Pretražim fotografije i na Googlu, pro- Možete li nam pokazati svoje tria6000. Kad sam prije dvije godine odlučio vjerim što je popularno te na taj način na- najdraže fotografije i ispričati priču uučiti o fotografiji Sony mi se činio kao jedini stojim vidjeti kako biti drugačiji od ostalih. vezi njih.koji je zaista inovativan u industriji kamera. Could you show us your top 3 photos,Izabrao sam onu koja je u to vrijeme bila In general sense, no, but when I am in, for and tell a story behind them.najpolularnija i dostupna, a6000. Mislim example, Split, I will try to engage on socialda sada i ostali proizvođači nastoje biti ino- media with the local people and people vis- Fotografiju sam uslikao u Brooklynu, Newvativniji, ali i dalje stojim pri stajalištu da je iting Split. I check their photos, and learn York. Vidio sam fotografije tog mjesta odSony jedan korak ispred konkurencije. about the location from traveler’s and local’s mog kolege fotografa. Kad sam došao New point of view. I will also search photos on York to mjesto je bilo na mojoj listi za po-I use 2 Sony cameras, a7ii and a6000. Google to see what is popular and seek out sjetiti. Kad sam došao na lokaciju vrijemeWhen I decided 2 years ago to learn pho- how I can be different from others. je bilo stvarno savršeno.tography, Sony seemed to be the only onethat is truly innovating in the camera indus- Čiji rad je imao najviše utjecaja na Vas? Zalazak sunca koji sam uslikao u Motovu-try. I chose what was the most popular and nu. U Motovunu sam ostao 2 dana. Sjećamavailable at the time, a6000. Now other Whose work has influenced you the se da sam bio jako umoran zbog mnogomanufactures are trying to be innovative, most?34
INTERVJU INTERVIEW YUYA MATSUOSPLIT IS MY FAVORITECITY TO VISIT. SINCE IFIRST VISITED SPLITFEW YEARS AGO I WENTBACK 3 TIMES ALREADY.putovanja, ali sam znao da mogu zabilježi- pest, Hungary. Catching Summer sunrise Želim i dalje kreirati sadržaj koji izaziva po-ti lijepe fotografije ako me vrijeme posluži. in Europe is challenging. I had to wake up zitivne emocije, bilo da se radi o fotografiji,Upravo zbog tog sam se 2 dana za redom before 4:30 am to reach the location and filmu ili nečem drugom. Želim ostati rele-ustajao prije zore. Zadnji dan sam uslikao hope for the best moment to come. I went vantan prema tome što se svakodnevno do-savršenu fotografiju. to this same spot 5 times and this photo is gađa u svijetu i uvijek biti spreman krenuti the best so far. dalje u novi projekt.Fotografija mađarskog parlamenta, u Bu-dimpešti. Uhvatiti ljetni zalazak sunca u Što Vas motivira da i dalje I want to keep creating content whichEuropi je zbilja izazov. Trebao sam se ustati fotografirate? brings out positive emotions, whether it willprije 4:30 ujutro kako bih stigao do lokaci- What motivates you to continue taking be photography, film or something else. Ije i nadao se da će stići savršen trenutak. photographs? would like to stay relevant to what is hap-Odlazio sam pet puta na isto mjesto i ova pening in the world and always be ready tofotografija je najbolja do sada. Volim ono što radim. Volim cijeli proces fo- move on to the new project. tografiranja, editiranja i dijeljenja fotogra-A photo I took in Brooklyn, New York. I saw fija. A znajući da imam pratitelje koji cijene Planirate li se uskoro vratiti u Split?photos of this spot from my fellow photogra- to što radim mi predstavlja veliki motiv da Are you planning to come back to Splitpher. And when I visited New York, that was nastavim. any time soon?one of the places on my bucket list. When Igot there, the weather was just perfect. I love what I am doing. I love the whole Split je grad koji najradije posjećujem. Ot- process of taking, editing, and sharing pho- kako sam prvi put prije par godina posjetioSunrise I took in Motovun. I stayed in Mo- tos. And knowing that I have followers who Split, vraćao sam se tri puta. Siguran samtovun for 2 days. Because I was traveling a appreciate what I do is a huge motive for da ću uskoro opet imati priliku vratiti se.lot, I remember I was so tired and sleepy, me to continue.but I knew I could get great shots if the Split is my favorite city to visit. Since I firstweather was right. So I woke up before Koji su Vaši planovi za budućnost? Gdje visited Split few years ago I went back 3sunrise 2 days in a row. The last day, I got dalje želite ići? times already. I am sure I will have a chancethe perfect shot. What are your future plans? Where do to go back sometime soon. you want to go next?A photo of Hungarian Parliament, Buda- 35
Jeste liznali?Did youknow? U Stonu se nalaze najduže zidine u Europi, a dugačke su pet kilometara. Walls of Ston are the longest fortress system in Europe with the length of 5 km.
Dvojica Hrvata osvojila su Nobelovunagradu: Lavoslav Ružička, 1939. iVladimir Prelog, 1975. godine.Two Croats won the Nobel prize:Lavoslav Ružička in 1939 andVladimir Prelog in 1975, both inChemistry.Od devetog stoljeća Hrvati sukoristili vlastito pismo: glagoljicu.Do 18. stoljeća koristila seusporedno s latinicom. (Hrvatskaje zemlja iz koje potječe najstarijeslavensko pismo)Since the 9th century the Croatsused their own alphabet: Glagolitsa.Until the 18th century it wassimultaneously used with Latin. Theoldest Slavic alphabet originatesfrom Croatia.Ivan Lupis Vukić u 19. je stoljeću uRijeci napravio prvi torpedo.The first torpedo was invented byIvan Lupis Vukić in Rijeka, 19thcentury.
JESTE LI ZNALI? DID YOU KNOW Ivan (Juan) Vučetić, kriminolog i antropolog, rođen je na otoku Hvaru, a živio je u Argentini. Bio je jedan od pionira znanstvene daktiloskopije (identifikacija putem otisaka prstiju). Njegove se metode identifikacije koriste diljem svijeta. Ivan (Juan) Vučetić, criminologist and anthropologist, was born in Hvar and lived in Argentina. He was one of the pioneers of scientific dactyloscopy (identification through fingerprints). His methods of identification are used worldwide. Pulski amfiteatar jedan je od tri očuvana u svijetu. Također je šesti najveći amfiteatar koji postoji. The Pula Amphitheater is one of the three preserved and sixth largest amphitheater in the world. U Kaštel Štafiliću nalazi se iznimni spomenik prirode, maslina (Olea Europea ili mastrika) stara više od 1500 godina. Na širem podučju regije danas više takve sorte masline nema, pa se pretpostavlja da je donesena iz južne Italije ili Grčke. Kaštel Štafilić is the owner of remarkable natural monument, an 1500 years old olive which is also known as Olea Europea or Mastrinka. This sort of olive does not exist in our region, so assumption is that olive was brought from south of Italy or Greece.
Enjoy our signature skincare treatments and full range of face, body and hair care products at the exclusiveBiologique Recherche beauty salon in the marina of Le Méridien Lav, Split. Biologique Recherche Hotel Le Méridien Lav, Split +385 (0)21 229 101 [email protected] Open Monday to Saturday from 9 to 21 h
LE MERIDIEN HOTELS & RESORTS U SURADNJI S TVRTKOM MALIN + GOETZ GOSTIMA NUDI VRHUNSKU KOZMETIKU LE MERIDIEN HOTELS & RESORTS PARTNERS WITH MALIN + GOETZ TO SOLVE SKINCARE DESPAIR FOR TRAVELLERS(MALIN + GOETZ)Nova kozmetička linija predstavlja New Global Amenity Programme Combinespomno odabrane proizvode za an Apothecary Sensibility with Signaturenjegu….za muškarce i žene Bath Essentials…for Men and WomenLe Méridien Hotels & Resorts su predstavi- Le Méridien Hotels & Resorts, introduced a NAŠE EKSKLUZIVNOli novu liniju toaletne kozmetike u suradnji s new bath amenity programme with glob- PARTNERSTVO S BRENDOMglobalno priznatim brendom MALIN + GO- ally sought-after skincare brand MALIN + MALIN + GOETZ JE JOŠETZ. Ovo je prvo i ekskluzivno partnerstvo GOETZ. This partnership marks the first JEDAN ISKORAK U SMJERUkoje MALIN + GOETZ sklapa s jednim time that MALIN + GOETZ is partnering PODIZANJA USLUGE Ihotelskim lancem čime će svim gostima Le globally with a hotel brand, bringing a suite SVOJEVRSNOG OŽIVLJAVANJAMéridien hotela omogućiti korištenje vr- of amenities to more than 100 hotels and POJEDINE DESTINACIJE KROZhunske kozmetike. Obje tvrtke dijele strast resorts. With a shared passion for design LOKALNU GASTRONOMIJU,prema dizajnu i otkrivanju novih stvari sto- and discovery, MALIN + GOETZ is the per- KULTURU I DIZAJN.ga je MALIN + GOETZ idealan partner za fect partner for Le Méridien, the Parisi-Le Méridien, globalni brend poznat po svo- an-born hospitality brand known to unlock Brian Provinellijoj misiji “otkrivanja” destinacija kreativnim destinations for creative and curious-mind- Globalni voditelj Le Méridien brenda.i radoznalim gostima. ed travellers around the world.MALIN + GOETZ unisex toaletna kozmeti- MALIN + GOETZ unisex bath essentialska je posebno odabrana i spravljena za Le were chosen specifically for Le Méridien, with40
MALIN+GOETZ Matthew Malin and Andrew Goetz launched their epony-ABOUT mous skincare brand and architecturally acclaimed flagship store twelve years ago in New York’s Chelsea neighbour-Prije 12 godina Matthew Malin i Andrew Goetz osno- hood. Over the years, their award winning formulations andvali su kozmetički brend i otvorili prvu arhitektonski na- iconic packaging have expanded along with their growinggrađivanu trgovinu u New Yorku. Tokom godina njihovi portfolio of stores in New York and Los Angeles, as well asnagrađivani proizvodi su našli mjesto u nekim od najluk- amongst a select assortment of luxury retailers around thesuznijih trgovina u svijetu. Malin+Goetz proizvodi su post- world. Malin+Goetz products have become synonymousali sinonim za zdravu i njegovanu kožu. Svaki proizvod je with healthy skin. Every product has been formulated withpomno kreiran, s odabranim prirodnim sastojcima, kako trusted natural ingredients along with performance focusedbi zadovoljio i najzahtjevnije tipove kože. Prepoznati od technologies to deliver exceptional results in the most gentlesvih ljubitelja proizvoda za njegu tijela, idealan su “suput- way – even for the most sensitive skin. Celebrated by skin-nik” za svaku ženu i muškarca. care aficionados in the world’s finest cities, Malin+Goetz’s award winning products are elegantly uncomplicated, and perfect for the modern woman and man.Méridien, a sadrži vrhunske sastojke koji iz- evocative ingredients and effective formula- OUR EXCLUSIVE GLOBALvrsno djeluju na sve tipove kože. Kozmetika tions that complement any skin and hair care PARTNERSHIP WITHće se nalaziti u svim sobama, a sadržavat regimen while on the road. The amenity kits MALIN + GOETZ IS THEće potpisni MALIN + GOETZ body wash are offered in all guestrooms and suites and NEWEST TOUCH POINTod kadulje, šampon s pepermintom, regene- will include MALIN + GOETZ signature sage THAT ENHANCES OURrator s korijanderom, sapun od limete i losi- body wash, peppermint shampoo, cilantro GUEST EXPERIENCE ANDon za tijelo s vitaminom b5. hair conditioner, lime bar soap, and vitamin OUR COMMITMENT TO b5 body moisturizer in travel-friendly sizes. BRING EACH DESTINATION“Naše ekskluzivno partnerstvo s brendom TO LIFE THROUGH LOCALMALIN + GOETZ je još jedan iskorak u “Our exclusive global partnership with MA- CUISINE, CULTURE ANDsmjeru podizanja usluge i svojevrsnog oživ- LIN + GOETZ is the newest touch point DESIGN NUANCESljavanja pojedine destinacije kroz lokal- that enhances our guest experience and ournu gastronomiju, kulturu i dizajn, rekao je commitment to bring each destination to Brian ProvinelliBrian Provinelli, Globalni voditelj Le Méri- life through local cuisine, culture and design Global Brand Leader, Le Méridiendien brenda.” “Sretni smo što Matthew nuances,” said Brian Povinelli, Global Brand Hotels & ResortsMalin i Andrew Goetz posjeduju jednaku Leader, Le Méridien Hotels & Resorts. ”Wepredanost i strast prema dizajnu i otkri- are thrilled that Matthew Malin and An-vanju novih stvari kao i Le Méridien, što je drew Goetz share that commitment and arevidljivo u njihovim proizvodima i odnosu as passionate about design and discovery asprema kupcima” our brand, and you can see it in the details of their products and customer experience.”“Le Méridien-ova misija “otkrivanja” de-stinacija gostima se izvrsno uklapa u spo- “Le Méridien’s promise to unlock destinationssobnost našeg brenda da stimulira njihova for their guests perfectly complements ourosjetila,” rekao je Andrew Goetz, suosnivač brand’s ability to stimulate their senses,” saidtvrtke MALIN + GOETZ. “Miris ima po- Andrew Goetz, MALIN + GOETZ, Co-Found-sebnost da probudi sjećanja i odvede nas u er. “Scent has the unique ability to evokeneko drugo vrijeme i mjesto, što čini MA- memories and transport us to a different timeLIN + GOETZ izvrsnim partnerom za Le and place, which makes MALIN + GOETZMéridien, dodao je Matthew Malin suosni- the perfect travel companion for Le Méridien,”vač tvrtke MALIN + GOETZ.” added Matthew Malin, Co-Founder.www.lemeridien.com For more information, visit www.lemeridi-www.malinandgoetz.com en.com and www.malinandgoetz.com. 41
INTERVJU INTERVIEWSEBASTIAANSCHOLTENBez kojeg kuhinjskog aparata ne biste POKUŠAVAMO our guests and give them the opportunity tomogli živjeti? PREZENTIRATI discover dalmatian traditions. Most peopleWhat’s the modern kitchen tool you NAJBOLJE OD on vacation would like to get a taste of a lo-couldn’t live without? LOKALNE KUHINJE cal cuisine and ours is definitely a combina- I PRUŽITI PRILIKU tion of Dalmatia and Mediterranean.Najdraži kuhinjski aparat ili predmet mi je NAŠIM GOSTIMAribež. Jednostavan za uporabu i vrlo kori- DA OTKRIJU Koliko je za Vaš posao važnostan, pogotovo pri guljenju limunove kore ili KULINARSKU obrazovanje?ribanju parmezana. TRADICIJU How important is education? DALMACIJE.I really like the microblade grater. Simple to Obrazovanje je vrlo važno. U školi ćete na-use and very helpful with lemon skin or par- WE ARE TRYING učiti osnove nužne za početak rada, ali naj-mesan cheese. TO INTRODUCE važniji dio učenja odvija se u samoj kuhinji. LOCAL CUISINEMožete li nam nešto reći o filozofiji TO OUR GUESTS Education is very important. In school youkreiranja menija u Le Méridien Lavu? AND GIVE THEM are going to learn the basics but when youPhilosophy behind the menus at LML? THE OPPORTUNITY get into the kitchen the real learning starts. TO DISCOVERPokušavamo prezentirati najbolje od lokal- DALMATIAN Želite li s nama podijeliti neko zanimljivone kuhinje i pružiti priliku našim gostima da TRADITIONS. iskustvo iz vašeg restorana, na primjerotkriju kulinarsku tradiciju Dalmacije. Veći- pohvalu nekog od gostiju i slično?na ljudi na svojim putovanjima želi isprobati Share with us a great customer storynešto od lokalne kuhinje, a naša je definitiv- from your restaurant past.no takva jer kombinira najbolje od Dalmaci-je i Mediterana. Nikad neću zaboraviti jedan par iz Engleske koji se nakon 25 godina vratio u restoranWe are trying to introduce local cuisine to u kojem su se vjenčali. Štedili su novce da si to mogu priuštiti i to je zbilja bilo jedno42
vrlo emotivno iskustvo za sve nas koji smo NIKAD NEĆU moći ćemo učiniti još više stvari u kraćemih upoznali. ZABORAVITI JEDAN vremenu. PAR IZ ENGLESKEA couple from England saved money to KOJI SE NAKON 25 The kitchen is not any more a secret place income back to the restaurant in Greece GODINA VRATIO U the restaurant. The guest wants to see whowhere they where were married 25 years RESTORAN U KOJEM is cooking and how. A lot of newly openedago. It was truly a touching moment for all SU SE VJENČALI. restaurants have an open kitchen. Backof us involved. in the day the chef was hidding inside the A COUPLE FROM kitchen, but the lately you see a lot of inter-Kako se vođenje restorana promijenilo u ENGLAND SAVED action between chefs and guests. It used toposljednjih pet godina i što mislite kako MONEY TO COME be out of question to see a customer insidedanas stojimo na tom području? BACK TO THE the kitchen, nowadays it is almost a regular RESTAURANT IN thing and we (chefs) don’t have secrets any-How has the restaurant business GREECE WHERE more. In the future, I think we are going tochanged in the last years and where do THEY WHERE have even more contact with guests when ityou think we are headed from here? WERE MARRIED 25 comes to their food preferences and needs. YEARS AGO. With the new technology in the kitchen weKuhinja više nije tajnovito mjesto iz kojeg will be able to do much more.izlaze tanjuri s hranom. Današnji gosti želevidjeti kako se jela spremaju i tko ih spre- Koje je jelo bilo prvo koje ste napravilima, stoga mnogi novi restorani imaju otvo- u svom životu i koliko ste imali tadarene kuhinje. U prošlosti, kuhari gotovo da godina?nisu izlazili iz kuhinje dok se danas moževidjeti mnogo više interakcije između kuha- What was the first meal you everra i samih gostiju. Nekada je bilo nezami- prepared and at what age?slivo vidjeti gosta u kuhinji, dok je to danaspostalo normalna stvar. U budućnosti oče- Kad sam imao 9 ili 10 godina počeo samkujem da će se interakcija između kuhara eksperimentirati s raznim sastojcima i oku-i gosta još pojačat. S razvojem tehnologije sima. Htio sam isprobati kako se kombi- 43
INTERVJU INTERVIEW SEBASTIAN SCHOLTEN niraju razne stvari, npr. kako je jesti kisele krastavce s jogurtom. U malo zrelijoj dobi,VOLIM RADITI ISTE STVARI KAO I kad roditelji nisu bili kod kuće, radio samNAŠI GOSTI, ISTRAŽIVATI HRVATSKU, peciva prema receptima moje majke..........UŽIVATI U HRANI I VINU TE PLIVATI U naravno osim peciva napravio sam i mnogoPREKRASNOM JADRANSKOM MORU. nereda (smijeh).I LIKE TO DO THE SAME THING ASWHAT MY GUESTS ARE DOING, At the age of 9 or 10 I have started toTHAT’S EXPLORE THE COUNTRY, experiment with different ingredients andEAT NICE (HOME OR RESTAURANT), flavours in the kitchen. I wanted to seeDRINK GOOD WINE OR SWIM IN THE how does it taste to eat yogurt with pick-BEAUTIFUL ADRIATIC. les and similar things. When I got a lit- tle bit older and my parents were not at44 home, I took my mother’s recipe book and made pastries.......of course I made a lot of mess as well (laugh). Jeste li se htjeli baviti nečim drugim prije nego što ste se počeli baviti kuhanjem? Was there anything that you wanted to do before you started cooking? Uvijek sam htio raditi nešto u vezi automo- bila i kamiona. Čim sam otišao na prvi sat kuhanja potpuno sam zaboravio na auto- mobile i zaljubio se u hranu i kuhinju. I’ve always wanted to do something involv- ing cars or trucks. As soon as I had my first cooking lesson I completely forgot about cars and fell in love with food and kitchen. Postoje li sastojci koje nikako ne volite upotrebljavati? Are there any ingredients that you don’t like to use? Msg (Monosodium glutamate). Volim pri- rodne okuse, ne one napravljene u biokemij- skim laboratorijima. Dalmacija je prepuna fantastičnih domaćih proizvoda i to je jedan od razloga zašto sam odabrao Le Méridien Lav za svoj novi dom. Msg (Monosodium glutamate). I like natural flavours, not the ones made by a biochemist. Dalmatia is full of superb natural products and that is one of the reasons why I choose Le Méridien Lav as my new home. Živjeli ste u Abu Dhabiju.....možete li nam reći nešto o gradu? You have lived in Abu Dhabi...can you tell us what do you think of the city?
INTERVJU INTERVIEW SEBASTIAN SCHOLTENTo je jedan brzo rastući grad koji želi biti Kakvi su trenutno kulinarski trendovi i Hranu, naravno. Preporučam uživanje u za-najbolji u svemu. Organiziran je na principu da li ih pratite? lasku sunca uz ukusni odrezak i čašu crnog„čega nema, kupit ćemo“. How do you keep up with culinary vina, u našem restoranu 7 Palmi. trends and what are they?It is a fast growing city that wants to be Of course the food. Enjoy the sunset with athe best in everything. If they want to have Trendove pratim tako što čitam časopis glass of red wine and a nice grilled domesticsomething in Abu Dhabi they will either True, surfam internetom, osluškujem mi- sirloin steak at 7 Palms.make it or buy it. The price doesn’t matter. šljenja gostiju i pratim što rade drugi resto- rani. Nastojimo raditi što više s domaćim/ Imate li neki hobi? Što volite raditi uŠto jedete kad ste kod kuće? lokalnim prozvodima i organskom hranom, slobodno vrijeme?What do you eat at home? što je definitivno današnji trend. Jedan od Do you have any hobbies? What do you trendova su i jednostavna jela, po principu like to do in your free time?Ništa specijalno, uglavnom tjesteninu ili „manje je više“.salatu jer imam malo slobodnog vremena. Volim raditi iste stvari kao i naši gosti,Kad imam slobodan dan onda volim jesti We are working with local products and istraživati Hrvatsku, uživati u hrani i vinu temeksičku, azijsku, grčku (moja žena je grki- sustainable food, which is definitely trendy. plivati u prekrasnom Jadranskom moru.nja) ili neku klasičnu nizozemsku hranu. One of the current trends is that dishes are less complicated, ‘’less is more’’. I like to do the same thing as what myNothing special, usually pasta or salad. guests are doing, that’s explore the country,When I have a day off then I like to eat dif- Što bi svatko trebao kušati u Le eat nice (home or restaurant), drink goodferent food such as mexican, asian, greek Méridienu i u Hrvatskoj? wine or swim in the beautiful Adriatic.(my wife is greek) or just classic dutch food. What is something people have to try in Le Méridien and Croatia? 45
INTERVJU INTERVIEW GARRY KASPAROVRuski šahovski velemajstor, bivši svjetski šahovski prvak, pisac i političkiaktivist, kojeg mnogi smatraju najvećim šahistom svih vremena.Russian chess grandmaster, former world chess champion, writer,and political activist, whom many consider to be the greatest chessplayer of all time.Kako i kada ste počeli igrati šah? us to be better in business, politics, and Izgleda da je danas šahu potrebnaHow and when did you start playing life in general. For me, chess has had an svježina te da mu nedostajechess? enormous impact in shaping my character. popularnosti i priznanja koje zaslužuje. I learned one of the most important les- Kako Vi vidite budućnost šaha?Nemam točnu dob koju bih mogao reći, jer sons in life: it’s not over until it’s over. Youto je bilo puno prije Twittera i ostalih druš- have to fight your battles to the end and It seems the world of chess needstvenih mreža gdje je pri svakoj objavi doku- not give up as soon as things get difficult. a facelift and lacks recognition andmentiran i datum. No, mislim da sam imao Another key lesson useful for virtually any popularity it deserves. How do you seeoko 5 i pol. Krenuo sam sa šahom nakon area of life is to constantly challenge your the future of chess?što sam vidio svoje roditelje kako igraju. own excellence. Don’t be complacent afterNedugo zatim sam shvatio bit igre i pravila, a success, but analyze what happened and Mislim da glavni problem nije šah kao igra,pa sam ih s vremenom i savjetovao o takti- how you can keep improving. već ogromna konkurencija koju možemo vi-ci. Barem tako priča moja obitelj. djeti. Na svjetskom prvenstvu 1972., kada Kada biste mogli nanovo odigrati su igrali Spassky i Fischer, bilo je dalekoI don’t have an exact age I can give because jednu od Vaših partija šaha, koju biste manje sadržaja dostupnih ljudima. Danasthis was before the time of Twitter and so- najradije izabrali? su se stvari promijenile, šah kao i informa-cial media, when everything is document- cije o šahu, natjecanjima i sl. su mnogo do-ed and we can date events to a particular If you could replay one of your chess stupnije. Upravo zbog toga sam osnovaopost. But I was somewhere around 5 1/2. games, which one would you choose? Kasparov Chess Foundation, kako bi popu-I picked it up after observing my parents larizirao igru i više je približio javnosti. Op-solving a problem. I came to understand the Ako mislite koja mi je najdraža, moram pri- timističan sam glede šaha, jer ovakvoj igrirules and started giving them recommen- znati da je na to pitanje teško odgovoriti tehnologija ide na ruku. Dakako, šah nikaddations, and it all started from there, as our jer postoji mnogo kriterija prema kojima se neće biti popularan poput tenisa ili nogo-family’s telling of the story goes. ocjenjuje igra. No, mogu dati primjer dviju meta, no njegova popularnost raste kod partija koje se ističu svaka za sebe. Jed- korisnika iPhonea. U ovakvom slučaju vrloŠto ste sve naučili igrajući šah? na je 24. po redu protiv Karpova u Moskvi je važno iskoristiti medije poput Facebooka,What lessons has chess taught you? 1985. g. kada sam odnio pobijedu i postao gdje bi ova igra doživjela pravi procvat. svjetski prvak. Ta partija nosi posebnu po-Upravo na tu temu sam napisao knjigu How vijesnu i sportsku vrijednost. Posebno mi je I think the main problem is not specif-Life Imitates Chess i mislim da bih se u njoj draga i partija koja je tako prekrasno i so- ic to chess—it’s the huge competition wemogao naći pravi odgovor na to pitanje, fisticirano odigrana 1999. protiv Veselina are seeing for the public’s attention. Whenkako nas taktika igre šaha može naučiti kako Topalova u Wijik Aan Zeeu, što je ujedno i Spassky and Fischer played for the worldbiti bolji u poslu, politici i životu općenito. najljepši šah koji sam ikad odigrao. championship in 1972, there was far lessŠah je imao velik utjecaj na mene i način na content out there to consume. The chesskoji sam razvio svoj karakter. Naučio sam If you mean my favorite game, this is a world is much bigger now, but the overalljednu vrlo vrijednu životnu lekciju – nikad se hard question because there are so many volume of information and entertainmentne treba predavati. Ne bi trebali odustajati different criteria by which one can judge available to us has also grown at an unprec-čim na putu naiđemo na poteškoće. Uvijek games. I can give two examples of games edented rate. I founded the Kasparov Chesstrebamo težiti ka boljem, i kad postignemo that stand out to me, for entirely different Foundation in part to solve this problem, byuspjeh ne zastati, već proanalizirati i vidjeti reasons. In terms of historical importance popularizing the game at a grassroots lev-kako sljedeći put može bit još i bolje. and pure sporting value, I would have to el. I have to say I am optimistic about the say the 24th match game against Karpov future of chess because I think the game isI wrote an entire book on this topic! How in Moscow in 1985 when I became world the perfect fit for the new technologies atLife Imitates Chess can provide a much champion. In terms of beauty and sophis- our disposal. We will obviously lose againstmore detailed answer to this question, tication, though, I would have to say my sports like tennis and soccer on the bigtouching on all the ways chess can teach 1999 game against Veselin Topalov at Wijk screen, but I think we can win on the iP- aan Zee, which was some of the greatest hone. It’s about creating the right product chess I have ever played. to take advantage of the medium; I think a 49
INTERVJU INTERVIEW GARRY KASPAROVProputovao sam gotovo cijelu Hrvatsku i zaista mogu reći da jecijela zemlja zaista prekrasna. Prije sam s obitelji odmore provodiou Makarskoj, Rovinju i Crvenom otoku, ali moram priznati da mi jedanas najdraže boraviti u blizini Le Méridiena zbog prekrasnih plaža ipopratnog sadržaja.I’ve been to so many places in Croatia and find the entire countrybeautiful. I love the Méridien of course, and my family spent manyyears vacationing in Makarska, and before that Rovinj, the RedIsland. But now we spend most of our time near Le Méridien, and thefacilities and nearby beaches are fantastic, so I would say that is myfavorite these days!onestop chess service, a bit like Facebook taktikama za to vrijeme. Današnji prosiječni rutini i odgovornostima. Moram zahvali-for chess, could have a huge impact. igrač šaha ima puno više znanja i razvijeniju ti svojoj ženi Dashi koja mi je olakšala ovo taktiku nego što je u to vrijeme imao Fisc- prijelazno razdoblje, to ne bih mogao postićiMože li netko poput takozvanog cool her. Slično ovom bi bilo da me pitate što mi- bez nje. Ovih dana provodim oko jedne tre-štrebera Magnusa Carlsena podići slite tko je bio bolji znanstvenik – Einstein ili ćine vremena na aktivnosti vezane uz šah,popularnost šaha na novu razinu? Newton, što je nemoguće za odgovoriti. To- zahvaljujući mojem radu na temu, tako daIs it possible that someone like Magnus kom odrastanja, Aleksandar Alekhine mi je nisam potpuno napustio taj svijet! Ali većinaCarlsen, sort of a cool nerd, takes chess bio omiljen zbog svoje blistave igre i mislim vremenami odlazi na pisanje, razen stručneto a new level of popularity? da je moj stil igranja najsličniji njegovom. i motivacijske govore te politički aktivizam vezan za ljudska prava. Raznolikost posla jeSuper je imati svjetskog prvaka kao što je This is an impossible question to answer! If izazovna i vrlo uzbudljiva, ali također jakoMagnus. Ima dobar nastup, dobro se nosi s I had to judge based on their skill, it would različita od šaha - u stvarnom svijetu nemamedijima te je porijeklom sa zapada, što je be impossible, all lived at different times, postavljenih pravila, pa bez obzira koliko jerijetkost za svjetske prvake u šahu. No, jed- and it would not be a fair match-up because dobra vaša strategija, morate stalno bitina osoba ne može donijeti promjene. Šah they all had different tools and resources spremni za nepredvidive prepreke.je postao dio svakodnevnice te je integriran available to them. Even an average playeru kulturalnom i digitalnom smislu, kao što today taking advantage of all the new chess I’m grateful that I am now finished withsam gore već spomenuo. programs out there will have more knowl- the transition period away from profession- edge at his fingertips than Fischer ever had. al chess, in both my business and personalI think it’s good to have someone like Mag- So this question for me is like distinguishing lives. I have adapted to my new routine andnus as world champion. He has great pres- between scientists like Einstein and New- responsibilities. I have to credit my wife Da-ence, he engages with the press, and he ton - it’s not a fair comparison. When I was sha for facilitating the smoothness of thisis from the West, which is rare for world growing up, Alexander Alekhine was my fa- transition, which I could not have accom-champions. But one person is not going to vorite for his dazzling games, and it is in his plished without her. These days, I still spendchange everything. Chess has to become lineage that I consider my own chess style. about one-third of my time on chess-relat-part of the mainstream and become inte- ed activities, thanks to my foundation work,grated into our cultural and digital worlds, Kako se nosite sa svojom novom so I haven’t completely left that world! Butas I mentioned above. karijerom i ima li kakvih sličnosti sa most of my time is spent on writing, speak- šahom? ing, and human rights political activism. IKoji je vaš najdraži šahist? find the variety of work challenging and ex-Your favorite chess player of all time? How do you cope with your new career citing, but very different from chess - there and are there any differences and are no set rules in the real world, so no mat-Jako je teško odgovoriti na to pitanje! Ne- similarities to chess? ter how good your strategy, you have to con-moguće je ocijeniti igru prema jednom kri- stantly be ready for unpredictable obstacles.teriju, jer su svi igrači živjeli u različitom vre- Zahvalan sam što sam završio s prijelaznimmenu, te se svaki od njih koristio različitim razdobljem u kojem sam se odmicao od pro- Vaša organizacija Kasparov Chess fesionalnog šaha, kako u poslovnom tako i Adriatic je organizirala turnir u u privatnom životu. Prilagodio sam se novoj50
Šah je imao velik utjecaj na menei način na koji sam razvio svojkarakter. Naučio sam jednu vrlovrijednu životnu lekciju – nikad sene treba predavati.Chess has had an enormousimpact in shaping my character.I learned one of the mostimportant lessons in life: it’s notover until it’s over.Splitu. Jeste li zadovoljni njezinom phone in Paris, which will represent many are fantastic, so I would say that is my fa-dosadašnjom ulogom te koji su planovi French-speaking countries. KCF Adriatic is vorite these days!za budućnost? developing quickly. Now we have a Christ- mas tournament in Zagreb, after which I Vjerujemo da ste probali neke odYour foundation Kasparov Chess play a televised simultaneous exhibition, hrvatskih gastronomskih specijaliteta.Adriatic organized a chess tournament and it is well-attended by politicians and Postoji li jelo koje Vas se posebnoin Split. Are you satisfied with its work businessmen. This year we will have tour- dojmilo?so far and what are the plans for the naments in Zagreb, Zadar, and Crkvenica. You must have tried some of theyears to come? Our efforts are leading more kids to pursue Croatian gastronomic specialities. Is chess in Croatia, which is my main goal. We there something that you particularlyJako sam ponosan na njezin rad do sada. are trying now to build a stronghold across like?Ove godine slavimo 15 godina od osnutka the south of Europe; the former Yugoslaviau SAD-u. Od tada smo pokrenuli organiza- had a very strong chess tradition that no Zbija obožavam sve što dolazi iz medite-cije u Europi (Bruxelles), Africi (Johanne- one is leveraging at the moment. ranske kuhinje, volim prirodnu i svježe pri-sburg), Aziji i Pacifiku (Singapur) i Latino premljenu hranu. Ipak, najviše me se dojmi-Americi (Mexico City). Naravno, kao hrvat- Volite provoditi vrijeme u Podstrani i lo janjeće pečenje, pripremljeno od mladeski građanin pokrenuo sam i KCF Adriatic, Splitu. Možete li nam reći koje je Vaše janjetine, ali i sve ostalo što sam imao prili-kao i francusku inačicu KCF Francophone najdraže mjesto u Splitu? ku probati je jednako ukusno!u Parizu za sve države s francuskog go-vornog područja. You enjoy spending time in Podstrana I enjoy most everything that comes out ofKCF Adriatic vrlo brzo napreduje. Na Bo- and Split....do you have a favorite place the Mediterranean kitchen; I like food thatžić će se održati turnir u Zagrebu, nakon in Split? is natural and freshly prepared. I will sayčega ću odigrati jednu simultanku koja će that I especially like the dish janjeće pečen-se prikazivati na televiziji i na kojoj će pri- Proputovao sam gotovo cijelu Hrvatsku i za- je, made with baby lamb, but everything issustvovati brojni političari i poslovni ljudi. ista mogu reći da je cijela zemlja zaista pre- delicious!Ove godine turniri će se održati u Zagre- krasna. Prije sam s obitelji odmore provodiobu, Zadru, i Crikvenici. Naš osnovni cilj je u Makarskoj, Rovinju i Crvenom otoku, ali Što je po Vama ideja savršenogpribližiti igranje šaha djeci u Hrvatskoj i u moram priznati da mi je danas najdraže bo- odmora?ostatku zemalja južne Europe. raviti u blizini Le Méridiena zbog prekrasnih What is your idea of a perfect vacation? plaža i popratnog sadržaja.I am very proud of our work thus far. This Najlakše pitanje do sada - definitivno bora-year marks the 15th anniversary of our I’ve been to so many places in Croatia and vak na Jadranu s obitelji!founding in the U.S. Since then, new KCF find the entire country beautiful. I love theentities opened Europe (Brussels), Africa Méridien of course, and my family spent The easiest question of the interview - with(Johannesburg), Asia-Pacific (Singapore) many years vacationing in Makarska, and my family on the Croatian seaside!and Ibero-America (Mexico City). Natural- before that Rovinj, the Red Island. But nowly, as a Croatian citizen I opened KCF Adri- we spend most of our time near Le Méri-atic, and the latest edition is KCF Franco- dien, and the facilities and nearby beaches 51
SPAJAMO JEDINSTVENE NEKRETNINES JEDINSTVENIM OSOBNOSTIMAUNITING EXTRAORDINARY HOMESWITH EXTRAORDINARY LIVESU sklopu Le Méridien Možete li nam pojasniti zašto je za ized service we are able to connect the mostLava, točnije u marini širenje poslovanja ovog prestižnog valuable real estates with the most pres-našeg hotela svim brenda u Europi odabrana upravo tigious clients from all around the world.gostima i posjetiteljima Hrvatska i Split? This means that apart from implementingod sada je dostupna i brand’s global values in the local market, weekspertiza globalnog Can you explain why did this prestigious use company’s resources in order to achievelidera na svjetskom tržištu brand chose Croatia and Split as a part direct contact with buyers of luxury realnekretnina, tvrtke Sotheby’ of its expansion? estates on global level. Furthermore, an ex-International Realty®. cellent knowledge about local opportunitiesNa tu temu razgovarali Činjenica da je Sotheby’s International Re- gives us possibility to create an offer whichsmo s direktorom Croatia alty odabrao Hrvatsku za širenje svoje mre- meets the needs of our client’s lifestyle. OurSotheby’s International že ureda potvrđuje rast ugleda naše zemlje client base, Sotheby’s real estate clients asRealtya, Markom ali i porast potražnje za nekretninama u Hr- well as the ones from Sotheby’s auctionPažaninom. vatskoj. Personaliziranim uslugama povezu- house is presumably the largest base of po- jemo najkvalitetnije nekretnine s najprestiž- tential clients of its kind worldwide. Also, weWithin Le Méridien Lav, nijim klijentima diljem svijeta. To znači da are at disposal for interested buyers of realprecisely in the marina of osim implementiranja globalnih vrijednosti estate in any country since Sotheby’s Inter-our hotel, the leader on the brenda na lokalno tržište, koristimo i resur- national Realty operates through 850 offic-global real estate market, se grupacije u svrhu direktnog kontakta s es in 65 countries and territories.Sotheby’ International kupcima luksuznih nekretnina na globalnojRealty® has opened its razini, a odlično poznavanje lokalnih prilika Na koji način vaš ured posluje, po čemuoffice, offering range of daje nam mogućnost kreiranja ponude u ste jedinstveni?service to all our guests. skladu sa stilom života kojeg naši kupci nje-We talked about it with guju. Baza naših klijenata, odnosno klijena- How does your office operates, whatMarko Pažanin, director ta Sotheby’s nekretnina ali i Sotheby’s auk- makes you unique?of Croatia Sotheby’s cijske kuće, iz svih krajeva svijeta vjerojatnoInternational Realty. je najveća baza potencijalnih kupaca ovog Visoki profesionalni standardi koje Sot- profila u svijetu. Također, na raspolaganju heby’s International Realty postavlja i pri-52 smo i zainteresiranim kupcima nekretnina vatnost naših klijenata – kupaca, prodava- u bilo kojoj državi svijeta obzirom da Sot- telja i investitora primarni su nam postulati heby’s International Realty posluje putem u poslovanju. Imamo jedinstven marketinš- 850 ureda u 65 država i teritorija. ki koncept posredovanja u prodaji nekret- nina što uključuje profesionalne fotografije The fact that Sotheby’s International Re- i video priloge visoke kvalitete te plasiranje alty chose Croatia for expanding its office materijala na adekvatne kanale oglašavanja network confirms the growing reputation putem najrelevantnijih svjetskih medijskih of our country as well as increased demand kuća. Vlasnici nekretnina mogu biti sigurni for real estate in Croatia. With personal- da će njihova nekretnina biti prezentirana
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