Ryan JackBy taking the “road less traveled,” you have reached theSevern summit. We are proud of you and your efforts, notjust over your years at Severn, but spanning everyacademic, athletic, outdoors and life skills trail and streamyou have successfully traversed.Seemingly not long ago, you littered the family room withyour menagerie of plastic critters, listened intently to JimWeiss stories, devoured Magic Tree House books, tuned yourmusical ears through Kindermusik, recorder, piano andviolin lessons, and became fascinated with birds at thefeeders and collected “squeaky birds” and “bird pager”cards.Then along came fishing and baseball -- your lifelongpassions. Your pursuit of these passions and love of thenatural world have provided you with an experientialfoundation and vocabulary to connect and bond with otherswhile still providing respites for peaceful solitude.As you plot your future, you will traverse many more riversand paths. Approach your choices with curiosity andcourage. Wade in and savor your opportunities. And alwaysknow that we love you without limit, your grandparentscherish you, and somewhere out there your brother’sgleaming eyes are smiling.Love, Mom and Dad 99
Jacob Jarosz Jacob Jarosz, You Are Amazing. Over the past seventeen years we have had the pleasure of watching you succeed in the classroom, on the field as a brother and son always striving for excellence while doing the right thing. The determination and discipline you possess goes beyond your 18 years and we know these traits will catapult you to greatness in the next chapter of your life. While you have achieved so many accolades, you have managed to balance yourself with wonderful hobbies, friendships and relationships. Words cannot express how incredibly proud we are of all your accomplishments! Jacob Jarosz, you are amazing! Love, Mom and Dad100
Pete Jensen We love you, Peter.Evan Judge Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain To the littlest pumpkin in our patch . . . we couldn’t’ be prouder of the man you’ve become. Thank you for all of the joy, love, and humor you have brought into our lives. Always keep music in your soul and home in your heart. Go get ‘em, Ev Rev . . . it’s time to ROCK! Love you to the moon and back, Mom, Dad, Emily, Abby, Liam, and Big D 101
Travis Kerridge Travis, Congratulations! We love you very much and are so proud of you and your hard work. You have always been kind and considerate which are traits that will serve you well. We are very excited for the opportunities ahead of you in college and beyond. We wish you happiness and the very best in life. We love you, Mom, Dad, Haley and Jack Joel Mandish Our favorite second born child. You are one of four brothers, but you are indeed your own person. The bar has always been set high and you’ve always pushed it further and found success. The best part is you’re just getting started! We can’t wait to see what’s next. Love Always, Dad, Mom, Jacob, John & Jack102
Ellie KingCongratulations Ellie!It’s hard to believe that you are graduating fromhigh school. You have brought so much joy andlaughter to our lives. We are so impressed byyour hard work and dedication, not only to schooland dance, but with everything you do. Yourwit and unique sense of humor will definitely bemissed when you go to college but you’re toosmart to stay home with us! Make the most out ofyour next 4 years, take some risks and go on someadventures. We are excited to see you’re yourfuture holds. Thank you for being a wonderfuldaughter, a great sister, and our friend.We love you!Mom, Dad and Regan“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the goodold days, before you’ve actually left. TWSS!” 103
Charlotte Kraft Congratulations! We are so proud of all that you have accom- plished. It is truly amazing to see how you have grown over the years and developed into the person you are today. We admire how hard you have worked and embraced every challenge, your determination and perseverance will serve you well going forward. When you applied to Severn all those years ago we wrote, “Charlotte is a very caring, creative and intelligent young girl who is extremely curious about the world and continually asking “What if?” more often than “Why?”. We hope your never lose that sense of wonder and inventive way of looking at things. You are a woman of tremendous character and deep conviction. Always stay true to yourself and know that if you do, anything is possible. In tough times remember the words of Virgil, “They can because they think they can”. Thank you for being you. You have been more than we could ever ask for as a daughter, sister and friend and we feel truly blessed by God to have you in our family. We will miss having you around as much but are excited for you as you take the next step in your journey. As you set out to pursue your dreams, go forth with your head high, remember to enjoy each step along the way and know that we are with you always and love you more than we could ever express. Love Mom, Dad, Elsa and Katharine104
Inde LauerAnother chapter closes, and the memories are vast. There is so much that we share- from Pensacola, to Germany, Africa and Italy, to Maryland, San Diego, and backto Annapolis.You should be proud of yourself for all you’veexperienced and accomplishedand the friends you’ve made.Now you are off again to yet another school, tocontinue to learn, to fail, to try again, andto grow, to succeed, be happy, and to make more friends.“As Grampie always said, “Leave it on the field.”Continue to Do hard things, Be Open to newExperiences, and BELIEVE in YOURSELF!With your adaptability, ready smile to share witheveryone, and INDEpendence,You have within you all you need. Make good choices.You’ll never know how much we love you, you are our sunshine.Always Keep Smiling! Know you are truly loved!Mom and Dad“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Dr. SeussYou can do all things through Him who gives you strength. Philippians 4:13“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than youthink. 105
Jake Lilly Jake, Way to bring the Lilly kids’ time at Severn to an awesome finish! Your time here in the classroom, on the playing fields and with good friends was well spent. We’ll miss your cranky mornings (EAT!), dinner conversations (or lack there of) and cheering you on from the sidelines. You’re a great kid and we’re very proud of you. Keep working hard and having fun! Love, Mom, Dad, Kasie and Joanna106
Ryan LopreteBoo-We are so proud of the amazing person you havebecome. You bring so much joy and happiness toour lives.Your hard work and determination will help youin life and your compassion and graciousness willcarry you through life.We have no doubt you will do great things onyour new journey. Enjoy the journey and staytrue to yourself. It’s going to be a great one!Always remember…..”Always remember you arebraver than you believe, stronger than you seem,and smarter than you think.” Christopher RobinWe love you so much!!Mom, Dad and Ashley 107
CharlieMarculewicz Congratulations Charlie! You have met every challenge with courage and determination. Keep climbing and driving and you will reach great heights! We love you very much! Mom, Dad and BenJordan Mathis Jordan, It is still so hard to believe the time has come for you to leave home to begin your college career. You have grown into a mature and capable young man who has a good head on his shoulders. We are so grateful to have such a kind and loving son. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy your young adult years. We will always be here for you cheering you on. Continue to be true to yourself and to make good choices We love you and feel blessed to be your parents. Love mom, dad, Cortney, Papa, and Grandma.108
Devin McCarthy Devin, This road of life you are now on has been filled with many twists and turns. You have experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows throughout your marvelous journey thus far. What an amazing journey it has been watching you grow and thrive into the wonderful young man you are today. You have been blessed with the fondest of memories that will linger in your life for years to come. In you is the future. In you there is hope. We are so proud of you! Our wish for you always is to remember where you came from and the values you were taught. In you we have given our all, despite what you may think, that you may have all the tools necessary to succeed in this life and the knowledge and wisdom to discard the rest. Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back, take just a moment to glow and be thankful for the little things that make you who you are. We love you. Mom and DadCaroline McNeil Dear Caroline, There are not enough words to say how proud we are of all of your accomplishments! You are truly a talented sailor, a gifted artist, and loved more than ever. Surely, you will be successful in all of your adventures to come! Congratulations, love Mom, Dad & Matt ! 109
Alex Marvin Dear Alex: Watching you grow and evolve into the fascinating, dynamic and charismatic young man you have become has been the experience of a lifetime. Your intelligence, insight, and passion inform everything you do and all that you are. We love your optimism, your humor and your ability to find the positive side of any situation. We feel so blessed to be the parents of you and your brother. The past 18 years have been a wild and unbelievably gratifying ride and we look forward to your future with joyful anticipation of many great things to come. With all our love and bursting with pride, Mom and Dad110
Trevor MarvinDear Trevor:Words cannot express how incredibly proud weare of you and your years here at Severn School.Your intensity and focus are inspiring. Yourwillingness to explore, to take risks and do whatis necessary to meet your goals is beyondimpressive. Perseverance, dedication,motivation—these are the attributes that defineyou and that make you the amazing young manthat you are. The last 18 years with you and yourbrother have been the most meaningful, the mostfrustrating and the most rewarding years of ourlives. We are beyond proud of the man you havebecome and simply cannot wait to watch youcontinue to blow away the world in the comingyears.With deep love and enduring pride,Mom and Dad 111
Alana Miller Olivia Smith Alana, To Our Beautiful Olivia...We con- It’s hard to believe your time at Severn is end- tinue to be amazed by you every ing, and we are incredibly proud of all you’ve day! Your kind heart, bright mind, strong will, and unyielding accomplished. Whether it was in the classroom, determination will serve you well in life. As you begin this next on the hockey field, or on the stage, you rose to exciting chapter of your life, know that we could not be any every occasion and represented your school, your more proud of all that you have already accomplished or the family and yourself with grace, strength and wonderful young woman that you have grown to be. With love integrity. We know it wasn’t always easy, but the to our Viva Bug...from Mom and Dad. knowledge you’ve gained and the lessons you’ve learned at Severn will take you far in life. We are beyond blessed to be a part of your story, and we can’t wait to see you experience the next chapter. Love, Mom, Dad, and Emma Michelle Money Michelle, We are so proud of you and are looking forward to watching you grow as you begin the next chapter of your life. We love you more than words can express and are so incredibly proud of the young woman you are becoming. Keep shooting for every goal that you have. No doubt that you will not only reach your goals, but exceed every single one of them! We love you!! Mom, Dad and Ryan112
Reilly MillerWe are so proud of the amazing youngwoman you have become and your manyaccomplishments. You have brought somuch joy and happiness to our family.As a new chapter begins please take thetime to enjoy every minute!We love you so muchMom, Dad, Stephen andNicholas 113
Grace Mong Graciela- I am so proud of the woman you have become and I am excited to see the places you go. I know you would have made your mother proud. We love you. Congrats! - Dad114
Reegan Morris Congratulations Reegan! We love you and are so proud of you! Your kindness, confidence, compassion for others and strong work ethic will all help you to continue to enjoy life to the fullest. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” Henry David Thoreau “Be the best” Love, Mom, Dad, Clayton, Hunter, Logan and Parker.LJ Owens LJ, Congratulations on ALL of your amazing accomplishments over the past 4 years! I am so proud of you and happy for you! I am so excited for your future and cannot wait to see you achieve even greater accomplishments! Don’t ever change and never lose all of those incredible characteristics that make you who you are! Stay humble and stay hungry! Coach VJ LJ, Congratulations on a job well done! All of your hard work and dedication has paid off. Keep reaching for the stars. There is no limit to what you can accomplish. Stay “humble.” Your loving family 115
Charlotte O’Hare Congratulations Charlotte! We are so proud of you.116
Sophie OliverSophie,We love you and could not be more proud ofyou. It’s been our privilege to watch you blossomand grow. We have loved being your parentsfor the past 18 years and we’ll love being yourparents for evermore. You are smart, hard-work-ing, resourceful, funny, caring and beautiful - soit’s not hard to understand why! Be bold as youhead off to college - have the courage to followyour heart and intuition. Have fun, and you willdo amazing things. Know that we are alwayshere for you.All our Love,Mom, Dad, Will, Laura, Jonathanand Henley - Woof!XXX 117
Sarah Peeler To Our Sarah, Who is fiercely loyal, fiercely caring and compassionate, fiercely kind and loving. The World is a better place with YOU in it. We love you fiercely, Mom, Dad, and William118
Paige Perchinsky Dear Paige- What an amazing journey the last 18 years have been with you as our #1. From your first days of Montessori with Jenna, Ms. Jiles and sandpaper letters, to the fantastic Renaissance Drama Program at Chesapeake Academy and then the transition to Severn, you have truly become an independent student of life. You have explored more kilometers dancing, hiking, biking, kayaking, boating, running and rowing than most do in a lifetime. Thank you for sharing your gifts of warmth and laughter with the world everyday. Your faith is so strong and inspiring we cannot wait to see how you make a difference in the years to come. Love, Mom, Dad, Zak, Brooke, Gracie, Rocky and Dwight.Addison Porter Addison, We cannot believe where the time has gone! Soon you will be off to college and new challenges. Your achievements thus far, whether it be in academics, dance, leadership or service have been spectacular. Your family is so very proud of you and can’t wait to see what your next adventure brings. We will always be right by your side cheering you on! Love you, Mom and Dad -FRIENDS 119
Jacob Perreten JP!!!! I don’t know how you did it... I can’t believe you are actually about to graduate high-school. I am proud of you and all of your achievements. Don’t ever change and keep being the happy kid you are. I cannot wait to come visit you wherever you decide to go. There is always room on my couch if you need it and most importantly BE NICE TO MOM. Very Respectfully, Tyler Perreten MIDN, USN Jacob, Congratulations on your graduation! I am so proud of the young man you have become, no father could be prouder. Stay the sweet boy you have always been as you enter your next journey. Keep focused and great things will happen for you! Love, Dad My Sweet Baby Boy, WOW….a High School Graduate….Congratulations Jacob! You are a good soul Jacob, so kind hearted, joyful and easy going (well, easy going most of the time!) Your sense of humor and sarcasm always puts a smile on my face. I am so excited to see you start the next chapter in your life, always remember that when you put your mind to something there isn’t anything you can’t do, you have proven that over and over. Jacob, you are a special, amazing young man & I know you are going to kick life’s butt! Stay happy, keep laughing and be you, there is nothing better! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOU! Mom PS Now don’t forget, I am on all forms of social media so it is extremely easy for you to send me pics everyday120
Hanna Ramsey Hanna, The time has flown too quickly and we are not ready for our baby to graduate and leave for college, but we know that you are ready. Our love and pride in you is never-ending and ever-growing. We know that you will continue to make the choices that will serve you best and that you will meet and move any obstacles that you encounter. But no matter how old you get or far you travel, you will always be our baby bear. We love you so much, Mom and Dad, Lydia and NickAlex Rozner Alexander, Whether it has been the pursuit of your musical interests or your work in the classroom or your well-recognized accomplishments on the baseball field, we have been so proud watching you chart your course and become a leader while never forgetting your loyalty to and care for others. We know you will flourish in college and that whatever challenges you encounter and whatever path you ultimately choose to pursue will be met with the same determination and success that are so much a part of you. If we haven’t told you as often as we should have, we are so very proud of you and love you so very much. Nadia, Joel, Peter, Indie, and Jones 121
Blair Reilly You are loved for the little girl you were, for the special woman you are and for the precious daughter you will always be. No daughter could make us more proud. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, smarter than you think, stronger than you seem and loved more than you can ever know. You are truly awesome!! All our love, Mom, Dad and Sam122
Caroline RobertazziCaroline-It seems like yesterday that you weresplashing in tidal pools…and now you impress us with riptide “pulls”.We are so very proud of you and can’t wait tosee what you will do next!Go into the world and do well, but moreimportantly go into the world and do good.Godspeed Sweetheart!Love from Mom, Dad and Maddie (woof!) 123
Nathan Roche Nathan, Your love and compassion are an inspiration. Your integrity and work ethic are an admiration. Your strength and friendship are a treasure. Your success is well earned and will continue to be. Remember to laugh. Remember to love. Remember to be yourself. Desiderata! How lucky we are to be a witness. You are truly our “gift from God”. With more LOVE and PRIDE imaginable; Mom and Dad. “In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.” - Theo- dore Roosevelt Congratulations to our brilliant and compassionate brother. We know your going to do great things.. Amanda, Harmony and Olivia124
Sarah SackerSarah,The journey of your life has filled our lives with hap-piness, joy, and laughter. We are very proud of theyoung woman that you have become and we can’t waitto see what happens next.Thoreau wrote, “ Go confidently in the direction of yourdreams. Live the life you have imagined.”So be relentless in the pursuit of your dreams. Ourwish for you is that those “ dreams take you to thecorners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes,to the windows of your opportunities, and to the mostspecial places your heart has ever known.” --UnknownLove, Mom, Dad, John, Bobby and SANDY 125
Jimmy Selby Congratulations, Jimmy! There are no words to adequately describe how proud we are of not just what you’ve accomplished in academics, athletics, scouting and music, but who you are as a person. You are smart, kind-hearted, hard-working, persistent and one of the funniest people we know…you are a wonderful son, brother and friend. It has been such a joy to watch you grow up. We love you very much! “Ke Akua pu hui hou…Aloha nui loa”. Mom, Dad, Jack and AnnieLiz Townshend Dearest Liz, We could not be more proud of all that you have accomplished! Always follow your dreams and know our hearts are with you. Much love from Mom, Dad, Will, Patrick and Annie!126
Anna SfakiyanudisAnna,We are so proud of the young woman you havebecome. You are a wonderful daughter, sister,granddaughter, niece, cousin, & friend. As you onto the next stage of life we pray…..That you will user your arms to embrace life withgusto. To hug often. May you eagerly reach outto others in friendship and love. Know generosity.Give open-handedly and receive gracefully. Beprotected on your path where you will walk withpurpose. Guide you to great places where you canthrive,prosper, and live happily. Congratulations! Welove you,Mom, Dad, Dimitri, and the rest of your wackyfamily. 127
Colin Shanahan Maximus, Maxipotomus: We’re so proud of your journey. You may have taken a circuitous route, but you have achieved a lot in your five years at Severn. We know you’ll do great things going forward. Love always, Mom & Dad “Be who you are and say what you feel because the ones who mind don’t matter and the ones who matter don’t mind.”Trevor Shanahan Trev, T-hoo, Hoobius: Your time at Severn has been an adventure, but we never doubted that you would make it. You did things your way and we believe that you’ll go far from here. Love always, Mom & Dad “Life’s too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it’d be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.” Dr. Seuss128
Jenna SortisioJenna,You are a supernova of a daughterA little builder of fairy housesA fearless skier with an open coatA triple flip on the front lawnA daring explorer of the ocean’s reefsA handstand too close to the cliff’s edgeA dreamer, a prayer, a crazy kitchen dancerYou have a heart of gold, a zest for life, and we couldn’tbe prouder that you are ours.We love you Jenna Noelle!Love, Mom, Dad, Nikki & Lexi“Be the person you were created to be, and you will setthe world on fire” ~St. Catherine of Siena 129
Rebecca Stamato You have always been our “Girl with a plan.” We were proud of your decision to challenge yourself by attending Severn. You have shown us maturity, determination and dedication in making to most of your Severn experience. You are an independent, strong and confident young lady ready for the next phase of your life. You are a wonderful daughter and sister who makes us proud every day. Remember to smile, enjoy the ride and revise the plan as necessary. We are so excited for you as you pursue your dreams, but will miss you every day! Will all our love, Mom, Dad, Victoria, Jack and Mia130
William StearnsDear William,It is such a joy and a privilege to be yourparents. From day one you have been ahappy, loving, energetic, and positive person.You have a strong set of morals and values.Your love of the Lord, your country and yourfamily shows in everything that you do. We areso excited for you as you take the next step inyour journey. We will miss you, but you can besure that when you are rowing your heart outwe will be on the river banks cheering you on.We love you.Mom, Dad, and Samantha 131
Topher Urban Congratulations Topher! We are so proud of everything that you have accomplished. It’s hard to believe that you will be starting the next chapter of your life soon. It has been an amazing journey watching you grow up. You have been a blessing in so many ways...a wonderful son to us, an excellent older brother to Ashley, Peter, and Suzy, and a loyal friend to many. We can’t wait to see what lies ahead for you and your exciting future! We love you so much Topher. Love, Mom, Dad, Ashley, Peter and Suzy132
Brendan VeitDear Brendan,We are so proud of you and everything youhave accomplished, and we are lookingforward to all of the great things we knoware in store for you. Never forget where youcome from – the values you have learned athome and from your faith and Severn. Betrue to yourself, and always be quick to lenda hand to those in need. See and speak thetruth, and you will go far. We love you verymuch and will be here for you always.Congratulations!Mom, Dad, and Ally 133
Aidan Wang Aidan, You complete our family and bring each of us so much happiness! We cherish your sense of humor, laughter, joie de vivre, and all the memories of shared adventures while following your various interests. Your willingness to try something new, your organization to follow through, and the enthusiasm you bring to all that you do, inspire us! We are very proud of all your accomplishments, and of the example you set through your faith and kindness. Starting your next chapter, always know you are loved immeasurably! “Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.” Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Dad, Mom, Amelia and Austin134
Faith Widick And this is from my mom, Faith: Your time to fly has arrived and I couldn’t be more proud or more confident in your future. Your commitment to excellence and hard work ethic and drive both in the classroom and on the field is truly an inspiration to those around you. You are an amazing daughter, sister and friend and I am honored to know you and be a part of your journey. Go Eagles! I can’t wait to see all that you will accomplish from here. Love, Mom Yesterdays, Todays, and Tomorrows Yesterday - you came into our lives! A not too distant yesterday you started to talk! And it seems like only a yesterday - when you went off to kindergarten… It will soon be a yesterday - that you graduated from high school! You filled our yesterdays, with an infectious unencumbered life… In a near tomorrow, you will dramatically change our lives again, when you venture off to college! You leave us filled with: love, pride, hope, excitement - and innumerable treasured memories! May your future, - your todays and your tomorrows - be as rich as you made our yesterdays! Congratulations! We love you Faith! 135
Sam Williams Dear Sam, You are the icing on the cake! I am so thankful for you everyday. We all are very proud of you. Keep up the great work. We can’t wait to see what’s next! Love, Mom, Dad and Maddie (woof!)136
Jake WinterDear Jake,They say that time flies when you’re having fun. The past18 years have been filled with happy times and have goneby unbelievably quickly. We have loved every minute ofwatching you grow into the amazing young man that youare today, and we are looking forward to seeing wherethe next chapter takes you. We are proud of not just yourstrong work ethic and accomplishments, but also of thekind, thoughtful, caring, and confident person you’vebecome. You know who you are and you have a strongmoral compass, so no matter what path you choose incollege and beyond, we know that you will be headed inthe right direction. We love you to the moon and back.Love, Mom, Dad, and the whole family“What lies behind us and what lies before us are smallmatters compared to what lies within us.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playingthe game.” -Babe Ruth 137
Jake Wilson Dear Jake, You have always been the most sweet, curious, easy-going and just plain-old-won- derful son a mom could ever have. Thank you for sharing your high school journey with me and I will miss you gorilla bunch- es next year. I so look forward to seeing where your life and career takes you. You can do anything; I am so proud of you. I love you. MamaSenior StatsSPORTS 25% take less than 10 minutes Where we live.... 44%takebetween How long does 10 to 25 mins it take to get to 25% take 20 to 40 mins school? 6% spend more than 40 mins Chick-fil-a WHERE WE Smoothie EAT King Chipotle Jeno’s Subs Squisito’s Pizza 1 out of 5 Play Winter 2 out of 5 Play a Fall and Spring138
& Pop Culture Since 2000, Pantone hasUltra predicted the color that willViolet mostly strongly affect the average consumer for that year. This years color is Ultra Violet, which we’ve already seen this color in advertising, makeup, clothing and accessories. Picture from Pantone.com Album of the Year & Stranger Things quickly becomes a favorite of Song of the Year: Severn’s to watch on Netflix. 24K Magic - Bruno Mars Most Popular Song: God’s Plan - Drake Best Music Video: Humble - Kendrick Lamar Best Movie: The Shape of Water Picture from IMDbTop Social Media After 9 months of keeping the Ms. Sotiropoulous’ favorite, the Philadelphia biggest secret, Kylie Jenner Eagles defeated the New England Patriots 41 - 33, to Apps reveals her new baby, Stormi claim their first Super Bowl title in SBLll. The halftime Webster, on Instagram, which show was very well received with Justin Timberlake 1. Snapchat quickly becomes the Most Liked and his tribute to Prince. 2. Instagram photo on instagram ever, currently having almost The #MeToo Movement is the widespread 3. Twitter 18 million likes. awareness against sexual assault and ha- Photo from @KylieJenner Instagram rassment. It followed soon after sexual mis- At the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, Chloe Kim be- conduct allegations came to light against came the youngest woman to win Olympic several very famous men, including NBC host snowboarding medal when she Matt Lauer and gymnastics doctor Larry won gold in the woman’s half- Nassar. pipe at only 17 years old. Pic from ABC NewsOn Monday, August 21, 2017, The #NeverAgain Movement followed thestudents on campus hadtheir special solar glasses to February 14, 2018 mass high school shooting inwitness darkness during the Parkland, Florida. With the loss of 17 lives, ittotal solar eclipse. became one of the world’s deadliest schoolPicture from NBC.com massacres.Thestudentscreatedanationaldebate onbanningassaultrifles.TheyalsoleadTheMarch for Our Lives, on March 24th 2018. 139
Class of 2019 Marcus Adam Nick Angelino Caroline Bayless Meghan Behr Annie Bennett Ty Benz Owura Berko Samantha Berlin Marina Bradley Will Brodbeck Aidan Buckley AJ Burch Owen Cauley Meghan Chu Grace Collins Jordan Cox Nicholas D’Amore Jake Decicco Liam Decicco Kate DiGregory Gregory DiMario Eileen Doherty Kain Domenech Anthony Donato Danielle Drury140
Hanna DuncanCynthia EidDominic EllisHaley FosterTiffany FrancuOwen FreyKathryn GalwayNathan GauthierMallory GershLauren Gibbons-NeffEvan GoreEthan GriffinJackson GunhusKevin HaefnerDarius HarmonHunter HayesBenjamin HilmerJon HuberMacy IamsMadeline IazzettaEmily IngraoKendall JacobsenJonathan JaroszAmelia JenningsMatthew JohansenGavin JohnsonZack KinsellaSydney KirchenheiterCaroline KrallGrant Kunowsky 141
Noah Lastner Jacob Lavine Payton Lee Jimmy Leroux Camryn Levin Leia Liberto Katie Manning Katie Marchant Ben Marculewicz Jack McCarthy Will McCollum AJ McNemar Caleigh Meek Reilly Mitchell Sara Mooradian Aarushi Negi Sam Nock Jillian North Lisa O’Fiesh Julia Olds Abigail Poindexter Flo Pribble Jared Reilly Sam Reilly Katrina Reinhart Ashley Reiter Henry Rentz Quinn Roes Colette Rouiller Spencer Russell142
Paul SaumMariah SaundersHailey SchendelDavid SeidlEmily ShaenerMorgan SkinnerChristiaan SmithKennedy SmithSarita SomCaroline StevensCraig StevensEmilia StirlingMaggie SullivanCaroline SummersBrett SweeneyTate TaczakMpTerryNathan ThompsonAbigail TindallSydney TolliverMarah Vain-CallahanJack WellschlagerEric WisnomCaleb Witzel 143
Class of 2020 Emma Agro Ryan Allen Brooke Arnold Carter Austin Jevyn Avery Peter Baldwin Jewel Barner Matthew Beagan Ben Berlin Jonathan Bing Sophia Bontempo Mackenzie Boughey Nicholas Bradford Emily Bradshaw Sam Brighton Jordan Bruce Sam Bruce Layne Bullock Aidan Carter Emma Carter Julia Christie Teddy Cromwell Delaney Dabrowka Benji Damon Flora Damon144
Michael D’AmoreHaley DavisTyler DavisAlly DixonColin DoneganJames DossRob DubinskiSara DuganAlaura EnrightCollin ErvinMariner FaganDavid FitzgeraldMaeve GalwayKelsey GiorgioEva GormleyCharlie GranittoCierra HargroveAddi HarrisMaddie HawkinsWill HeardJosh HenriettaMia HilmerAlexander HonickRobin HowieSusana HreskoTrey HuberLaura HuppTy’Jae JonesDaVaughn JoynerJoe Kantowski 145
Will Kennedy Nick Kidder Jackson Killelea Lindsay King Christopher Kirk David Kirk Kate Kistler Will Klepper Brad LaBella Hayden Lamb Alex Lashgari Jake Leroux John Mandish Cameron Mang Kyle Mangum Rehman Masood Baillie McNitt Bailey Meek Claire Mellin Maddi Meyer Emma Miller Nick Miller Blake Misner Megan Mohr Ian Munroe Brendan Murphy Solana Page Hannah Powell Jaden Queen Tim Reath146
Quant’e ReddAndrea RiefkohlChristopher RothKyle RussellGrant ShanahanLoukas Sotiropoulos-LawrenceVictoria StomatoHenry StoerIan SykesAlexandra SzynalAndy ThompsonBots ThompsonAshley UrbanJake Van GiesonRyan WahbaMikey WhitesideDanica WilliamsMelissa Wong 147
Class of 2021 Cole Almy Ethan Anderson Daniel Babalola Colly Ballentine Elizabeth Barroll Peyton Behling Isabelle Benoit Kylie Benz Andrew Bond Emme Bond Britt Bordes Tristan Bullock Evan Butler Emma Campbell Andrew Campbell Fuller Clement Grant Cowell Ellie Cronin Via Crowley Sean Crowley Chéla Cunningham Jack D’Agostino Jacob Darrow Claudia Decker Grace Derderian Patrick Dolan Sean Donegan Emma Duguay Grace Pilar Ebel Sandra Eid Yeala Grimes Bay Groff Will Gunhus D Harrington Hannah Hartley Abby Hayden Owen Hennessey Michael Hesford Sam Hill Chase Hilliard Arielle Hillock Mason Howell Matthew Hoyt Anthony Hresko Lorenzo Hu Bella Ingrao Robert Isper Annika jensen Christiana Kambouris148
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