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Christine Lewis - 365 Positive Intentions (flipbook version w social back cover)

Published by lhezannesorra1, 2020-05-20 05:56:31

Description: Christine Lewis - 365 Positive Intentions (flipbook version w social back cover)


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Day 354. Accept and Expect Do not simply accept that we have the power to manifest our intentions with our thoughts. Expect it. Expect that we have the power to create everything we think. In fact, we are already creating it just by thinking of it. When we know that everything we think will manifest as our destiny, we can make sure to plant positive seeds in the fertile soil of our mind because we expect everything that we plant in our mind will grow. The changing circumstances and external world do not matter. All we need to focus on is the vision and our dream because we know that what we think eventually begins to exist. Don't just accept that we have the power to manifest our intentions. Expect, know, and believe it. Focus only on what we want to create in our life. Our thoughts are powerful things and they determine the course and direction of our lives. Expect that every thought and word is very powerful that it will inevitably manifest into our destiny. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

365 Positive Intentions Day 355. Focus on the Process Very often in the yoga practice, students are focused on the final pose. They want to get the leg as high as possible, the heart as open as possible. They want to get into the full expression as soon as possible, but in the focus on the final pose, they often rush through the process without feeling what the body needs to do to fully open up into that final pose. Getting into the final pose is nice, but if we miss all the joy, the strength, and the flexibility that are gained along the way, what’s the point? Instead of focusing on the pose, focus on the process, including the steps that it takes to get to the final pose. The same focus works when we try to attain our dreams. We enjoy the journey because it isn’t just about the destination, it’s about every step in the journey. Focus on the process and find joy in it. The experiences we learn along the way prepare us to take full advantage once we reach the destination. Instead of focusing on where we will wind up, focus on where we are right now. Be present in creating what we want in the space we are in right now. That is enough to propel us forward and to make progress, not just to the final pose, but also in reaching the destination of our dreams. Focus not on the pose but on the process and allow ourselves to enjoy every step along the journey. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

Day 356. Comfortable in the Unknown The learning process is challenging and mostly challenging to our ego. In order to learn, we must face the fact that we do not know everything, and that might be a slight blow to our ego. Accepting the fact that we do not know everything actually allows us to expand the possibilities and be open to building on what we already know because we get a better awareness and understanding of everything. It is like facing the darkness to find the light. We need to be comfortable in the darkness to be able to focus our awareness on the light. We need to allow ourselves to be comfortable in the unknown and to understand more about ourselves as well as our role in the universe. Learning requires us to face the fact that there are still things we do not know, and that acknowledgement is humbling. In this humble space, we can be open to receive the information we need in order to understand things better. Being comfortable in the learning process allows us to grow, to expand, and to evolve; so when we acknowledge that we do not know, we become open to learning and absorbing everything there is to know. It's only when we think we know everything that we cut ourselves off from evolving and expanding. In the awareness that we know nothing, we have the opportunity and possibility to learn everything. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

365 Positive Intentions Day 357. Silence is Compliance Silence is compliance. If we see that something is wrong, it is our obligation to stand up and say something to be a part of the solution. Part of living our truth is honoring what we feel. Our truth is the foundation of everything we think, speak, and do, so if we claim to stand in truth, our words and actions must consistently illustrate the truth that we hold so close to our hearts. Silence is compliance. If we aren’t part of the solution, then we are actually contributing to the problem. It isn’t just a matter of saying something. We ought to do something to stand up for what is right, to stand in our truth, and to be a part of the solution instead of allowing the problem to persist. Once we realize that silence is compliance, there is just no way that we can stand by and allow injustice to continue and the problems to persist. If we see something, we should say something; and we ought to do something so that we aren’t being merely compliant in our silence. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

Day 358. Refuse to Compromise Refuse to compromise. Never compromise our beliefs, our feelings, or our dreams for anything or anyone. Compromising forces us to give up something in exchange for something else. If we compromise our feelings, our emotions, or our dreams, in essence, we are already compromising ourselves. Refuse to compromise—at least the things that are most important to us. Do not compromise the dream we have for our life. Do not compromise the love we hold in our heart. Do not compromise the energy that we create in this moment because that has the power to inspire and empower us forever. Do not compromise because in the compromise, too often, we are left with less. Our work is to build, to grow, and to become something more in this moment than we were in the last. Permit ourselves to stand firm in our beliefs, dreams, and vision and refuse to compromise. When we maintain our focus on the energy, the dream, and the vision we want, that refusal to compromise leaves us confident and creates a feeling of security and stability. Do not compromise our happiness, our love, or our dreams. Stand firm in the belief we have about ourselves, and allow that stability to strengthen, stabilize, and push us forward towards creating everything we want our life to be. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

365 Positive Intentions Day 359. Manifest Everything Be an active manifestor and manifest everything that we see in our mind as a vision for our life into something that exists in the present moment of physical reality. If we want something to be actively manifested now, believe in our ability to create it. Believe in our power to make it happen. Believe that we will be able to start and finish as long as we put our mind to the beginning and follow through to the end. Be an active manifestor so that we would not look back on life years from now, wishing we had made the most of our time and moments. By actively manifesting, we are already on the path to our dreams. Be an active manifestor and know that we can start and finish anything. We can start living our dreams right now, we just need to actively make it happen. Every moment is an opportunity to create the reality we want more of, so actively manifest in our moments and allow now to be the beginning of everything. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

Day 360. Not Just Convenient Unfortunately, most of us have had experience with fair-weather friends—people who are only around for the good times and very rarely found during times of struggle when we need support. The true measure of friendship or of the significance of any relationship is consistency. How consistently do people in our life show up for us? Or better yet, how consistently do we show up for them? No one wants a fair-weather friend, a part-time lover, or someone who is only there during the good times. We want someone to be there all the time. We want someone who is committed to supporting and loving us unconditionally so that there is no need to question the level of their friendship or love. There is no point in having a friend who is there only when it's convenient for them. Having someone who is there consistently is the true measure of friendship. To remind us to show up consistently in the lives of the people we love, start being more particular about who we allow into our space. Make certain that the people we consider friends show up as friends consistently all the time and not just when it is convenient. If we are particular about allowing only those who consistently show up into our lives for us, then certainly, we will also consistently show up for the people that we hold close to our hearts. Don't be a friend who is just there for convenience. Be consistently there and make certain everyone in our life does the same for us. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

365 Positive Intentions Day 361. Periodic Resistance Every struggle builds strength. That is how we build muscles. That is how we build character. Periodic resistance along the road of life is not meant to slow us down. In fact, it is often in the struggle that we build the most strength. The resistance exists to give us traction so that we can feel stable on the incline needed to elevate us towards our dreams. The resistance is not there to slow or break us down. It is there to make us feel that we are stable and sturdy with each step and struggle that inevitably build strength. Even in the face of resistance, stay focused, determined, and persistent in the pursuit of our dreams. Know that this resistance is just giving us a little traction so that we can climb higher to reach our dreams. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

Day 362. Walk With Confidence After yoga classes, I regularly encourage my students to walk out of the room with a swagger. I encourage them to walk with the air of confidence, security, and a belief that they have the power to rule the world. Walk with confidence and convince ourselves that we are the creator of our destiny. In every step that we take, we reveal the enthusiasm that we feel about our ability to make progress towards our dreams. Everything we do is an expression of the enthusiasm we have for our life. We rule the world, we own our existence, and we create our reality; so certainly, we ought to walk the streets with a swagger. Try to create an extra swagger today and walk with a sense of confidence because we know that we create everything that exists. Walk the street like we own the world because with every step we take, we can rule the world. One thought, word, and action at a time. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

365 Positive Intentions Day 363. Simplicity is the Solution Simplicity is the solution. Especially in the age of social media, we are often convinced that we need more in order to feel successful and validated. Somehow, we feel that a complex solution is required to create a positive change in the world. It seems, however, that simplicity is always the solution. Everyone wants the same love, stability, happiness, and joy, and all we need to do is to offer others the energy that we wish for ourselves. Simplicity is the solution because nobody really wants a material thing. No one wants to live in excess. No one wants to believe that it takes a complex solution to change the world. It starts with each of us making a positive change in our own lives. Eventually, that change will have a ripple effect that will soon be felt across the world. Simplicity is the solution. All it requires is one idea, one thought, one word, and one action to change everything—that is simplicity at work for us. Start with this thought and this moment and notice how it changes every moment that follows. Every moment that follows becomes the solution. Instead of accumulating material things and thinking that we need to live in excess, instead of thinking that every problem requires a complex solution, believe that simplicity is the solution. Enjoy the day. Blessings, blessings, blessings. Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

Day 364. Speak What We Seek Speak what we seek until we see what we have said. Being consistent in speaking, thinking, and being what we want to create allows us to become our reality in the present moment when we speak, think, and do everything with purpose. We are defining our reality, so instead of believing that someone or something else is defining it for us, believe that we can create a feeling. We can take ownership of our dreams and create the life we deserve, but it requires us to speak what we seek until we see what we have said. Speak, think, and do everything with purpose and intent. Make certain that the intention is rooted in the energy that we need to create the life that we want. Everything we do with intention is creating an energy for us. It should support our purpose, our passions, and our dreams. Be mindful enough today to speak what we seek until we see what we have said. Allow everything we create for ourselves with our words and our thoughts to manifest everything that exists in our life. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

365 Positive Intentions Day 365. Crazy Is Saner Than Normalcy I have always thought that crazy is saner than normalcy. Normalcy just implies that we are going along with what everyone else is doing—that to me seems a little crazy. It seems much saner to share our uniqueness with the world rather than just conforming to what everyone else is doing. Being unique, leading by example, or offering inspiration to others by doing something that we would not normally do—that to me seems saner than compromising or sacrificing our passion only to follow along with someone else's purpose. Maybe I'm just a crazy dreamer, living outside the boundaries of normal, but I am hoping that my abnormal behavior will inspire you to tap into your own unique gifts and energy and share them with the world. Be abnormal and express ourselves totally, fully, and completely. Be the opposite of whatever everyone else is doing, not just to protest the act of normalcy, but also to contribute our authentic and best self to the world. Normalcy is a little crazy, so be abnormal today. Go beyond the boundaries of what other people have defined as normal and express our true passion and purpose. Be our best self today and every day. Be a little abnormal and know that expressing a little abnormality might be all we need to keep ourselves from going insane. Blessings, blessings, blessings, Spoken Word Yoga. Namaste! Click to play audio

About Me My purpose is to BE of service by inspiring and empowering the people I touch. I believe service and community is the essence of our purpose in this life and that the value of our lives is measured in the Spiritual currency we exchange through energy. Each of us has the power to INSPIRE and EMPOWER the people we touch…our ENERGY is our legacy in this life…the only thing anyone remembers about us is the energy we leave behind. I began teaching Yoga in 2009 to encourage students to embrace the power of positive thinking to create a loving relationship with their Self on the Yoga mat to improve how they show up in the world. I quickly realized that Yoga and Meditation is the spiritual science of exploring the interplay of thought, energy and action that explains how we choose to show up in the world. Yoga transformed my life by strengthening my sense of Self and my physical body, so I am inspired by my own spiritual evolution to share the gift of Yoga with the world. I record Spoken Word Yoga flows, Podcasts and meditations infused with positive affirmations to inspire listeners to explore the infinite possibilities awaiting us in the kingdom of our minds. I believe we each have the power to set a clear intention to create the quality of energy we want in this life to improve the lives of the people we touch and inspire others by sharing unconditional love and intentional kindness with the world. Peace and Blessings, Christine Lewis

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