trSmpm bmompum;wpfckudkoif,l&jcif;rSm,if;bmompum;udktoHk;ûyí em;axmifwwf&ef? ajymww&f e?f zwwf w&f eEf iS hf a&;ww&f etf wuG jfzpyf gon/f t*vF yd pf monf bmompum; wpcf jk zpyf gon/f ojYkdzpíf t*vF yd bf mompum;utkd o;kH ûyí em;axmiwf w&f e?f ajymww&f e?f a&;ww&f eEf iS hf zwwf w&f eof i,f ol rl sm;uakd vuh siyhf sKd ;axmiaf y;&rnjfzpyf gon/f tpOtf vm tm;jzifh zwfwwf? a&;wwf&ef oifMum;ay;avh½Sdaomfvnf; ajymwwf?em;axmifwwf&ef oiMf um;ay;rüI tm;en;f Muygon/f xaYkd Mumihf þpmtyk wf iG bf mompum;wpcf ok iMf um;jci;f ü r½Sdrjzpfvdktyfaom bmompum;uRrf;usifrIav;&yfpvHk;udkoif,lolrsm;&½SdEdkif&ef pDpOfûypk xm;ygojzihf þpmtyk üf yg½adS om avuh sichf e;f rsm;tm;v;kH uokd i,f ol rl sm;ûyvyk Mf u&ef vtkd yyf g onf/ uRrf;usifrIrsm;&½SdEdkif&efavhusifhrIrsm;ûyvkyf&rnfjzpfygonf/ oif,lolrsm;\\ ywf0ef; usifüawGU½Sd&aom t*Fvdyftu©&mrsm;? pmvHk;rsm;? 0gusrsm;udkvnf; toHk;ûyí oifMum; ay;&efjzpfygonf/ temtMum;? tajymtzwf? ta&;uRrf;usifrIrsm; &½Sd&ef a,bk,s oifMum;enf;udkqufvufazmfjyygrnf/ temtMum;uRrf;usifrItwGuf uufqufacGudk tBudrfBudrfzGifhjyjcif; (odkUr[kwf)oifjyolurSefuefaom toHxGuf? toH taetxm;jzifh ½iS ;f vi;f jywof m;pmG oi,f ol rl sm;tm;v;kH Mum;&ef tBurd Bf urd ½f wG qf jkdyjci;f ? zwjfyjci;f ûyvyk f &rnfjzpfygonf/ t\"dyÜm,frJhem;axmifjcif;rjzpf&ef½Gwfqdkjyaom pum;vHk;? pum;pkrsm;\\ t\"dyÜm,fudkay:vGifapaom ypönf;ppf? ½kyfykHum;csyf? oifykef;ay:ü qGJxm;aom yHkrsm; [etf rtl &mrsm; ponwf uYkd tkd o;kH ûy&rnjfzpof n/f tajym? tzwEf iS hf ta&; uRr;f usirf rI sm; twuG f oiMfum;&mü tqiohf ;kH qi½hf ydS gon/f yxrtqirhf mS oijfyoul erel mqjkdyjci;f ? zwjfyjci;f ? a&;jyjcif;wdkYudkoif,lolrsm; tuRrf;w0ifjzpfonftxd tBudrfBudrf ûyvkyf&ygrnf/ 'wk ,d tqirhf mS oi,f ol rl sm;onf wpwf e;f v;kH ? tyk pf vk ukd ?f wpOf ;D csi;f (oi,f rl tI m;en;f o)l tvukd of ijfyoal emurf vS ukd qf jkdci;f ? zwjfci;f ? a&;jci;f ûyvyk &f ygrn/f ww,d tqithf aejzihf oif,lolrsm;udk,fwdkifoif,lygrS oif,lrIjzpfxGef;rnf jzpfygojzifh oif,lolrsm;udk,fwdkif t*vF yd bf mompum;to;kH ûyí em;axmicf iG ?hf ajymciG ?hf zwcf iG ?hf a&;ciG ahf y;&ef jzpyf gon/f quvf uíf oi,f xl m;aom t*vF yd tf u&© mrsm;? pum;v;kH rsm;? pum;prk sm;? 0gusrsm;ukd to;kH ûyí oi,f ol al jymv?kd a&;vokd nfh taMumi;f t&mrsm;ukd zewf ;D ajym&e?f a&;&etf wuG f oijfyoql &mu tciG thf vr;f ay;íwukd wf eG ;f tm;ay;&ef jzpyf gon/f
Unit CONTENTS Page Description 1 1 The English Alphabet 25 2 The English Numerals 31 3 a________, an________ 35 4 Numbers 38 5 Plural 43 6 This/ That is __________. 47 7 It, I, You, He, She, They, We 57 8 Has / Have 62 9 ——’s 65 10 my, your, his, her 69 11 What’s this? 72 12 Is it _____?Yes, it is. No, it is not. 79 13 I am —ing. He/ She is —ing. 87 14 What is she doing? What is he doing? 90 15 We/ They/ You are 96 16 What are you/ they doing? 98 17 Open, Shut, Stand, Sit, Come, Go 102 18 Who is this? 105 19 Clothes, Animals, Birds, Fruits, Transport 112 20 Colours 116 21 My family 120 22 Where is the monkey? 123 23 How many ————? 127 24 Time words ,,,,,
1 UNIT - 1 The English Alphabet A… B… C… D… Listen and sing. em;axmiíf oqD ykd g/ Level 1 English
3 ENGLISH SMALL LETTERS (Printed Form) abc de f gh i j k lm n o pqr s t u vw x y z Level 1 English
4 The English Alphabet Rhyme with Myanmar Words by Daw Win Nyo, Primary School Head, Nantpar BEPS, Pinlaung Aa A ant y&k uG qf wd uf ,G f ausmi;f ajy;oul kd uukd vf rd rhf ,/f Bb B ball abmv;Hk av; val v; uezf Ukd ay;/ Cc C cup uikd ;f ye;f uef EmG ;EUkd yyl l xnahf omu&f e/f Dd D duster abmzsuf oiyf ek ;f ay:u pmawzG su/f Ee E eye rsuvf ;Hk onf t&m&mudk Munyhf grn/f Ff F fan ,yaf wmiaf v; avjyn(f ajy) cwzf Ukd ay;/ Level 1 English
5 Gg G girl red ;f uav;[m taetxikd ,f Oaf us;yg/ Hh H horse jri;f ñBkd u;D nnD D wuvf Ukd p;D / I i I iron r;D ytl ;kd t0wof eUf atmif r;D yxl ;kd / Jj J jam ,pkd [Hk m x;l utJ &om/ Kk K key aomwh aH v; aomth rd zf iG &hf eaf y;/ Ll L leaf op&f uG Ef k prd ;f ve;f a0qm aEOG w/k Mm M monkey arsmuñf ñkd kd opuf ikd ;f ay:rmS wvJG cJG /kd Level 1 English
6 Nn N needle tyef zm; t0wcf sKypf Ukd vm;/ Oo O onion Muuof eG ef D arar[i;f csuof n/f Pp P pipe aq;wcH J azaz topJ /JG Qq Q queen b&k irf yjHkyixf rJ mS tveG vf /S Rr R ruler ayw[H m rsO;f ajzmiqhf zJG Ukd yg/ Ss S snake a>ruukd vf Qif aq;ce;f tjrewf i/f Tt T tree opyf iaf tmuf a&t;kd piaf v;aqmu/f Level 1 English
7 Uu U umbrella x;D eeD D rraqmi;f vmon/f Vv V violin wa,mtkd bbx;kd vUkd ocD si;f q/kd Ww W water a&at;at; bmG ;bmG ; aomuzf Ukd ay;/ Xx X xylophone ywåvm;oH w;D v;Hk av;awG v;l viG yhf s/H Yy Y yoke xr;f y;kd uUJG armiaf rmif a&xr;f vnS /hf Zz Z zoo w&d pmä e½f rHk mS om;rsKd ; pvHk ipf mG / A up Z txd ½yk yf aHk v;awG Mun?hf ord wS zf ,G &f m oiuf mjy om;or;D wUkd q&mr/ Level 1 English
8 Handwriting of the letters of the English Alphabet t*Fvdyftu©&ma&;om;enf;/ Level 1 English
9 Level 1 English
10 Level 1 English
11 Level 1 English
12 Level 1 English
13 Level 1 English
14 Level 1 English
15 ACTIVITIES Listening Skills I. Listen to the teacher and circle the correct letter. q&mrajymonuf kd em;axmiíf reS af om tu&© mpmv;Hk ukd 0ikd ;f yg/ (a) V M W A L N Q E S IX F H (b) p j u d r f g q c nb t z Level 1 English
16 Reading Skills II. Match the capital letters with small letters. tu&© mpmv;Hk tBu;D EiS thf ao;ukd ,OS wf yJG g/ Dt K a s Ed Y t y Pe A k Tp T S Ui P n c Nu E p e I cN l i Cn C Ef I FeL Ne T r Fn R i Pf An Ep I t Na Level 1 English
17 III. Draw picture by joining the dots. tu&© mtptD pOtf vukd f tpurf sm;ukd quíf yqHk yJG g/ Level 1 English
18 b f IV. Fill in the blanks with the letters. j n ay;xm;aom tu&© mab;&dS uuG vf yrf sm;ujkdznyhf g/ r Aa CD e GH i kL M oP Q sT Level 1 English
19 Speaking and Writing Skills V. Say and write. ay;xm;aomy\\Hk pmv;Hk tptu&© mukd &wG qf Nkdy;D a&;yg/ Aa Level 1 English
20 Level 1 English
21 Level 1 English
22 Level 1 English
23 Writing Skills VI. (a) Write A to Z. A rS Z txad &;yg/ Level 1 English
24 (b) Write a to z. a rS z txad &;yg/ ,,,,, Level 1 English
25 UNIT - 2 The English Numerals Look and say. 0 1 Munfhí&Gwfqdkyg/ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Listen and repeat. 3,4,5, point to em;axmiíf vukd qf ykd g/ the floor! 1,2,3, point to the door! 6,7,8, 8,9,10, point to stand up the wall! tall! Level 1 English
26 Handwriting of the English Numerals t*Fvdyf*Pef;a&;om;enf;/ Level 1 English
27 Level 1 English
28 ACTIVITIES Listening Skills 1. Listen and circle the right number. The teacher has to read only 5 numbers. q&mr zwjfyaom ued ;f *Pe;f 5 cuk kd 0ikd ;f jyyg/ 19274 10 5 6 3 8 Level 1 English
29 Speaking and Writing Skills II. Count, say and write. a&wuG yf g/ ajymNy;D a&;yg/ () () () () () Reading Skills III. Match and say. ,SOfwGJíajymyg/ Level 1 English
30 IV. Read the phone numbers. zek ;f eyH gwrf sm;ukd zwjf yyg/ 554620 557982 557309 09-8432615 557675 Writing Skills V. Write number orderly. w&d pmä erf sm;ukd trwS pf Owf yyf g/ ,,,,, Level 1 English
31 UNIT - 3 a ____________, an ___________ Look and say. Munfhí&Gwfqdkyg/ a book a bag a chair a cup a pencil a cat a box a ball Level 1 English
32 Look and say. Munfhí&Gwfqdkyg/ an egg an apple an orange an umbrella an ice -c-ream an elephant ACTIVITIES Listening Skills I. Listen and circle the correct answer. em;axmiíf tajzreS uf 0kd ikd ;f yg/ (1) a orange (5) a cup an an (2) a bag (6) a umbrella an an (3) a pencil (7) a table an an (4) a egg (8) a elephant an an Level 1 English
33 Speaking Skills II. Look and say by using a or an. Muníhf oiahf vsm&f m a /an xnNhfy;D &wG qf ykd g/ Reading Skills III. Write the correct word in the suitable place. oiahf vsmof nahf e&mwiG rf eS uf eaf ompmv;Hk uakd &;yg/ ye;f yiG ahf e&mwiG f a EiS hf woJG ;kH aompum;v;kH rsm;jzníhf trd af e&mwiG f an EiS whf oJG ;kH aompum;v;kH rsm; udkjznfhyg/ hat iron aeroplane umbrella box bag a hat pen dog orange egg an iron Level 1 English
34 Writing Skills (6) IV. Say and write. qíkd a&;yg/ (1) an ice-cream (2) (7) (3) (8) (4) (9) (5) (10) ,,,,, Level 1 English
35 UNIT - 4 Numbers Look and say. Muníhf &wG qf ykd g/ 1 one 11 eleven 2 two 12 twelve 3 three 13 thirteen 4 four 14 fourteen 5 five 15 fifteen 6 six 16 sixteen 7 seven 17 seventeen 8 eight 18 eighteen 9 nine 19 nineteen 10 ten 20 twenty ACTIVITIES Listening and Speaking Skills I. Work in pair. The first student asks the number on the stone to the second student. The second student points and replies the number. Take turn. ausmi;f om;rsm; EpS af ,mupf wD yJG g/ yxrausmi;f om;u'wk ,d ausmi;f om;ukd BuKd u&f mued ;f wpcf k Oyrm- ]5 b,rf mS v}J [k ar;&m 'wk ,d ausmi;f om;u 'rD mS 5}[k 5 uvkd uñf KdS ;x;kd íajzygrn/f tvnS uhf svyk af qmiof mG ;&ygrn/f Level 1 English
36 Reading and Writing Skills 30 thirty 31 ------------------ II. Fill in the blanks. 40 forty 50 fifty uGufvyfjznfhyg/ 60 ------------------ --- seventy 20 twenty 80 ------------------ 21 twenty-one 90 ninety 22 ------------------ 93 ------------------ --- twenty-three 100 a hundred 24 twenty-four 25 ----------------- --- twenty-six --- twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine III. Fill in the blanks. 44 12 uGufvyfjznfhyg/ --------------- ---------------- 5 -------f-iv-e------- 15 100 ---------------- ---------------- Level 1 English
37 IV. Complete the puzzle. ya[Vud kd tajznpd§ Ukd / 3 + 4 +( ) sixteen +++ () 10 + 1 + 4 thirteen +++ ( )+ 5 + 1 twenty ( ) forteen ,,,,, Level 1 English
Listen and repeat. 38 em;axmiíf vukd qf ykd g/ UNIT - 5 Singular Plural 1. Plural pig pigs 2. brushes brush glasses 3. boxes glass 4. box 5. butterfly butterflies Level 1 English
6. 39 children child 7. men women man leaves 8. knives woman 9. leaf 10. knife Level 1 English
40 Singular Plural pig 0uf pigs 0urf sm; cup cuG f cups cuG rf sm; pencil cwJ H pencils cwJ rH sm; book pmtyk f books pmtyk rf sm; cat aMumif cats aMumirf sm; brush omG ;ywG wf H brushes omG ;ywG wf rH sm; bush csKH ywk f bushes csKH ywk rf sm; watch vuyf wef m&D watches vuyf wef m&rD sm; glass zecf uG f glasses zecf uG rf sm; class twe;f classes twe;f rsm; box aowmå boxes aowmå rsm; baby uav;i,f babies uav;i,rf sm; fly ,iaf umif flies ,iaf umirf sm; butterfly vyd jfym butterflies vyd jfymrsm; story yjkHyif stories yjkHyirf sm; man a,musf m;Bu;D men a,musfm;Bu;D rsm; woman red ;f rBu;D women red ;f rBu;D rsm; child uav; children uav;rsm; leaf op&f uG f leaves op&f uG rf sm; knife \"m; knives \"m;rsm; Level 1 English
41 ACTIVITIES Listening Skills I. Listen and tick. em;axmiíf tajzreS uf kd jcpyf g/ pig - pigs brush - brushes butterfly - butterflies box - boxes child - children man - men leaf - leaves glass - glasses woman - women knife - knives Speaking Skills II. Look and say. Muníhf &wG yf g/ (4) (1) (2) (5) (3) (6) Level 1 English
42 Reading Skills III. Count and match. a&wuG íf ,OS wf yJG g/ three children eight pans four plates nine apples six baskets Writing Skills IV. Fill in the blanks. uGufvyfjznfhyg/ Plural apples Singular __________ 1. apple __________ 2. child __________ 3. man __________ 4. butterfly __________ 5. brush 6. knife ,,,,, Level 1 English
43 UNIT - 6 This/ That is __________. Look and say. Muníhf &wG qf ykd g/ This is a man. That is a woman. This is a house. . That is a picture. This is a hen. That is a pig. Level 1 English
44 is a cup. is an elephant. ACTIVITIES is a house. Listening Skills is an egg. I. Listen and tick. is an iron. is a leaf. em;axmiíf reS af om0gusukd treS jfcpyf g/ is a xylophone. is an aeroplane. 1. This That 2. This That 3. This That 4. This That 5. This That 6. This That 7. This That 8. This That Level 1 English
45 Speaking Skills II. A game: All in the classroom form groups of two and look at the picture shown in UNIT-3 again. In each pair, one points to any picture. Then the other also points to that picture and says “This/ That is _______.” ausmi;f om;EpS Of ;D wíJG UNIT-3 yg ½yk yf rHk sm;uMkdunyhf g/ tvnS uhf s quvf uf vyk af qmiyf g/ “ This/ That is _______. ” 0gusypHk uH tkd o;Hk jyKí wpvf nS phf D ajymyg/ Reading Skills III. Read and match. (a) This is a pencil. zwíf ,OS wf yJG g/ 1. 2. (b) This is an orange. 3. (c) This is a cup. 4. (d) That is a ball. 5. (e)That is an ice-cream. Level 1 English
46 Writing Skills IV. Look at the picture and write down the sentence by using ‘This/That is ______.’ The first one is done for you. ½yk yf uHk Mkd uníhf “ This/ That is _______. ” 0gusypHk H pmaMumi;f rsm;uakd &;yg/ 1. --T--h--a--t-is an apple. 2. ---------- is a cat. 3. ---------- an umbrella. 4. ------- a car. 5. -------------------------- . 6. -------------------------- . Level 1 English ,,,,,
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