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Home Explore 1006712 AAEL 2023 TQF 3

1006712 AAEL 2023 TQF 3

Published by Aj. Dr. Phirunkhana (Aj. Faa), 2023-08-14 07:41:09

Description: 1006712 AAEL 2023 TQF 3


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มคอ.3/TQF 3 TQF 3 Course Specifications The course specifications constitute a syllabus of a given course. The syllabus provides information related to the management of each course according to the teaching/learning plans required by the curriculum. The syllabus shall have a clearly stated set of objectives, contents, means of enhancing various skills and other qualities to be developed in the students based on the course objectives. Moreover, the syllabus provides a detailed description of the teaching schedule, methods, assessment, evaluation and references and/or other materials related to the students’ fulfillment of the course. Finally, the syllabus includes strategies for course evaluation and improvement. Six Sections of Course Specifications Section 1 General Information Section 2 Course Syllabus Section 3 Development of Students’ Learning Outcomes Section 4 Lesson Plan and Evaluation Section 5 References Section 6 Evaluation and Improvement of course operations มคอ.3/TQF 3 1 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 Course Specification Name of University Mae Fah Luang University School School of Liberal Arts Program English for Professional Development Section 1 General Information 1. Course Code and Course Title 1006712 - Advanced Academic English Literacy 2. Credit 3 (3-0-6) 3. Program and Type of Course Program (Please specify) English for Professional Development (Master Degree) Program Type of Course 4. Course Coordinator and Course Instructor Instructor Coordinator Responsible X X No. Name and Surname 1 Ajarn Dr. Phirunkhana Phichiensathien 5. Semester/ Student’s Year of Study Semester Year of study Academic Year 6. Pre-requisite (if required) Mae Fah Luang University (Chiang Rai) 7. Co-requisite (if required) 05 August 2023, 07:48 8. Campus Other (please specify) 9. Latest Course Modification Date มคอ.3/TQF 3 2 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 Section 2 Course Syllabus 1. Course Description Use of advanced reading strategies to comprehend academic written materials, namely textbooks, research journals and online resources to promote critical and analytical skills; effective academic and research writing, including evaluating, manipulating, summarizing skills to write academic assignment 2. Course Objectives The course aims to: 1. encourage students to apply advanced reading strategies to comprehend academic written genres, e.g., textbooks, research articles, and research reports from printed and online resources; 2. enable students to develop their critical and analytical skills, which include abilities to summarize, analyze, criticize, and evaluate a range of academic genres, e.g., research articles and research reports from printed and online resources; and 3. foster students to create their concept paper. 3. Reason for Development/ Course Improvement (if required) 4. Number of Hours Per Semester Lecture Lab Self-Study 45 0 90 มคอ.3/TQF 3 3 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 Section 3 Development of Students’ Learning Outcomes The development of students’ learning outcomes in each domain should be in accordance with the curriculum mapping specified in TQF 2. In each domain, please specify the detailed description of following information: 1. The Expected Learning Outcomes of students should be aligned with TQF 2 2. The teaching methodology for LOs/CLOs in no.1 3. The assessment methods of LOs/CLOs 1. Ethics and Morality Level PLO Ethics and Morality(LOs) Ethics and Morality(CLOs) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods 1.1 เคารพแนวคดิ หรือผลงาน Utilize APA citation and Delivering ideas about Quiz (quoting, ทาง วิชาการของผอู ืน่ โดยไม ละเมดิ หลกั จรรยาบรรณทาง reference when creating the doing research and writing a paraphrasing, and summarizing) วชิ าการ หรือ คัดลอกผลงาน ของผูอื่น writing assignments research report, significance (5), (introduction, literature of research in the relevant Outcomes of writing review, and concept paper) field, and avoiding plagiarism assignments (introduction [4], with writing techniques. in academia literature review [4], concept Demonstrating the paper [6]) and presentation significance of plagiarism (PPT) [5] with rubrics 1.2 ใหข อคิดเหน็ แกผ ูอน่ื ในการ o Provide feedback in Q&A o Give student feedback from o Class observation and ยึดถือหลักจรรยาบรรณทาง session of oral presentations discussion while learning and discussion while learning and วชิ าการ ไดอยา งถูกตอ งเหมาะ and ethical issues practicing the way to avoid practicing plagiarism with APA สม plagiarism with APA citation citation and reference when and reference when creating creating the writing assignments the writing 2. Knowledge Knowledge(LOs) Knowledge(CLOs) Teaching Methods Assessment Level PLO Methods 2.1 อธิบายและวิเคราะหหลกั การ Explain and analyze the Give a lecture discuss, and Outcomes of writing ทฤษฎีท่เี ก่ยี วของกบั ภาษาศาสตร theories, concepts, and principles of demonstrate the advanced reading assignments (introduction ประยกุ ต การรับภาษาที่ สอง การเรียน Applied Linguistics, Second strategies (genre analysis) for the การสอนภาษาอังกฤษ และหลกั การวิจยั Language Acquisition, English- authentic research articles ทางภาษาองั กฤษ เพ่อื การพัฒนาวิชาชพี มคอ.3/TQF 3 4 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 language studies, and English for Let students practice evaluating [3], professional development. and analyzing authentic research literature articles related to Applied review [3], Linguistics, Second Language concept Acquisition, English-language studies paper [6] and English for professional and development presentation Encourage students to apply [3]) with advanced reading strategy (genre rubrics, analysis) to clarify their understanding of the theories, concepts, and principles of Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, English-language studies and English for professional development 3. Intellectual PLO Intellectual(LOs) Intellectual(CLOs) Teaching Assessment Level Methods Methods มคอ.3/TQF 3 3.1 วิเคราะหแ ละประเมนิ แนวทาง Analyze and evaluate Quiz แกปญ หาทเ่ี กย่ี วขอ งกับภาษา อังกฤษ academic/professional works Demonstrate (quoting, การส่อื สารระหวา ง วัฒนธรรม และ related to genre analysis in terms of textual paraphrasing, เทคโนโลยที ี่ เหมาะสมตอ บริบททาง lexico-grammatical features and evaluation of and วิชาชีพ และการเปลย่ี นแปลงตาม rhetorical structures. the research summarizing สถานการณโ ลก articles to [5]) consider the possibility of Outcomes of relevant writing theory and assignments practice for (introduction their [4], interesting literature topic of review [4 ], concept paper and concept Present paper [6]) the similarities with rubrics, and and differences presentation from the 5 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 related studies (2) with in terms of rubric lexico- grammatical features and rhetorical structures Encouraging students to apply advanced reading strategies (genre analysis) to read the relevant theories from the related studies to create their writing assignments 3.2 ประยุกตใชวธิ ีวิทยาการวจิ ยั ที่ Apply genre analysis in terms เกยี่ วของกบั ภาษาอังกฤษ การรับ of lexico-grammatical features and Encourage Outcomes of writing ภาษาท่ีสอง การเรียนการสอน ภาษา rhetorical structures in research and students to assignments (concept องั กฤษ academic writing practice paper [6]) with rubrics, advanced reading strategies (genre analysis) to the reading assignment มคอ.3/TQF 3 Encourage students to apply it by reading 6 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 research articles based on their interesting research topic to create their writing assignment 4. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility Level PLO Interpersonal Skills and Interpersonal Skills and Teaching Methods Assessment Responsibility(LOs) Responsibility(CLOs) Methods 4.1 ปฏิบตั งิ านรวมกับผูอ ่ืนในงาน ทไ่ี ด Collaborate with others and As an observer, observe how รับมอบหมายดวยความรบั ผดิ ชอบ ใน deliver useful ideas through class สถานการณท เ่ี ปลี่ยนแปลง หรือพลกิ ผัน discussion and presentation. well students behave as good Attendance audience members in presentations, (5), discussions, and other activities along discussion the course (such as asking questions (5), and and giving useful suggestions). presentation (3) with rubric 4.2 แสดงและเคารพความคดิ เหน็ ของผู Exhibit students own Encourage students to express อน่ื บนพ้ืนฐานความหลาก หลายทาง perspectives and respect other ideas their ideas, ask questions and deliver Observation วฒั นธรรม in multicultural contexts. useful ideas with respect others in the along class class involvement and outcomes of the assignments 5. Numerical, Communicative and Information Technology Skills Level PLO Numerical, Communicative and Numerical, Communicative and Teaching Methods Assessment Information Technology Skills(LOs) Information Technology Methods Skills(CLOs) 5.1 มีทกั ษะการส่อื สารภาษา อังกฤษ Utilize appropriate academic Encourage students to Utilize Quiz เชิงวิชาการ รวมถงึ ทักษะ การส่อื สาร English skills in terms of lexico- appropriate academic English skills (quoting, ระหวา งวัฒนธรรมได อยางเชีย่ วชาญ grammatical features and rhetorical in terms of lexico-grammatical paraphrasing, structure in writing assignments features and rhetorical structure in and writing assignments summarizing [5]) มคอ.3/TQF 3 7 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 Outcomes of writing assignments (introduction [4], literature review [4], and concept paper [6]) with rubrics, and presentation (2) with rubrics 6. Psychomotor Skills Level PLO Psychomotor Skills(LOs) Psychomotor Skills(CLOs) Teaching Methods Assessment Methods Remark : In case there are more than five domains of learning outcomes, please specify additional domain. มคอ.3/TQF 3 8 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 Section 4 Lesson Plan and Evaluation 1. Lesson Plan Lecture Week Topics Number Clo Activity and Material Instructor Instructor Specific Number of Lecture Hours 1 Course Introduction 3 Explain and analyze the Ajarn Dr. Chapter 1: Introduction to theories, concepts, and Students demonstrate their Phirunkhana Academic Literacy Definition of principles of Applied understanding of the significance of Phichiensathien academic literacy - Types of academic Linguistics, Second literacy skills needed in academia texts (genres) - Language Acquisition, Weaving reading, based on their background knowledge examining, and English-language studies, writing academic of the Padlet application. genre - and English for Understanding of A teacher gives a lecture about the research process professional development. significance of literacy skills in Exhibit students own academia, doing research, writing a perspectives and respect research report, and the significance other ideas in of research in the relevant field. multicultural contexts. Teachers demonstrate the Analyze and evaluate characteristics of academic genres academic/professional and research process works related to genre Students have a group discussion and analysis in terms of demonstrate their understanding of lexico-grammatical advanced reading strategies for features and rhetorical authentic research articles before and structures. after the lecture. Students can share ideas about doing research and writing a research report The teacher assigns students to read the authentic research articles provided for next week's activities. All lessons, content, and worksheets are provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. All In-class assignments will be asked to be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and discussion and on Google Classroom to see the teacher's feedback. มคอ.3/TQF 3 9 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 2 Chapter 2: Reading 3 Explain and analyze the Teacher demonstrates the significance of Ajarn Dr. Strategies to Comprehend theories, concepts, and reading strategies needed in academia by using Phirunkhana Academic Texts - Highlighting - principles of Applied PPP and shows examples of authentic texts Phichiensathien Annotating - Outlining Linguistics, Second from online resources provided on Pubhtml5. Language Acquisition, Students practice exercises on worksheets English-language studies, and have a group discussion to demonstrate and and English for share their understanding of advanced reading professional strategies for authentic research articles development. Students can share their ideas on Padlet. Utilize appropriate All lessons, content, and worksheets are academic English skills provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. in terms of lexico- All In-class assignments will be asked to grammatical features be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and and rhetorical structure discussion and on Google Classroom to see the in writing assignments teacher's feedback. 3 Chapter 2: Reading 3 Analyze and evaluate The teacher gives a lecture about the Ajarn Dr. Strategies to Comprehend academic/professional academic English language and demonstrates Phirunkhana Academic Texts - Consideration in works related to genre the significance of academic language in a Phichiensathien academic writing analysis in terms of tertiary context. lexico-grammatical Students practice exercises on worksheets features and rhetorical and have a group discussion to demonstrate and structures. share their understanding of academic English used in a tertiary context. Students can share their ideas, take notes on Jambroad, and present in the classroom. The teacher assigns students to name a research topic based on their interest and research experience in doing a future thesis proposal All lessons, content, and worksheets are provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. All In-class assignments will be asked to be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and discussion and on Google Classroom to see the teacher's feedback. มคอ.3/TQF 3 10 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 4 Chapter 3: Writing 3 Utilize APA citation and The teacher demonstrates the significance Ajarn Dr. Strategies to Writing Techniques with reference when creating of ways to avoid plagiarism in academic Phirunkhana APA Citation - In- text citation and the writing assignments using guied questions on Padlet. Phichiensathien references (acknowledgement (introduction, literature The teacher shows and explains the sources) - Ways to avoid plagiarism - review, and concept patterns of APA citation and reference. Short quotation - Long quotation paper) with writing The teacher uses authentic texts from techniques.  online resources provided on Pubhtml5 for in- class activities. Students practice exercises on worksheets and have a group discussion to demonstrate and share their understanding of using APA citations and references from authentic research articles Students can share their ideas and answers on Padlet. All lessons, content, and worksheets are provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. All In-class assignments will be asked to be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and discussion and on Google Classroom to see the teacher's feedback. 5 Chapter 3: Writing 3 Utilize APA citation and The teacher demonstrates how to Ajarn Dr. Strategies to Writing Techniques with reference when creating paraphrase and summarize to avoid plagiarism. Phirunkhana APA Citation - Paraphrasing - the writing assignments The teacher shows and explains the Phichiensathien Summarizing (introduction, literature writing strategies by using APA citations and review, and concept references. paper) with writing The teacher uses authentic texts from techniques.  online resources provided on Pubhtml5 for in- class activities. Students practice exercises on worksheets and have a group discussion to demonstrate and share their understanding of using APA citations and references from authentic research articles Students can share their ideas and answers on Padlet. All lessons, content, and worksheets are provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. All In-class assignments will be asked to be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and มคอ.3/TQF 3 11 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 discussion and on Google Classroom to see the teacher's feedback. 6 Quiz 1: Writing 3 Utilize APA citation and Students take Online Quiz 1 about writing Ajarn Dr. Techniques with reference when creating techniques with APA citations and references Phirunkhana APA Citation 20% the writing assignments for 3 hours (20%) Phichiensathien (introduction, literature The teacher sets up an online Google Form review, and concept for this quiz and provides a link in Google paper) with writing Classroom. techniques.  The quiz is an open book exam, which means students can utilize an online dictionary or any other resourceful website. Even though this is an online quiz, all students will attend and take the quiz in the classroom. 7-8 Chapter 4: Reading to 6 Explain and analyze the The teacher demonstrates the significance Ajarn Dr. Writing Literature theories, concepts, and of literature reviews and explains the theories, Phirunkhana Review - Identifying principles of Applied concepts, and principles of related fields in the Phichiensathien structure of literature Linguistics, Second English for Professional Development program. review - Pointing out Language Acquisition, The teacher shows how to read and trends and themes, English-language studies, analyze the related studies and explains the and theories in the and English for organization of the literature review section. literature professional The teacher uses authentic texts from development. online resources provided on Pubhtml5 for in- Collaborate class activities. with others and The teacher demonstrates how to identify deliver useful ideas the academic language, APA citation pattern, through class discussion and organization of the literature review based and presentation. on each genre. Analyze and evaluate Students practice exercises on worksheets academic/professional and have a group discussion to demonstrate and works related to genre share their understanding of theories and analysis in terms of concepts from authentic research articles and lexico-grammatical research reports. features and rhetorical Students can share their ideas and answers structures. on Padlet. Students will be asked to select 3–5 authentic research articles and research reports based on the topic selected and upload those texts on Google Drive from the link provided for week 8 activities. มคอ.3/TQF 3 12 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 Students will be assigned to read and analyze the texts for week 8 activities. Students identify the academic language, APA citation pattern, and organization of the literature review based on each genre. All lessons, content, and worksheets are provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. All In-class assignments will be asked to be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and discussion and on Google Classroom to see the teacher's feedback. 9 Midterm Week (No 0 Utilize appropriate Assignment 1 Submission, Midterm Exam Week Ajarn Dr. Midterm Exam) Writing Assignment academic English skills (No Midterm Exam) Phirunkhana 1: Literature Review 15% (Submission: in terms of lexico- Phichiensathien Week 9) grammatical features and rhetorical structure in writing assignments Exhibit students own perspectives and respect other ideas in multicultural contexts. Utilize APA citation and reference when creating the writing assignments (introduction, literature review, and concept paper) with writing techniques.  10-11 Chapter 5: Writing 6 Analyze and evaluate The teacher demonstrates the significance Ajarn Dr. Concept Paper academic/professional of how to write an introduction section to be Phirunkhana Introduction - Thesis works related to genre motivated. Phichiensathien introduction section analysis in terms of The teacher shows how to read and Rationale of study lexico-grammatical analyze the introduction section of research Statement of problem features and rhetorical articles and explains the organization of the RA Significant of study structures. introduction section. Research objective Explain and analyze the The teacher uses authentic texts from Research question theories, concepts, and online resources provided on Pubhtml5 for in- Definition of key principles of Applied class activities. terms Anticipated Linguistics, Second The teacher demonstrates how to identify outcome - Language Language Acquisition, lexico-grammatical features and rhetorical focus: Lexico- English-language studies, มคอ.3/TQF 3 13 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 grammatical features and English for structures in the introduction section of each and rhetorical structures in research professional genre. article introduction (RAI) section development. Students practice the genre analysis on Apply genre analysis in worksheets and have a group discussion to terms of lexico- demonstrate and share their understanding of grammatical features the language features and rhetorical structures and rhetorical structures from authentic research articles and research in research and terms of differences and similarities.. academic writing Students can share their ideas and discuss Exhibit students own them in class.. perspectives and respect Students will be asked to select one of other ideas in those authentic research articles and research multicultural contexts. reports from the week 8 activities.on Google Utilize appropriate Drive academic English skills Students will be assigned to analyze the in terms of lexico- texts in order to identify lexico-grammatical grammatical features features and rhetorical structures and rhetorical structure Students utilize genre analysis and apply in writing assignments the genre knowledge to their writing assignments. All lessons, content, and worksheets are provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. All In-class assignments will be asked to be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and discussion and on Google Classroom to see the teacher's feedback. 12 Consultation for 3 Utilize APA citation and The teacher review the learning Ajarn Dr. Writing Concept Paper reference when creating knowledge and provides feedback and Phirunkhana the writing assignments comments in writing consultation.process. Phichiensathien (introduction, literature Students utilize and apply the learning review, and concept knowledge of APA citations, references, and paper) with writing genre analysis to their writing assignments. techniques.  All lessons, content, and worksheets are o Provide feedback in provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. Q&A session of All In-class assignments will be asked to oral presentations and be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and ethical issues  discussion and on Google Classroom to see the Collaborate teacher's feedback. with others and deliver useful ideas มคอ.3/TQF 3 14 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 through class discussion and presentation. Exhibit students own perspectives and respect other ideas in multicultural contexts. Apply genre analysis in terms of lexico- grammatical features and rhetorical structures in research and academic writing Analyze and evaluate academic/professional works related to genre analysis in terms of lexico-grammatical features and rhetorical structures. Explain and analyze the theories, concepts, and principles of Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, English-language studies, and English for professional development. Utilize appropriate academic English skills in terms of lexico- grammatical features and rhetorical structure in writing assignments 13 Chapter 6: Preparing 3 o Provide feedback in The teacher demonstrates the significance Ajarn Dr. for Concept Paper Presentation Writing Q&A session of of how to present the research proposal at a Phirunkhana Assignment 2: Concept Paper oral presentations and conference. Phichiensathien Introduction 15% (Submission Date) ethical issues  The teacher shows how to use tips, Utilize APA citation and strategies, and the scope of the presentation. reference when creating The teacher uses authentic slides from the writing assignments online resources provided on Pubhtml5 for in- มคอ.3/TQF 3 15 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 (introduction, literature class activities. review, and concept The teacher provides the floor for students' paper) with writing discussion and preparation for presentation. techniques.  Students need to apply genre knowledge, Collaborate APA citations, and references to their with others and presentation. deliver useful ideas Students will be asked to evaluate their through class discussion peers and participate in Q&A session and presentation. All lessons, content, and worksheets are Exhibit students own provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. perspectives and respect All In-class assignments will be asked to other ideas in be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and multicultural contexts. discussion and on Google Classroom to see the Utilize appropriate teacher's feedback. academic English skills in terms of lexico- grammatical features and rhetorical structure in writing assignments Apply genre analysis in terms of lexico- grammatical features and rhetorical structures in research and academic writing 14 Concept Paper 3 Utilize APA citation and The teacher provides feedback for Ajarn Dr. Presentation 20% reference when creating students. Phirunkhana the writing assignments Students need to apply genre knowledge, Phichiensathien (introduction, literature APA citations, and references to their review, and concept presentation. paper) with writing Students will be asked to evaluate their techniques.  peers and participate in Q&A session o Provide feedback in All lessons, content, and worksheets are Q&A session of provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. oral presentations and All In-class assignments will be asked to ethical issues  be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and Apply genre analysis in discussion and on Google Classroom to see the terms of lexico- teacher's feedback. grammatical features and rhetorical structures มคอ.3/TQF 3 16 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 in research and academic writing Collaborate with others and deliver useful ideas through class discussion and presentation. Exhibit students own perspectives and respect other ideas in multicultural contexts. Utilize appropriate academic English skills in terms of lexico- grammatical features and rhetorical structure in writing assignments 15 Revising Concept 3 Utilize APA citation and The teacher provides feedback for students Ajarn Dr. Paper reference when creating consultation. Phirunkhana 16 Writing Assignment the writing assignments Students need to apply genre knowledge, Phichiensathien (introduction, literature APA citations, and references to their review, and concept presentation. paper) with writing All lessons, content, and worksheets are techniques.  provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. Apply genre analysis in All In-class assignments will be asked to terms of lexico- be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and grammatical features discussion and on Google Classroom to see the and rhetorical structures teacher's feedback. in research and academic writing Exhibit students own perspectives and respect other ideas in multicultural contexts. Utilize appropriate academic English skills in terms of lexico- grammatical features and rhetorical structure in writing assignments 3 Utilize APA citation and Students need to apply genre knowledge, Ajarn Dr. มคอ.3/TQF 3 17 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 3: Concept Paper reference when creating APA citations, and references to their Phirunkhana 20% (Submission Date) the writing assignments presentation. Phichiensathien 2. Lesson Plan Lab (introduction, literature Students will be asked to evaluate tthe มคอ.3/TQF 3 review, and concept course and participate in Q&A session paper) with writing All lessons, content, and worksheets are techniques.  provided on Pubhtml5 and Google Drive. o Provide feedback in All In-class assignments will be asked to Q&A session of be submitted on Google Drive for sharing and oral presentations and discussion and on Google Classroom to see the ethical issues  teacher's feedback. Explain and analyze the Students do self-reflection for the lesson theories, concepts, and and learn in the course. principles of Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, English-language studies, and English for professional development. Apply genre analysis in terms of lexico- grammatical features and rhetorical structures in research and academic writing Exhibit students own perspectives and respect other ideas in multicultural contexts. Collaborate with others and deliver useful ideas through class discussion and presentation. Utilize appropriate academic English skills in terms of lexico- grammatical features and rhetorical structure in writing assignments 18 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 Week Number of Number Topics Lecture Clo Activity and Material Instructor Instructor Specific Hours 3. Evaluation Plan Specify the details of assessment method and assessment proportion of each topic as stated in the curriculum mapping Domain of Learning Assessment Method Assessment Week Assessment Proportion Written exam - Short answer, 6 20% 1.1 3.1 5.1 15% Quiz: Writing Techniques 15% 1.1 2.1 3.1 5.1 Assignments/ Homework, 9 20% 20% Writing Assignment 1: Literature Review 1.1 2.1 3.1 5.1 Assignments/ Homework, 13 Writing Assignment 2: Concept Paper Introduction 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 5.1 Writing Assignment 3: 16 Concept Paper 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 Oral presentation, 15 Concept Paper Presentation 4.2 Observation, 1-16 10% Participation and discussion Remark : This information will be a part of verification of learning outcomes of all courses of each semester. มคอ.3/TQF 3 19 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 Section 5 References Specify reading materials including textbooks, documents, suggested reading and/or other resources (with standard referencing format) 1. Type of book / textbook Book Title English for writing research papers Author Wallwork, A Time to Print 2nd Place of Publication New York Publishers/Printers Springer International Publishing Year Of Publication 2016 Book Title Academic writing for graduate students: Essential tasks and skills Author Swales, J. M., & Feak, C. B. Time to Print 2nd Place of Publication Ann Arbor, USA Publishers/Printers University of Michigan Press Year Of Publication 2004 Book Title Writing research papers: A complete guide Author Lester, J. D., & Lester Junior, J. D. Time to Print 16 Place of Publication USA Publishers/Printers Pearson Education Year Of Publication 2018 2. Type of journal/Database/Other Book Title มคอ.3/TQF 3 20 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 Section 6 Evaluation and Improvement of Course Operations ** Please give more than one, if possible. Course Evaluation 1. Assessment Strategy by Students Teaching Assessment Other (please specify) 2. Verification of Learning Outcomes To verify the constructive alignment model, it needs to consider Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) in terms Other (please specify) of teaching method, assessment details (method and proportion, grading) and other teaching and learning problems. The appointment of the School Verification Committee The appointment of experts and program committee into the verification committee มคอ.3/TQF 3 21 / 22

มคอ.3/TQF 3 Name of Course Instructor / Course Coordinator Ajarn Dr. Phirunkhana Phichiensathien Date of Submission 05 August 2023, 07:48 มคอ.3/TQF 3 22 / 22

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