MARTINA LAVARIAS y PADRE San Carl o~ City January 30. 19-+8 .Major: English MARIA LITA BAGBAGAY y LAROCO Antamok !\\ lin es Ap ril 23. 195-t l\\fajor: Pilipi110 CYNTHIA GOMEZ y CAMACHO Xaguilian, La L·nion Xo,·embcr i , 1950 Majllr: .Ui ulogy MARIA ZENAIDA LEE y CHAN Baguio City · December 11, 1952 Cum Laude major: Major: Ho1~1e Economics member: Home 1\\Iakers' Club
MERCEDES MANANDEG -CHAN Baguio City Augu t 20, 1946 l\\1ajor: Eqg\\it;h-Pilipino Cum Laude president: Education Class, 1972-73 PERLA NIMER y IMBAT l'ozorrubio, Pangasinan May 6, 1951 Major: General Science member: Bio-science Club MARCELO SUMCAD ASUNCION PERALTA y LAPPAO y UBALDO 1\\1ountain Provmce Cuyapo, Nuna Ecija March 30, 1951 August 14, 19-1-9 Major: Jlistory Major: Mathematics member: fit\\pino club scholar, 1971-72 BIBAK member: Sl.U-PC-ROTC Corps of SLU PC-ROTC Corps Cadet ( )fficers. 1970-72 of Sponsors, 1973-74
EUFROCINA ULPINDO y GARCIA Baguio Cit;; January 2. 1952 Major: Pilipino FLORECITA VIDUYA y ESTOESTA Tubao, La Union June 30, 1952 Major: Pilipino MERCEDITA VIRAY y RIVERA Baguio City April 22, 1952 Major: Home Economics member: U 11 ivcr:-;i ty Choir
Bachelor of Science in ROSARIO OLIVAR Elementary Education y NAMA Villasis, Pangasinan July 1. 1948 sgt--at-arms: 1'\\',\\ Scholars, SLU Chapter member: CniHrsity Chuir, 1970-71 1'a11gasi11a11 Varsitarian, 1970-71 CONSUELO HUFANA y COLOMA San Fernando, La Union August 26, 1952 CHRISTINE GAPUZ y MAZON Bauang, La Union July 21, 1953 member: Univcr ity Choir
DIOLA PEDRO y BACASEN THELMA RODRIGUEZ y PONTANILLA Huguias, Benguet Province July 16, 1954 Pani·qui, Tarlac February 2, 1953 member: Cni,·ersity Choir CONCHITA SOBREMONTE MILAGROS SUMAGIT y DUCUSIN y NAVAL San Fernando. La Union Cabugao, Ilocos Sur October 2. 1952 July 11 , 1953 member: member: Cniversity Choir UniYersity Choir
\"9 o{ten Sal) that ... CJ,1)/ien l)Oll can measure what CJ)ou. are speaking about, sfind express it in numbers, CJ)ou know somethin~ about it: do that when LjOU cannot Cxpress it in numbers, l)OUr CJCnowfedge is of a meager and C/lnsalis/actorlj /~ind.\"
Architecture EDITHA ABELLERA y MANGONON Baguio City August 25 member : Tcktons Organization L oyalt y M edalist CARMENCITA ESPINO y SANZ Arurny. l\\ [asbate A ug ust 12, 1952 member: Tektons Organization E ng'g. a nd r\\rch. Ladies' O rganization JUAN ANDRES, JR. y PONCE V iga 11 . llocos Sur May 1-J., 1952 member : Tektons Organization
SUSAN GRAGASIN Y BULAON Baguio Cit,· Dl'cem bn ·1 , 1953 member: Tekto11~ Organization Loyalty Medalist ELIZABETH JOSEPH y SALVADOR Bagni\" Cit\\· Jnne 5, 19S3 secretary : Tekton:-; Organization. 1971-72 Loyalty Medalist NORMA VILORIA y SANSANO Halaoan . La Union July 9 member: Tektons Organization Engineering- and Architecture l .adil':-' 1 Organization
Chemistry MARIA LEN CHARVET ALICIA BAUTISTA y ORTIZ Bangar, La Un ion July 14 Manila April 8, 1954 member: secretary: Chemical Society Engineering and Architecture Engineering Council, 1971-72 Ladies' Organization 1971-72 Public Speaking Organization, 1971-72 year representative: Chemical Society member: CEA Honor Society Eng'g. and Architecture Ladies' Organization, 1070-71 YABAC P .-\\ T.-\\ \\Yorksh op '70. hospitality committee
Chemical Engineering ARLEAN ALAMARES y LOBOS IJaraga, Albay June 14. 1952 member: Chemical Society College of Engineering and Architecture Ladies Organization FLORA DIAZ y SOTELO Tubao, La Union January 29. 1952 member: Chem ical Society Engineering and Architecture Ladies' Organization La Union Varsitarian MANUEL GLORIA y INFANTE I htmagm.:tc City October I . 195.3 Cum Laude president: Chemical Engineering Class, 1973 vice president: Chemical Society, 1972-7.3 business manager: Engineering Council , 1971-72 secretary: l·:ngineering- and Architecture Counci l. 1970-71 editorial assistant: The Sword and the Shield '74 member: CE.'\\ Honor Society. 1969-74
LI VI JU y WONG Baguio City member: Chemical Society DANILO SISON y FERNANDEZ l .ingayen. Pangasinan Decl'111 her 12. I <J52 member: ( 'he111ical Society PIERRE MANALO y LLANES Baguio City December 10, 1953 president: Eng'g. and 1\\rch. Fre hman Cuunci I, 1969-70 vice president: Chemical Eng'g. Cla s 1974 captain ball: RAYMUNDA VALENCERINA SLU Varsity Team, 1973-74 member: y ESPINO Chemical Society Bugallon, Pangasinan Engineering and Architecture .\\pril 1-l, 1951 member: Honor Society Chemical Society Eng'g. Basketball Team 15th Intramural Most Valuable Engi11eering and Architecture 1.aclil':<' ( )rga11ization Player
CARLITO GOMEZ nayambang. Pangasinan Decem her 26, 1952 pro: CiYil E11g-ineeri11g Club, 197-J. REYNALDO CAMONGAO yDE GUZMAN Baguio City April 18, 1952 FLORANTE BALALA RENE MANALO y LLANES y SIBAYAN Baguio City Luna, La Union October 7. 1952 September IR, 1951 member: member: CiYil Engineering Club Civil Engineering Club l ~ngineering Basketball Team Civil Engineering
PAQUITO PAGUIRIGAN y ABUAN Sa ng ilo l\\1in es, Itog-on November 15 . 1952 member: Civil E ng ineerin g- Club, 1974 JAN PEREZ y CASTILLO Baguio City J anua ry 23, 1952 member: Civil E ngineering Club CESAR UMADHAY ALEJANDRO TELLO y PADILLA y MANZANO San Quintin, Pangasinan Bokod, Benguet July 13, 1947 November 24, 1951 efficiency medalist: member: ' LU PC ROT C Ci vil E ng ineering Club member: ALEXANDER VALENCIA Civil Engineering Club, 1974 y DICCION San l\\1anuel, Pangasinan Jul y 22, 1948 member: Civil and Geodetic Eng'g. Club CiYil E ng'g. Basketball Team
Electrical Engineering SABAS BERNARDEZ, JR y QUEZA Kabugao , Kalinga- :\\ payao February 19, 1951 member: Electrical Enginecri1w Megawatts JOSE ARELLANO y RAMOS Lonogon. I\\on toe .\\ugust 19, 19-+9 member: Electrical l·:nginecring l\\Iegawatts 1971-73 LUIS ANGWAY, JR. y DALILIS Halatoc Mines December 21, 1951 member: Electrical Engineering l\\1cgawatts 1971-72 Loyalty Medalist ROMEO BUGARIN y GALI Paniqui, Tarlac March 4, 1952 member: Electrical Engineering Megawatts National Science Development Board Inventors' Society
DANILO CANOSA y MARIANO Daguio City February 5, 1952 member: Electrical Engineering Megawatts junior member: Philippine Society of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers Loyalty Medalist ERNESTO ELEFANTE y ESTRANERO Santiago, llucos Sur October 16, 1950 member: Electrical Engineering l\\f egawatts, 1971-73 ANTONIO ESTILLORE JR. y SORIANO Baguio City July 6. 1952 member: Electrical Engineering Megawatts. 1972-74 VINCENT FERRER y GUTIERREZ Lingayen, Pangasinan April 5, 1952 member: Electrical Engineering Megawatts, 1971-74
HUBERTO MOGAN y DINGLI Masinloc, Zambales June 3, 1950 member: Electrical Engineering Megawatts, 1974 Chess Club Electronics Club, 1972 RICARDO MURAO, JR. y ARAOS Pozorrubio, Pangasinan A ugust 25, 1950 member: Electrical Engineering Megawatts, 1971-73 Bridge Club, 1973-74 Pangasinan Varsitarian, 1971-73 ROGELIO PUNGTILAN CAMILO NISPEROS, JR. y CORREA y DUCLAYAN Bauang, La Union August 14, 195 1 San Fernando, La Union member: May 18. 1952 member: Megawatts, 1972-74 Electrical Engi neering Megawatt , 1972-74
NESTOR TAGUPA y CONCEPCION Baguio City uvember 8, 1952 member: Electrical Engineering Megawatts, 1974 ORLANDO SABADO y CABADING Bauang, La Union August 25, 1953 member: Philippine Association for Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, 1974 Electrical Engineering Megawatts Club, 1971-74 Electronics Society, 1972 La Un ion Varsitarian, 1970-72 Bridge Club, 1973-74 NICANOR SABADO VIRGILIO SESE y CABADING y CAPIRAL Bauang, La Union February 24, 1950 Dongabon, N ueva Ecija member: November 27, 1952 member: La Union \\'arsitarian~, 1970-73 Megawatts, 1971-74 Megawatts Philippine Ass'n. of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers.
Electronics Engineering JOSE ANG y CABINTO Baguio City August 8, 195 1 member: Electronics Club YSMAEL BADUA y MENDOZA Aritao, Nueva V1zcaya May 19, 1953 member: Electronics Club HERMINIO BANA Y DORIS BENTREZ y GANIBAN y BENTREZ Bauang, La Union Baguio City · April 29, 1950 November 17, 1952 member: vice-president: Electronics Club Electronics Club La Union Varsitarian member: CEA Honor Society College of Engineering and Architecture Ladies Organization
ROMULO CAMBALIZA ORLANDO DUMO y PANEM y LICLICAN ·arY aca n. !locos Sur 1\\aguilian, La Cnion Februarv 17. ]<)52 October 2-t, 1952 presiden't: member: Supreme St ud ent Council. 1972-73 Electrnnic,.; Club Eng'g-. and .-\\rch· Sophomore 'ESPLENDOR LUMANG y ARCANGEL Council. 1970-71 Batac. llncos Norte E lectronic,.; Cl ub, 1971-72 t\\ on~111 her 16. 11J52 member: Eng'a. and .\\rch. Council, 1971-72 National YA 8 :\\C. 1972 Ekctronic,.; C l11h Youth Advisory Board for the SANTIAGO ESTANDIAN y CORPUZ J\\dvan<.:emcnt of CooperatiH'S. Baguio Chapter. 1972-73 Baguio City vice chairman : May 1, 1952 \\' ABAC. J<)72 chairman : vice-president: College of Eng-ineering and CF!\\ Honor Society . 1971 -72 A rch itecture Council, 1972-73 treasurer : president: C El\\ If llnor Society. 1()70-7 1 Engineering- and Architecture Junior Council, 1971-72 pro: Electronic,.; Cluh. lW0-71 pro: Honor Society, 1972-73 business manager : Chemical Society. 1969-1970 editorial assistant: The S \\\\' ord and the Shield '7-t associate editor: The word and the Shield '74 member: Electronics Club . 1971-74 Sound Sy,.;tcm 'Cnit, 1971-7+
LORETO MAPALO y BALANGA .\\;;ingan . Panga:;inan ~lay 28. 1950 member: l ~ lectronic;; Club DANTE MARINAS y CALLANTA Dagupan City April 16, 1953 member: Electronics Club YMCA-Dagupan City Chapter PANTALEON QUERO JR. BENJAMIN RULLODA y ADVIENTO y CARINO Urdaneta, Pangasinan Aringay, La Union March 29, 1952 May 24, 1953 member: member: Electrical Engineering Club Electronics Club, 1971-74 SLU Ches:; Club Electrical Engg. Basketball Team Sound Sy stem \"L'nit, 1971-74
Industrial Engineering DAVID DUGENA y LAGON Caba, La Cnion February 2-t . 1952 member: Organization of ~ational Integration Grantees SLli Chess ·1uh FERNANDO BALDERAMA Y BADERE Tayum, Abra January 29, 1952 member: Saint Louis University Band HERMAN GENGANIA ANA BELEN NOBLE y GAPUZ Y ORODIO :'.'\\aguilian. La Cnion Baguio City l\\larch 7, 1950 January 8, 1953 member: member: 1ndu,.; trial Engineering Club Engineering and Architecture Ladies' Organization
ARNULFO QUEZON y MALAPIT .\\gou. La Union January 13, L9-t7 member: lndustrial Engineeri ng Clu b r!~ VICTOR VARGAS y OSITA Baguio City October 5, 1953 vice-president: Supreme Student Counci l, 1972-73 Eng'g. and Arch. Junior Council, 1971-72 1970-71 MANUEL TOM y LEE llaguio City June 10, 1952 member: Industrial Engineering Club
Mathematics PERFECTA ABELLADA y MENDOZA Baguio City December 12. 1952 member: College sufOrEgannigzaitnieo1e~r.i.n.,\" and . \\rchitcctur~ Ladie ARNUFO CARMELO y PINGEN Bantay, !locos Sur August 15, 1942 member: Christian Social Action BANCHA SAENGHIRAN Chachoengsao, Thailand July 7, 1945 Cum Laude
IKE CLEMENTE y PEREZ Mechanical Engineering Uagui o City January 11. 1953 president : Association of Stuclen ts in l\\lechanical Engineering vice-president: Engineering Senior Council, 1973 pro: Huiler Society. 1973 Loyalty Medalist HUMBERT GALI y ESQUEJO Baguio City November 29, 1952 member: Association of Students in Mechanical Engineering, 1974 Boiler Society. 1972 Chess Club JOVENCIO ESTERA y ABAT LUISITO JIMENO Baguio City y GAERLAN June 1, 1952 'member: San Fernando: La Cnion ,January 8, 1953 .\\ssoc1ation of Students in member: Mechanical Engineering. 1972-73 Association of Students in Boiler\\ Society, 1971-72 Mechanical Engineering, 1974 Boiler Society. 1973 La Union \\ 'arsitarian , 1969-72
ALEXANDER MANALO y CABATO Hauang, La Union June 19, 19-J.7 member: Association of Students in l\\fechanical Engfoeeringl,, )974 Boiler Sucicty, 1973 ARTHUR MANACNIS y IGO Tabuk, Kalinga-Apayao August 24, 195 1 pro: Mechanical Engineering Class 74 member: Ekctrical Engineering Megawatts, 197 1-72 Boilers Society Assuciati11n o( Students in l\\1cchanica1 Engineering, 1974 BIB:\\K, · 1968-72 DICK KU y BERNARDO ORLANDO MAPANAO y MUNAR Baguio City eptember 24, 1950 :Lepanto. Benguet November 7, 1951 member: As ·ociation of Student in 1974 l\\1cchanical Engineering
NICOLAS MEDINA EUSEBIO PAGALING y MENDOZA y SALVIEJO Baguio City Gcrona. Tarlac Septcm ber -t. 1948 December 16, 1949 member: member: As ociation of Students in :\\ ;;;;ociati()n of Students in Mechanical Engineering, 1974 :\\I echanical Engineering. 11)74 Boiler Society. 1973 n11ikr Society. 197.3 JULIAN PALOMARES HENRY SARMIENTO y VALENCIA y MANZANO San Mateo, Isabela l\\1anaoag, Pangasinan October 18, 1950 March 10, 1951 member: member: Association of Students in Association of Students in Mechanical Engineering, 1974 Mechanical Engineering, 1974 Boiler Society, 1973 Boiler Society, 1<>7.1 I sal ela Varsitarians, 1970-72
REYNALDO SORIANO ROLANDO TANGALIN y SUAREZ y ANDRADA Dagupan City Bauang, La Union January 30, 1952 January 14, 1950 president: Association of Students m l\\lcchanical Engineering, 1972 secretary: Boiler Society , 1974 junior member: Philippine Association for Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, 1974 MICHAEL SY y PELINIA naguio City .\\ugu st 18, 1947 member: .\\ s:;ociation of Studenb in Mechanical Engineering JOE VILLANUEVA CONSTANTE VILORIA y SECRETARIO y FAGELA Antamok Mines Magsingal, !locos Sur March 11, 1952 1un e 18, 1953 sgt. at arms: president: Confederation of !locos Sur Boiler Society, 1972-73 Students, 1972 vice-president: member: Association of Students in As ociation of Students in Mechanical Engineering;11974 Mechanical Engineering, 1974 Boiler Society, 1973
FEAR'S TENSE JS FUTURE Too brief the brief summer's knowing the blooming fire of knowing grieving in deep desire's grieving in the melancholy of the even{ng before the white horizon: \"I will have to write, on, it myself\" \"I will have your address, and you will know mine when I write, and soon.\" Too brief a summer's knowing and before the knowing breathes it's gone, the breath of knowing grieving in deep desire's grieving in the melancholy of the evening before the white horizon: \"I will have to write on it myself\" \"I will have your address, and you will know mine when I write, and soon.\" A long story in a summer's evening just after the last lecture hour; a tight handshake only two can know; and the evening sees the day die upon a tightening handshake: betweeen the palms only time must wedge-the wedge of time! \"I will have your address, and you will know mine when I write, and soon.\" Must time feel the warmth of hands undone; fear's tense is future; neurosis' tense is past ; to be sane, the present knowing and the living of the choosing for the writing on the white horizon; and care is in this: the unspoken word wrapped in the napkin of fear of saying the sayable feeling brewing in the fire of knowing griPving in deep desire's grieving at the end of the summer's loving- to late, the later still is lasting. F. H. Hornedo
MARY ANN ALMARIO CESAR BALDUEZA y SISON y MAGHINANG Bautista, Pangasinan Plaridel, Bulacan July 30, 1953 May 19, 1953 Magna Cum Laude .associate editor: Sound and Sense Journal, 1972-73 Economics EDEN DEUS y CANO ROLAND DOMINGO y ESPERANZA Cabanatuan City December 27, 1952 Irisan associate editor: March 21, 1953 gold medalist : Sound and Sense Journal, 1972 member: Dupont Marathon, 1972 NueYa Ecija Varsitarians, 1972-73
MANUEL IMSON JULIET PINEDA y CRUZ y GREGORIO Concepcion, Tarlac Baguio City August 6, 1953 March 5, 1954 Cum Laude academic scholar : 1970-74 president: CHS Sophomore Council, 1971-72 CHS Juniur Council, 1972-73 editor: Sound and Sen e Journal, 1972-73 The Sword an<l The Shield '74 athletic coordinator: College of Human Sciences, 1973-74 treasurer: CHS Freshman Council, 1970-71 awardee: Outstanding Student of the College of Human Sciences, 1971 and 72 SSC Student Leadership, 1972 EDITA YUMUL y DIZON Angel~s City March 10, 1953 member: Tarlac Varsitarians Kapampangan Varsitarians
SAMUEL NATIVIDAD y DACAYANAN Roxas, I ·abela July 7, 1953 REBECCA DACANAY y SABIO San Fernando, llocos Sur November 29, 1954 OFELIA ROMERO Philosophy y SANSANO Rosales, Pangasinan March 28. 1952
ERLINDA JACINTO y MORANTE Baguio City January 9, 1953 member: Psyche Club GLORIA CHAN y LEE Baguio City August 11 , 1953 member: Psy_che Cl ub Psychology BARTOLOME AREVALO y ARBOLEDA Vuczon City lanuary 21. 1953 ~ice-president: Junior l'~yche Cl 11 h . Jl)72
EDNA MACALINO LOURDES PADILLA y GALANO y ANCHETA San Fernando, La Union Baguio City December 31 , 1952 January 18, 195-t pro: Loyalty Medalist Cardijn Hall Interns, 1973-74 representative: f.eader ship Training, 1972-73 member: P syche Club EMILY QUITOS y NISPEROS Baguio City April 29, 1953 Loyalty Medalist
ALICIA RARANG y MORANTE Bagui o City February 6, 1953 year representative: P :->yche Club, 1970-72 LOURDES RUEDA y ABAD TERESITA VILLAMORAN y ROORTGUEZ San Jose City, ~ueva Ecija January 10, 1953 Limay, Bataan member: July 16, 1953 Psyche Club member: Nuev'1 Ecija Varsitarians Psyche Club
Mass Communication BERNARDITA BAUTISTA y VERROYA Haguio City l\\larch 16, 1953 Cum Laude member: SLU Playhouse MANUEL BRAVO GERARDO BELTRAN y ESTABILLO y PENERA Baguio City Jfa<Yuio Citv February 21, 1953 l\\larch 31, l<J53 associate editor: associate editor: Sound and Sense J ournal, 1970-71 Sound and Sense Journal. 1971-72 business manager : vice-president: CHS Second Year Council, 1971-72 CHS Freshman Counci 1, 1970-7 1 member: member: Arts and Letters Guild, 1970-71 1\\1 cclia .\\ct ion Cente r, 1972 Media Action Center, 1972
MILA CASUGAY y FLORES San Fernando, La Union .February 6, 1953 RAMON DAVID y SALUD Baguio City October 20, 1953 DOROTHY LANSANG ERNESTO DY y MARQUEZ y DAVID San Fernando, La Union October 12, 1950 Baguio City member: May 16, 1954 secretary: Chess Club La Union Varsitarians, 1972 Dramatics Guild, 1972-73 pro: . CHS Freshman Council, 1971-72 cub reporter: Media Action Center, 1972 member: Arts and Letters Guild, 1970-71 Loyalty Medalist
MARY ANN MIJARES - CUARTELON Baguio City December 23. 1953 Cum Laude FELINO JOSEPH y SALVADOR Baguio City September 18, 1954 member: Media Action Center CHILDE LIBERTAD y TUGAFF Bacolod City February 1, 1950 choreographer: Saint Louis University cheer leader : College of Human Sciences LUDOVICO OCAMPO y MALONZO Magalang, ·Pampanga NoYember 9, 1952
PURITA PURI y SALTA Tarlac. Tarlac May 13, 1953 HILARIO RUBIO y LENES Tayabas. Q uezon December 3, 1953 member: Dramatic Guild l\\[eclia .\\ction Center
ALFRED BAYSA y PINERA Cauayan, lsabela N ovembcr 14, I<J52 ALEXANDER CALANGAN y BARNACHEA Tagudin, llocos Sur Aug-ust 21, 1953 Political Science NESTOR MILLADO y YANGA Gerona, Tarlac July 17, 1953
\" I JOSEFINA PARAGAS y UEHARA 6ear and.for6ear Sual, Pangasinan March 2-l, 1954 REYNALDO MOGAN y DINGLI Masinloc, Zambales l\\Iay 17, 1952 member: Political Science Clnh SLU Chess Clnh DANILO MORALES ERLINDA PERALTA y FACTORA y · DANDOY Baguio City Sta· Maria, llocos Snr February 27, 1953 January 3, 1954
FATIMA GALANG J~fl.!n y GANARA English San liguel. Tarlac March 23, 1953 FELICIDAD GALINDEZ y ABUBO, Nueva Vizcaya October 23, 1953 member: English-Literature l\\fajors' Society MA . STELLA SIOJO JULIET DEL ROSARIO y GRAGASIN y RAMOS Baguio City lligan City, Lanao del Norte ] unc 22, 1952 March 28, 1953 member: English Literature Majors' Society Psyche Club, 1971-72 SLU Dance Troupe, 1970-71
ZENAIDA ANDAYA A. B. Secretarial y CANTAOI Banga r. I.a C11iu11 :\\l ay 2. 195-f ELOISA CADAG y ESPIRITU SANTO Teresa, H.iza l l\\1ay 20, 1953 MA. SOCORRO COSICO PAULINE LAYSON y EVANGELISTA y ORALLO Guag ua. l'ampa11ga Baguio City l\\l a y 16. 1952 February 20, 1953 member: Book Lovers' Guild
A. B. Biology JULIETA RAMOS y TOLENTINO Baguio Citv June 16, 1952 member: Arts and Letters Guild AGUSTINUS LILAK y RURUK Indonesia August 28, 195-1- Literature LOURDES JOSUE +8~ y REGILME 5 x~ San l\\Tanuel. Pa11gasinan =~o~~ \\larch 8, 1951 +c= A. B. Mathematics
CECILIA FLORES Sociology y VICTORIA AIDA ABAN y RUNAS l\\aguio City September -l, 1954 Daguio City Cum Laude ~ovember 8, 1953 academic scholar, 1970-74 research assistant: recipient: Association of Catholic universities Catholic \"Cniversity of Lottvain in the Phil. , 1974 Sociology Scholarship, 1972-73 1\\1 & R (Phil.) Foundatfon , Inc.. 1973 editor: Sociological H.csearch In · ti tut •' 1971-73 Sound and Sense Journal, 1973 delegate: Philippine Sociological Convention, 1972- managing editor: Loyalty Medalist The Sword and The Shield, 1974 research assistant : Association of Catholic Universities in the Phil., 1974 vice-president: Jttnior Council, 1972-73 pro: CHS Sophomore Council, 1971-72 delegate: Philippine Sociological Convention , 1972 gold medalist: Arts and Letters Guild's ''klocution Contest\", 1971 awardee: Otttstanding Student of the College of Huma11 Sciences. 1971 Arts and Letters Guild';; \"Cha111pi1111 of Champions\", 1972 \"Ht 101&o hotoa not and knows· not, he kno10a not, M ii a fOol-ahun. him: Be t01&o knows not and kn010s, he knows not, lie ia ·- fimple-teach him: Be wlao knows and knows not, he knows, he iB asleep-wake him; Be who knows and knows, ke knows, he iB wise- ! ollow him!\"
CORDELIA COLOMA AVELINA BANDA y MINA y DE GUZMAN Baguio City l:aguiu City November 10, 1953 !\\larch 10, 1953 recipient: recipient: KUL Sociology Scholarship, 1971-72 KCL Sociology Scholarship, 1971-73 research assistant: research assistant: M & l{ Philippines, 1973 !\\[ & J{ Philippines. Baguio City, 1973 Association oi Catholic : \\s~ociation of Catholic Universities in the Philippines. 1914 l:ni,·ersities in the Phil.. 1974 Sociological Research Jnstitnte 1971-73 Sociulog-ical Research Institute, 1971-73 delegate: delegate: Phi!. Soc101l)<Yical Convention 1972 Loyalty Medalist Philippine Sociological Convention. 1972 CATALINA PALOMARES y VALENCIA San l\\latco, babela \\pril 30. 1952 research assistant: M & R Philippines, 1973 member: Association of Catholic Universities in the Philippines, 1972 Sociology Research Institute, .1971-73 delegate: Philippine Sociological Convention, 1972
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