\"That which we al'e, we are; nwde weak by time and .fate ' but strnng in will. To .~hive, tu seek, to find and uot to yield.\"
EGRESS 'l.'he daring cumbrous wind gushes as it drifts o'er hills and plains, It stops-only to probe the unconstrained silence of a long-Dived tree. Now-the tree swings in rapid succession, awakened by the avidity of a permeating force. l hear it scream, yet silently as the falling deuitrops from the verdant green leaves to the murky mire that was once not its own. 1... 2... 3 ... 4... 5. . . 6. . . . 9 leaves flung carelessly nowhere, All too numb as to purr upon the loss of equanimity. The wind beckons still the leaves must mingle even ia such strange embrace in a seething world that shatters the blatant sunlight. Tli e tree inane in its frenzied search for insulated security must lie naked even at the conspicuous glare of the distant ray. T'is autumn and the whirling wind will still prevail to envelope the ebbing pain that lingers. To hear the mute. reticent 'good-byes ' of the fallen leaves as they reach out-somewhere from places of no return to the debris (?) Perhaps ... to the solitary hill. -cyl
B. S. Pharmacy ADELTRUDES BALLADA y QUILIP Baguio City February 24, 1953 Loyalty Medalist JASMIN PABALAN TITA GACUTAN y BALAGOT y AQUINO Candon. llocos Sur Baguio City i\\on:mbcr 9, 1952 July 17, 1953 president: CNS Sophomore Council, 1970-71 treasurer: CNS Sophomore Council, 1971-72 member: SLU PC ROTC Corps of Sponsor, 1970-71 Med. Tech Society, 1969-70 Silahis Dance Troupe, 1970-71 Loyalty Medalist
B.S. Biology MARY MARGARET ACMOR y DUMALSEN Baguio City May 2, 195-1- academic scholar, 1972, 1974 associate editor: The s,,·ord and the Shield '74 member: B.S. Biology Society JOSE ALMACHAR ERLINDA BALANGAY y DOMALOS y SAOIT Kapangan . nl'11g-11et l'ru,·ince San Nicholas, !locos Norte June 21, 1952 October 2, 1953 member: corps commander : B.S. Biology S()cicty SLU PC ROTC Unit. 1973-74 member: B.S. Biology Society
JAIME BALMEO REBECCA CARANTES y PARUNGAO y BATNAG Munoz, Nucya Ecija Baguio City .February 18. 195-l Decem her l, 1<JS I member: academic scholar, 1973 member: B.S. Biology Society B.S. Biology Society BENJAMIN CHAN ELEANOR DE LA CRUZ y MADAYAG y TANABE Angeles City Agoo, La Union March 24, 1953 October 25, 1953 member: academic scholar, 1970-7~ Cum Laude B.s. Biology Society member: B.S. Biology Society Kapangpangan Varsitarian, 1972
MARILYN FRONDA SISTER FIDELIS METHENEE y TOLENTINO INTHESEN Baguio City Sakolnakorn, Thailand November .25, 1951 December 12, 1949 member: member: B.S. Biology Society B.S. Biology Society REGINA KATO y GUIREY Itogon, Benguet September 6, 1953 member: B.s. Biology Society JULIE LAMSIS y POLO Baguio City Jul y 13 1115-1- member: B.S. Biology Society
EVANGELINE MANUEL AIDA MAGLAYA y VILLANUEVA y FERNANDEZ Baguio City Caba, La Union February 3. 1952 January 6, 1951 Cum Laude member: academic scholar, 1970-74 treasurer: B.S. Biology Society B.S. Biology Society, 1971-72 business manager : CNS Sophomore Council, 1971 -72 Loyalty Medalist ELVIRA MENDOZA y TORRES Caba, La Union February 2. 1953 member: n.s. Biology Society MARGARET MAYO y GAGAOIN Baguio City .\\la,- 20, 1953 member: B.S. lliology Society
MIGUEL OCAMPO San Juan, La Union June 20, 1953 academic scholar, 1972-73 member: B.S. Biology Society CNS Basketball Team EMILIO MINA y LAMINOZA Tagudin, Ilocos Sur July 11, 1952 skipper: CNS Basketball Team member : B.S. Biology Society MARCIANA PAGNAS JASMIN PALPAL-LATOC · y POLAS y MERCED Baguio City Haguio City March 14, 1953 :\\ugust 12, 1954 member: member: B.S. Biology Society B.S. Biology Society
PANCHO PARAMIO y JULIAN Calasiao, Pangasinan November 3, 1952 member: CXS Chess Team, 1973-74 ELVIRA REYES y ALFONSO Asingan, Pangasinan August 6 member: Med. Tech Society B.s. Biology Society ·' ', MOISES SALAZAR y ACOSTA ; ·· . '~The .Reali~i/,of Lile is !.Ale.._ . . ~· '.its'eif, whose beginning is rwt : in Natividad , Pangasinan November 25, 195.~ ·;-: the ·womb~ and . whose ending is. member: · not ·in the,' grave.'' B.S. Hiology Society
ERNESTO SALES y FLORES La Trinidad, Benguet August 3, 1952 member: B.s. Biology Society LORN A VIRAY y CASTRO MA. TERESITA SURATOS y PEREZ Baguio City July 2, 1S)51 Antamok .l\\Iincs assistant treasurer: February 4. 1952 member: Pre-Nursing Organization, 1970-71 U.S. Biology Society representative: College of ~atural Sciences Council, 1969-71 member: lllOTA, 1971-73 B.S. Biology Society, 197 1-73 Loyalty Medalist
B.S. Medical Technology NENITA ABENOJAR NELLIE ABENOJA y BAUTISTA y CALUZA Naguilian, La Cnion Naguilian, La Union December 29, 1952 A ugust 17, 1953 intern: intern: Lonna Ho pita! San Juan de Dio · Hospital SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med· Tech Society, 1970-74 l\\1cd . Tech Society, 1970-74 NORMA JEAN ABAR y RAMOS \\ \"igan. lloco ~ Sttr Decem lier 30. 1952 intern: Dagupan Hcgional Health Lab. Xo. J Baguio Ilealth Department member: l\\led. Tech. Society. 1970-74
CLARITA ACOSTA BERNADETTE ABREA y LAPITAN y GONZALES Tagudin, !locos Sur Angeles City n[arch 20. 1953 December 14, 1953 intern: intern: SLC Charity Clinic Baguio Health Department member: SLU Charity Clinic ' Hon()r Section . 1970-71 member: Honor Secti on, 1970-71 l\\[cd. Tech Sllciety , 1070-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 VERONICA ACOSTA MARYLOU AGSALUD y SAZON y MORONDOS Lingayen, Pangasinan Paniqui, Tarlac March 11, 1954 April 3, 1953 intern: intern: Dagupan Regional Health Baguio Health Department Lab. No. 1 SLU Charity Clinic member: SLU Charity Clinic Honor Section, 1970-71 member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society. 1970-74 Pangasinan Varsitarian
ELSA AMBEGIA y ALBANO CAROL ANDAWI y DEGAY l\\1alasique. Pangasinan Baguio City October IR I952 intern: December 12, 1950 intern: Baguio 1fealth Department Baguio Heahh Department Su; Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 I lonor Section. ]<)70-71 MccJ. Tech Society. 1970-7+ l\\lcd. Tech I nterlab Tournament (Pi11buster). 1973-7+ EVANGELINE AGUILAR NESTOR ALCEoo · y ESTEBAN y AZURIN Bautista, Pangasinan Vigan, Ilocos Sur May 29, 1953 July 4, 1953 intern: intern: SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic San Juan de Dios Hospital San Lazaro Hospital member: piember: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Interlab Tournament (Pinbuster, Quiz Show Contestant), 1973
MARJORIE AQUINO MARILYN AQUIAPAO y REFRE y SUELLO San Fernando. La Union ilaguio City July ,10. J<J52 July 5, 1952 intern: intern: lJagupan f{cg-i1J11al Healt h Baguio General Hospital Lab. :\\o. 1 SLl.j Charity Clinic member: SU ; Chari t\\· Cli nic l\\k<l. Tech Society, 1970-74 member : · Loyalty Medalist l\\led . T l'ch S11ciety. 1970-7.+ E ng'g-. and .\\rchitecture Ladi<.'/ Organization, J<J70-7 1 AMELITA ANTONIO REBECCA AQUINO y ANDRADA y RODRIGUEZ Urdaneta, Pangasinan San Carlos City June 24, 1953 October 5 intern: intern: · Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic member: Baguio General Hospital member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Interlab Tournament (Chess player), 1973-74
ROSARIO ARQUERO RENATO AVECILLA y MILLAN y DE GUZMAN Victoria, Oriental Mindoro San Jose City August 23, 1951 i\\oq;mbcr 29, 1953 intern: ~ntern: SLC Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic San Lazar•> Hospital Pines City Doctors' Hospital member: member: l\\led. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society. 1970-74 l\\lcd. Tech lntcrl:;b Tournament {lJiubustcr), 1973 ARLENE AYSON PERLITA CAOILI y TAMAYO -AZUMA Manibaug Porac, Pampanga La Trinidad, llcnguet March 23, 1954 October 9, 1953 intern: intern: Baguio General Hospital Family Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970.74 Med . Tech Society, 1970.74
JOEL BACWADEN y TAYLOR Baguio City April 18, 1953 intern: Barruio Health Department member : Med. Tech S\"cicty. 1970-7..J. LEVY BACATE y DEPDEPEN SudipetJ, La Union November 2-L 1952 intern: Lorma Ho~pital SLU Charitv Clinic member : · Med. Tech Society. 1970-7..J. SYLVIA BAQUIRAN y CORDERO Laoag City December 31, 1953 intern : SLU Charity Clinic San Juan de Dios Hospital member: Honor Section, 1970-71 Med . Tech Society, 1970-71
FLORENCE BUEN EDWARD BARONIA y VENUS y LAGASCA Villasis, Pangasinan Baguio City October 15, 1953 April 24, 1954 intern: intern: SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic San Lazaro Hospital Baguio General Hospital member: president: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 C~S Freshman Cou nci l, 19i0-7 1 secretary: CXS Sophomore Council, 1971-72 treasurer: Med. T ech Society, 1972-73 member: Houur Section. 1970-71 JASMINE BAUTISTA y ILAGAN Angeles City November 1, 1953 intern: Baguio General Hospital member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74
VICTORIA DOLORES BULAGAY LOIDA CACANINDIN y BELMES y CAQUIOA Victoria. Oriental Mindoro Baguiu City October 6 January 6. 195-t intern: intern: SLU Charity Clinic Baguio General Hospital Baguio General Hospital SLC Charity Clinic member: member: Honor Section, 1970-71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 l\\Ied. Tech Society, 1970-74 Baguio Ecumenical Choir Loyalty Medalist ALEJANDRO CACAYURAN ROSE CALABAWAN y DALAQ y TAGUINDODO Agoo. La Union January 11, 1953 Sagada, Mountain Province intern: April 15, 1950 intern: Dagupan Regional Health Lab. No. I Lorma Hospital SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 .\\led. Tech Society, 1970-74
LITA CALANGIAN ARNALDO CALICA y MORALES y CORPUZ San Carlos City Sudipen, La Union July 16, 1953 intern: July 7, 1953 SLU Charity Clinic intern: member: l\\ag-uio 11 ealth Department Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 SLU Char ity Cl in ic member: · l\\led. Tech Societv, 1070-7-t La Uniou Varsita~ian CATALINO FAUSTINO ELLEN CARIASO CARANTO y GARCIA y CARIASO San Ca rlos City Ol'tuber 8, 1953 Bacnotan, La Union intern: June 8, 1953 intern: Baguio Health Dcpartm~~1t member: Lonna H ospital SLU Charity Clinic Med. Tech Society . 197().7-t member: CNS Ba:-;ketball Team · Honor Section, 1970-71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74
GLORIA SORIANO -CATABONA RICARDO CARINO P ilar, A bra _y MELCHOR January 20. 1950 intern : SLl; Charity Clinic Baguio General Ho,;pital member : Med . Tech Society, 1969-74 l\\1 cd. T ech lll'terlab Tournamen- ( Pinbust cr). 1973 Baguio City pecembcr L4, 1953 Intern : Lorma H ospital SLU Charity Clinic vice-president : Med. Tech Society, 1972-73 treasurer : CNS Sophomore Council. 1971-72 member': - Honor Section, 1970-71 CNS Basketball Team 1970-73 Loyalty Medalist ' GLORIA CARIAZO y FELIMON San J ose City l\\Lay 9, 195J intern: SLU Cha6ty Clinic Bagui o General l [o,; pital member : Hon or Section. 1970-71 l\\Ied. Tech Soci ety , 1970 -7-t l\\fed. Tech lnter lab Tournament (Pinbu s ter ) . 1973-7-t
EDUARDO CORPUZ RENATO CRISTOBAL y MANGAT! y LAGASCA Laoag City l\\larch 18, 1953 DiHun. Ouirino intern: l\\Iay 16,~1953 intern: Baguio H eaIth Department SLU Chafi.ty Clinic Baguio General Hos pi ta l auditor: SLU Charity Clinic Med. Tech Society, 1972-73 treasurer: editorial assistant: BGH l\\Ied. Tech Organization, The S\\\\'ord and the hield '7-l member: 1973 Honor Section, 1970-71 member: Med. Tech Interlab Tournament (Pinbuster), 1973-74 Panga:;inan Var itarian SOFRONIA NORA DAIT y LARANANG Baguio Gty March 11, 1953 intern: SLU Charity Clinic member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 SANDRA CIMATU y YAPO Daguio City Augu t 18, 1952 intern: Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-7~
MARTESA DAZO EV ANGELINE DAVE y DE VERA y SANTOS Baguio Oty Concepcion, Tarlac June 10, 1952 April 13, 1954 intern: intern: San Juan de Dios Hospital SLU Charity Clinic Lorma Hospital San Lazaro Hospital member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 CORAZON DOLORE§ MINERVA DULOS y SIBAYAN y MAMARIL July 4, 1952 Aguo, La Union intern: January 27, 1953 intern: Lonna Hospital SLu Charity Clinic JJaguio Health Department member: member: l\\le<l· Tech Society, 1970-74 lVled. Tech Society, 1970-74 La union Varsitirian
PRISCILLA DULAY MARLENE ESPINOSA y CALIBUSO y TOLEDO l\\1a naoag. P anga,;ina n Cabanatuan City Ja nuary 2, 1949 Septembe r 11 , 1952 intern : intern: S L Char ity Cli nic Family Clinic San Lazaro Hospital S L U Charity Clinic member: member: l\\led. Tec h Societ v. 1970-74 Med. Tec h Society. 1970-7-t AURORA DUMAGUIN CECILIO DUMLAO, JR. y ESTIGOY y REYDANAS . Naguilian, La Union Janu ary 7, 1954 Olongapo City intern: Oc tober 25, 1952 intern: Baguio H ea hh Department member: Bag ui o Health De pa rtment S L U Charity Clini c l\\led. T ech Society, 1970-74 president: BHD l\\f ed. Tec h O rgani za ti on. 1973 S L U l\\fe d. T ec h oc iety, 1974
CORAZON ESPIRITU MARIA FLORINNA ESTIOCQ y AGAG y RAZA Lingaycn. Pangasinan July 3, 1952 Sacramentu, California intern: April 10, 195.5 Family Clinic SLlJ Charity Clinic intern: member: !\\led. Tech Society. 1070-7..J. SLU Charity Clinic Patl<'asinan Varsitarian Pines City Doctors' Hospital president:. . CNS Sophomore Council, 1971-72 CNS Junior Council, 1972-73 managing editor: The Sword and The Shield '74 secretary: Eng'g. and Arch. Public Speaking Club, 1972-73 representative: CNS Freshman Council, 1970-71 member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 awardee: SSC Student Leadership, 1972 certificate of appreciation: Science Fair, 1972 SUSAN ESTABILLO \"A medical technologist has to pertorm intricate y PIMENTEL and delicate work. A slight mistake in procedure or misinterpretation of results may mean the life San Fernando, La Union of an unborne being, or the survival of another August 30, 1953 person.\" intern: Lonna Hospital SLU Charity Clinic vice-president: C~S Sopohomore Council, 1972-73 member: Honor Section. 1970-71 Med. Tech So~·iety. 1970-7-t
ANITA MARILOU ESTRADA ROSALINA ESTRELLA y TAMBOT y JACOB P ozorru bi o, Pangas inan L.; rclan eta. P a11g-asin a11 January 16, 1954 intern: December 20. 1952 Baguio H ealth Departmel1't intern: member: S LC Charit\\' Clinic l\\led. Tech Society, 1970-74 member: , Med. T ech Soci ety. 1070-74 JAIME FERNANDEZ REMEGIA FIESTA y NEBRE y ABIAN Solano. Nueva Vizcaya Binalonan, Pangasinan December 24, 1953 May 28, 1951 intern: intern: Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Honor Section, 1970-71 Med. Tech Society. 1970-7~ l\\fcd. Tech Society, 1970-74
MILA FLORES y LAIGO ALBERTO FLORESCA y ALMODOVAR Bauang, La Union June 10, 1952 Baguio City intern: .\\ugust 7, 1953 intern: Lonna Hospital SLU Charity Clinic Baguio Health Department member: business manager : Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech. Society. 1971-72 member : Med. Tech Society. 1972-7-t LUZ FONTANILLA VIRGINIA FORTES y FELIPE y ESTRADA Lamut, Ifugao Alcala, Pangasinan September 10, 1952 January 23, 1952 intern: intern: Baguio General Hospital SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74
MYRNA FONTANOZ ZENAIDA FRANCISCO y APILADA y TUALLA .\\l a n aoag . P;111gas in a n U rdaneita, Pangasinan February 10, 1952 .\\ p r il 27 . 1 ~! 5 3 intern: intern : Baguio Health Department Dag-upa n R egion a l Jicn lt h SLU Charity Clinic La b. X u. 1 member: S L C C h ari ty Cl ini c Med. T ech Society, 1970-74 Pangasinan Varsitarian member: l\\ l cd- Tec h Soc iet y . ]<)70-i-t REBECCA GARCIA MARILYN GANUELAS y CONCUBIERTA y SECRETARIO Bacnotan, La Union Baguio City November 15, 1952 November 9, 1952 intern: intern: SLU Charity Clinic Baguio Health Department Lorma Hospital SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970.74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Loyalty Medalist
HELEN ASTERIA GERONIMO CAROLINE GIGANTE y BANAAY y DE LA PENA Tanza, Cavite Gerona, Tarlac Augusit 10, 1950 August 22, 1951 intern: intern: Baguio General Hospital Baguio General Hospital SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic member: treasurer: Med· Tech Society, 1970-74 SLU Med. Tech Society, 1974 CORAZON GOMEZ CONCEPCION FORTES -GONZALES y TELLO Aringay, La Union Bokod, Benguet December 7, 1949 November 16, 1951 intern: intern: Lorma Hospital Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Society Med. Tech Society, 1970-74
ESMENIA GUNDRAN AUGUSTINA !PAN v GENOVE y MADANGENG Naguilian, La Union March 13, 1954 Banaue, lfugao intern: Jun e 20, 1951 intern: Baguio Health Department member: Baguio General H ospital member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 .l\\lcd. Tech Society, 1970-74 lilHAK, l~/ l -72 MARILYN JAVIER RODOLFO JAVIER y SORIANO y ARRUEJO Angeles City Vigan, llocos Sur l\\larch 31 , 1~53 March 1, 1952 intern: intern: Baguio Health Department Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clime SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Honor Section, 197U-71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 J\\le<l. Tech Society, 1970-74 Ilocos Sur Varsitarian Kapampangan Varsitarian
RAMON KHAYOG CRISANTA LAPITAN y LELINA Bontoc, Mountain Province September 2-l, 1951 Tagndin. !locos Sur intern: October 18, 1953 intern: SLU Charity Clinic Baguio General Hospital Baguio Health Depa•'tmcnt recipient: member: Bontoc Scholarship, Honor Section, 1970-71 Jenx-Cotton Williams, Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Beneditto Scholarship ZENAIDA LEE member: y BERSALONA Med. Tech Society ilaguio City BIBAK, 1969-71 1\\pril 1-t. 1953 intern: Lonna Hospital S LU Charity Clinic vice-president: C:\"\\~ Freshman Council. 1970-71 member: 11 on or Section. 1<J70-7 1 '.\\led . Tech Society. 1970-7-t MYRNA LOY y PAGASPAS Trinidad, llc11gud l\\lay 15, l<J53 intern: naguio General Hospital member: .!\\led. Tech Society, 1970-74
HONORATA LACUGO NESTOR DE LEON y NADETDET y CANUELA Ilauko, Mountain Pro,·i nce Baguio City January 11 , 1952 October 8, 1953 intern: intern: Daguio General 1fo::;pita l Baguio General Hospital member : SLU Charity Clinic member: l\\lcd. Tcrh Society, 1970-7-l Med. Tech Society, 1970-7-l MAGDALENA LORENZO y SIBAYAN San Augustin, Isabela May 25, 1953 intern: Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic auditor: SLU Ladies' Hall Christian Life Community Organization member: Honor Section, 1970-71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Isabela Varsitarian certificate of appreciation: Sci ence Fair 1972 \"No FELICISIMA LOPEZ y NAVALTA man can figkt his way Baguio City to the top and July 14, 1953 stay at the top without exercising intern: the fullest measure San Juan de Dios Hospital of gift, determination SLU Charity Clinic courage and resolution.\" member: Honor Section, 1970-71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Loyalty Medalist
RAMON KHA YOG CRISANTA LAPITAN y LELINA Bontoc, Mountain Province September 24, 1951 Tagudin. Ilocos Sur intern: October 18, 1953 intern: SLU Charity Clinic Baguio General Hospital Baguio Health Department recipient: member: Bontoc Scholarship, Jenx-Cotton Williams, Honor Section, 1970-71 Beneditto Scholarship i\\Iecl. Tech Society, 1970-74 member: Med. Tech Society ZENAIDA LEE BIBAK, 1969-71 y BERSALONA Daguio City April 1-t. 1953 intern: Lor ma Ho~pi ta 1 SLU Charity Clinic vice-president: (\"~S Freshman Council. 1970-71 member: 1lonor Section. 1970-71 :\\led. Tech Society. 1970-7-t MYRNA LOY y PAGASPAS Trinidad, l~engul'l l\\fa_,. 15, l <JS3 intern: Daguio General Hospital member: !\\led. Tech Society , 1970-74
HONORATA LACUGO NESTOR DE LEON y NADETDET y CANUELA Battko, Mountain Pro,·ince Baguio City January 11 , 1952 October 8, 1953 intern: intern: JJag-ttio General ] rOi'pi ta\\ Baguio General Hospital SLU Charity Clinic member: member: l\\lcd. Tech Society, 1970-7-l Med. Tech Society, 1970-7-l MAGDALENA LORENZO y SIBAYAN San Augustin, Isabela May 25, 1953 intern: Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic auditor: SLU Ladies' Hall Christian Life Community Organization member: Honor Section, 1970-71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Isabela Varsitarian certificate of appreciation: Science Fair 1972 \"No FELICISIMA LOPEZ y NAVALTA man can figkt his way Baguio City to the top and July 14, 1953 stay at the top intern: San Juan de Dios Hospital without ezerciBing SLU Charity Clinic the fullest measure member: Honor Section, 1970-71 of gift, determination Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 courage and resolution.\" Loyalty Medalist
LUZVIMINDA LUIS GAUDELIA MAILED y GAPUSAN y FAJARDO Jones, Isabela May 4, 1952 Pidigan..\\bra intern: September 29. 1952 Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic intern: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Baguio J[cal th Department SLC Charit,· Clinic member: · l\\[cd. Tech Society, 1970-74 RENATO MADRIAGA y ASPILLAGA Tuhao. La \"Cnion l\\larch -1-, 195 -1- intern: Bagui o 11 cal th Department SLC Charity Clinic member: Icd. Tech Society, 1 970-7~ FLORDELJZ MAGUISA y OANIA l: rdaneta. Pang-a~inan . \\ ugu~t 8. 1952 intern: Famih· Clinic member': :\\led. Tech Society, 197b-74
GRACIA MEJIA y QUEZON SUSAN MAYO y VILORIA Pozorrubio, Panga:;inan Baguio City December 25, 1950 · May 8, 1953 intern: intern: SLU Charity Clinic Baguio Health Department San Lazaro Hospital SLU Charity Clinic member: secretary: l\\lecl. Tech Society, 1970-74 CNS Freshman Council, 1970-71 CNS Sophomore Council, 1971-72 member: Honor Section, 1970-71 l\\lcd. Tech Society, 1970-74 NORA MENDOZA y AQUINO Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija July 28, 1952 intern: Family Clinic SLU Charity Clinic member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 JEAN MASANGCAY y TADEJE l\\lacabcbe. Pampanga l\\lay 22. 1953 intern: Family Clinic member: ~led. Tech Society. 1970-74
MARIA MIRANDA ALEX NATIVIDAD y ROSETE y MIRANDA Llanera, Nueva Ecija Dagupan City NoYember 21 , 1951 August 22, 1952 intern: intern: Baguio Health Department Daguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Nueva Ecija Varsitarian EDMUNDO MOLINA REBECCA MILLORA y QUINTOS y CAYABYAB - Bucay, Abra San Carlos City August 29, 1953 March 25, 1953 intern: intern: Baguio Heal th Department Baguio Health Department member: SLU Charity Clinic member: Honor Section, 1970-71 Honor Settion, 1970-71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med· Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Interlab Tournament Pangasinan Varsitarian 1973-7-l CNS DaskethalJ Team, 1971-74
ZENAIDA OBERO. ROSALINDA ORCILLA y MARABE y UNTALASCO Masinloc, Zambales Bauang, La Union NU\\·ember 16, 1949 June 11, 1953 intern: intern: Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Soci ety, 1970-7-l Med· Tech Society, 1970-74 ROMULO ORALLO ROSVILINE ORIBELLO y ACOSTA y ROMERO Natividad, Pangasinan Agoo, La Union January 11, 1951 April 24, 1953 intern: intern: Baguio Health Department San Lazaro Hospital SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74
LILIA PANGANIBAN ELNORA PASCUAL y DE LA CRUZ y CRUZ Cotabato City September 1, 1952 Camiling, Tarlac intern: November 20, 1953 intern: Baguio Health Departme.nt SLU Charity Clinic San Lazaro Hospital member: member: Honor Section, 1970-71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 EMELITA QUERO ANITA PICARDAL y CORPUZ y ADVIENTO Bauang, La Union Urdaneta, Pangasinan May 14, 1951 intern: October 29, 1954 intern: SLU Charity Clinic member: Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 member: Honor Section. 1970-71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Pangasinan Varsitarian
ELENA PARAYNO CATALINA RAFANAN y LAYNO y RAGUDO Calasiao. Pangasinan Santa Catalina, Iloco Sur May 15, 1952 March 9, 1954 intern: intern: Baguio H ealth Department SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med· Tech Society, 1970-74 VICTORIA RAMOS JULIETA RAMAT y MATHUSALEM y RAYRAY Baguio City Villasis, Pangasinan May 1, 1952 June 28, 1951 intern: intern: Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74
GLORIA REYES y PASCUA ALFREDO RINGOR y VALDEZ Baguio City Villasis, Pangasinan July 11, 1953 December 8, 1952 intern: intern: Lorma Hospital SLU Charity Clinic Baguio General Hospital member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 REMEDIOS ROSQUITA ELIZABETH RUIZ y FLORENDO y GAMBOA Talugtng, .N tieva Ecija Baguio City April 17, 1953 November 16 intern: intern: Baguio General Hospital Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic member: member: Honor Section, 1970-71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74
STEPHEN RULITE MAY BELLE SALDIVAR y MALAPIRA y TUAZON Pozorrubio, Pangasinan Baguio City March 9. 1954 March 14, 1953 intern: intern: San Juan de Dios Hospital SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic Baguio General Hospital member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Interlab Tournament 1974 RUFINA SALTIVAN JOYCELYN SAMSON y GALVEZ y CARINO Baguio City San Fernando, La Union June 7, 1953 l\\Tay 22, 1953 intern: intern: Baguio General Hospital Baguio General Hospital SLU Charity Clinic member: member: l\\Icd. Tech Society, 1970-74- l\\led. Tech Society, 1970-74 1\\Ied. Tech lnterlab Tournament
REMEDIOS SANTOS ROSALINA SESUCA y LACSON y RAMOS Angeles City September 9, 1954 Cabugao, Ilocos Sur intern: April 15, 1953 intern: Baguio General Hospital SLU · Charity Clinic SLU Charit~ Clinic secretary: San Juan de Dias Hospital Kapampangan Varsitarian member : member: Honor Section. 1970-71 Honor Section, 1970-71 .l\\Ied. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 I locos \\Tarsitarian Med- Tech Interlab Tournament (Chess Player), 1973-74 ADELA SEVILLEJA y SONICO. Cabugao, Ilocos Sur June 1, 1953 intern: SLU Charity Clinic member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74
ELVIRA SARANDI LILIA ELISEA SICAM y AVILA y ANCHETA Laoag City Kidapawan, Cutabato July 2, 1954 June 14, 1953 intern: intern: Baguio Health Department SLl_j Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic Pi nes City Doctors' Hospital secretary: member: Med. Tech Societv. 1970-74 CNS Freshman Council, 1970-71 certificate of appredation: member: Science Fair. 1972 Honor Section, 197()..71 Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Teech Interlab Tournament 1973-74 CONSOLACION SIMEON y USON . Baguio City \"The blood you donate today June 27, 1953 may save a life tomorrow.'' intern: Baguio Health Department member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74
PACIFICO SOBREMONTE y AVECILLA San Juan, La Union September 21 intern: Baguio General Hospital Baguio Health Department member: Med. Tech Society . 1070-7.+ CYNTHIA CONCEPCION SORIANO y MONTEMAYOR Haguio City December 8, 1953 intern: SLlJ Charity Clinic llagu:o General Hospital president: llGH .1\\led. Tech Organization, 1974 secretary: SSC, 1972-73 SLU l\\led. Tech Society, 1973 member: Honor Section, 1970-7.+ certificate of appreciation : Science Fair, 1972 ALICIA SUNIGA LILIA TUGADE y ONIA y VALLEJO Alaminos, Pangasinan Cla ,·cria, Cagayan February 4, 1953 July 12, 1953 intern: intern: Baguio General Hospital SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity· ·Clinic San Lazaro Hospital member: Med. Tech Society, 1970:74 member: Pangasinan Varsitarian Med. Tech Society, 1970-74
JANET VALBUENA y CARINO Baguio City July 13, 1953 intern: Lorma Hospital Baguio General Hospital member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 Med. Tech Interlab Tournament (Chess Player) , 1974 AGNES LUDIVINA URUBIO y DELIMA .. Cavite City December 9, 1953 intern: San Lazaro Hospital member: l\\fed. Tech. Society, 1970-i4 CRISTINA UBALDO JULITA VALENZUELA y ALONZO y BITAO Camiling, Tarlac ilinalonan, Pangasinan :\\ovember 11 , 1952 July 21, 1950 intern: intern: San Lazaro Hospital Baguio Health Department member: SL U Charity Clinic member: l\\1ed. Tech Society , 19i0-7-l Med. Tech Society, 1970-7-t
TEODORICO VICTORINO LUCIA YARANON y SILVESTRE y ADUAN Victoria, Tarlac September 26, 1953 Aringay, La Union intern: December 13, 1953 intern: Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic San Lazaro Hospital member: SLU Charity Clinic Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 La Union Varsitarian MARIA FELICITAS YANGO y MENDOZA Cuyapo, Nue,·a Ecij;i September 5. 1953 .intern: Baguio Ct:neral J-lospitat SLC l harity Clinic pro: CNS Freshman Council. 1970-71 member: Honor Section, 1970-71 l\\led. Tech Societ\\·, 1970-7-t :Med. Tech Jnterlab Tournament (Pinbuster) , 1973-7-t NELLIE YARANON CATALINA WINGNGA y CAMPOS y DUYAN Aringay, La t:nion Tabuk, Kalinga-Apayao March 5, 1953 No,·ember 9, 1952 intern: intern: Baguio Health Department SLU Charity Clinic SLU Charity Clinic Baguio Health Department member: member: Med. Tech Society, 1970-74 l\\Jed. Tech Screidy. 1970-74 Med. Tech Intcrlab Tournament La Union Varsitarian (Pinbuster), 1973-74 Student Catholic Action, 1%9-70 Sociality of Our Lady, 1969-70 KASA, -1969-70 BIBAK, 1%9-72
Code of Ethics of the Medical Technologists *Upon ,entering into the practice of Medical Technology, be it known that: I. I accept the responsibilities associated with my duties. 2. I shall uphold the ideals of my profession. J. I am aware that since the physician relies upon my work in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, any error may affect the health or even the life of the patient. 4. Every procedure and observation, therefore must be carried out with absolute reliability, accuracy, fair- ness and CQOperation among my fellow workers in the medical and paramedical field in persuance of a worthy cause. s. I shall strive to preserve the integrity of myself and the profession without malignancy in the reputation of others and others profession from whom we expect the same. 6. I shall strive to develop necessary virtues needed in my work and shall place my service above any other considerations. 7. I shall constrict my praises, criticisms, views and opinions within constructive limits and I shall not .use the knowledge I know as a tool ·for my personal ends. · s. I shall r,ealize that the knowledge I acquired about the individual in the course ·of my work must be treated confidential and ·since the physician has the ultimate responsibilitv in the diagnosis and treatment; my result must be known only to him or to those designated by him. I shall neither make diagnosis or inter- pretations other than in the report made by me nor shall I advise the physician on how to treat the disease. g. I shall believe in full and equal opportunities in the persuance of our ideals within the context of the prin- ciple of human rights. To these principles, I hereby subscribe, promising to conduct myself at all times in a manner appropriate to the dignity of my profession. MED TECH INTERNS SLU Charity Clinic Pines City Doctors' Hospital Baguio General Hospital
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